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The Lions, who placed second in Gobstones, third in the House Cup, and fourth in the Quidditch Cup this term, sit under a bright crimson and gold banner representing their house. Say goodbye to your friends!
You have bewitched me body and soul, And I love- I love- I love you
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
The grin that seemed permanently plastered on the girl's face since she'd entered the Great Hall only got wider when she saw the First Year approach the table. It was hard to believe the term was over, seemed like just yesterday she'd met the girl and noooow, SUMMER. Of course she wasn't going to complain because this was exactly what she wanted. No more school yo!
"Hey Mack!!" BEAM. "You got through with most of your packing yet??" She had to be sure, because technically she was in charge of her seeing as she was in her army. See that? Lex was a good General. Nodnodnod.
Her eyes drifted back to the staff table. The speech would take forever...wouldn't it...?
Mack's face lit up as she saw her friend, she was so happy that they had met and now it was summer and next term she was determined to know only make lots of friends but also see the Giant Squid. "I'm all packed up, except of course a few pieces of clothes." the girl nodded excited that she wasn't going to have to worry about it after the feast, she was ready to get home and see what all her parents had planned.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Originally Posted by Saz Hale
Christmas smiled at Alexa and said "Yeah i know i can't wait to see my little sister i have missed her so much during this year"
She probably didn't mean to but Lex wrinkled her nose at the mention of a little sister. Why would anyone wanna see one of those? Why would anyone miss one of those?? "Ew. I don't think I'm ready to see mine." No one would want to see Jessa, the horrid little creature.
Originally Posted by Furmgoat the Tawny Owl
Furmgoat flew through the tops of the trees, wonky wings flapping silently. He was searching for the small person to receive his letter. He had searched everywhere in the grounds for the girl, but she was nowhere to be found. So that meant a journey into the Hogwarts castle, which he actually liked. He liked the cozy warm feeling and the hustle-bustle of activity of the students inside.
And it seemed that today was kind of a nice party or something. "Hoo!!" Flew in Furmgoat, adding to the chatter of the students by loudly hooting and flapping wings. He dropped the letter onto the table.
SPOILER!!: Letter & Package!!
Along with the letter comes something wrapped carefully in simple brown packaging and twine.
Maybe some owl treats for him now? Furmy waited and stared...
She was about to take her millionth look at the staff table to see whether or not anything speech related would be starting soon when she heard flapping. Seconds later there was an owl--and it had something for her!!! JVDKJUGFF!! Second owl in a week!!!
Lex snatched up the package and ripped it open, hoping to find another stash of candy. If it was then she was going to stuff it ALL in her mouth immediately in case the Healer decided to take a little walk down the Gryffindor table. There was no way she'd let her steal her candy again. No. Way. Oh? But this wasn't candy at all. She stared down curiously at the pink object and turned to the letter for an explanation.
Cryptic Ravenclaw stuff.
That didn't offer much in the way of an explanation but she smiled anyway because he remembered to owl her like he said he would!! And obviously she wouldn't lose it. It might have been pink but it had redeeming qualities like the fact that Vickers gave it to her. After carefully re-wrapping it and placing it in her pocket she looked to the owl that was still there. Blink. Blink.
Not exactly sure what he was waiting for reached into her candy bag, took out a cauldron cake and broke off a piece of it. "Want some for your troubles?" She asked, extending it to him.
Originally Posted by TwistedHearts
Aha. So his suspicions were right, after all. He was not about to wait for that speech any longer. PATIENCE, DUDE. Patience.
"I was," he grinned at his fellow Gryffindor. "But I found her now." Right in this very table. The Ravenclaw had arrived, almost freezing him up in cold ice then melting it all away, leaving him blushing badly.
He bit his lip, 'cause he felt the blood rushing to his cheeks again at the thought of her. He stole a quick glance at Gwen, seated beside him then quickly looked away.
An owl caught his attention. "Is that your-" And it came right in front of Alexa. Hm. Guess it was hers after all. Maybe it's best to leave her to that business first. He sat there, and waited.
Waited for the speech. Waited for the food. Waited for his cheeks to stop blushing. Waited for his companion to finish checking out her package. Waited for the owl to have his treat. Waited for Alexa to attend to him again.
While waiting to see whether or not the owl would actually want the treat she turned her attention back to the boy. Before she became terribly distracted by the VERY PRETTIFUL gift she had noticed his going all red after mentioning that he found who he was looking for. Now that she was a bit less distracted she took a look around but the only person who'd recently arrived at the table was...
"You mean Gwen?" She looked to the Ravenclaw briefly before looking back at him. There was no need to answer his other question because, well, it was hers. Clearly.
Which meant she could move on to something else like...like..."Did you know your face is going red?" Lex wasn't subtle. Everyone knew that--oh, everyone but him maybe. It wasn't meant to be taken the wrong way, it was just something she noticed and found to be curious. This meant more staring.
Originally Posted by Danielle_Daughn
Mack's face lit up as she saw her friend, she was so happy that they had met and now it was summer and next term she was determined to know only make lots of friends but also see the Giant Squid. "I'm all packed up, except of course a few pieces of clothes." the girl nodded excited that she wasn't going to have to worry about it after the feast, she was ready to get home and see what all her parents had planned.
"Great! It's never good to put that stuff off, you end up forgetting a lot of stuff when you do." Not that she was one to talk. The only things in her trunk at the moment were her books and that was just for very obvious reasons.
"I'll probably get my clothes packed tonight before I collapse in my bed or something...or maybe tomorrow before breakfast." That seemed like the more likely option because after all the food she planned to eat there wouldn't have been room for much work. "So what do you think about your first term?" That was a good place to start.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Last edited by DaniDiNardo; 04-05-2013 at 03:49 PM.
District 9 Tribute World's Biggest Harry Potter Fan
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
She probably didn't mean to but Lex wrinkled her nose at the mention of a little sister. Why would anyone wanna see one of those? Why would anyone miss one of those?? "Ew. I don't think I'm ready to see mine." No one would want to see Jessa, the horrid little creature.
She was about to take her millionth look at the staff table to see whether or not anything speech related would be starting soon when she heard flapping. Seconds later there was an owl--and it had something for her!!! JVDKJUGFF!! Second owl in a week!!!
Lex snatched up the package and ripped it open, hoping to find another stash of candy. If it was then she was going to stuff it ALL in her mouth immediately in case the Healer decided to take a little walk down the Gryffindor table. There was no way she'd let her steal her candy again. No. Way. Oh? But this wasn't candy at all. She stared down curiously at the pink object and turned to the letter for an explanation.
Cryptic Ravenclaw stuff.
That didn't offer much in the way of an explanation but she smiled anyway because he remembered to owl her like he said he would!! And obviously she wouldn't lose it. It might have been pink but it had redeeming qualities like the fact that Vickers gave it to her. After carefully re-wrapping it and placing it in her pocket she looked to the owl that was still there. Blink. Blink.
Not exactly sure what he was waiting for reached into her candy bag, took out a cauldron cake and broke off a piece of it. "Want some for your troubles?" She asked, extending it to him.
Christmas grinned and said "Well i get on with my sister and plus i am going to have to look after my sister during the holidays, my parents are going away on business and wont be around much so i need to take my sister with me when i go to diagon alley for my school supplies" Christmas could guess that Alexa didn't get on with her sister
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Taking a deep breath, Beezus ambled towards the Gryffindor table in hopes of finding a certain someone. Although, there was actually no need for hoping for that person's flaming red hair was very much easy to pluck in that crowded field of lions. And once the Ravenclaw Prefect had identified that head, she essentially ignored everything and focused only the Head Girl's ginger hair, tunneling vision and whatnot.
She just needed to get this done and over with so she could move on the next table.
She was, in a few minutes, behind Selina Skylar and for a while, she just stared at the girl's hair, numerous thoughts running through her mind - thoughts that she didn't even want to entertain but still found its way to her system. Then....poke, poke, poke. "Hi." She said 'Hi', not 'Hey' because Selina hated hearing that from her, remember?
You have bewitched me body and soul, And I love- I love- I love you
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
"Great! It's never good to put that stuff off, you end up forgetting a lot of stuff when you do." Not that she was one to talk. The only things in her trunk at the moment were her books and that was just for very obvious reasons.
"I'll probably get my clothes packed tonight before I collapse in my bed or something...or maybe tomorrow before breakfast." That seemed like the more likely option because after all the food she planned to eat there wouldn't have been room for much work. "So what do you think about your first term?" That was a good place to start.
"I spent most of the time studying, but overall it was good." The blonde smiled "I'm excited for summer though, do you have plans for summer?" Mack though about all the owls her parents had sent her with plans, she could hardly contain herself.
Mack looked around the great hall looking around for anyone else she might would know but sadly didn't recognize anyone, they were mostly older students that she had be afraid to talk to.
Last edited by Danielle_Daughn; 04-05-2013 at 10:52 PM.
Reason: Adding
"HAI GWEN!!!" Lex practically shouted when she saw the older Ravenclaw and of course she waved back because that was what you did.
Merlin, it seemed like forever since she'd last seen her. Why did older kids disappear once the term started--not that she minded when certain ones did--she was just curious...where did they go...? Did they have some kind of secret hanging out spot that they disillusioned and only they knew how to find? A rather curious thought that one....
"I'm good but I'm getting kinda hungry," Understatement right there, "Just waiting for the feast I guess but we all know how that goes." How it usually went anyway. "And how are you??"
"Are you looking for someone?" She asked when she caught him staring over at the Ravenclaw table. That reminded her, she and Lottie had business over there later. Was the idiot even there yet?? She squinted, trying to get a better look as well.
Originally Posted by TwistedHearts
Zeke froze in place. Natural reflex. He knew that voice. He definitely knew that voice. And this feeling of being frozen. Only one person could do that to him.
...Ice Princess. Despite knowing she was here, Zeke couldn't bring himself to look at the direction of the voice and check. Again, I repeat he was frozen where he sat. He couldn't move his head, his neck, his hands, his feet, everything basically. Yet shivers were sent down his spine, and he had goosebumps. But even if he looked like he had caught a cold, his cheeks sure were burning a deep red color.
Slowly...slowly...he could feel her presence nearing him with every step. His heart beating twice as fast as she could walk. And finally, his suspicions were confirmed as Gwen was beside him, standing there.
Zeke's head turned and looked at her, SMILING. She was smiling. This is the second time he's seen that. Once his eyes saw IP's smile, all the ice that froze him melted and he could move properly again. Well, that was a relief.
He smiled back at her. He was glad to have her here 'cause he doesn't have to walk over to her table later. Loljk, he was just really glad to see Gwen. "H-hey, Gwen," so the ice had after effects of stuttering. Don't make a fool out of yourself and look weak, Zeke. You have to regain your lost pride from before. Passing out, nearly drowning, sudden headache attacks..tsktsk. You should really keep up. This is the Ice Princess we're talking about.
There was still a hint of pink in his cheeks as he tugged on his robe, trying to think of a conversation to make her stay. "Sit beside me?"
Originally Posted by TwistedHearts
Aha. So his suspicions were right, after all. He was not about to wait for that speech any longer. PATIENCE, DUDE. Patience.
"I was," he grinned at his fellow Gryffindor. "But I found her now." Right in this very table. The Ravenclaw had arrived, almost freezing him up in cold ice then melting it all away, leaving him blushing badly.
He bit his lip, 'cause he felt the blood rushing to his cheeks again at the thought of her. He stole a quick glance at Gwen, seated beside him then quickly looked away.
An owl caught his attention. "Is that your-" And it came right in front of Alexa. Hm. Guess it was hers after all. Maybe it's best to leave her to that business first. He sat there, and waited.
Waited for the speech. Waited for the food. Waited for his cheeks to stop blushing. Waited for his companion to finish checking out her package. Waited for the owl to have his treat. Waited for Alexa to attend to him again.
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
While waiting to see whether or not the owl would actually want the treat she turned her attention back to the boy. Before she became terribly distracted by the VERY PRETTIFUL gift she had noticed his going all red after mentioning that he found who he was looking for. Now that she was a bit less distracted she took a look around but the only person who'd recently arrived at the table was...
"You mean Gwen?" She looked to the Ravenclaw briefly before looking back at him. There was no need to answer his other question because, well, it was hers. Clearly.
Which meant she could move on to something else like...like..."Did you know your face is going red?" Lex wasn't subtle. Everyone knew that--oh, everyone but him maybe. It wasn't meant to be taken the wrong way, it was just something she noticed and found to be curious. This meant more staring.
Gwen was really happy to see the younger Gryffindor. Still smirking, she waited for Lex to answer her first question. Hmm. A lot of time had passed since she talked to Lex. The sixth year had realized a few moments ago that she didn’t even know some of her housemates… so she had two things planned for the next term: get to know the other Ravenclaws, and try to catch up with her friends.
’Yeah’, Gwendolyn mumbled at the ‘we all know how that goes’ comment. ‘I’m good.’ Really happy that she didn’t have OWLs or NEWTs coming up this year. ‘Looking forward to the holiday’, the sixth year added. ‘Do you have any plans for the summer?’, she then asked Lex.
Next, Gwendolyn drew her attention to the other Gryffindor. She was about to add something to the ‘hello’, though she stopped herself as she saw that Zeke wasn’t reacting in any way. Erm.
What in Merlin’s beard was going on with Zeke?
Maybe she should go back?
Gwen was beginning to consider heading back to the Ravenclaw table, though she decided to wait a few more moments. Well… he eventually started talking. And, to her relief, he wasn’t using that silly nickname anymore. I.P. How did he even come up with that? Eye roll.
The Ravenclaw then took a seat at the table, and glimpsed back at Zeke. ‘How are you?’, she asked before glimpsing back at the staff table.
Looking at the staff table, Gwen was trying to figure out when the Headmistress would give her speech. Hmm. She should head back by then, but there seemed to be plenty of time left. Wait what? Gwen suddenly heard the Gryffindor girl say something.
. . .
What about her?
More out of instinct, Gwen looked at Lex as she thought she heard the younger girl call her name. Umm. Maybe she misheard that. Yes, that was probably it. And Gwen would not want to have to explain herself for not paying attention to what was going on around her.
Hmmm… but what was Lex saying? Gwen looked back at Zeke. Hm. He really was quite red. Accelerated pulse? Maybe. Ughhh. She could not believe it-
He was going to pass out, wasn’t he?
Was it because of the memory forgetfulness thing… or just because he was starving? No. It was impossible for someone to turn red just because there was no food around. Hmm. Maybe Zeke was really angry that he couldn’t eat? That sounded silly. So yes, it was probably the first option. He could have remembered something… or… ummm…
Pffft. Gwen was completely oblivious to what was going on, but anyway- She was firmly convinced that the red colour was all because of the amnesia. Mhm. That was the only explanation she could come up with. And she just HAD to be right. ‘Are you alright?’, the sixth year finally asked, raising an eyebrow. Hmm. She wouldn’t have noticed anything, hadn’t Lex mentioned it.
Maxwell walked into the hall, another ending to another term...normally he hated going home, or at least last term he did. For a few reasons: Dealing with Elliot's father, listening to his youngest sibling scream his head off (As he was a new born at the time) and then the fact that he couldn't use Magic. But this year he was excited to go home, not that he didn't love the castle, or some of the people in it, but he was going HOME! to America..
Taking a Road trip in his new car with his girl, also it was a feast, which meant food and Max was a growing boy so he was ALWAYSREALLYHUNGRY! He wasn't looking forward to goodbyes though...the only person that was graduating he'd be sad to see leave was Selina, it seemed to Max like they'd just become friends and she was a bit of a role model of his, he'd miss her and need someone else to keep him from letting his temper get the best of him, maybe the next female prefect will be tough enough to handle him.
He took his seat at the feast and looked around, seeing everyone talking, he hadn't seen Elliot yet today but he'd be spending the summer with her, so maybe he was fine for now, when she needed him she'd find him. Though he wanted to talk to Ariana, maybe he'd head to the Snake table later..
Gwen gave a quick look around, trying to find someone, though it was hard to recognize any of the students because of the crowd. Her attention was, however, drawn towards one of the Gryffindors she could recognize- Selina. ‘Hi’, she greeted the Head Girl with a small smirk. Ajbdwkbxcfj. O____o Selina was a seventh year. That meant she would be leaving too. Ughhh.
It only then struck Gwen how little she knew about the Gryffindor and that they hadn’t talked much in the past six years. Hmm. And everything was even more weird since Gwen had once been polyjuiced as Selina for a few hours.
Oh hey look, it was Gwen! Well, that was weird. She hadn't really spoken to the younger girl since they had switched up their faces in potions. Yes, being polyjuiced as someone else had been an awkward experience. In fact, there were a lot of problems with that polyjuice potion that year. Ugh, those memories made her cringe. Poor Rumi.
Anyway, she waved at the Ravenclaw and said, "Oh hey, Gwen. Long time no see." The last time she had REALLY spoken to Gwen was when they were each other a few years back. Well then.
SPOILER!!: Penelope
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl
Oh, there was the seventh year she was looking for. And she saw Jake and Alice come in too, and they got a wave if they happened to look her way, but right now she had something to get off her chest.
Penelope was concerned about Selina, but she hadn't talked to her much, if at all, very recently. And there were a few reasons for that, and it was partly on purpose. Hopefully all her reasons to be concerned had changed in that amount of time, but she wasn't sure it had, and she only had now, really, to let the older girl know some stuff - though it probably wasn't much different than what others, particularly Alice, had said, but still - and she could only hope Selina would finally take it to heart. Because otherwise, Penelope really didn't know what to do or what would happen.
The almost fourth third year scooted down the bench to where her former Captain and soon-to-be former Head Girl sat and set the small box she'd held down in front of her, in which contained a few sugar cookies she'd made, not so unlike the ones she'd made for Kurumi and Gideon last term. Hopefully these were a bit better because surely she'd improved in a year right? Even if she didn't exactly practice constantly, they were surely less burnt and stuff. Anyway. Selina was supposed to love cookies. And eating. And it was sorta what Penelope wanted to talk about, so it was a good gift in her mind.
"Look. I know you apparently think I'm annoying and a pest for this." That was what Alice had said. Or something like that. It was possible Penelope hadn't listened very carefully at the time. "And you don't trust me." Considering she wouldn't tell her stuff because she was younger. She was pretty sure that was a cover up. Or something. Again, it was possible she hadn't listened carefully. She didn't care about whether she had or not at this point. "But trust me when I say this - I care about you, Selina. And I hate seeing you not happy and not eating." They kinda went hand in hand. Eating food was happiness, so if you didn't eat, you probably weren't happy. That was how it worked for her at any rate. "So eat. And be happy." Was that it with her little rant?
Oh, nope, there was a bit more she had to say, though less ranty.
"I'll miss that, y'know. Eating with you." And Alice, but she'd still be there next term. But it wasn't quite the same, since it always seemed to be her, Selina, and Alice with the appetites bigger than all the Quidditch teams combined. "I'll miss you too." Because their friendship wasn't all about eating. There was a healthy appreciation for violence on the Quidditch pitch and sometimes off it as well. And she just genuinely liked Selina too. "I'm sure you'll have lots of fun with the Harpies though."
So Selina could tell her off for the eating thing or threaten her with Mortimer or something now. Penelope'd said all she felt she needed to, and now it was pretty much out of her hands.
There was a lot going on. A lot of people that the redhead was ripping through to say goodbye to and all the while trying not to let the idea of graduation eat away her. It didn't bother her. Nope, she would be fine. Without them all... everyday... huh. Leaving was a such a weird, raw emotion. The whole thought of it made her feel very young again. The real world she WOULD be the baby again. The youngest in the bunch. Maybe that would be a nice change of pace.
Just as she was about to turn and say goodbye to someone else she felt a Shark Bait in GREAT need of a haircut slide down the bench so that they were shoulder to shoulder. Yes, the two girls, even though a few years apart, were virtually the same height. And yes, the eighteen year old was fun sized. And yes, if ANYONE wanted to say anything to her about it, she would gladly introduce them to Mortimer. He was rather good at proving a point or two for in the past.
Before she could even say hey to her little Shark Bait, the younger girl was talking. Merlin, this was just like Alice. The girls were growing up so fast and taking on the dominant role of the conversation. They were going to be totally fine without her, which made her equal parts sad and happy for them.
And then there was a box in front of her filled with cookies. This was sweet of her, very sweet. Especially since Selina couldn't cook herself, so anyone who remotely didn't burn anything in the kitchen was a hero.
Hang on, hang on. She DID trust Penelope. That girl was her little Shark Bait. Her seeker, her little munchin. If Penelope thought that Selina didn't trust her she was sorely mistaken. It was just that she was never one to throw her problems on ickles. That did not mean, though, that she did not love them or trust them. Because she did... a lot.
But she did not say anything. Not even utter a retort. Penelope looked like she had something she wanted to say and the redhead was going to let her get it all out. Once she was done, she wrapped her arms around the younger girl and hugged her tightly. She understood why Penelope was saying what she was saying and she appreciated it, but right now she just wanted to hug her Shark Bait for the last time in the Great Hall.
"I'm gonna miss you more then you know, Shark Bait." And THAT was the truth.
SPOILER!!: Beezus
Originally Posted by xXxPandora
Taking a deep breath, Beezus ambled towards the Gryffindor table in hopes of finding a certain someone. Although, there was actually no need for hoping for that person's flaming red hair was very much easy to pluck in that crowded field of lions. And once the Ravenclaw Prefect had identified that head, she essentially ignored everything and focused only the Head Girl's ginger hair, tunneling vision and whatnot.
She just needed to get this done and over with so she could move on the next table.
She was, in a few minutes, behind Selina Skylar and for a while, she just stared at the girl's hair, numerous thoughts running through her mind - thoughts that she didn't even want to entertain but still found its way to her system. Then....poke, poke, poke. "Hi." She said 'Hi', not 'Hey' because Selina hated hearing that from her, remember?
So she'd just say it in her mind.
Hey, Sellypookins.
Just as she was in the middle of hugging Shark Bait, who was obviously severely concerned about things, she felt someone poke her. Did they NOT see that they were ruining a moment?! Honestly, she was going to turn around and shove Mortimer up their nose until they begging for mer- oh, it was Beezus.
Well, THIS was awkward. The two girls had not really seen eye-to-eye since the beginning of last term for reasons. Reasons that Selina did not want to get into because their relationship as of late was NOT one that she was particularly proud of being that the two used to get on, quite famously actually. But you know, lies and stuff? Yeah, that ruined their friendship.
Letting go of Penelope and turning her full attention to Beezus so that none of her ickles had to see this conversation, lest it go south, she tapped on her knees and said, "Oh, um, hey Beezus." Did she not know that this was the Gryffindor table?
Not that other people weren't allowed and stuff. Just, yeah, most people didn't venture her. Gryffindors usually did the wandering.
SPOILER!!: Cambridge
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Heeeeey, there was no sudden and violent reaction!! This hugging thing was a success!! Pssh, and here she thought it wouldn't go well. Probably had something to do with the fact that she couldn't see if the girl had her bat with her or not. In all honesty she didn't want check either because then she wouldn't have built up the courage to be hugging her like this.
She shook her head at her suggestion. "Alice is pretty scary with her bat but like...I'm her ickle, she finds me adorable so she wouldn't threaten me with it." That's how she liked to think which meant that was obviously how it worked. Duh.
"And what about you? Where will you find another 12 year old to terrify??? They aren't exactly laying around you know." T'was true, she'd have to look hard.
Scoffing a little, she retorted, "Biter learned a LOT from me. Don't underestimate her. The teeth leave marks... more then my bat ever could." And that was the truth. She often wondered if Alice sharpened her teeth to give them the extra EDGE that was specifically Alice. Besides, the girl ALSO had a bat. So her violence threshold had the potential to be a LOT more then the Head Girl's. Only time would tell to see if she implemented it.
And THAT comment garnered a laugh from Selina. Another twelve year old to terrify? Well, didn't Cambridge know that just because she was graduating did not mean that she wouldn't still be around to terrify her? Heck, she might even send her a HOWLER on occasion just for the fun of it. There was always that option.
Ruffling the younger girl's hair awkwardly, she tagged on, "Don't worry, Cambridge. You won't be able to escape me. I'll ALWAYS be keeping an eye on you. And don't you forget it." For the fun of it, she just threw her a look. Heh.
SPOILER!!: Lupin
Maxwell walked into the hall, another ending to another term...normally he hated going home, or at least last term he did. For a few reasons: Dealing with Elliot's father, listening to his youngest sibling scream his head off (As he was a new born at the time) and then the fact that he couldn't use Magic. But this year he was excited to go home, not that he didn't love the castle, or some of the people in it, but he was going HOME! to America..
Taking a Road trip in his new car with his girl, also it was a feast, which meant food and Max was a growing boy so he was ALWAYSREALLYHUNGRY! He wasn't looking forward to goodbyes though...the only person that was graduating he'd be sad to see leave was Selina, it seemed to Max like they'd just become friends and she was a bit of a role model of his, he'd miss her and need someone else to keep him from letting his temper get the best of him, maybe the next female prefect will be tough enough to handle him.
He took his seat at the feast and looked around, seeing everyone talking, he hadn't seen Elliot yet today but he'd be spending the summer with her, so maybe he was fine for now, when she needed him she'd find him. Though he wanted to talk to Ariana, maybe he'd head to the Snake table later..
Looking over a ways down the table, she saw Max sitting there looking all pathetic. Oh for Merlin's sake, if Gryffindor fell into this constant state of awkwardness after she left, she would sick Alice on ALL of them. Bearing bat and teeth. Yeah, she was serious. They had to knock this all off. Whatever, you know, THIS was.
Gesturing for him to come and join the party, or whatever this small gathering over here was, Selina said, "Oi, Lupin. Smile, 'kay? And get your bum down here." Honestly.
Maxwell walked into the hall, another ending to another term...normally he hated going home, or at least last term he did. For a few reasons: Dealing with Elliot's father, listening to his youngest sibling scream his head off (As he was a new born at the time) and then the fact that he couldn't use Magic. But this year he was excited to go home, not that he didn't love the castle, or some of the people in it, but he was going HOME! to America..
Taking a Road trip in his new car with his girl, also it was a feast, which meant food and Max was a growing boy so he was ALWAYSREALLYHUNGRY! He wasn't looking forward to goodbyes though...the only person that was graduating he'd be sad to see leave was Selina, it seemed to Max like they'd just become friends and she was a bit of a role model of his, he'd miss her and need someone else to keep him from letting his temper get the best of him, maybe the next female prefect will be tough enough to handle him.
He took his seat at the feast and looked around, seeing everyone talking, he hadn't seen Elliot yet today but he'd be spending the summer with her, so maybe he was fine for now, when she needed him she'd find him. Though he wanted to talk to Ariana, maybe he'd head to the Snake table later..
Looking over a ways down the table, she saw Max sitting there looking all pathetic. Oh for Merlin's sake, if Gryffindor fell into this constant state of awkwardness after she left, she would sick Alice on ALL of them. Bearing bat and teeth. Yeah, she was serious. They had to knock this all off. Whatever, you know, THIS was.
Gesturing for him to come and join the party, or whatever this small gathering over here was, Selina said, "Oi, Lupin. Smile, 'kay? And get your bum down here." Honestly.
Max looked up from being lost in his head and smiled a little at Selina, getting up and moving over the small group and took a seat. "Who's gonna call me out when you're gone, Selina?" He snorted a little and itched the back of his head. Next time he came back he'd be a sixth year...which was a weird thought.
"It won't be the same without you." She had always pushed Max to be a better person as long as he knew her, never taking his 'i never said i was a role model' excuse..he wasn't sure how it would be without her here, but maybe he'd have to just think about what she'd tell him to do, though he assumed it would involve her calling him a name and polishing Mortimer.
Finally! It was the end of the term, but all Seth could think about was where he was going to go? He for sure didn't want to go home...
Resting his chin on the palm of his hand while tracing circles with his finger on the table, waiting for the speech and the food. There was something bugging him, but that's a story for another day.
Finally! It was the end of the term, but all Seth could think about was where he was going to go? He for sure didn't want to go home...
Resting his chin on the palm of his hand while tracing circles with his finger on the table, waiting for the speech and the food. There was something bugging him, but that's a story for another day.
From where she sat on the Slytherin table Peyton had seen when Seth sat down. She wasn't being a creeper or anything, but she hasn't seen him since he last helped her with her homework, which was weeeeeeeks ago. Peyton was getting a scary thought that he might be avoiding her, but as much as she thought of her actions and what might have caused Seth to avoid her, she couldn't find a reason.
Now that she saw him there, Peyton took her chance and stood up and walked over to the Gryffindor table. Her eyes narrowed, shiftily looked around, a playful grin on her lips. When she reached Seth, she placed her hands over his eyes from behind. "Boo!"
From where she sat on the Slytherin table Peyton had seen when Seth sat down. She wasn't being a creeper or anything, but she hasn't seen him since he last helped her with her homework, which was weeeeeeeks ago. Peyton was getting a scary thought that he might be avoiding her, but as much as she thought of her actions and what might have caused Seth to avoid her, she couldn't find a reason.
Now that she saw him there, Peyton took her chance and stood up and walked over to the Gryffindor table. Her eyes narrowed, shiftily looked around, a playful grin on her lips. When she reached Seth, she placed her hands over his eyes from behind. "Boo!"
Feeling some tiny hands over his eyes and hearing that familiar voice, he had so desperately been avoiding for so long Seth chuckled. "Oh no who can this be?" he teased. Gently grabbing her tiny hands and pulling them away from his piercing blue eyes, he smiled. "Hey, Peyton." he greeted her. Noticing the necklace he had given to her over Christmas break, made this situation he was in so much more difficult.
Clearing his throat he offered her a seat next to him. He wanted this to all be over but then again, the one person he truly knew him was pulling him back to this moment. "It's really nice seeing you, again." Seth smiled and sighed loosening his tie. He strongly disliked ties, bows were better.
Dave Grohl-Josh Hutcherson-RupertGrint-HP-HG- Marvel-D.C-Taylor Hawkins-Drumming-Foo Fighters-
End of term feast?!
. . . .
Ronnie sat down at the table and blinked. This year had gone by way too fast. Next year she'd be in her seventh year...and after that...she wouldn't be here anymore. She swallowed hard at the thought. It sure was scary to think about that. She loved Hogwarts, it was her most favorite place in the whole world! She couldn't believe she was getting closer and closer to graduating.
She shook her head, laughing to herself softly. She then looked at her fellow lions. "Hello everyone!" she said to them with a smile.
Max looked up from being lost in his head and smiled a little at Selina, getting up and moving over the small group and took a seat. "Who's gonna call me out when you're gone, Selina?" He snorted a little and itched the back of his head. Next time he came back he'd be a sixth year...which was a weird thought.
"It won't be the same without you." She had always pushed Max to be a better person as long as he knew her, never taking his 'i never said i was a role model' excuse..he wasn't sure how it would be without her here, but maybe he'd have to just think about what she'd tell him to do, though he assumed it would involve her calling him a name and polishing Mortimer.
Shrugging her shoulders, she said sort of nonchalantly, "Dunno... probably Dylan. He's just not as subtle as me, though. I've perfected the art of it." Yes, that was what she had done exactly. Perfected the art of the eye roll and threats. In fact, if she was being honest with herself, her AND Mortimer had perfected it together. It was a joint effort. They went together like peanut butter and jelly or Winnie the pooh and honey. All things that REALLY went famously together.
And there he went saying that it wouldn't be the same without her. Did he not realize that she was trying very hard to keep this all together for her ickles? She did not want anyone weepy or crying here. They were the house of the brave and stuff, NOT the house of the cry babies that was reserved for Hufflepuff.
She leaned over and ruffled his hair condescendingly, "You lot are gonna be fine without me. Trust me." And she knew that. It was sad to think that they WOULD be fine without her, but she was not the first lion to graduate and she would not be the last.
Feeling some tiny hands over his eyes and hearing that familiar voice, he had so desperately been avoiding for so long Seth chuckled. "Oh no who can this be?" he teased. Gently grabbing her tiny hands and pulling them away from his piercing blue eyes, he smiled. "Hey, Peyton." he greeted her. Noticing the necklace he had given to her over Christmas break, made this situation he was in so much more difficult.
Clearing his throat he offered her a seat next to him. He wanted this to all be over but then again, the one person he truly knew him was pulling him back to this moment. "It's really nice seeing you, again." Seth smiled and sighed loosening his tie. He strongly disliked ties, bows were better.
Peyton giggled. It was obvious Seth knew it was her. Hmm, next time she'd have to wear gloves or something to not give herself up. Or maybe it was her voice. Was there a charm to temporarily change that too? She'd have to ask her dad.
"Hi," she beamed, sitting beside him. Now Peyton wasn't the greatest on detecting moods or emotions, but the conflict in Seth's eyes was pretty obvious. She silently wondered what was bothering him. She'd ask him later. Maybe on the train when they were alone. "Really? I thought...maybe you were too busy. Anyway," she said, quickly changing the direction of the conversation to something close to it. "Where have you been? Haven't seen you in ages." Not really, but it felt like it.
Shrugging her shoulders, she said sort of nonchalantly, "Dunno... probably Dylan. He's just not as subtle as me, though. I've perfected the art of it." Yes, that was what she had done exactly. Perfected the art of the eye roll and threats. In fact, if she was being honest with herself, her AND Mortimer had perfected it together. It was a joint effort. They went together like peanut butter and jelly or Winnie the pooh and honey. All things that REALLY went famously together.
And there he went saying that it wouldn't be the same without her. Did he not realize that she was trying very hard to keep this all together for her ickles? She did not want anyone weepy or crying here. They were the house of the brave and stuff, NOT the house of the cry babies that was reserved for Hufflepuff.
She leaned over and ruffled his hair condescendingly, "You lot are gonna be fine without me. Trust me." And she knew that. It was sad to think that they WOULD be fine without her, but she was not the first lion to graduate and she would not be the last.
Max snorted "Merlin knows he'll try..maybe i'll actually try listening to him for once." Though Max knew he was rebellious by nature, the only reason he listened to Selina was she could be just as angry and crazy as he could, but she managed somehow not to be every time she got mad. He admired that.
Max laughed a little at the hair ruffling and then itched the beginnings of what was to be a beard he'd attempt to grow over the summer, it was the last day of school so forget shaving. "Yeah, i know we'll be fine. I expect an owl every now and then, though i'm sure your 'ickles' do too."
Peyton giggled. It was obvious Seth knew it was her. Hmm, next time she'd have to wear gloves or something to not give herself up. Or maybe it was her voice. Was there a charm to temporarily change that too? She'd have to ask her dad.
"Hi," she beamed, sitting beside him. Now Peyton wasn't the greatest on detecting moods or emotions, but the conflict in Seth's eyes was pretty obvious. She silently wondered what was bothering him. She'd ask him later. Maybe on the train when they were alone. "Really? I thought...maybe you were too busy. Anyway," she said, quickly changing the direction of the conversation to something close to it. "Where have you been? Haven't seen you in ages." Not really, but it felt like it.
Seth took a second to think of what to answer, he didn't want to spoil this moment. So maybe tell the truth later? Yep, that was the best for news like this. Taking a deep breath and smiling "Yeah, I was busy. Homework and other stuff like that." he answered.
Scratching the back of his head, he took another deep breath. "Can I ask you something, Pebbles?" he asked, giving her the nickname that reminds him of Pebbles, daughter of Mr. Flinstone. "Would you still be my friend, even if I turned out to be something more than what I seem like?" he was being serious and was hoping that Peyton, would be mature for once and answer in all honesty. Fidgeting with his necklace he awaited for her answer.
Seth took a second to think of what to answer, he didn't want to spoil this moment. So maybe tell the truth later? Yep, that was the best for news like this. Taking a deep breath and smiling "Yeah, I was busy. Homework and other stuff like that." he answered.
Scratching the back of his head, he took another deep breath. "Can I ask you something, Pebbles?" he asked, giving her the nickname that reminds him of Pebbles, daughter of Mr. Flinstone. "Would you still be my friend, even if I turned out to be something more than what I seem like?" he was being serious and was hoping that Peyton, would be mature for once and answer in all honesty. Fidgeting with his necklace he awaited for her answer.
Peyton's serious side of her brain understood his silence, or at least she thought she did. He was thinking of a lie. As simple as that. Living with the kind of family she had, she learned these things and pauses were rarely a good thing. But she really wanted to believe what Seth was saying.
"Oh?" Homework? That sounded liked him. Yep. "Were you busy with exams and stuff like that, too? Because that's normal." She was really just trying to reassure herself. Her hands absentmindedly went to her necklace, her fingers lacing in the delicate chain. When she noticed Seth doing the same, she dropped her hands to her lap.
Pebbles? "Another nickname," she commented with a small grin. "I'm going to have to keep track of these names you give me." And she hoped they were nice, but naming her after small rocks? What did that have to do with HER?
Okay. Now that wasn't something you asked someone who was already dreading being avoided. Peyton squirmed in her seat and nodded nonetheless. "Why? Are you a unicorn in disguise?" She asked, doing her best to keep her features light and a teasing smile on her face.
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
Text Cut: Jake
Originally Posted by Syd
Everything Alice was saying was basically going in one of Jake's ears and out the other. He did NOT want to be here, and he wasn't happy about being here. He had planned on hiding out... but the common room wasn't a smart place to do so. Because now Ali was holding his wrist and dragging him down. Calling him a pansy in the process. Why were they friends, again?
...Right. Because she did things like that. That teeny smile after calling him names. It reminded him oddly of his seven year old sister. He sighed, his irritated expression softening instantly. She was right. Selina was leaving, and Anya was glued at the hip to the only seventh year Jake was really glad to see leaving... but Ali was here. So Jake could at least try to be normal for her.
Try being the keyword there.
"Fine, fine," he muttered in response to her telling him to smile. He looked down at the table, trying to hide the smile that was now on his lips. Her order reminded him that he was, in fact, a Prefect... and he should probably be showing some house spirit and excitement or something about the end of term. And he would have. If he hadn't seen Selina.
As soon as he caught site of that red hair, his smile vanished. His face went stoic. And he looked at Alice. Well? Now what?
"Fine? I think you mean, 'Absolutely, Ali, my bestest friend in the whole world. Thanks for bringing me down here. I sure appreciate your efforts'." Alice shot him a pointed look before tilting his chin up so everyone could see that bee-yoooo-tiful smile of his. "Don't. Don't think of it as people leaving. Act like they're coming back next term and everything's normal," she offered helpfully, pushing the corners of his mouth farther apart and widening his smile for him.
"You look lovely when you're happy. Keep it up, 'kay?" She couldn't remind him all night.
Text Cut: Lex
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Wait. ALICE!
Lex beamed over at the girl, not particularly realizing that she was still hanging on to Scary-Bat Girl. "I was wondering when you'd show up! Listen, I have a theory, no one died this year riiiiight? Right. That means that the Headmistress probably won't have much to report and we'll get the food sooner!!!" And cue more beaming.
"Have you started packing as yet? I did but I can't find a lot of things so I gave up." Because she was asking Melanie to help later, yup.
Because there were other people demanding her attention, such as Lex. "It took me a while. I had to drag a friend down here." Jake was adamant, and even dragging his resisting self took more strength than her puny stick arms could muster. Honestly, sometimes Alice being a Beater made no sense. "I hope we get food sooner. I'm famished. I'm always famished." Growing child here, yeah? And growing children needed feeding.
"I don't pack. I dump things in my trunk and sit on them until they fit." Wasn't that what everyone did? "And I haven't dumped some things in there, but I'll finish. Later." Feast now, packing later. And Melanie was helping HER. Best friends got dibs, didn't they?
Text Cut: Melanie
Originally Posted by iBeJenn
Melanie smiled when she saw Alice. Alice hadn't seemed too happy when Melanie told they younger Gryffindor that she'd be, pretty much, away all summer. It had made her feel a little bad but family was important. Alice was practically family though, she wasn't exactly sure how her summer would play out just yet. Melanie just gave her a wave. Alice looked preoccupied anyways so that was probably best. Don't interrupt conversations. That was rude.
And speaking of best friends.. "MELANIE SUNG." Alice's voice echoed across the table towards her roommate. "I'm currently stuck in between a Prefect and a Head Girl, but there's an open seat across from me and I demand you sit in it." She was real good at that, demanding things. Her face remained patient as she waited for Melanie to move into the seat before nudging her friend's knee with her own and rambling on. "You'l help me with packing later tonight, yeah, if you're finished with your own?"
And they still had to discuss summer plans, even thought Melanie would be across the world for half of it. Because there was still side-along apparition and floo powder. And they would make things work, just like they always did. Just like SHE always did. And she'd put those talents to good use, 'cause a certain someone was graduating and they would make things work, too.
Text Cut: Selina
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict
It was weird that as soon as she heard the word pansy, Selina knew that Keller was coming her way. That word was thrown around a lot at poor Jake, but what didn't kill him just made him stronger, yeah? Eh, whatever helped her sleep at night. Because normal people would consider the way the Gryffindor Quidditch team treated their only spout of testosterone as abuse. Well, what did they know? Nothing. That's what.
Turning her head to the side and smiling, she waved at her Biter who fell into the seat beside her and then at Jake who looked like someone had just kicked his puppy and said, "Hey, you two. Nice night, no?" Because, yeah, they were NOT going to talk about graduation. It made her all sad. The topic was going to be avoided like the plague until it absolutely couldn't be anymore.
Okay? Good.
"Hey, Miss Head Girl," Alice voiced, poking Selina in the ribs and grinning at her favorite seventh year. "You doing okay? Food'll be here soon." And if she wasn't too hungry, which she hadn't been lately, just a treacle tart or something was okay, too. Hopefully, though, the thought of eating was enough to distract her from the question she was about to ask. "So.. I've been thinking about summer. And I wanted to know, if, you know, I could bring Frank. To your flat, I mean." She glanced at Selina sideways, anticipating her reaction. 'Cause chocolate frogs really WEREN'T that scary and Frank was lovely, 'kay? Plus, ditching your pet just wasn't cool. At all.
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl
Oh, there was the seventh year she was looking for. And she saw Jake and Alice come in too, and they got a wave if they happened to look her way, but right now she had something to get off her chest.
Oh, but there was a Penelope, WAVING, and Alice waved back at her enthusiastically and waited until she was done lecturing Selina before leaning in closer and whispering. "Hey, Shark Bait." Because that was her name, as far as this Captain was concerned. "Just saying, you know, next year when Selina isn't here to inhale the Kitchens, we're going to have to eat double our shares to make up for her missing appetite." Because the same amount of food had to be taken in.
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
Peyton's serious side of her brain understood his silence, or at least she thought she did. He was thinking of a lie. As simple as that. Living with the kind of family she had, she learned these things and pauses were rarely a good thing. But she really wanted to believe what Seth was saying.
"Oh?" Homework? That sounded liked him. Yep. "Were you busy with exams and stuff like that, too? Because that's normal." She was really just trying to reassure herself. Her hands absentmindedly went to her necklace, her fingers lacing in the delicate chain. When she noticed Seth doing the same, she dropped her hands to her lap.
Pebbles? "Another nickname," she commented with a small grin. "I'm going to have to keep track of these names you give me." And she hoped they were nice, but naming her after small rocks? What did that have to do with HER?
Okay. Now that wasn't something you asked someone who was already dreading being avoided. Peyton squirmed in her seat and nodded nonetheless. "Why? Are you a unicorn in disguise?" She asked, doing her best to keep her features light and a teasing smile on her face.
Why was he asking this?
Seth nodded, most of that lie was true however not all of it. Actually 95% of that lie wasn't true.
Chuckling he nodded, he had been giving her several nicknames. Well can you blame him? Peyton, was just a long name to pronounce well at least for him it was. "She's a cute cartoon character, for your information." Seth chuckled, somehow knowing she'd think the complete opposite of what something actually means.
Rolling his eyes and letting a frustrated sigh, he ran his hands through his curly hair. Shaking his head and trying to seem not so flustered he took a deep breath, again. "Peyton. I'm being serious, can you be somewhat mature at least for like two seconds?" Seth's voice had shifted, to a more serious tone. Peyton lacked maturity, in Seth's eyes and sometimes he tried shrugging it off but right now he needed a clear answer. Before revealing what lied behind the golden curtain. "I-I...Nevermind. he couldn't get those words out, he decided to wait for another time to tell her.
The hurt was piercing him, right through his heart and all he could do is sit and hope that Peyton, matures like now. Right now.
Seth nodded, most of that lie was true however not all of it. Actually 95% of that lie wasn't true.
Chuckling he nodded, he had been giving her several nicknames. Well can you blame him? Peyton, was just a long name to pronounce well at least for him it was. "She's a cute cartoon character, for your information." Seth chuckled, somehow knowing she'd think the complete opposite of what something actually means.
Rolling his eyes and letting a frustrated sigh, he ran his hands through his curly hair. Shaking his head and trying to seem not so flustered he took a deep breath, again. "Peyton. I'm being serious, can you be somewhat mature at least for like two seconds?" Seth's voice had shifted, to a more serious tone. Peyton lacked maturity, in Seth's eyes and sometimes he tried shrugging it off but right now he needed a clear answer. Before revealing what lied behind the golden curtain. "I-I...Nevermind. he couldn't get those words out, he decided to wait for another time to tell her.
The hurt was piercing him, right through his heart and all he could do is sit and hope that Peyton, matures like now. Right now.
Oh, he was calling her after cute cartoon character. She let out a small giggle. "So I'm cute?" It was an innocent question...and she was curious, too. She was certain this was some muggle cartoon, because had it been a Wizard's cartoon then she would have heard of it.
Was he calling her immature?
Peyton raised an eyebrow at her, her smile gone. "Are you calling me immature? Because I'll have you know that I am mature. I've done all my homework - the one you didn't help me with - all by myself." There. She was unhappy now, but she wasn't planning on showing it. When Seth said never mind it only awoke her curiosity. "What? You were going to say something. Say it."
Oh, he was calling her after cute cartoon character. She let out a small giggle. "So I'm cute?" It was an innocent question...and she was curious, too. She was certain this was some muggle cartoon, because had it been a Wizard's cartoon then she would have heard of it.
Was he calling her immature?
Peyton raised an eyebrow at her, her smile gone. "Are you calling me immature? Because I'll have you know that I am mature. I've done all my homework - the one you didn't help me with - all by myself." There. She was unhappy now, but she wasn't planning on showing it. When Seth said never mind it only awoke her curiosity. "What? You were going to say something. Say it."
Seth side smiled "Sure. he raised his eyebrows then dropped them back down. He wasn't going to admit what the inevitable truth was.
His eyes widened. She still wasn't getting the point of the conversation. Shaking his and sighing all at one time he pursed his lips together "You still don't get it." Seth was now clearly displeased. "How can I tell you something so important, if you're not going to understand. I'm literally on edge here, Peyton." just the thought of what he really wanted to say was bringing redness to his eyes. He shook his head. "Just forget it." he said dropping the subject.
Seth side smiled "Sure. he raised his eyebrows then dropped them back down. He wasn't going to admit what the inevitable truth was.
His eyes widened. She still wasn't getting the point of the conversation. Shaking his and sighing all at one time he pursed his lips together "You still don't get it." Seth was now clearly displeased. "How can I tell you something so important, if you're not going to understand. I'm literally on edge here, Peyton." just the thought of what he really wanted to say was bringing redness to his eyes. He shook his head. "Just forget it." he said dropping the subject.
Peyton smiled and glanced down at her hands. Heh. What did it matter if a boy said she was cute, right? Her dad called her cute many times. So did her grandmother. And her brother. Somehow, this felt different to her. She just didn't know why?
Raising her gaze, she frowned. "I'm sorry for being my happy self, and for your information I was really curious," she said, keeping her voice from rising. What was up with him? Her hands fist on the material of her skirt. Why did she suddenly want to cry? Ugh.
She stood up and straightened her skirt as if it was the most natural thing. "It's too bad you think I'm immature. And I'm not sorry about it." She was cool the way she was. "I hope you calm down and tell me whatever it was on the train." Before she turned around, she added, "See yah, Aguirre." And she walked fast toward the Slytherin table, trying hard to keep her bottom lip from quivering.
Aspen had honestly considered camping out at Hogsmeade station instead of spending her last night around a bunch of nostalgic sad sacks in her dorm. As usual though, her ties to West kept her near. And with him in mind, she approached the Gryffindor table.
She had her sunglasses on - because really. What could the Professors do at this point for being out of uniform? Take more points? Go riiiiiiiiight ahead.
She found her target Alice and loomed behind her, where she waited, patient as ever with her arms crossed and expressionless face.
Peyton smiled and glanced down at her hands. Heh. What did it matter if a boy said she was cute, right? Her dad called her cute many times. So did her grandmother. And her brother. Somehow, this felt different to her. She just didn't know why?
Raising her gaze, she frowned. "I'm sorry for being my happy self, and for your information I was really curious," she said, keeping her voice from rising. What was up with him? Her hands fist on the material of her skirt. Why did she suddenly want to cry? Ugh.
She stood up and straightened her skirt as if it was the most natural thing. "It's too bad you think I'm immature. And I'm not sorry about it." She was cool the way she was. "I hope you calm down and tell me whatever it was on the train." Before she turned around, she added, "See yah, Aguirre." And she walked fast toward the Slytherin table, trying hard to keep her bottom lip from quivering.
Seth witnessed Peyton get up and walk away. But before she left he just had to feel her warmth...For some reason he really needed it. Rushing up he sped behind her and embraced her in his big arms. "I need you, more than you need me." he tried so hard to avoid his eyes spilling his truth. There was more he felt for her, something he didn't want her to know because he was afraid of her not feeling the same way for him. Taking off his necklace he gently grabbed her hand and placed it her palm "Good luck. he said smiling very lightly and rushing out of the great hall and made his way out to the boys bathroom.
looking back whispering in the lowest tone possible "Bye lo-" he couldn't get those words out, he was on his own again. Heck ever since his mom was gone, he's been on his own.