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Located next door to Professor Flamsteed's office, the Astrophysics Laboratory is strictly off limits to unsupervised students and the door has been charmed locked. You could try to remove the charm, but that would not be very wise on your part as you would walk away with lime green eyebrows that won't fade for days and hair growing out of your ears down to the floor. On occasion, Professor Flamsteed will hold special laboratory lessons and assign homework that can only be completed by using this room. Those wishing to use the laboratory MUST do so under Professor Flamsteed's supervision.
The laboratory consists of 20 hardtop wooden tables with cushioned stools. On each table you will find a microscope and other forms of equipment to help students with their scientific research. The shelves on the walls are neatly organized with books, flasks, jars of powdered elements, and everything an aspiring astronomer could think of.
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Their long term assignment was to take care of their own star. Everybody scream SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS! Just who in their right mind wouldn't find this the most exciting extracurricular task by far? She knew she was pretty hyped. Having these kinds of assignments always sparked her interest for it was like nurturing a baby and everybody knew that she was fond of the little angels.
Upon entering the Astrophysics Laboratory, Beezus scanned the whole place first with her eyes widening in both astonishment and eagerness, her mouth hung open at the sight of apparatuses and microscopes that lined the work tables. Her hands were tingling to get hold of those and tinker with its functions.
But before that, first things first. Just as Professor Flamsteed had declared, it was mandatory to be properly attired.
And so, moving towards the closet to her right, the Ravenclaw chose a white lab coat along with a pair of goggles which she promptly put on as soon as she'd shut the closet door close. She wasn't going to take chances in taking the Professor's ruling for granted anytime of the day. Nope. She didn't want to lose points just like she did during the first lesson. Either way, she didn't do it intentionally, just got a little bit too excited and carelessness took over.
Too much for that though.
She had to start.
Beezus peeled off a label sticker from the stub and wrote her name on it before choosing a jar in which she stuck it securely to. She eyed her penmanship for a short while wherein she snorted offhandedly.
Beatrice Evangeline Castell
Her chicken scratch was certainly in need of cleaning up, just like the jar. "Scourgify." Of course, as expected, the glass surface was washed off of its dusty bits and whatnot that it sported earlier. She turned the jar over and also made sure that it was spotless. A 'Tergeo' went to the lid and and it, too, was now chaster.
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Alyssa entered the Astrophysics lab with a smile on her face. She was looking forward to checking up on Yvaine, the yellow star that she would be taking care for the entire term. As she entered the lab, she walked over the cupboard where the lab coats and protective goggles were kept and removed one of each. Donning on her lab coat, she strapped the protective goggles over her eyes before looking for her jar.
She was glad that the jar was still standing in the same place where she had left it. But the smile disappeared from her face when she noticed that Yvaine wasn't glowing as yellow as before. In fact, as she looked closer, the shade of yellow had turned so light that it was turning to white. Alyssa immediately knew that the hydrogen levels in the jar were depleting.
Quickly taking out her journal, she checked to verify the wand movements and the incantations to increase the level of hydrogen in the jar.
Text Cut: Alyssa's Astronomy Journal
Excerpts from journal:
4. Spell to increase hydrogen
your star will begin to glow white when it is running out of hydrogen
- incantation: Crescere Hydrogenenii
- wand movement: tight circle drawn in the air followed by a jab. Circle movement on the Crescere and jab on Hydrogenenii
Then she took out her wand, while concentrating on what she wanted the spell to do, Alyssa drew a tight circle in the air with her wand over the jar, while saying, "Crescere" and finishing with a jab plus the second part of the incantation "Hydrogenenii". Then she leaned over to see whether there was any change in the color of her star. 'Please..please...please...let it work' Alyssa silently prayed to herself.
She watched and she waited staring into the jar, trying to not blink. 'Could it be?' Alyssa wondered to herself. ' Please let it be' Alyssa begged silently as she saw a small yellow tinge of color and which got brighter and brighter, and soon her star was glowing yellow again. Alyssa breathed a sigh of relief. 'Please don't scare me like that, Yvaine.' Alyssa whispered to her little star. Now that there was sufficient hydrogen in the jar, Alyssa ended the spell by saying, "Finite".
All is right again. Alyssa lighted patted the jar, gently stroking the side of it with her fingertips. 'Now to sing to you for being such a good little star.' Alyssa tried to recall the lyrics to a song she used to hear when she was very young and when she thought that she had part of the lyrics, she first hummed the tune and then once she had finished humming the tune to the first verse, she started to sing, and she sang, she began to swing from side to side in rhythm.
Text Cut: Believe
Children sleeping, snow is softly falling
Dreams are calling like bells in the distance
We were dreamers not so long ago
But one by one we all had to grow up
When it seems the magic's slipped away
We find it all again on Christmas day
Believe in what your heart is saying
Hear the melody that's playing
There's no time to waste
There's so much to celebrate
Believe in what you feel inside
And give your dreams the wings to fly
You have everything you need
If you just believe.
As she trailed off, she looked at the contents of her jar, and was glad to see that things were back to normal. Yvaine was glowing a bright yellow. Alyssa slowly stood up and took off the lab coat and protective gloves and returned them back into the cupboard. With one last glance back at her jar, she turned around and left the lab.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Four days later, Jory was again back in the lab. After putting on his coat and goggles, he sat at his usual spot and examined his star. There seemed to be nothing wrong with it as it was glowing its bright yellow colour. "It's great to see you, Starry,'' he said, pleased to see it was alright. And yes, he had decided a name on his way to the lab. A simple one would do and Starry was easy to remember, anyway. He took out his quill and added a new line to the label on Starry's jar.
Star's Name: Starry
The Puffer consulted his notebook. "Sing to your star,'' he read. He was a huge music fan and he wondered which he should choose and if it had to be Astronomy related. But the instructions just said to sing so he decided to go not Astronomy related. "I'll sing you The Nexus by Amaranthe.'' He cleared his throat and began softly so as to not disturb the others. Plus he didn't want anyone overhearing his bad singing.
I have the will inside my mind,
There is a voice I cant deny
Break, with the past, set the nexus free at last,
as the future will be there to save us,
Trapped in my skin, see the nexus in my dreams,
but will you bury me with it,
I rise, so you can be a part of me,
I hide as part of the machinery,
I slept on the right slept leaving these dreams I've been hiding.
"Hope you like that song,'' Jory said when he was done. It wasn't the whole thing but..."It's one of my favourites.'' He thought the star seemed to be glowing a bit brighter. He grinned. "I'll see you later, Starry,'' he added. "I've got loads of homework to get done.''
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Alex was super excited to check on Bo the Star and see how it was doing. Before doing anything, he grabbed his lab coat and put on his goggles before locating his star. Oh, Bo was just fine! Nothing was off about it, it was growing nice and brightly in his jar.
"Hello Bo. Good to see you're doing well today," he said with a smile. Wait, why was he talking to a STAR again? This wasn't Care of Magical Creatures, it wasn't REAL. Ah well. Bad habit. "I guess, since I'm here...I'll sing to you?"
Yes, that was what he'd do. He'd sing. What song, though? He tried to think of lullabies he'd seen or heard of. OH there was one that he'd seen at Cale's house--it was on the Muggle TV. In an American movie where three wacky bachelors had to take care of a baby. Perfect! He cleared his throat and leaned in to the jar so he wouldn't be overheard by others.
"Goodnight, sweetheart, well it's time to go,
Goodnight, sweetheart, well it's time to go,
I hate to leave you, but I really must say,
Goodnight, sweetheart, goodnight.
Goodnight, sweetheart, well it's time to go,
Goodnight, sweetheart, well it's time to go,
I hate to leave you, but I really must say,
Goodnight, sweetheart, goodnight."
And...that was all the words he knew. But the star actually seemed...calmer? If that was possible? HE DIDN'T KNOW.
"Well, I have to go Bo, but goodnight, sweet dreams," he said with a smile before replacing his jar in the cabinet. Then he took of his coat and put away his goggles and then headed back into the corridor to go to class.
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Alyssa walked eagerly into the lab looking forward to seeing how Yvaine was doing. She grabbed a pair protective goggles and a lab coat, putting both of them on, before she made her way to where she had last left her pickle jar containing her baby star. She stopped in mid step. Yvaine was glowing red!! Alyssa quickly rushed to her jar and picked it up. "No...no...no..you were doing fine the other day. Yvaine please be okay." Alyssa whispered to her star.
By now Alyssa knew what was happening when her star started glowing red. There was too much helium in the jar. She just didn't know which spell she should be casting. She decided to opt for decreasing it. Taking out her wand, she flicked it twice at the contents in the jar and at the same said the incantation, "Deminugasalis" and waited for the star's glow to change back to yellow...and waited...but it continued to glow red. It looked to Alyssa like it was glowing even more redder. She quickly ended the spell, by pointing her wand at the jar and saying, "Finite" Her star continued to glow red. "No...no...no...this can't be happening." Alyssa began to panic. She was going to kill her star.
She looked around for help but knew that every minute she wasting waiting for help, her star was dying. She decided if the spell to decrease helium didn't work, that would try the reverse of it. Pointing her wand at the jar again, she flicked her wand twice and said,"Cumugasalis" and waited for something...anything to happen. "Come on...change...please change, Yvaine. Please fight to stay alive." Alyssa whispered softly to her star in the jar and began to sing.
"You're not alone
Together we stand
I'll be by your side, you know I'll take your hand
When it gets cold
And it feels like the end
There's no place to go
You know I won't give in
No I won't give in
Keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Just stay strong
'Cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you
There's nothing you could say
Nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through."
Alyssa continued to peer into her jar. She started wringing her fists, and began pacing back and forth while constantly keeping an eye on her jar. Then she paused. Was there a change in the color of the glow? Alyssa leaned down closer to the jar, until her nose was practically pressing against the side of the glass. Yvaine's glow was definitely changing. Alyssa kept whispering under her breath, praying that her star was recovering. She watched as the red glow began to slowly change from red to a reddish orangy to orange to a yellowish orange tinge until finally it began glowing a bright yellow.
Alyssa began to tear up. She quickly wiped the tears from her eyes before anyone in the lab saw her. She ended the spell by sayng, "Finite." now that there was a balance in the amount of helium in the jar. Alyssa couldn't believe it. She had almost lost Yvaine. Alyssa knew that she needed to keep a better eye on her star. She made it her goal that she would not let this happen again.
She sat and watched over her jar, until she found herself yawning. She looked at her watch and discovered that it was almost curfew time and she needed to be back in her dormitory before she got caught. She pressed her lips to her fingertips before pressing them on her jar. "Good night, Yvaine. I'll see you tomorrow."
Picking up her backpack, Alyssa walked back to the cupboard, removed her lab coat and protective goggles and returned it. Then she looked back at Yvaine one last time before she walked out of the Astrophysics lab.
∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe
This wasn't something you could do all the time, and so..well why would Elodie even think about missing out on this stuff?! She intentionally made sure to miss some eager students going very early on in the term, just incase she was to mess up on this. Because eager students might have messed up before she even went to start her star project, so they couldn't even LAUGH. Because then she'd just give them the LOOK, and they'd shush.
Heading into the lab, Els did what the first two steps on her to-do list said.
Get lab coat on
Protective goggles, please.
Turning to the right when she walked in, Elodie went for the protective goggles first and put them onto her head, stopping only to adjust the length when they were a little too big for her head. Probably an older student had used them previous to her. She didn't mind, either way. Sticking her lab coat on, the third year looked down at it and snorted. She looked so weird! People would probably think she was craaazy if she wore this out in public, but the ensemble was nice. And she would have done so, if she could.
Get a jar and put your name on a label.
Clean the jar, Elodie. (Scourgify or Tergeo!)
Why were none of them slightly pink or even remotely DIFFERENT?! That could be suggested as to upset the teen, but instead she took an empty jar from the counter and took it a little away so she could get her labelling and cleaning done.
Originally Posted by Jar label
Elodie Rae Robertser
Third Year Hufflepuff
Elodie wrote her name in pink, to make sure that it could be seen PROPERLY by someone, if anyone tried to think that her star was theirs, when it quite frankly was NOT. And then she left her star's name blank, because she hadn't yet thought of one.
And her star wasn't ACTUALLY born yet.
Elodie placed her label onto the jar and looked back down at her list, READY TO STAR UP THE JAR!!!!!!!!! It wasn't that time yet, though. It was time for cleaning her jar.
Holding her wand into her jar, Elodie performed a quick "Scourgify," and watched her jar get super clean.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Lex beamed down at the jar that now held a yellow star in it--but not just any yellow star, her yellow star. This made a difference, it so obviously did whether anyone agreed or not. Other people's opinions weren't her cup of tea anyway.
"Yaaaaaay! I did it! I actually did it! My own star! Would you look at that!" She grinned at the jar, not caring who might have been bothered by her enthusiasm. How often did one hold a star in there hand? Not. very.Often. Duh. Even the world's biggest idiot would be able to understand this and this was saying a lot. Yup. It totally was. She pulled the jar to her and squished it in a hug.
"You're the best star here you know and I'm gonna call you Jeffery!!!" Are you okay with that Jeffery because that was your name now--hold up. Did stars have a gender? She didn't want to make the mistake of giving another girl a boy's name, though really Kevin didn't mind, she liked that name, it was just...meh. She held the jar up toward the ceiling then low, to the side then the other and finally just LOOKED.
Yup. Boy it is. Why? Because this looking game wasn't very fun and she was ready to move on. Wasn't that obvious? She slapped the jar onto her face and began nuzzling it. "I'll definitely call you Jeffery and we'll be bestfriends and we'll eat chocolate frogs together, have sleepovers, tell scary stories, have pillow fights--Eeek, it'll all be so epic! I can't wait!!!!!!!!" And now she didn't want to leave her little star buddy. Sniffle. What if he got lonely while she was gone? He wouldn't want to play with the other stars...he was much too afraid that he'd catch their stupid.
Slowly she set the jar down. "I promised to meet someone by the whomping willow so I can't stay much longer--but I'll be back tomorrow, honest!!!" Then she bolted from the room.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Jory had been so busy lately, that it was almost a week later that he returned to check on Starry. After quickly putting on the lab coat and protective goggles, he hurried over to get his jar.
To his horror Starry was glowing white. It was the real bright white colour but it wasn't faint either. The badger placed the jar on the usual table and took out his note book from his bag. "White, white,'' he muttered as he searched for the cure.
"Aha. Star will glow white when it is running out of hydrogen,'' he read. "Incantation is Crescere Hydrogenenii.'' The boy began practicing it without his wand- just to make sure he got it right when he cast it.
"Right then. Let's get you back to yellow, Starry.'' Jory got out his wand. "Crescere,'' he said making the circular movement. "Hydrogenenii!'' And a jab. To his relief, Starry slowly began to return to it's yellow colour. "Finite. I'll have to check on your more regularly. Don't want you to die, Starry.''
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Alyssa had decided that after that last time where she had almost let her star die, that she would make more frequent visits to the Astrophysics lab to check on Yvaine. The moment she entered the lab, she pulled out a lab coat and a pair of goggles from the cupboard. Placing the protective goggles over her head making sure that they were properly protecting her eyes, she wore the lab coat over her clothes and walked over to her jar.
Alyssa breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that all was well with her star. It was glowing bright and yellow. Alyssa smiled as she sat down on the chair next to the table where her jar was on. She kept watch over it for a couple of minutes, looking up every now and then to watch the other students take care of their stars. She was glad that everyone's stars were alive and well. Alyssa looked at her watch and realized that at least half an hour had passed. Deciding that it was time for her to leave, Alyssa leaned down and whispered to Yvaine. "I'm going to go now, Yvaine. I'm glad that you're doing well today." Alyssa patted the side of the jar.
She got up the chair and turned to leave when she saw from the corner of her eye a minute change in the color of Yvaine. Alyssa turned back and leaned closer to look at the contents in the jar, but the color remained yellow. Alyssa decided that it must have been a figment of her imagination, that her last scare had made her more paranoid, and so she stood back up. As she began to turn away again, she saw the change in color again. Alyssa shook her head and picked up her jar and brought it closer to her eyes. As she stared at her star, she noticed that there was a tinge of blue appearing and disappearing.
Alyssa realized that Yvaine was on the brink of getting hot. She had been lucky that she had seen the smallest changes in color. Because there were only minute changes. Alyssa knew that she still had time to correct the temperature in the jar. Taking out her wand, with a jab and a flick downwards, she said the incantation to cool down the temperature inside the jar," Dextrini Potitus". After a few seconds, she ended the spell by saying, "Finite" and continued to stare into the contents of the jar. She tried to keep from blinking just in case she missed seeing another random change of color indicating that the temperature inside the jar was still not right. But after awhile her eyes started to tear up, and she was forced to resume blinking. But still, Alyssa refused to stop looking inside the jar.
She decided that while she was keeping watch over Yvaine, that she would sing to her. She began singing softly.
Text Cut: The Call
It started out as a feeling
Which then grew into a hope
Which then turned into a quiet thought
Which then turned into a quiet word
And then that word grew louder and louder
Til it was a battle cry
I'll come back
When you call me
No need to say goodbye
Just because everything's changing
Doesn't mean it's never
Been this way before
All you can do is try to know
Who your friends are
As you head off to the war
Pick a star on the dark horizon
And follow the light
You'll come back
When it's over
No need to say good bye
You'll come back
When it's over
No need to say good bye
Now we're back to the beginning
It's just a feeling and no one knows yet
But just because they can't feel it too
Doesn't mean that you have to forget
Let your memories grow stronger and stronger
Til they're before your eyes
You'll come back
When they call you
No need to say good bye
You'll come back
When they call you
No need to say good bye.
Even while she was singing the song, Alyssa continued to keep an eye on Yvaine. But she didn't see any more changes in color even after she finished singing. She decided to stay another 10 minutes more just to make sure that everything remained normal. Once the 10 minutes were up and nothing out of the ordinary happened, Alyssa decided that Yvaine was safe for now.
Getting up from her chair, she gently placed the pickle jar back on the table and whispered goodbye to Yvaine. She then walked over to the cupboard and took off her lab coat and protective gloves and returned them back to the cupboard. Turning to look at Yvaine one more time and seeing her continue to glow yellow, Alyssa nodded to it before leaving the lab.
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Alex hadn't checked on his star in a while, and he wanted to make sure Bo was doing well in the lab. He walked in and did the usual routine--grabbing a lab coat and goggles, he prepared himself for lab work and then was ready to go!
He found Bo on the shelf and examined his star.
Oh no, Bo was BLUEEE! Quite literally, not because Alex hadn't been paying attention to it. The star was blue because it was cold--Alex could tell from the temperature of the cold glass in his hands. Never fear, Alex was here to make the star feel better!
"Sorry about leaving you in the cold Bo...I can fix that!" he said, placing the star on a table. He checked his notes and got the correct incantation. "Dextrini Potitus!" he said, jabbing his wand toward the star and flicking it upwards to increase the temperature. He waited a few minutes to see if it worked.
Slowly but surely, the blue color started to fade and gave way to it's usual, yellowish glow. The glass jar was starting to warm up as well. Alex smiled and took the star in his arms, cradling the jar like a baby to finish up the warming process.
"There you go, nice and warm again," he said. Maybe he should do something to make sure it didn't get cold again...it WAS rather chilly in here. He pulled his Hufflepuff scarf out of his bag and wrapped it around the jar. That should keep Bo nice and toasty until the next time he saw it!
With that all taken care of, he put the star back into the cabinet--it was the only one wrapped in a house scarf. At least it'd be easier to find it next time!
He hummed happily to himself as he put the lab coat and goggles back before heading back out. He was a genius.
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Like every long term assignments that they had over the years, Daichi forgot about it. It was only when he decided to walk around the Castle and going up to the Astronomy tower did he remember it.
Knowing he had nothing better to do, the Slytherin slipped inside the Astrophysics Lab and grabbed a lab coat with goggles. After putting them on he walked to the shelves with jars and searched for the star labeled Ducky~! Finding it in the corner, Daichi picked it up and walked to a desk.
He bend down to eye-level with the jar and was shocked that the star was looking greyish. He knew that if it turned black it was a dead star so he needed to do something and quick!
Maybe...maybe the star was cold? yes! that must be it. The Prefect took out his notebook from his bag and turned the pages, searching for the assignment he had written down. He bit his lower lip as he read and grabbed his wand.
Using an upwards jab, he said "Dextrini Potitus!" and watched as his star turned a bit yellow. Still with a grey/yellow mix, the Slytherin tried the spell again only this time said the incantation louder.
Eeeek! NO! the star was too BLUE now! like...nightsky blue. He flipped to the next page of his notebook and read that when the star was blue it meant it was too hot. Huh? So..blue is hot and red is cold. Professor Flamsteed that is confusing you know!
Alright. Daichi made a jab downwards while saying "Dextrini Potitus" for the third time. The star color changed from blue to yellow to orange...oooh looky~! he gotten an orange star like he wanted! But he also remembered the Professor's words about a yellow star being better. So with another jab upwards his Ducky~! was back to being a yellow star.
Mweh, orange was better...
He placed his wand back in his wrist holster and set the jar back on the shelves where he could find it easily. Taking off the lab coat and goggles, Daichi placed them back as well and after a quick wave and a "Night Ducky~!" did he leave the lab.
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Alyssa quickly walked into the Astrophysics lab. After the past few days where she had to work hard to keep Yvaine alive, Alyssa was starting to stress out. Without any hesitation, she walked to the cupboard and removed a lab coat and protective goggles from it. Putting both on, she immediately walked over to the jar that had her name on it and leaned down to look at it. Yvaine was glowing yellow and bright. Alyssa breathed a sigh of relief but she wasn't letting her guard down.
She decided that she would sit and keep watch over her jar for an hour to make sure that there weren't any slight changes in Yvaine's temperature or her helium and hydrogen content. As Alyssa kept watch, she decided that she'd read a poem she had memorized about a star to Yvaine.
"Yvaine, this poem is entitled Star and is written by Peace Okhomina
Text Cut: Stars
STARS high up in d sky,
To get one you need to fly,
A STAR can be who you are inside,
Its inside you its not hard to find.
STARS shine bright at night,
when you look at them you feel alright,
A STAR at the utmost height,
Makes me sleep with a smile.
A STAR is bright and beautifull,
There is a STAR in me and that is true,
yes, i will always love you,
Because i see a STAR when i look at You..! "
When she finished saying the poem, Alyssa looked closely at Yvaine. She seemed to look calm and tranquil tonight. So Alyssa decided to sing a lullaby to her.
Text Cut: Hush Little Baby
"Hush, little baby, don't say a word.
Papa's gonna buy you a mockingbird
And if that mockingbird won't sing,
Papa's gonna buy you a diamond ring
And if that diamond ring turns brass,
Papa's gonna buy you a looking glass
And if that looking glass gets broke,
Papa's gonna buy you a billy goat
And if that billy goat won't pull,
Papa's gonna buy you a cart and bull
And if that cart and bull turn over,
Papa's gonna buy you a dog named Rover
And if that dog named Rover won't bark
Papa's gonna buy you a horse and cart
And if that horse and cart fall down,
You'll still be the sweetest little baby in town."
Alyssa continued to hum the tune softly over and over again and then quietly ended it. It looked to her that Yvaine was safe for tonight. She stroked the side of her pickle jar and whispered to her star. "I'll see you tomorrow, Yvaine. Good night and sweet dreams.
Alyssa got up, walked over to the cupboard and hung up her lab coat and protective goggles before turning one last time to look at her jar. It still continued to glow a bright yellow. Alyssa sighed before walking out of the lab.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
RUNNING! Alexa was Running to the Astrophysics lab as fast as she could, sometimes hopping two or three steps at a time as she ascended the stairs. How could she have forgotten?? It wasn't in her to forget something like this! To think, it took her trying to read a book by the lake for her to remember that she had poor ickle Jeffery to take care of.
Dashing across the seventh floor corridor, she tried to remain positive. Jeffery was a tough star. So what if she hadn't visited him in over a month? He was a fighter, had the heart of a lion and everything! She was convinced that when she got in there she would see him sitting in his little jar...looking a bit lonely but you know, perfectly fine. Lonely she could fix, that would be easy. All she'd have to do is sing to him and have a little chat...maybe offer him some chocolate frogs too while she was at it.
Finally at the lab she threw the door open and bolted inside.
"Jeffery! Jeffery! It's okay! I'm here! I'm here!" Lex hurried over to him but stopped short of the table when she saw the jar sitting in the place she'd left Jeffery's.
It...it couldn't be...
"What the kneazle???" Black?? Hadn't he been yellow when she last saw him?? How on earth did he get to that colour?!?! She took out her wand and began poking at it, hoping it would do something or give her some hint as to what's wrong but nothing happened. The black mass remained, unmoving in the jar.
Putting away her wand she swung her bag around and rummaged for the parchment she'd written her star care rules on. Once she found it she began scanning the page for an explanation--
"Nuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!! Jeffery!!!!" She dropped the parchment and snatched the jar. "No no no no no! You can't be--I mean, it was only a couple days and you had company...I...no!!!!" Aw man! She wibbled a bit at the jar with her dead baby star. He...he was so young...sniffle. Some words on the parchment that now lay on the table caught her attention. Blink. Blink.
She had to see the Professor! Brilliant! he'd know what to do! She dropped her bag on the table next to her parchment then bolted from the room, Jeffery in hand, the Professor would bring him back!
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
This wasn't something you could do all the time, and so..well why would Elodie even think about missing out on this stuff?! She intentionally made sure to miss some eager students going very early on in the term, just incase she was to mess up on this. Because eager students might have messed up before she even went to start her star project, so they couldn't even LAUGH. Because then she'd just give them the LOOK, and they'd shush.
Heading into the lab, Els did what the first two steps on her to-do list said.
Get lab coat on
Protective goggles, please.
Turning to the right when she walked in, Elodie went for the protective goggles first and put them onto her head, stopping only to adjust the length when they were a little too big for her head. Probably an older student had used them previous to her. She didn't mind, either way. Sticking her lab coat on, the third year looked down at it and snorted. She looked so weird! People would probably think she was craaazy if she wore this out in public, but the ensemble was nice. And she would have done so, if she could.
Get a jar and put your name on a label.
Clean the jar, Elodie. (Scourgify or Tergeo!)
Why were none of them slightly pink or even remotely DIFFERENT?! That could be suggested as to upset the teen, but instead she took an empty jar from the counter and took it a little away so she could get her labelling and cleaning done.
Elodie wrote her name in pink, to make sure that it could be seen PROPERLY by someone, if anyone tried to think that her star was theirs, when it quite frankly was NOT. And then she left her star's name blank, because she hadn't yet thought of one.
And her star wasn't ACTUALLY born yet.
Elodie placed her label onto the jar and looked back down at her list, READY TO STAR UP THE JAR!!!!!!!!! It wasn't that time yet, though. It was time for cleaning her jar.
Holding her wand into her jar, Elodie performed a quick "Scourgify," and watched her jar get super clean.
SPOILER!!: Notes
Steps on how to take care of my awesometastical yellow star.
1. Always wear lab coat and protective goggles on entering the lab.
2. Write your name on a label and place it on your jar.
3. Clean your jar - Scourgify & Tergeo work best
4. Add one table spoon of powdered helium & hydrogen each to the jar and put the lid on it.
5. Perform Fingere Elementi to change the powdered elements into gases. The two gases will compress on their own within the jar to produce a star.
Spells to take care of star:
1. Spell to control temperature
your star will turn blue when it is too hot & red when it is too cold
- incantation: Dextrini Potitus
- wand movement: jab with a flick upwards to increase and flick downward to decrease.
2. Spell to increase helium
your star will glow red when there is too much helium
- incantation: Cumugasalis
- wand movement: two flicks
3. Spell to decrease helium
your star will glow red when there is too much helium
- incantation: Deminugasalis
- wand movement: two flicks
4. Spell to increase hydrogen
your star will begin to glow white when it is running out of hydrogen
- incantation: Crescere Hydrogenenii
- wand movement: tight circle drawn in the air followed by a jab. Circle movement on the Crescere and jab on Hydrogenenii
5. Name my star.
6. Sing to my star.
Mika looked up when someone else joined the long work table she had been sitting at. The girl looked nice - heck she thought she'd met her before in classes. Not being sure she just smiled and gave the girl a wave.
"Hey" and glancing at the name on the jar. "Elodie? Right - I think i've seen you around school and all, um I'm Mika" she smiled.
But her attention was almost instantly grabbed by the star before her. Her star had started to fade in color. Almost as if it were dying. Nooo! She didn't want Zara to die.
Zara was a cool name for a star she had to admit.
With two flicks aimed at the jar she spoke "Cumugasalis" and the color began to right itself. Almost too fast - but it was righting itself.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe
Originally Posted by McFeisty
SPOILER!!: Notes
Steps on how to take care of my awesometastical yellow star.
1. Always wear lab coat and protective goggles on entering the lab.
2. Write your name on a label and place it on your jar.
3. Clean your jar - Scourgify & Tergeo work best
4. Add one table spoon of powdered helium & hydrogen each to the jar and put the lid on it.
5. Perform Fingere Elementi to change the powdered elements into gases. The two gases will compress on their own within the jar to produce a star.
Spells to take care of star:
1. Spell to control temperature
your star will turn blue when it is too hot & red when it is too cold
- incantation: Dextrini Potitus
- wand movement: jab with a flick upwards to increase and flick downward to decrease.
2. Spell to increase helium
your star will glow red when there is too much helium
- incantation: Cumugasalis
- wand movement: two flicks
3. Spell to decrease helium
your star will glow red when there is too much helium
- incantation: Deminugasalis
- wand movement: two flicks
4. Spell to increase hydrogen
your star will begin to glow white when it is running out of hydrogen
- incantation: Crescere Hydrogenenii
- wand movement: tight circle drawn in the air followed by a jab. Circle movement on the Crescere and jab on Hydrogenenii
5. Name my star.
6. Sing to my star.
Mika looked up when someone else joined the long work table she had been sitting at. The girl looked nice - heck she thought she'd met her before in classes. Not being sure she just smiled and gave the girl a wave.
"Hey" and glancing at the name on the jar. "Elodie? Right - I think i've seen you around school and all, um I'm Mika" she smiled.
But her attention was almost instantly grabbed by the star before her. Her star had started to fade in color. Almost as if it were dying. Nooo! She didn't want Zara to die.
Zara was a cool name for a star she had to admit.
With two flicks aimed at the jar she spoke "Cumugasalis" and the color began to right itself. Almost too fast - but it was righting itself.
When she'd finally got her jar cleaned, Elodie pushed a piece of her hair away from her face and looked down at her to do list. Lists were good for this kind of thing. Otherwise she seemed to forget everything. Lists forever! - Huh?! She looked up then. "Oh hi!" Els offered a quick wave, and adjusted the goggles that were on her face.
Was she Elodie? "Elodie, it is." Even added a nod for good measure. "Nice to me-" She was about to say 'nice to meet you, Mika' but the girls attention had flew to her star and Elodie could only watch, possibly in horror.
"Is it okay????!" Atleast it wasn't dead?
Still listening out for conversation from the other girl, Elodie looked at her to do list, and read from it in her head.
One table spoon of powdered helium and hydrogen
Put the lid back on the jar
Fingere Elementi
Okay, this seemed relatively...easy. Right? PSH. She could totally do this.
Quickly glancing over at Mika, who had seemed to sort her star issue out by now, Elodie put one tablespoon of powdered helium and one of hydrogen into her jar, before looking at them just...CHILLING THERE LIKE THEY HAD NO JOB. Why was there no star already?! HUFF. She closed the lid on the jar, and crouched down so she was jar height and STARED down the powder. Come on guys, it was star time! There was still things to DO here!
And she couldn't just leave incase her star never decided to...APPEAR OR GROW OR FERTILISE OR WHATEVER IT DID.
She was about to ask Mika what she was supposed to do, when her todo list caught her eye, and she mentally hit her forehead for forgetting that she had to do things. Pretty important things, actually. Taking her wand from its holster, she pointed it at the jar and performed an appropriate "Fingere Elementi," and then crouched down to watch her star form.
OH. OH. OH! How PERFECT! It was such a pretty star! She giggled once, twirled once for the sake of it and grinned at her star. She already knew her stars name now, actually. So she added it to her label.
SPOILER!!: Jar label
Elodie Rae Robertser
Third Year Hufflepuff
"Hey Mika? Can you uh...cover your ears while I sing to her?" Because some people, such as Elodie, had no way of carrying off a tune.
When she'd finally got her jar cleaned, Elodie pushed a piece of her hair away from her face and looked down at her to do list. Lists were good for this kind of thing. Otherwise she seemed to forget everything. Lists forever! - Huh?! She looked up then. "Oh hi!" Els offered a quick wave, and adjusted the goggles that were on her face.
Was she Elodie? "Elodie, it is." Even added a nod for good measure. "Nice to me-" She was about to say 'nice to meet you, Mika' but the girls attention had flew to her star and Elodie could only watch, possibly in horror.
"Is it okay????!" Atleast it wasn't dead?
Still listening out for conversation from the other girl, Elodie looked at her to do list, and read from it in her head.
One table spoon of powdered helium and hydrogen
Put the lid back on the jar
Fingere Elementi
Okay, this seemed relatively...easy. Right? PSH. She could totally do this.
Quickly glancing over at Mika, who had seemed to sort her star issue out by now, Elodie put one tablespoon of powdered helium and one of hydrogen into her jar, before looking at them just...CHILLING THERE LIKE THEY HAD NO JOB. Why was there no star already?! HUFF. She closed the lid on the jar, and crouched down so she was jar height and STARED down the powder. Come on guys, it was star time! There was still things to DO here!
And she couldn't just leave incase her star never decided to...APPEAR OR GROW OR FERTILISE OR WHATEVER IT DID.
She was about to ask Mika what she was supposed to do, when her todo list caught her eye, and she mentally hit her forehead for forgetting that she had to do things. Pretty important things, actually. Taking her wand from its holster, she pointed it at the jar and performed an appropriate "Fingere Elementi," and then crouched down to watch her star form.
OH. OH. OH! How PERFECT! It was such a pretty star! She giggled once, twirled once for the sake of it and grinned at her star. She already knew her stars name now, actually. So she added it to her label.
SPOILER!!: Jar label
Elodie Rae Robertser
Third Year Hufflepuff
"Hey Mika? Can you uh...cover your ears while I sing to her?" Because some people, such as Elodie, had no way of carrying off a tune.
Mika couldn't help but smile when she realized she'd gotten Elodie's name right. SCORE one for the girl who was bad with names. When Elodie asked if her star was all good she just nodded. "Nice to meet you too - sorry about the distraction this one is a bit on the feisty side" she laughed.
Yeah her star had some spirit.
She cocked her head to the side, shrugged and nodded when Elodie asked her to cover her ears. "Better yet, i'll conjure some ear muffs" she laughingly smiled to the girl and conjured a pair of bright pink fluffy ear muffs. The kind they would normally use in herbology.
Her attention was again pulled to Zara as she began to glow more and more pink and then very nearly red. This thing was going to seriously kill her with its pesky turning all the shades of orange to red under the sun.
"Deminugasalis" she flick-flicked at the star and the color began to fade again this time, it stopped at a faded orangey yellow color. She'd wait for a bit to see what happened next.
She couldn't really hear so she nearly hollered, "I sang the band Queen to my star...and some songs from the musical Les Mis" yeah. She was loud. And unintentionally so.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
½ of Lauralie | Koala | The being in Ern's pocket | Baby Smurf | Prouf member of The Flock
Elise honestly didn't know how she could've possibly missed the announcement on the Diadem, but she did. She'd entirely forgotten to go to the Astrophysics lab and to create her little star. Maybe it'd twinkle! But stars didn't twinkle. It was just atmospheric effects that made it seem to twinkle.
Whatever it was, it seemed like a lot of fun. Putting on her labcoat [a]that was too big for her[/s] and picking up a pair of goggles, she giggled. THEY LOOKED LIKE BUG EYES! Snapping them on, Elise was a little grateful that there were no mirrors around. She must look terrible.
Pulling out her notebook, Elise searched for the first step. Right. Picking a jar. Taking a random one, Elise uncapped it and drew out her wand. Pointing it at the inside of the jar, she muttered a quick "Scourgify". Twice, just in case the first one didn't work.
Grabbing a label, Elise stared at it for a moment. What was she supposed to write again? Oh, right. Her name, year, house and stuff like that.
Elise Fairfield
Fifth Year
My star's name is: Lapin
Well, she DID like rabbits.
Anyway, now she was supposed to take the powdered helium and hydrogen and put them into the glass before MORE wandwork happened. So putting her wand onto the table she was working at, Elise took a tablespoon of helium and a tablespoon of hydrogen and put them in there before closing the lid.
Wand at the ready, she pointed it at the jar. "Fingeri Elementi," she muttered, performing the appropriate wand movement and stuff. Well it was a weird incantation but it seemed to work, since in the jar she could see the gasses mixing and then BAM!
It was a star. And a really pretty one too!
Too bad she needed to go have dinner. Reminding herself to check on the star later, she left the lab. BYE LAPIN. Elise'd see you as soon as she was done with dinner and homework.
Oichi was shaking with excitement at the idea of taking care of her very own star. She entered astrophysics lab giggling with joy. She had to calm herself down to notice the intructions on a table right in front of her. She picked them up and got to work. She grabbed a jar and and a label and wrote:
SPOILER!!: Oichi's label
Oichi Paulidine
House: Gryffindor
My Stars Name: Fatina
She then placed the label on her jar. Now for a bit of cleaning, I don't want a cosmic combustion now do I Oichi raised her wand and with a flick, "scourgify", she saw the dust and grime in her jar disapear. Yes, okay, now what. Oichi looked over her notes. Woh, it's time already to form a star, so cool! Oichi grabbed some powdered helium and hydrogen to her jar. Oh my gosh, just a spell away from a star!!! "Fingere Elementi", Oichi shouted and with a flick of her wand she watched as the gasses came to gether into an awesome red ball of cosmic star awesomemess. I did it, I did it. I made a star!!! She was over joyed, she could not stop smiling about the fact that she had just made her very own star.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Hurriedly Jory put on a coat and a pair of goggles. He had promised himself to come see Starry more often but there was so much to do in so little time. Quickly he grabbed Starry's jar and examined it. To his relief, Starry seemed just fine. It was glowing that healthy yellow colour. "Hey Starry,'' he said, taking a seat. "I'm glad to see you're fine.'' The boy had been worrying about his star's condition on the way to the lab.
"As there's nothing wrong with you, how about I sing you a song again?'' he asked. Of course he got no response but he cleared his throat anyway. "This one's called One Million light years by Amaranthe.''
Fall into a void and rumble round among deception
Hide behind the curtain to deny these accusations
Stay just so the world could see you leave in desperation
Fly towards the sun this is the countdown to extinction
You fall, you hide, afraid to lose your life
You stat, but just so you could fly astray
A million miles away
I run through time and space
see the world from afar
where my journey turns into a race
I will roam the earth
and I’ll conquer the stars
if you have one thousand reasons to stay
then I’ll be one million light years away
"Right then,'' Jory said. "I think that's enough.'' No need to bore Starry. "So I have to go now, Starry. I'll see you next time. Hopefully sooner.''
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
SPOILER!!: Professssssor
Originally Posted by sweetheartpixie
Oh sweet solstice please don't cry. That could only make this situation even more uncomfortable for him to deal with. Probably the only thing really because thing's couldn't get that much worse.
Or so he thought.
"Jeffery! Jeeeeeffery!" Airey said with a slight flail as he patted the lid on the dead star's bottle. "Jeffeeeeeery." See, he could say the name and know it and. Oh holy comets had he been wrong about her crying being the only thing to make this worse. Way to go Professor Airhead. "He is STILL Jeffery," Airey corrected gently in hopes that it would somewhat distracted her from his slip up.
Probably not. Miss Cambridge was rather astute when she wanted to be.
"I think you can. Everything in the universe has a purpose and a place. Even those bits that have died." And he was talking from a scientific standpoint, obviously. "Well, let's head to the laboratory then."
That was her cue to lead the way.
Alexa was NOT amused.
Clearly the Professor had already forgotten about her beloved star and had the audacity to go calling him by another name. How rude, how very utterly rude. She gave him a look, you know those looks that said 'Your words cut deep!'? Yeah, she gave him one of those before shielding poor Jeffery. He didn't need to hear people referring to him by a different name...it might have killed him more.
She nodded a bit at his attempt to console her but it was TOO LATE NOW! He had already offended the dead star!
"I suppose we should." She said, turning and making her way back to the lab. She walked over to the area she was working in and put Jeffery on the table before running to get a coat and goggles from the little room. Once she was geared up she took another glass from the table and got the label going.
Student's Name: Alexa Cambridge
Year: 2nd Year
House: Gryffindor
Star's Name: NOT Jeffery
She glanced over at Jeffery, who must have been feeling so jealous now before looking to the Professor. "What do I do now...?"
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Lottie had been completely terrified over this fact, especially since she PROMISED she wasn't going to let those boxes out of her sight. Well, she stuck them together. She figured, if she lost all two, then she could claim someone had taken them, but only one? Yeah, that wouldn't work. It didn't matter now because she'd found the box.
In the dormitory.
She may have excellent hearing, perhaps not excellent eyesight.
First things first. Lottie went to the closet and took a lab coat - question: everyone used these? Erm... - and took a pair of goggles - same question. But she only wore those after casting a very silent 'Scourgify' on them. She still had issues when casting 'Tergeo', so...'Scourgify' it is. Okay, now that those implements were cleaned, she put them on.
She must have looked cool with the white coat and protective goggles, yes? Definitely!
Okay. The jar and the label next. Her name was written rather nicely on a piece of paper, and then she stuck it to the jar. There. Identification done.
Hello! I belong to Lotus A. Wisteria, 2nd year Hogwartian. Don't mess with me. ^__^
Once that was taken cared of...she'll have to clean the jar and add the...Oh, for Merlin's sake! She forgot to bring the boxes! Her memory sucks nowadays.
We can still leave the jar, yes? Yes, we'll be back quick, we promise. The girl left the coat and the goggles on the closet after leaving the jar on the counter.
She'll ruuuuun to the Common Room and come back quick! After stopping for some water, of course.
Eliza stepped into the laboratory and admired all of the tools and equipment set up everywhere. And it's so clean too! Wow...maybe he can teach my parents a thing or two, she thought as she found a workspace. Ok, well that was sort of rude I guess. My house is fine, but this is just...Professor Airey is just so pristine all the time! That is so not me. Usually anyway. She took out her notebook with the instructions for the lesson. Okay what do I have to do first? OH! Oops! Lab coat and goggles.
She sat her notepad and backpack down, went back to the front of the room and pulled some protective wear from the closet. The white lab coat made her feel like an evil scientist or something. Why not a doctor? She wasn't sure. Evil scientist just popped into her mind first. Then she placed the goggles over her eyes to test them out. Ew...these are a bit foggy. Is the plastic scratched? She took them back off and inspected them. Nope, no scratch...I'll just clean them to be sure. She pointed her wand at the goggles, "Scourgify!" She placed them back on and took a look around the room. There, that's better.
She went back to her table and resumed reading the instructions. Never take the star out of the lab?! Say whhaaat?! Why not? Where is the fun in that if we can't even keep them? She pouted a bit and wondered what the reasoning was. She didn't think their professor would be so mean to not let them keep them. He doesn't want them all for himself, does he? No...he doesn't seem the type. She still didn't understand why though. I mean, I get while we're working on them, that they should stay, but after? Boo.
Anyway. She flipped the page. She sat her jar on the table and pulled out a sticker label to write her name on.
Eliza Dawnsel
Ravenclaw - 2nd Year
Star project!
She peeled the label up and smoothed it onto the lid of her jar so that she didn't block any of the pretty light she was expecting to see through the glass later on.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
She glanced over at Jeffery, who must have been feeling so jealous now before looking to the Professor. "What do I do now...?"
Well...THIS certainly was going well. Not.
Airey couldn't help but shiver slightly at the looks that the not-so-happy Gryffindor was sending his way. So he was bad with names thanks to a short attention span...couldn't totally hate him for that, right?
"Well, first make sure that the jar is clean," he said with a nod. He would have added something like 'or else the same thing will happen,' but he was trying to avoid making the child more upset than she already was. "Then you need to add the powdered elements and compress them with the correct spell." She had already done these steps before, so he had total confidence in her doing them again.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
There, she thought as she looked at her jar. Now you're ready for me to clean. She picked up the jar and pointed her wand at it. Wait...should I have cleaned it before I put the label on? Dirt on the outside of the lid won't hurt the inside of the jar will it? She frowned. She really didn't want to mess up the assignment all because she was too lazy to do it properly. She sighed, set the jar back down and removed the label.
Now I should be able to get it really really clean, I think. She took the lid off of the jar and cleaned the inside with the simple cleaning spell they used in Potions all the time. She'd gotten pretty good at it from practice, so she felt confident that this one would do the trick. "Scourgify!" She then placed the jar back down on the counter and aimed her wand at the outside, then on the inside of the lid, and then on the outside of the lid. "Scourgify, scourgify, scourgify!" Was it a little bit overkill? Maybe. But she had forgotten once already and wanted to be extra sure that she'd done it well enough to continue. In fact, she thought this jar was so clean it might even be able to perform surgery with it...somehow. It was just really clean.
Better re-label it then, she thought once she was satisfied with the amount of glints and glimmers shining off of her now super-fresh-and-clean jar. She picked up her label and felt that back of it. Not so sticky now...and it probably got dirt on it from the first time. Sigh. New label it is! And though she didn't want to be wasteful by using a new sticker, she knew it had to be done anyway, so she filled one out.
Eliza Dawnsel
Ravenclaw - 2nd Year
Star project!
There. Finally. Okay so now... She checked her notes. I need the ingredients. She pulled out her tins of helium and hydrogen that she'd gotten from the lesson and retrieved a table spoon to scoop the powder out with. Being extremely careful not to drop, spill, or breathe too heavily on any of it, she measured out one tablespoon each into her jar and quickly put the lid on it. Don't want any dust floating down into it now that the elements are inside! She screwed it shut tight, and then sat back to look at the jar.
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Alex was always dreading the worst when he walked into the astrophysics lab. He was surprised the Bo the star had lived as long as it had because--well, that would just be his luck that it would die like that for no good reason. But after putting on his coat and goggles, he was pleasantly surprised to see that Bo was alive!
Except...the poor star was burning up! Yes, it was all hot and red and probably because of his scarf that Bo was getting too hot. He had a bad feeling that would happen!
"Here, it's alright..." Alex said, taking his scarf and putting it back in his bag. Bo would just have to battle the temperature in the room on it's own now. He pulled out his wand and jabbed it at the star, muttering the incantation "Dextrini Potitus!" while moving his wand down to help lower the temperature. After a few seconds, the star started to glow orange, then finally it cooled down to a nice yellowish color again.
"There we go, all better," he said with a smile. He needed to find a way, without his scarf, that Bo would be warm from now on in the cold lab...ooooh, he knew! He'd hide it near the back, so the other stars would act like insulation and keep it warm. That was a perfectly good idea!
He picked up Bo and moved some of the other stars around and put the star in the back. There, all taken care of. "See ya, Bo!" he said with a smile as he took off his goggles and lab coat and put them back.
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid