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Propping open the door to the classroom on the second floor, Josephina then returned to her desk to await the arrival of the students. But instead of reading Arithmancy Today or some other text on the numbers subject, the brunette found herself pulling out a small tub of ice cream and spooned some into a bowl. Pre-lesson treats were allowed, right? Hopefully because even if they weren't she was having some anyway cause she just couldn't resist ....
"G'Morning," she greeted cheerfully through a mouthful of ice cream, grinning as the students entered and took their seats.
ooc: lesson should begin in about 5 hours or so =)
Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
"So many of you know by now that I'm rather fond of art. Now this might seem surprising, being that I teach numbers, but the two actually have quite a bit in common." A moments pause and Hadley flicked her wand pinning a sketch of a mosaic pattern of triangles and squares on the board. "Often seen in floor and wall tiles, this is an example of a tessellation. Which can be either regular or irregular. The arithmatic part of tessellations comes from principles that you can use to create a tessellation, one example being a translation. What other ways can you create a tessellation?"
She sat waiting till the Professor greeted other students and answered their questions. And there were talks about ice-cream too? Well, not surprising since there obviously is an ice-cream mania going on. But back to Arithmancy. The professor was speaking of arts, Cassia liked this. She did like to draw and all. Also, the sketch caught her attention. It was really pretty thought complex. But perhaps that was what made it pretty.
"Tiling any regular or irregular polygons could create a tessellations," A general answer but to give an example to it, "like a triangular. " And the other polygons.
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'myours
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
...What in Merlin's beard was a tessellation? That mosaic thing on the board? Blink. Okay... Penelope had never heard it called that before. She had no idea how to create one though, other than just...putting patterns and stuff together? Yeah, she didn't know any fancy terms or names for that. So she kept quiet, kinda half-listening to other students give their answers to help give herself an idea of what they were talking about.
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
What in the name of Merlin was a Tessellation? Kace had NO idea. He was only a first year after all! He was curious to find out though. Hence why he came to Arthimacy. He looked around and he noticed the Professor and other students. He even heard the other student's answer and agreed with them. He especially liked Nigel's analogy. Hmm it looks like a honeycomb huh? He could imagine that.
He waited with his notebook on his desk and quill in his hand to take some notes on what the students were saying.
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Anya had been entirely too busy watching the ice cream to pay much attention to anything. ... but the silence told her that a question had been asked.
And it was a really good thing that a lot of Anya's classmates were extremely wordy. They practically repeated the question when answering. And this was good news for Anya.
Tessellations. Like... tiles. Anya was familiar with those. Why? Because she often doodled in that type of pattern. She raised her hand. "Rotational tessellations." she offered. Which was more fun than translation ones. But they were significantly more time consuming.
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
"Often seen in floor and wall tiles, this is an example of a tessellation. Which can be either regular or irregular. The arithmatic part of tessellations comes from principles that you can use to create a tessellation, one example being a translation. What other ways can you create a tessellation?"
Jory looked at the pattern Professor Hadley made appeared on the board. An example, now. He racked his brain. What would be a good example. "I know!'' he thought and raised his hand. "Professor, would a quilt be an example?''
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Give her a minute while she tried to pronounce that word. Tes-tessella-tions...THERE WE GO!! Half the work was already done! Was this the part where they got the ice-cream. Alexa's eyes were still very much on the Professor's ice-cream but she had to focus or she wouldn't have any of her own.
How else could they make a te-tessel-lation?
Ummmm. "If you set up a whole bunch of chocolate frogs along a section of the floor. Together they'd make a pattern seeing as they have a fixed shape."
That kinda counted, or was she missing the point entirely. Either way, back to ice-cream watching.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Last edited by DaniDiNardo; 07-09-2013 at 01:13 PM.
Reason: 'whole' not 'while' >__<
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
Tessella.. tesse.. what?
Alice blinked some at the professor. They were talking about art? Was this in the textbook? If it was, she'd totally missed those sections while studying. Mosaics? Why couldn't they just call them that, patterns even? She squinted at Hadley again and stayed quiet, trying to listen to other examples, but more or less tuning them all out. Her head was still stuck on the word.
Tessel.. tessollo.. something.
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
Assistant Marauder | 1/2 of BenSky | Hit Wiz! | Mischief Managed
Nerida raised a confused eyebrow at the Professor..Yeah what was she talking about, she was only interested in the musical arts not the drawing or number arts...Yeah when it came to those she was okay but she was not the next big thing when it came to drawing at all!!! Instead of saying anything she listened to her other classmates and waited for it be further explained..
♕♕ Fire works through my veins into my heart ♕♕ ♕♕ Remember the night’s dancing under the sky♕♕
Laura raised her hand, she was going to try and do her best this lesson, she was having a great time and she wanted to have loads of fun. "Penrose tiling they can create a Tessellation but they can never repeat periodically." Laura smiled, she would love to see what else a Penrose tiling could do.
Alexis was fond of numbers but was scared to deal with them. She was always confuse about the numbers yet again she tried to manage with that stuff but today she saw patterns gosh! a more complected situation. Her face emitting all signs of how uneasy she was. What if I couldn't understand it, what if I was consider as a fool? What i and what not was all in her mind when her mind was diverted by what an ice cream? For crying out loud an ice creme in class? well that was very relaxing. Somehow her worries begun to deplete at the point her eyes met with that yummy thing her lips wanted to touch. She composed herself when she Relax in her mind at the same time she her something like "tessellation" is it what she heard?
Oh ofcourse right the pattern thing ofcourse this is arithmetic.
All students in the class was with the answers I didn't know what to suggest..Examples were flying from all the end
Yet I said looking at professor.
"Professor tessellation is more related to 3 dimension and higher dimension isn't it? I mean it is more like arrangement of planes. So it is likely it could be in single dimension or two dimension is two planes. I am confused yet I think it is something with more than two dimension. So hexagonal cells, Honeycomb, for that matter any pattern tilling on the ceiling or floor, prism etc. it gives 3 dimensional effect isn't it? "
What has she spoken Alexis has no clue surely she made her very light making her thoughts wonder over the ice cream and forgot to focus on what she actually want to say. Does Professor is going to answer her or will she ask her are you out of your mind?
She waited............
Last edited by Mrinal; 07-09-2013 at 10:27 AM.
Reason: adjusting size
Yes. Yes he HAD enjoyed the commentary. Apart from playing Quidditch itself that had been the most fun he'd had all year. Tobias nodded and grinned and went back to staring out the window as the professor spoke to other students.
He was somewhat delayed when it came to zoning back into the lesson. Not five minutes in and the big words had started.
But THIS time Tobias recognised at least ONE of them and he raised his hand. He couldn't exactly answer the question because he never got the logic behind tessellating but he just wanted to show that he knew what was going on (kind of) in this lesson. "At my old school I used to tessellate crosses when my brain was too fast for me to focus. My teacher taught me to do it. Crosses are easy 'cause they're all symmetrical but not boring." That was the only way he could put that.
It wasn't necessarily answering the question but WORDS.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
Tessellation! Was that even a word. True, Hannah had missed many of lessons due to... issues. Still she didn't really think that even if she came to every single lesson that she would know what the teacher was talking about. Still she heard that there may be ice cream afterwards so she decided that she would pay attention.
Hannah listened to everything that everybody else was saying but nothing so far has rang any bells for her.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Text Cut: Hadley - before class started!
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
"Hello Alex! yes, ice cream is always a good treat," Fina answered back, finishing the last of her pre-lesson scoop. "I was telling Alexa and Ella there, just moments ago, that perhaps if you all do well, you can have some afterwards. Nice ice cream cone or something on a warm Spring day."Mmhm, totally appropriate. And she doubted they could refuse, right? Course not. Though even if they didn't do okay in today's class, they could probably do with some ice cream consolation regardless. Yes?
Alex? Who... was... Alex?! BLINK.
... Oh. OH! That was meant to be him, right? Alec grinned sheepishly at the woman, deciding to brush this off. Lots of people had called him Alex before so... it wasn't too big of a deal. Nope. And there were more important things to concentrate on such as the ice cream comment! GRIN. "It is! They taste really awesome in sundaes too!"
Wait. Did she say that they could HAVE some ice cream too?! "Really?" GRIN GRIN GRIN. "That's really nice of you, Professor!" And... he probably... shouldn't hug her because of this. Nope. Maybe next time.
Text Cut: Hadley question thing!
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
"So many of you know by now that I'm rather fond of art. Now this might seem surprising, being that I teach numbers, but the two actually have quite a bit in common." A moments pause and Hadley flicked her wand pinning a sketch of a mosaic pattern of triangles and squares on the board. "Often seen in floor and wall tiles, this is an example of a tessellation. Which can be either regular or irregular. The arithmatic part of tessellations comes from principles that you can use to create a tessellation, one example being a translation. What other ways can you create a tessellation?"
Not fond of art? That was interesting to know, actually.
Alec looked over at the pattern of squares and triangles that had appeared on the board. So... tessellation. There were different types, right? Depending on the shape and size and all that mathematical stuff that kind of confused him just thinking about. But the translation type... that was the easiest type of tessellation, probably.
"Professor?" he started, raising his hand in the air, "There's also the Glide Reflection one. Erm... the reflection and translation methods are used at the same time to... create a pattern." That was... all he knew about that one so... he smiled and picked up his quill instead.
Which can be either regular or irregular. The arithmatic part of tessellations comes from principles that you can use to create a tessellation, one example being a translation. What other ways can you create a tessellation?"[/B]
Sarah thought about it a second then raised her hand, "if one were to take a muggle soccer ball apart - would that not be a tessellation?" Sarah had a the soccer ball pattern as part of her advanced maths class, where she had to use creative reasoning to solve sums. Pretty awesome
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF
Prefect Katharos ....that made him giggle like a little school boy. 'Cause it had been a while that someone called him PREFECT Katharos~! Yup yup.
He was a little sad though that she hadn't given him any ice cream. And he had even been staring! So with a soft sigh, he sat down at a desk and listened to the professor when she officially started the class.
Art...she was in to art? Well, he hadn't known that! It WAS interesting to learn new things from people right? Either way, he totally knew what she was talking about. It were those pictures that seemed to go on and on and.. on with the same shape but totally looked cool.
Alright bad explanation but HE KNEW what he meant in his head so it was alright.
"There's a rotation tessellation!" he answered immediately after raising his hand. "Its a tessellation where the shapes rotates and seem to turn"
If his answer was right, could he have some of that ice cream , cause he was STILL staring at it.
"Yes, rotation tessellation is one," Hadley nodded, sketching that on the board as an example.
Originally Posted by Meizzner
So they were talking about tessellation. Nigel had only glimpse what it was in a book he read. But most of it was still a mystery. What she was saying was helping. But he really knew only one thing was tessellation.
"Well in nature, a honeycomb is the perfect example of tessellation."
Nigel would like to see some form of art. It would be a nice change of pace.
"Honeycomb is definitely an example of a tessellation. Classic example of one found in nature even." See! Herbology and Maths DID mix . . . sort of. Even if she wasn't particularly fond of herbology.
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Ella was beaming. Did Hadley see the excitement on her face because yeah, she was really jazzed about this whole maybe getting ice cream thing. She even had gummy worms tucked into her bag to make it a proper Ella-ice cream. BEAM!
Anyway, art? They were talking about art today? The blonde smiled a little and tilted her head, listening carefully and trying not to be too distracted by the ice cream. It was hard work, though. Just saying.
Tessellations were so COOL looking. Ella liked all the different shapes and colors she'd seen in some that she knew of. It made for cool designs and such. As for ways to make them, Ella raised her hand.
"Reflections, Professor! That's when you flip a shape, commonly to the left or right."
"Reflection is another one, yes," Hadley nodded at the badger captain, as she sketched an example of that on the board as well.
Originally Posted by jrtpuplvr
"Professor, would a jigsaw puzzle be a tessellation?" Asher thought about the puzzles he used to put together with his Muggle grandmother. It was always so much fun seeing the still pictures come out when the little pieces were put together.
"Not really, actually," Fina shook her head at the suggestion of a jigsaw puzzle. "But it can be. There would have to be several puzzle pieces that are the same in shape, just get oriented or reflected to be a different way."
Originally Posted by the fastest seeker
She sat waiting till the Professor greeted other students and answered their questions. And there were talks about ice-cream too? Well, not surprising since there obviously is an ice-cream mania going on. But back to Arithmancy. The professor was speaking of arts, Cassia liked this. She did like to draw and all. Also, the sketch caught her attention. It was really pretty thought complex. But perhaps that was what made it pretty.
"Tiling any regular or irregular polygons could create a tessellations," A general answer but to give an example to it, "like a triangular. " And the other polygons.
"Yes that is how you ultimately would create a tessellation. Repeating regular or irregular polygons," Fina nodded at the young slytherin. "By regular polygon, it simply means that its more symmetrical, such as a square or rectangle or diamond. But irregular would mean if it were like a fish, tiled and oriented in different directions."
Originally Posted by ScarletCharm104
Marigold grinned at the question.
"I once had to draw a tessellation, Professor. There are reflecting and rotating tessellations." There were a couple more, but she forgot.
And her mind was still on ICE CREAM!
Originally Posted by LilFox06
Anya had been entirely too busy watching the ice cream to pay much attention to anything. ... but the silence told her that a question had been asked.
And it was a really good thing that a lot of Anya's classmates were extremely wordy. They practically repeated the question when answering. And this was good news for Anya.
Tessellations. Like... tiles. Anya was familiar with those. Why? Because she often doodled in that type of pattern. She raised her hand. "Rotational tessellations." she offered. Which was more fun than translation ones. But they were significantly more time consuming.
Nodding at the next two students, she didn't really add anything else as they've already been mentioned, but there were two other types of tessellations.
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Jory looked at the pattern Professor Hadley made appeared on the board. An example, now. He racked his brain. What would be a good example. "I know!'' he thought and raised his hand. "Professor, would a quilt be an example?''
"Like puzzle pieces, a quilt, could be a tessellation but it doesn't HAVE to be." Though the little patches probably were, technically.
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Give her a minute while she tried to pronounce that word. Tes-tessella-tions...THERE WE GO!! Half the work was already done! Was this the part where they got the ice-cream. Alexa's eyes were still very much on the Professor's ice-cream but she had to focus or she wouldn't have any of her own.
How else could they make a te-tessel-lation?
Ummmm. "If you set up a whole bunch of chocolate frogs along a section of the floor. Together they'd make a pattern seeing as they have a fixed shape."
That kinda counted, or was she missing the point entirely. Either way, back to ice-cream watching.
"Actually, that would work and be a very creative and original tessellation!" Yup, even though we not especially fond of that sweet, didn't mean we didn't see how it could work as a tessellation pattern.
Originally Posted by Harry174
Laura raised her hand, she was going to try and do her best this lesson, she was having a great time and she wanted to have loads of fun. "Penrose tiling they can create a Tessellation but they can never repeat periodically." Laura smiled, she would love to see what else a Penrose tiling could do.
"Yes, true enough," Hadley agreed.
Originally Posted by Mrinal
Alexis was fond of numbers but was scared to deal with them. She was always confuse about the numbers yet again she tried to manage with that stuff but today she saw patterns gosh! a more complected situation. Her face emitting all signs of how uneasy she was. What if I couldn't understand it, what if I was consider as a fool? What i and what not was all in her mind when her mind was diverted by what an ice cream? For crying out loud an ice creme in class? well that was very relaxing. Somehow her worries begun to deplete at the point her eyes met with that yummy thing her lips wanted to touch. She composed herself when she Relax in her mind at the same time she her something like "tessellation" is it what she heard?
Oh ofcourse right the pattern thing ofcourse this is arithmetic.
All students in the class was with the answers I didn't know what to suggest..Examples were flying from all the end
Yet I said looking at professor.
"Professor tessellation is more related to 3 dimension and higher dimension isn't it? I mean it is more like arrangement of planes. So it is likely it could be in single dimension or two dimension is two planes. I am confused yet I think it is something with more than two dimension. So hexagonal cells, Honeycomb, for that matter any pattern tilling on the ceiling or floor, prism etc. it gives 3 dimensional effect isn't it? "
What has she spoken Alexis has no clue surely she made her very light making her thoughts wonder over the ice cream and forgot to focus on what she actually want to say. Does Professor is going to answer her or will she ask her are you out of your mind?
She waited............
Turning her attention now on a young, newish face, Hadley listened to what she was asking and shook her head. "There are four different ways of tessellations. It is ultimately a regular or irregular shaped object that has been shifted or rotated or flipped into a different position, on the same plane. But it can often give the appearance of it being multiple dimensions, yet it's two dimensional." Did that make sense, maybe?
Originally Posted by MaverickMagpie
Yes. Yes he HAD enjoyed the commentary. Apart from playing Quidditch itself that had been the most fun he'd had all year. Tobias nodded and grinned and went back to staring out the window as the professor spoke to other students.
He was somewhat delayed when it came to zoning back into the lesson. Not five minutes in and the big words had started.
But THIS time Tobias recognised at least ONE of them and he raised his hand. He couldn't exactly answer the question because he never got the logic behind tessellating but he just wanted to show that he knew what was going on (kind of) in this lesson. "At my old school I used to tessellate crosses when my brain was too fast for me to focus. My teacher taught me to do it. Crosses are easy 'cause they're all symmetrical but not boring." That was the only way he could put that.
It wasn't necessarily answering the question but WORDS.
"Yes tessellating crosses would certainly be a valid thing. Or, as I've done here on the board is used our school crest replica as an example, in which I've duplicated on the board." And glided and rotated and translated so they can see all the forms.
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
Not fond of art? That was interesting to know, actually.
Alec looked over at the pattern of squares and triangles that had appeared on the board. So... tessellation. There were different types, right? Depending on the shape and size and all that mathematical stuff that kind of confused him just thinking about. But the translation type... that was the easiest type of tessellation, probably.
"Professor?" he started, raising his hand in the air, "There's also the Glide Reflection one. Erm... the reflection and translation methods are used at the same time to... create a pattern." That was... all he knew about that one so... he smiled and picked up his quill instead.
"Yes, glide reflection is another example. And translation is another, in which no one has mentioned thus far." Hadley nodded at ALEC. Because she totally knew that was his name.
Originally Posted by Princesspower
Sarah thought about it a second then raised her hand, "if one were to take a muggle soccer ball apart - would that not be a tessellation?" Sarah had a the soccer ball pattern as part of her advanced maths class, where she had to use creative reasoning to solve sums. Pretty awesome
"Yes, if you were to cut open a muggle soccer ball and lay the fabric flat out smooth, then that would indeed be an example of a tessellation." Giving that it was made up of all hexagons, stitched together.
SPOILER!!: Blackboard Examples
"So in regards to tessellations, there isn't much divining that takes place from them but it's simply, a really impressive way to express yourself in art. Before we move on to another artistic form that I'm fond of, as I've done with the hogwarts crest, i'd like you think of an object yourself and tessellate it the four different ways. The object can be regular or irregular."
ooc: you have till tomorrow (Wednesday) evening , 10pm EDT (GMT-4) for this exercise. Be original, as you'll get more points for more originality with this. Graphics and/or scanned-in hand-drawn images would be awesome =). Feel free to post as many times as you need (2+) for your character to consider and draw.
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
They were going to get to do their own? BEAM! Ella would have drawn an ice cream cone but she was starving. STARVING. And drawing that would only make her more bouncy and eager for the stuff and yeah...she'd need to think of a different object.
Pulling a fresh piece of parchment towards her, the blonde considered what object she wanted to draw.
So Tobias kiiiiiiiiiiiind of knew what he was supposed to do. He really wanted to tessellate crosses because he'd done that before, but crosses were TOO symmetrical and it would be too hard to tall when they'd been rotated or something.
Glancing out of the window again, Tobias twirled his quill thoughtfully. He could do a really elaborate cross? Or he could tryyyyyy a badger? Orrrrrrr he could do something Quidditch related?
He bit his lip and glanced at the other students in the room. He wanted to do this right and he didn't know what he could tessellate it so he could do it properly.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
We get to have ice cream AND draw in class today?!? That's the BEST! Eliza was extremely glad about this news because, well Arithmancy wasn't always her best subject, but if she got to have ice cream and draw in it then maybe it would be okay!
She grabbed some parchment and started thinking about what she could draw. She glanced at the board several times, glad to have the examples, and began to sketch a few ideas.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
You know, if she was being honest, she kinda saw this coming. The Professor had been talking about art and numbers and now they were on to pattern making. Something she'd guessed right. See? Chocolate frogs would never fail her. They helped her get answers right! GRIN.
Alexa reached into her bag and pulled out a piece of parchment and a quill (this wasn't done earlier because she was busy gawking at the ice-cream) then laid them on her table.
Tessellations...she needed to come up with one and do exactly what the Professor did on the board with them.
She figured she'd stick with her candy idea. To her, it seemed real legit and nothing else was coming to her mind--except ice-cream but that might have been counter-productive. She could see herself just staring at her first pattern longingly without actually getting through with anymore. That wouldn't do. Nope!
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Now that Ella had her object in mind, she started her sketching.
First the blonde worked on reflections. These were the type that were flipped, yeah? Like...they should be mirror images of each other. It was tricky, sure, but she continued to doodle until she was satisfied with her work.
Next up was a rotation. This was when you moved the image around a point, yeah? She could do that. She also couldn't help but think how cute the little elephant she'd been doodling was. N'aww.
Then came the translation. This was easy, just simply sliding the image a bit, yeah? She did this one with ease.
Finally the glide reflection. Yup, tricky again. She concentrated on this one, brow furrowed.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
She had a feeling that there was a VERY specific way of doing all the things on the board that the Professor had done, probably dealing with numbers and calculations but guess whaaaaat? She didn't think she cared enough to ask so she'd just make pretty patterns and copy the way the Professor did it.
Obviously the Professor wouldn't be wrong so there wouldn't be any repercussions, none she could see in the near future anyway. All she was seeing was ice-cream and it was telling her to hurry up with this tess stuff.
The first chocolate frog was drawn. It looked like a nice one and seemed like she had it good...the chocolate frog she'd pulled from her pocket was good inspiration. Once she had her ice-cream she would stick it in there. "Just wait a bit more lovely, you'll be soaked in ice-cream before you know it." And promptly digested, let's not forget that part.
There really was nothing to this drawing stuff. They should have done this more often instead of that number stuff she liked teaching. This Lex could appreciate.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Asher studied the examples and wondered if he could do some of his own. It looked rather hard and he wasn't very good at drawing. 'I need a shape to start with' he thought to himself.
Pulling out his parchment, he began to scribble down some pictures and wondered if he would be able to complete the task in time.
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Anya tapped her quill thoughtfully to her chin. What to draw. What to draw?
Wait. Her hand raised up. "Professor. I've got a question." she asked. "Are we supposed to choose one shape and move it those four ways? Or are we supposed to do four tile designs?" Because those were two completely opposite things. And if she was supposed to make four tile designs, that would be fun. But if she was just supposed to pick one shape and draw it those four different ways, then she could do it with something really random that didn't tile.
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Minerva sat in the back of the room not a place she was use to and sat lost. What were they talking about? What was going on? She was not focused, but she hadn't been focused for some time. Keeping her head down and not making any eye contact she felt a bit panic trying to figure out what was going on.
Seeing everyone working was just causing more anxiety and did someone say ice cream. That moved her brain to focus on that for a second. No.. no they were doing something with patterns, was that it. She pulled out her parchment and tried to start working.
Wait.. what did she need to parchment for. Big sigh... She looked at the board and then tried to figure out what she was going to do.