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Ancient Runes Lesson I The classroom was exactly the way it always had been; desks and chairs laid out in parallel rows, the small dais upon which the professor's big desk sat. The rectangular blackboard fixed to the wall over the dais. The only difference in the class, for the hawk-eyed students only, would be the lack of any Gandr baskets near the desk. The lack of anything interesting, really. However, the desks were freshly clean, and so was the floor and the whole room. The professor should be seated at his desk, reading, when the students show up. He'd greet and nod at them as they filed in.
Sarah really did not enjoy Ancient Runes as much as she enjoyed the other lessons. It just never enticed her and all. Also there were myths and legends involved and Sarah felt like that was a waste of time. She never did like the fantasy genre after all. She walked into class though determined to enjoy it. "Hello Professor!" she said greeting him. "how was your summer?". She wondered what old people did in their summer. Sarah's summer was all about running around, romping and just having fun. Yet for old people it must be boring, boring enough to actually want to read those silly stories about the Norse. She sat down at a desk and wrote on the partchment. Quote:
She then took out her wand and tapped the partchment and tada she had a desk tag. Then she looked around. She wondered what they were doing that lesson as Sarah noticed that there were no Gandrs around |
After breakfast and having downed his cup of espresso, Ethan sprinted back up the stairs to the sixth floor towards the Ancient Runes classroom. It was time for class and he didn't want to be late.. what kind of example would that be? And when he turned in towards the door, he should have realized he needn't have worried. He was nearly the first one there. That was slightly odd and remotely embarrassing, he thought as he slowed his steps and glanced at his watch. When was he ever one of the first ones in class? Especially when he was hurrying because he thought he was running late.. He was never that enthusiastic, even for Herbology.. but here he was. "Good morning, Professor," he greeted Botros with a nod as he walked past. And now he had his choice of pretty much any seat in the classroom.. which, thank Merlin, was immaculately clean. He chose a seat smack dab in the middle of the classroom and sat down, pulling out his things from his bag to set on the desk. Glancing up at the board, he noticed the instructions and pulled out a piece of parchment to write on it. Quote:
Well at least the desks were not dusty. Nigel was getting pretty sick of everything being dirty in this school But guessed that was the case with no house elves here. But still he did not want to clean. Even though he did learn some awesome cleaning spells in charms. Now what was he suppose to do Nigel looked at the blackboard quickly. Then back to the Professor. "Hello, Professor" Maybe he had a hard time remembering names. Whatever, Nigel walked to a open desk and wrote down on his parchment Quote:
RUUUNES. Well, Kat wasn't really a pro in this subject but she liked the Professor. Botros was awesome and he made most of his lessons really interesting. Kat liked most of the activities in class cos they were both educational and fun (but Kat liked the fun part more). She made her way to the Runes classroom with her charmed (undetectable extension charm) bag again. "Hi Professor," she said as she entered the classroom and took a seat somewhere. Quote:
Theo walked into the classroom looking glum. Classes tended to do that to him after a while, especially Ancient Runes classes. It was a subject he could not get his head around at all, so it obviously was not meant to beeeeee. He slumped down into a seat next to Kat, and smiled at her, and then he looked at the professor. "Hi, professor." Quote:
Runes! Ella had been looking forward to this class since the start of term and so she entered the room happily, a broad smile on her face. "Hello Professor!" GRIN. "Having a good day?" She hoped so. Botros was a favorite, of course. Feo too now. The blonde had gotten to spend some one-on-on time with the crup and he was a great little guy. YUP. Taking a seat towards the front, the blonde smiled at those she knew then focused on her parchment. Scribble. Scribble. Scribble. Quote:
Tap. |
A clean classroom. As in its clean when they walk in and not have to clean it themselves. Such small blessings they can appreciate now eh? Clutching her things extra tightly, as she always seem to do now whenever she walks in for class, she gives a bright smile to the elder Wizard “Good day Professor Botros.” She spots the instructions on the board and dutifully takes her seat, scribbles her name on the parchment and hesitantly, taps the parchment with her wand. Lo and behold!—and handy dandy desk plaque. Wand down on the desk. Yeah she added her House in the end, mostly for her own reminding than for his. |
SPOILER!!: TakemetotheBurrow Ancient Runes, a lesson who seemed to be very difficult. Sonea had followed this lesson during her first year, and she had learned that this was one of the most difficult thinks she had learned on Hogwarts, besides arithmancy, no she had totally no idea what she needed to do with arithmancy... But, she was now a second year student and she needed to do her best to become better, and if she did her best she probably could learn this lesson also! “Hello professor” greeted Sonea friendly and looked around her. She saw a girl she had met before and walked over to her, “hi, can i sit in the chair besides you?” Sonea smiled friendly at the older girl and wrote while she waited on her parchment. Quote:
Jory had really enjoyed Ancient Runes last year and was looking forward to the lessons this year. When he got to the room, he saw that there were a few students there already. "Good day, Professor,'' he said to the man at the desk. Jory found a seat and sat down, reading the notice on the board. Taking the parchment, he wrote the information required: Quote:
If someone had told her at the end of her first year that she would like Ancient Runes, she probably would have thrown something at them to be quiet but after last term no one needed to convince her of that! They got to smash things and fly through things and be destructive without even using a wand!!! Obviously this class would be a grand one for her!! Lex hopped into the room, just finishing up a chocolate frog as she entered. No need to take it to class with her now. There was a wide grin across her face that faded only slightly when she entered. No grandr baskets...did...did this mean they wouldn't be breaking anything this lesson??? "Hello Professor!!!" BEAM. "I see the class got cleaned...but...er...I think you might have forgotten to put the grandr baskets back. I assume we'll be needing them for the lesson, won't we?" Because she was sure that if she tried breaking things with her wand all she'd end up with was a broken wand and a tear stained face. Oh and name tags! She plopped down in a random seat and began scribbling away. Quote:
Voila, she now had a name tag! GRIN. |
Here we go! Acient Runes class... now where was it? Front row smack in the middle. There was hisdesk. The same one he crushed under the weight of Thor's Pseudo Hammer. Setting his bag below the desk Oakey smiled at Professor Botros. "Good Day Professor. Hope all is well with you?" Quickly scribbling his information on the card Oakey gave it a tap and... Ta-Da! Quote:
Mack was still fighting with herself about going to the headmistress, she knew she should let someone in the school know that she would now be cared for only by her grandparents. But the thought still hurt and she had lessons and quidditch anyway. She entered Ancient Runes and smiled, the room was clean, like really clean. This made the blonde smile she saw the professor sitting at his desk. As she made her way to the front row of desks she gave the professor a big smile "Hello Professor, I hope you had a nice summer holiday" Sitting she read the blackboard and quickly took out parchment and a quill writing in her neatest handwriting. Quote:
Minerva made her way to Ancient Runes. Sleeping in a bit, she was rushing, not that she was going to be late, but Minerva Wheatborn was never one to be the last in class either. Slowing her pace as she entered the room, Min put a rushed smile on and nodded at the professor, "Hello Professor, hope you are well today." Then she turned and gave a look around. Nodding at a few of her friends as she walked towards.. not her usual front seat, but... the middle.. honestly boy did he not know she sat in the front. Sighing she gave Ethan a smile and sat down in the empty next to him. Well maybe the middle wouldn't be so bad, "Good morning.." She said a bit rushed, still trying to wake herself up from over sleeping. Pulling her hair up quickly to be out of the way, she pulled out her book, parchment, and quill. Alright now she just hoped she would be awake and ready enough for the information that would come with Ancient Runes. Glancing at the board she wrote the information and then pulled out her wand giving it a tap so that it was her nice new name tag. Now was class about to start? Quote:
Tucker was a bit nervous for this lesson because...well, the dude was OLD. Like ancient old. Older than his Gran probably. How could he possibly relate to students and be cool and hip and all that? He probably couldn't. But still, Tucker was going into this with an open mind. Because he wanted points of course! He walked in and read the directions before picking a seat, sitting down and writing his name and year on a piece of parchment. He then taped it to the desk as the professor had requested and waiting for class to begin. Quote:
Time for hanging out with Mo's all time favorite person. Or at least his favorite professor and possibly his best friend, because Mo had an opening for best friend, and Botros was awesome. Mo entered the classroom and gave Professor Botros a huge grin and a wave before scooting over to take a seat near the front of the room. "Hey, Professor Botros, sir. Good day to you. How'd you like those Ashwinder eggs you bought? Not really good with a side of bacon, but I bet they were plenty useful." See, he was making egg jokes. They were practically buddies. |
Runes, she loved these things especially those baskets of them and everything that was normally in the room. Glancing around she just felt her jaw drop. Where was everything? Sure it was clean and the desks were nice and shiny looking - but, there wasn't any cool runic elements stuck around the room. Stupid budget issues. She had read that news paper article of course so she knew the school had been stolen from. That was wrong. Very wrong. "Hello Professor Botros..." she smiled before adding, "I'm sorry the baskets are gone, but im glad the room is clean." She nodded and ran her hand through her hair. Clean. That was the nice thing. Taking a glance around the room she a seat near Lexa. "Hey Lex" she smiled over to her - beamed really before scribbling her name onto a bit of parchment and attaching it to the desk. Quote:
This was sure to be... interesting. Tobias entered yet another new class, curious as to what it would be like, and his gaze fell immediately on the blackboard. They had to do a thing. A magic. A magic thing. That was almost enough to convince Tobias to turn straight back round and leave, but no... it wouldn't do to be discouraged by every tiny challenge. Instead, Tobias entered the room and took a seat near to the front so his view wouldn't be blocked by the head of a taller student. Retrieving his quill and ink and some extra parchment of his own, Tobias sat and did as told. Quote:
Laura walked into the classroom and smiled. "Good Day Professor." Laura had been looking forwards to this class, after the detention and the talk in his office last year, she had realized that the Professor wasn't as bad as she had thought he would be. "Did you have a great summer sir?" Laura sat down and followed the instructions on the board, so far it was so good. Quote:
Mentions of Mack! ^_^ WAS HE LATE? Alec ran down to the corridor towards the Ancient Runes classroom, readjusting his grip on his bag as he went. Because he didn't want it flying off and whacking someone around the face. Especially a small first year or anyone else who was tiny enough. See, being tall could be dangerous sometimes. To other people. Shorter people. ... He had a class to get to. Shaking his head, the sixteen year old's run slowed down the closer he reached the open door of the Ancient Runes classroom. So much so that he ended up bounding sideways into the classroom, a grin slowly spreading across his face. YEAH, he had made it! And YEAH, he was excited! And YEAH... nothing else. "Hello Professor!" Grin and wave! "Hope you had a great summer!" His grey-blue eyes then wandered over towards the blackboard. Name? House? Tap tap? ... Sounded easy enough. He gave the Runes Man a nod before walking over towards an empty seat right near to a Gryffindor he had seen around. Someone... who... OH HEY, it was that girl who was going to have a secret practice with him! She got a grin sent her way before the boy sat down in the seat, secretly hoping that she didn't mind. Quote:
Anya entered the classroom happily. She had just finished humming some song she'd made up about ice cream... so naturally, she was very happy. "Hello Professor." she said brightly as she entered. She then proceeded to find a seat. Finding one open, she plopped down and wrote on the parchment as instructed. She then tapped on it with her wand and hoped her mistake wasn't too obvious. Quote:
Another day, another class. This time Ancient Runes. This class was pretty fun usually. It wasn't on her list of classes she really dreaded going to, at least, so that was good, right? Right. So here she was, entering the classroom and giving Professor Botros a smile. "Hi, Professor." She took a random seat and that was when she noticed the writing on the blackboard. Oh, a name tag? Alright then. She quickly scribbled down the required info then drew out her wand and gave it a tap. ...Yes! It worked! She now had a name tag on her desk. Quote:
Glancing around the room as Nerida entered she felt kinda saddened, no interesting stuff anywhere!! Sure it was clean but where was the cool looking stuff!! Stupid budget issues, making them loose awesome runic stuff and making them use solo cups in divination. "Hello Professor Botros..." she smiled before adding, "It's nice to see the room is clean." She walked towards an empty desk. Once sitting down she smiled at the professor before writing her name and year onto the tag. Quote:
"HI, professor." If anyone was late, it wasn't Alice. She arrived right on time for her favorite class, choosing the closest seat she could find to Botros' desk and supplying the elderly man with the biggest beam she could muster up this early. "Nice day, isn't it? Clean, too, at least in here. Will we be jumping through more hoops or smashing with more hammers this term? Where are all the Gandr baskets? Are they not here? Is this why we have to be making our own outside of class and stuff?" While she filled out her name tag, she chattered on relentlessly to the professor, tapping it with her wand when she finished. Quote:
YES. The class Dylan was MOST excited about was happening...Professor Botros WAS the man. Yes, he was. Stepping into the classroom, the Slytherin Captain immediately looked around for the Professor...noting the man at his desk. "Good to see you again, sir..."...His voice trailed off, though...as he really got a look at the room. Something was different about it. Something...was missing. Not being able to put his finger on it immediately, Dylan moved towards his seat, taking it at once. His eyes continued to rake his surrounding area, though. Very curious...Oh, wait. Where were the gandr baskets? That's what it was...and it looked rather bare in comparison to the last lesson they'd actually had in here. With a look on his face, he pulled some parchment and a quill. It was a big thing, these name tags or whatever. Even though he knew the Professor wouldn't forget him. How could he? Quote:
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