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This is a special room that the professor designed just for you lovely students. It can either be a beautiful and relaxing
get away or your worst nightmare, it all depends on the circumstances behind you being in the room.
Generally upon entering the room you're greeted by a cool sea breeze and at your first step in you'll realize that you're no longer standing on cold stone but warm sand. Coconut trees are scattered here and there about the beachroom to provide shade from the inconspicuous sun. If you listen more than you yap it's likely you'll hear the ocean.
Please do not enter the room without permission from Professor Bellaire.
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Yea, alright. Alright Professor Bellaire. A simple variant of the Protego spell, that's what they'll be playing with today. So no more harsh questions for the woman, guys?
When they were asked to get the items the Professor asked them to bring for that lesson, Beezus quickly scurried back to where her bag was, taking out the cloak and boots then placing it in the trunk together with her classmates' things.
She returned to where they assembled before, only now she was standing beside a boy. A Slytherin boy to be specific and exactly the same one who told Professor Magnus that his plastic bag grew legs and ran off somewhere in Transfiguration. If he was keen with spells and such, then maybe she could use a bit of entertainment when the rain clambers in. Heh.
Addie got out her cloak and rain boots first so that she wouldn't get to wet and hopefully be able to use to charm to protect herself from the rain. Then she grabbed her bag and set it carefully in the trunk so it wouldn't get damaged in any way. Walking back to the rest of the class she was finally ready to get started on the Protego weather thing. This would be a fun class, if she didn't get toooo soaked.
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy
"Everyone please take out your cloaks and rain boots. We're just about ready to commence with the practical part of the lesson." She moved over to another thatch hut and pulled out her own cloak and boots."There is a trunk here, if you do not want to get your book bags and valuables wet put them in the trunk. We'll begin when everyone is ready."
Kat excitedly took her cloak and rain boots out. They're gonna have activity time! The she-snake stood up and placed her bag inside the trunk the Charms professor had said. Now, let's go.
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
"As was mentioned miss Greingoth, the spell can be used to cover a wider area, so yes the charm would be able to protect the objects or locations but we're not focusing on the more powerful form of this spell at the moment."
Right, she hoped everyone had taken those notes down because she was ready to get to the practical part of the lesson.
"Everyone please take out your cloaks and rain boots. We're just about ready to commence with the practical part of the lesson." She moved over to another thatch hut and pulled out her own cloak and boots."There is a trunk here, if you do not want to get your book bags and valuables wet put them in the trunk. We'll begin when everyone is ready."
Scrbble, scribble... Sarah did in her notebook.
Yay, practical part of the lesson.
Sarah took out her cloak and swang it around her arm. Then she took out her boots and took a quick peep in them that her brother had not stuffed stuff in them. She then put her satchel with her books in it, in the trunk. Clothes dried, yet not books.
Mellow. Minusing points and detention for going to the bathroom?
In Nessie's opinion that was just a little unfair. She did hear the Professor's 'should' though and hoped it meant that she wouldn't. The red head pursed her lips and slowly looked up from the ground to look at Bellaire. She almsot had an urge to scream when she did. That glare was just SCARY! o_O She looked right back down at the floor. She couldn't bare those eyes, not even for a moment.
"Yes, Professor." she said quietly with a nod. She then focused her attention what the Professor was telling the class.
Cloaks and rainboots? Why were they all in need of that? A pout formed on Nessie's face as she began attempting to figure what the class was actually about.
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
Hannah eyed Elliot back. She just didn't like getting wet or dirty...was that really too much to ask for? She took notes just in case.
She took out her raincoat and boots. This would do the job right? Surely. She went and put her things in the trunk. She wasn't going to mess up any of her belongings...nope!
She was starting to think that maybe this whole beach feel wasn't that great afterall.
Well Nigel did not want his things to get wet. He went over to the trunk and put his bag in it.
Since his things were now safe. He put on his cloak and rain boots. He then walked over to Beezus and Theo. They would know what to do when Professor Bellaire decided for the rain or something to come.
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Sierra nodded along as the professor answered her question. It was just a thought, but they really should learn the basics first. Failure. Sierra just wasn't a fan of it.
She retrieved her cloak and rain boots then put them to the side as she gathered all her belongings together. She was sure she could just charm them dry later, but...if the weather was really harsh things might get damaged. So, yeah, she'd just store them for now.
After dropping them into the trunk, she slipped into her cloak and boots then waited for the next part of the lesson to start.
Messer went to where the trunk was and put his books and bag in the trunk. With his cloak and rain boots on, he walked back to his previous spot. Now he was ready.
All of the love for tomorrow______________________________________________ I know we're gonna be stronger than you'll ever known
Silvia quickly searched her bag and pulled out her rain gear, and then walked over to the trunk and placed the rest of her belongings inside. She definitely didn't want to get her books and notes wet.
Returning to her spot, the third year slipped on her cloak and boots. Charms was one of her best subjects and she usually picked up on the spells quickly. So hopefully it would be the same with this spell; she did not feel like getting soaked today.
__________________ The road goes ever on and on...
She could tell that some of the students were busy doing other things or just spacing out. Some of the questions asked had already been answered but she was trying this whole being patient thing.
First question."I can't say I'm one hundred percent sure whether or not the Hogwarts express uses the charm but the next time you see Professor knuckle-head Scabior."
Who was next?
"Like I said earlier we will be looking at a relatively simple variation of the Protego spell. It's not as complicated as you are made to believe." By whomever.
And another question that already had an answer."Yes if performed correctly the charm should be able to protect you from extreme weather conditions."
Ummm No.
Professor Bellaire turned to fix the young Hufflepuff with a death glare. "Hold it right there Miss Dixon. I should take away points and throw you in detention, especially with a sorry excuse about being in the bathroom. Stay right there." She would make an example of her.
"That question was already answered, please pay attention." She frowned slightly then looked to the next person who had their hand up.
"As was mentioned miss Greingoth, the spell can be used to cover a wider area, so yes the charm would be able to protect the objects or locations but we're not focusing on the more powerful form of this spell at the moment."
Right, she hoped everyone had taken those notes down because she was ready to get to the practical part of the lesson.
"Everyone please take out your cloaks and rain boots. We're just about ready to commence with the practical part of the lesson." She moved over to another thatch hut and pulled out her own cloak and boots."There is a trunk here, if you do not want to get your book bags and valuables wet put them in the trunk. We'll begin when everyone is ready."
Harlow's head snapped up. They were supposed to bring rain boots? Ahh crud. She didn't even remember to actually wear shoes and now she was supposed to have some with her. This wasn't going to be good. She didn't even have socks on.
She thought about raising her hand and letting the professor now and her hand was half way up in the air when she snatched it back. No use getting the whole house in trouble for her mistake. She would just suck it up and get her feet wet. She hoped their was a open bed in the hospital she was going to catch a good little cold for this.
Harlow stood up and stuff what little stuff she managed to remember to bring into the truck. At least she had her cloak. That was good right?
♣♣To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower♣♣
♣♣Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour♣♣
Rain? It was going to RAIN? Kai's jaw dropped. Had he really missed that part of the notice? All he had brought with him was parchment, his textbook and a quill...he was only wearing his normal uniform. He rushed to the trunk to shove them all in, and braced for impact.
If only they'd learnt how to make cloaks already in Transfiguration, he'd have no problem then. This could be bad. He stood with his legs a pace apart and clenched shut his eyes. "Get this right. FAST. Please" he muttered to himself.
Superfan of: Minerva, Severus, Albus, Hermione <3 Travelling/ History geek/ TV show addict
They were getting to the practical part? Oh goody. Ariadne preferred that to theory. Quickly finalising her notes, the girl then folded the piece of parchment and stuffed it in her already full bag. Wand at the ready...what else? Oh yeah, they needed cloaks and boots. Ari took hers out and put them on.
The only thing left for her to do was to deposit her bag in the trunk safely, which she did. Presently, she was ready to practise. Bring it on, rain!
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Ella pulled out her cloak and rain boots, putting them on before gathering all her things and placing them neatly in the trunk. When she was done she returned to her friends, standing next to Soph with a small smile. Wand was out and ready for use too. Bounce. This was going to be interesting...
Frangelina || twitter addict || Music of the Sun || The Fresh Princess of Bellaire
Sophia watched as they all suited up..well those who had bothered to do as asked anyways and nodded approvingly. Those who weren't properly attired got glares...dangerous glares.
"Okay everyone. Miss Dixon here will help in the demonstration of what happens when you are caught in a heavy rain storm and not under the protection of protego caelum. I'd like everyone to take at least five steps back please if you do not wish to get wet."
Time for the non-verbals. With a quick wave of her wand Sophia conjured up a rain cloud roughly the size of one of the classroom tables which settled nicely over Nessie's head.
"This class..is a rain cloud. I'll just give you a quick bit of history before moving on. Not so long ago and even now, it was believed that witches were able to manipulate the weather. Muggles believed that when we were upset or up to something particularly nasty we could conjure horrible tempest and plague the land. This is true." She smiled. "But only powerful wizards are able to do so, so today we'll focus on blocking natural weather elements." With a another flick of her wand, there was a crack of thunder which resounded around the room, then the cloud started pouring rain...very cold rain.
After almost a minute Professor Bellaire waved her wand again and stopped the rain.
"Wasn't very fun was it Miss Dixon?" She shooed the girl form under the cloud and grabbed her own cloak which she slipped into then stepped into the spot Nessie had previously occupied.
"Now you'll need to clearly say Protego Caelum while making a clock-wise circular motion with your hand followed by a quick steady flick. Those of you with firmer wands should have an easier time with this charm."
Sophia Demosntrated by performing the charm on her own cloak. There was another crash of thunder then the rain started. Instead of wetting her cloak or touching it even the rain drops seemed to be deflected by an invisible barrier.
"Once we master this spell we'll add some wind to it." She stopped the rain and produced more rain clouds.
"Now I want everyone to practice their charm properly before going under a cloud. When you think you are ready, step under the cloud and say 'ready.' Once everyone gets the hang of it we can take the room for a little spin. Carry on."
Sophia started heading in the direction of the coconut water then paused." And for those of you who neglected to bring the proper gears there is a blue trunk with extras."
...Throw me to the wolves and I'll return leading the pack...
Surya was listening carefully to Professor Bellaire's instructions. He spelled, "Protego Caelum" his voice firm enough. A thin mist flew out of his wand trying to stand over him, but couldn't last more than a few seconds. He has decided to give it a little extra practice before stepping under the rain cloud. "Protego Caelum" he roared again this time holding his wand even more firmly.
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Demonstration time.
Gideon watched as the girl was used as an example of what happened when one wasn't protected by the spell and rained upon. One soaking wet and probably cold Hufflepuff quidditch captain. He couldn't help but feel somewhat sorry for the girl but then water was probably the least bothersome thing that could have been thrown at her, especially in the weather realm. Nothing a quick drying spell couldn't fix, the seventh year briefly reminded of his last run in with Professor Bellaire.
Now onto the spell.
Protego Caelum was the incantation, the prefect mulling over the words in his head as he watched the demonstration of the wand movement that went with it. It didn't seem too complicated if one was careful about it but he still wasn't about to bypass the practice stage. Taking a deep breath to gather himself, Gideon tried it out once. "Protego Caelum," he cast with clockwise circle and quick flick just as directed. It was slow as he remembered it so just a little hesitant.
"Protego Caelum," he tried again, repeating the steps a bit smoother this time around.With one final casting of the spell for good measure, the prefect looked above for a free raincloud to work with, moving to stand under one to his left.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Ella kind of loved Professor Bellaire, especially when she did the whole 'fabulous but evil' thing. Like when she talked about witches getting upset and causing bad things to happen. It was a bit scary to think about but it was also...pretty awesome. ...Not that Ella would ever do anything like that! O__O Course not.
The thunder made the third year jump a bit and she looked at her friends, smiling sheepishly before turning back to the professor. EEP! Poor Nessie. That was a BIG downpour. Homegirl must be soaked. Frown.
And now to practice. Ella decided it was best to get the incantation down first before bringing her wand into the mix. The third year cleared her throat and then got to work. AHEM. "Protego Ca-..." Cool...so she was off to an AWESOME start. Sheesh. "I know this...it's um...it's..." What the heck was the incantation again? Erm... "Protego Caelum! Yeah. That's it!" Grin. "Protego Caelum...Protego Caelum...Protego Caelum"
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
Emmanuelle watched the girl get soaked, barely managing to keep a lid on her laughter. After all, it was her fault for being late. All of the professors hated that and she seemed old enough to know that. Really, what had she been thinking? And then that bathroom excuse....?
And then it was time for them to practice the charm. "Pro-tego Callum." No, wait. That wasn't right. Good thing she had decided just to practice saying the spell first. Otherwise, who knew what could've happened? "Protego Caelum." Okay, that sounded right. She practiced the wand movement alone a few minutes before combining the two. "Protego Caelum!" Em cast, pointing her wand at her rain coat and doing the wand movements.
Feeling confident that she had performed the charm correctly, she stepped under a cloud and said, "Ready!"
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Nigel was waiting for the rain to come hoping he would be ready. He just did not like getting rained upon. What if it turned to hail and the wind picked up and threw it in your face. Mother Nature was never kind to Nigel.
He was very lucky he did not mouth off to Professor Bellaire or he would be the student getting rained and lightning on without the charm. He had to get this charm right. It would save him from sunburn and rain.
Nigel would never need a umbrella again. This sounded awesome. "Protego Caelum". Nigel did the wand movements necessary. He hoped he did the spell correctly because he stepped under a rain cloud and said "Ready"
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
Last edited by oh its Erik ok; 09-22-2012 at 04:10 AM.
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy
Sophia watched as they all suited up..well those who had bothered to do as asked anyways and nodded approvingly. Those who weren't properly attired got glares...dangerous glares.
"Okay everyone. Miss Dixon here will help in the demonstration of what happens when you are caught in a heavy rain storm and not under the protection of protego caelum. I'd like everyone to take at least five steps back please if you do not wish to get wet."
Time for the non-verbals. With a quick wave of her wand Sophia conjured up a rain cloud roughly the size of one of the classroom tables which settled nicely over Nessie's head.
"This class..is a rain cloud. I'll just give you a quick bit of history before moving on. Not so long ago and even now, it was believed that witches were able to manipulate the weather. Muggles believed that when we were upset or up to something particularly nasty we could conjure horrible tempest and plague the land. This is true." She smiled. "But only powerful wizards are able to do so, so today we'll focus on blocking natural weather elements." With a another flick of her wand, there was a crack of thunder which resounded around the room, then the cloud started pouring rain...very cold rain.
After almost a minute Professor Bellaire waved her wand again and stopped the rain.
"Wasn't very fun was it Miss Dixon?" She shooed the girl form under the cloud and grabbed her own cloak which she slipped into then stepped into the spot Nessie had previously occupied.
"Now you'll need to clearly say Protego Caelum while making a clock-wise circular motion with your hand followed by a quick steady flick. Those of you with firmer wands should have an easier time with this charm."
Sophia Demosntrated by performing the charm on her own cloak. There was another crash of thunder then the rain started. Instead of wetting her cloak or touching it even the rain drops seemed to be deflected by an invisible barrier.
"Once we master this spell we'll add some wind to it." She stopped the rain and produced more rain clouds.
"Now I want everyone to practice their charm properly before going under a cloud. When you think you are ready, step under the cloud and say 'ready.' Once everyone gets the hang of it we can take the room for a little spin. Carry on."
Sophia started heading in the direction of the coconut water then paused." And for those of you who neglected to bring the proper gears there is a blue trunk with extras."
West didn't need to take five steps back seeing as he was far enough away to begin with. The second year watched and then listened curiously. Firmer wands having an easier time? That was a strange thing to say, but he shrugged it off and tried the wand movement out a few times in silence. Clockwise circular motion with hand? And a flick? He stuck his tongue out a little, concentrating hard on getting that right.
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
Kat looked at the Hufflepuff Captain get wet. Oh... boy. Note to self: NEVER be late for class. LIKE EVER. Poor Nessie. But she was late so...
Kat took her wand out and tried to do the charm. "Protego Caelum," Kat said with the clock-wise and flick hand movement. Nothing happened. Ouch. Then she tried it again... "Protego Caelum," she said with a firmer grip and a better flick. Ok, that seemed much better.
Kat stepped under the raincloud. "Ready," Good luck, Hudson.
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Anya stared at the cloud for several seconds. Would she get in trouble if she just went under to dance in the rain? She loved rainy days. It didn't even bother her when her clothes got all heavy and cold because of all the water.
Protego Caelum, eh? She put her things safely away. Then double checked on both her rain boots and her cloak.
Alright. Protego Caelum. She totally knew how to pronoune that. Heh.
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,117
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
Nessie in here <333
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Kurumi's eyes widened as she watch Nessie, erm, turn into a wet badger. Kurumi took back what she thought earlier. Yes, it was nice of the woman to give them all coconut water...but now she was just being mean. At least Nessie hadn't lost any bones like Kurumi had in Potions her first term? Right?
Once the demonstration was over and they were told to practice, Kurumi made her way over to Nessie. "You...you want me to cast a Drying Charm on you?" she whispered, noting the water dripping from her robes.
Right...she was supposed to practice a bit. "Protego Caelum...Protego Caelum....Protego Caelum...." Kurumi whispered over and over again, slowing down on the Caelum part of the spell since that was new to her tongue. At least there were no un familiar sounds there for her to struggle with. No V sounds or really hard L ones.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Jory watched as Nessie got soaked by the downpour. He couldn't wait to get under the cloud.
Now, onto practice. "Protego Caelum...Protego Caelum...Protego Caelum,'' he said, repeating the incantation several times. After he was sure he got it right, the Puff tried out the wand movement.
"Got it,'' he muttered as he looked up at the clod in front of him, then moved to stand under it.