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Planted on the grounds of Hogwarts over a hundred years ago, the Whomping Willow is an extremely violent tree that will attack anything and anyone that comes within striking distance of its limbs. So unless you want to spend most of your time in the Hospital Wing, I would keep your distance.
Damon looked at her, "Well, I guess my next question should be obvious... Do you feel the same way?" Damon's eyes went to the ground, knowing her answer had to be no. Why would she ever like someone like him?
she picked his face up "and what if I say yes?" she said with an obvious blush. no hiding it that time, she probablly turned redder then the gryffindor crest
she picked his face up "and what if I say yes?" she said with an obvious blush. no hiding it that time, she probablly turned redder then the gryffindor crest
With that his face paled slightly again, his equivalent to a blush, "Then... I'd say maybe we should give this a shot." He gently laid his hands on top of hers, "As long as you'd want to as well."
With that his face paled slightly again, his equivalent to a blush, "Then... I'd say maybe we should give this a shot." He gently laid his hands on top of hers, "As long as you'd want to as well."
She looked down at his hands and smiled she looked up at him "only if you never call me taylor as a habit." she chuckled showing she was obviously joking.. old habits were hard to break & she knew that
She looked down at his hands and smiled she looked up at him "only if you never call me taylor as a habit." she chuckled showing she was abviously joking.. old habits were hard to break & she knew tat
Damon chuckled, "Never call me Justin and I promise I won't." He smiled at her.
she laughed and almost lost her balance and went back wards a bit before catching herself "Who is that again?" she said referring to the ghost justin.
He chuckled and smiled at her, "Honestly couldn't tell you. I barely knew," Damon leaned back against the willow, fairly shocked it didn't take a swing at him for it.
He chuckled and smiled at her, "Honestly couldn't tell you. I barely knew," Damon leaned back against the willow, fairly shocked it didn't take a swing at him for it.
she shrugged "i guess i didnt know him that well either, since he just up & left and i have no idea why, but it's opened doors to better things." she smiled ans watched him lean against the willow as she still sat across from him.
she shrugged "i guess i didnt know him that well either, since he just up & left and i have no idea why, but it's opened doors to better things." she smiled ans watched him lean against the willow as she still sat across from him.
Damon smiled at her, "I'm better things now?" He chuckled.
Ariana rolled her eyes and shook her head with a smile "You know what i mean damon, but sure if you want to be better things then why not."
He smiled, "I'm not serious," He shook his head, "I may have gotten a bit of my fathers big head, but not that much of it," He looked at her, "I wonder how they're all going to react."
He smiled, "I'm not serious," He shook his head, "I may have gotten a bit of my fathers big head, but not that much of it," He looked at her, "I wonder how they're all going to react."
she laughed at his father & the big head joke "well most of our friends will be angry & rowan & millie well that would be awkward, but who cares." Ariana was never one to care what other people thought of her, as long as she was happy. other's should be happy for her right? she ran her hands through her long black hair pulling it in front of her as she took her tie off 'ugh i hate wearing this thing."
she laughed at his father & the big head joke "well most of our friends will be angry & rowan & millie well that would be awkward, but who cares." Ariana was never one to care what other people thought of her, as long as she was happy. other's should be happy for her right? she ran her hands through her long black hair pulling it in front of her as she took her tie off 'ugh i hate wearing this thing."
"Most of them... I'm fairly sure all of them will be," He sighed, "Taylor, Maxwell, and Min... I have a hard time believing any of them could really be happy... namely the first two." Damon chuckled still at Rowan and Millie, "But I have to agree. Better to be happy than to let others telling you what'll make you happy." He nodded and shook his head to the tie, "I don't think anyone really likes them..."
"Most of them... I'm fairly sure all of them will be," He sighed, "Taylor, Maxwell, and Min... I have a hard time believing any of them could really be happy... namely the first two." Damon chuckled still at Rowan and Millie, "But I have to agree. Better to be happy than to let others telling you what'll make you happy." He nodded and shook his head to the tie, "I don't think anyone really likes them..."
"exactly, and i think this makes me happy." she said looking at him as she put her hands back with his. "So, how are we going to break this to them?" she asked every scenario she could think of was just bad bad bad bad BAD and well. she assumed by now it was just going to be a volcano of emotions for everyone except Damon & her
"exactly, and i think this makes me happy." she said looking at him as she put her hands back with his. "So, how are we going to break this to them?" she asked every scenario she could think of was just bad bad bad bad BAD and well. she assumed by now it was just going to be a volcano of emotions for everyone except Damon & her
Damon looked at her and sighed, "Well, I'm not really sure how to tell them..." He shook his head, he'd just gotten Taylor and Minerva back. Now they were going to be mad again, "I think we need to get them to at least try to understand." He smiled as she laid her hands in his again, squeezing them lightly, "I'm sure they'll come around sooner or later..."They did with Taylor and I. I'm sure it'll be the same with us...
Damon looked at her and sighed, "Well, I'm not really sure how to tell them..." He shook his head, he'd just gotten Taylor and Minerva back. Now they were going to be mad again, "I think we need to get them to at least try to understand." He smiled as she laid her hands in his again, squeezing them lightly, "I'm sure they'll come around sooner or later..."They did with Taylor and I. I'm sure it'll be the same with us...
she held his hands back as he lightly squeezed hers "getting them to understand it a good way to do it.. should we tell them all together adn get it over with or sepratley?"
she held his hands back as he lightly squeezed hers "getting them to understand it a good way to do it.. should we tell them all together adn get it over with or sepratley?"
"I'd rather tell Taylor myself..." He nodded, "I know she's going to hate me for it, but if she really does have the Davis anger then I think it'd be better alone," He sighed, "As for Max and Min... I have no idea... I haven't seen either of them in a while."
"I'd rather tell Taylor myself..." He nodded, "I know she's going to hate me for it, but if she really does have the Davis anger then I think it'd be better alone," He sighed, "As for Max and Min... I have no idea... I haven't seen either of them in a while."
"that's fine with me." she smiled " and i guess i can tell min but Max hasnt been talking to me so i dont know what to do when it comes to him soo." she raised her eyebrows "yeah, but i think everything is going to be alright."
Maxwell walked toward the willow with a stone in his hand and his wand in the other...but it was far too crowded for what he had planned. So he tossed the stone and spotted Minerva, Harvey and Ella. He wasn't sure it was best to talk to Min, not after the whole thing in the orchard with Elliot. So he sat on the other side of the rabid tree and pulled a book out of his school bag. He was re-reading Peter Pan for what had to be the millionth time.
Originally Posted by JennyWeasley06
"that's fine with me." she smiled " and i guess i can tell min but Max hasnt been talking to me so i dont know what to do when it comes to him soo." she raised her eyebrows "yeah, but i think everything is going to be alright."
Damon sighed, "That'll work..." He looked to his side, grimacing, "Well, we might not have to worry about telling Maxwell..." He nudged his head towards him, who'd he'd conviently missed at first. He sighed, "I have a feeling I'm going to be dead before long... He doesn't kill me, Henry will for hurting his sister and... You know what," He took a deep breath, "Whatever happens happens... I'll deal with it, and they just have to deal with the fact that I feel like maybe you and I could try."That came out the wrong way... He silently sighed.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
SPOILER!!: Holy awkward, Batman
Originally Posted by Bazinga
She then hid a laugh when Ella's eye grew knowing what Minerva meant and then seeing Harvey be well Harvey... Then she put game on with the puffs. "Hmm who could that be. I'm not sure I know any puffs that are liking each other, but I guess just getting back I haven't heard all the gossip." she then gave a look to Ella and rolled her eyes. "Oh goodness you two" laughing, "You two just make me laugh, Ella I think Harvey is distracted by a CERTAIN girl he likes. Maybe you can help him out with that, but I better get going. I have so much to do." she smiled at both of them knowing she pushed them enough it was up to them now..
Originally Posted by EW_FAN
He looked at Ella as she told him to spill, just what he didnt want her to say. He took a deep breath looking at her, wondering what to say without lying to her "Wellll erm... er.... I am kinda... bummed about er... not being able to... er... hang out with some friends.... yeah thats... thats the thing" ok there she kinda knew now.. he just didn't mention names that's all.
Harvey looked at Ella as they both listened to Minnie, and he saw her eyes go wide. He didn't find it a big deal that they were talking about two people in the same year as him and Ella but obviously Ella was finding it to be a big deal. He wondered why, wait was she blushing now as well. He smiled as this, he hadnt seen her blush like that in a long time. No he would not comment on it, but he had kinda missed seeing her blush like that. Too bad she knew that he liked those blushes or he could have said something.
He was still wondering who the cute couple could be cause it would be fun to help them out, he saw Ella look down. This kinda worries him cause when she did that it was never a good thing, but he was glad to see her look up and answer his question. So she knew who the puff was? And she wasn't telling him who she was, she was holding out on him after all those promises to tell the truth and stuff. He hoped he was wrong, "Oh! And who is this other puff that likes another puff? " cause he knew of many puffs so he was now very interested in that.
He thought he heard Mins hide a laugh as Ella was shocked with what they were talking about, but he was still on Taylor and Damon, but that kind of left when she said that she didnt know any puffs that liked each other. He looked at both the girls who seemed to be acting strange, he was now confused as to who they were talking about. The two mystery couples were still a mystery to him, he saw Mins roll her eyes before she burst out laughing. What did they do that was that funny? he wondered, the next thing he knew Mins was talking about some girl he liked. WAIT WHAT? Him? Like a girl? No... she must be mistaken. But wasnt that the reason he wanted her back her so many times over the past 10months or so, to help with these weird things that were happening to him. Was that what it was? He needed to talk to Mins alone some time he needed to know. "Min.. I.. er... what do you mean? Do you think so? " he asked since she always knew that about him so for her to say AND Justin say the same meant that there was something. She was suddenly then leaving? "But wait Mins, I need more information!" did she have to leave right now. Uh oh now Ella knew that he had suspected something, how would she now feel knowing that? Cause she liked him right and now she knew he liked someone it must hurt more to hear that. Even though him liking someone was not certain it was just .... under investigation.
So this whole little gathering of the minds was turning into one big awkward fest, or at least that's what Ella thought. She frowned slightly, knowing Harvey wasn't telling her the whole truth about tryouts. Some things had definitely changed, it seemed, and them being honest was apparently one of them. Meh. "Okay, if you say so." Ella said, leaving it at that.
And jhdfjkhdjfkshfkshf. Minnie was making Ella really annoyed at the moment, and Ells didn't do 'annoyed.' And Harvey? He was sitting there smiling because of what? She shot him a curious look, wondering what he could possibly be smiling ab-O__O He definitely wasn't smiling at her blushing, right? Cause that wasn't allowed. Nope. Stop that, Mr. Watson.
The third year was tempted to answer Harvey's question, revealing her thoughts on Minnie's new secret crush. It was what she wanted to do, but she couldn't. It wasn't her secret to tell, even if Minnie was having a blast making things super awkward for her at the moment. They'd be speaking about this later though, right? EYES. "I um...I can't really say." She replied, shrugging her shoulders. Yeah Minnie, you're welcome.
Glare. Glare. Glare. Ells couldn't help it as Minnie was now laughing...like REALLY laughing at them. Of course they made her laugh, she didn't have to deal with any of this directly. She just got to like...sit back and enjoy the train wreck...eat popcorn...sip some butterbeer...relax. MEH. And then Minnie was suggesting Harvey liked a girl, just dropping that bomb like it was nothing and then...THEN...she was leaving. Awesome. Way to be helpful, Ms. Badger.
Ella didn't exactly know what to say now that Minnie was gone. She was actually upset that she was the only one of them that understood what Minnie had been trying to do an so without really thinking about it, she clued Harvey in. "She was talking about us, you know..." Well clearly he didn't know, but now he did. "I mean about the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff...she meant....us." She bit her lip slightly, looking anywhere but at him. Oh...and he liked some new girl? That was brilliant. He sure did hop around from girl to girl a lot. Maybe Ells didn't know him very well after all. Edric might have been right.
Damon sighed, "That'll work..." He looked to his side, grimacing, "Well, we might not have to worry about telling Maxwell..." He nudged his head towards him, who'd he'd conviently missed at first. He sighed, "I have a feeling I'm going to be dead before long... He doesn't kill me, Henry will for hurting his sister and... You know what," He took a deep breath, "Whatever happens happens... I'll deal with it, and they just have to deal with the fact that I feel like maybe you and I could try."That came out the wrong way... He silently sighed.
"that's the positive way to think about it, who cares what they say, and i dont even think max even noticed were here, so i think were clear for now at least." she sighed "well if henry lays on finger of you he'll have to go through me first because life sucks and relationships dont work out and he's just goign to have to accept that you & taylor didnt work out." humpf and that was that!
"that's the positive way to think about it, who cares what they say, and i dont even think max even noticed were here, so i think were clear for now at least." she sighed "well if henry lays on finger of you he'll have to go through me first because life sucks and relationships dont work out and he's just goign to have to accept that you & taylor didnt work out." humpf and that was that!
Damon sighed and looked at her, "Henry threatened to make sure my father and I couldn't step foot in Scotland again if I hurt Taylor..." He shook his head, "And I wouldn't worry if that wasn't true, but Henry hates me." Damon moved so he was next to her, "So, that's more what I'm worried about..."
Damon sighed and looked at her, "Henry threatened to make sure my father and I couldn't step foot in Scotland again if I hurt Taylor..." He shook his head, "And I wouldn't worry if that wasn't true, but Henry hates me." Damon moved so he was next to her, "So, that's more what I'm worried about..."
"well that wasnt very nice of him to do so maybe we just convince taylor not to act hurt.. no that wont work." she knew taylor well enough to know that she would tell henery "we'll figure it out ok?" and then he moved and sat next to her and she couldn't help but have a smile come across her face. she leaned on his shoulder "Try not to be worried, everything will work out the way it should." see simpler things in life, Ariana was more free spirited now a days and knew that life was goign to happen the way that it should
"well that wasnt very nice of him to do so maybe we just convince taylor not to act hurt.. no that wont work." she knew taylor well enough to know that she would tell henery "we'll figure it out ok?" and then he moved and sat next to her and she couldn't help but have a smile come across her face. she leaned on his shoulder "Try not to be worried, everything will work out the way it should." see simpler things in life, Ariana was more free spirited now a days and knew that life was goign to happen the way that it should
"I know we will," He smiled down at her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders, "I can just hope the way things should be end with me and my family staying where we are."
"I know we will," He smiled down at her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders, "I can just hope the way things should be end with me and my family staying where we are."
"you and your family are not going anywhere." nope nope nope she wasn't going to let some princess just demand that she's hurt and have him taken away.. no way no how. "so stop worrying." she looked up at him "you worry too much."
"you and your family are not going anywhere." nope nope nope she wasn't going to let some princess just demand that she's hurt and have him taken away.. no way no how. "so stop worrying." she looked up at him "you worry too much."
Damon smiled at her, "Alright, no more worrying, I promise. Though I guess I should share my bit of good news... I have a law school looking at me for possible acception."