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Located next door to Professor Flamsteed's office, the Astrophysics Laboratory is strictly off limits to unsupervised students and the door has been charmed locked. You could try to remove the charm, but that would not be very wise on your part as you would walk away with lime green eyebrows that won't fade for days and hair growing out of your ears down to the floor. On occasion, Professor Flamsteed will hold special laboratory lessons and assign homework that can only be completed by using this room. Those wishing to use the laboratory MUST do so under Professor Flamsteed's supervision.
The laboratory consists of 20 hardtop wooden tables with cushioned stools. On each table you will find a microscope and other forms of equipment to help students with their scientific research. The shelves on the walls are neatly organized with books, flasks, jars of powdered elements, and everything an aspiring astronomer could think of.
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Or not the end. Mo kept his chin propped up on the counter as he peered through his goggles at Nova. Was it his imagination, or was she looking sort of depressed after he'd killed off an entire planet of people in his story? It certainly lacked the particular brand of silver lining that Mo usually preferred.
"Or... maybe an alternate ending?" He reached out and tapped Nova's jar with one finger. "Maybe Nova in the story used her amazing gravity to pull the ugly comets off course, sending them spinning harmlessly into a nearby sun. That's pretty good. Or maybe she knew Morse code, and she twinkled messages to the people below, and they were smart enough to know how to magic the ugly comets out of the sky. Either way, Nova in the story saved the day. Yaaay."
Mo scooped up Nova's jar and did a spirited little victory dance, nearly dropping the jar several times in the process. She was okay? Yes, she was okay. Nova's jar went carefully back on the counter top, and Mo settled the chocolate frog back up against the jar.
Now that she had her happy ending, Nova was looking much better. It was enough that Mo was willing to pat the jar again, whisper a few words of instruction about how to handle all the other jars of stars in the room, and then Mo departed again, dropping his goggles and coat off at the door.
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Today West had come not with just his wand, but a rather suspicious looking brush and jar full of an indistinct sort of liquid. He had his reasons though, mostly reasons for his own entertainment, but still, reasons. Had his start started to die yet? West was hoping so, then it'd at least be interesting to see if he had the power to revive a star. It would be like playing god in a way. Should any witch or wizard have that sort of power? And also, were the spells, which he hadn't yet practiced actually, only to work in relation with a small star? How many wizards would it take for instance, if the sun started to burn out and it needed a bit of temperature help? They could save the whole planet! And stuff.
Since today he intended to actually do stuff with his star, West went ahead with his labcoat and goggles, which he'd not bothered with when he'd popped his head in the other day since he'd just been looking and not actually doing stuff. He was gonna entertain himself even if his spell didn't nee... oh! Hey it was white! But a dull sort off off white, with a very feeble glow. Almost a grey glow. Could grey glow? West wasn't sure but he was pleased. NOW it was time to fix the star and maybe in the process he could find its name. He put his paintbrush and other!jar aside and set himself up at a workbench.
He didn't have the instructions in front of him but actually West didn't need them. Whether people knew it about him or not, his memory was impressive and he had, upon reading over his scribbled copy of what did what and what meant what the first time he'd come in, remembered it. So his star, being white (ish) needed more hydrogen. Crescere Hydrogenenii was the incantation he needed. West picked his wand up and practiced the wand movement: circle and jab. Circle and jab. It was easy to know what to focus on: moar hydrogen. He could do this. He unscrewed the jar lid, revealing his star. His nameless star.
"Crescere Hydrogenenii." He tried it on for size, just saying the incantation for now. Okay. Tongue twister a bit, but manageable. Circle and jab. West focused on the star-in-jar "Crescere Hydrogenenii!"
DIDITWORK? Had he saved the star?
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
"Have you too much or too little helium?" muttered November out loud, surveying her star. It was back to that red color, now she'd placated the temperature again, but her stomach still knotted; she'd rather not kill off a star. Something about it seemed utterly humiliating. Probably the entire aspect of failure or something. Or maybe just letting down herself. Thinking deep thoughts made her head feel silly, though, so she shook it and glanced over at Edita in time to catch her asking about colors.
"When it's stable, it ought to be something yellow," November replied. "Like the sun. Not too red or blue or whatever. A radiant sort of yellow."
All she wanted was to get her star back to how it looked when it was first created!
"Cumugasalis," she muttered, and flicked twice. At first, there was nothing, and a defeated feeling began to wash over, but then, she noticed a slight shift in color - a little more orange than red. Again, she tried it, curling the fingers of her other hand into a small fist while she watched until, after one more try, Cosmo was looking decently yellow once more. A sigh of relief was exhaled, and she slumped a little on her stool.
She peeked over at Ezra and his jar, watching as he began to adjust the temperature of his Jefferson Arnold, when movement by a familiar person caught her attention. A smirk settled on her lips when she caught sight of Rishimi fumbling around with his goggles.
"Oi, Rishi," she greeted, wishing suddenly she'd created a snide nickname or something equally petty with which to bother him. Maybe. She couldn't quite tell if she wanted to win him over or just annoy him until he exploded. "Not even a hello? Terribly rude. What sort of manners are those?" Then, she lifted her nose upwards, the way he'd done to her, though a smile tried desperately to fight to her mouth.
"Looking quite bright, Ezra," November said, her attention returning to his star. She patted the lid of her jar, before a very loud singing voice startled her. Jolting on her stool, she narrowed her eyes and looked around quickly, exhaling under her breath: "Merlin!"
It was fortunate the girl was leaving, but not before she'd left uncomfortable ringing in November's ears. The girl frowned and patted the jar, as though it might be able to feel the reassurance and comfort she tried to convey. "I most certainly will not be singing to you," she declared out loud, though it seemed her dialogue was better meant for Edita and Ezra. "I sound absolutely horrid, anyway. Surely Cosmo might prefer conversation to loud singing like that."
She cringed in a delayed sense of secondhand embarrassment, and a shiver coursed across her body.
Glancing back over to his notebook for the next couple of steps, Rishi reached over blindly for the bottles of powdered helium and hydrogen. "One table spoon..." he muttered to himself. His eyes moved over to the bottles and open both of them up at the same time, lining them up. First, he took a tablespoon of hydrogen and slowly poured it into his jar, and then he closed the bottle. Next up was helium. Wasn't that the stuff that made one's voice sound incredibly high-pitched? Rishi pulled his face back as he picked up a tablespoon full of helium and quickly dumped it into his jar, closing the bottle up and hoping he hadn't inhaled or swallowed any of the helium. That would be disastrous. "Okay, then. Put the lid on...oh." He placed the lid back onto his jar and sealed it tight. "Blah blah blah...turn to gases..." Rishi got his wand ready when all over a sudden, a girl called out his name. He slowly turned his head and jumped backward in fear. The girl from the common room! What was she doing here?!
Rishi waved hesitantly at the girl, forcing a smile on his face after she had accused him of not bothering to greet him. Well, it wasn't like he went looking for her when he entered. He simply hoped to get this ridiculous assignment done, not go searching for this November girl. He pondered the idea of moving closer to her, unsure of whether she would snark at him or bite his head off. He went back to his work and continued the next step. "Fingere elementi..." he said, and he watched as the powdered elements turn into gases, fusing together. It was actually quite a beautiful sight, but not enough to convince Rishi that Astronomy was at all fun or useful. His thoughts, however, floated back to the girl, despite his fears, he decided to move next to her.
In a not-so-subtle manner, he inched his way over, moving his supplies closer and closer, occasionally looking around as if trying to see if anyone was watching him. At last, he landed right next to November and in fact, they were so close that Rishi began to sweat with such nervousness. He turned his head like it were a doll's head being turned by someone else and gave an ear-to-ear smile.
A whole new world _________________________ ___________________________For you and me
The next day, the youngest Baltazar returned to the laboratory, put the lab coat on, as well as a pair of goggles. She had been down in the Slytherin Common room reading yet another Quidditch magazine when she remembered about her star.
She slowly and patiently made her way up the high tower, taking breaks in between. Peyton didn't want to risk running out breath. It seemed as if lately she's been doing that. Especially when everyone thought the trophies had been snatched to some land faraway. That's what she had assumed, anyway.
Taking her jar off the shelf, Peyton carefully walked over to an empty table and CAREFULLY set it down. "Hello, there," she said to her star. Peyton dug into her purse while still mutter stuff to the jar. "I suppose I need to check your temperature and all that. Oh! And sing." She glanced up from what she was doing and gave the jar a pointed stare. "I'm no singer, so don't go cracking when I do." She meant it. She didn't want her star to go bye-bye.
Pulling out her parchment with notes on it, she sighed and stared at the jar once more. "Well, you're looking fine. Are you a Gryffindor?" she muttered. The star was red. Maybe it took after her brother in the lion department?
The star was red.
Peyton quickly scanned her notes. She was sure it wasn't supposed to be red. Her eyes froze over the word. "Oh, Merlin! You're cold." Being Peyton, and being a Baltazar, she reacted without thinking. She grabbed the jar and began huffing warm air at it. It NEEDED to warm up.
The jar glass fogged from the outside and she stopped. Right, magic. She didn't need to freak out. Setting the jar down, Peyton took out her wand and said, "Dextrini Potitus." Followed by a jab and upward flick of her wand. Progressively, the red went away and Peyton slumped in her stool.
She wiped her forehead as if she had done a lot of work. "I think that's enough excitement for today," she said, stowing her wand away, as well as her parchment.
Peyton stood up and placed the jar back on the shelves. Hmm, she was going to have to come up with a name for her star, 'cause star just wouldn't do. But that would have to wait until tomorrow. Grabbing her stuff and putting the borrowed things back, she left, skipping.
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Dylan was running behind a bit on his Star assignment...and by 'a bit'...he really meant 'A LOT'...but so was his trend lately. Last minute spectacular work! In retrospect, it really wasn't his fault that he'd been such a busy boy over the last couple of weeks. It was tough business pulling the wool over a collective school's eyes...Something Dylan had been successfully accomplishing with his fellow house leaders. He wasn't too bothered having less time to complete the assignment, though. His undeniable Slytherin HIGH quality was always there in everything he did. Proof that the Snake Quidditch Captain worked well under pressure...as any leader should.
Entering the lab, he immediately thought about his suited idol...remembering Professor Airey's strict rules of procedure. First things, first! He needed a white lab coat and protective goggles. Swaggering over to the closet where the Professor said they'd be, he pulled the door open, quickly removing one of each. Once they were both in place, he felt comfortable moving further into the work area.
...because there was no telling where that man was hiding! And as someone who was fond of the Astronomy Professor, Dylan didn't want to let him down.
As an aside, though...Merlin, he felt like a huge muggle.
Pulling his notes from the lesson, his eyes scrolled down...wanting to make sure he knew what he was supposed to be doing before he actually started. Kinda like one of those weird tests they give you in muggle elementary school...when you do all the steps and then you get to the and it's all...'HA. WE TRICKED YOU. Just write your name on the back.'
Lab coat and goggles. Check.
The next step was preparing the vessel! Erm, jar...meaning he needed to find an actual jar, for starters...and a label. Noticing shelves with everything neatly organized and in their designated place, Dylan stepped over, taking one of each, and then carrying them back to his worktable. Digging back in his bag, he fished out a quill and some awesome green ink he'd been wanting to use. He quickly filled it out with his name.
Originally Posted by Jar Label
Dylan C. Montmorency
Peeling it from the wax paper that protected the stick'em on the back, he carefully stuck it to the outside of his jar. All straight, even, and PERFECT-like. BAM.
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Oh so gradually the star brightened, and then gradually became yellowish, and then brighter and yellower still. So that was success? West had done it? He had brought a star back from the bring of death! He watched it for a bit, waiting to see if any other colours would appear, but it seemed stable yellow again. Apparently healthy. Okay.
Well that was a sign to do his thing. With what he'd brought. He carefully put the lid back on his star and then picked up his paintbrush and the stain he'd brought - a clear paint, which changed colours as charmed.
He wanted his star to be GREEN so what West was gonna do was paint his jar blue, then when the star was happy and yellow, it'd look green through the glass. If it looked either purple or blue, it would be a sign of something wrong and he'd have to take a closer look to decide what he would need to do exactly, to fix it and all. He started painting the jar with the clear paint, which was a substance more like an ink or even a stain, that would, when dry, be charmed to the colour he wanted. The only parts he didn't paint was the lid, the bottom, and the label, and he only did the outside of course, so it wouldn't effect his star which was still glowing happily yellow.
Once it was done he used his wand and cast the spell that had come with the instructions for the enchanted paint. "Pigmentum blue!" And the still wet stain that he'd painted on went from clear to a transparent blue. There was also spells to make it more opaque if you wanted, in which case he'd have said 'Opacus blue' or whatever colour, but this would suit his purposes perfectly. Next step was a drying spell, which he'd only recently learned, so that he could dry the paint, thereby sealing the enchantment.
That done he eyed his work. Yep. A blue jar, and apparently a green star twinkling within, though taking off the lid for a proper peek showed it to be a bright and happy yellow. A bit like a Hufflepuff. Lid back on tight and West was done for now. He had saved a star AND decorated its jar. He still had to work out a name, but that would happen in due time. West got up and packed his things up and put his star away, then took off the protective gear, hung it neatly and left.
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
After the label was stuck on and in order, Dylan eyed his list of instructions some more...Cleaning the jar was next! The Professor had even been nice enough to provide spells...Truthfully, though...when it came to cleaning matters, the Slytherin always went with a much trusted Scourgify! It had yet to fail him in any Potions or Herbology lesson...So, it wouldn't fail him now.
Laying the jar on the tabletop and the lid removed to its side, Dylan withdrew his wand. With a deep and concentrated breath, he leveled it. almost lovingly whispering the spell..."Scourgify." He knew it had worked, obviously. Scourgify was one of the most basic spells in existence...Only a First Year would have difficulty with it...
With all that taken care of, he felt it was time to move on. No need to drag this out and such...Some of the exciting stuff came next, anyway! ADDING NATURAL ELEMENTS!
Breaking out his handy-dandy Potions pouch for his measuring spoons, the Slytherin laid a "Scourgify!" on them, as well...before moving to drab the elements. Selecting Hydrogen and Helium from Professor Airey's wall of shelves, he transported them back to his worktable, quickly moving to twist their lids off and to get this party STARTED!
One tablespoon of powdered Helium...Check.
One tablespoon of powdered Hydrogen...Check.
After combining the two, Dylan quickly twisted the lid back on, taking extra care to make sure it was snug.
Now...for this spell that was supposed to actually turn it into a STAR. Moving to eye his parchment notes for the third time thus far, Dylan readied his wand. It was just a sharp jabbing motion, yea? With Enunciation and clear focus...Concentration. He was a Slytherin...He could do this.
TOTAL FOCUS!...........I want my elements to mix and become a star...I can SEE the star....I'm BEING the star....Dylan was almost mumbling aloud to himself in preparation for the spell. He'd practiced the motion and saying the incantation some...It didn't feel foreign to say...So, that was clearly a good sign.
I'm BEING the star...I can she it compacting in my mind's eye...
"Fingere Elementi"Sharp jabbity jab!
Blinking, he waited a few minutes before actually taking a peek down at his jar...just in case failure was about to happen. Dylan and failure didn't mix well...So, really...it was an EPIC saving of his house points lest he throw a nasty tantrum in Professor Airey's laboratory...
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
West had brought his guitar this time. No big deal. He paused at the door for goggles and his lab coat, and then grabbed his jar, which now being blue, stood out quite nicely from the rest. The star within appeared a nice Slytherin green through the glass thanks to the blue exterior of the jar, meaning it was yellow of course. He went to a workspace in the corner, not wanting to make too much of a fuss or disturb anyone else.
The fourteen year old did peek inside the jar, unscrewing the top and just taking a looksee to make SURE that the star was as bright yellow as it should be, and then he placed it on the bench and got his guitar ready. He was NOT going to sing to a star though, and technically he wasn't even actually playing to it so much as playing near it and considering that good enough if Flamsteed had spies or something (because why else would it say to sing to a star? Like how could you monitor that without spying?). West had to practice anyways, so it was a good opportunity.
... but just in case there WERE spies, he casually started playing twinkle, twinkle little star, you know, just to be encouraging and stuff. He'd play something a bit more serious soon but y'know, for a warm up this wasn't so ba-- hey, was it just him or was his star twinkling brighter? West stopped playing for a moment and stared at the jar suspiciously.
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Sarah cupped her head in her hands and gazed at her star. It needed a name. A name that suited it. Sarah occasionally did name some of her things, like her guitar a particular hat. She had taken a book out of the librar on baby names.. why the school had it she did not know. She began to page through it. She did like the star entries. She looked at her star... was it a Stella? Estelle? Esther? They all meant star in some languages. She in the end decided on Estelle. It suited her star..
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
But just as his star turned yellow, it slowly faded towards a blue-ish color. Daichi didn't notice it at first. He was too busy putting back his notebook in his bag and he was about to hang his coat and goggles where he had gotten them and go downstairs when he saw it.
"Guess i'll be here longer than i thought" he muttered and then sighed. He put his goggles back over his eyes and looked at the light blue star. If the star was blue then it meant it was too hot. And red meant too cold. Again Flamsteed, that's not normal. Pick red for hot and blue for cold like everyone else in the world.
Having already dealt with the star turning blue before, the Slytherin grabbed his wand again and pointed it at the jar. "Dextrini Potitus!" he shouted and made a jab downwards. The star turned back to normal. Boring yellow. He still wanted orange though.
There was one thing bothering him though, and he didn't know what to do. So he raised his arm high up in the air and waved his hand to get the Professor's attention. "Professor Flamsteed! I have a question. In the note it says we have to give the star some love. But, how? Do i have to kiss it or something?"
And the best part was. He was asking this with a straight face. No blush, no frown just... with a straight face as if this was the most normal thing to ask.
"Oh and also, what happens to the stars when our assignment is done?" atleast he had one good question right?
Steps on how to take care of my awesometastical yellow star.
1. Always wear lab coat and protective goggles on entering the lab.
2. Write your name on a label and place it on your jar.
3. Clean your jar - Scourgify & Tergeo work best
4. Add one table spoon of powdered helium & hydrogen each to the jar and put the lid on it.
5. Perform Fingere Elementi to change the powdered elements into gases. The two gases will compress on their own within the jar to produce a star.
Spells to take care of star:
1. Spell to control temperature
your star will turn blue when it is too hot & red when it is too cold
- incantation: Dextrini Potitus
- wand movement: jab with a flick upwards to increase and flick downward to decrease.
2. Spell to increase helium
your star will glow red when there is too much helium
- incantation: Cumugasalis
- wand movement: two flicks
3. Spell to decrease helium
your star will glow red when there is too much helium
- incantation: Deminugasalis
- wand movement: two flicks
4. Spell to increase hydrogen
your star will begin to glow white when it is running out of hydrogen
- incantation: Crescere Hydrogenenii
- wand movement: tight circle drawn in the air followed by a jab. Circle movement on the Crescere and jab on Hydrogenenii
5. Name my star.
6. Sing to my star.
The first thing that Mika did when she walked into the Astrophysics lab was grab her lab coat and goggles. And then looking around she tried to spot her lovely little star, she wanted her back. She was beautiful.
Zara was sitting there in her little jar, twinkling away and soon very soon she'd be a beautiful happy star. She wanted her to grow and be yellow bright and amazing. Yeah she wanted her to be perfect which she would be.
When she walked over to Zara she noticed a slight issue. Zara was glowing sure - but, she was glowing almost a red color. What was she going to do? She didn't want her to die!
The first thing Mika did was grab the jarred star and move her star closer to the closest table. Wand in hand she pointed it at Zara's containing jar and with two flicks of her wand the spell left her lips. "Deminugasalis" she sighed in relief as the star began to color again. She had saved it! But soon she'd have to give Zara more hydrogen or so she thought.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Sierra watched over her star for a little bit, making sure it wasn't going to go red again. Or worse--black. She'd probably just give up and call it quits if she killed her star and had to start over. Lucky for her, that didn't seem to be the case. The star seemed to be shining brightly once again, so there wasn't really anything to do in the spell-casting area.
Sierra looked back at her notes. What else could she do? Spell-casting wasn't needed right now. She'd already named her star. Her eyes fell on one particular line in her notes, and she cringed. Sing to the star?! ...but why?! It'd never know. Sierra kept reading, but there was really nothing else to do on her list. She mumbled under her breath then shot the star a nasty glare.
"When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you
If your heart is in your dream
No request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star
As dreamers do"
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
He was applauding! Professor Snappy Dresser was applauding her! This was good news, yes? Because Professor Snap-i-licious was a total pro at this sort of stuff and for him to be clapping meant she was doing something right! It also meant that she wasn't a complete failure as a star mommy which meant more to Ella than Professor Airey would ever know. The fifteen year old smiled sheepishly at the man and shrugged. "Thank you Sir, I'm lucky it was the right spell." Because had she used the other one her poor Little Treyen would have gotten even sicker! Meeep!
Ella looked down to where Professor Airey was talking and tilted her head. "I...Professor? Your pet totally rocks." Giggle! GEDDIT? Cause Pebbles is a pet rock?! HEHEHEHE! Anywhoo...back to work.
"So one more time? Okay, I can do that." And then Little Treyen would be good as new, yeah? And he'd be all healthy again? Hopefully. Raising her wand, the blonde concentrated once more on what she wanted to do and with two taps said, "Cumugasalis!"
She then watched and waited as the star slowly but surely turned yellow once again.
Airey immediately burst into a fit of laughter at Miss Bishop's horrible humor. "3 points for your wit, Miss Ella," he chuckled while giving the Hufflepuff a quick wink.
He then stood back a little to allow the girl to proceed with her spellwork once more and nodded his head approvingly. "Excellent work. Just remember that these stars, like us, will get sick and just need a little bit of care to get well. Keep it up, Miss Ella." And with that he gave the girl two firm pats on the shoulder before moving on to the next student who had addressed him.
.....Pebbles clunking along after him.
SPOILER!!: Daichi!
Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF
But just as his star turned yellow, it slowly faded towards a blue-ish color. Daichi didn't notice it at first. He was too busy putting back his notebook in his bag and he was about to hang his coat and goggles where he had gotten them and go downstairs when he saw it.
"Guess i'll be here longer than i thought" he muttered and then sighed. He put his goggles back over his eyes and looked at the light blue star. If the star was blue then it meant it was too hot. And red meant too cold. Again Flamsteed, that's not normal. Pick red for hot and blue for cold like everyone else in the world.
Having already dealt with the star turning blue before, the Slytherin grabbed his wand again and pointed it at the jar. "Dextrini Potitus!" he shouted and made a jab downwards. The star turned back to normal. Boring yellow. He still wanted orange though.
There was one thing bothering him though, and he didn't know what to do. So he raised his arm high up in the air and waved his hand to get the Professor's attention. "Professor Flamsteed! I have a question. In the note it says we have to give the star some love. But, how? Do i have to kiss it or something?"
And the best part was. He was asking this with a straight face. No blush, no frown just... with a straight face as if this was the most normal thing to ask.
"Oh and also, what happens to the stars when our assignment is done?" atleast he had one good question right?
This one...interested Airey to no end. The boy was intriguing. "Well, Mr. Katharos, to give your star a proper kiss one would have to remove it from the jar - something my instructions specifically say NOT to do," he pointed out with a firm wiggle of his finger.
No no. No snogging the star. In face, the Astronomy Tower was a no snogging zone. Even if snogging a star was a rather noble thing to consider.
"You CAN, however, give the jar a little peck and a hug. Perhaps introduce your star to friends and Mr. Duckles. Sing to it... Just talking to it as well." His amused grin turned into a knowing smirk at the next question. "THAT, you will just have to attend my next lesson to find out."
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Melanie entered the laboratory, humming once again with a smile on her face. Oh, she was so excited to see her star. Quickly the girl donned her white lab coat and slipped her goggles on. She wasn't sure if she needed gloves, maybe next time she'd wear one of those latex gloves. But right now there were other things to do... like taking care of her star. Melanie looked around, trying to spot her baby star. Melanie was very excited to start to take care of the star. In her bag, she had a whole bunch of things to do with the star.
"Hello, Ramen," Melanie said in a sing-song voice, wiggling her fingers hello to the star before picking the jar up and noticing something very off. "YOU'RE BLUE." Melanie could feel herself panicking, sweating, and she was most definitely worried about her baby star. What did she do now? Was it too cold? Did it need helium? Hydrogen? Something? "Okay, Ramen, don't panic, you'll be fine, we can play doctor now," Melanie rambled, "I mean, I have on the white coat and doctors have it too, and I have a wand.... I can fix you and make you all better, don't worry." What was the spell though? She couldn't seem to remember it at the moment. Breathe, Melanie... breathe... you can totally do this. She could do this... right after she re-remembered the sp- OH. "Dextrini Potitus~" Melanie gave her wand a slight jab and flicked it downwards, watching the star slowly go from a blue color to something a little more star-like. Oh, thank Merlin.
Relieved, Melanie slumped a little and pat the lid of the jar. "You gave your mother quite a fright, Ramen," Melanie scolded the star lightly before putting her bag on the table. "I brought us some tea, I thought we could talk to each other a little, catch up," she said, pulling out a thermos of tea from her bag and then two cups and saucers. Melanie opened the thermos and poured some tea into each cup. "I know, it's not a fancy teapot, but I didn't want to break anything on my way up here," Melanie told her star, sliding one cup towards the star in a jar and lifting her own to take a sip. "Of course, we cannot finish tea without some snacks, so I brought some cookies," Melanie added, taking out a plastic container with cookies and placing it between the two.
Now tea could begin.
though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________ ♡♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
SPOILER!!: Airey
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Airey immediately burst into a fit of laughter at Miss Bishop's horrible humor. "3 points for your wit, Miss Ella," he chuckled while giving the Hufflepuff a quick wink.
He then stood back a little to allow the girl to proceed with her spellwork once more and nodded his head approvingly. "Excellent work. Just remember that these stars, like us, will get sick and just need a little bit of care to get well. Keep it up, Miss Ella." And with that he gave the girl two firm pats on the shoulder before moving on to the next student who had addressed him.
.....Pebbles clunking along after him.
Was she really that funny? The blonde stood up a little straighter and wore a sheepish smile on her face, quite proud to have amused her Professor so much. ANDSHEGOTPOINTSFORJOKES? "I...thanks, Sir!" SuperDuperBeamyFace! Maybe she should just become a comedian, yeah? Since she was so funny and all. Heh. Oh and the winking thing? It was maybe a little creepy but seemed appropriate for a man who wore such loud suits so Ella winked right back. Proper winking etiquette, yeah?
The fifteen year old wore yet another sheepish smile when Professor Airey told her she'd done excellent work. Blush. That meant a lot, it really did. "Thanks, Professor. I'll keep that it mind." And she saluted him because well, it just seemed like the right thing to do in the moment. That or a high five but she had a wand in her hand so that option was kind of kicked to the curb right away.
And now that the Professor was off being a total rock star...HEHE... Ella decided to tell her Little Treyen a story before she left. Crouching down a bit, she smiled at the star and began to talk in a soft voice, just about a whisper.
"Once upon a time there was a boy named Sir Treyen. This particular boy was in charge of all the little badgers and he was responsible for looking after them. After some time, Sir Treyen had to leave his castle to go on to bigger adventures and he had to leave his little badgers behind. Before he went, he told one particular little badger, one with great hair I might add, that she should stay out of trouble. The little badger pinky promised to do just that and they became very best friends forever. The end."
"Now you sleep now, Little Treyen. I'll come visit you tomorrow, okay?" And after hugging her baby star, cause they need hugs too, she packed up her things. She then returned her lab stuff to the closet and headed out.
In this particular day, Peyton arrived earlier than the days before. She followed procedure by putting on the lab coat as well as a pair of goggles, and quickly dashed to get her jar off the shelf. "Guess what?" she told the jar as she gently set it down on a table. The third year was out of breath due to having ran all the way from the dungeons to all the way up here. She wasn't even cranky about that, which was a first.
After regaining her breath, Peyton said, "I figured you needed a name and I didn't know what it could be. I mean, who names a star in a jar? But then I thought, I can't just call you star in a jar, so I thought of a name," she rambled. She took her notes out and set them next to the jar. "So, since you're so precious and take my breath away, your name will be Able. I looked it up, it means breath." It was neat, wasn't it? Able took her breath away, sometimes literally cos she had to climb all those stairs to get up here, so it fit.
She took her quill out and under her name she scribbled something under her name. This star's name is Able. There. Now Professor Funners would know it too. It was when she was done with that, that Peyton notice the red glow. "Oh, no. You're cold again?" Taking out her wand, she said along with the wand movement, "Dextrini Potitus!" Peyton expected it to go back to it's natural state like it had the day before, but it didn't.
Able was still glowing red.
"Dextrini Potitus! Dextrini Potitus! Dextrini Potitus!" Peyton repeated the incantation several times, but there was no change. She frowned. Her wand couldn't have been broken. She's used it on some homework earlier that day and it worked perfectly. Was her Able broken? No. She's been taking care of it.
Going over her notes, she paused where it mentioned the increase and decrease of helium. "Oh." She knew what was wrong now. Able had too much helium. Oh noes, poor baby. Peyton got to work in an instant. "Deminugasalis!" she said, flicking her wand twice. The red glow faded a bit, but not completely. "Deminugasalis!" Finally, the red glow disappeared and Peyton sighed. She was going to need to work on her spells a bit more.
She stowed her wand away and decided this was enough for the day. Anyway, she'd have to look up a song to sing to Able. She needed to show little bit more love. Putting the jar back on the shelf and the borrowed things away, she dashed down to the Great Hall.
Ezra waved his hand dismissively at Noe's comment because if he encouraged her with a simple thank you, there was always the possibility that she'd launch into an hour long speech about something he didn't particularly care about. It was possible he was exaggerating, a little bit, but that was irrelevant; the point was that November didn't need him to say anything because she often said enough for two or three people, and because, well, she appeared to be quite busy with a fellow Ravenclaw.
Carver thought he looked familiar enough to be a fellow first year, but not familiar enough that he remembered his name. Ezra shrugged, nevertheless, because it was none of his business, but November's, and as far as he was concerned Noe could have as a boyfriend, if she wanted. He'd have never imagined she'd date a bloke who wouldn't even act like he was polite enough to say hello to the other people using the same table November was, but gran always did say love made people blind.
He focused on his work, then, thinking that love didn't sound like good idea at all. "Hmm," He hummed to Jefferson Arnold, who looked considerably healthier than before. Ezra touched the jar with his index finger, and thought he could feel heat coming from the inside. Then he quickly snatched it away, and told himself it was his imagination. "I should tell you, I can't sing." He'd never tried, though he couldn't imagine he was very good. "You probably don't want me to sing, though, yeah? I reckon you're probably sick of hearing people sing." Ezra would certainly be. He leaned forward, and squinted. Was it just him or as his star turning a little bit pink?
"November," Called Ezra, demanding his friend's attention. "Is it just me or does my star looks a bit pink?"
As usual, Ezra didn't wait for her response. Merely, he flattened his stolen notes again, frowned at the spell, and pointed his wand at the jar. "Cumugasalis," muttered the boy, flicking his wand twice. The shade of pink lessened, but not entirely. He tried again: "Cumugasalis!"
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
This one...interested Airey to no end. The boy was intriguing. "Well, Mr. Katharos, to give your star a proper kiss one would have to remove it from the jar - something my instructions specifically say NOT to do," he pointed out with a firm wiggle of his finger.
No no. No snogging the star. In face, the Astronomy Tower was a no snogging zone. Even if snogging a star was a rather noble thing to consider.
"You CAN, however, give the jar a little peck and a hug. Perhaps introduce your star to friends and Mr. Duckles. Sing to it... Just talking to it as well." His amused grin turned into a knowing smirk at the next question. "THAT, you will just have to attend my next lesson to find out."
Daichi turned around with his back to the jar when the professor had heard his question and listened to his answer. He tried not to roll his eyes when the professor told him NOT to open the jar. He knew that, it was in the notes and he had read them enough times now. So, instead of rolling his eyes he simply nodded his head as he stepped sideways to look at his star. It was still yellow.
"Kiss the jar? Eeeh i think i'll skip that. I'm not kissing anything" Unless Indy suddenly popped in the Astronomy Tower, hehe. "I'll just...i'll just , you know, hug the jar..." he frowned as he reached for it and picked it up. Was he supposed to hold it like a baby? Because the star was still young. The Slytherin shrugged his shoulders and placed the jar in his arms.
Remembering how his old neighbor had held her baby when he had come to visit her, Daichi held the jar like it was his baby in the crook of his right arm and held it with his left as well.
Was it weird that he began to like his star?
Still holding the jar in his arms ,he hugged it closer to his chest ocassionally and looked at the Professor when he answered his second question. Why was it always next lesson or next year with this man? He wanted to know now! But instead of saying his thoughts, he sighed. "Okay, i'll be there at the next lesson"
Post 6 | *assumes this is on a different day from the last*
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
Geronimo needed her, and Kat knew that. Which is why she was now on her way back to the Astrophysics Laboratory to visit him. Geronimo might've MISSED her lovely presence around him, considering that she was now his momma. #MummyKat
When she entered the laboratory, she first got a white lab coat and a pair of those goggles they had to wear while they were within the four corners of this place. Then Kat went to her previous work station. She saw her jar with her name on it. AH, it was her lovely star. "Hello Geronimo," she greeted her star, as if it actually listened you know. Stars don't have ears.
... or maybe they do have invisible ones. Nah.
After she settled her bag on the floor because she thought her star needed his own personal space, Kat noticed that her star was glowing white. She stared at it for a little while. "You look like you've been washed out, Geronimo," she said to her 'listening' star. That's when she got her wand to fix Geronimo's illness. "Crescere..." Kat drew a tight circle in the air. "... Hydrogenenii!" And then a jab while saying the second word.
Taking a step back, Kat returned her wand to her pocket and watched her star. Geronimo changed back to his normal shade of yellow. Oh yay, he was well again. Kat had done her job well, as the creator and mother of her precious star.
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
As he walked around the Atrophysics Laboratory to show the star other things then just the desk yes, in Daichi's mind the star could see and as he walked he hummed. It wasn't a song in particulary , just soothing humming that his own mother used to do to him. He sighed at the thought of his mother and walked back to his desk when he had walked around for a minute or so.
Placing the jar back on the surface of the desk, the Slytherin bend down to open his bag and picked out Mr.Duckles his plushy. With a wide grin , he placed the duck on the table next to the star and faced the plushy so that it looked at the star.
"Mr.Duckles, this is Ducky. Ducky, this is Mr.Duckles~" they were going to be beeeeeeeestfriends! He decided to play a little and grabbed the plushy by it's wings and began to flap them around , he lifted the duck off of the desk and made "WOOOOSH!" Sounds to indicated that he was flying.
And it seemed that the star liked it because it began to blush a pink color...wait...do stars blush? "Eeek! no don't turn red!" he panicked as he still held Mr.Duckles in the air with his left hand and waved his right in front of the jar. He quickly placed his plushy down and grabbed his wand. "Deminugasalis" he said and flicked two times.
It didn't work and now the star was getting a darker shade of red. As long as it didn't turn black it was fine , he knew that but this was kinda freaking him out. "Deminugasalis" "Deminugasalis" with each incantation he flicked his wand two times and on the last try did the star turn orange and then back to yellow. Phew!
He picked the jar up and held his in his right arm, then he picked up Mr.Duckles and held it in his left. "Don't ever do that again" he told the star and walked to the shelves to place his jar back.
He was hungry so decided to eat something at the Great Hall for now and then come back again. He hang up his lab coat and goggles and while holding his plushy in his hand and his bag over his shoulder he waved to the jar with his star in it and left.
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Oh look, the professor. West figured that meant he better do a good job with this 'singing' thing. Which... well he wasn't. He was just playing his guitar. It wasn't that he didn't mind singing in general it was just... well his voice liked to squeak and crack and all. Singing made that happen more. And besides it was weird to sing to a star. So, guitar.
His star, yet again, was happily yellow. It was the most stubborn star ever really, or perhaps the most amiable star. Independent. Didn't need much help from West apparently. And it liked his music he thought, or was charmed to, or something.
He just couldn't really get PAST that it was a STAR or something like one, and therefore couldn't possibly be having an emotional reaction like 'happy' despite the increased twinkle rate. West continued strumming his guitar quietly, keeping to himself in his corner.
And he got an IDEA. HOW EXCELLENT. Said idea was far more interesting than star-sitting a star-in-a-jar that wasn't even inclined to need his attention. West got up and lidded his jar and took the star back to the shelf, then he stripped off the labcoat and goggles, and taking his guitar, left in a hurry.
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
½ of Lauralie | Koala | The being in Ern's pocket | Baby Smurf | Prouf member of The Flock
SPOILER!!: Of course. <3
Originally Posted by PotterHeadforLife
Try? Yes, Elise should try. "You also play the piano, so I guess it'd seem better to mix your talents with musical instruments and your voice." Kat was just saying so many things today, not that it was weird and unlike her. She was used to blabbing a lot, hearing almost everything slip out her own mouth. But if Elise or anyone found it rather annoying, she could stop. Honestly.
So now Kat's star had its own nickname. Isn't that cute? Eh... maybe. "I named him Geronimo." Paaause. "For no particular reason at all. The name just popped in my head." That's how she named her things apparently. Like the metal egg back in her first year? She named that one Aimee, and there was no specific reason as to why. It just... bammed.
"What did you name your star?" Kat asked as she checked her star. Nope, it was still yellow. Still normal, at least.
Elise shifted a little bit, awkwardly staring at her feet as she tried not to blush. She wasn't really used to accompanying herself on the piano as she was with accompanying other people. And she didn't sing that well, anyway. Nope. "Thanks," she said anyway, before looking back up at her star.
"I like that name," she beamed. Geronimo. She'd read something about him but she forgot. Some Ravenclaw she was, forgetting what she'd read. "It's a really good one." Name, she meant. It was. Because... Elise just knew some things, and this was one of them.
"I named mine Lapin," she said, pointing at the sticker. "It means bunny." Because EVERYBODY knew how much Elise loved bunnies. Even her patronus was a bunny because bunnies were just adorable that way. They were! All cute and little and the way they hopped...
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
Text Cut: <3
Originally Posted by iceblossom22
Elise shifted a little bit, awkwardly staring at her feet as she tried not to blush. She wasn't really used to accompanying herself on the piano as she was with accompanying other people. And she didn't sing that well, anyway. Nope. "Thanks," she said anyway, before looking back up at her star.
"I like that name," she beamed. Geronimo. She'd read something about him but she forgot. Some Ravenclaw she was, forgetting what she'd read. "It's a really good one." Name, she meant. It was. Because... Elise just knew some things, and this was one of them.
"I named mine Lapin," she said, pointing at the sticker. "It means bunny." Because EVERYBODY knew how much Elise loved bunnies. Even her patronus was a bunny because bunnies were just adorable that way. They were! All cute and little and the way they hopped...
And then again, another blush. Kat just smiled at Elise because she didn't have anything much to do. Awkwardly, Kat went closer to her bestie and poked her cheek. Just to let Elise know she could still see her turning red despite the fact that she was looking down at her feet. "And you're welcome," Kat replied.
She liked the name. "I'm honoured," Kat said. So... Lapin. "It means bunny?" Kat just knew. Maybe that would be useful soon. However Kat didn't question Elise about the bunny part. Merlin knew how much her best friend loved those white furry hopping animals. "In what language is Lapin in?" Cos it obviously wasn't English, or German as far as she could remember. She knew German because of her maternal Aunt Bella. That woman nearly brainwashed Kat's English fluency to German, but it didn't thankfully.
Back to her star. Geronimo was going red like Elise's cheeks earlier. Squinting at it, Kat noted that her star had too much helium. Hmph, how she had to fix her star almost all the time. She took her wand out from her pocket again. "Deminugasalis!" she cast with two fancy flicks, then her star returned back to the tint of yellow. Everything was good now. Kat just wished her star would stop changing colours.
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
Originally Posted by iBeJenn
Relieved, Melanie slumped a little and pat the lid of the jar. "You gave your mother quite a fright, Ramen," Melanie scolded the star lightly before putting her bag on the table. "I brought us some tea, I thought we could talk to each other a little, catch up," she said, pulling out a thermos of tea from her bag and then two cups and saucers. Melanie opened the thermos and poured some tea into each cup. "I know, it's not a fancy teapot, but I didn't want to break anything on my way up here," Melanie told her star, sliding one cup towards the star in a jar and lifting her own to take a sip. "Of course, we cannot finish tea without some snacks, so I brought some cookies," Melanie added, taking out a plastic container with cookies and placing it between the two.
Now tea could begin.
Little Dylan must have been lonely without Alice, so she was THERE. Once she had slipped into her usual oversized lab coat and goggles, the fourteen year old eagerly made her way over to the counter, searching through the jars until she found her own. Her hands wrapped around the jar protectively as she carried it over to a table where Melanie was located. Because they could definitely baby their stars together, yeah? Friends did that. "Melanie. Ramen." She greeted them both with a grave dip of her head and turned back to her own star, only to notice a color change.
Or ANOTHER color change. Really?
"Little Dylan, STOP changing colors. Really. You looked perfectly lovely when you were yellow, I promise. You don't look nearly as nice in red." Was he one of those stars who felt the need to stand out? Because Alice kind of needed him to stay yellow like the others if she wanted a good grade. She tugged her notes out of her bag again and tried to determine the cause of Little Dylan's redness. "Okay, little guy. You're red either because you have too much helium or not enough." Wait. Which spell was she supposed to use, then? Guess and check? Fingers crossed, she tried the increasing spell first. "Okay, little Dylan. This won't hurt a bit. Just.. hold still." Yeah. Stars could do that, right? "Cumugasalis!" .. but it was DARKENING. No. No, wrong spell. Which meant Little Dylan was a very boastful star and had probably increased his helium in order to impress the lady stars or something. So she had to lower it. "Deminugasalis!"Flick, flick.
Little Dylan seemed to be turning orange-ish, so she performed the spell one more time and waited until he had shifted back to his previous lemony colour. Perfect. "Good boy," Alice complimented him, rubbing his jar lid affectionately. Then she turned back to Melanie, who.. had a thermos? And cups and saucers and cookies? She was having TEA? Assuming she was invited, the fourteen year old sat across from her before speaking. "Can Little Dylan and I join you two for tea? We can each share a cup with our star."
.. they were allowed to have tea in here, yeah?
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.