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The Lions, who placed second in Gobstones, third in the House Cup, and fourth in the Quidditch Cup this term, sit under a bright crimson and gold banner representing their house. Say goodbye to your friends!
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz
Aspen had honestly considered camping out at Hogsmeade station instead of spending her last night around a bunch of nostalgic sad sacks in her dorm. As usual though, her ties to West kept her near. And with him in mind, she approached the Gryffindor table.
She had her sunglasses on - because really. What could the Professors do at this point for being out of uniform? Take more points? Go riiiiiiiiight ahead.
She found her target Alice and loomed behind her, where she waited, patient as ever with her arms crossed and expressionless face.
The target Alice was still squished between a Prefect and a Head Girl, blissfully unaware of the the terrifying figure coming to hover over her. Until she heard the footsteps, that was. Because she didn't feel like turning around, she tilted her head way back and craned her neck until she could practically see up said person's nose.
And those eyes. She'd seen them before, only set into a different face. Odessa eyes. She wasn't bothered by them, no, they were one of her favorite pairs. She could stare into Aspen's all day, didn't she know?
Alice did exactly that. Stared. Continued to stare. Stared more. What did this girl want?
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
Seth witnessed Peyton get up and walk away. But before she left he just had to feel her warmth...For some reason he really needed it. Rushing up he sped behind her and embraced her in his big arms. "I need you, more than you need me." he tried so hard to avoid his eyes spilling his truth. There was more he felt for her, something he didn't want her to know because he was afraid of her not feeling the same way for him. Taking off his necklace he gently grabbed her hand and placed it her palm "Good luck. he said smiling very lightly and rushing out of the great hall and made his way out to the boys bathroom.
looking back whispering in the lowest tone possible "Bye lo-" he couldn't get those words out, he was on his own again. Heck ever since his mom was gone, he's been on his own.
Peyton froze when she felt arms around her. She was ready to dig her elbow on whomever it was' ribs. It was the voice that kept her still. Peyton blinked in surprise.
She was stupefied. She turned around just in time when Seth handed her a necklace and left, just like that.
What. Was. That. About?
Peyton blinked several times before shoving the necklace into her pocket and walking toward the Slytherin table. She was...confused. Really really confused. Seth was a confusing guy. So confusing Peyton thought even he was confused. She shook her head. She needed some milk and tons of ice cream.
The target Alice was still squished between a Prefect and a Head Girl, blissfully unaware of the the terrifying figure coming to hover over her. Until she heard the footsteps, that was. Because she didn't feel like turning around, she tilted her head way back and craned her neck until she could practically see up said person's nose.
And those eyes. She'd seen them before, only set into a different face. Odessa eyes. She wasn't bothered by them, no, they were one of her favorite pairs. She could stare into Aspen's all day, didn't she know?
Alice did exactly that. Stared. Continued to stare. Stared more. What did this girl want?
Aspen had been right. There was a definite "Hufflepuffy" feel over here. No wonder both of her little boys were ... well nevermind. Her head tilted, much in the same an eagles might once it's spotted a juicy delicious rabbit to snatch and nom.
"So here's the thing." Paaaaaaaause and a twitch. "Mo and my West." Another pause. "They have lots of feelings, and to be honest, it's this giant weakness I hope they both grow out of. And soon." Another pause. "Don't exploit their feelings for your own gain. Other boys? Sure. I don't care. Use the rest." Just those two certain ones were off limits. Got it?
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Originally Posted by Saz Hale
Christmas grinned and said "Well i get on with my sister and plus i am going to have to look after my sister during the holidays, my parents are going away on business and wont be around much so i need to take my sister with me when i go to diagon alley for my school supplies" Christmas could guess that Alexa didn't get on with her sister
This time Lex went right out and made a face. That had to be one of the worst things she'd ever heard. "Why can't they take her with them...or drop her off somewhere else? That all just sounds so bothersome, I'd have thrown a tantrum immediately."
Where did that come from? Lex hadn't thought of those in so long. See what siblings did????
Originally Posted by Danielle_Daughn
"I spent most of the time studying, but overall it was good." The blonde smiled "I'm excited for summer though, do you have plans for summer?" Mack though about all the owls her parents had sent her with plans, she could hardly contain herself.
Mack looked around the great hall looking around for anyone else she might would know but sadly didn't recognize anyone, they were mostly older students that she had be afraid to talk to.
Lex shook her head. That was just sad. It was always so sad to hear that students wasted their term studying. What was the pay off? Never leaving the Common Room? Possibly going brain dead? They really needed to work on the reward system, merlin! "You think you might have studied enough to cover this year and next?" That could warrant a break, a well needed one unless the girl wanted her only friends to be books. Just for the record those made horrible friends. They gave you headaches and lied.
"I don't typically make many plans, things just happen. I mean I have a few plans but not many. I'll probably end up running through Diagon Alley looking for something to do. What about you? Do you have plans?"
Originally Posted by Quick Quotes Quill
Gwen was really happy to see the younger Gryffindor. Still smirking, she waited for Lex to answer her first question. Hmm. A lot of time had passed since she talked to Lex. The sixth year had realized a few moments ago that she didn’t even know some of her housemates… so she had two things planned for the next term: get to know the other Ravenclaws, and try to catch up with her friends.
’Yeah’, Gwendolyn mumbled at the ‘we all know how that goes’ comment. ‘I’m good.’ Really happy that she didn’t have OWLs or NEWTs coming up this year. ‘Looking forward to the holiday’, the sixth year added. ‘Do you have any plans for the summer?’, she then asked Lex.
Next, Gwendolyn drew her attention to the other Gryffindor. She was about to add something to the ‘hello’, though she stopped herself as she saw that Zeke wasn’t reacting in any way. Erm.
What in Merlin’s beard was going on with Zeke?
Maybe she should go back?
Gwen was beginning to consider heading back to the Ravenclaw table, though she decided to wait a few more moments. Well… he eventually started talking. And, to her relief, he wasn’t using that silly nickname anymore. I.P. How did he even come up with that? Eye roll.
The Ravenclaw then took a seat at the table, and glimpsed back at Zeke. ‘How are you?’, she asked before glimpsing back at the staff table.
Looking at the staff table, Gwen was trying to figure out when the Headmistress would give her speech. Hmm. She should head back by then, but there seemed to be plenty of time left. Wait what? Gwen suddenly heard the Gryffindor girl say something.
. . .
What about her?
More out of instinct, Gwen looked at Lex as she thought she heard the younger girl call her name. Umm. Maybe she misheard that. Yes, that was probably it. And Gwen would not want to have to explain herself for not paying attention to what was going on around her.
Hmmm… but what was Lex saying? Gwen looked back at Zeke. Hm. He really was quite red. Accelerated pulse? Maybe. Ughhh. She could not believe it-
He was going to pass out, wasn’t he?
Was it because of the memory forgetfulness thing… or just because he was starving? No. It was impossible for someone to turn red just because there was no food around. Hmm. Maybe Zeke was really angry that he couldn’t eat? That sounded silly. So yes, it was probably the first option. He could have remembered something… or… ummm…
Pffft. Gwen was completely oblivious to what was going on, but anyway- She was firmly convinced that the red colour was all because of the amnesia. Mhm. That was the only explanation she could come up with. And she just HAD to be right. ‘Are you alright?’, the sixth year finally asked, raising an eyebrow. Hmm. She wouldn’t have noticed anything, hadn’t Lex mentioned it.
Lex just shook her head, not at all bothered by the fact that she had to answer this question a second time. It was just one of those things you asked when the term was done and you were anxious for the feast and the traaaaain. She was especially looking forward to the train. There was always something fun to do and she planned to enjoy her ride with candy. There was NO WAY the Healer would be able to stop her then.
"I don't really have much in the way of plans, I guess. I'll be hanging out with my friends for sure, probably all over Diagon Alley--I'll be having ice-cream for my birthday with some friends too." That was one of the better plans she had for the summer. The other involved seeing her Mama Vivi again.
"What do you think you'll do for your summer?"
But then her attention was drawn when even Gwen asked if he was alright. This just proved that she wasn't imagining things and he really was going red. She looked to Gwen again. Would she go red too?
SPOILER!!: Scary-Bat Girl
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict
Scoffing a little, she retorted, "Biter learned a LOT from me. Don't underestimate her. The teeth leave marks... more then my bat ever could." And that was the truth. She often wondered if Alice sharpened her teeth to give them the extra EDGE that was specifically Alice. Besides, the girl ALSO had a bat. So her violence threshold had the potential to be a LOT more then the Head Girl's. Only time would tell to see if she implemented it.
And THAT comment garnered a laugh from Selina. Another twelve year old to terrify? Well, didn't Cambridge know that just because she was graduating did not mean that she wouldn't still be around to terrify her? Heck, she might even send her a HOWLER on occasion just for the fun of it. There was always that option.
Ruffling the younger girl's hair awkwardly, she tagged on, "Don't worry, Cambridge. You won't be able to escape me. I'll ALWAYS be keeping an eye on you. And don't you forget it." For the fun of it, she just threw her a look. Heh.
Her eyes went wide at that statement and her gripped loosened on the older girl. It was almost like her brain had started disregarded everything else she said the moment she mentioned Alice and teeth and biting. Teeth marks???
"She wouldn't bite me either! That would be a horrible thing to do and I could get seriously hurt--what if that lands me in the hospital wing and I end up having to have like my arm chopped off or something????" Gee...thanks Scary-Bat Girl, now she had images in her mind. "I think she'd bite other people and be plenty scary for them but I like to think I'm different." Because she liked to think that she wouldn't have teeth sunk into her thank you very much!
She calmed down a bit when Selina started laughing. Laughing was good, yeah? Meant she wasn't doing anything wrong? OOOH and hair ruffling!!! Yuuup, she was doing good--....the look...the look that came with those warning words..."Wonderful." She managed to squeak. O__O
Originally Posted by lemon
Because there were other people demanding her attention, such as Lex. "It took me a while. I had to drag a friend down here." Jake was adamant, and even dragging his resisting self took more strength than her puny stick arms could muster. Honestly, sometimes Alice being a Beater made no sense. "I hope we get food sooner. I'm famished. I'm always famished." Growing child here, yeah? And growing children needed feeding.
"I don't pack. I dump things in my trunk and sit on them until they fit." Wasn't that what everyone did? "And I haven't dumped some things in there, but I'll finish. Later." Feast now, packing later. And Melanie was helping HER. Best friends got dibs, didn't they?
Dragging people?
Seemed legit. Some people needed that extra push and this that that some people was...Jake...? She looked passed Alice at the sulking boy. Was he going to cry about someone leaving...? "Right...why didn't you stupefy him? It might have made your work easier...that way you could have probably just levitated him down here." That seemed even more legit and would have saved on the energy she'd need to get her through the feast. They both knew it would drag on. "I'm getting hungry too--hey you want a cauldron cake? I think I have two more?" In case the girl didn't want to wait for the food.
She blinked at that method. It actually sounded brilliant. "And you get everything to fit, yes? I should give that a shot...but if it doesn't work can you stuff mine for me?" The girl probably had a full proof method by now. Alice being able to do it was enough, she wouldn't have to do a thing.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz
Aspen had been right. There was a definite "Hufflepuffy" feel over here. No wonder both of her little boys were ... well nevermind. Her head tilted, much in the same an eagles might once it's spotted a juicy delicious rabbit to snatch and nom.
"So here's the thing." Paaaaaaaause and a twitch. "Mo and my West." Another pause. "They have lots of feelings, and to be honest, it's this giant weakness I hope they both grow out of. And soon." Another pause. "Don't exploit their feelings for your own gain. Other boys? Sure. I don't care. Use the rest." Just those two certain ones were off limits. Got it?
Alice kept her head tilted and continued staring with unblinking eyes until Aspen was done speaking, choosing every word she said next very carefully. Because this was THE Aspen Odessa. The one who set Head Girls on fire and attempted to rip eyes out of the sockets of Slytherin Captains and was supposedly the best sister in the world. And trying to not anger her for safety reasons was difficult.
"I don't use them. I don't plan to. And I'm pretty sure I'm unaware of half the feelings you speak of." Pause. "So Mo and your West are safe from exploitation. You're welcome."
Was that all she wanted?
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
Max snorted "Merlin knows he'll try..maybe i'll actually try listening to him for once." Though Max knew he was rebellious by nature, the only reason he listened to Selina was she could be just as angry and crazy as he could, but she managed somehow not to be every time she got mad. He admired that.
Max laughed a little at the hair ruffling and then itched the beginnings of what was to be a beard he'd attempt to grow over the summer, it was the last day of school so forget shaving. "Yeah, i know we'll be fine. I expect an owl every now and then, though i'm sure your 'ickles' do too."
Listen to Dylan? Yeah, okay, fat chance. People tried to listen to Dylan, but Max just didn't like to listen to anyone with the few exceptions including herself most days. He was thick like that. Idiot needed to learn to NOT go from zero to sixty in five seconds flat. It wasn't cute. He wasn't five, but she had faith in him. He was a nice person and all that junk. So he better KNOCK IT OFF. Yeah? Yes.
"I highly doubt that you'll listen to him, but don't be stupid. That's all I can ask of you." And it wasn't too much.
Owls for him too? Merlin, everyone really, really wanted her to write them all the time. They did realize that she was going to have a life, right? Merlin, Alice was the exception because that girl was like her little sister, but she was not going to write EVERYONE every week. It was not possible, but yes she would write him too, "I'll be sure to get you some when I can. And same for you." Because she expected letters back.
Originally Posted by lemon
"Hey, Miss Head Girl," Alice voiced, poking Selina in the ribs and grinning at her favorite seventh year. "You doing okay? Food'll be here soon." And if she wasn't too hungry, which she hadn't been lately, just a treacle tart or something was okay, too. Hopefully, though, the thought of eating was enough to distract her from the question she was about to ask. "So.. I've been thinking about summer. And I wanted to know, if, you know, I could bring Frank. To your flat, I mean." She glanced at Selina sideways, anticipating her reaction. 'Cause chocolate frogs really WEREN'T that scary and Frank was lovely, 'kay? Plus, ditching your pet just wasn't cool. At all.
Poking? They were going to poke each other now. Merlin, Alice had better not get accustomed to this trend over the summer because when she was sleeping she was NOT going to appreciate being poked. Sleep time was sleep time, but she would let this slide. For now. Biter just got the eyes.
Oh food? Yeah, she wasn't really hungry. The feast was more for saying goodbye anyway, so she shrugged it off and said, "That's fine, I'm just kind of getting cozy. I'm in no rush for food." Alice and Penelope could worry for her about the rate that the food came if they were so concerned with eating. And she knew that those two girls could really pack it in.
And nice moment GONE. qihwjidhofudighdfipfrhigfbdsnadke;hjfi! FRANK WAS A CHOCOLATE FROG! NO, NO, NO! He could not come! Did she want to kill her? CHOCOLATE FROGS WERE EVIL AND THEY WERE OUT TO GET HER. Yes, even Alice's chocolate frog. Huh. Maybe THAT was why Frank had found Alice. He was trying to get close to Selina so that he could attack her. THAT EVIL, MANIPULATIVE FROG. Oh yes, she was onto him.
Raising her eyebrow with some panic in her eyes, she said, "No. He'll try and hurt me. I know it."
SPOILER!!: Aspen and Alice
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz
Aspen had honestly considered camping out at Hogsmeade station instead of spending her last night around a bunch of nostalgic sad sacks in her dorm. As usual though, her ties to West kept her near. And with him in mind, she approached the Gryffindor table.
She had her sunglasses on - because really. What could the Professors do at this point for being out of uniform? Take more points? Go riiiiiiiiight ahead.
She found her target Alice and loomed behind her, where she waited, patient as ever with her arms crossed and expressionless face.
The redhead was watching this whole little conversation. It was not that she was afraid of Aspen Odessa... it was that she was worried what Aspen Odessa MIGHT do to her Biter. Personally, she liked having Alice's eyes INSIDE her head. Yeah, she was just gonna watch. Make sure that no one got maimed or injured or anything. Because Aspen was... unpredictable. Yeah, good word.
So she just watched out of the corner of her eye and kept her ears open for screams. That would be a good tell that something was wrong, obviously.
Alice kept her head tilted and continued staring with unblinking eyes until Aspen was done speaking, choosing every word she said next very carefully. Because this was THE Aspen Odessa. The one who set Head Girls on fire and attempted to rip eyes out of the sockets of Slytherin Captains and was supposedly the best sister in the world. And trying to not anger her for safety reasons was difficult.
"I don't use them. I don't plan to. And I'm pretty sure I'm unaware of half the feelings you speak of." Pause. "So Mo and your West are safe from exploitation. You're welcome."
Was that all she wanted?
"You're not unaware," Aspen pushed her sunglasses back up on her face. And if Alice was (which Aspen SERIOUSLY doubted. Not even Gryffindors could be that stupid) ... well now she wasn't. "And good. We understand each other then." She managed a smile, though it wasn't exactly a pleasant sort of grin. "I do like you." Just by the way, in a round about way. Aspen actually would have preferred Alice to say that she was "haha totes exploiting all the boys" - it'd have been interesting and honest and Aspen would have liked to have watched.
Just not ... with her boys. They were hers and now she was leaving, and Vi was gone, so... up to Aspen to put the fear into the hearts of little baby Gryffindors.
"But be very - VERY - very careful. Tread lightly."I'll be watching was the part left unsaid.
You have bewitched me body and soul, And I love- I love- I love you
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Lex shook her head. That was just sad. It was always so sad to hear that students wasted their term studying. What was the pay off? Never leaving the Common Room? Possibly going brain dead? They really needed to work on the reward system, merlin! "You think you might have studied enough to cover this year and next?" That could warrant a break, a well needed one unless the girl wanted her only friends to be books. Just for the record those made horrible friends. They gave you headaches and lied.
"I don't typically make many plans, things just happen. I mean I have a few plans but not many. I'll probably end up running through Diagon Alley looking for something to do. What about you? Do you have plans?"
Mack knew that this year wasn't supposed to be all about studying but there was just so much to learn. "I doubt it but I've already decided that I will study less next year, surely I don't have to have the entire book memorized..." She smile inwardly, she wouldn't spend all term studying because she planned on doing that while on summer. Even with the plans she had made with her parents, she would have plenty of studying time while at her grandparents.
"I have a few plans with my parents, we will go to France as always, and then to see my cousin in Germany. Then I'll spend a few weeks with my grandparents." the girl sighed, she loved her grandparents but why couldn't she be like all the other kids and just visit for a day?
Plans for summer... "Nope, nothing specific really," the Gryffindor shook his head. Maybe he should start thinking of what to do. Nah. Go with the flow. "Come what may, I guess. You?"
Now that this subject was brought up, Zeke suddenly felt like planning. But what was he to plan for? He was alone anyway. Maybe he would go out and invite some friends, if he had any. It would probably be a good time to hang out and bond with people. Go skating, or swim at the beach. Rent a private pool. Go skydiving or bungee jumping. Surfing. Or jam and form a band.
If he had people to do that with...he was more than willing to do so. Sigh. It was hard not to remember anyone from the past.
She nodded her head along to his words. Actually, Melanie wasn't quite sure if she was nodding along to the words or to the little song playing over and over again in her head. "That sounds like you'll have loads of adventures," Melanie said with a smile, "I'm sure you'll get loads done!" Which was important - to get things done. Getting things done meant having more free time to do whatever. Oh. Her.
"I don't have any solid plans yet... kinda...." she said slowly, fiddling with her sleeve just a little. She wasn't sure if she wanted to stay home her entire summer; Alice probably wouldn't like that too much. "I'm just hoping to find a job over the summer, spend time with family," she said, smiling. "I'm excited to go see everyone back home."
A whole term away from them with the exception of the break. That didn't really count because she didn't see everyone during that time. And going back home over the summer, she'd be able to see her cousins, her parents, her grandparents, her friends from Salem and pretty much everyone.
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Beaming too? This meant the girl was in a good mood! Now all she needed was to eat some food then she'd be perfectly approachable without running the risk of getting that responsibility lecture. Those were never any fun.
"I...well..." Why'd she have to ask it like that? Rephrasing would have made going around the truth a bit easier. Ahem. "Sorta...? I mean I stuffed my books in my trunk already," She was more than happy to put those away, heh, "But not so much the clothes...or the shoes...or the everything else." This was the part where she pulled on a disappointed face so Melanie wouldn't think that she was perfectly fine with it, otherwise the girl would tell her about being a responsible adult...which she wasn't.
"Have you...?"
Alexa was speaking in bits and the whatnot. Was the girl nervous or something? Melanie just watched the younger Gryffindor, smile still on her face. There was nothing that could make her stop smiling... absolutely nothing... except, well, maybe the part where Lex didn't exactly finish packing yet. "Lex, but... the clothes are the important things," Melanie said, her smiling dropping just the slightest before she shook her head. No, she was not going to have negative thoughts. She was going to stay happy, positive and everything sunny. "I.... you.... Lex..."BREEAAATHEEEE. Melanie let out a sigh.
"Just... remember... to finish packing," Melanie said, pushing her glasses up yet again. Had Melanie packed yet? Well, that was an easy question with an obvious answer. "I have," the Gryffindor said proudly.
Melanie had packed everything up a few days ago with the exception of the things she needed. Which weren't exactly hard to fold and put away and the whatnot. "Best to get things like packing out of the way to make time for other things." Like drinking tea and eating different desserts.
SPOILER!!: Alice
Originally Posted by lemon
And speaking of best friends.. "MELANIE SUNG." Alice's voice echoed across the table towards her roommate. "I'm currently stuck in between a Prefect and a Head Girl, but there's an open seat across from me and I demand you sit in it." She was real good at that, demanding things. Her face remained patient as she waited for Melanie to move into the seat before nudging her friend's knee with her own and rambling on. "You'l help me with packing later tonight, yeah, if you're finished with your own?"
And they still had to discuss summer plans, even thought Melanie would be across the world for half of it. Because there was still side-along apparition and floo powder. And they would make things work, just like they always did. Just like SHE always did. And she'd put those talents to good use, 'cause a certain someone was graduating and they would make things work, too.
Laughing. That was what Melanie was doing. Not because someone told a hilariously punny joke (did you catch the pun there?) but because of Alice. Her best friend. She shook her head and waved her hand. Yes, Alice was indeed stuck between the Head Girl and the Prefect... but... she didn't wanna intrude. Plus, Selina wasn't leaving. Nope. That was some rumor people made up - she was not believing it for a second. "I'm coming, I'm coming," Melanie called back to Alice, getting up from her seat and walking over and sitting across from Alice. She gave a smile to the other badge holders, Alice was sitting with and readjusted her tie.
Helping Alice pack? Did no one finish packing yet? Was she the only one who did? "Of course I'll help you pack. You can't go home if you don't finish," Melanie pointed out. Well, she probably could go home without packing but then Alice would be missing a lot of things when she did arrive home. That was probably a big no-no or something. "So, excited for summer?" she asked.
Because really, who wasn't?!
though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________ ♡♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz
"You're not unaware," Aspen pushed her sunglasses back up on her face. And if Alice was (which Aspen SERIOUSLY doubted. Not even Gryffindors could be that stupid) ... well now she wasn't. "And good. We understand each other then." She managed a smile, though it wasn't exactly a pleasant sort of grin. "I do like you." Just by the way, in a round about way. Aspen actually would have preferred Alice to say that she was "haha totes exploiting all the boys" - it'd have been interesting and honest and Aspen would have liked to have watched.
Just not ... with her boys. They were hers and now she was leaving, and Vi was gone, so... up to Aspen to put the fear into the hearts of little baby Gryffindors.
"But be very - VERY - very careful. Tread lightly."I'll be watching was the part left unsaid.
"I'm unaware enough to still be confused about stuff." Alice's neck was beginning to cramp, but she refused to take her eyes off Aspen for even a second to turn around. A second was plenty of time for her to do THINGS. "How do you like me? You don't know me." Weren't Ravenclaws supposed to be the pragmatic sort? Or was it because some of Aspen's favorite people approved of her?
Careful? She paused again. "I'm always careful." And if certain people had told her certain things (which they obviously had, as Alice wouldn't otherwise have been receiving a talking to by a person she had never met before in her life), then Aspen knew she was being very careful indeed. As careful as she could manage to be without stomping on people's feelings.
And Aspen sure wouldn't appreciate feeling stomping, would she?
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
"I'm unaware enough to still be confused about stuff." Alice's neck was beginning to cramp, but she refused to take her eyes off Aspen for even a second to turn around. A second was plenty of time for her to do THINGS. "How do you like me? You don't know me." Weren't Ravenclaws supposed to be the pragmatic sort? Or was it because some of Aspen's favorite people approved of her?
Careful? She paused again. "I'm always careful." And if certain people had told her certain things (which they obviously had, as Alice wouldn't otherwise have been receiving a talking to by a person she had never met before in her life), then Aspen knew she was being very careful indeed. As careful as she could manage to be without stomping on people's feelings.
And Aspen sure wouldn't appreciate feeling stomping, would she?
"Which," Aspen smiled, "makes you aware. Enough." Enough, anyway. So no excuses. Aspen's head cocked to the other side, wondering what exactly was the common denominator that drew both West and Mo to this intersection. It wasn't just because this girl was pretty.
Aspen didn't get it, and luckily, didn't have to.
HOW did Aspen like her? Like the mechanics of it? Merlin, that was a brilliant question. HOW did she like her? Like HOW was it POSSIBLE for her to like an "unaware" Gryffindor? Really. Solid question that Aspen sort of hated the answer to. So she didn't answer that question and went for the latter: "I know you enough." All that she really needed to know. Aspen was pretty sure Vi would be handling this different. And probably would re-handle it for her later.
Oh Merlin. Was she? Yeah, okay. In a flash, Aspen's hands flew out of her robes, grabbed a hold of the baby Gryffindor's shoulders - and with the angle she had been conversing with Aspen - jerked her BACK. Like maybe she was going to fling her right in the floor. She DIDN'T drop her in the floor though. Aspen caught her, and held her for just a second, where her sunglass'd face was juuuuust over heeeerrrrrrrrs. Upside down face to face. Aspen smiled again.
"Be sure that you are always careful, Alice Fischer." Then she gently attempted to right her back upright. Casually, she kept an eye on the Head Girl. Because she was in the Lion's den and all.
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Text Cut: Zeke
Originally Posted by TwistedHearts
Waving back at the Head Girl whose name he still did not know, Zeke listened to the conversations all around him. Not really eavesdropping, but just observing everything 'cause he liked being an observer instead of being a part of something. Just blend in the background and watch from afar the lives of people. Okay, that just sounds like a stalker. Anyway...
His eyes wandered at the foodless table in front of him. "Nice to meet you too, Penelope," he absentmindedly said, half-heartedly because his heart was beating for food. HE NEEDED TO EAT NOW. He could hear his heart beating.
DIVERT. ATTENTION. He looked up back at Penelope. "Nice to meet you, too, Penelope," okay this was sounding like a broken record but at least now he really meant it. And later on his eyes wandered around and spotted some cookies from the girl. It was meant for someone else, but his eyes screamed for it. Hearing the words, "Eat and be happy" from the Gryffindor made his inner lion growl. But really that was just his stomach complaining.
No Zeke. You have to wait. Go to your nothing box and wait, mister.
Penelope raised an eyebrow when he repeated literally the same thing twice. Did he forget he'd said it the first time? Short term memory loss? Something? She was about to ask, but noticed how his eyes wandered along the table as if expecting something to appear. It was practically the same look she usually had at these feasts at the beginning and end of term.
"Food probably won't be here for awhile," she commented. Which was sad. She hoped maybe the Headmistress would prove her wrong though and start her speech immediately like a decent person so they could all eat. The fourteen year old glanced up at the staff table but saw no clear signs that the woman was gonna stand up and talk. Meh.
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
See? Just as she'd suspected but then...other than the seventh years, was there really anyone who wasn't dying for this term to end so they could have SUMMER?! Best time of the year you know and for very good reasons .
"I hope so too. I don't think the speech should be very long on account of we all lived through the term." She had it all figured out. When people died there was need for explanations and reassurance but since no one went and got themselves killed the Headmistress could just stand, say her two knuts--like seriously, only two because she was hungry--then sit back down so they could enjoy the feast and the food and each other.
"Hey, how far have you gotten with your packing?" She couldn't possibly have been the only procrastinator.
They all lived...? Oh, she was referring to last term those professors got eaten... Yeah, that was still kinda sad. But this term had been loads better at least. No professor-eating plants or animals or anything like that. So that was good. "Hopefully that means she'll give it sooner too." Since it wasn't like she had anything unpleasant in it that she'd want to avoid or anything. Just congratulate houses on the cups and move on.
Packing? "I'm almost done." Practically done, really. She wasn't planning on wasting any time tonight or in the morning with packing. She wanted to sleep and then she wanted to get on the train and GO. She didn't want to wait any longer than she had too.
Actually, she didn't want to wait at all, but there wasn't much she could do about it. So anything more than that, and she would make someone pay for it.
Originally Posted by iBeJenn
A good time.
That was a song wasn't it? She couldn't recall the lyrics at the moment but she was pretty sure it was a song. "What are your summer plans?" Melanie asked. Not that Penelope needed plans to have a good time. It was fun to do things at random too. Plus, that wouldn't require planning which was pretty smart. Something about going where the wind took you or whatever.
Plans? Oh, she had quite a few of those. Ish. They weren't very detailed and most, if not all, had someone something in common. But she wouldn't bore Melanie with all of that, just one of them, the first one that popped into Penelope's head. "I'll be going to Paris again for a few days." With Ascanius, Anya, and Jake. That would be fun. "You? Are you gonna go anywhere?"
Text Cut: Selina + a little bit of Beezus
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict
There was a lot going on. A lot of people that the redhead was ripping through to say goodbye to and all the while trying not to let the idea of graduation eat away her. It didn't bother her. Nope, she would be fine. Without them all... everyday... huh. Leaving was a such a weird, raw emotion. The whole thought of it made her feel very young again. The real world she WOULD be the baby again. The youngest in the bunch. Maybe that would be a nice change of pace.
Just as she was about to turn and say goodbye to someone else she felt a Shark Bait in GREAT need of a haircut slide down the bench so that they were shoulder to shoulder. Yes, the two girls, even though a few years apart, were virtually the same height. And yes, the eighteen year old was fun sized. And yes, if ANYONE wanted to say anything to her about it, she would gladly introduce them to Mortimer. He was rather good at proving a point or two for in the past.
Before she could even say hey to her little Shark Bait, the younger girl was talking. Merlin, this was just like Alice. The girls were growing up so fast and taking on the dominant role of the conversation. They were going to be totally fine without her, which made her equal parts sad and happy for them.
And then there was a box in front of her filled with cookies. This was sweet of her, very sweet. Especially since Selina couldn't cook herself, so anyone who remotely didn't burn anything in the kitchen was a hero.
Hang on, hang on. She DID trust Penelope. That girl was her little Shark Bait. Her seeker, her little munchin. If Penelope thought that Selina didn't trust her she was sorely mistaken. It was just that she was never one to throw her problems on ickles. That did not mean, though, that she did not love them or trust them. Because she did... a lot.
But she did not say anything. Not even utter a retort. Penelope looked like she had something she wanted to say and the redhead was going to let her get it all out. Once she was done, she wrapped her arms around the younger girl and hugged her tightly. She understood why Penelope was saying what she was saying and she appreciated it, but right now she just wanted to hug her Shark Bait for the last time in the Great Hall.
"I'm gonna miss you more then you know, Shark Bait." And THAT was the truth.
Just as she was in the middle of hugging Shark Bait, who was obviously severely concerned about things, she felt someone poke her. Did they NOT see that they were ruining a moment?! Honestly, she was going to turn around and shove Mortimer up their nose until they begging for mer- oh, it was Beezus.
Well, THIS was awkward. The two girls had not really seen eye-to-eye since the beginning of last term for reasons. Reasons that Selina did not want to get into because their relationship as of late was NOT one that she was particularly proud of being that the two used to get on, quite famously actually. But you know, lies and stuff? Yeah, that ruined their friendship.
Letting go of Penelope and turning her full attention to Beezus so that none of her ickles had to see this conversation, lest it go south, she tapped on her knees and said, "Oh, um, hey Beezus." Did she not know that this was the Gryffindor table?
Not that other people weren't allowed and stuff. Just, yeah, most people didn't venture her. Gryffindors usually did the wandering.
This...wasn't quite the reaction Penelope was expecting. Maybe it should've been. She just wasn't sure since the last time they'd talked, things had gotten pretty intense and frustrated and angry. But that was over, and the term was gonna end on a much nicer, though maybe still a little sad, note.
She returned the hug just as tightly, if not a little more so just for the heck of it, as she replied, "Likewise." She was good at that. Missing people. She'd had lots of practice over the years, though especially so recently.
And then the moment was over because Selina had pulled away to talk to a Ravenclaw that had come over. Beezus, right? Yeah. Penelope gave the girl a little smile but then turned to let the two have their moment.
Originally Posted by lemon
Oh, but there was a Penelope, WAVING, and Alice waved back at her enthusiastically and waited until she was done lecturing Selina before leaning in closer and whispering. "Hey, Shark Bait." Because that was her name, as far as this Captain was concerned. "Just saying, you know, next year when Selina isn't here to inhale the Kitchens, we're going to have to eat double our shares to make up for her missing appetite." Because the same amount of food had to be taken in.
Ah, and there was Alice. "Hey Alice." Why was she whispering though? Penelope wasn't gonna whisper. She didn't feel like it, nope. She did nod though because Alice was right. "I know. I'm sure we'll figure out some way to manage." Somehow. Might have to skip second breakfast to make room for the extra food. Maybe. Or her stomach would just have to get bigger. One or the other.
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz
"Which," Aspen smiled, "makes you aware. Enough." Enough, anyway. So no excuses. Aspen's head cocked to the other side, wondering what exactly was the common denominator that drew both West and Mo to this intersection. It wasn't just because this girl was pretty.
Aspen didn't get it, and luckily, didn't have to.
HOW did Aspen like her? Like the mechanics of it? Merlin, that was a brilliant question. HOW did she like her? Like HOW was it POSSIBLE for her to like an "unaware" Gryffindor? Really. Solid question that Aspen sort of hated the answer to. So she didn't answer that question and went for the latter: "I know you enough." All that she really needed to know. Aspen was pretty sure Vi would be handling this different. And probably would re-handle it for her later.
Oh Merlin. Was she? Yeah, okay. In a flash, Aspen's hands flew out of her robes, grabbed a hold of the baby Gryffindor's shoulders - and with the angle she had been conversing with Aspen - jerked her BACK. Like maybe she was going to fling her right in the floor. She DIDN'T drop her in the floor though. Aspen caught her, and held her for just a second, where her sunglass'd face was juuuuust over heeeerrrrrrrrs. Upside down face to face. Aspen smiled again.
"Be sure that you are always careful, Alice Fischer." Then she gently attempted to right her back upright. Casually, she kept an eye on the Head Girl. Because she was in the Lion's den and all.
Enough. Alice would have tilted her head at Aspen, too, if her position wouldn't put her at the risk of toppling onto the floor. But it seemed like she didn't have to worry about that, because the Odessa was taking care of that HERSELF. The next thing she knew, she was precariously balanced on the edge of her seat, the seventh year positioned over her.
ASSAULT. This was ASSAULT. Was anybody watching? Did they not SEE this?
Didn't matter, anyway. It wasn't as if Alice couldn't handle her by herself. "You don't scare me, Aspen Odessa." Lies. She was terrifying in a nice sort of way. But she hopefully couldn't harm a hair on her head, because of West. And Mo. She was extremely grateful for those protections at that moment. "And I will be careful, but not because you said so. I have my own reasons." Reasons that weren't any of HER business, so she wasn't voicing them. Her eyes stared back at Aspen's sunglass'd ones, still not blinking, still cognizant of every move she made.
And she smiled back at the scary older girl as she was righted, baring all those pointy teeth of hers in a mischievous grin. Anything ELSE?
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
Enough. Alice would have tilted her head at Aspen, too, if her position wouldn't put her at the risk of toppling onto the floor. But it seemed like she didn't have to worry about that, because the Odessa was taking care of that HERSELF. The next thing she knew, she was precariously balanced on the edge of her seat, the seventh year positioned over her.
ASSAULT. This was ASSAULT. Was anybody watching? Did they not SEE this?
Didn't matter, anyway. It wasn't as if Alice couldn't handle her by herself. "You don't scare me, Aspen Odessa." Lies. She was terrifying in a nice sort of way. But she hopefully couldn't harm a hair on her head, because of West. And Mo. She was extremely grateful for those protections at that moment. "And I will be careful, but not because you said so. I have my own reasons." Reasons that weren't any of HER business, so she wasn't voicing them. Her eyes stared back at Aspen's sunglass'd ones, still not blinking, still cognizant of every move she made.
And she smiled back at the scary older girl as she was righted, baring all those pointy teeth of hers in a mischievous grin. Anything ELSE?
"Yes I do," Aspen whispered back after the girl was completely righted. She didn't care too much what the inspiration was that kept the Gryffindor in check with Mo and West in mind. Or even in general, so seventh years didn't toss her in the floor.
Gryffindors. They were always amusing. It was one of the few things Aspen would miss at Hogwarts - watching them in large numbers, like herds of monkeys in the jungle.
"Have a nice feast. Maybe I'll see you this summer." And with that, Aspen departed the Gryffindor table.
Listen to Dylan? Yeah, okay, fat chance. People tried to listen to Dylan, but Max just didn't like to listen to anyone with the few exceptions including herself most days. He was thick like that. Idiot needed to learn to NOT go from zero to sixty in five seconds flat. It wasn't cute. He wasn't five, but she had faith in him. He was a nice person and all that junk. So he better KNOCK IT OFF. Yeah? Yes.
"I highly doubt that you'll listen to him, but don't be stupid. That's all I can ask of you." And it wasn't too much.
Owls for him too? Merlin, everyone really, really wanted her to write them all the time. They did realize that she was going to have a life, right? Merlin, Alice was the exception because that girl was like her little sister, but she was not going to write EVERYONE every week. It was not possible, but yes she would write him too, "I'll be sure to get you some when I can. And same for you." Because she expected letters back.
Max laughed. "No, probably not but i'll try my best not to be stupid, promise." He wasn't sure how he'd pull that off...he got angry sometimes and it just got out of control, but it's not like he never warned people, he always did before he did anything crazy.
He would be sure to Owl her back whenever. "Yeah, i mean whenever you get a chance and i'll write back when i can, who knows how crazy sixth year will be around here." He didn't, it seemed like something was always crazy around here, every year and who knew what September would bring.
"Which," Aspen smiled, "makes you aware. Enough." Enough, anyway. So no excuses. Aspen's head cocked to the other side, wondering what exactly was the common denominator that drew both West and Mo to this intersection. It wasn't just because this girl was pretty.
Aspen didn't get it, and luckily, didn't have to.
HOW did Aspen like her? Like the mechanics of it? Merlin, that was a brilliant question. HOW did she like her? Like HOW was it POSSIBLE for her to like an "unaware" Gryffindor? Really. Solid question that Aspen sort of hated the answer to. So she didn't answer that question and went for the latter: "I know you enough." All that she really needed to know. Aspen was pretty sure Vi would be handling this different. And probably would re-handle it for her later.
Oh Merlin. Was she? Yeah, okay. In a flash, Aspen's hands flew out of her robes, grabbed a hold of the baby Gryffindor's shoulders - and with the angle she had been conversing with Aspen - jerked her BACK. Like maybe she was going to fling her right in the floor. She DIDN'T drop her in the floor though. Aspen caught her, and held her for just a second, where her sunglass'd face was juuuuust over heeeerrrrrrrrs. Upside down face to face. Aspen smiled again.
"Be sure that you are always careful, Alice Fischer." Then she gently attempted to right her back upright. Casually, she kept an eye on the Head Girl. Because she was in the Lion's den and all.
WOAH, WOAH, WOAH. Aspen Odessa was getting some SERIOUS eyes right now. If this girl did not let Alice go in LESS then three seconds her and Mortimer were about to REALLY get well acquainted. That was her Biter and she did not appreciate people touching her Alice. No one needed to touch her... no one needed to look at her... no one needed to even be in her breathing zone. Or else things were going to get very... heated.
So yes, Aspen Odessa. Eyes for you. Let the Biter go and no one had to get hurt. And that was not so much a threat, but a promise.
And just as she was about to lunge for her Biter, Odessa set the girl down and Selina unclenched her fists. As she walked away, Selina narrowed her eyes at the girl. Yep, it was decided. Until Alice was SAFE and off of the train she was not letting the girl out of her sight. Aspen was far too unpredictable for that... honestly... the girl was lethal.
SPOILER!!: Shark Bait
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl
This...wasn't quite the reaction Penelope was expecting. Maybe it should've been. She just wasn't sure since the last time they'd talked, things had gotten pretty intense and frustrated and angry. But that was over, and the term was gonna end on a much nicer, though maybe still a little sad, note.
She returned the hug just as tightly, if not a little more so just for the heck of it, as she replied, "Likewise." She was good at that. Missing people. She'd had lots of practice over the years, though especially so recently.
And then the moment was over because Selina had pulled away to talk to a Ravenclaw that had come over. Beezus, right? Yeah. Penelope gave the girl a little smile but then turned to let the two have their moment.
When she felt Shark Bait hug her back, Selina had this awful pit in her stomach. With each goodbye it was making this whole graduation thing more final. And she was ready to graduate, that wasn't it, it was JUST that she was gonna miss people, namely her ickles. They had been real and stuff... which was what she had referred to her in memory book thingy, WHICH, by the way, had been super awkward. How did one even do that properly? That was right, they didn't.
ANYWAY, she was going to miss Shark Bait. Of course, she would be in awesome hands and stuff, because she had faith in the people who would still be here, but these were her kiddies. Sad stuff, okay?
Shaking that off, she let Penelope go and smiled at her, "You make sure you fly straight next year, yeah?" There was a lot more that she wanted to say to her, but she was sure that she would see Penelope again. Graduation did not mean that she just flew off of the face of the planet. Duh.
Max laughed. "No, probably not but i'll try my best not to be stupid, promise." He wasn't sure how he'd pull that off...he got angry sometimes and it just got out of control, but it's not like he never warned people, he always did before he did anything crazy.
He would be sure to Owl her back whenever. "Yeah, i mean whenever you get a chance and i'll write back when i can, who knows how crazy sixth year will be around here." He didn't, it seemed like something was always crazy around here, every year and who knew what September would bring.
Selina just smiled at him when he said he wouldn't be stupid. Awesome, that was ONE unpredictable Gryffindor done and out of the way. Her house was severely unstable most days and she just did not want them being dumb once she was gone. Of course, not being particularly level headed herself, she knew that it wasn't going to be perfect, but they had to at least TRY. You know?
"I promise I'll send 'em when I can. And if you get, you know, a chance to get away, you should come to a match. I'll get you and whoever else wants to come tickets." BECAUSE it would be awesome for them to see her sporting Harpies colors. Bam. Level of coolness? EASILY a solid seven.
District 9 Tribute World's Biggest Harry Potter Fan
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
This time Lex went right out and made a face. That had to be one of the worst things she'd ever heard. "Why can't they take her with them...or drop her off somewhere else? That all just sounds so bothersome, I'd have thrown a tantrum immediately."
Where did that come from? Lex hadn't thought of those in so long. See what siblings did????
Lex shook her head. That was just sad. It was always so sad to hear that students wasted their term studying. What was the pay off? Never leaving the Common Room? Possibly going brain dead? They really needed to work on the reward system, merlin! "You think you might have studied enough to cover this year and next?" That could warrant a break, a well needed one unless the girl wanted her only friends to be books. Just for the record those made horrible friends. They gave you headaches and lied.
"I don't typically make many plans, things just happen. I mean I have a few plans but not many. I'll probably end up running through Diagon Alley looking for something to do. What about you? Do you have plans?"
Lex just shook her head, not at all bothered by the fact that she had to answer this question a second time. It was just one of those things you asked when the term was done and you were anxious for the feast and the traaaaain. She was especially looking forward to the train. There was always something fun to do and she planned to enjoy her ride with candy. There was NO WAY the Healer would be able to stop her then.
"I don't really have much in the way of plans, I guess. I'll be hanging out with my friends for sure, probably all over Diagon Alley--I'll be having ice-cream for my birthday with some friends too." That was one of the better plans she had for the summer. The other involved seeing her Mama Vivi again.
"What do you think you'll do for your summer?"
But then her attention was drawn when even Gwen asked if he was alright. This just proved that she wasn't imagining things and he really was going red. She looked to Gwen again. Would she go red too?
Her eyes went wide at that statement and her gripped loosened on the older girl. It was almost like her brain had started disregarded everything else she said the moment she mentioned Alice and teeth and biting. Teeth marks???
"She wouldn't bite me either! That would be a horrible thing to do and I could get seriously hurt--what if that lands me in the hospital wing and I end up having to have like my arm chopped off or something????" Gee...thanks Scary-Bat Girl, now she had images in her mind. "I think she'd bite other people and be plenty scary for them but I like to think I'm different." Because she liked to think that she wouldn't have teeth sunk into her thank you very much!
She calmed down a bit when Selina started laughing. Laughing was good, yeah? Meant she wasn't doing anything wrong? OOOH and hair ruffling!!! Yuuup, she was doing good--....the look...the look that came with those warning words..."Wonderful." She managed to squeak. O__O
Dragging people?
Seemed legit. Some people needed that extra push and this that that some people was...Jake...? She looked passed Alice at the sulking boy. Was he going to cry about someone leaving...? "Right...why didn't you stupefy him? It might have made your work easier...that way you could have probably just levitated him down here." That seemed even more legit and would have saved on the energy she'd need to get her through the feast. They both knew it would drag on. "I'm getting hungry too--hey you want a cauldron cake? I think I have two more?" In case the girl didn't want to wait for the food.
She blinked at that method. It actually sounded brilliant. "And you get everything to fit, yes? I should give that a shot...but if it doesn't work can you stuff mine for me?" The girl probably had a full proof method by now. Alice being able to do it was enough, she wouldn't have to do a thing.
Christmas sighed and said "Well it is an important meeting and plus i don't need to watch her all the time cause my aunt will be about to help me out so i dont need to spend all the time with my sister"
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl
And then the moment was over because Selina had pulled away to talk to a Ravenclaw that had come over. Beezus, right? Yeah. Penelope gave the girl a little smile but then turned to let the two have their moment.
Oh, she was ruining a moment here. But oh well, oh well. Returning the smile, she nodded slightly at the Gryffindor Seeker. "Penelope." Or was it more appropriate if she went with Miss Greenwell? She reminded Beezus of Vashti very much and so the brunette made a mental note to be further acquainted with the girl next term.
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict
Just as she was in the middle of hugging Shark Bait, who was obviously severely concerned about things, she felt someone poke her. Did they NOT see that they were ruining a moment?! Honestly, she was going to turn around and shove Mortimer up their nose until they begging for mer- oh, it was Beezus.
Well, THIS was awkward. The two girls had not really seen eye-to-eye since the beginning of last term for reasons. Reasons that Selina did not want to get into because their relationship as of late was NOT one that she was particularly proud of being that the two used to get on, quite famously actually. But you know, lies and stuff? Yeah, that ruined their friendship.
Letting go of Penelope and turning her full attention to Beezus so that none of her ickles had to see this conversation, lest it go south, she tapped on her knees and said, "Oh, um, hey Beezus." Did she not know that this was the Gryffindor table?
Not that other people weren't allowed and stuff. Just, yeah, most people didn't venture her. Gryffindors usually did the wandering.
Back to the Head Girl....who was facing her now square on. There was the air of awkwardness all right, but Beezus chose to ignore it. Selina was graduating and this, if not her last, was the best chance to somehow make the move to revive their friendship.
She knew of course that it wasn't going to be simple. She had already tried apologizing to the redhead and it didn't work. So maybe it weren't words that were needed here.
She smiled at Selina and uttered in a low voice, "Congratulations," before she hung her head down and reached for the older girl's right hand and there she placed a small red box fastened with a ribbon the color of ebony black. "Thought that might come in handy." Because inside that box, despite its size, is a bat-polishing kit that Beezus had personally organized for the Head Girl - a tin of polishing oil, a soft scrub brush, a can of wax and a few more. It fitted in the small box because the Ravenclaw had applied what they've learned in Charms class to it: the Undetectable Extension Charm. So Selina can just slip the box into her pocket and use it anytime, anywhere.
But yeah, Beezus knew it wasn't enough to return their friendship back to the way it was before. Heck, seems like it wasn't going to be the same ever. But at least she was trying.
Ira looked around at the Gryffindor table, wondering how fast the term had gone by.. And, it was Selina's turn to graduate this time. First Kurumi, now Selina.. it was like all the familiar faces were going away..
And her OWLs were just round the corner. Fifth year done already?
But then seeing Beezus come, she smiled and went near her and Selina, and waved her hand, "Hey!" she said with a smile on her face. But seeing Selina, her smile sort of lessened. She went near the head girl, and just hugged her. Why? She didn't know. But she just felt like it. "Thanks for everything Selina" she whispered to the older girl, "I'll miss you." She really would.
Max laughed. "No, probably not but i'll try my best not to be stupid, promise." He wasn't sure how he'd pull that off...he got angry sometimes and it just got out of control, but it's not like he never warned people, he always did before he did anything crazy.
He would be sure to Owl her back whenever. "Yeah, i mean whenever you get a chance and i'll write back when i can, who knows how crazy sixth year will be around here." He didn't, it seemed like something was always crazy around here, every year and who knew what September would bring.
Selina just smiled at him when he said he wouldn't be stupid. Awesome, that was ONE unpredictable Gryffindor done and out of the way. Her house was severely unstable most days and she just did not want them being dumb once she was gone. Of course, not being particularly level headed herself, she knew that it wasn't going to be perfect, but they had to at least TRY. You know?
"I promise I'll send 'em when I can. And if you get, you know, a chance to get away, you should come to a match. I'll get you and whoever else wants to come tickets." BECAUSE it would be awesome for them to see her sporting Harpies colors. Bam. Level of coolness? EASILY a solid seven.
Max nodded, this whole not being an idiot/acting level headed thing was new for him, he had anger issues and he tended to let them get away with him...but maybe he'd be better after some time away? maybe.
"Yeah? That would be great, i'll be sure to make it out to a match." It would be great to see her and Mortimer in action again...and Mortimer would seem a bit more friendly when he wasn't the one being threatened with it. Not that he was ever afraid of Selina really, more like he respected her and knew she would be a worth adversary, so he often did what she said.
While waiting to see whether or not the owl would actually want the treat she turned her attention back to the boy. Before she became terribly distracted by the VERY PRETTIFUL gift she had noticed his going all red after mentioning that he found who he was looking for. Now that she was a bit less distracted she took a look around but the only person who'd recently arrived at the table was...
"You mean Gwen?" She looked to the Ravenclaw briefly before looking back at him. There was no need to answer his other question because, well, it was hers. Clearly.
Which meant she could move on to something else like...like..."Did you know your face is going red?" Lex wasn't subtle. Everyone knew that--oh, everyone but him maybe. It wasn't meant to be taken the wrong way, it was just something she noticed and found to be curious. This meant more staring.
Originally Posted by Quick Quotes Quill
Gwen was really happy to see the younger Gryffindor. Still smirking, she waited for Lex to answer her first question. Hmm. A lot of time had passed since she talked to Lex. The sixth year had realized a few moments ago that she didn’t even know some of her housemates… so she had two things planned for the next term: get to know the other Ravenclaws, and try to catch up with her friends.
’Yeah’, Gwendolyn mumbled at the ‘we all know how that goes’ comment. ‘I’m good.’ Really happy that she didn’t have OWLs or NEWTs coming up this year. ‘Looking forward to the holiday’, the sixth year added. ‘Do you have any plans for the summer?’, she then asked Lex.
Next, Gwendolyn drew her attention to the other Gryffindor. She was about to add something to the ‘hello’, though she stopped herself as she saw that Zeke wasn’t reacting in any way. Erm.
What in Merlin’s beard was going on with Zeke?
Maybe she should go back?
Gwen was beginning to consider heading back to the Ravenclaw table, though she decided to wait a few more moments. Well… he eventually started talking. And, to her relief, he wasn’t using that silly nickname anymore. I.P. How did he even come up with that? Eye roll.
The Ravenclaw then took a seat at the table, and glimpsed back at Zeke. ‘How are you?’, she asked before glimpsing back at the staff table.
Looking at the staff table, Gwen was trying to figure out when the Headmistress would give her speech. Hmm. She should head back by then, but there seemed to be plenty of time left. Wait what? Gwen suddenly heard the Gryffindor girl say something.
. . .
What about her?
More out of instinct, Gwen looked at Lex as she thought she heard the younger girl call her name. Umm. Maybe she misheard that. Yes, that was probably it. And Gwen would not want to have to explain herself for not paying attention to what was going on around her.
Hmmm… but what was Lex saying? Gwen looked back at Zeke. Hm. He really was quite red. Accelerated pulse? Maybe. Ughhh. She could not believe it-
He was going to pass out, wasn’t he?
Was it because of the memory forgetfulness thing… or just because he was starving? No. It was impossible for someone to turn red just because there was no food around. Hmm. Maybe Zeke was really angry that he couldn’t eat? That sounded silly. So yes, it was probably the first option. He could have remembered something… or… ummm…
Pffft. Gwen was completely oblivious to what was going on, but anyway- She was firmly convinced that the red colour was all because of the amnesia. Mhm. That was the only explanation she could come up with. And she just HAD to be right. ‘Are you alright?’, the sixth year finally asked, raising an eyebrow. Hmm. She wouldn’t have noticed anything, hadn’t Lex mentioned it.
His eyes were not wide open in shock as this girl whom he just met easily guessed who he was talking about. He was seriously considering that she should be in Ravenclaw instead...or it may as well be a lucky guess. Or he was too obvious on who he was talking about.
Clearly, Zeke couldn't respond properly to this. He kept silent to both girls' questions. And hearing Lex's comment about his blushing cheeks made them slowly turn into a deeper shade of red. Point out the obvious? You're supposed to be on my side here. He just bit his lip, closed his eyes, and breathed heavily as he tried to relax himself down and get rid of his blushing before anyone else notices............AAAAAAAAAAAAAND, someone noticed. GWEN of all people.
He winced at her question, but the Gryffindor finally opened his eyes and laid his eyes on Alexa first when he was convinced that he was no longer blushing. "My. Face. Is. Not. Red." Thank you very much. As he said this, his face was betraying him. 'YOU TRAITOR OF A FACE, going even more red when I'm claiming the opposite. Cooperate, will you?'
Zeke wanted to punch himself for a million times just to have an excuse for having a red face. And as the seventeen year old looked at his Ice Princess, it was all over.
He was burning up as his traitor cheeks turned into a maddening red color, getting a life of their own and completely disobeying their master. "I'm fine," he grunted and looked away. Seriously, this guy needs a high five in the face. Being rude to Gwen is not exactly the best thing to do at this time. Not to her. He was just beating himself up in his head for all the wrong things he's been doing this night.
Trying to distract himself, he observed that a lot of Gryffindors were finally coming one by one. He didn't feel the need to say hello anymore considering his embarrassing situation and that there were more people to talk to other people. He was saved by the bell when Melanie and Penelope began to talk to him again.
Text Cut: Melanie.....Jenn! <3
Originally Posted by iBeJenn
She nodded her head along to his words. Actually, Melanie wasn't quite sure if she was nodding along to the words or to the little song playing over and over again in her head. "That sounds like you'll have loads of adventures," Melanie said with a smile, "I'm sure you'll get loads done!" Which was important - to get things done. Getting things done meant having more free time to do whatever. Oh. Her.
"I don't have any solid plans yet... kinda...." she said slowly, fiddling with her sleeve just a little. She wasn't sure if she wanted to stay home her entire summer; Alice probably wouldn't like that too much. "I'm just hoping to find a job over the summer, spend time with family," she said, smiling. "I'm excited to go see everyone back home."
A whole term away from them with the exception of the break. That didn't really count because she didn't see everyone during that time. And going back home over the summer, she'd be able to see her cousins, her parents, her grandparents, her friends from Salem and pretty much everyone.
Zeke nodded back as well. ADVENTURES. He liked that. Loads of that. Summer job? Nah, he was too lazy. He was about to ask Melanie if they could hang out together and make some plan but then she said something about spending time with her family. Ouch. The feels. "That sounds pretty nice, to have a family to get back to when you go home," yeah, that would be real nice. It'd make him happy if he had a family to come home to.
Then this not-so-little-anymore Gryffindor realized that he just opened up a fragile topic and quickly tried to find a way out of it. An excuse. An alibi. Say something. "....'cause I'll be spending summer at my, uh, ..... friend's house because I....needtofindajobaswell." He grinned at Melanie half-heartedly. Hopefully, she didn't notice his reluctance, that she didn't her his hesitation behind those words. Those lies.
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl
Penelope raised an eyebrow when he repeated literally the same thing twice. Did he forget he'd said it the first time? Short term memory loss? Something? She was about to ask, but noticed how his eyes wandered along the table as if expecting something to appear. It was practically the same look she usually had at these feasts at the beginning and end of term.
"Food probably won't be here for awhile," she commented. Which was sad. She hoped maybe the Headmistress would prove her wrong though and start her speech immediately like a decent person so they could all eat. The fourteen year old glanced up at the staff table but saw no clear signs that the woman was gonna stand up and talk. Meh.
With that statement, his heart sulked on its own while his stomach begged for food. He could settle for crumbs just to make this lion of a stomach keep quiet for a while. "Yeah...Ifigured." Pout. That's the saddest thing he's ever heard in his life..so far, that is.
"Anyway," more distraction please. Thinking about the lack of food on the table just makes him sad. But there is Gwen beside him...which makes him kinda happy. Oh who was he kidding? Her being there makes him not care at all. OHYEAH. Well, that was a good distraction. Zeke was trying to suppress his smile 'cause Penelope might think he's gone crazy. Rawr, what to say? What to say? "....uhm. D'ya have a nickname?"
No? Just Penelope? Zeke finds it way too long, 'cause he's really lazy. 4 syllables is too much for him to say. How about Pene? Lope? Gosh Zeke, those sound lame.
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz
"Yes I do," Aspen whispered back after the girl was completely righted. She didn't care too much what the inspiration was that kept the Gryffindor in check with Mo and West in mind. Or even in general, so seventh years didn't toss her in the floor.
Gryffindors. They were always amusing. It was one of the few things Aspen would miss at Hogwarts - watching them in large numbers, like herds of monkeys in the jungle.
"Have a nice feast. Maybe I'll see you this summer." And with that, Aspen departed the Gryffindor table.
Alice continued staring unblinkingly at Aspen's sunglass'd face, but didn't bother answering to that. Because they both knew she was terrified, and the fourteen year old didn't want her voice coming out all shaky like those baby Hufflepuffs as proof. So she kept her eyes locked on the Odessa's retreating figure until she was far, far away.
And she might have let out the tiniest of shudders as she pulled herself back on her seat. The next time she had one of these talks with an older sister, could it be Vivi, please?
Text Cut: SELINA. All three of 'em.
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict
Poking? They were going to poke each other now. Merlin, Alice had better not get accustomed to this trend over the summer because when she was sleeping she was NOT going to appreciate being poked. Sleep time was sleep time, but she would let this slide. For now. Biter just got the eyes.
Oh food? Yeah, she wasn't really hungry. The feast was more for saying goodbye anyway, so she shrugged it off and said, "That's fine, I'm just kind of getting cozy. I'm in no rush for food." Alice and Penelope could worry for her about the rate that the food came if they were so concerned with eating. And she knew that those two girls could really pack it in.
And nice moment GONE. qihwjidhofudighdfipfrhigfbdsnadke;hjfi! FRANK WAS A CHOCOLATE FROG! NO, NO, NO! He could not come! Did she want to kill her? CHOCOLATE FROGS WERE EVIL AND THEY WERE OUT TO GET HER. Yes, even Alice's chocolate frog. Huh. Maybe THAT was why Frank had found Alice. He was trying to get close to Selina so that he could attack her. THAT EVIL, MANIPULATIVE FROG. Oh yes, she was onto him.
Raising her eyebrow with some panic in her eyes, she said, "No. He'll try and hurt me. I know it."
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict
The redhead was watching this whole little conversation. It was not that she was afraid of Aspen Odessa... it was that she was worried what Aspen Odessa MIGHT do to her Biter. Personally, she liked having Alice's eyes INSIDE her head. Yeah, she was just gonna watch. Make sure that no one got maimed or injured or anything. Because Aspen was... unpredictable. Yeah, good word.
So she just watched out of the corner of her eye and kept her ears open for screams. That would be a good tell that something was wrong, obviously.
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict
WOAH, WOAH, WOAH. Aspen Odessa was getting some SERIOUS eyes right now. If this girl did not let Alice go in LESS then three seconds her and Mortimer were about to REALLY get well acquainted. That was her Biter and she did not appreciate people touching her Alice. No one needed to touch her... no one needed to look at her... no one needed to even be in her breathing zone. Or else things were going to get very... heated.
So yes, Aspen Odessa. Eyes for you. Let the Biter go and no one had to get hurt. And that was not so much a threat, but a promise.
And just as she was about to lunge for her Biter, Odessa set the girl down and Selina unclenched her fists. As she walked away, Selina narrowed her eyes at the girl. Yep, it was decided. Until Alice was SAFE and off of the train she was not letting the girl out of her sight. Aspen was far too unpredictable for that... honestly... the girl was lethal.
WHERE had the Head Girl been, exactly, while she was being assaulted? Hmm? That was what Alice wanted to know, but she didn't ask, because she was supposed to be not needing Selina from that moment onward. "I'M in a rush for food." Did her voice sound terrified, still? "Can we get a move on it, please?" This was supposed to be a feast. Her tummy would start growling soon, 'cause she'd barely eaten any lunch at all, saving all her room for supper.
"Don't panic. He's a piece of candy, Selina. He's not gonna do anything to you." She wasn't sure exactly what to make of the older girl's irrational fear yet, but she had to get over it SOMETIME. Didn't she?
Text Cut: Melanie
Originally Posted by iBeJenn
Laughing. That was what Melanie was doing. Not because someone told a hilariously punny joke (did you catch the pun there?) but because of Alice. Her best friend. She shook her head and waved her hand. Yes, Alice was indeed stuck between the Head Girl and the Prefect... but... she didn't wanna intrude. Plus, Selina wasn't leaving. Nope. That was some rumor people made up - she was not believing it for a second. "I'm coming, I'm coming," Melanie called back to Alice, getting up from her seat and walking over and sitting across from Alice. She gave a smile to the other badge holders, Alice was sitting with and readjusted her tie.
Helping Alice pack? Did no one finish packing yet? Was she the only one who did? "Of course I'll help you pack. You can't go home if you don't finish," Melanie pointed out. Well, she probably could go home without packing but then Alice would be missing a lot of things when she did arrive home. That was probably a big no-no or something. "So, excited for summer?" she asked.
Because really, who wasn't?!
And now there was a Melanie in front of her, and that was nice. "It'll be real easy. I've just got to stuff some more things inside my trunk and then sit on them and then close the thing and then go home." She had it all under control. And then some things, the ones that wouldn't fit, would have to be carried. Like boxes that she wasn't letting out of her sight.
"Summer. Right." What about it? "I'm going to live with Selina and Vivi for a month. I'm getting ice cream with Lex. Dora and I are going to do stuff, go to a concert or see a Quidditch match or something." And she was meeting up with some other people, too, but it wasn't necessary to mention. "And you're going to floo over sometime, right? So I can see you?" Because if she was all the way in America for the whole summer, that would be awfully depressing. There were some things owling didn't cover.
Text Cut: Lex
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Dragging people?
Seemed legit. Some people needed that extra push and this that that some people was...Jake...? She looked passed Alice at the sulking boy. Was he going to cry about someone leaving...? "Right...why didn't you stupefy him? It might have made your work easier...that way you could have probably just levitated him down here." That seemed even more legit and would have saved on the energy she'd need to get her through the feast. They both knew it would drag on. "I'm getting hungry too--hey you want a cauldron cake? I think I have two more?" In case the girl didn't want to wait for the food.
She blinked at that method. It actually sounded brilliant. "And you get everything to fit, yes? I should give that a shot...but if it doesn't work can you stuff mine for me?" The girl probably had a full proof method by now. Alice being able to do it was enough, she wouldn't have to do a thing.
"That seems awfully harsh, don't you think? 'Sides, I got him down here without knocking him out or anything, so we're okay." She gave Jake another nudge in the ribs, just to remind him to DO SOMETHING, and then turned back to Lex. "You have food?" Alice glanced over the Headmistress, willing her to give her speech already. Hungry children over here, didn't she know?
Packing. "I can help you with it. It can be my birthday present to you." 'Cause Lex's birthday was soon- 16th of June, to be precise, she KNEW- and everyone would be getting her candy, so this could be her present. Stuffing her trunk. What Alice didn't mention was the fact that she had been planning on helping Lex anyways, so she just got a present out of the way. For free, too.
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl
Ah, and there was Alice. "Hey Alice." Why was she whispering though? Penelope wasn't gonna whisper. She didn't feel like it, nope. She did nod though because Alice was right. "I know. I'm sure we'll figure out some way to manage." Somehow. Might have to skip second breakfast to make room for the extra food. Maybe. Or her stomach would just have to get bigger. One or the other.[/color]
"I bet we can find another person to help us inhale the kitchens, don't worry." Alice was pretty sure no one in the school, apart from Selina, could eat more than them, so they had everything covered. "The more Quidditch we play, the hungrier we'll be. Extra practice?" Just for them, her and her Seeker. Training, too. 'Cause they were going to be amazing, obviously. Even more awesome than they had been this year. She knew it.
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
Alice continued staring unblinkingly at Aspen's sunglass'd face, but didn't bother answering to that. Because they both knew she was terrified, and the fourteen year old didn't want her voice coming out all shaky like those baby Hufflepuffs as proof. So she kept her eyes locked on the Odessa's retreating figure until she was far, far away.
And she might have let out the tiniest of shudders as she pulled herself back on her seat. The next time she had one of these talks with an older sister, could it be Vivi, please?
Text Cut: SELINA. All three of 'em.
WHERE had the Head Girl been, exactly, while she was being assaulted? Hmm? That was what Alice wanted to know, but she didn't ask, because she was supposed to be not needing Selina from that moment onward. "I'M in a rush for food." Did her voice sound terrified, still? "Can we get a move on it, please?" This was supposed to be a feast. Her tummy would start growling soon, 'cause she'd barely eaten any lunch at all, saving all her room for supper.
"Don't panic. He's a piece of candy, Selina. He's not gonna do anything to you." She wasn't sure exactly what to make of the older girl's irrational fear yet, but she had to get over it SOMETIME. Didn't she?
And now there was a Melanie in front of her, and that was nice. "It'll be real easy. I've just got to stuff some more things inside my trunk and then sit on them and then close the thing and then go home." She had it all under control. And then some things, the ones that wouldn't fit, would have to be carried. Like boxes that she wasn't letting out of her sight.
"Summer. Right." What about it? "I'm going to live with Selina and Vivi for a month. I'm getting ice cream with Lex. Dora and I are going to do stuff, go to a concert or see a Quidditch match or something." And she was meeting up with some other people, too, but it wasn't necessary to mention. "And you're going to floo over sometime, right? So I can see you?" Because if she was all the way in America for the whole summer, that would be awfully depressing. There were some things owling didn't cover.
"That seems awfully harsh, don't you think? 'Sides, I got him down here without knocking him out or anything, so we're okay." She gave Jake another nudge in the ribs, just to remind him to DO SOMETHING, and then turned back to Lex. "You have food?" Alice glanced over the Headmistress, willing her to give her speech already. Hungry children over here, didn't she know?
Packing. "I can help you with it. It can be my birthday present to you." 'Cause Lex's birthday was soon- 16th of June, to be precise, she KNEW- and everyone would be getting her candy, so this could be her present. Stuffing her trunk. What Alice didn't mention was the fact that she had been planning on helping Lex anyways, so she just got a present out of the way. For free, too.
"I bet we can find another person to help us inhale the kitchens, don't worry." Alice was pretty sure no one in the school, apart from Selina, could eat more than them, so they had everything covered. "The more Quidditch we play, the hungrier we'll be. Extra practice?" Just for them, her and her Seeker. Training, too. 'Cause they were going to be amazing, obviously. Even more awesome than they had been this year. She knew it.
Two tables down and two more to go. Maybe he should've made the house-elves do those deliveries instead of him, with ice cream and stuff. His arm that used the cane and was harmed in the incident was tingling a bit. He figured he needed to lose weight this summer, leaning too much weight on this stick was tiring.
The Gryffindor table looked the most crowded so far, perhaps the students here were punctual and came down to the feast in perfect timing and order. He smiled widely at all of the faces he had to pass in his search for their Thorina Captain. Thorina. Where did this nickname come from? Heh. Anyways, he spotted her with her friends but approached nonetheless. "Captain Fischer. Can I steal you from your friends for a bit?" He stood closely by, smiling and waiting.
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
Two tables down and two more to go. Maybe he should've made the house-elves do those deliveries instead of him, with ice cream and stuff. His arm that used the cane and was harmed in the incident was tingling a bit. He figured he needed to lose weight this summer, leaning too much weight on this stick was tiring.
The Gryffindor table looked the most crowded so far, perhaps the students here were punctual and came down to the feast in perfect timing and order. He smiled widely at all of the faces he had to pass in his search for their Thorina Captain. Thorina. Where did this nickname come from? Heh. Anyways, he spotted her with her friends but approached nonetheless. "Captain Fischer. Can I steal you from your friends for a bit?" He stood closely by, smiling and waiting.
Alices sure were in high demand today.
First an Odessa wanted her, and now a professor. But Botros wasn't scary, so she was much more enthusiastic about this conversation, and not at all frightened. "Hullo Mister Ab. 'Course you may." She offered him a wave before squeezing out from between Selina and Jake to move over to him. Her eyes stared up at him, wide and round and patient. "Did you need me?" What did he want her for? Was it about summer homework? Did he give that? Because, frankly, she didn't want any, even if it was Runes.
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
First an Odessa wanted her, and now a professor. But Botros wasn't scary, so she was much more enthusiastic about this conversation, and not at all frightened. "Hullo Mister Ab. 'Course you may." She offered him a wave before squeezing out from between Selina and Jake to move over to him. Her eyes stared up at him, wide and round and patient. "Did you need me?" What did he want her for? Was it about summer homework? Did he give that? Because, frankly, she didn't want any, even if it was Runes.
There she came. Botros nodded at her before reaching inside his jacket and taking a piece of rectangular wood wrapped with a small pink ribbon. "Congratulations on being a rune master for this term, dear. I'm really proud and glad that those zillion questions of yours paid off." He bumped the wooden piece on her head gently, endearingly, and went on, "This is a little something to keep in your school memory box somewhere. It's the list written in Elder Futhark but it shows itself in regular English if you concentrate enough." He handed it to her and pointed at the ribbon. "You can take this off, and then open it to make it stand on its two sides." So that it resembled a pyramid when standing. He made it himself, he loved souvenirs and he wanted his students to love them too.
"Enjoy your feast today and get an early sleep before your trip home tomorrow. Yeah?" He shifted the cane to his other hand, getting ready to move away.