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Hecate sat on the corner of her desk with her legs crossed. This was insane... but... whatever.
She would do it...
The door to the classroom was unlocked... kids just needed to begin filing in.
ooc: This class will stay open for at least 72 hours (probably more.) Also thanks to Nixy! and AuroraQuinn for taking the picture of the Potions Classroom for me, and to Anna Banana for making it into a pretty graphic!
His cheeks were all flushed from the running and he was panting as well as shivering sliiiiightly--the last part not because of running however, merely because of the lameness of his ingredients. Looking around, he saw people with cool ingredients he didn't even recognise as he returned to his seat. He was almost reluctant to bring his out. The woman'd terrified him since the first moment, and his ingredients would look pretty sloppy next to the other's cool stuff.
He'd returned to the classroom once though, and he reckoned much worse things would happen if he got his bag and dashed out. Plus--no one could blame him for being a muggleborn, could they?
Yeah, Forrest. Keep deceiving yourself that the woman won't have a go at you.
Ethan hurried through the dungeon corridor slowing once he neared the potions classroom door. He was sure he had made it just in the nick of time and a quick glance to Lafay gave him the idea he wasn't late since she didn't seem any more petulant than usual.
He walked back to his normal workstation and placed his messenger bag on top of the table. He dug through his bag and pulled out the box of leeches he got from the swamp. Then he found the chocolate frogs he had retrieved from the dorm and placed those on the table as well. Then he took out the daisy root and the immature mandrake leaves he acquired in and around the greenhouses and placed them alongside his other ingredients on the table. Alright.. ingredients had been gotten, what was next?
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Blue was really properly running. Because the only thing that mattered was not to be the last one in. It was like when if you were getting chased by... a dinosaur or a lion or something. You didn't need to be the fast runner, you just couldn't be the slowest. She took a couple of deep breaths and brushed down her now gross-looking robes before pushing the door open with her side, nodding quickly at Lafay and going straight for the nearest available seat.
Now, time to present her rather mismatched ingredients. She veeeery, veeeeeery careful set the dead moths on the table, followed by the looooovely gnome saliva, the wilting lavender and of course, the dungeons very own wall!mold. She arranged them till they were perfectly aligned and then just sat back and.... beamed, rather proud of herself for not being late.
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Since it wasn't that far from the kitchens to the potions class, Penelope headed back at simply a fast walk instead of a run. She had something she didn't want to spill anyway, and it probably would if she ran.
She reached the classroom with a couple minutes to spare, thankfully. Heading straight for the table, she set down the eagle owl feather, the jobberknoll feather, the kneazle hair, and the mug of water. Her four ingredients. There they were. Mhm. Then she took her seat again.
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
Alice was a bit breathless when she finally reached the classroom, two minutes to spare. Mostly because she was still running from WHATEVER THAT NOISE-MAKING THING WAS IN THE FOREST, but also because she was nearly late. And she wasn't going to be the last one done, okay? And she could move fast, too, because she wasn't bringing in water or anything like that. The fifth year entered, her cheeks still a bit flushed from the running, and made her way to the table, extracting the ingredients from her pocket and setting them on the table.
So what did she have? The wrapped rat tail she'd severed was set down first, right next to the two dandelion roots. Alice placed the magical horse hairs and the precious bit of Knotgrass she'd nicked from the edge of the Forbidden Forest near them, as well, and then surveyed everyone else's ingredients before taking her seat again.
Hers were acceptable, she supposed. They were, right?
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
West headed off with his bag once the instructions had been given. He sort of considered for a moment going to the potions cupboard and grabbing four things, but he discarded that idea almost as quickly as it had come. Because Lafay.
.... and returned about 15 minutes later, not hurrying at all. It wasn't a difficult task and he had time and he wasn't in any rush. He found his seat, purposely not looking toward a certain person, and sat down.
West carefully took his ingredients out of his bag. First the flask with a couple of wriggling fat caterpillars.
Next he took a sprig of peppermint out of his bag and laid that out too. Mint was a gooder, a simple one which he was sure plenty of people had grabbed given it seemed to sprout up everywhere, but still. Ingredient. So there it was.
His third ingredient was a little different, but he'd taken some precautions and charmed it so it wouldn't melt. West put the ice pop on the desk.
The last one was more simple and West simply took a Butterscotch candy out of his pocket and put it on the desk. Because it was legit.
There. All four ingredients. West kept his eyes front and waited.
Kaiden practically ran down the hallway... but well, he didn't. There was no foot stomping down the hallway, just him hurrying. He was almost out of time. He did slow down when he reached the classroom door though. No way was he going to walk that fast in Lafay's class. With what was probably seconds left to spare, the boy slid back into his seat and place his ingredients on to his desk. There was that Rainbow snail slime (Streeler Venom), Unicorn body and tail hair, a flower that may have been Foxglove and a few lemons. They could all be used as ingredients right?
So many things are possible
just as long as you don't know they're impossible
Browncoat l Extra Syrup l Kita's Strong Confident Other Half l Lemon Patch
The fourth year slipped back into the classroom quietly, her hands cupped together with the spider still carefully hidden inside of them. She was ready to have it out of her hands too, the tickling on her palms not something she was a fan of.
Taking up a seat beside Alice, she quickly released the spider and then got a bigger container for it to be stored in. There. Thankfully all her ingredients didn't move about like that. She pulled out the vial that contained the cat hair next and placed it beside the spider. Then out came the honey and pond slime, both placed carefully beside the other ingredients. Now all that was left was the waiting.
She folded her hands and did just that.
♥ I won't pass up on the danger ♥ I'd miss out on the fun ♥_____ ______________♥We'll live while we're young ♥ We'll chase down the sun ♥_________________________
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Originally Posted by Droo
"Alright. Get out of my classroom, and find me four ingredients," She said. "Go already. You have 45 minutes."
So... he was back. A little breathless and achy on the inside but still back, nonetheless. And hopefully just in time because he didn't want to be late back to a class Lafay was teaching. That probably went against all the rules. Probably.
Speaking of Lafay, Alec gave her a smile and a nod before started to head over towards his seat. And... it seemed as though lots of people were back already. That didn't really surprise him, actually. It did made him feel sort of stupid for stopping to think things through and taking too long with his searching methods. There was no way he had connected with his inner Hufflepuff, or whatever it was.
He sat down in his seat and placed the Nettle, Daisy, a vial of Bubotuber pus and a vial of Flobberworm mucus down on the table. There. Hopefully these were part of the right ingredients they needed otherwise all of that running and panicking and overthinking would go to waste.
Okay, that was it, she had all four ingredients. Phew... Derry had run back to the potions classroom and paused outside for a second so that she didn't walk in out of breath, then she walked calmly back to her seat and placed the ingredients she had carried on the desk. Three horsehairs, one rat's tail, a bunch of cat hairs and one, long eagle owl feather. Well she was glad that was over, to be honest - it had been a lot of running around and chasing after her cat and climbing up and down all the stairs to the owlery... Good exercise though. And she wanted to keep fit and healthy in case she made the Quidditch team. So maybe it wasn't so bad...
Crimara skipped back into the potions classroom. She was so happy that she had found these ingredients and got back in time! She nodded toward Professor Lefay, smiling all the while and then made her way to her seat in the back. She quickly laid out all four ingredients. They were scarab beetles, horned slugs, dittany, and caterpillars.
Last edited by SpiralingChaos12; 05-19-2013 at 07:38 PM.
Reason: The links to my posts weren't working correctly and they are needed for the assignment.
The Harpy of Hogwarts | Dungeon Mistress | Bimba di Serpeverde
ooc: if you haven't posted, pretend that you did, and you are back with your ingredients. Post all ingredients in your first post here. DO NOT EDIT YOUR PREVIOUS AND FUTURE POSTS FROM THIS MOMENT ON.
Everyone was back...
"Alright. The way a potioneer creates a potion, if they look for ingredients that have the properties to bring out in the potion, and then they tweak the amounts to achieve the desired effect. This can be very hard. What I want you all to do now, if take those 4 ingredients, and tell me what properties they have..." She looked around and pulled the sprig of peppermint from the Odessa boy. "Peppermint makes you less nauseated. What kind of potions would you use it in?" She asked, but didn't wait for an answer... "Once you've told me what each ingredient does, we will start brewing with them."
ooc: if you haven't posted, pretend that you did, and you are back with your ingredients. Post all ingredients in your first post here. DO NOT EDIT YOUR PREVIOUS AND FUTURE POSTS FROM THIS MOMENT ON.
Everyone was back...
"Alright. The way a potioneer creates a potion, if they look for ingredients that have the properties to bring out in the potion, and then they tweak the amounts to achieve the desired effect. This can be very hard. What I want you all to do now, if take those 4 ingredients, and tell me what properties they have..." She looked around and pulled the sprig of peppermint from the Odessa boy. "Peppermint makes you less nauseated. What kind of potions would you use it in?" She asked, but didn't wait for an answer... "Once you've told me what each ingredient does, we will start brewing with them."
Mika immediately opened her textbook and began to scour the pages for information about the ingredients she had gathered. She quickly glanced over the mint first and smiled when she realized indeed less nauseated was a good thing right? She pushed the fifth ingredient that she had, the dung, to the side and settled on using the unicorn hair instead.
Raising her hand she spoke. “Professor, flobberworm mucus is used as a thickening agent in many potions it is also a key ingredient in the wiggenweld potion.” She smiled and glanced at the next ingredient “unicorn tail hair is used in many potions really, but the exact properties are unknown. However, as the hairs are used in bandages its safe to assume that they have healing properties.” Yep she was just almost done, “and peppermint as you said helps when one is nauseous.” She cleared her throat and spoke on more time “Aloe Vera juices are used in wound and burn healing” yep, she was obviously going to be making a thick burn unction or something like that. She didn’t really know quite for sure what this all would create or if it would be useful.
Ooc: ingredients.
Unicorn hair (specifically tail hair – there is also a jar of unicorn dung)
Flobberworm mucus
Aloe Vera
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
Haruka took out her textbook and began looking for what each of her ingredients was used for. "Well Professor," she started. "Jobberknoll feathers are used in memory potions and truth serums." She moved on to the next ingredient. "Belladonna is a poisonous plant that is a common ingredient in potions, though it is widely known as an ingredient for flying ointments, daisy roots are used in shrinking solutions." And finally. "Spiders can be used in multiple potions for multiple purposes."
He's read it out too, I just figured it was pointless writing the same thing out :D
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Originally Posted by Droo
ooc: if you haven't posted, pretend that you did, and you are back with your ingredients. Post all ingredients in your first post here. DO NOT EDIT YOUR PREVIOUS AND FUTURE POSTS FROM THIS MOMENT ON.
Everyone was back...
"Alright. The way a potioneer creates a potion, if they look for ingredients that have the properties to bring out in the potion, and then they tweak the amounts to achieve the desired effect. This can be very hard. What I want you all to do now, if take those 4 ingredients, and tell me what properties they have..." She looked around and pulled the sprig of peppermint from the Odessa boy. "Peppermint makes you less nauseated. What kind of potions would you use it in?" She asked, but didn't wait for an answer... "Once you've told me what each ingredient does, we will start brewing with them."
West looked up at Lafay when she took his Peppermint... was he gonna get that back? He was interested by the task though, and even if he knew a few things about his ingredients already, West opened his textbook and started looking through it, just to collect ideas and thoughts.
While he didn't usually bother to write things down, West did this time, just so he could be thorough.
Used in: Sliced in shrinking solution
Characteristics: Becomes a Chrysalis/Cocoon (depending if Moth or Butterfly) and hatches transformed
Good for:Physical transformations
Used in: Exploding Potions
Characteristics: Frozen, sweet, carrying other ingredients such as water or lemons
Good for: Cooling hot things, delivering other, liquid ingredients at a frozen temperature.
Used in: various potions
Characteristics: sweet, contains trace nutrients, smooth, creamy
Good for: Accelerates brain-processing speed, the hard candy is a good remedy for vomiting, provides energy
Used in: various potions
Characteristics: both a stimulant and a relaxant at the same time, antispasmodic, fresh, aromatic, etc
Good for: Combating nausea, counteracting nose-tweaking and unrestrained singing, relieving headaches and muscle spasms, counteracting bad smells, etc
The strange thing about his ingredients was that at one time or another he'd eaten every single one of them. Hmm. West put his hand up and read out the information about his ingredients as he had written on his parchment.
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
SPOILER!!: Professor
Originally Posted by Droo
Everyone was back...
"Alright. The way a potioneer creates a potion, if they look for ingredients that have the properties to bring out in the potion, and then they tweak the amounts to achieve the desired effect. This can be very hard. What I want you all to do now, if take those 4 ingredients, and tell me what properties they have..." She looked around and pulled the sprig of peppermint from the Odessa boy. "Peppermint makes you less nauseated. What kind of potions would you use it in?" She asked, but didn't wait for an answer... "Once you've told me what each ingredient does, we will start brewing with them."
Ella tilted her head, listening to Professor Lafay with interest. So they were...going to use the random ingredients they'd gathered to create a potion? Merlin, that was different. The blonde couldn't help but wish she'd considered ingredients that would mesh well together in a potion. Shrug. She'd figure it out.
Reaching for her quill, the blonde began to scribble down what she knew about each of her ingredients and what sort of potions they might work well in.
Cinnamon: Cinnamon is a spice that comes from the bark of a tree. It is used for taste and scent as well as for its medicinal purposes. It is said to have helped cure colds and stuffiness so perhaps it could be used in the Pepperup Potion and others to help boost the immune system. Jobberknoll feathers: Jobberknoll feathers come from Jobberknolls which are creatures that let out a scream before they die made up of every sound they've ever heard backwards. Their feathers are used in memory potions and truth serums. Eagle Owl feathers: Eagle Owl feathers come from Eagle Owls and they're meant to be used in Dragon Tonic to help sick dragons. Water: Odorless and tasteless. Water can dissolve many different substances. Used in numerous potions.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Jory listened with interest to Professor Lafay as she spoke. This was something completely different from just normal brewing that they were used to. He flipped open his textbook, read a bit on each of his four ingredients and then raised his hand.
"A caterpillar,'' the seventh year began, "Can be used sliced in Potions such as the Shrinking Solution. They are particularly used in those potions that changes appearance. Daisies are also used in the Shrinking Solution in it's minced form and as well as the alcoholic Daisy root draught. They are known for aiding in getting rid of coughs and colds. Eagle Owl Feathers are used in the Dragon Tonic. It has healing powers and when combined with giant purple toad warts and peacock feathers it can help to cure sick dragons. And finally, water is the base to most potions to dissolve ingredients.''
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Hold on. They'll brew a potion using the ingredients they have gathered? What, like for example...her - she had unicorn hair tail, jobberknoll feathers, gillyweed and bubotuber pus. She was going to make a potion using those ingredients?
Err....she wasn't really sure about that. But for all it's worth, she shrugged and went ahead and listed down what she knew about the items she'd collected.
Unicorn Tail Hair
- is a rather potent ingredients in various potions and vastly used as a wand core because of its unique magical properties
Jobberknoll Feathers
- these are often used in Truth Serums and Memory Potions
- this is a plant native to the Mediterranean that gives a person gills to breathe underwater and gives them webbed hands and feet for swimming when eaten; used in numerous potions
Bubotuber Pus
- it has acne-ridding properties thus it is used in creating most Beautifying Potions
After doing so, the Ravenclaw read it out loud in class and slumped back to her seat when she was finished so she could listen to the reports of the others.
Ama!Nabs IS NAMED MINHO & Is SO Black Panther Right Now
Potions wasn't her forte but Edita wasn't worrying about it. After all, she had managed to do well before and when she woke up that morning she had found a gummi worm tangled in her blanket that she had completely forgotten about. If that wasn't an omen of a good day then Happenstance wasn't sure what was! At the very least she was feeling positive and thinking that if she did okay in this class activity she could reward herself with some ice cream!
If she did badly...well, there was always ice cream to make her feel better!
Thinking there wasn't much that could bring her down, Edita flattened a piece of parchment and prepared to write down the properties or whatever she knew of the ingredients she had collected.
Originally Posted by STUFF
Horned Slug: a type of slug that when stewed it is used as a type of ingredient for the Boil-Cure Potion.
Lacewing Fly: when stewed it is used as an igredient in the Polyjuice Potion.
Shrivelfig: a magical plant that originated in Abyssinia. When skinned, the liquid inside the plant, which is purple in colour, is used as an ingredient in the Shrinking Solution
Nettle:/ a widespread plant known for the stinging hairs that grows on its leaves. Nettles are used in potion-making: fresh nettles are used in the Boil-Cure Potion, [1] whereas dried nettles are used in the Herbicide Potion.
Happy with her work, she brought up her parchment to eye level then waved it near Ezra's face. "I'm definitely not going to blow up anything this time," she whispered before keeping quiet once more as a student talked about the properties of caterpillars.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Dear sweet Merlin! They had to explain the things they went looking for?? Why didn't anyone tell her all this before she went hunting?? It kinda would have influenced her choices even just a little. How in Merlin's beard was she supposed to know what half this stuff did???? UUUGGGGHHHHH.
Things got even worse real quick. They had to tell all this stuff to the entire class. Hah. Yeah. This wouldn't go good. Time to reach for her textbook while she listened to the others speak.
Mmmm...well she could find some of them. That wasn't so bad.
SPOILER!!: Ginger Root
Ginger root is well known as a remedy for travel sickness, nausea and indigestion and is used for wind, colic, irritable bowel, loss of appetite, chills, cold, flu, poor circulation
She could work with that while she tried figuring out everything else. Lex read aloud what she saw in the text then held her head up, facing the class to add a bit more. "It's also used in wit-sharpening potions making it particularly useful." Nodnodnod.
There was a long pause while she went skipping through her book again. Come on, come on, come on...
Crud. Nothing. She cleared her throat and decided to continue anyway. "The chicken feathers I have here are usually used in several potions such as the Sneezing Suffusion and the Tickling Tincture...I don't exactly know...what it does for the potion but I know for sure it was hard to get!!! Chickens are fierce no matter what those muggles cartoons say!!!" FACT.
But she supposed she should hurry it along. Ah. To water. She could explain that one, easy. "Water is used as a base for most potions, things easily dissolve into it...and stuff..." Yeah...
No need to pull out a textbook for that. Now for the last. The Black Pepper. So she might have peeked into her textbook again.
SPOILER!!: Black Pepper
An aromatic, pungent, warming herb that lowers fever and improves digestion.
"So the black pepper's good for digestion and lowering fevers...yeah...and it's used in Tickling Tinctures. Really it was the first thing that came to mind..." because it was found in the kitchen and that's where ice-cream was too.
It was all real legit and now she would go quiet while the others spoke.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Making up the cat hair uses because the wiki isn't helpful - hope that's okay!
Ezra was beginning to wish he'd not brought a frog to class. Lady Frog was licking off the honey off the glass walls of the jar she was kept in, and yet all Ezra could think about the fact that it would be Lady Frog's last meal.
It was slightly depressing and it made him feel awful, so he was thankful when Lafay gave them a new task.
Sort of.
"Uh." Personified eloquence. He shot Edita a sideways look. A whisper: "That's nice." He didn't think it likely that she was right, though he was pretty sure as a friend he was meant to be supportive. He was also pretty sure friends were supposed to be always honest but decided not to think about that.
He had a fairly good idea what could be done with peppermint leafs and honey, but wasn't particularly sure about the rest. He searched for his textbook in his bag, thankful, for having chosen against leaving it back in the dorm. Because his lack of eloquence wasn't something he wanted to deal with again in the same class, he jotted down some notes and then read them for Professor Lafay:
SPOILER!!: Ezra's notes
Peppermint leafs: Ingredient in Elixir to Induce Euphoria. Also used to sweeten concoctions, and to create peppermint oil, which is inhaled as a painkiller.
Cat hair: Cats are agile and flexible so adding one single hair to a concoction increases the drinker's agility, reflexes and flexibility. It's pretty much considered cheating in some sports, though, and it shouldn't be added to potions that help change someone's appearance, not unless what you want is a recipe for disaster.
Frog: Used for a Frog Parts Mixture, though the brain is reserved for other type of potions. Their skin secretes something that is used in healing potions that help fix human organs. In some countries, though, a very specific kind of frog and their toxic qualities are used to create poisons.
Honey: Energy booster, cleans wounds and makes them heal faster, and people with sore throats should drink it because it helps them feel better. It's also used as an ingredient for belch powder.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Text Cut: Professor!
Originally Posted by Droo
Everyone was back...
"Alright. The way a potioneer creates a potion, if they look for ingredients that have the properties to bring out in the potion, and then they tweak the amounts to achieve the desired effect. This can be very hard. What I want you all to do now, if take those 4 ingredients, and tell me what properties they have..." She looked around and pulled the sprig of peppermint from the Odessa boy. "Peppermint makes you less nauseated. What kind of potions would you use it in?" She asked, but didn't wait for an answer... "Once you've told me what each ingredient does, we will start brewing with them."
Alec looked up at the Professor as she started talking. Oh... so they had to talk about the ingredients they had? Talk about what kind of potions they were used it. ... Well... this was going to be hard. He leant forwards and started flicking through his textbook, trying to find each ingredient and their properties and what they were used for. Flick... flick... flick...
Several minutes later, the boy took a deep breath and raised his hand in the air. "Erm... Professor? Nettles can be used in the Boil Cure Potion, fresh ones that is. Dried ones can be used in the Herbicide Potion... so I guess it can have healing and deadly properties, erm... the latter to plants," That was right, right? "The next ingredient I have is the daisy. Its roots are used in the Shrinking Solution so... unlike the nettles, it doesn't have any healing properties. Maybe it only helps to make things smaller?" Why did he pick this one then? And why did they have to say this in front of everyone?
... Moving on... flick, flick, flick..."I've also collected a vial of Bubotuber Pus which, when diluted, acts as a cure for acne. So that has some healing powers too, I guess," And he'd have to put up a BIG SIGN telling himself to make sure that the pus was diluted before handling it. Or wear gloves. Either one worked. "Then there's a vial of Flobberworm Mucus which helps to thicken potions. And... it's used in the Wiggenweld Potion which is a healing potion. So three of my four ingredients sort of have healing properties." Apart from the daisy. What did the daisy do?
And that was it, yeah? He could relax now? Yes?
... Wait... no... did Lafay say that they were going to be brewing with the ingredients? GULP.
Assistant Marauder | 1/2 of BenSky | Hit Wiz! | Mischief Managed
So they were...going to use the random ingredients they'd gathered to create a potion? Maybe her ingredients would mesh together? Sigh if only it was that simple.
Reaching for her quill, the blonde began to scribble down what she knew about each of her ingredients and what sort of potions they might work well in.
Originally Posted by Ingredients
Boom Berry: They are a fruit. Its juice has restorative properties. Boom Berry juice is a required ingredient for the Wiggenweld Potion.
Flobberworm Mucus: used as a thickening agent in many potions it is also a key ingredient in the wiggenweld potion.
Horklump:a fleshy pink mushroom covered in black bristles, originally native to Scandinavia.
Wolfsbane: Its flowers are useful in potion-making, but its leaves are very toxic. Aconite/Wolfsbane is most commonly known as an ingredient of Wolfsbane Potion.
Cool two of her ingredients were used in the wiggenweld potion, Nerida would have to go see if the other two were too.
She then waited to share. When it was her turn she read what she had written down.
♕♕ Fire works through my veins into my heart ♕♕ ♕♕ Remember the night’s dancing under the sky♕♕
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
Oh, so finally everyone was back. Late or not, Kat didn't really care. She just wanted to get over with it and continue the class. All these basics were quite refreshing and a great way to let the other students remember, but honestly Kat didn't exactly need to learn the basics. She knew them since they were all inside her head. She knew Potions more than any other subject she studied, except for Flying. Although they don't really do much in Flying class but mount a broom and fly. Quidditch even, which made Flying more interesting.
Creating a potion with the random ingredients they picked was kind of, you know, dangerous-ish. Although it would be a nice thing to try and watch their cauldrons blow up.
... Uhm. Nevermind. Kat just wrote things about the ingredients on her parchment, since they'd be needing them in class you know.
Jobberknoll Feather - They are used in brewing truth serums, memory potions, Shaharazalm, Confounding Concoction and its antidote. Lavenders - They have a calming fragrance. They are used in basic sleeping potions and lavender essence is used in the Capillatum Potion. Gillyweed - It is a magical plant native to the Mediterranean Sea and helps whoever ate it breathe underwater by growing gills and webbing between their fingers and toes. Water - It is the base of most potions.
After writing that down, Kat went in front and read what she had written. With that done, she went back to her seat and listened to the others recite. Mhm.
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
Oh man! If he had known that they were going to have to explain the properties of the ingredients, he would have picked out different stuff. The smug look he had been wearing before had definitely disappeared now. Okay first ingredient.
Frozen Ashwinder Eggs: Used in love potions, probably because the Ashwinder is fiery hot and it adds passion or something to the potion. And if eaten whole is a cure for Ague. Which I have no idea what that is.
Fluxweed: Is a plant that when picked at full moon is used as one of the ingredients in a Polyjuice potion. It must have something to do with change.
Glumbumble Parts: The fluid secreted from this creature creates melancholy and is used in potions to stop hysteria.
Murtlap Essence: The tentacles of a Murtlap are strained and pickled and it used to heal cuts and other wounds.
Michael read over what he had written and gave a little shrug of his shoulders, it would have to do.