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The classroom was exactly the way it always had been; desks and chairs laid out in parallel rows, the small dais upon which the professor's big desk sat. The rectangular blackboard fixed to the wall over the dais. The only difference in the class, for the hawk-eyed students only, would be the lack of any Gandr baskets near the desk. The lack of anything interesting, really. However, the desks were freshly clean, and so was the floor and the whole room. The professor should be seated at his desk, reading, when the students show up. He'd greet and nod at them as they filed in.
Enter the room, take a seat, follow the instructions on the blackboard, then wait for the class to start.
Originally Posted by Blackboard
"Write your name & your year on the parchment before you.
Tap it with your wand to turn it into a desk name tag.
Cease any other magic activities."
ooc:- Class will start in 12-20 hrs. You can RP your character walking in class freely. Try to keep the chatter down, please, though. CLASS HAS STARTED. Do not announce your arrival, just pretend that you've already been here all along.
- Please refresh yourselves with the Rules & Expectations of this class. xo
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
Okay, this was much better than cleaning. Like, ten times better. Sky focused her mind on the correct pronunciation of the spell, then practiced saying it on her own. "Int-a-glio. Int-a-glio. Int-a-glio. Intaglio." Seemed simple enough. Now to find a rune that was just as easy to pronounce. Hmm..... She flipped her textbook open to the page listing the runes of the Elder Futhark and looked for one....
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Jory now drew his attention back to his textbook, on the hunt for another symbol to carve. "Wunjo,'' he thought a few seconds later. Yes. He would carve that. it meant joy, comfort and pleasure.
He secured the goggles and gloves once again before raising his wand. ''Intaglio Wunjo Wunjo Wunjo Wunjo...'' This symbol was also as easy as Ansuz. It was shaped like a P. "Good,'' the Puff said to himself when he was done. Both of his carvings looked okay.
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Hmm. What rune?
Opening her textbook, Beezus' flipped to the section of the Third Aett which was composed of the Teiwaz, Berkana, Ehwaz, Mannaz, Laguz, Inguz, Dagaz, and Othala runes. She held up her quill with its tip pointing on the text. Then she released it and its tip found the Dagaz rune. Woot. That was the rune she'd be carving on her piece of wood then. Pretty dainty way of choosing, huh? Yep. Beezus Castell definitely had her ways. It wasn't too bad of a rune though. Actually, it was a good rune. It was supposed to bring a positive outcome and she was more than cool with that.
Now that she had that one settled, it was time to get ready for the better part.
She turned to her seatmate and with a smile, asked if she could use the goggles and gloves. Of course the smile worked its magic and the boy nodded. She placed those on and readied her wand.
Mhhmmm. Gryffindors were growing impatient, it seemed. He watched the loud one expectantly for a few seconds before turning to the rest of the class.
"So, today, we won't be learning about any one individual rune. Today we will learn about two things." He raised his hand, counting, "One how do we carve runes into wood, saving their energy and magic." Not decorational carving. "Two, we're going to learn the whole Elder Futhark alphabet." Waiting for the groans or cheers to die down, Botros cleaned the blackboard with his cane and wrote the following.
"To carve the runes in order to use their energy and magic, we need to use this spell. That is one method of carving the runes right. Another method uses a special tool in addition to chanting the Galdr of the chosen rune, but that is not for today." Botros gestured for them to copy what was written on the board and explained further, "You need to remember to keep your intent strongly present in your mind when you use this spell. Concentrate on the meaning and the name of the rune you desire to carve, repeating it over and over until the shape of the rune is perfectly carved onto the surface." He bent down behind his desk where his chair was, and fished out a small box. "You're going to have to share some of the equipment today, I'm afraid. Share those goggles and gloves with the person sitting next to you before you carve any rune you want on your desk." He'd placed an extra wood plank on top of their desks before class, he didn't want them worrying about holding the wood piece while pointing their wand recklessly all around the place.
While the goggles and the gloves floated around the classroom, Botros held out a single circular wood piece. "Now watch me as I carve on this piece of wood." Paaaaaaaaaause.
The professor pointed his wand at the woody piece, raising it high for everyone to see, and said in a dramatic slow tone, "Intaglio Kenaz Kenaz Kenaz Kenaz...." On the previously blank wood piece a perfect shape of Kenaz was perfectly carved, giving a faint beating glow. "The incantation is easy, but still try it on your tongue a few times before practicing the spell on your desk. Choose any rune you like. And don't hesitate to ask questions if you need, we'll be needing this spell essentially when we go out in a bit." He beamed at them oh-so-mysteriously.
ooc: - You need 3 posts to get full credit for this sub-activity. You may choose any rune (or collection of runes) to carve.
- The spell will not cause serious damage/cutting to your skin, the most it can cause is a small cut.
- Address the professor in your post's title if he's needed.
- Class will resume in 20 hrs.
- Have fun! [/COLOR]
Hmm.. easy lesson today? Or at least the second part would be.. Ethan had memorized the Elder Futhark for his OWLs. Of course how much of that he retained a year and a half later would remain to be seen. And carving his own rune seemed about as interesting as some of Botros' other lessons, so the Prefect was on board.
He listened to the instruction and watched the demonstration. Seemed simple enough.. and the boy was just remotely thankful they weren't doing that chanting today. Even if he got the power behind it, he still felt a little silly doing it. Wait.. they were going to actually carve on their desks? He looked up questioningly at the professor as he thought that a bit odd. But maybe not.. this being the Ancient Runes classroom and all. It was sort of fitting for the decor?
And since he had to wait for his turn for the equipment, Ethan chose to spend the time deciding on a fitting rune while practicing the incantation out loud. "In-taaahl-leeeyoh... in-taaahl-leeeyoh," he drawled out to himself as he casually flipped through the pages of his book, green eyes scanning the characteristics of each rune.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
So....goggles and gloves on.
Beezus adjusted the wood plank on her desk so the carving would go better, quicker and easier. No need to hurt the wood too much, right? That was what Professor Bentley would say. They were still part of trees, after all. And trees and plants had feelings...they doooooo.
Once she was satisfied, the brunette pointed her wand towards it and began to mutter. "Intaglio Dagaz Dagaz Dagaz Dagaz Dagaz...." She had her concentration on. Yep, pretty much. The rune's name was Dagaz and it represented happiness, success, activity, a fulfilling lifestyle, and satisfaction. It was easy to concentrate on those kind of things when they're the good stuff and is exactly what you need at the moment. So the angles of her carved rune came off easy even if it wasn't the smoothest touch.
"Intaglio Dagaz Dagaz..."
Just one more straight stroke.."Intaglio Dagaz...Dagaz....Dagaz Dagaz.."..and then she was done! Tadah! A dagaz rune carved wonderfully on her piece of wood. It began to glow too, much like the one that Professor Botros showed them. That meant she did a good job, right? Woot.
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Dylan couldn't even begin to lie...He was bummed about the lack of gandr baskets around the room. The Slytherin so totally enjoyed those things. They allowed him to get his TRIBAL on...but without them there...the whole vibe was different.
It was rather sad and gray...IF he could assign it a color.
HOWEVER...Professor Botros remained a boss...and this most likely wasn't his fault, anyway. Dylan had seen the Goblins taking things himself. They probably looted this room, too.
................Ugh. He just didn't even want to think about it. The telescopes...He was STILL ill about that whole thing.
...Eyeing some people, the Captain focused, clearing his mind and gearing up for a NEW spell. Anything new pleased and excited him...."Intaglio..." The word seemed....odd to his mouth...as he tried to wrap his lips around it. "In-tag-li-o?" Was that how it was broken down? Four syllables?
Erm...right. When in doubt, MIMIC...With a superior air, he tried again...Yep, I TOTALLY know what I'm doing. FAKE!SMUG!
"Intaglio...ansuz ansuz ansuz ansuuuuuuuuuuuuz...." Ansuz because it meant "God" and why not have that on his desk? It seemed the most legit...He was still in practice phases, anyway..."Intagilo ansuuuz ansuuuz ansuz....."
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
Since Kat was done with her rune carving and there was no point of doing more spellwork for her in this phase, she decided that she could just admire her pretty rune. The Sowilo rune on her desk was pretty, honestly. Pretty things and cool stuff deserved to be admire. She refrained herself from touching it because she didn't need it to be broken or whatever appropriate adjective it was to describe her rune if she touched it.
Damaged? Maybe. She just didn't want anything wrong to happen to it in general. She too was watching people while they were still doing and carving their runes and practicing. She was done so yeah.
Pretty rune was pretty. But Kat just wanted to know what they were going to do with their carved rune afterwards.
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
"To carve the runes in order to use their energy and magic, we need to use this spell. That is one method of carving the runes right. Another method uses a special tool in addition to chanting the Galdr of the chosen rune, but that is not for today." Botros gestured for them to copy what was written on the board and explained further, "You need to remember to keep your intent strongly present in your mind when you use this spell. Concentrate on the meaning and the name of the rune you desire to carve, repeating it over and over until the shape of the rune is perfectly carved onto the surface." He bent down behind his desk where his chair was, and fished out a small box. "You're going to have to share some of the equipment today, I'm afraid. Share those goggles and gloves with the person sitting next to you before you carve any rune you want on your desk." He'd placed an extra wood plank on top of their desks before class, he didn't want them worrying about holding the wood piece while pointing their wand recklessly all around the place.
While the goggles and the gloves floated around the classroom, Botros held out a single circular wood piece. "Now watch me as I carve on this piece of wood." Paaaaaaaaaause.
The professor pointed his wand at the woody piece, raising it high for everyone to see, and said in a dramatic slow tone, "Intaglio Kenaz Kenaz Kenaz Kenaz...." On the previously blank wood piece a perfect shape of Kenaz was perfectly carved, giving a faint beating glow. "The incantation is easy, but still try it on your tongue a few times before practicing the spell on your desk. Choose any rune you like. And don't hesitate to ask questions if you need, we'll be needing this spell essentially when we go out in a bit." He beamed at them oh-so-mysteriously. [/INDENT] ooc: - You need 3 posts to get full credit for this sub-activity. You may choose any rune (or collection of runes) to carve.
- The spell will not cause serious damage/cutting to your skin, the most it can cause is a small cut.
- Address the professor in your post's title if he's needed.
- Class will resume in 20 hrs.
- Have fun!
One Kace understood what he needed to do, he decided to take action and decided to practice the spell first. It did sound kind of tricky. It did seem like a less strenuous lesson today. He was grateful, he was already tired from the quidditch practices he was attending. It was hard to juggle practice and lessons, he was just a first year, he was still learning to deal with it.
He copied down the spell the professor put on the board.
SPOILER!!: Kace Notebook
Intaglio Kenaz Kenaz Kenaz Kenaz
(Find Rune in textbook)
Alright time to say it not spray it. "Intaglio" He was getting the hang of it.
"In-tag-lio...In-tag-lio...In-tag-lio.." Yes! He was getting the first part right. He always had trouble pronouncing the words when the teacher first introduces it.
One more go? "Intaglio...Intaglio....Intaglio...Intaglio..."
Now he flipped through his textbook to find a rune he could pronounce and then work on the wand movements.[/COLOR]
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
The Slytherin continued on with his vocal practice, the spell still feeling strange on his tongue...It was shaping the letter sounds, Dylan was convinced...Also, Intaglio sounded like an.....expensive adult beverage...or a clothing brand...
After a few moments, he finally felt ready to move onto the concentration aspect. Apparently, for this spell, it would need to be the best it's every been. So, ALL THE FOCUS and what not. No distractions. Not even Ravenclaw ones with big, beautiful brown eyeeeeeeeees...
Yea. NO looking at his girlfriend, basically.
Taking a few steadying breaths, he cleared his mind and thought solely of what he needed to do. This was a technique the Slytherin observed a lot...So, it wasn't as challenging as it might have been for someone else...What did everything think had been helping with his Seeking ability as of late? Meditation and focus. Bam.
Breathing innnnnnnn and ooooooooout...
Mind cleeeeeeeeeeared.
.......Everything gone but ANSUZ. Yep, the rune meaning "God"...Dylan's eyes closed on their own accord as he traced the rune out with his fingertip in the air. He had it vividly drawn out in his mind. A line vertically up...and then two smaller lines down off the side of the first line...totally parallel with one another. Like a drooping "F" kinda.
What he really needed to focus on...what was it meant, right? Hadn't that been a key point in all this. One had to implant the Runes into the desk...to infect it with the runes power? That part was still fuzzy.
Mooooooooooore concentration......
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
Botros climbed up the one step to his small dais and plopped down on the chair. He opened the drawer to check on what they needed for the next step for today's class. "Hurry up everyone, we're running out of time here." He called out, setting the four boxes on the desk and rummaging through each one of them, then making certain gestures with his cane over them. Hopefully, this would work just as perfectly as he remembered it should.
ooc: - This activity has only 4 more hrs left.
- I recommend posting even just once to get some of the points assigned for this activity, since there will be no homework and this class has extra points.
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Well, that didn't work at all. Mo studied his piece of wood with a little frown before turning it over and over again. Barely scratched, and certainly not all... showing power and stuff. Shiny. It wasn't shiny. Maybe he needed a little MORE intention and a little less gloaty faces. Maybe.
He straightened his goggle and made very intent faces at the wood. Now see here... tree thing. Time to play well with others, specifically others named Mo. He shook his wand at the wood to shame it a bit before pointing the wand again. "Intaglio Gebo Gebo Gebo GEBO GEBO," Mo concentrated on the shape of the rune as he spoke the spell in an increasingly loud voice.
When he looked at the wood, he could see some of the shape, but it wasn't glowly and wasn't clear and he obviously needed to keep going. More intention.
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
He grinned up at the professor when Botros put his hand on West's shoulder and offered up answers. Good thing about Botros was that he always was patient with his questions see?
Okay. Good to know. West put that bit of information away for later, clearly he wanted to try it out, given the light in his eyes, not with the runes he mentioned though, since that wouldn't exactly work and if he was gonna try it he wanted to do a good job.
So West supposed he may as well carve some more. He decided on Mannaz this time, figuring more strokes would be more of a challenge to get right. West held his wand at the ready, and thought about.... humanity, among other things.
He moved his wand and examined his handiwork. The rune glowed almost eagerly and West brushed away traces of wood dust. Two was enough for practicing yeah?
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Mo tilted his head in West's direction, not looking at him exactly but not NOT looking at him. And listening. Was he saying it wrong? Or was it just that he was so busy thinking about the shape that he wasn't really thinking about the rune and what it meant? Or maybe some of both?
He pointed his wand again, thinking about what the Gebo meant this time. It was an X, like a kiss. A gift. A promise. Giving of oneself and also getting something in return. Maybe love, if one was inclined. Again, he pointed his wand and spoke the incantation, imagining the shape but remembering all the meaning behind it this time.
"Intaglio Gebo Gebo Gebo Geboooo," Mo murmured, all his attention and energy following the path of his wand. When he lifted it the final time, he was more than pleased to discover that the soft glow emanating from the X on his piece of wood. Now that was excellent.
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
Ohhh, they get to carve runes! With wands! She hasn’t done this before nope... with wands though, not the runes carving.
She bit her lips together as she concentrated watching the demonstration with the spell. The Professor made it look sooo easy. Encouraged, she began flipping through her textbook to pick out her three runes...
She started with something she’s often seen the Priestesses apply to other people. Picking up her wand, she set onto her wooden tile and started murmuring “Intaglio Berkano Berkano, Berka--” Oh look at that, there was a indentation. The young Claw smiled broadly. Sure it looked more like a really faint scratch mark done with a fingernail but hey she’s quite happy with her little successes with her wand.
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Well this spell sounded easy enough to do. All you had to do was point and cast. Easy enough. He know had to decided where to cast. He did not really want to test it out on himself. Even though it would not really hurt. But still. Maybe his desk. Yes that would work.
"Intaglio Kenaz Kenaz Kenaz Kenaz". Nigel cast and pointed at his desk. He did not want to do it directly on top of his name tag. So in the lower corner. Yes, Perfect. It was the same rune Botros was using. But Nigel was growing a little lazy and decided to use the same one. He said we could.
Nigel watched as the spell worked and he had a rune on his desk. This was pretty awesome.
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
Aquila lifted her gaze and took a peek at how other people were coming along with their carving. She blinked. Gosh their carvings are super deep and she turned her attention back to her own wood tile. It was so faint one would need to turn their head against the light to see it. She had to do it again doesn’t she?
“Intaglio Berkano Berkano Berkano....” she started murmuring again, this time trying to will the carving spell to go deeper. It worked somewhat. “Intaglio Berkano Berkano Berkano...” she started again, going over the rune several times until it looked... well it looks a lot deeper than scratches by fingernail.
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Now it was time to pick a different rune. It should be easy if Nigel could remember any. But he has not been picking up in Runes as he should be. He was a claw. But Runes as not been a priority to Nigel.
Now what was the awesome rune. It started with a J. At least Nigel knew that. It was sort of a name. Jera. That was it.
"Intaglio Jera Jera Jera Jera" Nigel cast and point at his hand. Lets see how much it hurt. Hmm. Not bad. It felt like a prick. Nigel had felt worse in qudditch practice. Well the rune did look amazing on his hand.
Though he was still confused as to how many times they had to say the rune in the incantation.
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
She wasn’t even aware that she was stooping so low until she straightened up in her seat, blowing the blond tendrils off her face. Gosh this was a lot more difficult than watching the Professor do it. She looked around again and noticed something—the runes of other students were glowing. Aquila turned her attention back to her work, then angled her head this way and that. Was her Barkano rune glowing? If it did, it was incredibly faint.
She pursed her lips and set her wand on the rune again. “Intaglio Berkano Berkano Berkano...... Intaglio Berkano Berkano Berkano......” Come on glowwww “Intaglio Berkano Berkano Berkano...” she repeated over and over, her face scrunched up and just wiiiiiishing it would glow and shine and be all pretty.
Several long minutes later she leaned back with a flop against her seat. The B-like rune shimmered on her desk. She grinned and started clapping softly. Yay she did it!
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Centering his mind on that one thought alone. Dylan continued to semi-chant the rune name in his mind. Outwardly, he was even mouthing 'Ansuz'...along with that funny spell.
After several more minutes of preparing himself...the Slytherin Captain pulled his wand (finally!) ... but then paused. Odessa just started chanting again somewhere nearby...and the way he was pronouncing Intaglio....sounded like In-TAH-lio...and this was West Odessa they were talking about. The kid knew his stuff. Sooooooooo, Dylan was just going to casually adopt that way of saying it...all casual-like. In-tah-lio......Yep, he'd been saying this way all along. Nothing to see here.
Taking some deep breaths and calming his mind once more...he went back to chanting...but this time, out loud. "Intaglio Ansuz Ansuz Ansuz Ansuz...Intaglio Ansuz Ansuz Ansuz Ansuz...Intaglio Ansuz Ansuz Ansuz Ansuz..."...with a silent "G"...
He was ready to try it. The Slytherin raised his wand and pointed it down as the desk. There was no tracing, right?...Just a point and all his focusing and concentration..."Intaglio Ansuz Ansuz Ansuz Ansuz Ansuz.....!"...Dylan continued to breath in and out easily, concentrating on nothing but the spell and rune in the forefront of his mind. "Intaglio Ansuz Ansuz Ansuz Ansuz Ansuz....!"...Anything he may or may not have been hearing, it was all getting ignored. ALL THE CONCENTRATION EVER. "Intaglio Ansuz Ansuz Ansuz Ansuz Ansuz Ansuz Ansuz...."
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
Well this was an interesting activity and was a little fun. Nigel was know think about where to put the last rune. If he was not so lazy right now. He might get up and move around and pick a spot to place it. But since he was feeling lazy. Nigel decided to place another rune on his desk. It was easy and he had accomplished it already. But he did not want to pick the same runes again. So time to pick another one. Whatever, he will just pick a random one.
"Intaglio Gebo Gebo Gebo Gebo...."
Maybe now Nigel should make his desk full of rune carving. It is a excellent way to relieve boredom.
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
She was sitting there just listening the questions really not hitting her as questions. It was like she had gone on in dream world learning about the runes instead of actively participating. The time for that had changed yeah?
She did however actively try to cut her first rune.
Taking the wooden block in hand and examining it at first she eyed it before placing it on the desk in front of her. Sure she wasn’t reading to point her wand at the block and carve it. So she sat there practicing.
“Intaglio” she tried that, rolling the syllables over her tongue. She did of course listen to what West had been talking about. That whole idea of invoking more than one rune at a time seemed very intriguing to her. So, she was considering it as she flipped through her textbook for a rune to envoke and care.
And then she spotted one, while looking up a list. The runes for love…and well, she snorted. Love, that was pointless. But above that in her book was Kenaz. And Kenaz was pretty interesting. Besides it was used to help dispel fear and anxiety.
“Intaglio kenaz kenaz kenaz” she tried speaking as clearly as possible.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
After Kace was done practicing the incantation he looked through his book and picked a rune. He found one in his textbook and found the rune Wunjo. The marking was easy. It looked like a P. Plus he loved the meaning behind it. After he picked it he decided he would need practice saying it.
"Wun-jo...Wun-jo...Wunjo...Wunjo...Wunjo.." he said and kept repeating it. looked at the wand movement and realized it was a simple tap on the object. That should be simple enough. Alright now time to put it all together.
He looked at his desk. He was going to put that rune symbol on his desk. "Intaglio Wunjo." was all he needed to say. He got his wand from his robe and was ready to put it all together. "Intaglo Wunjo!" he said and nothing happened. Hmm...maybe he said it wrong.
He tried it again and he was looking at other people and noticed they were doing just fine. He breathed and said "Intaglio Wunjo!" and then the P appeared on his desk.
WOAH! he actually did it! He was proud of himself. He wanted to see if he could do it again.
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Dylan maintained that perfect focus and concentration that he'd been known for on the pitch...keeping the picture of what he was trying to create in his mind's Eye. He vividly seen the sag-like F, pulsing and glowing with it's magical energy and such...
"Intaglio....Ansuz Ansuz Ansuz Ansuz Ansuz............" The Slytherin was saying the mantra with clear and precise words...so that nothing could be confused...but he never lost focus on that picture in his mind. He needed to create that rune. That was the goal he was trying to accomplish...CONCENTRATING SO MUCH LIKE WHOA. "Intaglio Ansuz Ansuz Ansuz Ansuz Ansuz...."
Dylan...didn't really know if he had been subconsciously aware of the anxiousness building up at the beginning of carving, considering how SLIGHT the feeling was...but when the rune completed itself, it was strangely noticeable to him...in the way that the anxiousness was now gone.
He stared down at the pulsating, vibrant Ansuz rune and arched a brow. It WAS a rather gorgeous rune...if he did say so himself.
Not caring what others were doing, Dylan continued to gaze at it.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
Since Kace did a little rune on his desk...yeah he might be in trouble for it but you couldn't really see it. It was so tiny and then again he would always know it was his desk. He then decided to do it on the piece of wood. Maybe he should try a different rune but then again the professor would probably want to see it on the piece of wood than the desk.
He held his wand to the piece of wood and started chanting the incantation in his head. "Intaglio Wunjo....Intaglio Wunjo....Intaglio Wunjo..Intaglio Wunjo."
After he was done chanting, he pointed it at the wood and then he had his confidence back. He pointed his wand and said what he was chanting, "Intaglio Wunjo!" and then he blinked and the symbol was on the wood.
WOOT WOOT. He was happy and was amazed in himself. He wondered if Belle ever did this. This was a pretty cool lesson. He runned his finger over it and it was cut pretty deep into the wood. He felt the one on his desk and it didn't go as deep. He was relieved for that.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Text Cut: Botros!
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
"So, today, we won't be learning about any one individual rune. Today we will learn about two things." He raised his hand, counting, "One how do we carve runes into wood, saving their energy and magic." Not decorational carving. "Two, we're going to learn the whole Elder Futhark alphabet." Waiting for the groans or cheers to die down, Botros cleaned the blackboard with his cane and wrote the following.
"To carve the runes in order to use their energy and magic, we need to use this spell. That is one method of carving the runes right. Another method uses a special tool in addition to chanting the Galdr of the chosen rune, but that is not for today." Botros gestured for them to copy what was written on the board and explained further, "You need to remember to keep your intent strongly present in your mind when you use this spell. Concentrate on the meaning and the name of the rune you desire to carve, repeating it over and over until the shape of the rune is perfectly carved onto the surface." He bent down behind his desk where his chair was, and fished out a small box. "You're going to have to share some of the equipment today, I'm afraid. Share those goggles and gloves with the person sitting next to you before you carve any rune you want on your desk." He'd placed an extra wood plank on top of their desks before class, he didn't want them worrying about holding the wood piece while pointing their wand recklessly all around the place.
While the goggles and the gloves floated around the classroom, Botros held out a single circular wood piece. "Now watch me as I carve on this piece of wood." Paaaaaaaaaause.
The professor pointed his wand at the woody piece, raising it high for everyone to see, and said in a dramatic slow tone, "Intaglio Kenaz Kenaz Kenaz Kenaz...." On the previously blank wood piece a perfect shape of Kenaz was perfectly carved, giving a faint beating glow. "The incantation is easy, but still try it on your tongue a few times before practicing the spell on your desk. Choose any rune you like. And don't hesitate to ask questions if you need, we'll be needing this spell essentially when we go out in a bit." He beamed at them oh-so-mysteriously.
They were going to carve their own runes? And learn the whole Elder Futhark alphabet? REALLY? ... Oh. He should be taking notes, yeah? Scribble... scribble... scribble...
And it seemed as though all that scribbling and note taking had left him sort of behind the rest of the class. ... Oops. But he knew what he had to do. It was just a matter of getting it done that was the problem. And getting used to saying the spell and chanting it over and over and over again and... why were there a lot of problems in this?
Alec shook his head and took out his wand only to lay it down on his desk instead. "Intaglio... Intaglio... In..... tag......... leoooooooooooo!" Did that sound right? As for the rune... he was just going to pick his favourite, yeah? The one he had made a brainstorm for and everything. "Intaglio Wunjo Wunjo Wunjo Wunjo... Intaglio Wunjo Wunjo Wunjo Wunjo..." That wasn't hard to pronounce...
... Carving time!
The sixteen year old picked up his wand and pointed it towards the piece of wood. "Intaglio Wunjo Wunjo Wunjo Wunjo..." ... What was it meant to be doing? Carving the rune into the piece of wood, right? And glowing too! That's what happened with the one Botros had been working on. So... come on! Carve!