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Mell 08-12-2012 09:11 AM

The Front Gate
Image by Destiny

Strong iron gates prevent students from getting out while making sure anything unwanted stays out. They can only be opened by the Professors and Staff and are always open on Hogsmeade weekends to allow for passage to the village.

Saz Hale 09-06-2012 03:15 PM

Arabella-Marie stumbled down to the front gate and sat down and sighed what was going on she felt funny and her head hurt a bit from where she bumped it when the train stopped so suddenly and her wrist hurt as well

DaniDiNardo 09-06-2012 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by Saz Hale
Arabella-Marie stumbled down to the front gate and sat down and sighed what was going on she felt funny and her head hurt a bit from where she bumped it when the train stopped so suddenly and her wrist hurt as well

Heeeeeeyyyy the front gate! Neat! She didn't know where she was going but she didn't think she would end up here! And it was such a nice front gate too! She skipped over to it, wanting to see what laid just outside the gates of Hogwarts but before she could get a very good look she saw a familiar girl.

"Hi again!" She said with a wide smile. "Do you remember me? We met near Knocturn Alley during the summer!" and though standing on the stairs was fun she had had much more fun when she walked down there with Garrett. If only he hadn't been such a scaredy-cat! The dark wizard wasn't all that scary anyway and it wasn't like he would have actually done anything to them....sure he hexed them but she was pretty sure that was the worst he was willing to do. Who would want to hurt two kids?

Then she noticed the girl didn't look so well. "And are you okay? You don't look so good....

Saz Hale 09-06-2012 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo (Post 11190793)
Heeeeeeyyyy the front gate! Neat! She didn't know where she was going but she didn't think she would end up here! And it was such a nice front gate too! She skipped over to it, wanting to see what laid just outside the gates of Hogwarts but before she could get a very good look she saw a familiar girl.

"Hi again!" She said with a wide smile. "Do you remember me? We met near Knocturn Alley during the summer!" and though standing on the stairs was fun she had had much more fun when she walked down there with Garrett. If only he hadn't been such a scaredy-cat! The dark wizard wasn't all that scary anyway and it wasn't like he would have actually done anything to them....sure he hexed them but she was pretty sure that was the worst he was willing to do. Who would want to hurt two kids?

Then she noticed the girl didn't look so well. "And are you okay? You don't look so good....

Arabella-Marie looked up and smiled at the girl and said "Sure i remember you and hmm i am not sure i am not feeling too good" Arabella-Marie was feeling pretty dizzy and she wasnt sure why

DaniDiNardo 09-06-2012 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by Saz Hale (Post 11190797)
Arabella-Marie looked up and smiled at the girl and said "Sure i remember you and hmm i am not sure i am not feeling too good" Arabella-Marie was feeling pretty dizzy and she wasnt sure why

Lex beamed a bit when she heard that she was remembered...she liked being remembered! It had such a nice feeling to it!

"Oooohhh," She said, moving a little closer to her, "hmm, well you should see the Healer. Everyone keeps saying I should so I think I might let Elodie take me there later." If she felt like it that was because she was all that enthusiastic about climbing the stairs then having to see the scary woman--yes she was scary--Lex has eyes, she saw her at the feast and saw all she had done!

Saz Hale 09-06-2012 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo (Post 11190804)
Lex beamed a bit when she heard that she was remembered...she liked being remembered! It had such a nice feeling to it!

"Oooohhh," She said, moving a little closer to her, "hmm, well you should see the Healer. Everyone keeps saying I should so I think I might let Elodie take me there later." If she felt like it that was because she was all that enthusiastic about climbing the stairs then having to see the scary woman--yes she was scary--Lex has eyes, she saw her at the feast and saw all she had done!

Arabella-Marie smiled and said "Yeah i know i should but i am just trying to think why i am feeling dizzy i do remember bumping my head off of something when the train stopped"

DaniDiNardo 09-06-2012 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by Saz Hale (Post 11190807)
Arabella-Marie smiled and said "Yeah i know i should but i am just trying to think why i am feeling dizzy i do remember bumping my head off of something when the train stopped"

Lex listened to her recall the event that might have caused her to feel the way she did. It made sense. A lot of people had gotten hurt on that bloody and while using the portkeys. If she could help it she would never travel by portkey again. "That's probably what did it. I know a few people who got hurt on the train. Like Abby, she hit her head when we were back in the train and I think Emm did too. I was lucky enough to not but then I hurt my wrist when I fell on the platform because I was trying to cushion Felix's fall." Some times she thought Felix didn't understand just how much she cared for him but then...other times he was so affectionate. Maybe he was just a bit nervous about the train ride. That might have been why he was causing so much trouble....

Most times he was a good boy so the nerves might have been what had gotten him. She shrugged at the thought. "But really if you feel that bad you should see the healer. A girl at the feast last night said she's good at what she does." This, coming from the kid who was terrified of the woman. Yeah people said to practice what you preach but well... the girl was older and more capable of defending herself than Lex would ever be!!!

Saz Hale 09-06-2012 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo (Post 11190818)
Lex listened to her recall the event that might have caused her to feel the way she did. It made sense. A lot of people had gotten hurt on that bloody and while using the portkeys. If she could help it she would never travel by portkey again. "That's probably what did it. I know a few people who got hurt on the train. Like Abby, she hit her head when we were back in the train and I think Emm did too. I was lucky enough to not but then I hurt my wrist when I fell on the platform because I was trying to cushion Felix's fall." Some times she thought Felix didn't understand just how much she cared for him but then...other times he was so affectionate. Maybe he was just a bit nervous about the train ride. That might have been why he was causing so much trouble....

Most times he was a good boy so the nerves might have been what had gotten him. She shrugged at the thought. "But really if you feel that bad you should see the healer. A girl at the feast last night said she's good at what she does." This, coming from the kid who was terrified of the woman. Yeah people said to practice what you preach but well... the girl was older and more capable of defending herself than Lex would ever be!!!

Arabella-Marie smiled and said "Yeah well i will but the healer kind of scares me and plus i think that i broke my wrist i should go and see her but i will do it in my own time"

DaniDiNardo 09-06-2012 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by Saz Hale (Post 11190820)
Arabella-Marie smiled and said "Yeah well i will but the healer kind of scares me and plus i think that i broke my wrist i should go and see her but i will do it in my own time"

Lex made a face at the girl. To think she thought she was bad. This girl was even more dillusional!!! "Ummm....I'm no Healer and I'm not gonna pretend to know a lot about that healing game but I'm pretty sure that if it's broken and you make it set broken then they'll have to re-break your arm in order to make it better." She cringed at the thought of that. "Do you really want them re-breaking your wrist just to fix it?" Of course Lex's case was different because two people told her it wasn't broken so therefore she didn't need to be in any rush.

Saz Hale 09-06-2012 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo (Post 11190827)
Lex made a face at the girl. To think she thought she was bad. This girl was even more dillusional!!! "Ummm....I'm no Healer and I'm not gonna pretend to know a lot about that healing game but I'm pretty sure that if it's broken and you make it set broken then they'll have to re-break your arm in order to make it better." She cringed at the thought of that. "Do you really want them re-breaking your wrist just to fix it?" Of course Lex's case was different because two people told her it wasn't broken so therefore she didn't need to be in any rush.

Arabella-Marie shrugged and said "Hmm yeah i suppose your right i do not really want them to re-break my wrist just to fix it" Arabella-Marie was struggling not to black out because she really needed to go to the healer and soon but she was just being a big kid

DaniDiNardo 09-06-2012 04:35 PM

Lex says if she faints she's leaving because shes too small to carry her XD

Originally Posted by Saz Hale (Post 11190828)
Arabella-Marie shrugged and said "Hmm yeah i suppose your right i do not really want them to re-break my wrist just to fix it" Arabella-Marie was struggling not to black out because she really needed to go to the healer and soon but she was just being a big kid

"Exactly! You wouldn't want that at all so how's about you put on a brave face and head to the healer before it's too late!" No sooner than she said that did she see just how awful the girl looked. " really should hurrying to the Healer. You don't look very good at all...are you feeling faint." She took a step back. "Tell me now so I can run before you do because I think you'd be too heavy to carry all the way to the Healer's office!!" She was too small to carry anyone! She didn't wanna get squashed :whaa:

Saz Hale 09-06-2012 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo (Post 11190842)
"Exactly! You wouldn't want that at all so how's about you put on a brave face and head to the healer before it's too late!" No sooner than she said that did she see just how awful the girl looked. " really should hurrying to the Healer. You don't look very good at all...are you feeling faint." She took a step back. "Tell me now so I can run before you do because I think you'd be too heavy to carry all the way to the Healer's office!!" She was too small to carry anyone! She didn't wanna get squashed :whaa:

Arabella-Marie got up from the ground and said "Yeah i am feeling a bit faint and yeah i will head up there just now but i feel as though i may faint on the way but i will try to get there without fainting" Arabella-Marie knew that Lex was a bit too small to try and carry her up to the healer's office

DaniDiNardo 09-06-2012 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by Saz Hale (Post 11190845)
Arabella-Marie got up from the ground and said "Yeah i am feeling a bit faint and yeah i will head up there just now but i feel as though i may faint on the way but i will try to get there without fainting" Arabella-Marie knew that Lex was a bit too small to try and carry her up to the healer's office

"That's the spirit! Oh but you should really be careful then. Maybe you can find someone to follow you up the stairs." Yup, some pretty good advice right there. "I'd offer to follow you but I don't think I'd be of much help if anything were to happen to you." Really she had no problem following her but it would be good if she found someone else as well just in case.

Saz Hale 09-06-2012 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo (Post 11190914)
"That's the spirit! Oh but you should really be careful then. Maybe you can find someone to follow you up the stairs." Yup, some pretty good advice right there. "I'd offer to follow you but I don't think I'd be of much help if anything were to happen to you." Really she had no problem following her but it would be good if she found someone else as well just in case.

Arabella-Marie smiled and said "Yeah that is true I will try to find someone and your right i suppose that you would not be much help if i did faint on the stairs"

DaniDiNardo 09-06-2012 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by Saz Hale (Post 11190919)
Arabella-Marie smiled and said "Yeah that is true I will try to find someone and your right i suppose that you would not be much help if i did faint on the stairs"

"Yikes, can you imagine what would happen if you did fall on the stairs and I was the only one around?!" Lex shook her head; she didn't even want to think about it because Arabella would have been seriously injured and the most she would have been able to do was run to the nurse and hope she was in at the moment...though where would she be if not the hospital wing...?

Saz Hale 09-06-2012 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo (Post 11190932)
"Yikes, can you imagine what would happen if you did fall on the stairs and I was the only one around?!" Lex shook her head; she didn't even want to think about it because Arabella would have been seriously injured and the most she would have been able to do was run to the nurse and hope she was in at the moment...though where would she be if not the hospital wing...?

Arabella-Marie smiled and said "Yeah i know and plus i am hoping that other people do help me cause i do not think i am even going to make it back up to the castle without fainting"

DaniDiNardo 09-06-2012 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by Saz Hale (Post 11190937)
Arabella-Marie smiled and said "Yeah i know and plus i am hoping that other people do help me cause i do not think i am even going to make it back up to the castle without fainting"

"Hmmm..." Lex went into deep thought for a moment as she looked around. "Hmm...where will you find some other people?" It would have been good if she did. I don't think you should walk back unless you do because it might not turn out so well seeing as you feel like this." Walking back would have been a disaster!

Saz Hale 09-06-2012 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo (Post 11190972)
"Hmmm..." Lex went into deep thought for a moment as she looked around. "Hmm...where will you find some other people?" It would have been good if she did. I don't think you should walk back unless you do because it might not turn out so well seeing as you feel like this." Walking back would have been a disaster!

Arabella-Marie thought and said "There are probably people around the grounds somewhere but yeah i should not walk cause really i am surprised i made it down here without fainting already"

DaniDiNardo 09-06-2012 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by Saz Hale (Post 11190975)
Arabella-Marie thought and said "There are probably people around the grounds somewhere but yeah i should not walk cause really i am surprised i made it down here without fainting already"

"Yeah, you're right about that. I passed a lot of people on my way over her, maybe we can get one of them or something." Lex said with a shrug. The next thing Arabella said made her really start to think. "If you're feeling so bad then why'd you walk all the way over here?" Lex would have stayed put in the common room or something.

Saz Hale 09-06-2012 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo (Post 11191017)
"Yeah, you're right about that. I passed a lot of people on my way over her, maybe we can get one of them or something." Lex said with a shrug. The next thing Arabella said made her really start to think. "If you're feeling so bad then why'd you walk all the way over here?" Lex would have stayed put in the common room or something.

Arabella-Marie thought and said "I was just hoping that it was a headache and that it would clear if i got some air but i am guessing i was wrong and well i am not thinking straight i have not been sleeping well"

DaniDiNardo 09-06-2012 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by Saz Hale (Post 11191041)
Arabella-Marie thought and said "I was just hoping that it was a headache and that it would clear if i got some air but i am guessing i was wrong and well i am not thinking straight i have not been sleeping well"

"Well I guess that makes sense..." Though Lex would have just crawled over to the window of the common room from a lack of wanting to just collapse like that. "And that's too bad. Are you having nightmares or something?" That usually stopped her from sleeping....

Saz Hale 09-06-2012 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo (Post 11191091)
"Well I guess that makes sense..." Though Lex would have just crawled over to the window of the common room from a lack of wanting to just collapse like that. "And that's too bad. Are you having nightmares or something?" That usually stopped her from sleeping....

Arabella-Marie thought and said "Hmm i guess i could have been but i have mostly not been able to sleep cause of my wrist i am guessing"

DaniDiNardo 09-07-2012 05:30 AM


Originally Posted by Saz Hale (Post 11191096)
Arabella-Marie thought and said "Hmm i guess i could have been but i have mostly not been able to sleep cause of my wrist i am guessing"

"Neat! So then we both hurt our wrists! That's so cool!" She said, flashing the girl a wide smile. Now we have something in common and all that!" Uh huh they did and something else they had in common was being in many similarities!

Saz Hale 09-07-2012 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo (Post 11191831)
"Neat! So then we both hurt our wrists! That's so cool!" She said, flashing the girl a wide smile. Now we have something in common and all that!" Uh huh they did and something else they had in common was being in many similarities!

Arabella-Marie smiled and said "Yeah well i guess it is neat but i fear that my wrist is broken because i have been in quite a lot of pain"

DaniDiNardo 09-07-2012 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by Saz Hale (Post 11191960)
Arabella-Marie smiled and said "Yeah well i guess it is neat but i fear that my wrist is broken because i have been in quite a lot of pain"

"Hmm..nah." Lex said after a moment of thinking. "I don't think it's broken. My hurts a lot too but I've been told it's not and well...yours doesn't look broken..." Her head tilted as she gazed over at the girl's wrist.

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