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The classroom was brightly decorated and filled with the tantalizing scent of fresh picked fruits and vegetables. The rows of desks that normally occupied the room had vanished away and in their stead there were long tables, though these weren’t the science-y ones you find in those Muggle academies. No, these were craft tables. The unbreakable glass topped worktables came stocked with all the supplies necessary to make jewelry the Muggle way – cutting boards and of course a crank-operated fruit slicer. Each worktable could sit groups of four students or more if they were small enough, however the older students could fit less comfortably on at the stations.
In the right corner of the room there stood an enchanted cupboard with assorted fruit and vegetables tucked away into neat little boxes. Next to that was a large bin filled with apples, oranges, lemons – and other such fruits and vegetables that weren’t half as fragile as the others; and on a peg near both hung an assortment of smocks, gloves, and protective eye gear in case people needed them and didn't seem to have their own.
A kind-looking blond woman is sitting at the front of the room behind her own startlingly organized craft table. A box of rings, necklaces, and earrings were sitting in front of her, all looking positively edible - but unfortunately quite tasteless.
"Bienvenu and welcome," yes she knew they meant the same things but she was too excited to remember not many of these little kiddies spoke French. She smiles brightly at you and continues speaking, happy you chose to join her. "Please find a table, sit, and make yourself comfortable." She was ready to show people what beauty fruit could bring. She just hoped no one would start eating lacquered fruits in here...
Ethan smiled at Minnie, glad to see she took the whole Mother's Day talk all in stride. He knew she had gotten past a lot of it.. but he was still afraid that it might bring up bad memories and sad feels. But she was smiling.. and he nodded happily. Yes, a strawberry bracelet would look good on her. "Or for your Grandma.. that's a good choice too," he agreed.
The boy put on the cloak as Minnie walked over to get her fruit, and he thought about what sort of thing he should make. A Mother's Day gift sounded good enough to him, but what for his mum? Hmm, those kiwi earrings looked pretty cool.. maybe he'd try some of those..
Smiling as the girl returned, he nodded a little. "Yeah.. I think I'm going to make some kiwi earrings for my mum.. What do you think?" He wasn't so sure on this jewelry stuff, maybe asking a girl would be best. He watched her for a moment as she cut her fruit, then, made pretty well made up, made his way over to the fruit, grabbing a kiwi to take back to the table.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Alicia smiled at all the bright students who had given their answers. Some of course were spot on and others were well, not as close. With a light flick of her wand a chalkboard appeared in the front of the class with the spells that were to be used listed on the board.
SPOILER!!: basic list of spells & charms
Hot air charm: Aestusia
Gluing Spell: Lentesco (for use on less-flexible of fruits & veggies ie. dried apple slices, apricot and more)
Glisseo Charm: For smoothing & cooling
Diffindo : For cutting fruits/veggies
Duro (if needed)
"Alright everyone I know some of you may be wondering why Jewelry" she smiled to them all. With a laugh she answered her one question. "Its springtime - and we all know that means Mother's day is coming soon - why not just make something that ends up being free?" She nodded.
"Now students I have heat resistant cloaks and smocks here for anyone who wants to use them because we don't want to accidentally harm someone with a hot-air charm" burns were no fun. "And for those of you who want to capture a zesty fruit such as lemon or limes or other juicy and possibly stingy-juiced fruits I have protective eye gear for you on the wall." She knew now was the time to get S-E-R-I-O-U-S.
"Those of you who wish to create the fruit-trinkets in a mundane and non-magical fashion I do have a list of instructions that I can give you. The needed materials of this magical for and the mundane form can be found in the drawers of your work tables." She added quickly at the end. "Everyone please take the fruits you wish to work with from the cupboard here or the bin there and we will get started."
With a flick of her hand the instructions also appeared on the board.
Step 1: Collect Materials
Step one. Grab the fruit you want to use - and the protective eye gear or heat-resistant cloaks and gloves from the pegs on the wall if you do not have them with you at present.
Materials: (magical)
A Wand
Dragon-hide Gloves // Waterproof (if needed)
Protective Eyegear
Newspaper (to place fruit on when slicing)
Jump Ring (necklaces) or Ring & Earring Hooks
"When you return to your work tables we will begin by cutting the fruit that you have procured by using the spell Diffindo - if you need help with the spell come to me or ask a more senior student for aid." She would have said Ravenclaw but she didn't know maybe someone else would be as equally amazing at spells.
1. Grab ingredients & matterials
2. Grab fruit/veggie
3. Cut fruit (and practice Diffindo)
Sarah write down notes EVERYTHING had to be written down including the mundane steps in case she wanted to do it at home. She really liked the strawberry necklace yet decided to do the kiwi earrings instead.
She went to get the materials - just incase of course. She slipped on the gloves and the heat resistant things and the things for the eyes. Now that she was all covered she went to get a kiwi.
She first practiced diffindo, not wanting to mess up on the cutting.
After a few tries she had it and cut the fruit
Alicia was excited to see everyone working and she was still saddened to hear people muttering things about not having mothers. She hadn't meant to hurt people - she she smiled a sorry smile over to everyone who had spoken.
When everyone had finished cutting their fruits she was excited to get along with the next part. The drying of the fruit.
"Alright students - now I must apologize to those who I may have hurt earlier with comments," she didn't elaborate it wasn't needed "I-well, and if you don't have or want to give these to anyone you can make them for yourself...or just eat the fruit you just cut" she offered shrugging her shoulder. It was their choice if they wanted to continue or not. "those of you who don't eat all of your fruit slices we will be moving onto the next stop, drying the fruit. This is where the protective gloves and robes come into play."
She smiled and with another tap of her wand to the board the next set of instructions uncovered themselves.
"Now the spell we use for this is a hot air charm" she explained and taking a sliced and very wet fruit off of the desk in front of her she flicked her ward upwards she began to speak the spell. "Aestus Aere" she spoke as she pulled her wand downward forcefully. A strong wave of heat billowed from the tip of her wand toward the kiwi slice on the table. When she felt the fruit was dry enough she flicked her wand upwards again and the heat - and the glimmering sheen of heat left the air.
"Now the spell is simple it translates loosely to heat the air in latin - and is as explained a spell to heat the air around the object. If you wish to dry out your fruit slice entirely just tap the fruit" she smiled "otherwise flick your wand upwards and then down while saying the incantation and then a slight flick up with no incantation to end the spell." She smiled nodding to everyone.
"Once you have dried your fruit slices to your desired location we will puncture the fruit with a small knife or not if you are simply going to be making a ring" she smiled. "If after drying your fruit you feel it is too soft you can use duro" she smiled.
"After this we will be moving onto the actual making of the jewelry that is gluing spells and then the extremely fun resin-esque spells"
ooc: To everyone participating i'm sorry this response has taken so long i've been a little under the weather this week and my mom caught E. Coli so i was trying to get her back to her usual un-sick self.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
All right, protective gloves and robes, got it. Emmanuelle grabbed those two items and slipped them on quickly before pulling out her wand. Picking up a strawberry slice, she moved it away from the others slightly and aimed at it. "Aestus Aere!" she cast while flicking her wand downward. Nothing happened. Em tried again and still nothing happened. Agh, this was so frustrating! She decided to try one more time and finally got it to work. Being very careful, Em dried all her fruit slices. Then she used her quill to poke out holes in the slices. Feeling that her fruit was, indeed, too soft she cast the Duro charm and felt it. Perfect!
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Minerva listened as the teacher told them the next step. She couldn't help, but to eat one of the strawberries. They looked so yummy and she said that they could eat time, so why not. Once she was done talking Minerva got her gloves and robe on. Then placed the strawberry and Kiwi slices out on the table. Looking at the spell again she thought about it just to make sure she knew how to say it.
Moving her wand upwards and then down she clearly spoke.."Aestus Aere" watching she saw the strawberries start to change and look more fragile. Then she noticed the Kiwi doing the same thing. Once the fragile look was gone the fruit started to look dried out. She knew the spell worked and stopped when they seemed to be completely finished.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Jory listened carefully to what they were supposed to do before he started on the instructions.
He picked up a strawberry slice, and with an upward flick of his wand, he spoke the incantation. "Aestus Aere.'' Now, he pulled the wand downward. Heat escaped from his wand and onto the berry slice. The Puff continued this step until he was finished with all of the slices.
The slices didn't feel too soft, so Jory grabbed a small knife and began poking the holes into them.
Drying fruit, was that really neccesary, it usually drys quick enough on it's own. Why is there a spell for something so silly? Whatever, might as well try it. Oichi picked up her wand and aimed it at the fruit and with a flick, "Aestus Aere", she felt the fruit, it was dry. Yay? I guess that done, now for wait to make some awesome pretty jewelry I hope we get on that soon.
Everyone had done such a wonderful job with their heating and drying of fruit slices that Alicia felt it was time to continue. People could catch up if they wanted to or shove fruit down their throats if they so wished. It was their choice. Juicy fruity goodness was here and it would worn or eaten.
"Wonderful jobs everyone - now, for the next part we will be sticking our fruit slices to either the earring backings or whatever ingredient you so choose to make. If you want to use the crafting supplies at your tables there are some in the drawers if not there are more in the cupboard next to where you retrieved the fruits." She smiled.
"When everyone has returned we will be using two spells to both move and stick the ingredients together. However you can also choose to place the fruit onto the ring or whatever you are making and then use the sticking charms to bind it onto the jewelry." She smiled.
"First spell we will be using is Wingardium Leviosa and that of course you should all know by now is accompanied with a swish and flick of the wrist." She smiled. "The second spell has two options to it." She smiled. "There is a more permanent and stronger sticking charm for those fruits that haven't dried well enough and are less durable - and another simpler one." She smiled.
"Now the simpler one first is Lentesco - we will be using this one for those fruits and vegetables that aren't as flexible." She smiled. Picking up her very dried out and almost rock-hard kiwi slice she placed it over the ring and then proceeded to point and then tap the fruit slice. When the wand contacted with the fruit she spoke the spell. "Lentesco" and for good measure she then picked up the wand and held it upside-down. The kiwi didn't even slide off.
"And for the second spell - its an apoxy charm" she smiled to everyone and took a less-dried fruit and placed it into a smooth metallic ring for a necklace. This way when finished it would be green and nearly see-through. "Epoximise" she spoke and tapped the fruit. Again she picked it up and this time pocked the fruit slice to see if it would slide out. Nothing seemed to happen what so ever.
"Now good luck everyone I do hope that these come out well for you" that being said she returned to her seat and began to munch on a very delicious looking apple that was on the table. What? It wasn't bad right? She'd said people could eat their fruits. She just hoped she wasn't distracting anyone.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
Wingardium Leviosa. Yep, she knew that spell. The second two might give her a bit of trouble, though. Or well, the first one might, anyway. The second one sounded enough like it's English relative that she would have no problem. So maybe that was the one she should use?
Emmanuelle opened the drawer in her desk and sure enough, there were the craft supplies. Good, she could get started, then. She picked out a necklace ring and shut the door quickly. Laying the ring on her table, she aimed her wand at it and performed the Levitation Charm on it. It rose into the air without difficultly, and floated there, ready for the fruit. Next step was the fruit itself. She picked up a strawberry slice and placed it on the left most part of the ring, then tapped it. "Epoximise." The strawberry stuck to the ring with no chance of moving. Yay! She repeated the process with a kiwi slice, placing it next to the strawberry. Pretty!
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Minerva looked at her fruit and picked up her wand. Wingardium Leviosa She moved each strawberry until they were in the exact place she wanted them. She adjusted a few that she felt were not straight enough. It was going to be a nice bracelet, she was glad that Ethan made the suggestion. The reds of the strawberries was going to be very nice.
Once she had the strawberries in place she pointed her wand again and made them all stick to the necklace. Going to each Strawberry, Minerva made sure to say the spell clearly "Epoximise". She didn't want to get it wrong. That would be horrible to be wearing the bracelet and the strawberries fall off. Once it was done she looked it over to make sure all were sticking. It looked like she had done it correctly and she smiled, placing it around her wrist she wanted to make sure it fit and looked nice.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Jory listened carefully to what they had to do next. Sounded easy enough. He placed the bracelet directly in front of him and began moving the strawberry slices onto it. "Wingardium Leviousa,'' he said swishing and flicking his wrist. Now to make it stick. "Epoximise!''
The Puff lifted up the bracelet to see if the slice would slide up but it stuck. "Great!'' he said, pleased. He began to repeat the step for the other slices.
Oh everyone was doing this all so beautifully! People's things were sticking and heck now they wouldn't have sticky fingers because of it. She always hated that when fingers stuck to things. Especially when she was a kid - except as a kid she'd loved it really. Only not the sticky part, the after part when she would peel the stick off of her fingers.
She smiled around the rooms, squealed happily and then with a great exclamation proclaimed the next step. "Oh brilliant everyone just WONDERFUL!" All she wanted was to be back home in her apartment and to have Jax there - but hey kids were great. Smiling faces always made her feel oh just perfectly peachy.
"Now - the next spell we will be using is one some of you may have used, but that will come in a little later" She smiled brightly she'd loved Kyleigh for helping her with it those years before. "Now with your wand we must make an arching movement and then tap the piece one more time" she smiled and making the movement with her wand she tapped the kiwi slice. "resinae fructus" She spoke as the tip contacted with the fruit. She smiled.
"Now here's where you can if you feel the resin isn't nice enough embellish the jewelery a bit" she smiled. "How you do that is with a simple point and tap of the wand - and this spell is one some of you may have learned-" she interjected yet again. "and that is Glisseo" she smiled. "If you wish to smooth out the resin more so it has an almost effortless feel you can - the next bit that you would do however is use the resinae charm and again direct it at the fruit." She smiled. There - that made sense right? Well she hoped everyone enjoyed this.
THEY WERE ALMOST FINISHED! Eep! She was excited, nervous, sad, and happy all at once.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Minerva looked and listened as the teacher gave another set of directions. She was happy they were close to being done. The fruit jewelry was coming along nicely and she really was like the bracelet that she had made. Looking to make sure all her strawberries were set from the previous step, she moved on to the next one.
Moving her wand around the bracelet she tapped each piece of fruit and spoke quietly and clearly "resinae fructus" Making sure she did this to each strawberry until she was completely around. Now what to do next.. Oh yes, she moved her wand around the fruit again, "Glisseo" watching each strawberry smooth, Minerva smiled. That was looking good. She was really enjoying herself.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Jory watched as the next set of instructions were demonstrated. "Here goes,'' he muttered. "Resinae fructus!'' He tapped all the strawberry slices while repeating the incantation.
Now for the next spell. "Glisseo!'' The Puff tapped the first slice and the repeated the incantation and tapped another slice, repeating this until all were done. The slices did look more pretty.
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
All right, next step. But first, Emmanuelle took a moment to really look at her necklace. It looked really nice, the strawberries and kiwis complimenting each other perfectly. She made the arching movement with her wand, tapped a strawberry and cast. "Resinae fructus" Yep, she definitely wanted to smooth it out. "Glisseo." There! She repeated this for each fruit slice.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
"Now the spell we use for this is a hot air charm" she explained and taking a sliced and very wet fruit off of the desk in front of her she flicked her ward upwards she began to speak the spell. "Aestus Aere" she spoke as she pulled her wand downward forcefully. A strong wave of heat billowed from the tip of her wand toward the kiwi slice on the table. When she felt the fruit was dry enough she flicked her wand upwards again and the heat - and the glimmering sheen of heat left the air.
"Now the spell is simple it translates loosely to heat the air in latin - and is as explained a spell to heat the air around the object. If you wish to dry out your fruit slice entirely just tap the fruit" she smiled "otherwise flick your wand upwards and then down while saying the incantation and then a slight flick up with no incantation to end the spell." She smiled nodding to everyone.
"Once you have dried your fruit slices to your desired location we will puncture the fruit with a small knife or not if you are simply going to be making a ring" she smiled. "If after drying your fruit you feel it is too soft you can use duro" she smiled.
"After this we will be moving onto the actual making of the jewelry that is gluing spells and then the extremely fun resin-esque spells"[/COLOR]
Sarah nodded and placed her kiwi in front of her, she was making kiwi earring. Aestus Aere she said and she waved her wand up and down, the room was hot so as soon as possible, Sarah topped the spell with an up and down, so now her slices were dry. Shen poked a hole in each kiwi slice
SPOILER!!: McFeist2
"When everyone has returned we will be using two spells to both move and stick the ingredients together. However you can also choose to place the fruit onto the ring or whatever you are making and then use the sticking charms to bind it onto the jewelry." She smiled.
"First spell we will be using is Wingardium Leviosa and that of course you should all know by now is accompanied with a swish and flick of the wrist." She smiled. "The second spell has two options to it." She smiled. "There is a more permanent and stronger sticking charm for those fruits that haven't dried well enough and are less durable - and another simpler one." She smiled.
"Now the simpler one first is Lentesco - we will be using this one for those fruits and vegetables that aren't as flexible." She smiled. Picking up her very dried out and almost rock-hard kiwi slice she placed it over the ring and then proceeded to point and then tap the fruit slice. When the wand contacted with the fruit she spoke the spell. "Lentesco" and for good measure she then picked up the wand and held it upside-down. The kiwi didn't even slide off.
"Now good luck everyone I do hope that these come out well for you" that being said she returned to her seat and began to munch on a very delicious looking apple that was on the table. What? It wasn't bad right? She'd said people could eat their fruits. She just hoped she wasn't distracting anyone.
Sarah went to found the ear ring back and then returned to her space. Her kiwi was nice and stiff so she was going to use Lentesco. First she casted wingardium leviosa to make the kiwi go in the right place, she casted the same spell to the other kiwi slice. Then she casted Lentesco to make each one stick. It was looking nice
SPOILER!!: McFeisty;11263401
"Now - the next spell we will be using is one some of you may have used, but that will come in a little later" She smiled brightly she'd loved Kyleigh for helping her with it those years before. "Now with your wand we must make an arching movement and then tap the piece one more time" she smiled and making the movement with her wand she tapped the kiwi slice. "resinae fructus" She spoke as the tip contacted with the fruit. She smiled.
"Now here's where you can if you feel the resin isn't nice enough embellish the jewelery a bit" she smiled. "How you do that is with a simple point and tap of the wand - and this spell is one some of you may have learned-" she interjected yet again. "and that is Glisseo" she smiled. "If you wish to smooth out the resin more so it has an almost effortless feel you can - the next bit that you would do however is use the resinae charm and again direct it at the fruit." She smiled. There - that made sense right? Well she hoped everyone enjoyed this.
THEY WERE ALMOST FINISHED! Eep! She was excited, nervous, sad, and happy all at once.
Sarah made an arch with her wand and tapped the fruit, "resinae fructus" she said.
She then said Glisseo on each of her slices.