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The classroom looked like the magical version of a gymnasium, which is to say that it sort of resembled the dueling arena, except more brightly lit, with plenty of fresh air magically fanning through the space. Along one wall is a closed and locked wardrobe (hmmm what is THAT for???) and a table with water jugs and stacks of coloured cups, and sliced up oranges on a large plate . There is also a stack of nametags and some self-inking coloured quills on the table so you can write your name and wear a tag for the duration of the lesson. Along the opposite wall there are cubbies for students to put their things in --you don't need your textbooks or your bags for this class!
Right in the centre of the room, lit up just so by the sunlight coming in through the window is your guest teacher type person *blink*. The perky blonde doesn't seem much older than the eldest students and she's dressed in work out gear, and looks quite ready to get active. She smiles and greets each student as they come into the room.
"Hi! Welcome! Come in! You don't mind popping a nametag on do you? Just over there. Oh and you won't need your textbooks or your bags, you can put those in a cubby!" She herself is wearing a nametag, in the blue of Ravenclaw, her name written quite clearly: Celandine Kettleburn.
"Start warming up, everyone! Stretch those muscles!" She leads by example, stopping her stretching and jogging only to greet each new student as they come in, at which point she repeats her instructions cheerfully.
The seminar will begin shortly, in the meantime best settle in and follow instructions. After all, you don't want to upset the former Head Girl or make your very own Headmistress's favourite former student pout, do you?
ooc: Game on! You can chat amongst yourselves but make sure your character puts anything they don't need in a cubby, gets themselves a nametag, and starts warming up. Remember, your character should arrive in work out clothes or wizarding active wear. Feel free to make a polyvore set or find a picture online to show what your character is wearing, or just describe it in your post. If you link to a picture though, you MUST host it yourself, so upload to photobucket or something similar, don't just link to the website you found it on.
Also, please note, Cela here isn't likely to take points from you, but she will kick you out of the seminar and bar you from participating if you make her pout misbehave, which means your character won't be eligible for participation points at all, if it gets that far. Your character can be late, but there might be consequences all the same
Sophie smiled and clapped as Ms Cela did the jazz hands to her dance thing name. Heh! This woman was coool! She was so hyper and nice! Sophie liked her!
When the older witch turned around, Sophie knew they would get started! YAAAAAAY! The brunette was bouncing while she watched Celandine demonstrating the daance mooves. She was so excited! And now it was their turn!!
Sophie hopped as hiigh as possible on her left foot and clapped, but before she could do anything else, someone bumped into her and actually pushed her fowards! "Gaahhh!!" The badger fell down on her knees and hands and quickly looked back. She didn't know the girl that was apologizing. "It's okay, really!" Sophie said cheerfully as she jumped up and held her hand out to help the girl up. "I'm Sophie!" They didn't know each other yet, did they?
As she felt her face cooling off from that embarrassing display she looked up at the girl as she grasped her hand. Harlow let the girl pull her up to her feet. "I'm Harlow," she offered with a small smile.
Of course the girl was taller than her by a couple of inches in fact. "I'm really sorry." she said again. Manners cost nothing and when you basically drove the top of your head into someone else's behind it was only proper to apologize more than once. Harlow might send the girl a Christmas gift too. This was uncharted territory.
Headbutting would forever take on a new meaning for her.
♣♣To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower♣♣
♣♣Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour♣♣
Nigel was sure she was thinking about an actual bat. Which was just wring. Even though he would look really scary in a real bat suit. But who hasn't hear of Batman, honestly. Nigel was thinking about faking an injury just to get out of dancing. Nigel could not dance. There no way around it.
But he would suffer through if he got to do his dance because he really wants to wear batman's suit.
Okay, whats next.
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
"Oh that sounds lovely! And just think how much good it could do for plants and things and people's moods too!" Then everyone would be cheerful like Celandine, yup.
"Okay! I'm going to show you the steps for a spell first, then we'll work on the incantation, and then we'll put it all together and try it out." She tapped her nose. Teehee. "And you'll find out what it does once we get to that point. SO if you're all ready, lets go!" Cela turned around so that her back was to the students, easier to follow that way.
She hopped on her left foot to the left and at the same time clapped her hands in the air above her head, then wiggled her behind and kicked her right leg out in front of her.
"That's the first part. Lets try it together, try to get your hops and kicks as high as possible and clap like you mean it!" Enthusiasm, she had it. Little wonder she'd once been a one girl cheerleading squad for the entire Ravenclaw Quidditch team.
Aaaand agaiiiin!
Sarah smiled when the instructor said that she liked her idea...
Then the dancing part...
Sarah tried.. yes she really did try. It was hard at first... she seemed to have difficulty following instructions and then finally to her great delight she did it/
HOP (that was easy, she had spring in her feet)
and then came the wiggle part. Princesses don't wiggle right? Her mom found wiggling inappropiate so she did a tiny wiggle. Her mom said it draws inappropiate attention to a girl if she wiggles
and then the KICK... that was easy... she had learned to defend hersef from her brothers and was very good and kicking... and besides she was naturally flexible and had warmed up!
Louisa beamed at Vickers when he seemed to sort of stare at her as she answered. Good thing he was taking this as seriously as he usually took the other classes, considering that he was dragged into it. However, the girl's attention was drawn to Cela again as she announced the start of their dancing part of this seminar. Louisa's face must've showed most of her excitement. She did know how to dance, she went to a couple of dancing clubs and in Spain last summer she forced Jonathan into the dancing ring.
... that was the dance? Oh no, part of it. Phew. Chuckling at the silly moves, Louisa nudged Vickers with her elbow before she hopped to her right, clapped, wiggled her 'behind', aaaaaaaand... giggled. Really this behind wiggle was so funny, she couldn't help but imagining all the students in their bunny outfit wiggling their little cute tails.
Anywhooooo.. "Let's start together," she whispered to Vickers, nudging him again, grinning and barely containing her giggles. She timed it so that they moved when Cela was at the top; Hop, clap, wiggle bum, giggle and shoot leg up in the air.... as far as Louisa could do this, she used Vickers as her support in the couple first kicks.
This actually felt good! HOP, WIGGLE, KICK, HOP, WIGGLE, KICK... the clap was sometimes forgotten but Louisa hastily clapped when it hit her, her timing being awfully bad sometimes. Oopsies.
But oh! Weren't they just SOOOO good? There really weren't enough points in the worrrrld for good students like these ones! Celandine was still inwardly gushing over the baby!ravies too. Adorbs! Clap clap!
"Lets all line up now! Off the wall, wallflowers! Out of the corners! Come stand out here in front of meeee with a bit of space around you so you don't stand on anyone's toes once we get started. I hope you're all warmed up!" Yeah! Enthusiasm!
"Okay SO one of the COOLEST kinds of wandless magic is.... dance magic! A lot of Dance Magic also has some really crazy incantations or rhymes that go along with it. That's the FUNcantations part. Basically what Dance Magic is, is a series of steps, sometimes really complicated, sometimes easier, that are in essence instead of the wand movement. So its like your whooooooole body is the wand." Shaaaake it out. She did jazz hands and a shimmy with great enthusiasm.
"Rain dances, are examples of this! And some of you might have heard of Wakefield's Sambata. That is an example of Dance Magic. And there are a BUNCH more. Can anyone think of any? Has anyone heard of any other particular dances that bring the magic? And if you haven't, what would you like to call a dance magic spell, if you got to make one up? And what would you like it to do?"
ooc: This is where you get to be CREATIVE. Two options here:
1) Make up something like 'Wakefield's Sambata' that supposedly already exists in the Magical World that your charrie has heard of. They don't have to know what it does, or you can make that up too. They definitely shouldn't be able to actually DO it we're just talking about hearing about something in passing. Creative license is fun.
2) Have your charrie think up a name for a dance magic spell. For example, if West was in class he might decide that it'd be cool if there was a spell called 'West's Wombat Hustle' which allows the caster/dancer to conjure up a Wombat.
Belle decided to make her dance name as, Belle's Beautiful Prances. Yeah that sounded clever and unique. She was excited to start creating her own dances and learning them with magic.
Originally Posted by Tegz
"Okay! I'm going to show you the steps for a spell first, then we'll work on the incantation, and then we'll put it all together and try it out." She tapped her nose. Teehee. "And you'll find out what it does once we get to that point. SO if you're all ready, lets go!" Cela turned around so that her back was to the students, easier to follow that way.
She hopped on her left foot to the left and at the same time clapped her hands in the air above her head, then wiggled her behind and kicked her right leg out in front of her.
"That's the first part. Lets try it together, try to get your hops and kicks as high as possible and clap like you mean it!" Enthusiasm, she had it. Little wonder she'd once been a one girl cheerleading squad for the entire Ravenclaw Quidditch team.
Aaaand agaiiiin!
Belle was laughing at what the professor was doing. It looked silly but if it got the job done, it got the job done. Belle did what she was told. She hopped on her left foot to the left and at the same time clapped her hands in the air above her head, then wiggled her behind and kicked her right leg out in front of her. As she followed the professor, she tried to do it herself.
CLAP. Hop. Kick. Wiggle? No no no that is not right.
Wiggle Kick. Hop. Clap? Nope not it!
Now that's it! Belle was getting the hang of it and her heart rate was pumping. She was feeling the workout.
As she felt her face cooling off from that embarrassing display she looked up at the girl as she grasped her hand. Harlow let the girl pull her up to her feet. "I'm Harlow," she offered with a small smile.
Of course the girl was taller than her by a couple of inches in fact. "I'm really sorry." she said again. Manners cost nothing and when you basically drove the top of your head into someone else's behind it was only proper to apologize more than once. Harlow might send the girl a Christmas gift too. This was uncharted territory.
Headbutting would forever take on a new meaning for her.
Sophie pulled the other girl up with less effort than she thought she'd need. And the girl was even a little shorter than her. The third year had never seen her around.
She BEAMED at the girl. "It's very nice to meet you, Harlow!" Though it happened in a very strange way... "It's okay!" Sophie repeated smiling. The girl did look sorry and quite embarrassed. There was no need!! That was expected from that kind of class, right??
"Let's try it again!" The brunette said excitedly, going to stand next to Harlow. HOP!Clap. Wiggle. KICK!
Sophie hopped as high as she could and kicked dramatically. Good thing she had warmed up. Pulled muscles wouldn't be a good thing now! She kept repeating this cheerfully and quickly got a nice rhythm going on. Haaah!
HOP!Clap. Wiggle. KICK!
HOP!Clap. Wiggle. KICK!
HOP!Clap. Wiggle. KIIIIICK!
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ Maybe you'll dance, scour the buffet, or end up gossiping talking amongst yourselves!
You're happy to go with the flow and see where the Yule Ball takes you!
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
"Oh you're all doing great!" She smiled over her shoulder at them. "Next put that right foot down and shufffffffle forward, pointing your fingers at the ground, taking four little half steps!"
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
"Oh you're all doing great!" She smiled over her shoulder at them. "Next put that right foot down and shufffffffle forward, pointing your fingers at the ground, taking four little half steps!"
Whaaat...Elliot tried to follow...but her feet...they just didn't GO that way...GAH!
She shuffled a bit...taking four half steps? What qualified as half a step, anyways? What if Elliot's full step was someone else's half step? Did that make Elliot's half step...a quarter step? And then would the magic work correctly?
AAHHH! Help!
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Originally Posted by Tegz
"Okay! I'm going to show you the steps for a spell first, then we'll work on the incantation, and then we'll put it all together and try it out." She tapped her nose. Teehee. "And you'll find out what it does once we get to that point. SO if you're all ready, lets go!" Cela turned around so that her back was to the students, easier to follow that way.
She hopped on her left foot to the left and at the same time clapped her hands in the air above her head, then wiggled her behind and kicked her right leg out in front of her.
"That's the first part. Lets try it together, try to get your hops and kicks as high as possible and clap like you mean it!" Enthusiasm, she had it. Little wonder she'd once been a one girl cheerleading squad for the entire Ravenclaw Quidditch team.
Aaaand agaiiiin!
Originally Posted by Tegz
"Oh you're all doing great!" She smiled over her shoulder at them. "Next put that right foot down and shufffffffle forward, pointing your fingers at the ground, taking four little half steps!"
So now there was dancing. Hmm. Vivi paused to pull up her knee socks, casting a glance at her classmates from through the braid that fell across her cheek. Some of them were jumping right in, and while they looked a little ridiculous *ahem*, at least they were trying and having a good time.
Some of them still looked terrified.
Sighing the heavy sigh of the martyr, Vivi hopped and clapped. Wiggled her bum like a ridiculous bunny. And kick. Lucky for her, she had all those cotillion dance lessons, which at least meant she could follow a beat and keep to the steps as they were demonstrated.
HOP HOP CLAP CLAP. Wiiiiiiiiiggle. She glanced around to see if anyone was watching the ridiculous wiggle. No? KICK. Hello, class? This is what awesome looked like when it deigned to dance.
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
See this is the reason why he loved talking to Ravenclaws other than he is one himself, they will always be able to make sense of even the most senseless things. Indeed locking arms-- where you cant shoot/throw/punch anybody or anything= World Peace. Totally!
But as the former Hogwartian turned around and started to do the dance steps this Ravenclaw could only just stand and stare....
For the next few seconds all he could do was stand dumbly, mouth agape. He has to hop and clap almost simultaneously? And forget the bum wriggling-- there is no physical way this boy could even get his hips to move like that.
But forget about wiggling his bum. Why should he care if he could get it done at all when every female in the room is moving theirs oh so well?
..Specially this particular red-head that is totally enjoying herself?
He felt Louisa's nudge and clumsily tried to follow suit. He didnt skip-- he side-stepped-- toward the wrong direction. But he did clap, although instead of something joyous it looked like he was trying to catch a fly. And kicking? With his gracefulness and long legs? Does Cela want to have her class filled with injuries or something?
Now there was something about shuffling and pointing. Yeah he could do that. So he shuffled his wrong foot forward and started to point with those long arms. Lets hope he didnt take someone's eye out with that.
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Feeling rather awkward, Jory began to follow the instructions. He wasn't a fan of dancing. He began hopping on his left foot, just as was demonstrated, to the left, and with his arms stretched out fully above him, he clapped. Next came the wiggle.
He thought he did the kicking part the best for he kicked his right foot out with almost all his might. As his he were about to kick in a door.
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Originally Posted by kayquilz
Whaaat...Elliot tried to follow...but her feet...they just didn't GO that way...GAH!
She shuffled a bit...taking four half steps? What qualified as half a step, anyways? What if Elliot's full step was someone else's half step? Did that make Elliot's half step...a quarter step? And then would the magic work correctly?
AAHHH! Help!
"Keep working at it, you'll be amazing, just put some OOMPH in there!" Come on Ravenclawwww! Youuuu can doooo it! We have the faith! We HAVE the powahhh!
Originally Posted by Cassirin
So now there was dancing. Hmm. Vivi paused to pull up her knee socks, casting a glance at her classmates from through the braid that fell across her cheek. Some of them were jumping right in, and while they looked a little ridiculous *ahem*, at least they were trying and having a good time.
Some of them still looked terrified.
Sighing the heavy sigh of the martyr, Vivi hopped and clapped. Wiggled her bum like a ridiculous bunny. And kick. Lucky for her, she had all those cotillion dance lessons, which at least meant she could follow a beat and keep to the steps as they were demonstrated.
HOP HOP CLAP CLAP. Wiiiiiiiiiggle. She glanced around to see if anyone was watching the ridiculous wiggle. No? KICK. Hello, class? This is what awesome looked like when it deigned to dance.
"Oooh yeah Vivi's got it! See if you can get this next bit!" Celandine encouraged eagerly.
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
See this is the reason why he loved talking to Ravenclaws other than he is one himself, they will always be able to make sense of even the most senseless things. Indeed locking arms-- where you cant shoot/throw/punch anybody or anything= World Peace. Totally!
But as the former Hogwartian turned around and started to do the dance steps this Ravenclaw could only just stand and stare....
For the next few seconds all he could do was stand dumbly, mouth agape. He has to hop and clap almost simultaneously? And forget the bum wriggling-- there is no physical way this boy could even get his hips to move like that.
But forget about wiggling his bum. Why should he care if he could get it done at all when every female in the room is moving theirs oh so well?
..Specially this particular red-head that is totally enjoying herself?
He felt Louisa's nudge and clumsily tried to follow suit. He didnt skip-- he side-stepped-- toward the wrong direction. But he did clap, although instead of something joyous it looked like he was trying to catch a fly. And kicking? With his gracefulness and long legs? Does Cela want to have her class filled with injuries or something?
Now there was something about shuffling and pointing. Yeah he could do that. So he shuffled his wrong foot forward and started to point with those long arms. Lets hope he didnt take someone's eye out with that.
"Keep it up, you'll get it!" Celandine winked at the boy and demonstrated again.
Yeah! Go team! Everyone!
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Feeling rather awkward, Jory began to follow the instructions. He wasn't a fan of dancing. He began hopping on his left foot, just as was demonstrated, to the left, and with his arms stretched out fully above him, he clapped. Next came the wiggle.
He thought he did the kicking part the best for he kicked his right foot out with almost all his might. As his he were about to kick in a door.
"That is an AWESOME kick!" She wanted to give points for awesome kicks! Could she do that? She WAS the teacherrrrr....
Originally Posted by Awarlesta Black
Awar hopped onto her left foot, clapped above her head, wiggled her tush, and kicked.
She repeated it various times. Hop. Clap. Wiggle. Kick!
She laughed and then shuffled forward, pointing at the ground and shaking her tush a little to an imaginary beat.
"Great work!" Yeah! This little Huffie had the rhythm!
"Step three: Tap your right foot, then, staying on the ball of that foot, SWIIIIIIIIIIIIIING your left foot around so that your legs are crossed over! Then lets put those three pieces together!"
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
and haaaaaaaaai Vivi XD
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Kurumi hadn't actually given much thought into Earth Magic until just now. She knew very little about it other than what the name obviously implied. Maybe she could ask Professor Bentley about it some time.
Minus all the dancing that is.
Originally Posted by Tegz
"That's the first part. Lets try it together, try to get your hops and kicks as high as possible and clap like you mean it!" Enthusiasm, she had it. Little wonder she'd once been a one girl cheerleading squad for the entire Ravenclaw Quidditch team.
Aaaand agaiiiin!
Oh no. It was beginning. Never mind. Kurumi was glad that Lewis wasn't in this seminar because the two of them like this would have made them both feel more awkward. So..nope...this was much better.
Only Kurumi ended up freezing when she saw just HOW peppy and full of spunk Cela was. Not that Kurumi had expected her to suddenly become a troll or anything of that sort. It was just...slightly nerve wrecking. O perhaps some of her spunk would rub off on the Gryffindor?
Awkwardly...and with very small movements. Kurumi hopped, barely an inch, an clapped a pathetic golf clap, sort of wiggled, and kicked.
Her eyes drifted around the room as she repeated things again, catching sight of Vivi throwing a whole lot more of herself into it than Kurumi had...which sort of surprised her a little. She had always thought the Ravenclaw was more...practical?
Wait...what was she thinking? Vivi had dressed up during the meeting Selina had held in Hogsmeade for her missing bat.
Okay...time to get inspired...
Taking a much larger hop and a louder clap this time, Kurumi wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiggled her way closer to Vivi and ending up kicking in unison with Vivi at the final step. "Help me not feel so awkward about this?" Kurumi whispered as she began to hop again.
Originally Posted by Tegz
"Step three: Tap your right foot, then, staying on the ball of that foot, SWIIIIIIIIIIIIIING your left foot around so that your legs are crossed over! Then lets put those three pieces together!"
Just as she was about to kick again, loosening up a little now that she was with a friend, Kurumi looked back at Cela when she showed them the next step.
Yeah...this was nothing like traditional Japanese dance. Meep.
Kicking again - the biggest she had thus far actually, bringing her foot up to almost waist height - Kurumi tapped the other foot when her leg was brought down, doing a quick change of balance before rolling onto the ball of the same foot and slowly and self consciously swirled her left leg around until her legs were crossed...and slightly tangled up around the other.
Stumbling and untangling her legs a little, Kurumi couldn't help but giggle a little. She really had to look ridiculous right now...but, hadn't that been part of Cela's response to her earlier? Making ridiculous things have meaning so that they made sense? That was...part of the challenge, yes?
Hopping and clapping again, Kurumi put in a little more wiggling from her hips and then a bigger kick before adding on the rest of the steps they had just been shown. Yes, she still felt incredibly self conscious, but her body was loosening up and she was getting into it more.
No, scratch that. Her body had already been lose. It was her mind that was loosening up now and allowing her to, well, not feel embarrassed.
Actually...Kurumi was really liking the swinging bit of this...it was probably her favorite part. SWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Sophie pulled the other girl up with less effort than she thought she'd need. And the girl was even a little shorter than her. The third year had never seen her around.
She BEAMED at the girl. "It's very nice to meet you, Harlow!" Though it happened in a very strange way... "It's okay!" Sophie repeated smiling. The girl did look sorry and quite embarrassed. There was no need!! That was expected from that kind of class, right??
"Let's try it again!" The brunette said excitedly, going to stand next to Harlow. HOP!Clap. Wiggle. KICK!
Sophie hopped as high as she could and kicked dramatically. Good thing she had warmed up. Pulled muscles wouldn't be a good thing now! She kept repeating this cheerfully and quickly got a nice rhythm going on. Haaah!
HOP!Clap. Wiggle. KICK!
HOP!Clap. Wiggle. KICK!
HOP!Clap. Wiggle. KIIIIICK!
Harlow smiled at the girl. "Pleased to meet you too Sophie." At least the girl wasn't going to make her feel stupid for plowing in her as she tried to dance.
She nodded as the girl fell back into the line beside her. Well she guessed she had made a new friend. Harlow clapped then hopped. "Oh crap." She didn't have the sequence right. This was going to take awhile. She hopped then kicked then clapped. "Oh man," this was not good.
And oh great the class was moving on and she still couldn't hop, skip and shake a tail feather.
♣♣To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower♣♣
♣♣Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour♣♣
Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean
This lady was funny. Like really funny. Indy was having lots of giggles. Cela had to be the most super cool Ravenclaw ever. Although Indy wasn't too sure she could manage the dance. It looked weird, and Indy wasn't that much of a dancy person. The wiggle bit was quite fun though. Indy liked wiggling about. How cool was this. Lots of awesome students dancing around and looking like complete idiots. How having a camera would be so much fun right now. Spike was probably glad that he didn't come. She could not imagine her brother doing this kind of dancing at all. Although it would seem like something Spike would do. It'd probably cheer him up a ton too.
Ooh. Now they were tapping. Tap tap tap tap. Ooh. That was fun. Now Ball and swingg. Ooh. That made her leg feel funny. Maybe not so much swinging. This was fun. She would totally be doing this little thing all over the castle from now on.
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
HOP, clap, wiggle aaaaand kick.. hop, clap.. Louisa had to grin sideways at the boy struggling beside her. Soon came the next step! Shuffle and pointing, shouldn't be too hard. She started again, hop clapping, wiggle, kick, shuffle and pointing. And again! She would miss a couple of claps and mix kick and shuffle together buuut it was very close to what Cela was demonstrating.
Soon enough there was more! Louisa was panting by now but she was also grinning, so nothing to worry about. This third step though needed its separate training. Louisa paused and very intently focused on her feet. "Tap right foot.." TAP. "..swing..." leaning on the ball of that foot, she swung her left leg over her right one aaaaand done. Now faster! TAP, BALL, SWING! TAP, BALL, SWING! TAP, BALL, SWING! TAP, BALL, SWING!
Okay she got it. Back from the top!
Hop clap, WIGGLE, kiiiiick..erm.. oops.
Hop clap, WIGGLE, kiiiiick, shuffle, pointing...uhh... GAH!
Hop clap, WIGGLE, kiiiiick, shuffle, pointing, tap, swiiiiiing! YES!
"Oh you're all doing great!" She smiled over her shoulder at them. "Next put that right foot down and shufffffffle forward, pointing your fingers at the ground, taking four little half steps!"
Great... Sarah did that, she put her foot down... wait, she pu the wrong one down... so she put her right foot down and shuffled forward fingers to the ground and taking four incy steps
Originally Posted by Tegz
"Step three: Tap your right foot, then, staying on the ball of that foot, SWIIIIIIIIIIIIIING your left foot around so that your legs are crossed over! Then lets put those three pieces together!"
Using the same foot (it was the right... all the others seemed to be using the same foot) she tapped itc on the ball of her foot and she swung her left foot.
An then she put it all together. This was getting tiring... maybe she should take more jogs around
♣ Heejin here | Did somebody say coffee & cakes? | cat lover ♣
Originally Posted by Tegz
"Okay! I'm going to show you the steps for a spell first, then we'll work on the incantation, and then we'll put it all together and try it out." She tapped her nose. Teehee. "And you'll find out what it does once we get to that point. SO if you're all ready, lets go!" Cela turned around so that her back was to the students, easier to follow that way.
She hopped on her left foot to the left and at the same time clapped her hands in the air above her head, then wiggled her behind and kicked her right leg out in front of her.
"That's the first part. Lets try it together, try to get your hops and kicks as high as possible and clap like you mean it!" Enthusiasm, she had it. Little wonder she'd once been a one girl cheerleading squad for the entire Ravenclaw Quidditch team.
Aaaand agaiiiin!
Done warming up. Juliet stood up as the Hogwarts' alumna started getting into her stepping. This should be fun, dancing that is. Dancing is always a joy, well it is to Juliet. She then stretched her hands one more time before she officially started the dance magic that she had been talking about a while ago.
So it's a hop on left and clap, hands in the air. Juliet followed her, somehow in the same pace as her. Then its wiggle and right leg out. Okay. Juliet did fairly on these stepping. It's easy since it's the first steps to do. That's understandable. Now to try it on her own.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Alright, Ells was totally getting the hang of this. It really wasn't that bad once she'd practiced a couple of times. The third year was even managing to kick higher and harder during the steps, feeling a bit more confident now that she had the moves memorized.
"Oh you're all doing great!" She smiled over her shoulder at them. "Next put that right foot down and shufffffffle forward, pointing your fingers at the ground, taking four little half steps!"
The badger smiled at Cela, really appreciating her reassuring words. She knew she wasn't the best dancer around, but at least she was still having fun. AND she hadn't even fallen over or anything! That was a major accomplishment for Ella.
With a deep breath, the third year decided to add on the new steps to the ones she already knew how to do. Best to get the whole thing going, yeah? And a 1, and a 2, and a 1,2,3,4
"Step three: Tap your right foot, then, staying on the ball of that foot, SWIIIIIIIIIIIIIING your left foot around so that your legs are crossed over! Then lets put those three pieces together!"
Wait...what? Ella stopped her dancing to watch this Tap!Ball. Swingggg move. EEP! It looked...a little complicated. The third year decided to try and get that down before adding it all together. She could totally do this, yeah? Yeah!
She tapped her right foot on the ground, then continued to stay on the ball of that foot. Then Ella swung her left foot around, though with a little too much force...
One second she was dancing, the next the third year was on the ground, legs kicked out in front of her. WHOOPS. So much for that not falling thing. And nobody saw that, right? RIGHT?
Standing up again, the badger kept at it. She was determined to get this right. Tap!ball...swing. Hey! Not bad! Tap!ball.Swing. BEAM! Tap!ball. Swingg!
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
*snort* we are watching you Ella!
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Somewhere between her third or fourth repeat of the dance...Kurumi noticed something. Something that made her cheeks raise in color and for her to awkwardly shuffle a little towards the back of the room to just watch.
She had missed a step. No wonder she was even more off balance.
Watching Ella for a moment, Kurumi began to mimic the Hufflepuff's movements, starting completely over with the whole hopping and the clapping and the wiggling and the kicking and the...oooooooh, here is what she had missed.
Right foot down and a shuffle forward with fingers down as well for one...two...three...four little half steps. Got it. Probably.
Just to be sure though...Kurumi was going to keep standing here behind Ella and do things at the same time she was until the Gryffindor had it memorized.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Jory grinned. "Thank you,'' he said. He found kicking fun. Onto the next steps.
He put his right foot and began shuffling forward. It reminded him of a song by the muggle band LMFAO. And his fingers down, he took the four half steps.
Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good
Originally Posted by Tegz
"Oh you're all doing great!" She smiled over her shoulder at them. "Next put that right foot down and shufffffffle forward, pointing your fingers at the ground, taking four little half steps!"
Hop! Clap! Wiggle And Kick…. Hop! Clap! Wiggle And Kick….
Cassia had memorized the movements by heart now. Moves are so easy to remember unlike names, spells, plant names..etc etc.
she was enjoying how everyone was hopping, clapping and that kinda thing. Hehee even older students.
And now to the next moves.
Cassia hopped starting over to add the new moves. Clap! Wiggle aaaand kick. She then put her foot down imitating Cela. Then Shuuufffffffle. Then pointing!
Hop! Clap! Wiggle And Kick theeeeen shuuuufffle. Pointing!
Breath..Breath..Wow Cassia was almost out of breath and she stretched well! She needed to make sure that she stayed fit.
Originally Posted by Tegz
"Step three: Tap your right foot, then, staying on the ball of that foot, SWIIIIIIIIIIIIIING your left foot around so that your legs are crossed over! Then lets put those three pieces together!"
Cassia nodded at no one as she tapped on her right foot. Still on the ball of her foot she swung her left foot. She kinda lost her balance causing her to stiiiiiiiir. She bent forward her legs crossed and flapped with her arms trying not to fall face down. Eeeeep! She didn't fall!
Uncrossing her legs she took a deep breath and pushed her bangs away from her eyes. From the beginning now.
Hop. Clap. Wiggle .Kick…..shufffle. pooointinggg. Tap aaaaand Swing! AGAIN!
Hoop and Clap
Wiggle then kick and shuffle. Pointing! Tab your foot . SWING. That was FUN!!
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'myours
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Originally Posted by Tommehbell
Harlow smiled at the girl. "Pleased to meet you too Sophie." At least the girl wasn't going to make her feel stupid for plowing in her as she tried to dance.
She nodded as the girl fell back into the line beside her. Well she guessed she had made a new friend. Harlow clapped then hopped. "Oh crap." She didn't have the sequence right. This was going to take awhile. She hopped then kicked then clapped. "Oh man," this was not good.
And oh great the class was moving on and she still couldn't hop, skip and shake a tail feather.
"You can do it!" Celandine encouraged enthusiastically. "Don't overthink it too much, just feeeeeeeeel it. I'll help you after we grab all the steps together, if you like, but I think you'll just be fine!"
Originally Posted by hjhm
Done warming up. Juliet stood up as the Hogwarts' alumna started getting into her stepping. This should be fun, dancing that is. Dancing is always a joy, well it is to Juliet. She then stretched her hands one more time before she officially started the dance magic that she had been talking about a while ago.
So it's a hop on left and clap, hands in the air. Juliet followed her, somehow in the same pace as her. Then its wiggle and right leg out. Okay. Juliet did fairly on these stepping. It's easy since it's the first steps to do. That's understandable. Now to try it on her own.
"Great! Now work on the other bits!" Cela encouraged.
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Alright, Ells was totally getting the hang of this. It really wasn't that bad once she'd practiced a couple of times. The third year was even managing to kick higher and harder during the steps, feeling a bit more confident now that she had the moves memorized.
The badger smiled at Cela, really appreciating her reassuring words. She knew she wasn't the best dancer around, but at least she was still having fun. AND she hadn't even fallen over or anything! That was a major accomplishment for Ella.
With a deep breath, the third year decided to add on the new steps to the ones she already knew how to do. Best to get the whole thing going, yeah? And a 1, and a 2, and a 1,2,3,4
Wait...what? Ella stopped her dancing to watch this Tap!Ball. Swingggg move. EEP! It looked...a little complicated. The third year decided to try and get that down before adding it all together. She could totally do this, yeah? Yeah!
She tapped her right foot on the ground, then continued to stay on the ball of that foot. Then Ella swung her left foot around, though with a little too much force...
One second she was dancing, the next the third year was on the ground, legs kicked out in front of her. WHOOPS. So much for that not falling thing. And nobody saw that, right? RIGHT?
Standing up again, the badger kept at it. She was determined to get this right. Tap!ball...swing. Hey! Not bad! Tap!ball.Swing. BEAM! Tap!ball. Swingg!
Cela gave a thumbs up of encouragement! She was getting it!
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Jory grinned. "Thank you,'' he said. He found kicking fun. Onto the next steps.
He put his right foot and began shuffling forward. It reminded him of a song by the muggle band LMFAO. And his fingers down, he took the four half steps.
"Oh you're welcome!" Such good manners!
"Wooo nearly there! Now once you've swung that foot around," She demonstrated again, "Bring that right foot across in a biiiiig step, and sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide your left foot to follow! And Jazz hands like you mean it!" She demonstrated, taking a biiiiig step to the right, putting her weight on her right foot and sliding her left foot across to follow while her hands totally JAZZED.
Tap!Ball. Swwwwwwwwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!
Jazz hands!Step and sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiide!
"One more after this one and we'll put it all together!"
Then she could teach them the silly incantation and explain what they were doing and what intent they needed of course.
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you