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Term 33: January - April 2013 Term Thirty-Three: Board of Governors Elections (September 2079 - June 2080)

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Old 01-12-2013, 11:08 AM
Aparecium Aparecium is offline
Default Aparecium Term 33

OOC: This is ENTIRELY IC. As this is the case, in order for gossip to be posted and for your characters to find out the latest, we NEED people who witness things to owl us on this account so it can be reported on. This is to keep everything canon and IC. Please do not post in this thread, that is for us to do.

How do you get a hold of this magical gossip parchment IC? Well that is entirely up to you and be creative with it! Maybe it's under the Giant Squids tongue or clinging onto one of the many Hogwarts statues, or look! Is that the back page of your History of Magic textbook?

Exaggerations may be made on this parchment, but do not take these to heart, this is just for fun. Promise. If you are still unsure of what this is, think of it as a Merlin's beard for more personal plotlines, whereas Merlin's beard is dedicated to the school-wide plot. Hope you all read and enjoy!

P.S This has been staff approved.

P.P.S if you ABSOLUTELY do not want your character mentioned at all, you can PM us and let us know, and we'll do our best to ignore you

If anyone is interested in joining the elite team of Aparecium please shoot a PM to the Aparecium account with a small sample of your writing, we'd really prefer a bit of current gossip if your character can sniff it out IC.

If you do become part of our super secret team, we need a minimum of three articles over the course of the term, that is just one per month. Easy.

We currently have THREE spaces available on the Aparecium team! Those sneaky individuals who contributed last year can simply send a PM to let us know you're still interested, and provide your first bit of goss.

The FIRST rule is not to tell anyone that you have an interest in the job, please. The secret is not to let others know it's you.

Old 01-12-2013, 11:39 AM   #2 (permalink)
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ooc: Send us some tips! PM the Aparecium account explaining what the goss is, and (if possible) linking us to where it happened.

REMEMBER: if your character does not know IC, either from hearing about it in the RP or actually being there and witnessing it, then they do not know about it and can't report it!

We've twigged: its a wig!

Cry me a River, Mr. Higareda
Lets all watch him together

I Can SEE Clearly Now That the School Year Has Begun
Spotted: A manboy in duck floaties

The life and times of Ladypuffers (and Mordred Mordaunt)

Catfight, anyone?

Can Rose BEATer the odds?
Several Thousand Galleons for Your Thoughts?

Every day they're Slytherin

Psssst, stay in the know

Siggies by the lovely Cedric

Last edited by Aparecium; 03-09-2013 at 01:30 PM.
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Old 01-13-2013, 04:42 AM   #3 (permalink)
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ooc: As always, no offence meant!

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Right, so the Board of Governor candidates showing up at the school is making things a bit more crowded than this writer is comfortable with but notice how someone else on their side feels the same? Andrew Rose, former Beater for the Kestrals, and entrepreneur (whatever that really means) seems to think that showing up to pesky events like the candidates meet-and-greet at the Leaky Cauldron over the summer are below him or out of his comfort zone. Well I wonder what could possibly give him that idea?

Our sources in and out of the Castle have barked up the man’s family tree and apparently his late wife was super chummy with current Arithmancy professor, Josephina Hadley. Maybe the guy thinks the Arithmancy woman can change the numbers to fit his desired fate? Don’t count on it, the rest of the candidates surely have better contacts than an overly glorified Muggle calculator.

To top it all off the guy tried to work at the Ministry and even THAT place wasn’t a good match and they’re only one knut short of a rubber wand.

Don’t let the old and tired Quidditch “legend” act fool you. He’s not cut out for the Board of Governors. Would you want someone who tried to use his connections with a current Professor, one that doesn’t even teach one of the cool subjects, to get a seat and…increase number calculations or something horrible like that?

Psssst, stay in the know

Siggies by the lovely Cedric
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Old 01-14-2013, 04:09 AM   #4 (permalink)
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ooc: As always, no offence meant!

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The school year has barely begun but there is so much to be done! Crazy campaigns and idiotic promises make for good gossip, you see. But if you don't SEE what we mean, then you might be former Divination professor-turned candidate, Nolan Reynolds.

Apparently, as this little paper overheard, Reynolds left his post at Hogwarts NOT because he is one cracked crystal ball away from a mental breakdown. No, he gave up his beloved position because he can no longer SEE into the future.

Could it be that Reynolds' Sight was never really there in the first place? He is always wearing thick glasses, and what's more, he only CLAIMS to be related to German Seer Uta von Hendrick. Hendrick died literally CENTURIES ago! How could her alleged powers have skipped so many generations and only landed on Reynolds?

Divine what you might like, sir, but we think it's time you hang up your tea leaves. The last thing Hogwarts needs is a male version of crazy Calista Elwood, cooped up in her tower with her pigeon and her wagon. What Hogwarts really needs are some leaders who don't rely on a deck of cards to tell them what to have for breakfast.

Psssst, stay in the know

Siggies by the lovely Cedric
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Old 01-27-2013, 01:29 AM   #5 (permalink)
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ooc: As always, no offence meant!

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With the Library Fundraiser being a huge success, some have to wonder if the renovated library will be made out of solid gold with the way some people were dishing out them galleons. Particularly interesting to note are the generous donations and bids of one Roxanne Carter, Board of Governors candidate and relation to Slytherin's Sky Carter-Hope.

Anyone else notice the 10,000 galleon donation she gave for simply entering the library when only a 5 galleon donation was required? And how about some of those bids?! 15,000 galleons for some Felix Felicis that Hogwarts sixth years are capable of brewing! Money doesn't grow on trees you know.

At least now we know how you paid for that nasty divorce.

This showy attitude is rather ironic coming from someone who was once arrested for civil disobedience for protesting the rising tuition rates at Salem Witches' University in Salem, Massachusetts, don't you think? Someone ought to check the security over at Gringotts because I think someone has figured out how to get past its tight security. Perhaps even bribed her way past it? Even dragons have a love of gold these days.

Want some advice? Realize that money can't buy you love and while it may have bought you a spot as a candidate...remember those galleons can't buy you an official spot on the Board.

Psssst, stay in the know

Siggies by the lovely Cedric
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Old 02-01-2013, 05:40 AM   #6 (permalink)
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ooc: As always, no offence meant!

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No stranger to the Aparecium, Quidditch playa Carter Phillips was seen shortly before the Board of Governors debate wearing not one, but TWO inflatable support devices on his biceps. The floaties are usually worn by Muggle children under the age of six who could drown in four inches of water or less.

Apparently, this little Quidditch player isn't grown up enough to play with the big boy candidates. That or he has a deathly fear of water, and we're putting our money on the former.

Come to get dunked, Carter? Looks like only your reputation as a man will be taking the fall today.

Psssst, stay in the know

Siggies by the lovely Cedric
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Old 02-02-2013, 02:27 AM   #7 (permalink)
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ooc: As always, no offence meant!

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Apparently the lady Hufflepuffs, good finders or not, like to squabble over those dashing and charming and oh-so-good-looking Slytherin boys.

Who are we talking about? Oh just a certain group of fourth year Hufflepuffs. A little birdie whispered to us that Ella, Laura, and Sophie are aaaaaall desperately in love with Mordred Mordaunt.

Do your Hufflepuff menfolk know that your hearts beat to the hissing slither of a snake?

Watch out Alec and Oakey, you’re just placeholders, because if Mordred wants to take his pick of the ladypuffers, it would be oh-so-simple. Or at least, that’s what our source tells us.
Psssst, stay in the know

Siggies by the lovely Cedric
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Old 02-05-2013, 06:23 AM   #8 (permalink)
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ooc: As always, no offence meant!

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Lourdes Black, like her infamous Azkaban relative, is nothing more than a common criminal who steals clothing straight from her fellow department head's wardrobe. And we have proof.

Black was spotted at the recent Hogwarts Library Fundraiser wearing the exact same dress Althea Schirmer wore to the school's opening feast earlier in the term. Both Board of Governors candidates are of roughly the same build, though one might argue that Schirmer has a few years inches on Black. Regardless, it is of no question that one blonde stole the other's dress. Apparently heading Games & Sports is not as profitable as leading Accidents & Catastrophes, or else Black would be able to buy her own copy of Schirmer's skirts.

The only question that every fashionista reading this article wants to know: What is Schirmer gonna do about the theft of her dress? Debates are a great way to settle feuds, ladies, we're just saying.

Psssst, stay in the know

Siggies by the lovely Cedric
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Old 02-14-2013, 07:44 AM   #9 (permalink)
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ooc: As always, no offence meant!

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If anyone is unsure of Gavin Higareda's emotional state, it's time to clear up the air. It was obvious at the Hogsmeade debate that he wasn't quite as chipper as other candidates, nor as excited (then again, I don't think anyone was as excited as Carter Phillips). Of course, you could blame it on the nerves... or you could blame it on the real reason...

It looks like Higareda needs to find a more private place to spill out all his pathetic life problems instead of babbling them off in public to some other pretty woman that isn't his wife, who, in fact, apparently hasn't been around a couple months.

Not only does dear ol' Higareda fail at his sad little love life, but his job also seems to be in shambles. The International Cooperation Department Head has lost more employees in the last year than he's hired! So, what's keeping him here while his life falls apart around him?

Absolutely nothing. He doesn't even want to be here. He was heard saying that he was considering packing up and heading of to America. Now, if that doesn't spell LACK OF DEDICATION, I don't know what does.

Consider this guy emotionally compromised. You might want to reconsider your votes for this Board of Governor's candidates, people, especially considering what you just read. I know I will be.

Psssst, stay in the know

Siggies by the lovely Cedric
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Old 03-07-2013, 01:12 AM   #10 (permalink)
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ooc: as always no offense meant!

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Hello duckies. Did you miss us? You didn't all think that we wouldn't get around to some delicious gossip this term, did you? Especially with our Slytherin boys running around wild. Tsk, tsk.

West Odessa, who was known at the beginning of the term as quite the heartthrob among his peers, is now taken by Hufflepuff cutie Bliss Ryans. We all saw this coming, didn't we dearies? After all, after the two had been canoodling at the maze it would have been amiss if Mr. Odessa didn't make her his girlfriend. Although, we were rather surprised that he didn't get snatched up by Kat Hudson. We see all, Mr. Odessa.

And now his best mate, Theo Kinsley, is also becoming quite the ladies man. He was seen kissing Isadora Miroslava lip gloss and all down at the Aquarium. What is it about these Slytherin boys that has the female population going gaga? We here at the Aparecium would like to know.

Personally, we have a hunch it has to do with the pack leader, Captain Dylan Montmorency. Its no secret that he's got quite the following of female fans. All of his female teammates seem to have a case of Dylan fever, which we thought was just a Ravenclaw disease, but it seems to be jumping houses. Its no wonder that his younger followers have been a smash with the ladies.

Even non-Qudditch players like Christopher Stylinson- who recently broke up with his girlfriend Minnie- and Mordred Mordaunt seem to catch all of the ladies attention. Especially Mr. Mordaunt. All of the ladies seem to flock to him.

So you have been warned, Hogwarts ladies. Be careful or the snakes might just slither into your heart.

Psssst, stay in the know

Siggies by the lovely Cedric
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Old 03-07-2013, 01:26 AM   #11 (permalink)
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ooc: as always no offense meant!

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We are watching you Jake Keller.

Psssst, stay in the know

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Old 03-09-2013, 01:28 PM   #12 (permalink)
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ooc: as always no offense meant!

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It so comforting to see the Headmistress in the stands supporting the school's Quidditch teams this term. Raising the morale of the players and all that...but at the same time, something has been haltingly brought to our attention.

This is one lady that does not play games when it comes to her hair! Sure, it's a nice head of hair...but the way she's been diving under benches to protect it....Awfully suspicious, Headmistress Truebridge. In fact, I'm rather curious as to how she keeps it so...perfectly coiffed. We have a theory...and I know you're all just dying to hear it! So, I shall share.


It's really just a beautiful wig that she removes at night!...It would explain the lack of frizz and it's perfect smoothness. Never a spit-end in sight! Has anyone ever seen her in a salon getting a trim? We didn't think so...and that color! Clearly bottle...or just plain synthetic.

It's not at all like Head Girl Selina Skylar's hair...or Hufflepuff Quidditch Captain Renesmee Dixon's. Not even theirs is that red.

Don't worry, Headmistress. Even though your head is red like a Quidditch quaffle, we'll keep the players at bay. Your secret is safe with us.
Psssst, stay in the know

Siggies by the lovely Cedric
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