-   Term 32: September - December 2012 (
-   -   Slytherin House Table (

BanaBatGirl 11-19-2012 07:39 PM

Slytherin House Table
by Victoria Bunbury (BanaBatGirl)

The Snakes sit under a bright green and silver banner representing their house. Their house colors are perhaps the least favored by the sunset, but will look the best when the candles start to light up the Hall.

Bloody Baron 12-03-2012 02:33 AM

The Baron floated into the End of Term feast, his head raised high. He floated THROUGH the Slytherin house table, not caring... He was going to make his way to the Staff Table... and these kids didn't deserve his attention. They were in third place...

He just kept going.

JennMarie 12-03-2012 03:00 AM

Anyyoneee.. quidditch players.. housemates.. Friendsss.. whaatever

the year was Overrrrr and they could FEAST and go home for the SUMMER! Who CARED that they were in 3rd place with house points or came in LAST in quidditch... ehh she didn't know about Gobstones but she'd figure it out by asking someone.. maybe .. but SUMMERRRRR. and FOOOD ariana was EXCITED as she skipped into the great hall and sat in her usual spot and oh HAI the bloody baron was passing through the table she gave him a wave... but he ignored her.. ugh mean jerk.. anyywayy.. where were her Snakee friendddsss?

Anna Banana 12-03-2012 03:41 AM

Sierra Greingoth frowned as she made her way into the Great Hall. Third place?! At least they hadn't been dead last again, but...third place was just about dead last. House Cup, Quidditch Cup, Gobstones Cup--all won by the other houses. She sighed and blew her bangs upward. At least she'd given it her all. She could walk away with at least that.

She slid into her seat and tried not to think about the fact that the Great Hall would soon be decorated in blue and bronze. "Logan," she said, giving her teammate a nod of her head. There weren't very many people here yet. Maybe they were all still off somewhere...celebrating their wins.

The1HBIC 12-03-2012 04:09 AM


Originally Posted by Anna Banana (Post 11272150)
Sierra Greingoth frowned as she made her way into the Great Hall. Third place?! At least they hadn't been dead last again, but...third place was just about dead last. House Cup, Quidditch Cup, Gobstones Cup--all won by the other houses. She sighed and blew her bangs upward. At least she'd given it her all. She could walk away with at least that.

She slid into her seat and tried not to think about the fact that the Great Hall would soon be decorated in blue and bronze. "Logan," she said, giving her teammate a nod of her head. There weren't very many people here yet. Maybe they were all still off somewhere...celebrating their wins.

Healer Tillstorm slowly made her way to the Great Hall for the end of term feast. She really wasn't in any hurry for the night to end. The end of the night just meant tomorrow was the start of summer. A summer she had no plans for, and even if she had plans, she had no one to spend them with. Sure, she would be going home to visit her family but other than that, nothing.

As she made her way through the doors of the Great Hall she looked around. Not many students or staff had shown up yet. In fact, she didn't see any staff members there yet. The only one she seen sitting at the staff table was the Bloody Baron. What was he doing there? Eh, she'd find that out later.

Scanning the Slytherin table she found her favorite prefect. Perfect. She had been hoping to talk to the girl before term ended. "Hello Sierra. Mind if I sit with you for a moment?" She wouldn't take up too much of the girls time. She was sure Sierra would rather spend her time tonight with her friends than she would with the school healer.

lazykitty 12-03-2012 04:15 AM

For anyone ;)
There was no way that she was wearing her uniform to the Closing Feast. Nope, uh-uh, no siree. Besides technically, there was nothing anyone could do about it, since she was graduating and all. So that's why Emmanuelle was dressed as she was. Anyway, she entered the Great Hall for what would be the final time and immeadately found herself a seat, avoiding the memory book and the graduation ceremony for now. There was plenty of time for that later. For now, though, she just wanted to sit with her house one more time and try not to think of what's next or anything like that.

JennMarie 12-03-2012 04:50 AM


Originally Posted by Anna Banana (Post 11272150)
Sierra Greingoth frowned as she made her way into the Great Hall. Third place?! At least they hadn't been dead last again, but...third place was just about dead last. House Cup, Quidditch Cup, Gobstones Cup--all won by the other houses. She sighed and blew her bangs upward. At least she'd given it her all. She could walk away with at least that.

She slid into her seat and tried not to think about the fact that the Great Hall would soon be decorated in blue and bronze. "Logan," she said, giving her teammate a nod of her head. There weren't very many people here yet. Maybe they were all still off somewhere...celebrating their wins.

*Yawnnnn* ariana had her head in her hands where was everyybodyyyy? Hudson? Odessa? Captain? psshh at this point she'd talk to Johanson really. she was just bored & missed being a social butterfuly.. kinda.. Untill Someone sat down across from her. "Oh Hey Griengoth!"
Yayy people and it was someone she sorta could stand to be around. "can't believe it's the end of term already." really the year just ZOOMED by heh zoomed... made her think of quidditch.. she still had to think about weather she would return to tryout or not next term.. but no one needed to know she was debating not returning next term so it was alright.


Originally Posted by The1HBIC (Post 11272180)
Healer Tillstorm slowly made her way to the Great Hall for the end of term feast. She really wasn't in any hurry for the night to end. The end of the night just meant tomorrow was the start of summer. A summer she had no plans for, and even if she had plans, she had no one to spend them with. Sure, she would be going home to visit her family but other than that, nothing.

As she made her way through the doors of the Great Hall she looked around. Not many students or staff had shown up yet. In fact, she didn't see any staff members there yet. The only one she seen sitting at the staff table was the Bloody Baron. What was he doing there? Eh, she'd find that out later.

Scanning the Slytherin table she found her favorite prefect. Perfect. She had been hoping to talk to the girl before term ended. "Hello Sierra. Mind if I sit with you for a moment?" She wouldn't take up too much of the girls time. She was sure Sierra would rather spend her time tonight with her friends than she would with the school healer.

mind if i sit with you a moment!? sierra probably didn't mind but Ariana DID. they we're having a conversation here mean healer lady.. dont you got sick kids to take care of or something. ugh. Ariana hated a lot of things really she did. her parents, her brother, muggle studies, Alexa Cambridge.. and at the top of her list was healer tillstorm ugh what a RUDE lady really. she liked lafay mroe then her. ugh GO AWAY!

Anna Banana 12-03-2012 04:52 AM

Text Cut: The1HBIC

Originally Posted by The1HBIC (Post 11272180)
Healer Tillstorm slowly made her way to the Great Hall for the end of term feast. She really wasn't in any hurry for the night to end. The end of the night just meant tomorrow was the start of summer. A summer she had no plans for, and even if she had plans, she had no one to spend them with. Sure, she would be going home to visit her family but other than that, nothing.

As she made her way through the doors of the Great Hall she looked around. Not many students or staff had shown up yet. In fact, she didn't see any staff members there yet. The only one she seen sitting at the staff table was the Bloody Baron. What was he doing there? Eh, she'd find that out later.

Scanning the Slytherin table she found her favorite prefect. Perfect. She had been hoping to talk to the girl before term ended. "Hello Sierra. Mind if I sit with you for a moment?" She wouldn't take up too much of the girls time. She was sure Sierra would rather spend her time tonight with her friends than she would with the school healer.

Hearing her name, Sierra turned around, mainly expecting to see another student, especially one of her teammates. When she saw the Healer, she gave the woman a slight look of surprise. "Healer Tillstorm, I wasn't expected to see you here," she said, patting the seat beside her. "At the Slytherin table, I mean." Of course the woman would be at the feast.

She then looked at the woman expectantly, waiting to hear if she had something specific to talk to her about or if she was just saying hello. "The last time we had this feast, you told me my mother was pregnant and dying," she said. "This better news, right?" she asked. She didn't think she could take it if it wasn't.

The1HBIC 12-03-2012 05:21 AM

Yes, we see you Ariana, just not the one we want to talk to :)

Originally Posted by Anna Banana (Post 11272237)

Hearing her name, Sierra turned around, mainly expecting to see another student, especially one of her teammates. When she saw the Healer, she gave the woman a slight look of surprise. "Healer Tillstorm, I wasn't expected to see you here," she said, patting the seat beside her. "At the Slytherin table, I mean." Of course the woman would be at the feast.

She then looked at the woman expectantly, waiting to hear if she had something specific to talk to her about or if she was just saying hello. "The last time we had this feast, you told me my mother was pregnant and dying," she said. "This better news, right?" she asked. She didn't think she could take it if it wasn't.

Cece smiled at Sierra as she sat down next to the girl. "You didn't really think I would pass you by and not stop to talk to you now did you?" That would just be down right rude... something Cece was not most of the time.

Oh no, she didn't want Sierra thinking she had more bad news to give her. This was far from bad.

Patting the girl on the hand she smiled some more. "No dear, this has nothing to do with your mother." Well not in a direct way anyway. She turned a little in her seat so she was facing Sierra a little more. She wanted to see her reaction to what she was going to ask her. "You know that vacation your parents gave me for... well you know for what." There was no need to say what it was for. There were nosy bodies all over this school. They didn't need to know ALL their business after all. With that thought in mind she glanced down the table at the other students there, namely Miss Logan who seemed to be eyeballing them. Mind your own business girl.

Turning back to Sierra she continued. "I was just wondering if you'd like to go on that vacation with me? We could go anywhere you wanted to go." She deserved it just as much as Cece did. She had been a huge help to her and her mother when they most needed it.

Lizasaurus 12-03-2012 05:59 AM

Dropping into a seat at the table he looked up and down it not to happy considering he still had no idea where he was going from here. He'd done what he could on the NEWTs and until he got his results back he wouldn't know if he could become a YATI or not. Sighing he folded his arms across his chest looking around at everyone, wishing at least he knew where Amelia was. Ever since the fail at quidditch earlier in the term he'd pretty much been hiding out in around the grounds doing studying.

He probably should say his goodbyes.


Somnium 12-03-2012 06:18 AM


Originally Posted by Silver Ninja (Post 11272258)
Dropping into a seat at the table he looked up and down it not to happy considering he still had no idea where he was going from here. He'd done what he could on the NEWTs and until he got his results back he wouldn't know if he could become a YATI or not. Sighing he folded his arms across his chest looking around at everyone, wishing at least he knew where Amelia was. Ever since the fail at quidditch earlier in the term he'd pretty much been hiding out in around the grounds doing studying.

He probably should say his goodbyes.


Taylor was wandering around and didnt realize that she was almost at the slytherin table. She shouldnt have gone closer to it because of the [s]evil[/] Ariana Logan but she spotted Issac so she came over, "Hey, Issac." Tay smiled and hoped that he didnt hear about how she punched Ariana.

Lizasaurus 12-03-2012 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by Unalii (Post 11272261)
Taylor was wandering around and didnt realize that she was almost at the slytherin table. She shouldnt have gone closer to it because of the evil Ariana Logan but she spotted Issac so she came over, "Hey, Issac." Tay smiled and hoped that he didnt hear about how she punched Ariana.

Looking up as he heard someone say hi to him, he saw with surprise it was the little Ravenclaw he'd talked to only a few times but he remembered playing against her the term before. "Hey...Tay? How was yer term?" he asked. Flushing yep stupid question, it was good 'cause it was over. Right? Sighing over, yep no more after this, unless he got YATI. "Ye haf plans fer the summer hols?"

Somnium 12-03-2012 06:29 AM


Originally Posted by Silver Ninja (Post 11272263)
Looking up as he heard someone say hi to him, he saw with surprise it was the little Ravenclaw he'd talked to only a few times but he remembered playing against her the term before. "Hey...Tay? How was yer term?" he asked. Flushing yep stupid question, it was good 'cause it was over. Right? Sighing over, yep no more after this, unless he got YATI. "Ye haf plans fer the summer hols?"

Taylor smiled as Issac seemed to remember, "Um, it was so so... I mean i hardly got to play quidditch since I have been getting sick on the games days." Tay pouted, "And the ravens lost the match but at least I got on the reserves again... two of my friends havent made it this year though they were amazing last year... and there was a lot of drama this term... i broke up with my exboyfriend at the start of term feast and then we was about to get back together but then he basically said he couldnt wait 2 weeks for me when he made me wait 2 months for him to even ask me out last term." Tay snarled as the thought entered her mind but then peace came as she thought how they were close friends then she realized how much she was babbling and instantly blushed. "Sorry for blabbing... and ummm not really, I mean I am probably going to travel a lot again... what about you? How was your term? Any plans? Though you are a seventh year this term, were you not?" Tay glanced at him.

Kimothy 12-03-2012 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by Silver Ninja (Post 11272258)
Dropping into a seat at the table he looked up and down it not to happy considering he still had no idea where he was going from here. He'd done what he could on the NEWTs and until he got his results back he wouldn't know if he could become a YATI or not. Sighing he folded his arms across his chest looking around at everyone, wishing at least he knew where Amelia was. Ever since the fail at quidditch earlier in the term he'd pretty much been hiding out in around the grounds doing studying.

He probably should say his goodbyes.


This was it. The end of term feast, where everyone was going to have to say goodbye. Good bye to the other students, Professors, friends and enemies, and the worst part of the good byes were crushes the seventh years. Kat hated to say that she will miss the seventh years THIS term. Some of the brilliant people she knew were in this year so... she was really going to cry her eyeballs out. Or not.

When she arrived at the Slytherin House Table, she didn't see anyone but Isaac the Seeker and that Ravenclaw who punched Ariana. Ugh. But Kat just remembered... Isaac was graduating. MELLOW. They were going to lose not just a teammate, but their only Seeker. O' course, even if Slytherin didn't win Kat will always love her team. And Isaac was part of it. TEAM LOVE. <3

"Hey Isaac," she said. "Congrats, you're going to graduate..." PAUSE. She can't do this. She can't finish the statement. The bad part? She had to finish it. Ugh. So many sad feels.

"I wish you all the best," Kat said with a small smile. UGH. Don't cry. Don't cry, you softie. "We're going to miss you."

DuckyLinJi 12-03-2012 11:43 AM

Daichi hated the end of term feast. He hated saying goodbye to friends knowing he wouldn't see them again for a few years He also hated the fact that they hadn't won the housecup and ended up third place. All together, the end of term feast was not Daichi's thing.

He sat lazily at the table, his elbow resting on the surface and he supported his cheek against his palm. His eyes dashed to the students around him who were already saying goodbye's and what not to each other. He suddenly realised that now with Jonathan and Joao having been gone for a whole year now, that Daichi did not have many let alone non friends in Slytherin house. Well, atleast that spared him some FEELS right?

With a loud sigh, his brown eyes went over to the Gryffindor table in the hope of spotting Kurumi there. But he couldn't find her yet. She had been really helpful this term to him by giving him extra anti-fire classes and seeing her go would literally destroy his world. He had to do something so that she couldn't go! Make fake NEWT Results so that she fails and has to stay at Hogwarts for another year? But even when he thought about it he knew that that wasn't going to work. How on earth was he supposed to fake results for one of the smartest students in the school? mweeeh there was only one thing left to do... :shifty:

the fastest seeker 12-03-2012 01:46 PM

Plus Ariana and Kat...
And so it was the end of term feast. It felt for the second-year that just a couple of days ago she had started her second year excited as ever! But here she is about to pack her stuff just after she had something to eat. Because she was hngry and food was more important. So....As she made her way to her house table she looked at the faces and saw her house-mates who seemed to be having the same thoughts. How did this term fly by. Though it really was an interesting and significant one. And actually it was just her second year so it probably reasonable that she was feeling this. Hopefully next terms will be as exciting as this one......Except for the plants part.. Looking around for a seat, Cassia passed by Ariana. "Hi Logan....." Cassia told the girl a biiiit loudly just to be heard among the chatters of students.

Then it was Kat. Cassia waved at he friend and flashed her a big grin as the fourth year was talking with other students.

And then...


Originally Posted by lazykitty (Post 11272186)
There was no way that she was wearing her uniform to the Closing Feast. Nope, uh-uh, no siree. Besides technically, there was nothing anyone could do about it, since she was graduating and all. So that's why Emmanuelle was dressed as she was. Anyway, she entered the Great Hall for what would be the final time and immeadately found herself a seat, avoiding the memory book and the graduation ceremony for now. There was plenty of time for that later. For now, though, she just wanted to sit with her house one more time and try not to think of what's next or anything like that.

Seeing the blond hair the position of sitting and the clothes. Cassia immediately recognized the seventh year and made a bee like towards her. "Hey Em!" Cassia beamed at her plopping herself down next to the girl. It was probably the last time Cassia was going to bug the girl...Well, she still could at the train. Anyway. "It is your last feast!" Cassia stated dramatically just in case the girl hadn't already known. But that was very unlikely. "You know what...I'm gonna miss you at the common room." the twelve years old said with a true sincere look on her face. Cassia now had no one to dig for worms with! "You're gonna miss it right??" Cassia asked curiously leaning on the table and setting her elbows there.

MudInMyBlood 12-03-2012 01:52 PM

Feel free to grab her. :D
So term was over. Her third year was coming to a close. It was pretty bittersweet for her. She was looking forward to going home, but she wondered if her parents were going to be proud of the work she had done this term. She had omproved by leaps and bounds this year, but was that going to be enough for them?

Her mind went back to the yelling and screaming that took place after her second year here. She had let them down and she was ashamed of that. She was in the top five in her house and that should count for something. Surely they couldn't expect her to be #1. There were seventh years here that she was competing with you know!

Before she knew it she was at her house table. She looked around and didn't really see many people there. She seen her prefect and the girl that she had partnered up with in Muggle Studies. She couldn't remember her name though. She decided to take a seat a few places down from them. She sat down and thought about the year and all that she accomplished!

Emzily 12-03-2012 02:25 PM


Theo didn't know about everyone else but he couldn't wait to get home for the summer. He was pretty sure he'd see his besties over the summer, so that wasn't a worry. And sure, he'd miss the seventh years that were graduating. Particularly Kennedy and Isaac, his fellow teammates. And Kurumi, cos she was like, the Queen of Hogwarts.

The second year plopped down next to Cassia and Logan, then BEAMED at them. "Hi! Anyone seen West?" Because they ALWAYS sat together at feasts.

And.. everything else.

Fira 12-03-2012 04:04 PM

It was true. There could be no other guy who would look this attractive in a school uniform. He was Richard Turner and he rocked this Slytherin uniform. Knowing there was no other guy as handsome as he was in this whole Great Hall, he walked in proudly looking all smug about it. Not looking around much, he directly made his way to his table; the Slytherin table. The other tables were obviously not good enough for him.

Once he was there, he stood for a moment and eyed the people sitting around. Logan, Greingoth, the Healer Lady, the little Cassia, Hudson and some he had definitely seen around but not really had spoken to. He gave a nod as a greeting to them all in general though and sat down. Where was Aurora? Obviously she was not there yet as the table seemed to lack that amount of beauty.


Anyway. He would wait and eye this healer woman instead. What was she doing here?

JustAlice 12-03-2012 04:46 PM

Theo too :)

Originally Posted by Fira (Post 11272424)
It was true. There could be no other guy who would look this attractive in a school uniform. He was Richard Turner and he rocked this Slytherin uniform. Knowing there was no other guy as handsome as he was in this whole Great Hall, he walked in proudly looking all smug about it. Not looking around much, he directly made his way to his table; the Slytherin table. The other tables were obviously not good enough for him.

Once he was there, he stood for a moment and eyed the people sitting around. Logan, Greingoth, the Healer Lady, the little Cassia, Hudson and some he had definitely seen around but not really had spoken to. He gave a nod as a greeting to them all in general though and sat down. Where was Aurora? Obviously she was not there yet as the table seemed to lack that amount of beauty.


Anyway. He would wait and eye this healer woman instead. What was she doing here?

Laaaaaaate... probably. Aurora had meant to pack last night but she'd completely given up and had to do it all today. Bad idea... though she'd managed it - even if the contents of her trunk weren't exactly neat... Not that it really mattered - the elves would unpack when she got home.

Okay, packing done. Good. She checked herself in the mirror quickly before running up to the Great Hall.

Oh. Maybe she wasn't late. Huh. She scanned the Slytherin table, sending a grin and a wave at Theodore before catching sight of Rich and walking over. She stood behind him and put her hands over his eyes. "Guess who." she said with a giggle, feeling particularly giddy today for some reason... The year was over. And by the time she came back in September she would be OF AGE! FINALLY!!! And THAT was exciting...

JennMarie 12-03-2012 06:12 PM

SPOILER!!: cassia

Originally Posted by the fastest seeker (Post 11272361)
And so it was the end of term feast. It felt for the second-year that just a couple of days ago she had started her second year excited as ever! But here she is about to pack her stuff just after she had something to eat. Because she was hngry and food was more important. So....As she made her way to her house table she looked at the faces and saw her house-mates who seemed to be having the same thoughts. How did this term fly by. Though it really was an interesting and significant one. And actually it was just her second year so it probably reasonable that she was feeling this. Hopefully next terms will be as exciting as this one......Except for the plants part.. Looking around for a seat, Cassia passed by Ariana. "Hi Logan....." Cassia told the girl a biiiit loudly just to be heard among the chatters of students.

Then it was Kat. Cassia waved at he friend and flashed her a big grin as the fourth year was talking with other students.

And then...

Seeing the blond hair the position of sitting and the clothes. Cassia immediately recognized the seventh year and made a bee like towards her. "Hey Em!" Cassia beamed at her plopping herself down next to the girl. It was probably the last time Cassia was going to bug the girl...Well, she still could at the train. Anyway. "It is your last feast!" Cassia stated dramatically just in case the girl hadn't already known. But that was very unlikely. "You know what...I'm gonna miss you at the common room." the twelve years old said with a true sincere look on her face. Cassia now had no one to dig for worms with! "You're gonna miss it right??" Cassia asked curiously leaning on the table and setting her elbows there.

WELL, if the healer lady was just gonna be all asdfghjkl and just take sierra away from their conversation then she'd just talk to someone else! hmph. and the PEOPLE started to arriveeee!! YAYY "Hey Cassia."
yes end of term meant proper names. since you know, Ariana didn't know if everyone would be returning. not even herself. especially if she goes to see John & Erin at all this summer.

Originally Posted by Emzily (Post 11272378)

Theo didn't know about everyone else but he couldn't wait to get home for the summer. He was pretty sure he'd see his besties over the summer, so that wasn't a worry. And sure, he'd miss the seventh years that were graduating. Particularly Kennedy and Isaac, his fellow teammates. And Kurumi, cos she was like, the Queen of Hogwarts.

The second year plopped down next to Cassia and Logan, then BEAMED at them. "Hi! Anyone seen West?" Because they ALWAYS sat together at feasts.

And.. everything else.

and thereeeeess kinsley "Hi Theo." yes, yes i did just call you theo and not kinsley *SMUG* heh. yeah. and Oh he was asking about Wesssttt.. Ariana hadn't seen him yet but he'd be here she was sure of it "No, haven't seen him yet but it's still early he'll be here." don't worry youre little head there theodore.

SPOILER!!: Richard

Originally Posted by Fira (Post 11272424)
It was true. There could be no other guy who would look this attractive in a school uniform. He was Richard Turner and he rocked this Slytherin uniform. Knowing there was no other guy as handsome as he was in this whole Great Hall, he walked in proudly looking all smug about it. Not looking around much, he directly made his way to his table; the Slytherin table. The other tables were obviously not good enough for him.

Once he was there, he stood for a moment and eyed the people sitting around. Logan, Greingoth, the Healer Lady, the little Cassia, Hudson and some he had definitely seen around but not really had spoken to. He gave a nod as a greeting to them all in general though and sat down. Where was Aurora? Obviously she was not there yet as the table seemed to lack that amount of beauty.


Anyway. He would wait and eye this healer woman instead. What was she doing here?

and then he came and sat by them and ariana rollleeedd her eyes and her first instinct was to LUNG across the table and wrap her hands around his throat buttt, she remained civil.... for now anyway. He gave them a nod. and she returned it.. Civil logan.. stay Civil.
SPOILER!!: Aurora

Originally Posted by AuroraQuinn (Post 11272444)
Laaaaaaate... probably. Aurora had meant to pack last night but she'd completely given up and had to do it all today. Bad idea... though she'd managed it - even if the contents of her trunk weren't exactly neat... Not that it really mattered - the elves would unpack when she got home.

Okay, packing done. Good. She checked herself in the mirror quickly before running up to the Great Hall.

Oh. Maybe she wasn't late. Huh. She scanned the Slytherin table, sending a grin and a wave at Theodore before catching sight of Rich and walking over. She stood behind him and put her hands over his eyes. "Guess who." she said with a giggle, feeling particularly giddy today for some reason... The year was over. And by the time she came back in September she would be OF AGE! FINALLY!!! And THAT was exciting...

as if the air couldn't get any MOAR awkward here came aurora BOUNCING into the great hall heh. a chiverly grin for you miss as she.. wait did she just COVER his eyes and say Guess Who? like a child!? BAHAHA! and here ariana thought she was the immature one.. think again Logan.

Fira 12-03-2012 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by AuroraQuinn (Post 11272444)
Laaaaaaate... probably. Aurora had meant to pack last night but she'd completely given up and had to do it all today. Bad idea... though she'd managed it - even if the contents of her trunk weren't exactly neat... Not that it really mattered - the elves would unpack when she got home.

Okay, packing done. Good. She checked herself in the mirror quickly before running up to the Great Hall.

Oh. Maybe she wasn't late. Huh. She scanned the Slytherin table, sending a grin and a wave at Theodore before catching sight of Rich and walking over. She stood behind him and put her hands over his eyes. "Guess who." she said with a giggle, feeling particularly giddy today for some reason... The year was over. And by the time she came back in September she would be OF AGE! FINALLY!!! And THAT was exciting...


Originally Posted by JennMarie (Post 11272482)
and then he came and sat by them and ariana rollleeedd her eyes and her first instinct was to LUNG across the table and wrap her hands around his throat buttt, she remained civil.... for now anyway. He gave them a nod. and she returned it.. Civil logan.. stay Civil.

After staring at the healer lady for a moment or so, wondering why she was sitting at his table, Richard lost his interest the next moment. She seemed to be in a conversation with Greingoth, the female prefect, so there was probably no other reason for her to be present at the Slytherin table. Some women liked chattering and the healer lady was probably like that.

Completely losing his interest, he turned and his eyes found Ariana who had returned his greet with a nod. Richard had no idea what was going on into that head of hers but she looked like she was having difficulty with keeping some certain things inside. What a wild girl she was. Definitely dangerous when she wanted to be. When he got into her eyesight, the Slytherin boy sent a smirk to her way.

He shifted his gray gaze to the Staff Table instead. Not all the professors were present yet. That meant there till was quite a time for the eating time and he already had started to feel hungry. He was not really interested in the rest of the feast as the celebrations and most stuff were going to be all about the other houses, for Slytherin, unfortunately, did not win at anything. Just when he narrowed his gray eyed at the Headmistress to have a better look at her everything went dark.

A big smirk appeared on his face when he heard Aurora's voice. ''Well...well...'' he began, folding his arms over his chest. ''You should know that i have already learned how to see without my eyes long ago as your shining beauty blinded me at the very first time i set my eyes upon you. My queen.''

His smirk turned into a soft smile. ''I have been waiting for you.''

Lottiepot 12-03-2012 07:29 PM

Theo, Cassia etc. Hope you don't mind more company
Was it just Terry or had this term gone by very fast? It was probably just him. His first term had come at him so thick and fast that it had seemed like hardly any time had passed at all. Maybe it was because he got so distracted by all the things that had been happened, or maybe he should blame it on his new found friends.

The Slytherin made his way over to his house table and scanned the seats to find a familiar face. He settled on a group of fellow second years and sat near them, hoping that they wouldn't mind him interrupting or anything. He plopped himself next to Theo and then smiled over at Cassia. "Hey guys, I hope you don't mind me joining you." He was sure that they wouldn't mind right? He was a fellow snake and in the same year.

He looked out across at the other tables and furrowed his eyebrows ever so slightly. Wow, this place looked really sad. There were people almost and tears and here he was, sat chirpy and bright. He was going home! He could see his mother and his sister and Uncle Eric!

It wasn't like it was the end of the world.. Right?

JustAlice 12-03-2012 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by JennMarie (Post 11272482)
as if the air couldn't get any MOAR awkward here came aurora BOUNCING into the great hall heh. a chiverly grin for you miss as she.. wait did she just COVER his eyes and say Guess Who? like a child!? BAHAHA! and here ariana thought she was the immature one.. think again Logan.

Aurora was in too much of a good mood to let Ariana bother her. So instead she just grinned and wiggled her eyebrows at the girl. Because it was the end of term and that required CELEBRATION! Even if it involved tolerating people.


Originally Posted by Fira (Post 11272497)
He shifted his gray gaze to the Staff Table instead. Not all the professors were present yet. That meant there till was quite a time for the eating time and he already had started to feel hungry. He was not really interested in the rest of the feast as the celebrations and most stuff were going to be all about the other houses, for Slytherin, unfortunately, did not win at anything. Just when he narrowed his gray eyed at the Headmistress to have a better look at her everything went dark.

A big smirk appeared on his face when he heard Aurora's voice. ''Well...well...'' he began, folding his arms over his chest. ''You should know that i have already learned how to see without my eyes long ago as your shining beauty blinded me at the very first time i set my eyes upon you. My queen.''

His smirk turned into a soft smile. ''I have been waiting for you.''

Aurora laughed as Richard folded his arms... and then he was speaking and she dropped her hands away from his eyes, wrapping them around his neck to hug him from behind. "You're very charming!" she said happily, kissing him on the cheek and slipping into the seat next to him.

Aww he was waiting for her! "Good, I was hoping you'd be here already." she replied, glancing up to the staff table. Hmmm, looks like a while till the feast actually started... "I'm so hungry..." she mumbled absentmindedly, fiddling with the fork in front of her.

Emzily 12-03-2012 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by JennMarie (Post 11272482)
and thereeeeess kinsley "Hi Theo." yes, yes i did just call you theo and not kinsley *SMUG* heh. yeah. and Oh he was asking about Wesssttt.. Ariana hadn't seen him yet but he'd be here she was sure of it "No, haven't seen him yet but it's still early he'll be here." don't worry youre little head there theodore.

After a moment of processing that a teammate hadn't called him Kinsley, Theo smiled. "Hi Ariana." That felt weird, but he could roll with it. But poooooooooooooey, no sign of West. Theo managed a look over to the big doorway, but still no sign. "Ohhhhhh.... okay."

He needed to tell him STUFF. Stuff about QUIDDITCH IN THE SUMMER.

Yes, yes... Thank you, Rora. :3 Speaking of Rora, he beamed over at his sis, and waved back.


Originally Posted by Lottiepot (Post 11272525)
[COLOR="Gray"]The Slytherin made his way over to his house table and scanned the seats to find a familiar face. He settled on a group of fellow second years and sat near them, hoping that they wouldn't mind him interrupting or anything. He plopped himself next to Theo and then smiled over at Cassia. "Hey guys, I hope you don't mind me joining you." He was sure that they wouldn't mind right? He was a fellow snake and in the same year.

Oh, he sure did love second year friends. They were the best kind of friends.

"HI, Terry!" He beamed at his dorm-mate. Who he'd actually hadn't spent much time with over the term, despite their... dorm-mate-ness. "Sure we don't!" Now where was the grub? And where was everyone else? He'd noticed a couple of ghosts at the staff table, as well as the Bloody Baron who was floating by THEIR table.

Hmm... that required an exchange of looks with Cassia.

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