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Front Cars The driver and snack lady sit waaaaaay up front in the driver's cab, but there are plenty of other compartments up here! Careful you don't sit in the Prefects' cab though. They bite. |
After a less than rousing game of cards with a rather bored guy, Audrey was glad to see the train arrive. It had made her stomach clench, though. A new wave of homesickness washed over her and she blinked back tears as she lugged her trunk into the proper compartment for it. "Stop it, you're just fine," she told to herself. Images of her family kept popping up, as if they were shoving themselves into her brain on purpose. They weren't particularly flattering things to remember, but they still hit her hard. As if on queue, Dorcas, her massive dog that she wasn't technically allowed to have, showed up and nuzzled her torso. She ran her fingers in her dog's thick, black coat for comfort. The small girl took a moment to admire the train's magnificence. She'd ridden plenty of trains before. All over the country she had, but they were nothing like this scarlet, shiny thing. Audrey walked to a random door quite close to the front and swallowed, a large lump stuck firmly in her throat. She extended a skinny, shaking arm and opened one of the train's doors. Dorcas followed her with undying loyalty, encouraging the scared girl with gentle nudges in the back. Audrey entered an empty compartment (they were all empty, really, she was one of the first on the train) she slid against the window. She made made herself as compact as possible. Dorcas flopped her large head on Audrey's knobby knees, and in doing so effectively took up the three seats next to Audrey. She scratched the black russian terrier behind the ears. Audrey wasn't one to cry and get upset, but leaving home for so long was hitting her hard. Her lower lip quivered despite her best efforts and she turned away from the window in disgust. She wouldn't be seen like this. She'd brought her book bag with her on the train. She remembered that her dad had packed her three ham sandwiches and four pieces of bread to hold the packs of cheese and onion crisps he'd also packed for her. There were three twelve ounce bottles of grape juice and a couple packs of crackers as well as several candy bars Audrey had packed both for herself and to enlighten magical people with the brilliance of mint aero. The knot in her stomach suggested none of it would be eaten. She felt like throwing up already. Without her noticing she'd began to cry a bit, silent tears slowly running down her face. She wiped feverishly at them. Pathetic. |
The train was there! The time to board had arrived and Lana was way too excited about this fact. It wasn't like she wanted to say goodbye to her parents, no she would miss them a lot; but at the moment she wanted to get out of her 'normal' clothes and into her 'school' clothes. Of course, she had to hide them from her mum; but what she didn't know wouldn't hurt her. |
Raveeeen :D Tiffany had been longing for school to open throughout her summer although she was completely not ready for her next coming year. Merlin, she would become a fifth year student this year and it was time for her to face that horrible OWLs. She had nothing prepared but a few read pages from the book and notes from her cousin. She would be fine...hopefully. Going on the train with a pair of sneakers as usual, she walked alon the corridor and decided to pick a compartment at the front of it. Just because it was a lot quieter, with only a few prefects passing by. In that case she could get the silence she wanted, the silence she needed for her to think. This summer was terribly bad for her. No friends' meetings, no sleepovers, no trips. Simply staying with her annoying cousin whom she always argued with. And the worst part of all...breaking up with Chris. It made her sadder and sometimes she would still want to cry whenever she thought of what he told her that day and then she would bury herself with tears in sleeps. She didn't know whether she should be friends with him or forget him. Staring at the pie that her cousin had given her this morning as breakfast, she sighed. It reminded her of Chris. 'I don't want you,'she murmured as she threw it away. The lioness took her teddy out from her backpack, the teddy that she had always carried with her wherever she was. 'What should I do, Ted?'she pouted. |
For MJ! :D Mordred hurriedly went to the Front Cars to get himself a compartment after he said goodbye to his parents and Ethan. He almost missed the train since his cousin was being an emotional wreck and the sixth year did not want to leave his young cousin behind, but obviously he did not have any choice. Mordred eyed one empty compartment, the same space he ‘owned’ going to Hogwarts for his fifth year last term. He dumped his belongings inside and took a seat with a loud sigh. He should be really happy going back to his school because of the excellent OWL result he got, but right now his happy bubble was nowhere to be found. He was dead worried about his cousin Ethan and his problem with his parents. Mordred brushed his hair with his fingers and leaned back on his seat looking outside the window. |
SPOILER!!: He is HERE! *beams* Gerald was bored. How did time fly so fast? The blonde guy didn't realize that he's a seventh year student already. It just seemed like yesterday he had an argue with Lucas, his uncle about their movement to London and now he was here. On his journey to Hogwarts. Every year he did feel the same journey, except this year a new title had been given to him. Head Boy. So this year he became a Head Boy. A new title, new responsibility. Being a Head Boy means he could stay in Prefect's compartment with other student leaders. Sigh, such an exclusive place wasn't it? But he didn't like being exclusive. He didn't know some people there so he decided to walk out. To get a fresh air Tiffany. Speaking of, his blue eyes spotted a familiar girl, who looked so childish because she was hugging a teddy bear. AHA! It was her, Tiffany Pevensie. But wait.. Something's wrong with her? She didn't look as cheerful as usual. What's wrong with her? The last time they met at the Cafe, she was fine., just murmuring about her annoying cousin. Did they have a fight? He stepped into her compartment. "Oi." said him short. Hopefully she didn't mind if he was there. |
Text Cut: Mo and Lex Alice grinned at Lex, trying to recall her words. "Yes. I think you told me that you'd try out because it would make me happy.. or something along the lines of that." She would try out, right? "Oh. yeah, I do," she said, turning back to Mo and gesturing to the little chocolate frog atop her head. "This is Frank. He does eat.. I think it's what keeps the charm that lets them move from wearing off. He likes chocolate." It seemed rather ironic and cannibalistic to her, but if that was what he wanted, then who was she to complain? "I think it has something to do with his eating habits. It kind of rejuvenates him.. resets the magic, if you know what I mean? It probably keeps him from melting, too." .. Was that a BUNNY? He had a bunny? The lioness had to bite her lip to keep from squealing out loud. HE HAD A BUNNY. SQUEE. "He's going to be rather full of himself after all that, you know," she informed Mo after he finished praising the bunny. "But it's true. He's very ferocious." And adorable and fuzzy and.. Lovely. Alice was dying to see the monitor. "How big is it, as of now?" she wondered aloud. She kept forgetting that it was little at the moment, so she could erase those fantasies of a giant lizard terrorizing the school. Sigh. "I've heard baby lizards are supposed to be near a foot long upon hatching, or something like that." It couldn't cause any trouble if it was that small. Pity. She was still thinking about the lizard when she noticed that the Express had arrived. "Shall we go find a compartment, then?" Alice asked, dragging her luggage onto the train and into the corridor. Surely, no one expected her to sit in the Prefect's Compartment. She would rather sit with Mo and Lex, and go find Melanie later, anyway. The girl poked compartment doors open with her bat, searching for an empty one. "How does this one look?" |
For Kristin [and anyone else who wants to join.] The train's arrival had officially been the signal of the summer's end which was almost disappointing since it definitely had been an amazing summer away in Galway but Patrick was also looking forward to another term starting at Hogwarts since there were new people to meet and old friends to spend time with that he hadn't gotten to see since the end of term feast which was alright. After depositing his trunk in the luggage compartment, he brought Orion along with his messenger bag into the front cars of the train and allowed his blue eyes to scan along the compartments to be able to find an empty one since he hadn't been entirely willing to ask people that he hadn't known if he could have joined them in their compartment since it could have been a little odd; as soon as he had stumbled upon a seemingly free one, he entered it before setting the owl cage on the floor. The tawny owl wouldn't have had a problem with staying there for the moment since he was pretty much used to being completely random locations thanks to his owner which definitely made things much easier at times for the now fifth year Slytherin. Hopefully everything will actually be better than they were last term with the train, it was strange to deal with all the nonsense and of course those feelings hadn't helped. Those thoughts registered in his mind as he had taken a seat on the comfortable bench and set his bag down beside him, those feelings had long been addressed which was good since there was no way things could have continued being confusing because of the simple fact they had made things with Kendall that much more difficult. Everything was figured now right now and things with his Ravenclaw sidekick had been absolutely awesome, there was no better way to be able to explain it; especially after spending the summer with her and having all sorts of crazy adventures that were classified information. It was superhero knowledge and not everyone got to know about that. Taking out his notebook from his bag, he grabbed a quill and started to write down what he had been thinking about since there was never a day that he had forgotten to write since that could have meant forgetting ideas which was something that he hadn't wanted to do. |
*claims you* Quote:
Being a fourth year now, she felt very comfortable on the train and stopped by the food trolley to get plenty of goodies to last her the trip. Then she started making her way down the train in search of a place to sit. But as she walked down, she stopped at the door of a compartment with one little girl in it, crying. The redhead slid the door open and took a step inside. "Um..." She started off, breaking the silence. "Mind if I join you?" She asked, looking hopeful at the girl. This girl reminded Lily of herself as a first year. It was time to pay back what Louisa gave to her. |
yay! Quote:
"Elise!" he called after her as she darted through legs further down the corridor, but he knew that was futile. He had only just given her the name mere minutes ago and she had no time to acknowledge it belonged to her. Besides cats pretty much did as they pleased anyways.. Ethan spotted her up ahead darting into an open compartment alll the way at the front of the train and he followed her inside. The nearly full grown Siamese kitten had successfully escaped that boy-human who liked to hold her too much.. she wanted to explore! And her boy-human didn't seem to like that. Nope, he was chasing her which only made her walk faster.. and if kitties could laugh, she probably would have. But even this was getting boring and she almost got stepped on several times by some of the many feet in the corridor. What was in here? The Siamese found an open door and sauntered inside. OH, there was another boy-human sitting inside! And his lap looked very cozy.. She jumped up onto the seat next to him and walked over, making herself a seat on his lap and emitting a low purr. She fixed her intensely blue eyes on him. Pet meee Ethan walked inside just in time to see his cat walk over to the boy in the compartment. "Elise!" he scorned the cat, his eyes growing wide in horror as she sat herself down on him. What was with this feline and her strange attraction to boys? "Sorry.." he started to the other boy. "She really has a mind of her own.." As in she didn't listen to a word he said.. and apparently lacked modesty. And he stood there eyeing the cat, hoping the boy would shoo her off her something because he wasn't about to put his hands on another bloke's lap to pull her off. Hopefully he wasn't deathly allergic to cats or anything.. |
Anyone can grab him if they want :) VM me if you do. He sat down in the compartment and thought about the year to come, he was going to be very busy. His thoughts then drifted back to Ella, this was not how he had imagined their return to Hogwarts. He looked at the empty space next to him, before looking back out the window. He would probably see her around school, so at least he would be able to talk to her a little and find out how she was doing. He leaned his head against the window wondering why he was still hurting even though it had been months since they had broken up, he hadnt been hurt this much before.. but then again he hadnt been in love before. He wondered how long it would take to get over her.. but WAIT.. he kinda didnt want to. She was a great girl.. and maybe he still wanted her back, but he knew that was a long shot. So he sat there just looking out the window, he wondered whether he should get something from the trolley.. but he wasnt really hungry anymore so instead he sat there just looking out the window. |
Audrey was mortified at this older girl seeing her like this. Trying to look as if she hadn't been trying, she said "Yeah, o'course, but you might wanna sit on that side since Dorcas tends to spread out when she gets sleepy," Audrey tried not to sound like she'd been choked up as she gestured to the seat across from her. She pulled her bag, which she'd placed in said seat, down by her feet so Lily could sit down if she wished. Her stomach was still all floppy. 'Please don't puke, don't you dare nope nope nope' she thought. On the bright side, at least she'd have company for the trip. That perked her up a little. "I'm Audrey, it's cool to meet you," she said politely. She had about a thousand questions because, well, she was Audrey Moran and that was just the way she was. She wiped her hand over her eyes to remove the remaining moistness. "Who are you?" she asked, not rudely. |
"Hey Harvs, how are you doing?" She knew it was a dumb question, how he was doing was written allover his face. "Harvey think of the term as a new beginning, maybe things will work out with you two, or you might find someone else. Just enjoy the term and maybe go out for Quiddiatch again. Ethan might be going out this term. You two could be on the team together." Yes, that wouldn't be a bad thing.. |
Text Cut: Minnie He looked at the compartment door as he heard a knock he smiled a little as he watched her come inside and sit down, he was about to say Hi when she said it first. "Hey Mins.. Im ..erm.." good? great? nah she would know he was lying "better.. so thats a good thing I guess. So Im good? yeah I think thats it" he looked at her listening to her advice to him, he nodded along. His ears perked up at the point that maybe things could work between them, did she mean that him and Ella....? .. well only time would tell.. but what if Ella went onto date someone else and loved them instead? oh boy! He nodded "Thanks Mins.. I will try to enjoy the term.. and yeah I have missed it so I think I will be on the team again" oh boy.. Ella would most probably be on the team too.. but he cant avoid playing against her for forever.. he then looked at her "He will? So both your claw boys on the team.." this made him smile "I can see you all dressed in blue in the stands already Mins.. but try to support the puffs too!" ok that was a bad joke.. but he couldnt think of any good ones right now. "Enough about me.. how are you? how was the rest of your summer?" he asked her cause she had asked about him but he hadnt asked how she was. He then noticed the little puff that she had "Nice puff you got there" that reminded him of Bouncers.. and he wondered what had happened to him, hadnt he seen that little puff with someone else? he wondered where that little guy was.. but this little guy or girl was just as good.. all puffs were good. It was good to see her with a puff, a puff with a puff.. sounded good to him. |
"It's cool to meet you too, Audrey." The new fourth year replied, giving the girl a grin. "I'm Lily... fourth year Ravenclaw." Then she gestured towards her owl. "And that is Phoenix.... she might get a little agitated because she doesn't like her cage very much." She explained before looking back over at the younger kid and the dog. "So is this your first year at Hogwarts?" She asked, figuring that a discussion would make Audrey feel more comfortable. |
Lana smiled as she looked up at her twin. "You think so?" she asked as she flattened the front of her skirt again. "You look great too. You promise that you won't tell mum and dad about this right?" She didn't think it was wise for them to know that their little girl was actually growing up and the little girl that used to want to climb trees and be outdoors running around didn't want to do such things any more. The tomboy they left at the station was not the girl she was now. "A boy? You really think you could get a photo of me with a boy?" That was a bit laughable considering that she hardly ventured outside her own common room and lessons. "You know if you did that, I would just get a photo of you and Mick." she teased in return as she hugged her twin. |
Laura pouted. "Yeah I know it would be hard." Laura wasn't at all happy about that. "You don't even come and spend time with your twinnie who misses you loads, you just stay in the dorm." Laura hugged her twinnie. "I know it's hard for you to come out and about but seriously we can can't we." Laura pouted again. "I didn't see him either, the last I heard he was okay." Laura really hoped that was still the case. "I hope I can speak to him soon though I really miss him." Laura was really missing her awesome Mick. |
Lana nodded and smiled. She wasn't completely sure how it had all happened, but she felt a bit unsettled about just how she had become more of a girly-girl. It wasn't completely a bad thing that she wasn't a tomboy anymore. She actually liked being the way she was now. Of course, that didn't mean that she would give up some of the things she used to like. "Cross my heart, it will be our little secret," she replied as she motioned to cross her heart. "I shall not say a word to them." |
Minerva smiled at Fluffy when Harvey mentioned her. "Yeah, Ariana bought her for me this summer. I was saying about missing Bouncers and wanting another one." She reached up petting the puff as she talked, "I named her fluffy, I know a bit lame, but she is such a fluff ball that I couldnt' help it." |
SPOILER!!: Mo and Alice "I did?" She didn't remember saying tha--Oh!!! "I did! And I meant it, I'll show up for the tryouts just to make you happy." BEAM. Juuuuust showing her support for the new captain, she promised nothing beyond that. Then they started talking about Alice's pet chocolate frog. "She won't let me hold Frank anymore--she use to have two you know. I think the other was frank's wife but then I...uh...I ate her..." Maybe she should've left that last part out. Saying it out loud made it sound terrible. Was it? Was it really though? All she did was eat a chocolate frog. That wasn't wrong the last she checked! No. She would NOT feel guilty about eating her favourite food! But she would feel guilty about eating Alice's pet and Frank's wife. And Mo wouldn't be taking that help. He was obviously fine then so she focused her attention on the cage again. It was bugging her just a bit because she didn't know what was on the insid-- "A BUNNY!!!! EEEEeeeeeppp!!!" She giggled a bit when Mo built his self-esteem. "Fierce, dangerous AND ADORABLE!!! I could just squish you right now!!!" She might have asked to hold him then and there but she didn't want to push Felix. He was already getting annoyed by the sudden burst of compliments the caged creature was getting. Maybe later after she'd put him up in her common room? Her face dropped just a bit when it was confirmed that the lizard would be there. She wanted to see it, really she did, but she also wanted her kneazle to get to school undigested. Lex only started relaxing again after she heard Alice talking about the size. Pffft. Nothing Felix couldn't handle; she hoped. The train? But...she hadn't gotten a chance to give her father his goodbye hug...Lex looked to the wall again. If he wanted it then he would have come through already. She bet he was still standing on the other side having a grand conversation with THAT woman. "Yes." She nodded, more trying to convince herself than to really answer the question. If he wanted the hug he would've been here. "Let's go." And she followed them into the train. "This one's good. Nice and not occupied!" She'd probably have to go looking for Aidan later so they could try that potion thingy but for now she could relax in here with these two. |
Text Cut: Minnie He nodded "Yeah we have a few times, it was really awkward at first.. but.. its better now I think." he was glad that they had at least talked a bit "At least there is no hate between us, I was fearful that she probably did. As for a heart to heart.. we kinda did.. it was more me telling her that it was not her fault at all, I didnt want her to walk around with that on her shoulders and stuff.. cause she thought it was" at least she had believed him and had felt a little better before it became too much for her and she had to leave. He smiled as she laughed.. at least he could still make people laugh "You on the team too? well.. try not to score more than me or anything.. I would like to score goals too you know" he smiled at this.. he knew she had been good when she played but her announcing was good as well "Well I guess you just gotta see where you heart is.. well actually you will have to ask Ethan since your heart spends more time with him I guess" yes funny things those hearts.. once they like someone.. they dont leave them "Nah Im kidding.. see where your heart is.. does it want quidditch or announcing" he was going to try for quidditch.. and he had to make sure that HIS heart was in it! "He did? wow! He really is looking after you!" Ethan had actually got her a broom? he really did love Minnie! He was happy for Mins to have a guy like Ethan, Harvey had no complaints against the guy at all! "Thats good!" he nodded as she talked about Bouncers, even he missed that little fluff ball too, but he knew Bouncers was with a nice girl now. "Im glad you got another one, its always good to have a little pet" he watched as she pet the little puff "Well the name obviously suits her, being so fluffy and all. Sometimes the fluffier they are the cuter they look I guess.. and then they get named as such.. with cute and fluffy related names" but he actually liked that name, as long as the little fluff ball.. no.. little puff liked her name.. then no-one could laugh at her name. |
Antoinette seemed to have lost Susan again... though she mentioned something about going to her cousin to find out a bit more about stuff that was happening. Shrugging it off, and figuring that she'd anyway see the other girl sooner or later considering they were going to the same school the red head somehow found herself up at the front area of the train. Dragging the heavy luggage into a compartment, almost falling as she ended up just shoving it to a corner the girl let herself just collapse on a seat in the compartment leaning against the window as she looked out seeing others saying goodbye and waving and what not. It made her feel almost upset that no one was there to say goodbye to her... especially because Chloe wasn't there and she wouldn't be seeing the brunette for a couple of months. A small jolt of pain caught her attention and brought it to her currently unnamed kitten who was scratching her leg Well at least coming to this school meant she could have a pet! |
Mo shoved their belongs onto the luggage rack before retrieving Titus from Lex, and then he flopped onto the seat and stretched out. Boys taking up space here, ladies. Just... appreciate it, mmk? "I think this compartment will do rather nicely, actually. D'you suppose anyone else will come and sit with us?" It was pretty nice that he'd run into some of the only people he knew, although Mo probably would have survived sitting by himself if necessary. People tended to be pretty nice. Quote:
"No, shhh... don't tell him he's adorable," Mo lifted the cage protectively. "We don't want him to misunderstand. He is ferocious and DANGEROUS. I think he might be a vampire bunny. He has really sharp teeth. So... that's a real thing," Mo nodded with wide eyes, so obviously lying that it was comical. |
Text Cut: Mo and Lex "GOOD." She wanted her ickle at tryouts, but she'd have to keep an eye on her and made sure she didn't get hurt. "I know. He's amazing, isn't he?" Alice tried to keep her head very still when Mo tried to pat him, so that his hand wouldn't squish Frank. The little frog burbled back at his hand. "I dunno what he said, but I'm sure it was nice." Mhm. OH. Were they going to talk about how Lex ate Liz, now? That was a touchy subject. "Oh. Um. I left Liz— Frank's wife— under Lex's supervision while I was looking for Frank and she.. ate.. her." Ahem. WHICH WAS NOT GOOD. But she forgave her already, so she wasn't going to pester about it more. "She knew. but.. but it was an accident." She patted her ickle's head reassuringly. Was he going to take up a whole side? And Lex would probably want a side, too, so Alice just sat on the compartment floor between them and folded her legs into a pretzel. Sometimes, you just had to sacrifice for ickles. Siiigh. He WAS adorable, though. "Vampire bunny? Like.. he bites things?" She really, really liked this pet. "I bite things, too. I bite people during Quidditch, so you should probably stay away from me during games." It was a fair warning, wasn't it? "I shove during Quidditch, too. That's actually how I met Vivi. We got into a shoving math during a game." Beam. And she totally won that shoving match, by the way. Hmph. |
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