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Entering the Astronomy classroom you see Professor Flamsteed standing dancing his own version of the moonwalk and humming some nonsensical tune. Perhaps he is doing all this to attempt to keep warm as there is a brisk December chill in the classroom? The ridiculously goofy grin on his face may imply otherwise. Hard to be so happy about the cold after all. The telescopes that are usually around the classroom for student use are now gone thanks to those greedy goblins, but they thankfully left your desks and chairs - which are still in Professor Flamsteed's preferred semi circle formation. There are no covered objects this time around, just the empty blackboard and a rather large rolled up piece of parchment leaning against it.
Come on in and have a seat - or join the professor in dancing. We are pretty sure he won't mind.
⌦Lesson Progression
▸ question 1 :: You're lost in the Forbidden Forest...WHATDOYOUDO?!
▸ question 2 :: Why Polaris out of all the stars?
▸ question 3 :: What other constellations may we see in the December night sky?
▸ activity 1 :: Oculo Focalis practice
▸ activity 2 :: stargazing activity
▸ activity update :: class will be ending "soon"
OOC: Don't worry! Your time conversion skills are not wonky. I DID open the tread up early. Please be sure you are familiar with Professor Flamsteed's rules BEFORE you post in this lesson. We will know if you haven't read them! All SnitchSeeker site rules apply.
THIS LESSON HAS OFFICIALLY STARTED. Please do not post your character arriving late and simply pretend as if you have been here all along.
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
Okay... so Professor Flamsteed finally stopped dancing. Well at least that meant that they could finally get to the lesson and Kat would pay more attention and focus on the discussion instead of getting distracted by her professor because he was dancing in front of the class. Kat repeated the question in her head a few times. What would she do if she was lost in the Forbidden Forest? WITHOUT A WAND. How unlikely. But hmm... one thing she thought about was the fact that it was Forbidden and she wouldn't go there anyway because she would lose a great amount of house points. Honestly, Slytherin did not need any more losing of house points in this case.
But she couldn't say that because she has been there before in her fourth year... and she didn't even lose house points. She was just probably lucky that the former Groundskeeper (Gibbins, was it?) didn't see them. Anyway... she'd have to answer, but everyone else seemed to have the same response as her. Oh well... "The North Star," Kat simply said after raising her hand. "If you know how it looks like and if you could see it in the dark sky." So many if's.
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALRIGHT! Let's begin!" he said while clapping his hands together twice to make sure he had everyone's attention. "First, I want to thank you all for doing such diligent work on your homework assignment. You all made stellar little pseudo black holes and the castle looks so much nicer because of it. Feel free to come and
borrow the muggle vacuums anytime you wish for more practice with the charms or simply to help tidy up." No complaints here. He fully
endorsed the notion.
But now on to the lesson. "Last lesson we discussed black holes - one of the possibilities of the end of a star's life," he said for review. "Many of you also brought up how black holes could potentially serve a greater purpose for humans as a means of time travel, which MAY be something in our future." The far faaaaaaaaar distant future. "Practical use of celestial bodies is something that humans, muggle and wizarding alike, have done seemingly since the beginning of time. I want you all to image, for a moment, that you are lost in the Forbidden Forest at night...without your wand..." Just humor him for a second here kids, alright? "How would you try to find your way out?" [/FONT]
Who would strand us in the middle of the Forbidden Forrest at night? AT NIGHT??!! Sure, although the professor didn't mention it, there will be creepy creatures running around killing people and the situation couldn't be any better. Natalie raised her hand to answer, just not as excitedly as usual.
"Theoretically you can use the stars to navigate," she started, "but then it would be hard to see the constellations if you're in the forest, with all the trees and stuff covering most of the sky." She paused, thought for a second before adding, "I'd personally curl up in a hollow of a tree and wait for morning to come, then just follow my instincts and go back to the castle. Yes."
But now on to the lesson. "Last lesson we discussed black holes - one of the possibilities of the end of a star's life," he said for review. "Many of you also brought up how black holes could potentially serve a greater purpose for humans as a means of time travel, which MAY be something in our future." The far faaaaaaaaar distant future. "Practical use of celestial bodies is something that humans, muggle and wizarding alike, have done seemingly since the beginning of time. I want you all to image, for a moment, that you are lost in the Forbidden Forest at night...without your wand..." Just humor him for a second here kids, alright? "How would you try to find your way out?"
Laura looked at the Professor and raised her hand, "Professor I would look at the stars, you see, you can tell using stars which is which way, it is how some ships used to find land when they were lost at sea, they would follow the stars and use them as a map, I would try and do the same thing." Laura would and if that didn't work, she would just scream the Forbidden Forest down until a Professor or animal came to her and she could demand they rescued her.
Eeeeeeer. Come again? He simply smiled at the Gryffindor as she entered and took her seat. "Not to worry, Miss Edwards. There is no frost in this heart!" Even if there seemed to be some inching on the window panes. Hmmm. Odd. "Practical use of celestial bodies is something that humans, muggle and wizarding alike, have done seemingly since the beginning of time. I want you all to image, for a moment, that you are lost in the Forbidden Forest at night...without your wand..." Just humor him for a second here kids, alright? "How would you try to find your way out?"
Sarah raised her hand "well, as we know the Forbidden Forest is in the Northern Hemisphere, we can use the North Star to guide us. Or we can use Orinions belt as it goes from east to west. Yet one can really push it by looking at the sky as a whole and seeing where the stars are more prominant. Where there is pollution there will be less stars." That was out of the box. Then she added as a postscript "these will only work if you can see the sky though"
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
''I want you all to image, for a moment, that you are lost in the Forbidden Forest at night...without your wand..." Just humor him for a second here kids, alright? "How would you try to find your way out?"
Whhhaaat? The Forbidden Forrest? Lost in it without a wand? Jory wondered why the Professor in the Suit had asked such a question. Anyway, he thought about his answer and then raised his hand. "Er...I would use my logic to try and get out, following any landmarks to get back to the Castle,'' the badger said. "And if possible, find a nice thick tree branch to use as a defence.'' You never kinow what you may run into.
∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe
She almost felt like being here was interrupting on Professor F's 'me' time. The man had looked pretty INTO his moves, you know. But just as she was beginning to grow used to it, and the more it tickled her, the lesson was starting and the thinking had to begin.
Darn thinking.
The thought of being lost unnerved her, but she deliberated anyway. She was more thinking about asking whether she would have food with her, but 'fessor F wouldn't want to hear that. In fact she wouldn't INTEND to get lost in there, just so that was known.
"I'd leave bread crumbs on the way in, especially if I didn't go in with my wand. Not...that I would." Even if she didn't intend to get lost.
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
The Slytherin gave a smile back to the Professor when the man had greeted him and sat down. His facial expression was completely different than when he had been in his office. It was calm and collect, not showing any signs that something was bothering him. He had always done this since the day he came to Hogwarts, using a mask to cover up his true feelings so he kind of was a master in it. The only one who saw through it most of the time was Kurumi but she wasn't here anymore.
"Well, isn't it that the deeper you go in to the forest the thicker the trees and the darker it gets? So i would look at the sky from time to time to and when the view gets blocked by the leaves i'd turn around and walk the other way." He was pretty sure that the answer had something to do with some kind of star that they could follow but since a few already mentioned that he decided to twist it a little.
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
"Practical use of celestial bodies is something that humans, muggle and wizarding alike, have done seemingly since the beginning of time. I want you all to image, for a moment, that you are lost in the Forbidden Forest at night...without your wand..." Just humor him for a second here kids, alright? "How would you try to find your way out?"
Siiiiiigh, here goes.
First off, a person wouldn't be stupid enough to stroll the Forbidden Forest on their own at night, just saying. But Theo did imagine it for a moment, and he wouldn't deny that it would be scary. "I would make a blanket out of leaves and sticks, then camouflage myself against a bush until morning." Because could you REALLY trust stars to find your way home? Theo had heard about the whole 'follow the North star' idea.
But it sounded like a load of rubbish to him.
"And then I would just go the same way I came in."
Mmmmhm, flawless plan.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
Airey was in SUCH a chipper mood that he didn't even seem to mind that the first year appeared as though he had been tromping around in the mud in the Forbidden Forest all afternoon before coming to his lesson. Which is why there was still a big grin on his face as he greeted the boy. "Evening, Mr. Toussaint." Ah yes. House points. Rabid little things when it came to those. "Just glad that my extensive rock collection could be of service."
Because all the rest of the houses would be getting their points back too. Sadly. Oh well.
Eeeeeeer. Come again? He simply smiled at the Gryffindor as she entered and took her seat. "Not to worry, Miss Edwards. There is no frost in this heart!" Even if there seemed to be some inching on the window panes. Hmmm. Odd.
"Evening to you, Miss O'Hara. And you most certainly have!" And the girl should really just join in because it was fun!
"Look alive, Mr. Kinsley!" Airey's voice somewhat boomed as the young man entered. He looked better this time, which hopefully meant he was sleeping better. Airey really REALLY did not want to go see Hecate about anything. Woman was terrifying and definitely a buzz kill.
"Um....Miss Nixon!" he greeted the Head Girl with a two finger salute. "Afraid I do not own one of those. Not in my size at least." Pebbles had one though.
"Mr. Katharos, nice to see you again," the man smiled. Hopefully the boy was a little less lost with what to do with his life post Hogwarts. Poor boy had been rather distressed when he had seen him in his office at the beginning of the term.
"Evening, Miss Hudson," he greeted with a smile. He had to admit that he wished she had been playing Keeper the session of the staff versus students match that he had played in. Slytherins always had the best facial expressions when scored on. Heh.
"Not today, I'm afraid," he said with a shake of the head as he ceased moonwalking and just sort of swayed back and forth. "As much as I enjoy the dance it would be a bit too distracted from today's lesson." Maybe some other time though.
"DANCING! Miss Robertser!" Wasn't that obvious? "More specifically a moved made popular by a very gifted wizard in the 1980's."
"Evening, Miss Campbell!" he waved to the Hufflepuff before checking his sundial once more. Yes. He really should get started soon.
"Ah! Miss Greenwell! Evening!" he said with a wide grin. He was looking forward to seeing her out there on the pitch again this season. Mmmhmm!
Smirk. Just for Miss Phillips' benefit he did the robot again in front of her. "Excellent suggestion, Miss Phillips." Domo arigatou, Mr. Roboto!
Moonwalking and roboting at the same time back towards the middle, he checked his sundial once more. Yes, now they should really get started. Stars were beginning to align nicely and the sky was becoming speckled with their beauty. He could really just stare at those stars all night while eating some ice cream. Had the other night, in fact.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALRIGHT! Let's begin!" he said while clapping his hands together twice to make sure he had everyone's attention. "First, I want to thank you all for doing such diligent work on your homework assignment. You all made stellar little pseudo black holes and the castle looks so much nicer because of it. Feel free to come and
borrow the muggle vacuums anytime you wish for more practice with the charms or simply to help tidy up." No complaints here. He fully
endorsed the notion.
But now on to the lesson. "Last lesson we discussed black holes - one of the possibilities of the end of a star's life," he said for review. "Many of you also brought up how black holes could potentially serve a greater purpose for humans as a means of time travel, which MAY be something in our future." The far faaaaaaaaar distant future. "Practical use of celestial bodies is something that humans, muggle and wizarding alike, have done seemingly since the beginning of time. I want you all to image, for a moment, that you are lost in the Forbidden Forest at night...without your wand..." Just humor him for a second here kids, alright? "How would you try to find your way out?"
As Ascanius settled in for what was BOUND to be a boring lesson, cause you know... this goober was teaching it, he found himself almost itching for a pillow. One that he could put under his feet for reasons. Yep.
And then, RIGHT before the lesson started, he noticed that West was sitting next to him. His fellow Slytherin got a nod.
Before he could give him a sup he heard the glitz and the glamour that was this Professor. Jeez. Flinch. Could he talk a LITTLE quieter? No one wanted to listen to this goon ramble. Honestly, could he just dial it back like seven notches. No wonder the bloke was single. It was downright embarrassing to watch him interact with human beings.
Although, Ascanius was surprised that he was asking a question that did NOT involve magic. Huh. And of COURSE the correct answer was the North Star... cause this was Astronomy folks. Can we think a little? Oh no, wait. Snicker.
On the other hand, he was tempted to raise his hand and give a snarky answer of GPS, but the great, big WIZARD in the room would be confused. So he just stayed silent.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Text Cut: Professor!
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Moonwalking and roboting at the same time back towards the middle, he checked his sundial once more. Yes, now they should really get started. Stars were beginning to align nicely and the sky was becoming speckled with their beauty. He could really just stare at those stars all night while eating some ice cream. Had the other night, in fact.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALRIGHT! Let's begin!" he said while clapping his hands together twice to make sure he had everyone's attention. "First, I want to thank you all for doing such diligent work on your homework assignment. You all made stellar little pseudo black holes and the castle looks so much nicer because of it. Feel free to come and
borrow the muggle vacuums anytime you wish for more practice with the charms or simply to help tidy up." No complaints here. He fully
endorsed the notion.
But now on to the lesson. "Last lesson we discussed black holes - one of the possibilities of the end of a star's life," he said for review. "Many of you also brought up how black holes could potentially serve a greater purpose for humans as a means of time travel, which MAY be something in our future." The far faaaaaaaaar distant future. "Practical use of celestial bodies is something that humans, muggle and wizarding alike, have done seemingly since the beginning of time. I want you all to image, for a moment, that you are lost in the Forbidden Forest at night...without your wand..." Just humor him for a second here kids, alright? "How would you try to find your way out?"
Lost in the Forbidden Forest. LOST. IN THE FORBIDDEN. FOREST. Alec tugged on his tie a bit so that it was a little looser. It was starting to feel really... airless in here. As if someone had come along and Vacavused up the entire classroom. ... And they didn't need to imagine them since... things. Summer things. Things that had been swept under the rug and was told to stay there and never come out again. ... Or something. Except the dinner a couple of days later wasn't too bad.
... But question...
Yeah... Why would ANYONE want to imagine being lost in the Forbidden Forest? And without their wands?! Why would anyone want to go anywhere that's possibly dangerous without some sort of way of protecting themselves? "Erm... Professor?" he said, raising his hand, "Well... it's like the others have said, you'd have to locate the North Star, right?" Second star to the right and straight on till morning. Yeah. If you wanted to go to Neverland.
"Is there a water source in the Forest? Because Dad has always said that if you get lost in the woods or a forest, you should try and find a water source and then... follow it towards an area of civilisation. Or... well... the castle. And that leaving markers would help people who are looking for you and help you figure out where you've been already so that you're not going round in... erm..." Gulp. "Circles." He gave the Professor a tiny smile before sitting back in his seat.
Sophie was just watching and smiling as professor Flamsteed acted like... professor Flamsteed and simply listened to what he was saying. Lost in the Forbidden Forest... Merlin, creepy enough.
With your wand.
..........Sophie felt her inside flip and she actually got nervous just by thinking about the possibility. She wouldn't be able to cast nay sort of spell?? None at all!! alkfjsnfkjsndfjk Merlin, that was AWFUL. Well, she actually could do magic without her wand, but honestly, that piece of magic was silly. How would blooming flowers ever help her find her way out of the Forest? Simple enough: it wouldn't. So Sophie would be doomed.
Unless she was with Mordred, then she'd be alright. But she supposed professor Flamsteed meant what they would do if they were on their own and all that. "I'm pretty sure I wouldn't do much, professor..." Just being honest. She would probably cry her eyes out or something, because just the thought was already terrifying. "But I suppose you could try to get directions by looking at stars... and stuff." It sounded logical, but the badger was 100% sure that would never work for her.
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ Maybe you'll dance, scour the buffet, or end up gossiping talking amongst yourselves!
You're happy to go with the flow and see where the Yule Ball takes you!
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
"I'd 'practically make use of the celestial bodies'," Alice announced to the professor, hand up, quoting his question in her response, because the North Star looked like any other star to her and was a really silly thing to trust when attempting to get out of a forest. In her opinion, there were smarter things to do than look for Polaris, but, anyway.
"You'd have to find the constellation Ursa Minor, the Little Bear, and Polaris, or the North Star, is at the end of the Little Dipper's handle." Just in case no one knew where it was. Was she supposed to specify? "And you can use it to find your way out, if you were doing it the Astronomy way, but I wouldn't get lost anyway, especially because it's so hard to see constellations with all the trees and canopy blocking your view." Only dumb people got lost and misplaced their wands, and Alice wasn't dumb. Clearly. It was also really, really stupid to go into the Forbidden Forest at night.
But it was also very Gryffindor.
Eh. She'd do it.
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
Everyone was saying the north star. Well, almost everyone. So there was no point in giving an answer that was boooring at this stage. "Your best bet is to stay put and wait for a professor because otherwise you could get even more lost."
Originally Posted by Nimmiii
Hmm alone in the Forbiden Forest at night? Sounded kinda scary. But not that scary, obviously. Real men weren't afraid of the dark...obviously.
Ryan raised his hand and said, "Well, you could just kip under a tree and then wait for morning. And then try to find your way out."
That seemed best to him.
Blue gave curly!haired!dude - Ryan - a funny look. "You can't sleep in the Forbidden Forest! Are you daft? There's all sorts of horrible things in there! Like, like, like werewolves and and and acromantulas and all sorts of horrible things that could make you dinner while you dream of hair gel!"
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Okay. So the man was no good at making up situation role plays. He probably should have come up with a better location and setting, but hopefully a majority of students would cut him some slack and humoring him. Maybe he should have just told them they were all muggles lost in a forest somewhere because they had misplaced their campsite. Point was that this was something that even wizards could find useful though...
Over thinking. Time to call on some more of those raised hands.
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Putting her hand up, "Professor, I guess at first I would have to try to get my direction, like which way am I facing North, South that kind of stuff. Couldn't you figure that out by the place of the north star?" She had heard that before, whether it was true or not she wasn't sure. "Once I found that, I could figure out which direction I needed to travel to get back towards the castle." Well if the north star theory was correct it seemed like a good answer to her.
Well, somePuff was in a bad mood? What was she going on about IDs for? She hadn’t been in the Observatory that day when he had pulled that prank and....oh. Is THAT what the groundskeeper had gone for? The same prank? Didn’t explain why the girl was being so sarcastic with him unless the man had told the girl that the astronomer had told him to pull that prank on her. He had just told the man to live a little and now Airey knew that the groundskeeper was a tattletale. Not cool, mate, not cool.
Dismissing that comment for now, he instead focussed on her answer and a small smile tugged the corners of his lips. “Yes, you could,” he said with a nod before moving on. Good good.
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Imagine you were lost in the forbidden forest at night? NO THANK YOU. Ella shuddered a little and looked down at her desk for reasons. She'd had nightmares about that, y'know. She was aware of things she could do to help navigate her way out, though. "Professor, locating the North Star could help," She offered quietly, shrugging her shoulders a bit. Could they be done imagining now?
Grin. Yes, Miss Ella received a grin and a little bit more moonwalk. “It most certainly would.”
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Her hand shot into the air. "The correct and responsible thing to do would be to first make sure that there's nothing potentially flesh-eating anywhere around then you use the stars to tell you the directions. I believe a lot of people used to depend on the stars to lead them places...that being said--why would you wanna leave the forest once you got there? I mean it really would depend. Is it after exploring and having a near-death experience or the moment you get lost? Personally I wouldn't be in such a rush to leave and well my kneazle's real good at directions. I wouldn't be in the forest without him. He'd lead me back once I'm done exploring...could also bribe or befriend--really it depends on the situation--a centaur to lead you back."
But that was just her.
Flesh-eating plants. Really now, Miss Cambridge? Had to bring those up in an astronomy lesson when the previous instructor of the subject had been devoured by one. So he was just going to ignore the rest of her comment about her kneazle and actually wanting to be in the forest. “You can indeed use the stars to help you,” he nodded. Now no more talk about flesh-eating plants, alright?
Originally Posted by Tegz
Finally he managed to put his hand up. "Depends on how clear the sky is for whoever was lost. Not me. But someone else."
Mr. Odessa’s long pause was rather alarming. Come on kid, throw him a bone here. And then he did. Sort of.
“For all intensive purposes, let’s hope for clear skies,” he said with a small chuckle.
Originally Posted by Syd
Stuck in the Forbidden Forest at night? Jake side-glanced at Anya. Really, professor? Was it necessary to use that situation?
Taking his eyes away from the girl next to him, Jake raised his free arm the wasn't on the chair. "If the moon was full... or almost full... it could give you enough light to see where you're going." Unless you were in a really dense part and the moon couldn't shine through the trees... but Airey didn't specify that so Jake figured his answer could work.
Ah, out of the box thinking here a bit, but not what he was going for. “Ah yes, but the moon will not help you know which direction to begin your walk. The answer I was looking for will assist you even when there is no moon.”
Originally Posted by Meizzner
"Well, If a centaur happened to be near. You could ask it how to get out of the Forrest and if the centaur is in a nice mood. It might help you."
Nigel did like playing hypothetical games. They were pretty fun.
Key word about being alone meant no one was around and that included centaurs. “I suppose if you were fortunate enough.”
Originally Posted by hpfan18
"Professor what i would do is i would just listen to the sounds of nature first. To see if there are intruders or creatures with me. Then i would look around and find my way using the north star like Ella and Minnie mentioned. Then i know which direction i am going and i won't be hopelessly lost." That was all he would do but he wondered what other student's answers would be.
Look at that, all the Hufflepuffs were sticking together. How...endearing? Although listening to the sounds of nature sounded like something that Calista would do, so his brow did furrow for just a little. “Yes, the north star was the answer I was looking for,” he nodded.
Originally Posted by Luna_Midnight
"Professor, locating the North Star or a constellation could help...Though if were being truthful I would run like heck!!" She would not stop and stare up at the sky looking at the stars!
“PRECISELY!” he said with a quick two finger salute. “I am not sure I would endorse running, however. You would only draw the attention of unwanted creatures with all the noise.”
Originally Posted by Cassirin
"Honestly, Professor, I'd probably hug a tree until someone came to find me. That's what you're supposed to do when you get lost in the woods. You hug a tree and don't move, because while you're moving, your rescuers are moving, and you'll miss each other and stay lost. So even if I recognized a familiar constellation and knew it's position based on the time of year and hour of the day and could tell the direction from that, I would still stay put. But I'd be really brave and manly about it." FYI.
Under normal circumstances he was all for staying by a tree, but this was the Forbidden Forest boy. Doing so would just increase your chances of being some creatures late night snack. Although he did not actually voice this. Instead he gave Mr. Branxton a small nod and moved on - unsure as to how manly and brave the concept really was.
Originally Posted by Nimmiii
Ryan raised his hand and said, "Well, you could just kip under a tree and then wait for morning. And then try to find your way out."
That seemed best to him.
“Same thinking as Mr. Branxton,” he nodded. Neither of them really answered his question though.
Again. He needed to work on his situation roleplays.
Originally Posted by McFeisty
Blink…she turned her attention to the individual speakers about the classroom, her eyes lingering on certain people longer than some of the other people. Raising her hand, “You could look and check which side of the trees the moss grows on, because generally that is on the north when you are north of the equator. Then with that you know which general stars to look for in the sky – say the north star would be a great star to look out for depending – as West said” and a nod to him, “you’ll only be able to see it depending on how clear the sky is.” She smiled, and nodded and eyed a certain person again. "I don't want to go into the forest...nope, not at all" she did mutter to herself afterwards. What? She wasn't a LETS-GO-POKE-IT-WTH-A-STICK gryffindor... she was a Claw and all previous knowledge of that forest made her feel a little nervous for the class. Then it hit her. "Actually I'd try and find a Centaur and ask it for help, because they are smart...and they like Astronomy maybe say I'm in an Astronomy class?"
Yeah? Forests fine....forbidden forests. Nope. Never. Nada. Not unless she was working with the best and smartest person in class.
Moss. Herbology. Didn’t know much about that so he was going to sort of ignore that part of her answer. Not to mention that the Ravenclaw had given him several answers when he really just had wanted one - although all of them were valid to a certain extent. He knew which answer he had been hoping for, which was why he was a bit sad that she had ultimately gone with asking a centaur. “Interesting...”
Now he was just going to moonwalk over this a way.....
Originally Posted by LilFox06
Anya bit her lip and looked down. Lost in the forest. Lovely. She cast a sideways glance at Ella. And then she avoided eye contact with Jake. They'd talk later, she had a feeling.
She closer her eyes for a few seconds before raising her hand. "Stars." she suggested. "Or moss. Or depending on how far you're in, you might be able to just see the castle." True story.
Or... "Build a fire. And then bam, forest gone. You can escape pretty easily at that point."
Airey was just about to praise Miss Phillips for her stars answer when she kept going. Burn down the forest? Ha. Now wasn’t that some unique thinking. Take some advice from someone who nearly burnt down the Headmaster’s quarters - fire was not the best method of finding something. “While also putting all of the forest’s creatures out of a home,” he said with quick tap of his nose. “Stick with your initial notion of the stars, Miss Phillips.”
Originally Posted by Lockhartian
Why, of course, Lottie didn't even think of centaurs, like Lex had, she thought of someone else, and we're not talking Ents, Mo,"If you happened to be lost at the Forbidden Forest, without a wand, at night, then there's nothing to worry about, the Groundskeeper will FIND you and take away the pygmy puffs he can find while on his way out." Oh, she was being serious, hence why her hand had been raised, "It has happened before." Just sayiiiing. "Not the lost part, because we weren't lost." THAT needed to be clarified.
She might have flipped her hair after answering.
Someone didn’t like the groundskeeper very much. And what was she going on about with pygmy puffs? Was the groundskeeper a collector of the things? Fine by this astronomer, just as long as he kept the things out of his way. Airey realized that he had just been staring at Miss Wisteria for a long while with a raised eyebrow and tried to cover up the awkward pause with a nervous chuckle.
“Always an, um, option I suppose.”
Originally Posted by xXxPandora
Everyone else was talking about the North Star. Did they even know how to locate the north star? It wasn't as if that start had label on it that says it's 'North'. So, what would a Beezus Castell do? She raised her hand. She was probably going to sound like Jonathan Kim on this one. "Professor, it's called the Forbidden Forest for a reason. It's forbidden. So....I simply won't venture there.
Tehee. Sheepish smile.
“Not even if it was required for a lesson?” he smirked in reply to the Ravenclaw prefect. Ooooooooooh, get some ice for that burn....or something.
Originally Posted by THE Govoni
"I think...it'd depend on how deep into the Forest I am. I know that the trees and foliage get more dense the further in you are. So, there'd be no way to map the stars to find your way out." He knew about people using stars like compasses. Sailors did that sometimes..."That's something interesting to think about."
...Not that Dylan would EVER be without his wand. He'd be the first to admit that he'd be completely lost without it.
"....I'm assuming that's the answer you were looking for, though. Using the stars?" He asked, hopeful.
Aw, did the quidditch captain still have his wand in a knot? Someone ought to untie it for him and get him a nice big bowl of chocolate ice cream while they were at it.
“I was,” he said with a small nod. “But yes, visualization does play a key factor as Mr. Odessa brought up earlier. However, if one were trying to use the stars to navigate I would hope they would move to a less dense part of the forest....or climb a tree.” Because THAT was fun and innovative thinking.
Originally Posted by DecemberMoon
She blinked a few times at this question. Well obviously he wants us to mention the North Star or following a set of stars somehow but WHY would you be out there without a wand, or at all really, anyway? The situation seemed highly unlikely, but she raised her hand anyway. "Well I know you could use the North Star like some have said, Professor, but if you're um...like me, and don't really know which direction the castle would be from North...well that wouldn't help much anyway." Not with her sense of direction at least. "So maybe if you were in the Forbidden Forest without a wand, you'd be a bit mental anyway and would just feel comfortable climbing a tree and staying the night out there," she said with a teasing little crinkle near her eyes. She hoped Airey was feeling receptive to jokes today, no matter how unfunny, because she was feeling chatty and chipper, which brought out her cheekier side. Always just in good fun though.
Oh look! Someone else who thought that the pastime of climbing trees was fun. “Actually, it is said that finding North and making your body face that direction helps the mind create a map that can then navigated based on memory,” he said with a faint smile. But more on that in a little bit.
Originally Posted by Sonea
The young girl opened her eyes and stared at the professor, she knew that she would be lost there… But what had that to do with the lesson? The young girl raised her hand and spoke hesitating, not liking the thought to tell the class that she was not good in something. “I think that I would be lost and that I would be in danger there without my wand.” The young girl paused for a few seconds and asked a question. “But what has this question to do with the lesson?”
Airey simply smiled at the first year. “Buckle up and hold tight,” he winked. “You’ll see soon enough.” Because what they were about to cover today seemed like the sort of thing that could save this little snake’s life were she to actually find herself in this situation.
Originally Posted by PotterHeadforLife
But she couldn't say that because she has been there before in her fourth year... and she didn't even lose house points. She was just probably lucky that the former Groundskeeper (Gibbins, was it?) didn't see them. Anyway... she'd have to answer, but everyone else seemed to have the same response as her. Oh well... "The North Star," Kat simply said after raising her hand. "If you know how it looks like and if you could see it in the dark sky." So many if's.
“Very good, Miss Hudson,” he said with a nod. “BUT! Don’t be so sure about knowing what it looks like. It is a common misconception that the North Star is the brightest star in the nigh sky, but this is incorrect.”
Don’t worry, he was not saying that you were assuming such. He had said it for the benefit of the entire class.
Originally Posted by cheeseStrings
"Theoretically you can use the stars to navigate," she started, "but then it would be hard to see the constellations if you're in the forest, with all the trees and stuff covering most of the sky." She paused, thought for a second before adding, "I'd personally curl up in a hollow of a tree and wait for morning to come, then just follow my instincts and go back to the castle. Yes."
Okay okay...he got the point kids. Forest had been a bad example but...well...they would see that it was a very practical situation. “Just make sure that that hollow tree is not occupied before you crawl in.” Heh.
Originally Posted by Harry174
Laura looked at the Professor and raised her hand, "Professor I would look at the stars, you see, you can tell using stars which is which way, it is how some ships used to find land when they were lost at sea, they would follow the stars and use them as a map, I would try and do the same thing." Laura would and if that didn't work, she would just scream the Forbidden Forest down until a Professor or animal came to her and she could demand they rescued her.
Airey was pleased that she had mentioned lost at sea. Yes, THAT should have been the example he had used instead of the Forbidden Forest since students were getting caught up on logistics and details. Then again, he was rather detailed oriented and demanded students be and...
Oh right she was still talking.
“Very good, Miss Hyde.”.
Originally Posted by Princesspower
Sarah raised her hand "well, as we know the Forbidden Forest is in the Northern Hemisphere, we can use the North Star to guide us. Or we can use Orinions belt as it goes from east to west. Yet one can really push it by looking at the sky as a whole and seeing where the stars are more prominant. Where there is pollution there will be less stars." That was out of the box. Then she added as a postscript "these will only work if you can see the sky though"
“Stellar, Miss Edwards,” he said while giving the Gryffindor two thumbs up. Bonus points to her for mentioning the Northern Hemisphere. Although she needed to work on her pronunciation of Orion.
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Whhhaaat? The Forbidden Forrest? Lost in it without a wand? Jory wondered why the Professor in the Suit had asked such a question. Anyway, he thought about his answer and then raised his hand. "Er...I would use my logic to try and get out, following any landmarks to get back to the Castle,'' the badger said. "And if possible, find a nice thick tree branch to use as a defence.'' You never kinow what you may run into.
Landmarks, yes, those were also helpful he thought as he nodded along to the seventh year’s answer. He wasn’t so sure about how much a thick stick could be against some of the more terrifying creatures out there, but better have something than nothing, no? “Interesting thinking, Mr. Stonewall.”
Originally Posted by Shanners
"I'd leave bread crumbs on the way in, especially if I didn't go in with my wand. Not...that I would." Even if she didn't intend to get lost.
Food for all.
“Ah, like in the muggle fable Hansel and Gretel,” he chuckled. That didn’t end too well for the pair. Not at all. “What if something were to eat those crumbs though, just as in the tale?”
Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF
"Well, isn't it that the deeper you go in to the forest the thicker the trees and the darker it gets? So i would look at the sky from time to time to and when the view gets blocked by the leaves i'd turn around and walk the other way." He was pretty sure that the answer had something to do with some kind of star that they could follow but since a few already mentioned that he decided to twist it a little.
AHA! Now here was a Slytherin who was throwing him a bone and working with the situation. “Very good, Mr. Katharos,” he nodded. Using a combination of things to find your way out that is.
Originally Posted by Emzily
Siiiiiigh, here goes.
First off, a person wouldn't be stupid enough to stroll the Forbidden Forest on their own at night, just saying. But Theo did imagine it for a moment, and he wouldn't deny that it would be scary. "I would make a blanket out of leaves and sticks, then camouflage myself against a bush until morning." Because could you REALLY trust stars to find your way home? Theo had heard about the whole 'follow the North star' idea.
But it sounded like a load of rubbish to him.
"And then I would just go the same way I came in."
Mmmmhm, flawless plan.
“Very resourceful, Mr. Kinsley,” he laughed. What? The image of the Slytherin boy literally making himself a blanket of leaves and going all camouflage. Very VERY resourceful.
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict
Although, Ascanius was surprised that he was asking a question that did NOT involve magic. Huh. And of COURSE the correct answer was the North Star... cause this was Astronomy folks. Can we think a little? Oh no, wait. Snicker.
On the other hand, he was tempted to raise his hand and give a snarky answer of GPS, but the great, big WIZARD in the room would be confused. So he just stayed silent.
Airey paused at the Slytherin boy and waited for a response, but one never came. Hmmm. Pity. No matter. Time to move on to the next student who had their hand raised.
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
Yeah... Why would ANYONE want to imagine being lost in the Forbidden Forest? And without their wands?! Why would anyone want to go anywhere that's possibly dangerous without some sort of way of protecting themselves? "Erm... Professor?" he said, raising his hand, "Well... it's like the others have said, you'd have to locate the North Star, right?" Second star to the right and straight on till morning. Yeah. If you wanted to go to Neverland.
"Is there a water source in the Forest? Because Dad has always said that if you get lost in the woods or a forest, you should try and find a water source and then... follow it towards an area of civilisation. Or... well... the castle. And that leaving markers would help people who are looking for you and help you figure out where you've been already so that you're not going round in... erm..." Gulp. "Circles." He gave the Professor a tiny smile before sitting back in his seat.
Airey nodded enthusiastically. “That was the answer I was looking for, finding the North Star, yes.” As to his other question regarding water in the forest, he could only assume that there was one or else it would be hard for vegetation and life to flourish the way it was. “Those are also good ideas, Mr. Summers. Excellent thinking.”
Originally Posted by Hey Ju
Unless she was with Mordred, then she'd be alright. But she supposed professor Flamsteed meant what they would do if they were on their own and all that. "I'm pretty sure I wouldn't do much, professor..." Just being honest. She would probably cry her eyes out or something, because just the thought was already terrifying. "But I suppose you could try to get directions by looking at stars... and stuff." It sounded logical, but the badger was 100% sure that would never work for her.
And....stuff. “Yes, stuff,” he said with a small chuckle. For some reason he was finding her words, the way she phrased everything, rather hilarious and it was giving him a serious case of the man!giggles.
Originally Posted by lemon
"I'd 'practically make use of the celestial bodies'," Alice announced to the professor, hand up, quoting his question in her response, because the North Star looked like any other star to her and was a really silly thing to trust when attempting to get out of a forest. In her opinion, there were smarter things to do than look for Polaris, but, anyway.
"You'd have to find the constellation Ursa Minor, the Little Bear, and Polaris, or the North Star, is at the end of the Little Dipper's handle." Just in case no one knew where it was. Was she supposed to specify? "And you can use it to find your way out, if you were doing it the Astronomy way, but I wouldn't get lost anyway, especially because it's so hard to see constellations with all the trees and canopy blocking your view." Only dumb people got lost and misplaced their wands, and Alice wasn't dumb. Clearly. It was also really, really stupid to go into the Forbidden Forest at night.
But it was also very Gryffindor.
Eh. She'd do it.
Airey’s eyes lit up and he began to bounce in place - with some subtle moonwalking thrown in there - at Miss Fischer’s response. “FANTASTIC, Miss Fischer. I hope all of you were paying attention to her response.” Because it was going to come in handy later on in the lesson.
Originally Posted by Lollipop!
Everyone was saying the north star. Well, almost everyone. So there was no point in giving an answer that was boooring at this stage. "Your best bet is to stay put and wait for a professor because otherwise you could get even more lost."
Blue gave curly!haired!dude - Ryan - a funny look. "You can't sleep in the Forbidden Forest! Are you daft? There's all sorts of horrible things in there! Like, like, like werewolves and and and acromantulas and all sorts of horrible things that could make you dinner while you dream of hair gel!"
Airey pointed at Miss Gracae and around the classroom at all the students who had suggested waiting out until morning. See. Eaten. Although the Ravenclaw had somewhat contradicted herself in her own answer. Waiting for a professor could imply that one would have to wait until morning and most students he knew were unable to stay up the entire night without an ample amount of sugar.
Time to check the sundial again. Yep. Definitely time to move things along.
“You all brought up some very good things to do were one to find themselves in this particular situation. The answer I was particularly looking for was using the stars. More specifically utilizing Polaris, the North Star. Of course, as several of you also mentioned, there are certain circumstances that one would require in order to be able to use the stars to navigate, but luckily for us we have nothing but clear skies tonight.” And WHY wouldn’t they? Today was a very special day for the astronomer. Pity no students seemed to have caught on to that fact. Oh well.
“Muggles have invented many instruments to help them navigate. Many of you are familiar with a compass I assume.” Yes? He was just going to assume yes and move on. “The most recent of these navigational devices is something called a GPS, or Global Positioning System, which utilizes NASA technology to function,” he explained as he held up a device. He could pass it around if they wanted. Wouldn't do them much good since it wasn't going to work anything. Hadn't bothered to put the proper charms on it to do so. “Wizarding kind invented a spell, the Four-Point Spell, to help the caster locate North. However, both these methods have their flaws at Hogwarts due to the grounds being unplottable and magical interference, as you all know, muggle items do not work here.”
Cue a small pause as he moonwalked towards an open window and THRUST his finger at the night sky - not really pointing towards anything in particular, but just wanting to emphasize the point that they were talking about the stars.
“However, there is one thing that not even magical interference can alter!” CUE MORE DRAMATIC POINTING!
“As Miss Edwards said, because we are in the Northern Hemisphere we can rely on Polaris, the North Star, to help us find true north. How we find Polaris, as Miss Fischer shared with us, is by utilizing a couple of constellations. I will give you all some time to practice finding it in just a little while along with further instructions on doing so.” Or a review on how to for those that already did.
“Now, before we get into identifying Polaris and its surrounding constellations, what is it about this particular star that makes it special? Why would we pick this one star out of all the others to use as our guide?”
OOC: I am so sorry for the delay in moving things along guys! Thank you all for your patience Class will resume in approximately 10 - 13 hours from this post.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Melanie felt like she was going to doze off any second but not because the class was boring but because of tired reasons. Yup. The Gryffindor did try to listen though, there was just a lot of talking and a lot of words and a lot of stuff. It would be nice if people cut back the talking about stuff and did stuff. Doing stuff was fun, but according to the professor, that would have to wait.
... Then the professor was asking why they'd pick that star to use as a guide.
Oh, good question. "Is it because it's the star that leads to Neverland?" Melanie asked, raising her hand. Because that could be the star and then it would all finally make sense. People wanted to go to Neverland which was why they were following the star - not because they were lost.
though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________ ♡♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Well this was more in the territory West preferred. Y'know, with facts and stuff? Yes. Instead of supposing and wondering and imagining situations what would never ever happen to him. Ever. And such.
He put his hand up.
"Polaris is special on account of it never rises or sets, so its always there all year around, and also its spot where it is nearly lines up perfect with the Earth's axis. I read that in 20 years it'll almost be as perfect as it will get actually. Its not always been the North Star though, and won't always be either." West just thought that was worth mentioning. Because all those things made it special and interesting. So it was special NOW anyways.
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
The Professor's moon walking was highly distracting, it didn't help that she was already finding it hard to pay attention through all the others saying what they'd do, some of them were just wet blankets. By some great miracle they managed to sneak into the Forbidden Forest without running into Mr. Firth and obviously they're alive if they get to be thinking of a way out so why waste the time hugging a tree or setting up camp for the night? Might as well go looking for something epic!
It only made sense to.
Lex continued to follow the Professor's movements, even after he went pointing out the window. Her attention was only waning a little but she caught it right back at the next question. One she knew the answer to...sorta.
"It's because it's not like all the other stars that move around in the sky and fall in different places depending on the time of the year. No matter what month it is it'll always be right there for you to identify because it's a supposedly fixed point, which is good when you think about it. Can you imagine getting lost in like June if the star only came out in December???"
Heh, bet they'd go looking for a centaur's help then.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
Oakey agreed with Beezus, He would never be found in the FORBIDDEN Forrest, so getting lost in it was out of the question. Now mazes, mazes were a common theme every Professor seemed to be using the past few terms. Oakey always got lost in those, and used the Point me spell in one last term. As Flamsteed just said too, the spell did him little good.
And now they were talking about some Polar bears? "uh...Professor, the only thing Polar Bears have to do with Directions is in that muggle movie the Golden Compass...or was it a book?"He was going in the right direction in this class yeah? He was sure he'd get lost in it right away.
Last edited by Uncle Moose; 06-05-2013 at 02:07 PM.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
“Now, before we get into identifying Polaris and its surrounding constellations, what is it about this particular star that makes it special? Why would we pick this one star out of all the others to use as our guide?”
Jory was about to raise his hand when Oakey's answer happened. He stifled a laugh. Polar Bears! Finally getting a grip of himself, Jory raised his hand. "Polaris is also called the Guiding Star. It shines the brightest of all the others in the Ursa Minor. It is a northern pole star. And I suppose we use it because of that. Like a compass's needle always points to north, Polaris is in the north.'' He supposed that made some sense.
∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe
If someone would eat her tracks? Then she'd poison the bread. That'd teach them.
There he went again, with that weird movey thing and the pointing and OH all the movement was going to make Elodie dizzy. Atleast they weren't going to pull out a group Hokey Cokey session for weird bonding.
If that was happening, Elodie had totally just broken everything and could not join in.
"It's a Pole Star, which in essence in the same as the word Polaris, but that means it's pretty much where the North Pole is? And that's not growing legs and going for a hike, so the star is going to stay exactly where it is, right? It's like glued!" You know, because of that axis thing that West had mentioned.
Elodie preferred to think that the star was like a balloon, and just attached to a string that tied onto this metaphoric pole. Just in case there was ever a galactic wind surge.
Nigel was pretty sure why the would pick that star. But he was having a good day and wanted to have a little fun. He still was thinking about those awesome ids that were not real. Man he wished they were.
"Because it leads to Trenzalore."
Nigel was pretty sure Flamsteed had no idea what planet that was.
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
Did everyone hear that? She got a funny little Airey bounce and moonwalk thing, and a FANTASTIC.
Alice beamed and didn't bother putting too much effort into her next answer, because she'd already given a FANTASTIC one and therefore did not need to. "Because it's the only star at the end of the Little Dipper's handle in the constellation Ursa Minor, the Little Bear," she spouted, hand up again, recycling her old answer for the first question. That made it unique, didn't it? No other star was at the end of the Little Dipper, as far as she was concerned.
She didn't know why it was special.
But smarter people were telling Aireyhead that, so it was okay. And stuff.
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
The Polaris star? She had heard about it before and she was sure that she would recognize it when somebody would show it her, but now she had no idea, or at last, she thought that she didn’t knew the right answer. She had a few ideas about this, but she was not sure and she needed to guess if she wanted to answer this question.
The young girl raised her hand and spoke. “I think that this star is special because its shining more brightly than the other stars and so you will find it better than all the other stars? And because the star is always on the same place and it is not moving, you can use it?” This was really a BIG guess but she hoped that she was right and if not, than she had tried it!
“Now, before we get into identifying Polaris and its surrounding constellations, what is it about this particular star that makes it special? Why would we pick this one star out of all the others to use as our guide?”
"Maybe its currently the closest star to the northpole?" Sarah put in after raising her hand, "yet it is predicted that in about twenty years it will be at its closest and then after it it will move away and we will have no Northern Star until 4000". Sarah said. Not that she had to worried as she had her wand and also there was another star (Gamma Cephei)that could take its place.
Well, it seemed like most people before him had answered the question pretty well. Jake still raised his hand, though, after the person before him was done talking. He had something to add. "Also, it's really easy to find. So it's not like you have to be an Astronomy expert to use it. If you know Ursa Major... or Minor, then you can easily find the North Star and find north." And most people would agree that easy was a good thing. Nobody liked effort. Except for maybe Ravenclaws.