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Entering the Astronomy classroom you see Professor Flamsteed standing dancing his own version of the moonwalk and humming some nonsensical tune. Perhaps he is doing all this to attempt to keep warm as there is a brisk December chill in the classroom? The ridiculously goofy grin on his face may imply otherwise. Hard to be so happy about the cold after all. The telescopes that are usually around the classroom for student use are now gone thanks to those greedy goblins, but they thankfully left your desks and chairs - which are still in Professor Flamsteed's preferred semi circle formation. There are no covered objects this time around, just the empty blackboard and a rather large rolled up piece of parchment leaning against it.
Come on in and have a seat - or join the professor in dancing. We are pretty sure he won't mind.
⌦Lesson Progression
▸ question 1 :: You're lost in the Forbidden Forest...WHATDOYOUDO?!
▸ question 2 :: Why Polaris out of all the stars?
▸ question 3 :: What other constellations may we see in the December night sky?
▸ activity 1 :: Oculo Focalis practice
▸ activity 2 :: stargazing activity
▸ activity update :: class will be ending "soon"
OOC: Don't worry! Your time conversion skills are not wonky. I DID open the tread up early. Please be sure you are familiar with Professor Flamsteed's rules BEFORE you post in this lesson. We will know if you haven't read them! All SnitchSeeker site rules apply.
THIS LESSON HAS OFFICIALLY STARTED. Please do not post your character arriving late and simply pretend as if you have been here all along.
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Sooo...he was still waiting for all that icecream... But maybe he should wait when class was over and ask then? Though he seriously had the urge to just barge in to the mans office, open the drawer where he KNEW the icecream was at because he had eaten it before. Grab the whole bucket and run away! Which even that was weird because he didn't even like icecream that much...
Of course, he wasn't going to do that...seriously, what was wrong with him lately? The slytherin shook his head and scratched the top of his head in confusion. His hair was already a mess thanks to a certain Professor ruffling his precious hair earlier, grumble.
TEN POINTS FROM SLYTHERIN?! Had Daichi heard that right?! Seriously Mr. Famous grandson! ten points were too many for such an easy mistake. Poor Sky, he should give her some icecream later. That would make her happy~!
Turning his attention back to the sky, Daichi began to search the night sky again. He had found the Polaris, Ursa Minor and Draco so far and he knew that Cassiopeia should be close by as well. It had the shape of an W right? The seventh year bit his lip as he continued to search for the W in the sky, which proved to be harder than he first thought because the other stars were overlapping and such.
He therefore began to trail an imaginary lines from star to star to connect them in his mind and after a couple of minutes he finally found the W shaped Cassiopeia located at the center.
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
West wanted to check a thing or two out before moving on to the finding of stars and constellations, since he was confident in that part and figured it'd literally take him a few minutes to get through the full list. So he decided to stop the charm on his eyes and cast it again, trying to do it in one go this time instead of two. He closed his eyes and pointed his wand at his eyes.
"Finite." West opened them slowly and took a moment to adjust to normal vision. It was kinda disorienting, but it only took a few minutes.
Okay. Again.
"Oculo Focalis!" He waved his wand and then carefully tapped one eyelid and then the other.... then opened his eyes. Awesome! Both at once. It did make it less strain-y to do both. West looked through his glasses to see what it was like. Weird. But he supposed he wouldn't be reading anything up close so...
Time to hunt for stars!
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Still doing circles around looking up Minerva stopped and sighed. Maybe she wasn't getting any better at this, but she wasn't giving up. No she took a deep breath and oh did someone say ice cream. Taking her wand and tapping "Finite" Now who said ice cream....
Oh it was the Prefect Slytherin and Professor Flamsteed, not surprising since he had given Min a bowl in his office. "If we are going to have ice cream, I would love a some too. It really sound like a fantastic idea."
Oh should she have said anything about ice cream.. it wasn't her conversation, but now.. She really REALLY WANTED SOME!! She would just casually step closer to the prefect Daichi and the profesor just in case she could have ice cream as well.
Doing the wand movement again Oculo Focalis Looking back up she remembered a few things that were said about Polaris. Taking her finger to mark off a few things in the sky she smiled, "I found it.. I found it.. I found it..!!" Oh was that out loud and she was bouncing. Hmm that was umm well embarrassing, but who cared she found the star!!
Just as she found the star she had heard another familiar voice and looked down.. Oh goodness close, way to close to focus objects. "Finite" Oh it was professor Elwood and she was giving Professor Flamsteed something. Now all thoughts of stars were gone, why would Professor Elwood be giving Flamsteed a gift.. A new love interest among the staff wouldn't be the first time. She thought of a certain great professor and a certain evil professor that were both now not at school anymore.
As nosiness curiosity got the best of her, Minerva decided questions were in order. "Hello Professor Elwood, how are you this evening?" Minerva gave her usual smile and then eyed the package. "So special occasion here tonight Professor?" Then she started trying to think of reason, just so it didn't look as if she was trying to well see if they were dating or something. "Professor Flamsteed it's not your Birthday is it? I hope you wouldn't have a lesson on your birthday, that doesn't seem fair, but if it is your birthday it would be a great reason to have ice cream and celebrate!! We could even sing to you!" She couldn't help but giggle at this part, what a great and fantastic thought to see the entire class singing to Professor Flamsteed and then all eating ice cream, because well ice cream was what everyone should have at the moment.
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
West wanted to check a thing or two out before moving on to the finding of stars and constellations, since he was confident in that part and figured it'd literally take him a few minutes to get through the full list. So he decided to stop the charm on his eyes and cast it again, trying to do it in one go this time instead of two. He closed his eyes and pointed his wand at his eyes.
"Finite." West opened them slowly and took a moment to adjust to normal vision. It was kinda disorienting, but it only took a few minutes.
Okay. Again.
"Oculo Focalis!" He waved his wand and then carefully tapped one eyelid and then the other.... then opened his eyes. Awesome! Both at once. It did make it less strain-y to do both. West looked through his glasses to see what it was like. Weird. But he supposed he wouldn't be reading anything up close so...
Time to hunt for stars!
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Maybe she spoke to much, Minerva wasn't sure, but she just kept smiling. Hey ice cream did make everything better and well it was his fault that she was now in detention or not really for putting certain groundskeepers up to doing a prank.. hmmm yes.. so.. She just stood a little longer smiling at the two of them.
When another thought caught her focus and she looked back up at the sky. Doing the spell on her eyes again she blinked a few times. Her eyes were starting to feel a bit strained and sleepy, even though the rest of her felt very awake. Anyway.. She scanned the sky, "I wonder... is there any ice cream shaped constellations, because that would be awesome!!" Finding the Polaris again, because score she found it once she could do it again. Minerva started scanning the sky determined to find that ice cream shaped constellation.
Not seeming to have any luck she rocked to her tip toes as if this would help her find it easier, when she came across another shape. Tilting her head she tried to make it out. Yes it was a constellation but which one, Min found her book and glanced at it and then back up.. Finally clapping her hands "Hercules, Hercules, Hercules" She giggled, but marked it off in her mind as one found...
"OW"exclaimed Sarah, as the pain in her head came and went like a powowow in her head. Meanwhile she looked up, and she could see the stars very clearly. She was in no mood for it now, thoguh as her head hurt. It was mcuh easier to see the stars from there anyway yet Sarah was scared of being stepped on.
She got up feeling slightly woozy and her head was thundering. She saw circles for a second then she was able to see again. She rubbed her head absentmindedly- it still hurt yet she could do nothihng. She wanted to find everything on the list.
Now back to the sky, she had only found one planted before the accident, which one was it? She consulted her textbook and discovered that it was Saturn. According to her textbook there should be more planets around. Sure enough she soon found Jupiter and Mars. This was not so excited as apparently they were the planets one saw the most. Well, at lease she got to cross them off her list.
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
When Daichi realized that Minerva had eavesdropped on their icecream conversation he beamed at her and then looked back at the Professor. He could search for twinkle twinkly stars later because ICECREAM was far more important right now!
“You can have icecream too!” he cheered while throwing his arms in the air hyperly and then turned around to continue his activity, laughing like crazy. But was distracted by Minerva asking if it was the professor’s birthday. IT WAAAAS?! “I agree with Minerva! We are REALLY GOOD singers!” he giggled. Because singing made everyone happy and happiness is what it is all about!
Oh and icecream…and ducks! Ducks were happiness as well~ EVERYONE should know happiness! Happy happy happpppyyy~!
Gosh he was tired… The Slytherin now turned to the dark sky and began to find Cassiopeia again because there was where he had been last. Finding the W , Daichi looked down with his eyes and almost immediately he found Cepheus. Seriously, it wasn’t that hard to locate them since they were all sticking near each other.
Using the “finite” spell on his eyes to check the blackboard with his normal eyesight, Daichi rubbed them when he realized that his eyes began to feel hot. Like they were on fire… This caused the Slytherin to pale a little before he realized the feeling must have been from the spell he had used. Mweh..he should have practised, oh well, what’s done is done! Besides, maybe the Professor would feel pity for him and will give him more “ICECREAM!”
O__O why on earth did he just scream that out loud?!
Feeling confused by his actions all day, the Slytherin quickly turned around to search the night sky some more. He hadn’t acted like this since he was in his fourth year…what was happening?! And when could he have icecream? Huh?!
Checking the star chart, Daichi had the feeling to search for some planets . "Oculo Focalis” he said and his vision zoomed in the stars above. He knew that Jupiter was somewhere on the South West side of the sky. He searched and searched and searched, eventually he began to yawn and sigh out loud. Maybe he could build a catapult out on Hogwarts Grounds and catapult buckets of icecream at the night sky? O____o where did THAT thought came from?!
…. His own thoughts were scaring him because they randomly come and he had no idea what was happening to him. But he wasn’t going to share this with someone because then they would all be sad that THE Daichi Katharos was scared when they should all be HAPPY~!
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Minerva was excited she was beyond excited... She found one!!! Right there.. in the sky!! Now to find a few more if that was even possible. Scanning the sky she found Polaris again and then Hercules as well. Se she found them both again..
Looking... looking...
Oh wait is that one.. She put her thumb up to direct her eyes were she wanted them. Tilting her head and biting her lip she scanned it.. No that wasn't anything.
Still scanning her brain was drifting back to the ice cream. If Professor Flamsteed didn't give any out then she would have to hit the kitchen up before heading into her common room. Good thing it was so super close. As she looked at the sky some more she stopped.
Wait...was that..
Yes it looked like it. She scanned her book and then focused back on the sky it was.. it was another constellation. Minerva knew it wasn't that big of a deal but she had found Polaris and now two constellations she felt she was on fire for this class.. "Hello Cassiopeia.. glad you let me find you."
Now that she found two could she get some like reward... like in the form of food.. she was hungry all of the sudden, but really only for a tasty treat.
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
West found a good spot where he could see a good amount of the sky and relaxed, looking up at the night and hunching in on himself because it was chilly. Thankfully he was wearing layers and all.
Ursa Minor, there you are. Polaris, hi. West looked up unerringly. That would be North. This spell on his eyes definitely helped with the spotting though, since it sorta was like the starts twinkling away up there were even more strongly etched against the black of the sky itself.
Since he knew Polaris was right there, it was easy enough to spot Draco and Ursa Major too. West idly traced the shape of each of those constellations with an outstretched fingertip, mentally running through what he knew about each of them. Ursa Major, of course, had him pointing out the Big Dipper asterism for himself.
Merak there.... Dubhe there... he lined them up with Polaris.
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
She was just about to look for another constellation when she heard Prefect Daichi and jumped. "YES.. YES.. YES.. ICE CREAM!!!" Yep focus was gone again.. She turned to Daichi, "So.. Ice cream.. we need this.. like now." Like lets go to the professor office I know he has some in there now...
Smiling with the biggest grin Minerva laughed, "See we should sing.. Let's sing NOW...." She started singing "Happy Birthday to you.. Happy Birthday to you.. Happy Birthday dear Professor.. Happy Birthday to you."
Just as she stopped singing she had looked up at the sky again and jumped, "Daichi.. Daichi.. Look.. look.." She pointed to the sky.. "Doesn't that group of stars look like ice cream?? I think it does.. Professor.. look it's an ice cream constellation just for your birthday.." She laughed and looked closer well at least to her it looked like ice cream and if it was did she just find a new constellation.. See Minerva Wheatborn could do astronomy finding new constellations and everything...
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Now that Jory had located that Constellation, he decided to look for Draco. It was not too far from the Ursa Minor so he should have any problems locating it. "Right, Jory? Do not take another half an hour finding this one.''
Quickly, he found the Ursa Minor once again and began his search for Draco. "Where are you?'' he kept muttering. Five minutes passed. And another. "Am I gonna take forever with this too?'' the seventh year wondered.
The answer was no. He had just glanced at his text to get another look at Draco's shape and when he refocused his eyes on the sky, it seemed somehow he had focused right on it. "Awesome!'' He found Draco! Jory drew a line through the constellation's name in his book.
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Woah, chill Hufflepuff! It was just icecream...oh who was he kidding?! It was ICECREAM they were talking about!
As the Slytherin stopped the oculus spell and his eyesight turned to normal, slightly blurry he crossed out his findings in his notebook and smiled. His smile widened when Minerva suddenly began to sing happy birthday to the professor and the Slytherin wanted to join the fun.
When he was done singing, he didn't even have to take a breath because Minerva suddenly asked for him. He too looked up at the sky. Ice cream constellation? He frowned when he couldn't find it at first but then gasped out loud when his imagination suddenly did. "OOOH! I wonder if its yummy!"
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
"... disrupt someone else's stargazing why dontcha." West said , casting a look backward at Daichi and Minerva. They were nuts apparently, but c'mon it was distracting all this hollering about birthdays and ice cream.
For reals, be crazy on your own time, y'know? He looked out at the sky again and then cringed. Singing. Right there. In his ear. Loud. Honestly, had they made their tea for divination from Alihotsy leaves or something? With a bit of essence of insanity to taste?
He tried to focus again and looked out at Polaris. Hi Polaris.
He looked for Cassiopeia next, finding Cepheus by way of Errai first. Heh. The Shepherd looking after its flock of sheep. Hello future pole star. Aaand... that way. There was Cassiopeia. He traced it with his finger, squinting up at the sky as he did so.
And ignoring crazy upperclassmen okay? Or trying to. It wasn't easy.
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
This was harder than Nigel thought. He knew the names of the constellations. But had a hard time finding them. They were just stars after all. Plus he would use magic when he got lost. The Four-Point Spell would be his spell of choice. Who needs starts when you have a wand.
Was that the little dipper. Or was Nigel just imagining it because he want to find Polaris to get it over with. Nigel did not know. Sometimes you can not trust your own senses.
Nigel looked up in the sky again after consulting his textbook to see how the other constellations looked and he did see the Corona Borealis. Which did not help him that much.
He still had to find POLARIS.
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
Ethan had gotten very, very behind in the practical part of today's lesson.. mainly due to the fact that he simply could not take his eyes off his girlfriend. And normally this was not so unusual.. she was awfully nice to look at and he found himself gazing at her often.. but today was for a completely different reason. She was acting very strange and he couldn't help but stare.. especially as she started singing loudly in class?! What was going on with her?
The last time he had even seen her remotely act like this was when she was on a complete sugar high.. had she eaten candy for breakfast and lunch today? Though she wasn't the only one who acted like they were on an all sugar, all the time diet.. He eyed the Slytherin prefect as he joined in with Min's singing. He watched for a moment with concern before realizing he hadn't even started the activity and Flamsteed was announcing that class was coming to a close.. he'd better get started.
So first he had to practice that focusing charm before he could actually move on to look for constellations. Hopefully he could manage without being too distracted. He shot another look to his hyper girlfriend before turning to the eye chart. He swished his wand then tapped it onto his eyelid while commanding, "Oculo Focalis." He blinked a couple times to become accustomed to the change in focus, then peered at the eye chart.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Well There was Polaris. Well that was easier. Than Nigel thought. Maybe it had to do with how awesome you are. The more awesome someone is the harder it is to see Polaris. If was worth looking into.
Now he was getting side tracked think about something his father said. “Suits are full of joy. They're the sartorial equivalent of a baby's smile.”. If they were then Nigel would have to try this suit thing. Suits were pretty classy after all. Maybe talk to Flamsteed after class about this.
Save that for after class. Now he had to find other constellations. Should be simple enough since he found the way to Neverland. Nigel stared at the stars more more looking for obvious ones. Like Orion's Belt.
He started looking for it about was not able to find it. Though it appeared he found Leo. That is weird. Maybe randomly looking for these starts in the way to go.
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Her eyes were bugging her.. WHY WERE THEY BUGGING HER.... Was something wrong with them.. They felt SOOOOO tried, but she wasn't tired she was wide awake.. What was going on... She started to feel panic, did her eyes have a mind of their own and just decide they were tired when all she wanted to do was sing Happy Birthday and oh yes name that ice cream constellation she just found, because she found it not Daichi.. Oh that was a great idea, "Daichi we should naaaaammmeee the constellation.. Like Daichinerva ice cream or Minichi ice cream, because it should have the names of the people who saw it first." Yes.. yes it should.
Oh. Wait.. was their someone looking annoyed with them. Oh wait on more second Minerva just remembered why her eyes felt so odd. Finiting her eyes back to normal she continued moving towards the cutie pie fourth year. "Oh Westie West... turn that frown upside down.. It's Professor Flamsteed's Birthday. .No need to be sad right now."
Turning back to Daichi she smiled, "Sign West up for some ice cream and microphone. I think he needs to commentate all these constellations and the ice cream so he finally smiles." Yep.. yep..
Oh and look someone else was looking at her and THAT WAS A GREAT IDEA... "Professor.. professor.. do you have a piano anywhere??? Oh wait, probably not.. Well if you do Ethan is an ammmmmmaaaazing piano player and could play Happy Birthday while we sing." She was excited about this.. It was brilliant, they could sing to him with music and then eat ice cream. She waved at Ethan with a big smile...
Oh wait she should be looking for more constellations right, doing the spell again she looked up "Polairs again.. YES I'm good... " Then she looked around again .. Oh her brain wasn't caring about constellations anymore she just wanted ice cream NOW.. Finiting her eyes again.
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Perseus was there.... West decided to challenge himself to spot Camelopardalis, which he knew in theory where it was and all but it was kinda faint so he had to stare at the sky and let his eyes relax in order to see it. He could see ALL the stars in it,they were kinda faint, even with the charm on his eyes, and West gave it a few more minutes before moving on.
He decided to try spot some of the stars on the list. He was looking up there of course, eyes managing to spot Lynx and knowing that Pollux should be juuust....
.... there! Yup. Definitely Pollux.
How he managed to focus enough to see it was a miracle given how distracting certain classmates were being. Almost made him wish they were in potions so that Lafay could blast them.
Except that it would suck if Daichi lost points, so maybe not. He was distracted again now though, and turned his attention back to the room, eyeing them disapprovingly.
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Naming the new icecream constellation? "You are a genius!" he told Minerva as he pointed a finger at her. Yes you are~! "We should name it Minichi because you saw it first!" seeee he was a nice and happy person!
Just then, the Slytherin heard a voice coming from the other side of the room and he recognized it being West's voice telling them to shut it. His very tired looking eyes looked at the younger Slytherin as his words sunk in and as if he came out of a trance he frowned. That was until Minerva began to tell him that West should have some icecream as well and he grinned from ear to ear , eyes seeming to twinkle again.
"Right! WEST! You should have some happy icecream as well~ You will never frown again in your entire life!" WHAT WAS HAPPENING TO HIM?! Why would he even say that? It was like he couldn't stop himself... Naaah that was crazy! He was just happy. Happy about everything and everyone should be as well.
Now Ethan...where were your piano skillz?! Daichi wanted to hear it...and throw icecream in the air...
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
holy mooncalf XD mostly Daichi and Minnie
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Airey hardly had any time to react to Mr. Katharos' and Miss Wheatborn's antics seeing as they were about as hyper as a pair of cornish pixies on moving day. So, sorry you two, but despite his overactive brain and attention to detail he was unable to keep up with your machinegun-like questions.
"NO NO NO NO STOP THAT NONSENSE!" he suddenly shouted at the two. "That is NOT an ice cream constellation!" SWEET SOLSTICE HADN'T THEY LEARNED ANYTHING LAST TERM?! "There are 88 official constellations and that is not one of them. If aaaaanything it is an asterism."
There. Glad he could clear that up.
Aw...just...aaaaaaaaaaw they were singing for him! "Bravo bravo!" he applauded. Almost the best birthday surprise ever. Almost.
But then he heard the grumblings of a one Mr. Odessa about being distracted and then Miss Wheatborn was all up in his stargazing face about everything and, "That's enough for now, Miss Wheatborn, Mr. Katharos" he said with a chuckle as he patted her on the back. "Try to keep your voices down so that others can concentrate.....orelsenoicecreamforYOU!"
Ha! Two bowls for Airey, you go Airey Flamsteed. And none for Mr. Katharos and Miss Wheatborn. HA!
OOC: you still have time to finish up both activities, but I just wanted to let you know that I have posted the homework on the Astronomy notice board.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
New spell! NEW SPELL! That was always good! Sophie beamed and got up as soon as they were allowed to do so and went to retrieve a Muggle eye chart. That sounded like fun! Of course, it had spells involved, so cool! BRILLIANT!
A variation of the Telescope Focusing Charm that could be used on their on eyes... that was brilliant! And Sophie was impressed she had never heard of it. Merlin, each day that went by she realised she should spend more time in the library reading about Charms! Chaaaaaaaaaaarms! Teehee!
"Oculo Focalis." She said the incantation out loud as she went back to her desk. That sounded about right. She turned to the side and face the wall while sitting. Pulling out her wand, she levitated - nonverbally TEEHEE because that was brilliant and alkdfbkjls - the poster and stuck it to the wall. She looked around to make sure the poster there wasn't keeping anyone from focusing on their on practise. Nope. Cool then!
Sophie stared at the chart and giggled for no particular reason. It was funny seeing that Muggle chart right there in front of her and no eye doctor around. So she began to read the letters and see how far she could get.
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ Maybe you'll dance, scour the buffet, or end up gossiping talking amongst yourselves!
You're happy to go with the flow and see where the Yule Ball takes you!
Ethan turned his enhanced eyes onto the eye chart. He could read several lines, though he knew he could before the charm, and read line by line in his head.. though he was getting increasingly distracted. He kept shooting concerned and confused glances towards Minerva and Daichi.. well, mostly Minerva. If the Slytherin wanted to act weird in class, that was all him, even if Ethan did think it strange. But he was more concerned with his girlfriend. Something was not right with her.. he didn't even think she liked Astronomy and now she acted like this class was the best thing that had ever happened to anybody who ever existed in the history of the entire world. And why did she keep going on about ice cream? Who cared about that now?
This was a bit out of character. He tried to focus on the eye chart again, managing to get to about the fifth line when he heard his name coming form the very person he couldn't help his focus to be on today. Turning his head, he looked at her like she was crazy.. which he was starting to think that maybe she was. No, he was not going to be playing the piano in class while the rest of the students sang happy birthday.. where was she coming up with this? Still giving her a weird look, he gave her a little wave in return, then tried to focus once again on the eye chart, before suddenly looking back at her with a concerned thought. Had she gotten hit in the head with a bludger at the last practice without him knowing? He'd have to take her up to the Healer to have her checked out..
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Wait a minute. Sophie glanced at the tiniest letters of the chart and realised she could still read them alright. The poster wasn't far enough! Oh meeeeh.
Welp, it was a good excuse for her to cast more spells, at least! Hehehe! So she did, and the poster was unstuck from the wall and it floated a bit further away. Sophie looked around once again to make sure the flying chart wasn't in anyone's way and made it stick to the wall again.
....Ohhh, right! Now she couldn't see most of the letter from the 6th line on. Uh... maybe she had placed the chart way too far now. But not a problem! That meant the spell should work and she would be able to read all of those tiny letters.
Okay... Professor Flamsteed said nothing bad would happen if they got the spell wrong, which was good. Besides, the Telescope Focusing Charm was a simple one, so the variation shouldn't be that complicated either. With a swish and a tap on her closed eyelids, Sophie actually pronounced the incantation as clearly as she could. "Oculo Focalis." Then she opened her eyes.
"Merlin!!" She exclaimed, blinking several times, flailing a bit and feeling dizzy. Asklfhbsdkljfbsdjklfsdj what an odd feeling, Meeerliiiinnnn!!!
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ Maybe you'll dance, scour the buffet, or end up gossiping talking amongst yourselves!
You're happy to go with the flow and see where the Yule Ball takes you!
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Daichi thought it was a GREAT idea to name the constellation after them.. "awww well aren't you just the sweetest slytherin prefect letting my name go first!" She laughed. Next thing she knew she was bouncing again and nodding to Daichi, "Yes because Ice Cream really makes you happy and being happy is just happy and funny and the happiest thing ever."
But then there was Professor Flamsteed, Min would have stopped and frowned if she wasn't so happy and bouncy. but.. but.. it looks like ice cream, maybe the chart missed this one. Maybe we should just put it down at the Minichi ice cream constellation and call it a day." Yes because it was there.. right there. She walked closer to Professor Flamsteed. "Look see it.. Right there!!" She pointed up there where the ice cream constellation was. It was right there!!
Then he said to lower their voices, well they weren't screaming were they and well everyone should be talking about ice cream and birthdays, because it was Flamsteed's Birthday and everyone's Birthday were fun!! NO ICE CREAM.. CRAZY PRANKSTER PROFESSOR WHAT??? "No.. no professor we can have ice cream.. lots and lots of ice cream." She smiled again at him and then wondered off towards her fabulous way to quiet boyfriend.. Why was he so quiet anyway... "I think you get ice cream just for being cute!" She said as she walked up beside him giggling.
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
SPOILER!!: crazies and professor
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Her eyes were bugging her.. WHY WERE THEY BUGGING HER.... Was something wrong with them.. They felt SOOOOO tried, but she wasn't tired she was wide awake.. What was going on... She started to feel panic, did her eyes have a mind of their own and just decide they were tired when all she wanted to do was sing Happy Birthday and oh yes name that ice cream constellation she just found, because she found it not Daichi.. Oh that was a great idea, "Daichi we should naaaaammmeee the constellation.. Like Daichinerva ice cream or Minichi ice cream, because it should have the names of the people who saw it first." Yes.. yes it should.
Oh. Wait.. was their someone looking annoyed with them. Oh wait on more second Minerva just remembered why her eyes felt so odd. Finiting her eyes back to normal she continued moving towards the cutie pie fourth year. "Oh Westie West... turn that frown upside down.. It's Professor Flamsteed's Birthday. .No need to be sad right now."
Turning back to Daichi she smiled, "Sign West up for some ice cream and microphone. I think he needs to commentate all these constellations and the ice cream so he finally smiles." Yep.. yep..
Oh and look someone else was looking at her and THAT WAS A GREAT IDEA... "Professor.. professor.. do you have a piano anywhere??? Oh wait, probably not.. Well if you do Ethan is an ammmmmmaaaazing piano player and could play Happy Birthday while we sing." She was excited about this.. It was brilliant, they could sing to him with music and then eat ice cream. She waved at Ethan with a big smile...
Oh wait she should be looking for more constellations right, doing the spell again she looked up "Polairs again.. YES I'm good... " Then she looked around again .. Oh her brain wasn't caring about constellations anymore she just wanted ice cream NOW.. Finiting her eyes again.
Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF
Naming the new icecream constellation? "You are a genius!" he told Minerva as he pointed a finger at her. Yes you are~! "We should name it Minichi because you saw it first!" seeee he was a nice and happy person!
Just then, the Slytherin heard a voice coming from the other side of the room and he recognized it being West's voice telling them to shut it. His very tired looking eyes looked at the younger Slytherin as his words sunk in and as if he came out of a trance he frowned. That was until Minerva began to tell him that West should have some icecream as well and he grinned from ear to ear , eyes seeming to twinkle again.
"Right! WEST! You should have some happy icecream as well~ You will never frown again in your entire life!" WHAT WAS HAPPENING TO HIM?! Why would he even say that? It was like he couldn't stop himself... Naaah that was crazy! He was just happy. Happy about everything and everyone should be as well.
Now Ethan...where were your piano skillz?! Daichi wanted to hear it...and throw icecream in the air...
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Airey hardly had any time to react to Mr. Katharos' and Miss Wheatborn's antics seeing as they were about as hyper as a pair of cornish pixies on moving day. So, sorry you two, but despite his overactive brain and attention to detail he was unable to keep up with your machinegun-like questions.
"NO NO NO NO STOP THAT NONSENSE!" he suddenly shouted at the two. "That is NOT an ice cream constellation!" SWEET SOLSTICE HADN'T THEY LEARNED ANYTHING LAST TERM?! "There are 88 official constellations and that is not one of them. If aaaaanything it is an asterism."
There. Glad he could clear that up.
Aw...just...aaaaaaaaaaw they were singing for him! "Bravo bravo!" he applauded. Almost the best birthday surprise ever. Almost.
But then he heard the grumblings of a one Mr. Odessa about being distracted and then Miss Wheatborn was all up in his stargazing face about everything and, "That's enough for now, Miss Wheatborn, Mr. Katharos" he said with a chuckle as he patted her on the back. "Try to keep your voices down so that others can concentrate.....orelsenoicecreamforYOU!"
Ha! Two bowls for Airey, you go Airey Flamsteed. And none for Mr. Katharos and Miss Wheatborn. HA!
OOC: you still have time to finish up both activities, but I just wanted to let you know that I have posted the homework on the Astronomy notice board.
And that was all he had to say about all of that.
Now he needed to spot Vega, Altair, and Deneb. West moved around to a different window, knowing generally where to look but he had to focus too, as in... attention, not eyes. Once he found one of them it'd be alright finding the others too because they were in the same general part of the sky.
He looked for Draco again and used that to spot where Vega was....
.... that was it right? He squinted and focused. As in his eyes AND his attention. Yep that was definitely Vega. And that was Cygnus. West traced the constellation with his fingertip and then... there was Deneb! Now if he could spot Aquila, he should be able to spot Altair......
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you