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The streets of Hogsmeade are clean, cheerfully lit, and full of chatter with the store fronts advertising their wares. However, the alley behind the shops is dark, dank, and kinda... creepy. If you know anything at all about the school's history with the village, then you KNOW to avoid this place.
Also, it smells bad. Blame it on the rubbish bins, if you will.
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Originally Posted by sarahlooo
Milton had been walking down the edge of the main street slowly, glancing inside every building to look for potential Valentine's day gifts for Taryn. Yes, it was Valentine's day and he still had no idea what he was going to do for her. Maybe he would just just take her to that dorky tea shop and call it good.
He already had a Valentine's Day present in his pocket... but... well, that wasn't for Taryn. But she didn't know that. No one did except for him. And soon Anya, if he ever saw her that day. He wasn't going to go out and look for her though... He felt kind of guilty that he had bought her a Valentine's day gift and also slightly nervous for some reason.
As he walked past the back alley, a figure caught his attention. Milton had to do a double take before he realized it was her. HER. Anya. Milton stopped and looked at her for a moment. Well. That was kind of convenient. His hand wrapped around the small box in his pocket and he gave her a small smile before walking over to her. "Hey. What are you doing over here by yourself?"
Anya continued to scan the street looking for a certain Ravenclaw quidditch captain. And by "certain" she really meant the. Yup. She was waiting for Milton. In a back alley. On Valentine's Day.
Like the weirdo she was.
It wasn't her fault though... she just... needed to make Milton something. Like... back in primary school when she got all excited for candy from everyone. That was how she felt right then. ...minus the fact that that wasn't how she felt.
And now that she actually spotted him she felt suddenly panicky and guilty. She should just... leave. Before he saw her. What was she thinking anyway? Who makes their... umm... their Milton... something on Valentine's Day?
She looked down at the ground for a minute trying to decide what she should say. Finally she just held out the blue Tupperware toward him. "Imadeyouastrawberrycrepethismorning."
Ehh. That was a good enough answer.
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
Milton waited for Anya to say hello back or hug him or smile or something, but... nothing? Milton raised an eyebrow and glanced down at the blue container that Anya held between the two of them. Then he heard her speak and he couldn't help but smile. The kind of smile that started small, but slowly grew into a grin.
Taking the blue container, Milton lifted it up a little and looked inside, still grinning. "You made me a strawberry crepe." He even chuckled a little bit and shook his head. "That's... Wonderful. Thank you." His smile softened and he meant it. Anya was just... adorable. He wondered if this was for Valentine's day specifically, but he was kind of too afraid to ask.
"I erm... I got you something." For Valentine's day. Even though she wasn't his Valentine. She was just... his Anya. Milton grasped the small box in his pocket again, but didn't take it out. A little flood of guilt ran through his mind, but he shoved it away. This was totally innocent. Just... friends... exchanging gifts on a holiday.
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Originally Posted by sarahlooo
Milton waited for Anya to say hello back or hug him or smile or something, but... nothing? Milton raised an eyebrow and glanced down at the blue container that Anya held between the two of them. Then he heard her speak and he couldn't help but smile. The kind of smile that started small, but slowly grew into a grin.
Taking the blue container, Milton lifted it up a little and looked inside, still grinning. "You made me a strawberry crepe." He even chuckled a little bit and shook his head. "That's... Wonderful. Thank you." His smile softened and he meant it. Anya was just... adorable. He wondered if this was for Valentine's day specifically, but he was kind of too afraid to ask.
"I erm... I got you something." For Valentine's day. Even though she wasn't his Valentine. She was just... his Anya. Milton grasped the small box in his pocket again, but didn't take it out. A little flood of guilt ran through his mind, but he shoved it away. This was totally innocent. Just... friends... exchanging gifts on a holiday.
Anya looked up and nodded. Yeah... she made a crepe. She tilted her head to side before smiling. "Really?" she asked. "... I mean... It's... just a crepe. No big deal... I wasn't even sure if it was..." Appropriate? "Anyway. Yeah. I just... felt like I needed to give you..." Something? "...acrepe."
Alright. She could go now, right? Because she probably should. She had Valentine's stuff to do. With Jake.
Milton say what?
"You... you... yougotmesomething?" she asked. That was... unexpected. She kind of felt silly all morning. But... he got her something too. Maybe... she should have done something more than make a crepe?
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
Originally Posted by LilFox06
Anya looked up and nodded. Yeah... she made a crepe. She tilted her head to side before smiling. "Really?" she asked. "... I mean... It's... just a crepe. No big deal... I wasn't even sure if it was..." Appropriate? "Anyway. Yeah. I just... felt like I needed to give you..." Something? "...acrepe."
Alright. She could go now, right? Because she probably should. She had Valentine's stuff to do. With Jake.
Milton say what?
"You... you... yougotmesomething?" she asked. That was... unexpected. She kind of felt silly all morning. But... he got her something too. Maybe... she should have done something more than make a crepe?
Looking down at Anya again, Milton really couldn't help but smile at her. She was being all sweet and cute, kind of like she normally was, but a little different. He loved it. "I'm sure it will be delicious." He was actually really excited to eat it. He hadn't eaten in a few hours. "Really, thank you. That was really nice of you to... think of me." Especially on Valentine's Day when... she probably shouldn't have, but he had done the same thing, so he didn't really have room to talk.
Milton nodded a little and finally took the black box out of his pocket. "Here," he said quietly. Once she opened it, she would find a pretty necklace that he had picked out for her. For this occasion specifically.
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Originally Posted by sarahlooo
Looking down at Anya again, Milton really couldn't help but smile at her. She was being all sweet and cute, kind of like she normally was, but a little different. He loved it. "I'm sure it will be delicious." He was actually really excited to eat it. He hadn't eaten in a few hours. "Really, thank you. That was really nice of you to... think of me." Especially on Valentine's Day when... she probably shouldn't have, but he had done the same thing, so he didn't really have room to talk.
Milton nodded a little and finally took the black box out of his pocket. "Here," he said quietly. Once she opened it, she would find a pretty necklace that he had picked out for her. For this occasion specifically.
Anya nodded. "Hopefully. I might have to reevaluate my life if I can't make a proper crepe." she said with a little laugh.
She'd... ignore the second part. She still couldn't come up with proper wording to acknowledge or even explain why she felt the need to make something. And she'd just... rather not attempt to.
She smiled as she accepted the box. She opened it. The smile was gradually replaced with a confused one. It was also accompanied with several blinks.
"Milton... this is beautiful..." And heart-shaped. And gold. And shiny. And...
and she gave him food...
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
Originally Posted by LilFox06
Anya nodded. "Hopefully. I might have to reevaluate my life if I can't make a proper crepe." she said with a little laugh.
She'd... ignore the second part. She still couldn't come up with proper wording to acknowledge or even explain why she felt the need to make something. And she'd just... rather not attempt to.
She smiled as she accepted the box. She opened it. The smile was gradually replaced with a confused one. It was also accompanied with several blinks.
"Milton... this is beautiful..." And heart-shaped. And gold. And shiny. And...
and she gave him food...
Milton chuckled quietly at her remark. "I can't even make toast, so I think you're fine." Oh, the joys of being rich and spoiled as a child. Not that Milton minded having house elves cook his every meal, but... he burned toast. That was just sad.
Milton watched Anya open the box and waited for her reaction. He saw the look on her face, but she looked... confused? He smiled when she said it was beautiful. Just like her."You like it?" he asked quietly, trying not to grin too much. He had seen it a while ago and couldn't help but think of Anya... which was probably bad... but he had to buy it for her. And he was glad he did.
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Originally Posted by sarahlooo
Milton chuckled quietly at her remark. "I can't even make toast, so I think you're fine." Oh, the joys of being rich and spoiled as a child. Not that Milton minded having house elves cook his every meal, but... he burned toast. That was just sad.
Milton watched Anya open the box and waited for her reaction. He saw the look on her face, but she looked... confused? He smiled when she said it was beautiful. Just like her."You like it?" he asked quietly, trying not to grin too much. He had seen it a while ago and couldn't help but think of Anya... which was probably bad... but he had to buy it for her. And he was glad he did.
Yeah. Anya knew all too well about Milton's lack of any sort of domestic skill. It was cute... in one of those helpless spoiled "D'aww" ways.
Like he was a puppy! A really attractive puppy.
She stared at the necklace with wide eyes. "I do." she said still completely stunned. "It's... wow..." She looked up at him and back down to the necklace.
"Why?" That came out wrong already. Umm... what was she trying to say anyway...?
Finally she settled on something.
"If this is for me, I'd love to be Taryn right now."
Yeah. That was... sort of kind of what she was trying to say.
Ish. Maybe.
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
Originally Posted by LilFox06
Yeah. Anya knew all too well about Milton's lack of any sort of domestic skill. It was cute... in one of those helpless spoiled "D'aww" ways.
Like he was a puppy! A really attractive puppy.
She stared at the necklace with wide eyes. "I do." she said still completely stunned. "It's... wow..." She looked up at him and back down to the necklace.
"Why?" That came out wrong already. Umm... what was she trying to say anyway...?
Finally she settled on something.
"If this is for me, I'd love to be Taryn right now."
Yeah. That was... sort of kind of what she was trying to say.
Ish. Maybe.
Milton was going to take Anya's speechlessness as a good sign. That was a good sign, right? Because usually women were chatty and talkative, but now she was almost completely silent. That could either be really good or really bad, but... Milton knew Anya. It was a good thing.
Why? Milton shifted a little as he thought about how to answer that. "Because... I like you. You're my best friend..." Milton glanced at the main street quickly before taking a step closer to Anya. "And you mean a lot to me. I couldn't... not get you something." Double negatives. Eh, whatever.
She'd love to be Taryn right now? Milton pressed his lips together as he tried to figure out what exactly she meant by that. Literally right now? Probably not because Taryn was... well, he didn't know where she was, but Anya probably didn't either. So maybe she meant... figuratively? And that she wanted to be his girlfriend? Or maybe she just meant that she wanted to see what he got Taryn for Valentine's day. Which was.... nothing. Yet. Crud. Milton laughed, slightly nervously. "Yeah, I doubt that," he finally replied, rubbing the back of his neck.
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Originally Posted by sarahlooo
Milton was going to take Anya's speechlessness as a good sign. That was a good sign, right? Because usually women were chatty and talkative, but now she was almost completely silent. That could either be really good or really bad, but... Milton knew Anya. It was a good thing.
Why? Milton shifted a little as he thought about how to answer that. "Because... I like you. You're my best friend..." Milton glanced at the main street quickly before taking a step closer to Anya. "And you mean a lot to me. I couldn't... not get you something." Double negatives. Eh, whatever.
She'd love to be Taryn right now? Milton pressed his lips together as he tried to figure out what exactly she meant by that. Literally right now? Probably not because Taryn was... well, he didn't know where she was, but Anya probably didn't either. So maybe she meant... figuratively? And that she wanted to be his girlfriend? Or maybe she just meant that she wanted to see what he got Taryn for Valentine's day. Which was.... nothing. Yet. Crud. Milton laughed, slightly nervously. "Yeah, I doubt that," he finally replied, rubbing the back of his neck.
Anya grinned down at the necklace. She ran a finger around the outside of it. At least they had similar feelings. So... she didn't feel as stupid waking up this morning wanting to give him something.
Even though a crepe was a bit stupid in comparison.
Wait... what?
She blinked several times before looking at him. She tilted her head to the side for a second. "... what do you mean by that?" Were things not well between them?
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
Originally Posted by LilFox06
Anya grinned down at the necklace. She ran a finger around the outside of it. At least they had similar feelings. So... she didn't feel as stupid waking up this morning wanting to give him something.
Even though a crepe was a bit stupid in comparison.
Wait... what?
She blinked several times before looking at him. She tilted her head to the side for a second. "... what do you mean by that?" Were things not well between them?
Milton continued to smile at Anya while she stared at her new necklace and played with it. He was so relieved and pleased that she liked it. Now he just needed to figure something out for his... actual Valentine. Taryn. Huh.
At Anya's question, Milton took a deep breath and sighed, his breath coming out as a visible white cloud. He stuffed his hands into his coat pockets. "I, erm... I have no idea what I'm doing for her. For Valentine's day. And... it's today." And that was obviously a problem. And it probably didn't help that he was THERE, with Anya and not with Taryn, wherever she was.
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Originally Posted by sarahlooo
Milton continued to smile at Anya while she stared at her new necklace and played with it. He was so relieved and pleased that she liked it. Now he just needed to figure something out for his... actual Valentine. Taryn. Huh.
At Anya's question, Milton took a deep breath and sighed, his breath coming out as a visible white cloud. He stuffed his hands into his coat pockets. "I, erm... I have no idea what I'm doing for her. For Valentine's day. And... it's today." And that was obviously a problem. And it probably didn't help that he was THERE, with Anya and not with Taryn, wherever she was.
Anya continued blinking. ...did... did he just...?
She looked down at her new necklace and back at him. She probably should insist that he give it to his girlfriend. But... she was feeling selfish. And she didn't want to.
Itwasjustsoshiny. Anditwashers. ...even though it was Valentine's Day.
"You should get her something." she said finally. "And take her to that cute shop. And order something that she'll like for her." Girls liked that sort of thing.
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
Originally Posted by LilFox06
Anya continued blinking. ...did... did he just...?
She looked down at her new necklace and back at him. She probably should insist that he give it to his girlfriend. But... she was feeling selfish. And she didn't want to.
Itwasjustsoshiny. Anditwashers. ...even though it was Valentine's Day.
"You should get her something." she said finally. "And take her to that cute shop. And order something that she'll like for her." Girls liked that sort of thing.
Milton watched Anya and glanced at the necklace he had just given her. And started feeling really bad for Taryn. He had gotten a gift for Anya, his... his friend, but not for Taryn, his girlfriend. Not YET, anyway. He would have to think of something very quickly.
He sighed and nodded. "Yeah, I know. I'll figure something out. Soon." Because he only had a few hours left and it was kind of important for girls, right? Milton glanced at the main street again before looking back at Anya and the necklace. "I guess this is my cue to go..."
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Originally Posted by sarahlooo
Milton watched Anya and glanced at the necklace he had just given her. And started feeling really bad for Taryn. He had gotten a gift for Anya, his... his friend, but not for Taryn, his girlfriend. Not YET, anyway. He would have to think of something very quickly.
He sighed and nodded. "Yeah, I know. I'll figure something out. Soon." Because he only had a few hours left and it was kind of important for girls, right? Milton glanced at the main street again before looking back at Anya and the necklace. "I guess this is my cue to go..."
Anya nodded. "Good. You do that." she said quietly. She fought the urge to feel guilty. And conceited. She was just... easy to shop for. Yeah. That was it.
Right. She should probably go too.
She nodded once more and turned to go. She got a few steps before turning around and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. Or corner of his mouth. She wasn't really paying attention."Thanks. I love it." Because she couldn't remember if she actually thanked him yet.
And then she slid the box into her pocket. She took a few steps out into the street. She then gave him a small wave over her shoulder before heading down the street.
Now. Boyfriend. Where was Jake today?
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
Originally Posted by LilFox06
Anya nodded. "Good. You do that." she said quietly. She fought the urge to feel guilty. And conceited. She was just... easy to shop for. Yeah. That was it.
Right. She should probably go too.
She nodded once more and turned to go. She got a few steps before turning around and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. Or corner of his mouth. She wasn't really paying attention."Thanks. I love it." Because she couldn't remember if she actually thanked him yet.
And then she slid the box into her pocket. She took a few steps out into the street. She then gave him a small wave over her shoulder before heading down the street.
Now. Boyfriend. Where was Jake today?
Milton nodded again. He would do that. Once he collected his thoughts again. His not-Anya-thoughts.
Blink. She was leaving already? That was abrupt and- Oh. Milton almost thought she was going to kiss him on the lips which he might not have minded cough what. But it was definitely on the corner of the mouth. Which was... good. He couldn't even try to fight the smile that showed on his face. "You're welcome, Anya. Happy Valentine's day." And before she could leave again, Milton left a kiss on her forehead.
He watched her leave and waved back at her before she disappeared down the street. Then he took his leave because... it was Valentine's day. Which meant he should probably be with his girlfriend. Right...
Pinkaholic | Teddy | S♥NE | Twinkle! | Baekhyun's wifey l K-pop lover | Dancing Queen l
Making her way through the back alley, a big grin appeared on her face after this whole long day being at Hogsmeade and especially her favourite shop here, the Honeydukes. Anyway now she was even more excited at meeting the apple boy as they both agreed to meet here and hang out together right? She couldn't help but entering the alley with a small hops and jumps.
She leaned her back to the cold wall and waited as she began to rock on her feet back and forth. "Where are you, Gary?"she whispered to herself as she looked down on the box she had carried with her. Hopefully he would like it.
Sweet lollipop, you're my lollipop. If I call you, you must not go away. You are the potion of my life, you are the sweetness that I have.♥♥♥♥♥
BOOMBAYAH! | #PuedoPorquePiensoQuePuedo | Certified Blank and Random Person | Raventastic
Originally Posted by Dan and Emma<3
Making her way through the back alley, a big grin appeared on her face after this whole long day being at Hogsmeade and especially her favourite shop here, the Honeydukes. Anyway now she was even more excited at meeting the apple boy as they both agreed to meet here and hang out together right? She couldn't help but entering the alley with a small hops and jumps.
She leaned her back to the cold wall and waited as she began to rock on her feet back and forth. "Where are you, Gary?"she whispered to herself as she looked down on the box she had carried with her. Hopefully he would like it.
How long that he didn't visit this place?
The blonde guy decided to come to the Hogsmeade.. Because he'd promised to Tiffany that they will meet there. Even when he stepped his feet to the Hogsmeade, the mysterious voice still whispered at his ears. Bloody hell. Didn't you remember with whom you visited this place for the first time?Having butterbeer together and shopping around? said it. For Merlin's sake, he had a good damn photographic memory! But sometimes he wished that he didn't have that.
Gary tried to ignore that mysterious voice. He had moved on from it. For him, Zhenya was just a girl from his past, not more than it. Okay, we stop talking about that. By the way? Was he too early? He didn't see the childish little gryffindor girl around this. Nah, he meant Tiffany actually. Where was she? Did she forgot or something? He waited for her at the main street until he realized..
How could he forgot that they decided to meet each other at the back alley? Bad Gary.. Hehehe. So he walked to the back alley and... Guess who was waiting there? Tiffany of course. Hehehe. Looked like she had been waiting for a long time. Had she? Didn't know. But suddenly he had an idea to trick her. Silently he walked without she realized it and his palms covered her eyes. He didn't speak any words but just coughed a bit.
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ It's a fairytale evening, and you want the entire event to be totally dazzling and
a real experience with the friendliest people around you.
Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good
Cassia was pretty excited for this hogsmeade trip she was going on this weekend. She even wrote a list of things she wanted to buy because her candy stash was in danger and she had to refill it. And as she walked through the main street she retrieved the list from her bag and started reading to decide from which shop she was going to start her shopping trip. And she might have gotten lost in thoughts because the next thing she knew that she was in the Back Alley. *GULP*
The second-year's feet got glued to the ground. She wasn't planing on coming here! She shook her head feeling stupid that she got afraid because of this. She was going to turn thirteen in a couple of months. She squared her shoulders and looked around. Nothing scary here....just a bit dark. There were even other students here. She convinced herself. Though the smell was kinda not pleasant. She could bear it. And come to think of it ,Cassia never came here. Maybe she could stick around and do a little discovering.
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'myours
Pinkaholic | Teddy | S♥NE | Twinkle! | Baekhyun's wifey l K-pop lover | Dancing Queen l
SPOILER!!: Mr. kidnapper xD
Originally Posted by RandomRaven
How long that he didn't visit this place?
The blonde guy decided to come to the Hogsmeade.. Because he'd promised to Tiffany that they will meet there. Even when he stepped his feet to the Hogsmeade, the mysterious voice still whispered at his ears. Bloody hell. Didn't you remember with whom you visited this place for the first time?Having butterbeer together and shopping around? said it. For Merlin's sake, he had a good damn photographic memory! But sometimes he wished that he didn't have that.
Gary tried to ignore that mysterious voice. He had moved on from it. For him, Zhenya was just a girl from his past, not more than it. Okay, we stop talking about that. By the way? Was he too early? He didn't see the childish little gryffindor girl around this. Nah, he meant Tiffany actually. Where was she? Did she forgot or something? He waited for her at the main street until he realized..
How could he forgot that they decided to meet each other at the back alley? Bad Gary.. Hehehe. So he walked to the back alley and... Guess who was waiting there? Tiffany of course. Hehehe. Looked like she had been waiting for a long time. Had she? Didn't know. But suddenly he had an idea to trick her. Silently he walked without she realized it and his palms covered her eyes. He didn't speak any words but just coughed a bit.
Tiffany waited as patiently as she could while she kept looking at her watch from time to time. With the box in her hand, she suddenly had a feeling of regret. Maybe she shouldn't be giving this to Gary, not during this time being when he had just broken up with his girlfriend. Besides he didn't like eating any kinds of sweets right? So would it be better if she didn't give the chocolate to him?
She then stopped rocking on her feet and decided to go to somewhere else where the apple boy wouldn't notice and put the box aside, or give it to someone else and let him or her take the box of chocolate away. Just as she was about to do so, she could feel someone coming from behind as the footsteps were coming closer and closer. She wanted to turn around to see if it was Mr. Late but then her eyes were covered all of a sudden.
"W-what...who are you?"she shouted as she tried to get away from that person's grip but it was so hard that she couldn't be able to escape. Was he a kidnapper or something that he wanted to take her home and call her mum for money afterwards? With her hands trembling, she murmured,"I know magic and I can hex you whenever I want. So...don't you dare hurt me a bit." She tried to sound convincing and strong but clearly deep down inside she was really terrified.
She was just a child after all. At least she thought she was.
Sweet lollipop, you're my lollipop. If I call you, you must not go away. You are the potion of my life, you are the sweetness that I have.♥♥♥♥♥
Cassia was pretty excited for this hogsmeade trip she was going on this weekend. She even wrote a list of things she wanted to buy because her candy stash was in danger and she had to refill it. And as she walked through the main street she retrieved the list from her bag and started reading to decide from which shop she was going to start her shopping trip. And she might have gotten lost in thoughts because the next thing she knew that she was in the Back Alley. *GULP*
The second-year's feet got glued to the ground. She wasn't planing on coming here! She shook her head feeling stupid that she got afraid because of this. She was going to turn thirteen in a couple of months. She squared her shoulders and looked around. Nothing scary here....just a bit dark. There were even other students here. She convinced herself. Though the smell was kinda not pleasant. She could bear it. And come to think of it ,Cassia never came here. Maybe she could stick around and do a little discovering.
Laura walked as fast as she could to the Back Alleyway, she was wondering what to do first, she wanted to play a trick on something or someone suddenly she saw Cassia and she decided to have some fun with her, sneaking upto her friend, she slowly and quietly walked upto her and then at the last minute she shouted. "BOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" She also touched Cassia arm hoping it would scare her, it was a laugh right.
BOOMBAYAH! | #PuedoPorquePiensoQuePuedo | Certified Blank and Random Person | Raventastic
SPOILER!!: the kidnapped little girl XD
Originally Posted by Dan and Emma<3
Tiffany waited as patiently as she could while she kept looking at her watch from time to time. With the box in her hand, she suddenly had a feeling of regret. Maybe she shouldn't be giving this to Gary, not during this time being when he had just broken up with his girlfriend. Besides he didn't like eating any kinds of sweets right? So would it be better if she didn't give the chocolate to him?
She then stopped rocking on her feet and decided to go to somewhere else where the apple boy wouldn't notice and put the box aside, or give it to someone else and let him or her take the box of chocolate away. Just as she was about to do so, she could feel someone coming from behind as the footsteps were coming closer and closer. She wanted to turn around to see if it was Mr. Late but then her eyes were covered all of a sudden.
"W-what...who are you?"she shouted as she tried to get away from that person's grip but it was so hard that she couldn't be able to escape. Was he a kidnapper or something that he wanted to take her home and call her mum for money afterwards? With her hands trembling, she murmured,"I know magic and I can hex you whenever I want. So...don't you dare hurt me a bit." She tried to sound convincing and strong but clearly deep down inside she was really terrified.
She was just a child after all. At least she thought she was.
"W-what...who are you? I know magic and I can hex you whenever I want. So...don't you dare hurt me a bit."
*major blink*
Huh? Did she think that he was a mean person who wanted to hurt him? She really didn't know who he was? HAHAHA! Gary really wanted to laugh loudly. But his mischievous brain thought not to. Suddenly he got an idea to continue this. With his deep, cold and threatened voice the blonde guy started to talk.
"Apparently you didn't need to know who am I now."Exhales. "I just want to ask you a question: What. are. you. doing. in. my. area. Little girl." He continued and still, trying not to laugh. This would be so amusing. Well, maybe he's quite mean now. At first he didn't want to do this, but she just gave him the idea. So, who's fault is it? Hehehe.
Tiffany, why you were so blunt?
"Remembered that someone had ever treated you like this now? Covering your eyes with her palms? Don't you remember it, Gerald?"And then.. the mysterious voice came to disturb him again. Argh, how could it annoyed him so much? Who was that? And why the voice liked to disturb him so much? Stop it, okay? He did remember the things because he had photographic memories, but he didn't want to remember them. He'd moved on for sure!
Nothing could disturb him for now! Especially about... that, okay?
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ It's a fairytale evening, and you want the entire event to be totally dazzling and
a real experience with the friendliest people around you.
Pinkaholic | Teddy | S♥NE | Twinkle! | Baekhyun's wifey l K-pop lover | Dancing Queen l
SPOILER!!: Too scary for a little kid like Tiff xD
Originally Posted by RandomRaven
"W-what...who are you? I know magic and I can hex you whenever I want. So...don't you dare hurt me a bit."
*major blink*
Huh? Did she think that he was a mean person who wanted to hurt him? She really didn't know who he was? HAHAHA! Gary really wanted to laugh loudly. But his mischievous brain thought not to. Suddenly he got an idea to continue this. With his deep, cold and threatened voice the blonde guy started to talk.
"Apparently you didn't need to know who am I now."Exhales. "I just want to ask you a question: What. are. you. doing. in. my. area. Little girl." He continued and still, trying not to laugh. This would be so amusing. Well, maybe he's quite mean now. At first he didn't want to do this, but she just gave him the idea. So, who's fault is it? Hehehe.
Tiffany, why you were so blunt?
"Remembered that someone had ever treated you like this now? Covering your eyes with her palms? Don't you remember it, Gerald?"And then.. the mysterious voice came to disturb him again. Argh, how could it annoyed him so much? Who was that? And why the voice liked to disturb him so much? Stop it, okay? He did remember the things because he had photographic memories, but he didn't want to remember them. He'd moved on for sure!
Nothing could disturb him for now! Especially about... that, okay?
Tiffany was trying her very best not to let her trembling and shivering to be noticed by this kidnapper who came out from nowhere but apparently she couldn't. She didn't know what she should do right now. Should she take out her wand and try to cast a spell or something so as to get herself away from the man's grip? Or should she wait for her dearest Gary to come and rescue her?
Speaking of Gary, where did he go? Did he forget about their 'date' or was it her fault, did she mistaken the time that they both agreed on meeting? Whatever. She just had to deal with this dangerous man right now.
Taking out her wand from her pocket secretly, she held onto her breath, thinking of what kind of spells she should cast on him. Something not harmful at all but can scare him away. What if he decided to fight with her? He must have known magic too or else he wouldn't be here or to have known this place. She took the wand out slowly as she tried to stop her hands from trembling but it was too late. There it went, fell onto the ground with just a blink of an eye.
"Why...do you have to k-know?"she replied as she bite on her lip harder and harder. She should never tell this man anything about herself, that's what her parents also told her. Not to talk with strangers,especially unfriendly ones like him. "W-what do you want?" she whispered, crossing her fingers, hoping that the apple boy would come all of a sudden and save her. If only her mum were here to help or... maybe the apple boy was around and he would run to her once she called out his name.
Now it was really stupid and silly to do so but she got to try this once. Whether he could hear it or not. Maybe not him but someone else in the village, that's perfectly fine too. "GARYYYYYYYYYYY! HELPPPPPPPPPPP!"she shouted as loudly as she could.
Sweet lollipop, you're my lollipop. If I call you, you must not go away. You are the potion of my life, you are the sweetness that I have.♥♥♥♥♥
BOOMBAYAH! | #PuedoPorquePiensoQuePuedo | Certified Blank and Random Person | Raventastic
SPOILER!!: THIS really cracks me up XD
Originally Posted by Dan and Emma<3
Tiffany was trying her very best not to let her trembling and shivering to be noticed by this kidnapper who came out from nowhere but apparently she couldn't. She didn't know what she should do right now. Should she take out her wand and try to cast a spell or something so as to get herself away from the man's grip? Or should she wait for her dearest Gary to come and rescue her?
Speaking of Gary, where did he go? Did he forget about their 'date' or was it her fault, did she mistaken the time that they both agreed on meeting? Whatever. She just had to deal with this dangerous man right now.
Taking out her wand from her pocket secretly, she held onto her breath, thinking of what kind of spells she should cast on him. Something not harmful at all but can scare him away. What if he decided to fight with her? He must have known magic too or else he wouldn't be here or to have known this place. She took the wand out slowly as she tried to stop her hands from trembling but it was too late. There it went, fell onto the ground with just a blink of an eye.
"Why...do you have to k-know?"she replied as she bite on her lip harder and harder. She should never tell this man anything about herself, that's what her parents also told her. Not to talk with strangers,especially unfriendly ones like him. "W-what do you want?" she whispered, crossing her fingers, hoping that the apple boy would come all of a sudden and save her. If only her mum were here to help or... maybe the apple boy was around and he would run to her once she called out his name.
Now it was really stupid and silly to do so but she got to try this once. Whether he could hear it or not. Maybe not him but someone else in the village, that's perfectly fine too. "GARYYYYYYYYYYY! HELPPPPPPPPPPP!"she shouted as loudly as she could.
Apparently, Gerald Rush had been the most evil prankster in the universe now. But well, actually his purpose was for fun, right? Why she really thought that he was a mean person who wanted to try disturb her? Merlin's beard.. You are the most innocent girl that he'd ever met. Ever. The blonde guy could notice that Tiffany was so scared right now. Did he? How could she didn't recognize his voice? It wasn't change right? (Okay, it just turned deeper and colder. That's all.)
"Well.." Then he continued. "I just want to know, because it's not usual a little girl come over here." Hehehe.. Somehow, he enjoyed this. Nah, at least it could make him distracted from.. Yeah, at least the mysterious voice didn't disturb him more right now. His blue eyes caught that she took her wand from her pocket. Heh? This is getting so.. serious. She really wanted to hex him or something? Oh, come on Tiffany. He was kidding. And... this is really getting serious when she shouted his name...
*epic fail*
Okay, he couldn't help himself now. And now he stopped covering her eyes and now he covered his mouth and.. "Shhh... Calm down! Gerald's here." said him casually, trying not to laugh but...
Gary couldn't resist it much! Suddenly he laughed loudly. Well, it was funny he thought. Make her freaking out and wanted to cry. *Shakes head* You're so mean, Gerald Rush!
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ It's a fairytale evening, and you want the entire event to be totally dazzling and
a real experience with the friendliest people around you.
Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good
Originally Posted by Harry174
Laura walked as fast as she could to the Back Alleyway, she was wondering what to do first, she wanted to play a trick on something or someone suddenly she saw Cassia and she decided to have some fun with her, sneaking upto her friend, she slowly and quietly walked upto her and then at the last minute she shouted. "BOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" She also touched Cassia arm hoping it would scare her, it was a laugh right.
The second-year was standing and telling herself that everything was alright and nothing could go wrong. She was pushing all the thoughts about Dark and evil creatures awaaaaay. And especially all the creepy things that have been occurring at the castle lately. She needed positive and optimistic ideas. However, when a voice sounded and something brushed her arm, Cassia jumped and backed terrified. Though it took her only a glance to see that it was Laura who seemed to think it was funny.
Regaining her breath and trying to control her drumming heart, Cassia stepped closer to Laura and folded her arms across her chest," That was not funny Laura," She said frowning. "I could've hexed you." Well, taking out her wand wasn't really her first reflex but she was planning to make it so. So might as well pretend that her reflexes were fast and effective." And what are you doing here anyway?" Because you know Hufflepuffs don't wander around back Allies....Slytherins do. Well, brave ones, Cassia was here by accident. But she was going to claim otherwise.
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'myours
The second-year was standing and telling herself that everything was alright and nothing could go wrong. She was pushing all the thoughts about Dark and evil creatures awaaaaay. And especially all the creepy things that have been occurring at the castle lately. She needed positive and optimistic ideas. However, when a voice sounded and something brushed her arm, Cassia jumped and backed terrified. Though it took her only a glance to see that it was Laura who seemed to think it was funny.
Regaining her breath and trying to control her drumming heart, Cassia stepped closer to Laura and folded her arms across her chest," That was not funny Laura," She said frowning. "I could've hexed you." Well, taking out her wand wasn't really her first reflex but she was planning to make it so. So might as well pretend that her reflexes were fast and effective." And what are you doing here anyway?" Because you know Hufflepuffs don't wander around back Allies....Slytherins do. Well, brave ones, Cassia was here by accident. But she was going to claim otherwise.
Laura looked at Cassia and giggled. "I thought it was funny." Laura smiled at her friend. "I don't think you would have." Laura could have sworn that Cassia had jumped really high when she got scared, then Cassia was asking her what she was doing here. "I thought I'd see how many people I could scare." Laura giggled. "Though this alley isn't really scary.
Pinkaholic | Teddy | S♥NE | Twinkle! | Baekhyun's wifey l K-pop lover | Dancing Queen l
SPOILER!!: He is so mean xD *shifty*
Originally Posted by RandomRaven
Apparently, Gerald Rush had been the most evil prankster in the universe now. But well, actually his purpose was for fun, right? Why she really thought that he was a mean person who wanted to try disturb her? Merlin's beard.. You are the most innocent girl that he'd ever met. Ever. The blonde guy could notice that Tiffany was so scared right now. Did he? How could she didn't recognize his voice? It wasn't change right? (Okay, it just turned deeper and colder. That's all.)
"Well.." Then he continued. "I just want to know, because it's not usual a little girl come over here." Hehehe.. Somehow, he enjoyed this. Nah, at least it could make him distracted from.. Yeah, at least the mysterious voice didn't disturb him more right now. His blue eyes caught that she took her wand from her pocket. Heh? This is getting so.. serious. She really wanted to hex him or something? Oh, come on Tiffany. He was kidding. And... this is really getting serious when she shouted his name...
*epic fail*
Okay, he couldn't help himself now. And now he stopped covering her eyes and now he covered his mouth and.. "Shhh... Calm down! Gerald's here." said him casually, trying not to laugh but...
Gary couldn't resist it much! Suddenly he laughed loudly. Well, it was funny he thought. Make her freaking out and wanted to cry. *Shakes head* You're so mean, Gerald Rush!
Shhh... Calm down! Gerald's here.
It took the lioness a few second to fully digest this sentence. Why was the kidnapper saying that the apple boy was here or was he really here to save her from this evil man? Tiffany blinked and for a few minutes she just stood there, stopped her endless shouting and blinked. What was going on? She got herself out from his grip and turned around. It was only then she found out that the evil kidnapper was actually...Mr. Rush himself.
"You scared me to death, Gerald Rush. Seriously,"she shouted loudly. She was actually a bit angry about the fact that she was being tricked by the silly apple boy. However at the same time, she was embarrassed. She was embarrassed that she had dropped her wand in front of this special friend of hers and of her shouting out his name like a crazy person. "I...I don't know what I'm going to say. I was just so scared!" she finished her sentence as the snake burst himself into laughter which made her even angrier. Blushing, she pouted a bit and kept hitting him as the only to express her anger. Maybe she shouldn't give him his birthday present because he has played such tricks on her.
"I will just eat all the chocolate up which originally I has prepared for you,"she murmured, staring furiously at the box in her hand. Not only the chocolate, maybe she should also forfeit his present.
Sweet lollipop, you're my lollipop. If I call you, you must not go away. You are the potion of my life, you are the sweetness that I have.♥♥♥♥♥