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BOYS ONLY! This bathroom is intended for use by the young men of the school only. Hopefully there's enough toilet tissue around, what with the budget cuts this term and all....
OOC Note: All SS Board Rules and School Rules apply in this bathroom. Violators may be punished both OOC and IC.
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
Whilst Theo wanted to clean this entire castle, it was pretty impossible despite his determination with things, so he just went for the most important. And of COURSE, the bathroom would be one of the first things on his list. Because they had to be SUPER clean to risk infection and stuff. EUGHGHR....
The Slytherin pulled his hoover behind him lazily, and walked inside the bathroom, nose turned up.
It wasn't as bad as Theo was expecting, but that was probably because his common room was so outrageously awful, anything else didn't look half as bad. There was still something... dirty about the room, though, and he just HAD to clean the sinks. "Scourgify!" He liked this spell rather a lot, and had been using it loads already this term.
Eventually the sinks had a sparkle to them, and he eyed the toilets, wondering what kind of disgusting bottoms had sat upon them, uehggh.... let's just hoover for now.
"Vacavus!" He tapped the hoover to life then directed the nozzle around every tile on the floor, not missing those important corners, too. "Vacavus!" The ceiling, too! Theo didn't miss things like this, you know. He sucked up all of the cobwebs and then allowed his hoover to die out whilst he studied the toilets again. He really, really, really should be getting paid to do this.
But his inner clean freak insisted.
"Scourgify." He said, getting closer to one of the loos. Thank goodness he didn't have to TOUCH them. Once he was done, Theo beamed at the entire room. Yep, totally pee worthy. He pulled his hoover, and disappeared.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
Whilst Theo wanted to clean this entire castle, it was pretty impossible despite his determination with things, so he just went for the most important. And of COURSE, the bathroom would be one of the first things on his list. Because they had to be SUPER clean to risk infection and stuff. EUGHGHR....
The Slytherin pulled his hoover behind him lazily, and walked inside the bathroom, nose turned up.
It wasn't as bad as Theo was expecting, but that was probably because his common room was so outrageously awful, anything else didn't look half as bad. There was still something... dirty about the room, though, and he just HAD to clean the sinks. "Scourgify!" He liked this spell rather a lot, and had been using it loads already this term.
Eventually the sinks had a sparkle to them, and he eyed the toilets, wondering what kind of disgusting bottoms had sat upon them, uehggh.... let's just hoover for now.
"Vacavus!" He tapped the hoover to life then directed the nozzle around every tile on the floor, not missing those important corners, too. "Vacavus!" The ceiling, too! Theo didn't miss things like this, you know. He sucked up all of the cobwebs and then allowed his hoover to die out whilst he studied the toilets again. He really, really, really should be getting paid to do this.
But his inner clean freak insisted.
"Scourgify." He said, getting closer to one of the loos. Thank goodness he didn't have to TOUCH them. Once he was done, Theo beamed at the entire room. Yep, totally pee worthy. He pulled his hoover, and disappeared.
Waful was pleased to be out delivering a letter and package again. He needed to stretch his beautiful wings for awhile. He didn't spend all his time looking this good just to sit in the owlery all day. He deserved to be out delivering letters and being admired by all who saw him.
And here was the boy person he needed to get this stuff to. Waful landed in front of him just as the boy was leaving some room. "Hoo." The package and attached letter was released from his talons and set on the ground.
"Hoo." You're welcome, boy person. You may admire us, but now we must go.
He extended his majestic wings once more and rose into the air, swooping back in the direction he had come.
SPOILER!!: Delivery
To:: Theodore Kinsley
From:: Aurora Quinn
Hey little bro'. I heard about the state of Hogwarts lately, with the bad food and the paying for stuff, so I guess this is just to help.
The cakes are to share out with everybody, not just the Slytherins (Though start with the snakes, they're the best, obviously) and the bag of knuts is to help anyone who can't afford to get into the common room and Great Hall. There's an extension charm on the bag, so I think there should be enough in there to cover people for a week or so.
The box of chocolate frogs, however, is just for you and West. I hope you're both okay, and that the common room isn't too terrible. It's a good excuse to practice your cleaning charms though, right? And let me know if you managed to master the summoning charm, too.
I miss you lots, and I'm very disappointed that you haven't written to me yet by the way. But I guess you're probably really busy and stuff.
Much love,
Aurora. x
Along with the letter comes a medium-sized package containing manydifferentthings.
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
Originally Posted by Waful the Snowy Owl
Waful was pleased to be out delivering a letter and package again. He needed to stretch his beautiful wings for awhile. He didn't spend all his time looking this good just to sit in the owlery all day. He deserved to be out delivering letters and being admired by all who saw him.
And here was the boy person he needed to get this stuff to. Waful landed in front of him just as the boy was leaving some room. "Hoo." The package and attached letter was released from his talons and set on the ground.
"Hoo." You're welcome, boy person. You may admire us, but now we must go.
He extended his majestic wings once more and rose into the air, swooping back in the direction he had come.
SPOILER!!: Delivery
Along with the letter comes a medium-sized package containing manydifferentthings.
What was THAT? HOO. Theo's eyes went wide at the snowy owl in front of him. Really? At the bathroom? Didn't the owls understand how unsanitary that was to bring their creature self into a place of peeing? Theo didn't move a muscle until the owl hooted away.
Yes, thank you very much now bye.
The boy picked up the note first, and unwrapped it quickly. It was from Rora! Theo made a little squee noise and stood idly in the doorway of the bathroom whilst he read it. KNUTS, CHOCOLATE and CAKES? Rora was the BEST. He beamed and folded the note to fit in his pocket. As for the packages, they could wait till later.
Cos chocolate and cakes in a bathroom was unsanitary.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
Nigel walked into the bathroom hoping it need a cleaning. It was a bathroom after all and who ever heard of a clean bathroom. But as Nigel walked in he saw that it was mostly cleaned. He turns his head and sees Theo with a box and a vacuum. Well then, now Nigel knew who scourgified the toilets and cleaned the sinks. Even though we did not have to.
Nigel did not really care if Theo was a neat freak. He just want to get on with his homework. He points his wand at the vacuum and cast "Vacavus".
He walked around with the nozzle pointed at the floor picking up any left over dust and dirt that was in the corners. He was not even going to go near the toilets even though the looking perfectly clean. Nigel continued picking up dirt and whatever else that happening to drop on the floor until his super super vacuum died.
Nigel looked around and thought it was a job well done. He picked up his vacuum thinking about the next place he was going to clean.
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean
Maybe he shouldn't have come this far up the castle. He was only going to have climb all the stairs back down to the common room, and that was probably not the wisest of decisions. Oh well. He was up on the sixth floor now, and he may as well try and get something done. Pushing the door into the bathroom open, he frowned. Well this looked nice and dirty. Good thing he had his vacuum with him. What a perfect place to practice that thingy with his vacuum. He frowned a little, glancing around. It was rather dirty in here. He would not be coming up here again, not till it was a bit cleaner anyway. Deciding against leaning against any of the walls, he stood in the middle of the bathroom, leaning the green vacuum against his legs. He wasn't going to stay too long in here, just long enough to suck something into his vacuum. Tapping his wand, he murmured "Vacavus." And it puffed into life. Something very good, because he didn't really want to spend too long in here.
Mooching around, be began doing the vacuuming thing again. Hopefully sucking lots of dust into his vacuum. Or not that much. His job wasn't to clean, he wasn't an elf. A few minutes later, he decided it was enough, pulled the vacuum back, hitched it over his shoulder, and left the bathroom.
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
Theo was really struggling to find a fourth ingredient, so he was just forced to use his final option. He returned to the boys' bathroom, and did a quick wee.
Yep, business was done.
He washed his hands excessively, then pulled out a glass that he had just ran back to the dorms for. He sighed, then filled the glass up to the top with water from the sink. If you looked at it logically, this was a great ingredient for potions, since it was pretty much needed for all of them. He still didn't think that anyone would be too impressed with it, though.
Oh well, the point was, he had four ingredients now, so it was time to return to potions. Theo turned the tap off and very carefully walked out of the bathroom with his glass of water.
The trouble was with this one is that it couldn't exactly go in his bag.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
Kace wanted to get the most basic ingredient in any potion or even making anything really. Some recipes required water. He already got his glass from his trunk back in his dorm.
He saw another classmate getting the same ingredient as him. I guess two minds think alike. Once Kace poured the water in, he realized he had to go to the bathroom. Well good thing he is here....
Once Kace was done using the bathroom and leaving his glass on the sink, he washed his hands and then it fell off the sink. "Oooh man..." he said as she saw the glass shattered. Kace remembered the spell Belle taught her Reparo. He smiled and used it.
He spun his wand in a circle and said "Reparo!" and his glass was repaired. Then he filled it with water again and got a hold on it. This was his first ingredient and 3 more to go...
Nigel felt that he should get water as his first ingredient for potions and immediately thought of getting it from the bathroom.
Nigel walked in with a empty bottle and walked over to the sink. He put the bottle underneath the faucet and turn the water on. Once the bottle was filled up he turned off the water and closed the bottle.
Well now he had one ingredient and had to think of three more. Maybe something will do down by the lake.
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
Everyone knows adrenaline caused more pee, and due to the amount of adrenaline, Forrest had fled straight to the sixth floor where boy's bathroom was on. Everyone also knows that adrenaline causes fatigue, and the first year was exhausted from all the running.
Hogwarts could do with a few elevators. Really. He'd started to doubt these wizards' logic, actually. Us muggles were much more advanced than them in many things. There were television, for one, and phones and--
After he was done with peeing, he walked up to the sink and washed his hands as he tried to stand straight. He wanted to spend the rest of his life sitting there, really. He was that tired, but the sight of the vacuum cleaner reminded him of his mission.
That armour--shudder--might not have liked being cleaned, but he wasn't going to quit his endeavours! On the contrary--he could as well revenge the incident by doing some straight cleaning--starting at this point right away.
With a newly found energy, the first year grabbed the hose once again and charmed it properly. He knew that spiders liked corners to support their nets, and he hated girls screaming at any sight of a spider, mind you, so he aimed for corners.
Every. Single. Corner. Thank you.
It took him much longer than he'd predicted, but it didn't matter. He felt AMAZING every time he casted the spell successfully, this was his way of avenging himself, and he was working for the wellfare of his girl friends, so all was cool. He didn't have anything better to do anyway, and this was his homework--how Professor Airey would know about it was a mystery to him. It didn't matter, though. The man had his full trust, and he wasn't going to question his ways.
It was a gross thing, honestly, but he went about his business patiently and the corners were all clean hopefully, and he was spent, unluckily.
But there was another floor to go, so off he went tiredly, carrying the vacuum cleaner and his wand in his pocket.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
After finishing up with his cleaning in the Hufflepuff Common Room, Jory headed to the Boy's Bathroom. He figured here was a good place to clean too as it usually had so many boys trekking in and out of it.
But when he got there, he was surprised to see that it wasn't so bad as he thought it would be. The only explanation would be that students cleaned it. Probably for Astronomy. Seemed logical.
Jory inspected the wall lining the sinks and behind the main door. A little dusty. Why not clean that up? He pulled out his wand and tapped the vacuum. "Vacavus!'' As it whirred and make whatever else noise, the badger set to work. He moved the hose all along the wall and just like in the Puff Common Room, he tried to get as much corners as he could. He did behind the entrance door last.
Ravenpuff | Cap'n Crunch | Bedtime Queen | O Minion, My Minion
Text Cut: Jory
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
After finishing up with his cleaning in the Hufflepuff Common Room, Jory headed to the Boy's Bathroom. He figured here was a good place to clean too as it usually had so many boys trekking in and out of it.
But when he got there, he was surprised to see that it wasn't so bad as he thought it would be. The only explanation would be that students cleaned it. Probably for Astronomy. Seemed logical.
Jory inspected the wall lining the sinks and behind the main door. A little dusty. Why not clean that up? He pulled out his wand and tapped the vacuum. "Vacavus!'' As it whirred and make whatever else noise, the badger set to work. He moved the hose all along the wall and just like in the Puff Common Room, he tried to get as much corners as he could. He did behind the entrance door last.
"Okay, well that should do it,'' Jory muttered.
And after I see Peyton, I need to--
Ali stopped in his tracks mid-thought. What... What was that NOISE? It sounded like it was coming from the boys' bathroom just ahead.
Suspicious noises coming from a bathroom used by teenage boys. Yes, this was bound to turn out SO WELL.
He took out his wand and let out a deep breath. He had no idea what he was about to walk in on. With a push on the door, he stepped inside. "Oi, wha's goin' on in here?"
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Mr. Firth
Originally Posted by hpluvr037
And after I see Peyton, I need to--
Ali stopped in his tracks mid-thought. What... What was that NOISE? It sounded like it was coming from the boys' bathroom just ahead.
Suspicious noises coming from a bathroom used by teenage boys. Yes, this was bound to turn out SO WELL.
He took out his wand and let out a deep breath. He had no idea what he was about to walk in on. With a push on the door, he stepped inside. "Oi, wha's goin' on in here?"
Jory was admiring his handiwork. He had to admit, the place did look better. Not just what he had cleaned but also what the others had too. He knew others had worked on it for he had seen another boy leave with his vacuum just as the Puffer had arrived.
Suddenly, he was interrupted by the voice of someone. What was going on in here? Absolutely nothing. The Puffer turned around and came face to face with the Groundskeeper, Mr. Firth.
"Oh, hello there, Mr Firth,'' he said. "I'm just being a black hole today.'' He indicated to the vacuum. "It's for Astronomy homework.'' He wasn't doing anything wrong. Just some harmless cleaning. Jory fidgeted. Had he been disturbing anyone? He hadn't meant to, if he had.
Ravenpuff | Cap'n Crunch | Bedtime Queen | O Minion, My Minion
Text Cut: Jory
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Jory was admiring his handiwork. He had to admit, the place did look better. Not just what he had cleaned but also what the others had too. He knew others had worked on it for he had seen another boy leave with his vacuum just as the Puffer had arrived.
Suddenly, he was interrupted by the voice of someone. What was going on in here? Absolutely nothing. The Puffer turned around and came face to face with the Groundskeeper, Mr. Firth.
"Oh, hello there, Mr Firth,'' he said. "I'm just being a black hole today.'' He indicated to the vacuum. "It's for Astronomy homework.'' He wasn't doing anything wrong. Just some harmless cleaning. Jory fidgeted. Had he been disturbing anyone? He hadn't meant to, if he had.
It was a Hufflepuff. But what on earth was he talking about? "Yeh're bein' a black hole..?" As in that thing from Astronomy he heard Airey blabbering on about the other day? "Eh? Wha' does a muggle contraption have ter do with Astronomy?"
Ali could definitely see Airey assigning homework involving muggle tools. But... this may be stretching the boundaries of what had to do with his subject. Unless that contraption had to do with reading the stars or something. "An' more importantly, what does th' thing DO?" What that the source of all the noise?
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Originally Posted by hpluvr037
It was a Hufflepuff. But what on earth was he talking about? "Yeh're bein' a black hole..?" As in that thing from Astronomy he heard Airey blabbering on about the other day? "Eh? Wha' does a muggle contraption have ter do with Astronomy?"
Ali could definitely see Airey assigning homework involving muggle tools. But... this may be stretching the boundaries of what had to do with his subject. Unless that contraption had to do with reading the stars or something. "An' more importantly, what does th' thing DO?" What that the source of all the noise?
"Yes, a black hole,'' Jory replied. "Like one of those giant holes in space that sucks up everything.'' Great. If Professor Airey could hear the definition of a black hole. He would have given a better one but he was wondering if he was going to be told off for disturbing the peace or something.
"Er... It's a vacuum cleaner,'' the Puffer continued, trying to look as innocent as possible. As if he had done anything wrong. "It creates a suction and draws everything it comes into contact with into it's container. Like a black hole.'' Would Mr Firth like to have a go? Jory fidgeted some more.
Ravenpuff | Cap'n Crunch | Bedtime Queen | O Minion, My Minion
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
"Yes, a black hole,'' Jory replied. "Like one of those giant holes in space that sucks up everything.'' Great. If Professor Airey could hear the definition of a black hole. He would have given a better one but he was wondering if he was going to be told off for disturbing the peace or something.
"Er... It's a vacuum cleaner,'' the Puffer continued, trying to look as innocent as possible. As if he had done anything wrong. "It creates a suction and draws everything it comes into contact with into it's container. Like a black hole.'' Would Mr Firth like to have a go? Jory fidgeted some more.
Well, at least the Badger had been listening in Astronomy class. That was something. And Alistaire would reserve judgement until he found out what that THING was.
"A vacuum cleaner." It wasn't a question."Oh!" Firth said in response to what the THING did. "So yeh're cleaning up in here?" In that case, the whole 'I'm being a black hole' thing was perfectly acceptable. "Well then tha's perfec'ly fine. I's jus' a bit too noisy fer my taste is all."
And was he a wizard or not? He whipped out his wand, pointed it at the-- what was it?-- vacuum cleaner!, and performed a spell. "Silencio," he said calmly. "There, now yeh can clean ter yer heart's content an' not bother anyone in th' process."
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Originally Posted by hpluvr037
Well, at least the Badger had been listening in Astronomy class. That was something. And Alistaire would reserve judgement until he found out what that THING was.
"A vacuum cleaner." It wasn't a question."Oh!" Firth said in response to what the THING did. "So yeh're cleaning up in here?" In that case, the whole 'I'm being a black hole' thing was perfectly acceptable. "Well then tha's perfec'ly fine. I's jus' a bit too noisy fer my taste is all."
And was he a wizard or not? He whipped out his wand, pointed it at the-- what was it?-- vacuum cleaner!, and performed a spell. "Silencio," he said calmly. "There, now yeh can clean ter yer heart's content an' not bother anyone in th' process."
Jory breathed. It didn't seem as if he were in trouble. He had never been in trouble during his years at Hogwarts and he would like to keep it that way. A clean record.
"Yes, it is noisy,'' the badger agreed. He watched, puzzled, as Mr. Firth pulled out his wand and performed the Silencing Charm. Jory could have face palmed himself. Why had he not thought of that? "I didn't think of that,'' he told the man. As if it weren't obvious. Jory wondered if any other students had silenced theirs.
Anyway. Plenty of time to feel like an idiot. "Thanks, Mr. Firth,'' he said. At least he won't feel guilty for disturbing anyone now.
Ravenpuff | Cap'n Crunch | Bedtime Queen | O Minion, My Minion
Firth chuckled. "Well tha's alright. Yeh can know all th' spells in th' world and still not be a mature wizard if yeh don' use yer brain, yeh know. An' the older yeh get, the more experience yeh'll gain." Much like any other skill in life. "An' hones'ly, not all adult wizards have gotten ter that place yet, either." Not that he was thinking of certain colleagues of his, or anything. "An' from what I cin tell, yeh're well on yer way compared to mos' students." The Badger had a good reputation around the school, after all.
His face broke into a grin. "No problem. Good luck finishin' up!" he called over his shoulder as he exited the bathroom.
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
Goodness, the bathroom was certainly a big walk, wasn't it? Theo was too desperate to think about it too much, but maybe afterwards, he would write a stern letter to the headmistress concerning it. Chances are he would forget as soon as he reached the next floor, though. The Slytherin rushed in and breathed a sigh of relief that no one else was in here. That was the WORST....
Theo did his business quickly then flushed the toilet. He went straight to the sink and washed his hands using rather a lot of the school soap. He rubbed his hands together, in between the fingers, and even under the nails. Gotta be smart with bathroom hygiene, you know. Okay, cool. Now it was time to check himself out in the mirror.
No zits today. WOOOOOOOP!
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean
The bathroom was way too far away. He should have just gone downstairs. He was kind of hungry too. So that would have made sense. But now he was up on the sixth floor, really hungry, but nearer the bathroom. So he would go there, then maybe head back downstairs. It would still be a very long walk. That would not be good at all. He wished there was just a big slide that they could slide all the way down. It would be so much more fun than all the stairs. The stairs that liked to move around a lot too. So that would just not be fun at all. But anyway. To the bathroom. He wandered along, humming to himself as he headed towards the bathroom. He wandered if anyone else would be in there. Probably no slytherins. Due to the fact that it was so far from the common room.
He pushed the door open, and wandered in. Ahh. There was someone in here. "Theo..." The sixth year nodded, as he headed over to a stall, and did what he had come in the bathroom to do. It didn't take too long. He was normal after all. Heading back out, he approached the sinks, and washed his hands.
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
Why did people always bother him when he came into the bathroom? Couldn't a guy just take a pee and move on with his life? Nope, obviously not. Theo looked at his fellow Slytherin through the mirror, and stopped posing immediately. The guy knew his name, huh? Good, but Theo's mind was blanking a bit when it came to HIS name. He was on the team, but they'd never spoken before.
"Sup?" That would do for now.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean
"Ouch......." Clement mumbled, having turned the water on far too hot, and burning his hands. Cursing he turned the cold water on, and dipped his hair underneath the faucet. That felt better. He sighed, shaking his hands off. Well that was a bad experience. His hands better not get really red now, because that was not a good look. Not matched with his hair. He'd forgotten about Theo for a moment, and only really remembered him when he looked up. Okay. This was kind of awkward. He'd never really spoke to the boy before. Odd place to strike up a conversation in the bathroom really.
"Long way up from the common room up here..." He murmured, kind of stating the obvious. Well now it was clear why he wasn't in Ravenclaw.
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
Finishing their business in the Divination Tower and leaving behind a companion to finish the job there, another small flock of dementors glided into the boys' bathroom to interrupt two boys as they took a tinkle.
Pipes froze over and the floor to the bathroom suddenly became slippery thanks to the thin layer of ice the hungry dementors created. Their rattled breathing became excited as two flew closer to the pair. Ambitious souls were full of punch and a personal favorite of this pair of dementors.