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There is a door you pass every time you walk along the sixth floor corridor, but it's usually locked up. And will be again. Not so now. It even has a new sign attached, put there by Professor Magnus, instructing you as to what it's for.
Originally Posted by The door sign
Please complete your homework within. This room will be locked between assignments.
Pushing it open you notice that it's not much different to the practice room in size, but it does lack all of the clutter. Instead the only things in the room are the windowdummies you've been using in class, now decked out in the full outfits you've been making all term. Hung around the necks of the mannequins are little signs with a name on - your names. They won't be needed for the last assignment of term, but the pile of paper plates on the side table will be.
Homework Task One: Create a top/jumper/sweater/t-shirt (Summus Vestis)= Completed
Homework Task Two: Create a skirt/trousers/shorts (Summitto Vestis) = Completed
Homework Task Three: Create a pair of boots/shoes (Pedestis) = TBD
A table is now situated off to the left side of the room as you enter, with paper plates on and an old-fashioned muggle camera - the only sort you'll be able to use in the room. Please do not touch it until you have completed your homework, and only then to take one photo of yourself to pin to the corkboard above the table. Thank you.
OOC: As we are doing a task that will cover all three lessons, so too will the homework. This thread is where you MUST RP whatever I set for you. The dummies are to be used to complete your homework assignments - like you're a fashion designer, say. ^__^ Please try NOT to double/triple etc.. post in here. If you have any questions about what to do in here, or homework in general, do contact me via PM.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Originally Posted by kayquilz
SPOILER!!: Ethan and that puffer
She was a bit busy concentrating on her own stupid shirt, which she was SOOO CLOSE to getting now! SO CLOSE! When Ethan...sent something to Minnie's mannequin...she smirked and rolled her eyes. "Nice, Ethan," they were friends, now, right? Right. And she had a sneaky suspicion that if she stayed close to Cora, which she planned on, she might be seeing a lot of the other 'claw...
Merlin, Minnie. Seriously, didn't Elliot JUST say that to Ethan?! "Trying to copy me, are we?" she said, her casual words have a bit of a colder undertone. She hated Minnie. Well, hate was too strong a word. More like...disliked. Extremely. Not that THIS puffer had done anything to her...no. But what girl likes her boyfriend's ex?! Not Elliot. Plus, since she was a puffer, she had a reason to dislike her. There. Problem solved...maybe.
She rolled her eyes again and looked back at her own mannequin...she pictured clearly...the pretty blue shirt...COME ONE ELLIOT she was chanting to herself in her head...she took a deep breath, and smirked to herself..she totally had this! SHE TOTALLY HAD THIS!
Confidence is KEY! "Summus Vestis!" she said clearly, doing the ziiiiigzag...and...TADAAAA! It was there! her awesome shirt WAS THERE! Exactly like she wanted! YESSS! It was so preeeetty and stuff! AND it had lace! And it was silk! and it was just SOO awesome! "Yes...I finished...whooh..." she said flatly, though she was looking quite smug and impressed with herself, shooting significant looks at both MINNIEPUFF and Ethan...
Originally Posted by emjay
SPOILER!!: Minerva, Louisa, Elliot
Well, that was unexpected, thought Ethan as he caught a glimpse of his misdirected spell sending Minerva's mannequin spinning to the ground. "I'm fine," he replied to the Puff with a chuckle. "You?" She looked unharmed anyway, so he found his rubbish wandwork amusing... at least for the moment. As the Ravenclaw boy carried the cat over to its supposed owner, he caught Elliot's comment. "Just trying to keep everyone on their toes," he returned with his own smirk. That may not have been entirely true but he wouldn't be quick to admit he wasn't the most adept with a wand. Besides, he was starting to enjoy the girl's somewhat sarcastic sense of humor.
Oh, good... the cat did belong to Louisa... Ethan leaned closer so he could make out what she was saying. "Your messenger...?" he began slowly, then grasped her meaning as she continued. "Oh! Yes... I'm sure I have extra..." The fifth year looked down in his arms as the cat began to squirm. Oops, he sorta forgot he was still holding her and he gently set her down by her owner. "Good to meet you, Louisa," he said as she introduced herself. "I'm Ethan... McCarthy," he replied, adding his last name as an afterthought... since she offered hers and all.
Returning to his table, Ethan reached into his messenger bag and pulled out a quill. Lingering for a moment to note the progress of Minerva and Elliot, he walked back over to Louisa and handed her the quill. "Here you go... Just send your messenger over if you need anything else," he added with a chuckle. Unless it's help with the spell. That he couldn't give. But as she was a seventh year, he figured she wouldn't be asking him for that anyway.
Ethan stepped back over in front of his mannequin, noticing there was some serious tension on either side of him. He looked first at Minerva and then at Elliot. Did they know each other? Ethan decided that they must... but not in a good way. Not my business... at least not right now. So the boy went on with the homework. Summus Vestis. The wand, swished into a Z, turned the rubbish bag into... the same threadbare tshirt he had managed in class. Sigh.Reverto.
He looked up to see that his fellow Claw had finished with a quite fashionable top. "Nice work, Elliot," he said, clearly impressed and giving her an approving nod. The girl didn't exaggerate... she was good at Transfiguration. The boy tried the spell a few more times... Zig-zag wand, Summus Vestis, Reverto... because all he could manage was the same stupid threadbare tshirt... not the awesome Ravenclaw tshirt he had designed. "What am I doing wrong?" UGH.
Just as she finished her drawing and was practicing her spell she heard Elliot's comment toward her. She turned holding her wand, if only.. no.. no.. You don't want in trouble Min.. not over a stupid brat like her. Worry about your homework, plus Ethan was super nice, you didn't want him thinking your were as bratty and full of yourself like he had to think Elliot was. So she just gave an annoyed smirk and turned back to her work.
Minerva looked at the spell again "Summus Vestis" she said to herself a few times wanting to make sure she had it correct. Pointing her wand and did the z motion that they were taught in class "Summus Vestis" she said very clearly. The bag moved and turned into a shirt. Well it was a full shirt, but it wasn't the one she had designed. What could have went wrong she wondered. Then glaring at Elliot.. Oh yes, the brat distracted me into thinking evil thoughts.. That could have been what made it into the devil she thought.
Then she saw and heard Ethan. "Well your making a shirt at least, so that's a good step." Moving a little closer to him she felt a bit nervous for some reason. "Do you mind if I see your drawing again?" she glanced at it. "Okay, this is what I want you to do. I want you to just close your eyes and really imagine the design you did. Really get the picture in your head. Then take a few breaths to relax yourself. Once you feel like you really have it and you are calm, open your eyes slowly do the Z and really say the words clearly. That should help." she smiled and moved back to give him room, hoping her advice would work for him. It's what she always did when she started getting flustered that something wasn't working.
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
After finishing her sketch, Emmanuelle sat back to look at it for a moment. She wasn't exactly happy with it, but she could deal. After all, nobody was going to be seeing it, right? Anyway, she went over to where the trash bags were, grabbed a few and walked to her seat. Placing one of the bags on her mannequin, she started trying to get exactly the way she wanted her shirt to look in her mind. She didn't want to do all that work and then not be happy with the result.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Five minutes had passed and Juliete still had nothing. She continued to draw in this time, and now that she was focusing on her drawing, it looked pretty cool. She had drawn a flame on the wick of the candle, and light around the flame. In her best cursive (which wasn't very good to start with, but it felt like the best handwriting to use) she wrote a saying around the top of the flame. Of course all it was was pencil sketch, and so it looked nothing like it did in her head, but it still gave her a distraction from having to think of an idea in her blocked brain.
However, now she had covered one side of the paper, and she still had no usable ideas. Sighing, Juliette started drawing a candle holder under the candle, thinking that she could at least finish her drawing. As she started on the hand she was going to draw next, an idea slowly started dawning on her. What if she just made the sketch into her Sweater? However, that idea was crushed by the next thought. This (although pencil sketch) was not going to be easy to make, especially out of a rubbish bag that she couldn't even trasnform in class. Besides, her drawing wasn't exactly anything to work with, since it was mostly labeled and looked like it was drawn by a fifth grader. Okay, so it was either try and probably fail miserably, or have no ideas and work on nothing and then fail.
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
Ugh! Hannah hated doing homework and she was pretty vocal about it too. Considering how much of a mess she got herself into last year because she didn't do it with her parents is the whole reason why she came to this whole homework room thing. She had put her assignment off until the last possible minute. All she knew was that if she didn't turn in every single piece of homework that was assigned to her this year then she would be dead meat.
She sighed and pulled out her notes from Transfiguration class. It seemed like she went to that class forever ago. That was when Elliot was still Elliot and wasn't attached to some new guy that she still has not met. Trying to concentrate on the notes Hannah pushed all the nonsense from her head. So the spell was 'Summus Vestis' and she had to think of what she wanted her top to look like. Honestly she was pretty dang happy with the results that she had managed in class. With the green top she would be representing the noble house of Salazar Slytherin and the green made her piercing green eyes pop. She would look lovely in it. Although she would look lovely in anything...obviously.
She grabbed her wand and flipped through her notes once more. She pretty much remembered everything. She was ready to start and get this assignment over and done with.
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
Alice inhaled deeply. OH YEAH. She could totally do this. After all.. it was just a silly little incantation, yeah? She turned back to her rough sketch, trying to keep the image locked inside of her head. The third year tried to memorize the exact places where the stripes went, the perfect color that her shirt should be. She wanted this to come out perfectly.
Before pulling out her wand, she tried doing the hand movements with her fingers. "Summus Vestis," she whispered to herself, making the Z-formation. Heh. She felt like a priss, the ones on the telly who would make Z-formations with their snappy fingers, their hips jutting out and their lips pursed, as if they were much more intelligent than everyone else.
She had better get her thoughts in check or this was NOT going to come out properly.
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
"Reverto." She watched as the black bag returned and took another deep breath. Transfiguration was difficult. She tied her hair back out of her eyes and stared at the black plastic bag. It shouldn't be that difficult. Really. Her design was simple... so it should be easy. She narrowed her eyes at it before performing the spell yet again. Her free hand had her fingers crossed, hoping it would work.
"Summus Vestis," Melanie said again, making the Z with her hand again.
Her fingers remained crossed on her left hand as her eyes widened, watching the bag morph into something or the other. Was the color changing? Melanie grinned as she watched the bag take shape of the shirt with the bow and everything and the color change. It was pink! Just like her sketch! Excitedly she touched it.
Wait what?
She was fairly certain it was not supposed to feel like plastic. Groaning, she put her hand to her forehead.
though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________ ♡♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
Alice put her game face on, ready to cast the spell. After making the Z-formation with her fingers once more and repeating "Summus Vestis," for the umpteenth time, the girl pulled out her wand. OH YEAH. She could totally do this. The girls fingers gripped the wand firmly, trailing over the smooth rosewood. "Ready? OKAY." Her brow furrowed in concentration as she recalled the pattern of her shirt, the colour, the shades.. she was ready for this. "Z-formation, Z-formation.." the Gryffindor repeated to herself, pointing her wand at the rubbish bag.
"Summus Vestis."
Her hand moved in a perfect Z-formation, but her voice caught while saying the spell. The small girl's spirits rose, though, when seeing the colour of the black bag change. "It changed!" Her excitement didn't last long, though, as she reached out to touch it, and felt plastic beneath her fingers. The third year's face fell, her lips forming a thin line of disappointment.
She was going to get this right.
Originally Posted by iBeJenn
She was fairly certain it was not supposed to feel like plastic. Groaning, she put her hand to her forehead.
As she prepared for the spell once more, her fingers repeating the formation again and again, her mouth forming the words, she heard a groan in the far corner of the room. "Mel?" She asked hesitantly, eyeing the figure. "Are you okay?" Noticing how thick the top that Melanie was transfiguring looked, she realized her friend was stuck in a similar situation. "Does yours feel like plastic, too? Mine does." She offered her friend a reassuring smile. "It looks really nice, though."
Giving her one last pearly white beam, the lioness turned back to her own rubbish bag and prepared to cast the spell once more.
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
As she prepared for the spell once more, her fingers repeating the formation again and again, her mouth forming the words, she heard a groan in the far corner of the room. "Mel?" She asked hesitantly, eyeing the figure. "Are you okay?" Noticing how thick the top that Melanie was transfiguring looked, she realized her friend was stuck in a similar situation. "Does yours feel like plastic, too? Mine does." She offered her friend a reassuring smile. "It looks really nice, though."
Giving her one last pearly white beam, the lioness turned back to her own rubbish bag and prepared to cast the spell once more.
Melanie wasn't going to give up. She was about to raise her wand and cast Reverto yet again when she heard Queen Alice speak. She gave the younger girl a small smile. "I'm fine, the bag is just having a bit of a hard time becoming the right material," Melanie said with a nod of her head. Her smile grew a bit wider when the blonde told her it looked nice. "Thank you, Queen Alice, yours looks lovely," Melanie said nodding her head.
She turned her head and focused on her mannequin with the shirt made out of plastic on it. "Reverto."
As it turned back into the black plastic bag it was originally, Melanie ran through all the steps in her mind before closing her eyes for a second. She imagined it all in her head, the way it would look, the texture and everything. She then looked at her sketch and stared at it for a minute or so. Blinking her brown eyes, the girl stared at the plastic bag, determined to get it right. "Summus Vestis," Melanie said clearly, making the Z again.
Her brown eyes widened as she watched the bag morph yet again. She crossed all the fingers she could and closed her eyes. A little moment later, she opened her eyes and touched the shirt. It felt... right.
"YES!" Melanie exclaimed, jumping up and down and punching the air happily. "Yes! Yes! YEEESSS!!" Melanie exclaimed. She was done. She had done it! She had transfigured the bag. Beaming from ear to ear, the girl clasped her hand together and stopped jumping. She was finished.
though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________ ♡♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
Alice offered another pearly white grin to Melanie as her friend perfected her shirt design. "It's beautiful, Mel," she observed, eyeing the shirt. If only hers would look as pretty.. Ah. Yes. She needed to get back to that. Her hands were getting tired of practicing the Z-formation, and her mouth hurt. She really needed to get it right this time.
"Reverto." She put the bag back to it's original state, and it turned back from the pasty orange colour to a smooth obsidian. Perfect. The Gryffindor held her wand at a different angle, closer, more direct, the rosewood so close to the bag that it was nearly touching it. "Su-Sums.." DARNIT. She had messed it up again. She pulled her wand back at the last moment, inhaling deeply, and prepared to try it again. "Summus Vestis."
The third year held her breath as the shirt changed it's colour— this time, to a deep reddish orange instead of the pasty colour it was before. It had stripes that slowly faded the shirt to a paler shade.. just as she had imagined it. "Is.. is it okay?" She wondered aloud, stretching her fingers out to touch the material. It felt.. like CLOTH. The shirt was done.
She was finished.
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
She eyed her mannequin and her sketch. “Okay, let’s do this,” she said to the mannequin, the bag, herself…whomever cared at this moment. She closed her eyes and pictured her navy sweater. Would it be easier to make it all navy first and then try to focus on small areas later to turn into star shapes? She really wasn't sure. Maybe her design was too complex for a beginner like her. She decided to just try for the sweater first. If she got that, maybe she’d start over and try for the harder version. Sounds like a plan.
She raised her wand, made a zig zag Z motion towards her bag and said, “Summus Vestis!” Similar to her project in class, her bag ballooned out into the shape of a sweater. The sleeves looked nice, the length was all right, but she had forgotten to picture the v-neck when she cast the spell. Darn, she thought. Oh well it was a practice spell anyway.
Pointing at the mediocre sweater, she said “Reverto!” to return it to a trash bag. Let’s try this again.
Oh, so he was right about her favourite colour. Score for Logan! Trying really hard to keep a big grin off his face, he nodded at her. Andyoutoo." That comment was mumbled in a whisper because he didn't want Ness to overhear it and blush and tell him that it wasn't true and he was crazy. D: He was not crazy.
Chuckle. Of course she wouldn't want to add more detail because it would make things harder for her. Obviously that had never been said, but still it was implied. "Sounds like a great idea, Ness. It looks amazing as it it." Glancing down at his own drawing, Logan started to wonder if it was maybe a little too detailed. D: D: But still; he loved his Larry the Llama shirt too much to change ANYthiiiiing.
Too wrapped up in his thoughts, he missed what Ness said to him next. Not really sure what else to do, he simply nodded at her, hoping that it was the right thing to do. If nothing else, always agree with whatever a girl said. That was what his father had taught him.
Now it was time for him to actually start making the shirt that he had spent all this time designing. Getting up, he gave a big stretch before heading over to where all the plastic bags were being kept. Deciding to be safe, he grabbed a few of them before heading back to his mannequin. Placing all but one down on the floor by his feet, he proceeded to carefully work it so that it was draped over the mannequin like a really baggy shirt.
What was that he said?
With her usual pout, Renesmee turned from her mannequin to look at him. Had he said something about her? It sounded like he said you, but she hadn't caught the first part. "What did you just say?" She continued to pout at him. She was curious now. She was sure he had said something about her.
Of course he would say that about her drawing though, obviously he was being polite. Still Nessie didn't feel like arguing on the fact that it wasn't so amazing after all. "Thanks." She just mumbled quietly and then turned around to attempt her spell again.
This time it would work, she was sure of it.
She extended her wand hand out and then pictured her design. Right a purple top with a black R in the middle. She could do this. It was simple. She closed her eyes and continued to picture her design, wanting to get every detail. She had it.
Now feeling a little more confident she opened her eyes once more and looked at the mannequin. "Summus Vestis." She did the zig-zag motion and then watched what would happen. It had worked! It had! Right before her, the paper bag from before began changing it's shape and colour into what looked almost exactly like Nessie's shirt design. "I did it!" Yay! She beamed brightly and then looked through the corner of her eye at Logan. She wanted to see if he could do it too.
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
Hannah decided to go ahead and make a sketch of how she wanted her shirt to look because she would only be ok with perfection. She knew that there would not be any chaning of it once she did it. She pulled out some parchment and sketched a green silk shirt with 3/4 sleeves. Hmm...she wanted to snaz it up a bit. So far this shirt just screamed boring and Hannah may be a lot of things but boring was not one. She needed something that would sparkle. Sequins! Yes that it what she needed.
She added some silver sequins to her sketch just around the top area. She decided that the top needed to come down about mid chest area. Not up to her neck but not too low cut to where it would be inappropriate. Nope. She would have it just right. She eyed the sleeves and thought that they needed a bit of sprucing up themselves. She sketched the same silver sequins around the cuff. She moved her head sideways and really looked over her sketch. She felt pretty happy with it. She was ready to make her a top!
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by ortalismusicoh
What was that he said?
With her usual pout, Renesmee turned from her mannequin to look at him. Had he said something about her? It sounded like he said you, but she hadn't caught the first part. "What did you just say?" She continued to pout at him. She was curious now. She was sure he had said something about her.
Of course he would say that about her drawing though, obviously he was being polite. Still Nessie didn't feel like arguing on the fact that it wasn't so amazing after all. "Thanks." She just mumbled quietly and then turned around to attempt her spell again.
This time it would work, she was sure of it.
She extended her wand hand out and then pictured her design. Right a purple top with a black R in the middle. She could do this. It was simple. She closed her eyes and continued to picture her design, wanting to get every detail. She had it.
Now feeling a little more confident she opened her eyes once more and looked at the mannequin. "Summus Vestis." She did the zig-zag motion and then watched what would happen. It had worked! It had! Right before her, the paper bag from before began changing it's shape and colour into what looked almost exactly like Nessie's shirt design. "I did it!" Yay! She beamed brightly and then looked through the corner of her eye at Logan. She wanted to see if he could do it too.
Errr. Logan really didn't want to tell her what he had said, so he fell back on the whole 'pretend you didn't hear' routine. But the fact that he was blushing sorta ruined it. In order to keep his face hidden, he pretended to need to do up his running shoes.
"You are welcome." Even more blushing which he needed to get under control somehow. Oh, he could cast the spell on the bag and make his shirt. Hopefully if she was watching him do it, she wouldn't even notice that his cheeks were red. Maybe she would even be impressed by his skills.
Smiling to himself as she managed to make her shirt work, he felt very proud of her. "That is absolutely amazing, Ness." Now it was his turn. Rolling up his sleeves, he picked up his wand before looking towards his mannequin and the bag that he had draped over it.
Concentration. Concentration was the key.
He pictured the design in his mind's eye: white with a brown llama on it. Black writing around that llama that spelled out 'Larry the Llama'.
When he was sure that he had everything pictured correctly, it was time for him to perform the spell. "Summus Vestis." He did the zig-zag motion that was taught in class, and watched as his shirt materialized before his eyes.
... Though of course the writing didn't look so good. Not even anything like his drawing. Another attempt was needed.
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
Right! So now that she had what she wanted set in stone it was time to create her masterpiece. She looked over her notes once more just to make sure that she was doing everything right. So far so good. She looked at her picture and closed her eyes as if to etch it in her mind. She had to get her top perfect.
She grabbed a rubbish bag and placed it on her mannequin. Ok she was ready to get this over with so she could go to her common room and write the letter that she has been putting off to her family. Focus Hannah! She had the image in her mind and shouted "Summis Vestis." while she did the zigzag wand movement. Well her rubbish bad had turned into a shirt, but it was not the shade of green that she wanted. The sequins were not there, the sleeves weren't right and the cut was all wrong.
"No, no, no." she said to no one in particular. Her shirt had to be perfect and right now it looked like a puffer had created it. It took her a while in class to get the spell right and it didn't look like she had gotten any better at it now.
Sigh! She was going to stay here all night if that's what it took. She didn't have any other option that to do well. Her thoughts going back to her parents and she shuddered. Focus Hannah! She knew that her wondering thoughts was keeping her from doing well. "Reverto." She was going to have to start completely over because that was a pathetic excuse for a shirt.
Then she saw and heard Ethan. "Well your making a shirt at least, so that's a good step." Moving a little closer to him she felt a bit nervous for some reason. "Do you mind if I see your drawing again?" she glanced at it. "Okay, this is what I want you to do. I want you to just close your eyes and really imagine the design you did. Really get the picture in your head. Then take a few breaths to relax yourself. Once you feel like you really have it and you are calm, open your eyes slowly do the Z and really say the words clearly. That should help." she smiled and moved back to give him room, hoping her advice would work for him. It's what she always did when she started getting flustered that something wasn't working.
Ethan sighed in frustration. He hated Transfiguration for the very reason he was terrible at it and he was sure he was going to be here all night with just a threadbare shirt to hand in. The fifth year ran his fingers through his hair as he took a few deep breaths to gather himself before he would start again. He turned as he heard Minerva at his side. Good... maybe she knew what she was talking about. He listened to her words for a moment then looked back down at his sketch. He had thought he had a pretty good picture of it in his mind the last time he attempted... but maybe he didn't. Or maybe he wasn't relaxed enough.
"Okay, thanks Minerva... I'll try it." Ethan gave her a small but grateful smile. He wasn't all that confident it was going to work. The fifth year closed his eyes and tried to picture the drawing in his head. Royal blue, cotton, short-sleeved shirt... bronze eagle profile... motto in black. He took a few more slow, deep breaths and opened his eyes. Summus Vestis, he commanded as he zigazagged his wand at the bag. That was a little better. The fifteen year old's face brightened ever so slightly as he saw that the bag had transfigured into a royal blue tshirt. The details were not there, but at least he got the color right and was no longer threadbare. Maybe he just needed to relax more... and focus on the intent just a tad more.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
She was having a hard time concentrating because she was not good at accepting the fact that she struggled with something. Her first attempt had been awful. What if she never got the hang of it? What if she stayed her all night and she still had the same horrible shirt? Deep breath. She just had to be over thinking it. It was that hard...it couldn't be... she saw puffs managing to do it and that said something.
Hannah took in another deep breath ans again imagined her shirt in her mind. She had to at least make some kind of progress this time. she could do this. She had managed to make an acceptable shirt in class so she knew that it was in her. Faith...gotta have faith. She knew she was putting too much pressure on herself ever since the incident with her parents over the summer, but she couldn't let them down again. She couldn't disgrace the Lockwood name again.
She squeezed her eyes shut and thought of the silk green shirt...the exact shade of green that Slytherin represented. She thought of how the sleeves should look and how the cut of the neck should be. She imagined her beautiful sequins in all of the right places. "Summis Vestis!" and she zig zagged her wand over the rubbish bag. She opened one eye and was glad to see that she had the right shade of green that she was going for and there were even a few sequins, but not nearly enough. The sleeves weren't right either...but she was getting there. She started to feel better about the homework assignment. Maybe she could do it after all!
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Originally Posted by emjay
Ethan sighed in frustration. He hated Transfiguration for the very reason he was terrible at it and he was sure he was going to be here all night with just a threadbare shirt to hand in. The fifth year ran his fingers through his hair as he took a few deep breaths to gather himself before he would start again. He turned as he heard Minerva at his side. Good... maybe she knew what she was talking about. He listened to her words for a moment then looked back down at his sketch. He had thought he had a pretty good picture of it in his mind the last time he attempted... but maybe he didn't. Or maybe he wasn't relaxed enough.
"Okay, thanks Minerva... I'll try it." Ethan gave her a small but grateful smile. He wasn't all that confident it was going to work. The fifth year closed his eyes and tried to picture the drawing in his head. Royal blue, cotton, short-sleeved shirt... bronze eagle profile... motto in black. He took a few more slow, deep breaths and opened his eyes. Summus Vestis, he commanded as he zigazagged his wand at the bag. That was a little better. The fifteen year old's face brightened ever so slightly as he saw that the bag had transfigured into a royal blue tshirt. The details were not there, but at least he got the color right and was no longer threadbare. Maybe he just needed to relax more... and focus on the intent just a tad more.
Minerva watched as Ethan tried what she had asked him to. As his bag turned into more like the sketch she smiled, "Oh that's great Ethan, see you can do it." putting her hand on his shoulder in her excitement for his success. She looked at her hand and pulled it away blushing, "Oh.. umm.. sorry." she turned back to her own work. Yes work on your own shirt Minerva and stop embarrassing yourself in front of him.
Looking at her own sketch she closed her eyes and really tried to think of what she had done. She wanted the pink shirt with the stars. Yes she could see it now. Pointing her wand she made the z motion slow and steady and "Summus Vestis" clearly. Looking at the bag Minerva saw it turn pink and two stars appeared. Frowning she looked back at her sketch. Yes it was the color she wanted and yes there were stars, but not enough and not what she had sketched. "Reverto" she said to change the shirt back into the bag.
Sophie finally walked in the room and looked around, trying to find her dummy. It took her a while, since there were so many of them there, but her colourful T-shirt soon called her attention and she smiled, walking towards it and pulling it away from some other dummies.
When she placed it in a good practicing spot, the third year retrieved a rubbish bag and took the colourful shirt off the dummy before placing the bin bag on it. She stood there, thinking for a while, before pulling out her wand.
Z shaped motion... Summus Vestis.
The brunette was actually focusing on the spell a lot more than on the outfit she had to transfigure the rubbish bag into. Sophie had never considered being a fashion designer and that really didn't get her attention much. But spells... oh, those were COOL!
Summus Vestis. She kept repeating on her head, as she practiced the zig zag motion with her wand. Sharp! Then not-so-sharp. Maybe she could get different results because of the difference in the wand movement? Sophie kept thinking about all the different possibilities of strength and speed for the Z shaped motion, while trying to reproduce each of them as well as she could.
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ Maybe you'll dance, scour the buffet, or end up gossiping talking amongst yourselves!
You're happy to go with the flow and see where the Yule Ball takes you!
Ravenpuff | Cap'n Crunch | Bedtime Queen | O Minion, My Minion
Excitement welling up inside him, he moved his wand in the Z motion the professor had showed them. Speaking of which... what was her name? He was momentarily distracted from the task by this quandary. Mmmm... Magnum? No, that's not it. Magnil? Definitely not. Mag.. NUS! Magnus! And now that he had that settled... He recommenced the Z motion and spoke clearly. "Summus Vestis."
The bag morphed into a cloth-like deformity. "Shoot." He had lost focus on the hunt for Magnus's name. Which is exactly what Kurumi was trying to get me to avoid. And her word was practically law with the young Hufflepuff boy. He bowed his head and closed his eyes, looking for all the world like a sinner in confession. Visualize. Once more he let the image fill his brain before raising his wand and directing it toward the bag-laden dummy. Pao kept his eyes closed as he recited, "Summus Vestis," and let his wrist flow through the motion.
Eyes snapping open after several seconds had passed, a pleasant sight met his gaze. "Alright!" he said, pleased enough to fist pump in midair. "Err... sorry," he whispered, in case anyone was distracted. But this was the first time he'd produced anything remotely resembling a shirt, and he was pumped!
Thanks, Kitakins <3
Last edited by hpluvr037; 10-09-2012 at 09:25 PM.
Reason: Adding Title >_<
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
Once Emmanuelle felt that she had memorized exactly how she wanted her shirt to look, she aimed her wand at the trash bag. Now what was that wand movement again? She thought it had something to do with the alphabet....
Oh yeah, that was it! A 'z' shape! Aiming her wand again (she had been tapping her chin with it), performed said motion. "Summus Vestis!" The trash bag did change.... into an exact copy of the shirt she had done in class. Which wasn't what she was going for, at all. "Reverto!" The trash bag changed right back and Em was left to start over.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
After the bag went back to its original state she pictured the shirt she meant to make. Okay, v-neck, navy, long sleeves....and tunic. Was she sure about that? Yeah, tunic. Then later I can make some neat leggings or straight legs to go with it. She held her wand up and practiced her Z in the air a few more times.
Making a Z motion in the air she spoke the spell, "Summus Vestis!" This time the bag changed more quickly than it had before, which was encouraging. It stretched down to about hip length and grew its sleeves. The neck formed to a perfect V. Once the changes stopped, Eliza stood closer and reached out to touch the fabric. Knitted. Just how she wanted it. She hadn't really pictured that before she cast, so that must mean her wand was starting to understand her! This is so cool! She really loved magic.
She stood back and decided the overall design was good. Not wanting to risk losing her progress, she decided her next step would be to really focus on small sections to transfigure them into the details she'd wanted. She sat down for a moment to gather her thoughts on her parchment before she tried this idea.
After testing all the intensities of the wand movement she could think of, Sophie stared at the dummy for a while. She tried to related each movement to a different outfit in her head, depending of how sharp it was and also depending on the speed of the zig zag.
Sophie wondered if that even made sense... she wasn't just wasting her time there, was she?? The badger concentrated on the first shirt that came into her mind and decided to test it with every different motion.
"Summus Vestis!" She said, moving her wrist sharply in a Z shaped motion. Before her was now a very small, plain white T-shirt. Hm... Sophie stared at it for a while and tried to analyse it. The only thing she moved was her wirst... maybe that was why the shirt was so small? The movement had been... short? "Reverto." And the rubbish bag was back.
Before trying the spell again, the thirteen year-old started working on the wand movement once more. A laaarge and sloooow movement this time.
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ Maybe you'll dance, scour the buffet, or end up gossiping talking amongst yourselves!
You're happy to go with the flow and see where the Yule Ball takes you!
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Alright, so they were to create a shirt for homework. And not just any shirt...one that would be hopefully better then the one he had worked on in class AND one that would be workable with whatever he did for this overall outfit that he would create for the term. It had taken some thought but the seventh year believed he had some idea. So when he arrived in the practice room where they were supposed to be working, Gideon set himself up in one corner and prepared himself to work. He would need to concentrate on the task at hand and not be distracted.
First to get the correct shape out of the rubbish bag. That was a good jumping off point.
Taking his wand from his pocket, Gideon laid out one of his bags and focused on the shape he wanted it to take. A simple shirt, nothing to complicated, at least to start with. "Summus Vestis" he then cast when he was ready, his wand moving in the z-shaped motion they had been taught in class. The rubbage back changed in kind, shifting from its original shape to a generic shaped t-shirt. Its color a pale blue harkening back to Gideon's idea of going into that color family.
"So far so good," he commented, though not good enough. "Reverto."
"Summus Vestis." Once again, Sophie had no exact shirt in mind when she tried the spell, and the rubbish bag ended up like a really baggy and weird jumper. The badger eyed it for a moment and suppressed a giggle. That looked really silly... it would actually look a bit interesting if it had some colours... "Multicorfors!" Sophie said happily as she touched the jumper with her wand and watched it become bright orange. She then made some horizontal movements, like she was using a paint brush, and some light blue and green stripes appeared all over the dummy's outfit.
Heh! Sophie did giggle this time. The extremely baggy jumper looked quite funny now. But it wasn't something Sophie - or anyone that she knew - would wear, so... "Reverto."
Hmmm... so the sharp and short motion got her the tiny t-shirt; the large and slow motion made a baggy jumper appear. What else could she try now?
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ Maybe you'll dance, scour the buffet, or end up gossiping talking amongst yourselves!
You're happy to go with the flow and see where the Yule Ball takes you!
Errr. Logan really didn't want to tell her what he had said, so he fell back on the whole 'pretend you didn't hear' routine. But the fact that he was blushing sorta ruined it. In order to keep his face hidden, he pretended to need to do up his running shoes.
"You are welcome." Even more blushing which he needed to get under control somehow. Oh, he could cast the spell on the bag and make his shirt. Hopefully if she was watching him do it, she wouldn't even notice that his cheeks were red. Maybe she would even be impressed by his skills.
Smiling to himself as she managed to make her shirt work, he felt very proud of her. "That is absolutely amazing, Ness." Now it was his turn. Rolling up his sleeves, he picked up his wand before looking towards his mannequin and the bag that he had draped over it.
Concentration. Concentration was the key.
He pictured the design in his mind's eye: white with a brown llama on it. Black writing around that llama that spelled out 'Larry the Llama'.
When he was sure that he had everything pictured correctly, it was time for him to perform the spell. "Summus Vestis." He did the zig-zag motion that was taught in class, and watched as his shirt materialized before his eyes.
... Though of course the writing didn't look so good. Not even anything like his drawing. Another attempt was needed.
He pointed his wand at the shirt. "Reverto."
Had he heard her? Probably not..Oh well. Whatever he had said before, she didn't bother anymore. He maybe didn't want her to know for a reason. Who knew?
Wow. Impressive that was.
Renesmee gave Logan a thumbs up. His writing may have been a little messed up, but seeing as his design was more complicated than hers she still thought he was really good.
"Well done." She gave him a smile and turned back to her own shirt. She was fairly happy with it, but she decided more practice was needed. "Reverto." she pointed her wand at the mannequin and watched as her shirt turned into a paper bag again.
Maybe some more detail wasn't a bad idea. Pout.
The fifth year added some more sketching to her top and then decided to attempt it again. This time the only real difference was that she added a few green twirls to it. She looked at her design quick and then took her wand out again aiming at her paper bag.
Just like before, she could do it again. "Summus Vestis." She did the zig zag motion with her wand. Once again her paper turned into the shirt like before, this time revealing her green twirls too.
Beam. She could do this properly now. "I think I've completely got it, how about you?" She turned to look at Logan.