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While Hogwarts' newly minted graduates are departing for the train platform in the usual first-year boats, the rest of the school will be heading toward the Hogwarts Express via carriage.
These are the same carriages that brought you, with the obvious exception of the first years (who are henceforth known as second years), to the school on your first day. They are round, black, and seat about four students.
The carriages also appear to move along on their own, with an invisible something inside the harnesses...
Little Fox | ½ of Lauralie | Ravenclaw with a Hufflepuff heart and a Gryffindor soul | #HouseNATARIANA
Originally Posted by Emzily
Theo did not like these things.
As much as he had come to accept that magic was cray cray and there was always something to surprise him, he didn't like that there was an invisible creature pulling them along. HE couldn't see them, so what if they were huge, gigantic, killer beasts? No one was to know.
The new third year hauled himself on one of the empty carriages, and then he looked round frantically for his friends. He just needed someone to protect him.
As Bliss walked towards the carriages, she wrapped herself up in her jacket and shivered slightly. Although it wasn't cold, she still felt...weird, as if she needed protecting more by her jacket? now that she was leaving the school's boundaries. Not that the school had proved to be safe this term. Not at all. Still, she turned around to look at the grand castle and blinked away tears. She'd be back in no time, she told herself, before turning around.
Now actually on to the carriages.
For a second, Bliss paused in front of one of them and just looked. Her parents had told her all about the creatures which pulled the carriages. Apparently they were called Thestrals, and looked like big, black horse, but she couldn't see them herself. Luckily. Idly, she wondered that if a person that could see them, took a photo of them, would it come out blank or not. Or did the camera have to see death too?
Pushing her weird thoughts aside, Bliss reached the carriage and stuck her head in. OH LOOK. It was Theodore. "Hope you don't mind me joining you," she said and smiled, before pulling herself in. Theo was her friend, so it was safe to assume that he wouldn't mind her company. Unless he had reserved this carriage for other people. Let's hope not, Bliss thought as she plopped herself down in the seat opposite Theo.
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
SPOILER!!: <33
Originally Posted by ForeverYours
As Bliss walked towards the carriages, she wrapped herself up in her jacket and shivered slightly. Although it wasn't cold, she still felt...weird, as if she needed protecting more by her jacket? now that she was leaving the school's boundaries. Not that the school had proved to be safe this term. Not at all. Still, she turned around to look at the grand castle and blinked away tears. She'd be back in no time, she told herself, before turning around.
Now actually on to the carriages.
For a second, Bliss paused in front of one of them and just looked. Her parents had told her all about the creatures which pulled the carriages. Apparently they were called Thestrals, and looked like big, black horse, but she couldn't see them herself. Luckily. Idly, she wondered that if a person that could see them, took a photo of them, would it come out blank or not. Or did the camera have to see death too?
Pushing her weird thoughts aside, Bliss reached the carriage and stuck her head in. OH LOOK. It was Theodore. "Hope you don't mind me joining you," she said and smiled, before pulling herself in. Theo was her friend, so it was safe to assume that he wouldn't mind her company. Unless he had reserved this carriage for other people. Let's hope not, Bliss thought as she plopped herself down in the seat opposite Theo.
Theo hummed when Bliss appeared at the carriage. He was kinda after someone who could protect him, like Dylan or Kurumi. Or just someone above the age of fifteen. But Bliss would do, he guessed. "Sure, go ahead." And don't mind him, just cowering in the corner here. Which actually, he needed to snap out of right now.
Cos that wasn't cool.
"Hey, Bliss... can you... see what's pulling these carriages?" He was really curious to know. Theo knew nothing about the subject. Though it kinda reminded him of ghosts.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
Little Fox | ½ of Lauralie | Ravenclaw with a Hufflepuff heart and a Gryffindor soul | #HouseNATARIANA
SPOILER!!: Theo! <3
Theo hummed when Bliss appeared at the carriage. He was kinda after someone who could protect him, like Dylan or Kurumi. Or just someone above the age of fifteen. But Bliss would do, he guessed. "Sure, go ahead." And don't mind him, just cowering in the corner here. Which actually, he needed to snap out of right now.
Cos that wasn't cool.
"Hey, Bliss... can you... see what's pulling these carriages?" He was really curious to know. Theo knew nothing about the subject. Though it kinda reminded him of ghosts.
YAY. Bliss was glad that Theo wanted her in the carriage, she thought maybe that he'd want other people, but she was allowed. BEAM. "Thanks," she replied and got comfy in the carriage. She wondered when it would set off, perhaps when it was full? Hmmmmm.
Oh. That was a fair question. "No, I can't. I know what they are though," she told Theo and nodded. This was a weird subject, but it was better than silence at any rate. But it also involved death and that just....not a good topic for her, especially with her Dad being in the hospital.
Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good
Originally Posted by sarahb
So this was it...the end of Addie's second to last term at Hogwarts. With a sigh she stepped up into an empty carriage careful not to trip over her own feet.
Sitting on the end that was closest to the School she looked out and stared at the school that she loved. Why did she have to leave? Even if it was just for a summer it meant that she was getting just that much closer to graduating. And Addie didn't want to graduate. But she now had to officially call herself a seventh year. It was so tragic.
The second-year dragged her trunk and her owl's cage with her. She had been seriously considering leaving this evil owl there! Because now she had been bitten countless times and Cassia and the owl made it clear for each other that they despised each other. But no her father insisted that she keeps the owl and make peace with it. So that was the only reason the owl was with Cassia. Humph.
As she got to the carriages Cassia took a general look and climbed the closes after tossing her trunk and the cage. She looked at the girl inside of it and flashed her a big grin. "Hi there! Mind if I join you." Of course Cassia was now sitting so it'd be awkward if the girl said no. Though Cassia had seen the girl before during the feast meaning she was a Slytherin. "By the way I'm Cassia." The snake introduced herself leaning back on her seat. Yup she was making herself comfortable.
As the carriage started to move. Cassia drag her trunk closer and steadied it. She glanced at the cage and shrugged. It would be fortunate if it fell off the carriage and the owl died. Mehh..Musing at the castle which now was getting further and further away. Cassia turned to the older again. "It was an interesting term, huh?" She said in a exciting and conversational tone. Yeah she just met the girl but twelve-years old would talk and chat with anyone! And anything too.
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'myours
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Originally Posted by Rupert-Grint-Fan
"Ariana's, eh? That's ni-" she began but then paused at what Minnie said about her cousin. "Wait...what cousin are you talking about..?" she asked slowly, biting her lip. She was worried it was Taylor, but she wasn't sure if Taylor was Minerva's cousin or not. Ronnie was always confused about who was cousins with who...But yeah. Ronnie knew all about what had happened at the feast with Taylor and Minnie. And if they weren't gonna live together over that...then...that was just stupid.
Ronnie shook her head at Minerva's question. "Nope, not anymore." she said. Huh, Ronnie could have sworn she had told Minerva about her new family...
...Aparently not.
"This new family adopted me last year. They're real nice...you'll have to meet them sometime." Ronnie explained with a smile.
Minerva looked curious as Ronnie stopped her thought and changed direction. "Oh you remember when I lost my parents I was sent to live with my cousin's Leelee and Edward. Well when I got back from the train last term Leelee decided I was being to much trouble and gave custody to my muggle grandparents in the States." She shrugged it off and liked the fact she was living with her grandparents. They were as close to her dad as she could get. "I actually enjoy it though, being here makes me feel close with mom, but that summer in the wizarding world the entire time made me miss dad, so this is a good way to feel close to him as well." She gave Ronnie a weak smile knowing that was a bit more information then she asked for.
She then shook her head, "Oh goodness Ronnie, I remember that now. I'm sorry. So much has changed over the last few terms, I guess it slipped my mind." How could she be so forgetful. "Well I would love to meet them, I bet they are great." Yes, since she was going to be around this summer it would be easier to get to see her friends more.
Originally Posted by emjay
Ethan smiled back at Minerva as he wrapped his hand around hers. "Good, thanks.." he said to both girls. "Just wanted to make sure I wasn't interrupting any girl talk," he added with a chuckle. "Yeah, Looking forward to it," Ethan said as he glanced around the carriage and then looked at what seemed to be an empty spot at the front of the carriage. He had read that thestrals pulled the carriages, but it was always interesting to him that he couldn't see the winged horses.
Shrugging to himself, Ethan leaned back in his seat and stretched his legs out in front of him. "How do you think you fared on your OWLs, Ronnie?" he asked his fellow fifth year before lightly covering a yawn with one hand. Ehh.. why was he so tired this early in the day? Oh right.. he had failed to get his morning espresso from the kitchen in all the excitement of the day. Maybe he'd just close his eyes for a few minutes and let the girls talk.
Minerva laughed and shook her head, "Nope, your not interrupting, just talking about summer things." She hadn't told Ethan about the internship yet and wanted to wait until the train. "Didn't forget anything did you?" She was always so afraid of forgetting things, to her it would be horrible to forget a book or a sock or anything.
Then she noticed Ethan glancing to the front of the carriage. "I can't see them either. I wondered if maybe after the Millie incident if that would change or even the professor, but since we didn't actually see them being eaten just pulled away, it must not count." Glancing to the front of the carriage herself she shook her head. "They seem like pretty nice animals though, if you want to the front you can feel them breathing." It was kind of creepy but kind of cool at the same time Minerva thought.
Ravenpuff | Cap'n Crunch | Bedtime Queen | O Minion, My Minion
Pao walked out the large, oaken front doors with a heavy heart. He was going to miss this place. Well, mostly the people, but the castle itself, too. Especially now that they had access to their cozy common room again.
But at the same time he was excited for summer. With a smile, he jumped into one of the empty carriages and waited for more people to join him.
Nate smiled as he walked out the doors of Hogwarts for another summer vacation YEH!!!!!! This year he'd be all alone at his house though....sad face emoticon....BOOOOOOOO!!!!! That would suck having to be all alone at your house for all of summer. He wouldn't even be able to see his family leave because they're leaving right...about...now.
So after he walked out he hopped into the carrage with one of his fellow Hufflepuffs. Though he never really met this ex first year. He smiled at the little one and said "Hi! My name's Nate. What's yours?"
The second-year dragged her trunk and her owl's cage with her. She had been seriously considering leaving this evil owl there! Because now she had been bitten countless times and Cassia and the owl made it clear for each other that they despised each other. But no her father insisted that she keeps the owl and make peace with it. So that was the only reason the owl was with Cassia. Humph.
As she got to the carriages Cassia took a general look and climbed the closes after tossing her trunk and the cage. She looked at the girl inside of it and flashed her a big grin. "Hi there! Mind if I join you." Of course Cassia was now sitting so it'd be awkward if the girl said no. Though Cassia had seen the girl before during the feast meaning she was a Slytherin. "By the way I'm Cassia." The snake introduced herself leaning back on her seat. Yup she was making herself comfortable.
As the carriage started to move. Cassia drag her trunk closer and steadied it. She glanced at the cage and shrugged. It would be fortunate if it fell off the carriage and the owl died. Mehh..Musing at the castle which now was getting further and further away. Cassia turned to the older again. "It was an interesting term, huh?" She said in a exciting and conversational tone. Yeah she just met the girl but twelve-years old would talk and chat with anyone! And anything too.
Addie was just staring out the window when there was suddenly a trunk tossed into the carriage. In climbed a snake, she was younger than her for sure, but she would be good company. "Sure, your a snake right," Addie said with a smile recalling the face from around the term and in their corner of the Great Hall and such. "Nice to meet you Cassia, I'm Addie," she said with a smile. "Now an official seventh year, it's so scary."
With a little jolt the carriage started moving. Why was Hogwarts leaving her????? With one last stare out the carriage window she turned back to Cassia. "Yeah, interesting for sure, no common rooms part of the term, evil ghost dude, evil plant," Addie said as she named off the things that happened that term. It was a lot of weird things. "I don't think I'll ever look at a plant the same way." she announced. After all she had seen two teachers be eaten by an evil plant.
Ravenpuff | Cap'n Crunch | Bedtime Queen | O Minion, My Minion
Originally Posted by natethegreat
Nate smiled as he walked out the doors of Hogwarts for another summer vacation YEH!!!!!! This year he'd be all alone at his house though....sad face emoticon....BOOOOOOOO!!!!! That would suck having to be all alone at your house for all of summer. He wouldn't even be able to see his family leave because they're leaving right...about...now.
So after he walked out he hopped into the carrage with one of his fellow Hufflepuffs. Though he never really met this ex first year. He smiled at the little one and said "Hi! My name's Nate. What's yours?"
Momentarily, a fellow Hufflepuff stepped into the carriage. He'd seen the boy around before, but... Can't place his name... Oh, right. NATE. Yes, and was.. a third year? Maybe? All Pao remembered was that he wasn't a first year. Well, nor am I anymore, actually.
Pao returned the smile. "Hullo, Nate. I'm Pao. Well--" He should really clarify. "My name is actually Logan, but everyone calls me Pao. Short for Paolo, that's my middle name."
He really needed to stop giving these long explanations. People didn't need to know all of that.
Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good
Originally Posted by sarahb
Addie was just staring out the window when there was suddenly a trunk tossed into the carriage. In climbed a snake, she was younger than her for sure, but she would be good company. "Sure, your a snake right," Addie said with a smile recalling the face from around the term and in their corner of the Great Hall and such. "Nice to meet you Cassia, I'm Addie," she said with a smile. "Now an official seventh year, it's so scary."
With a little jolt the carriage started moving. Why was Hogwarts leaving her????? With one last stare out the carriage window she turned back to Cassia. "Yeah, interesting for sure, no common rooms part of the term, evil ghost dude, evil plant," Addie said as she named off the things that happened that term. It was a lot of weird things. "I don't think I'll ever look at a plant the same way." she announced. After all she had seen two teachers be eaten by an evil plant.
Cassia had thought that two years were enough to meet all of her house-mates. Well, obviously she was wrong. She keeps meeting new people which she liked. The more people she knew the better. You never know when to need them. "Nice to meet you Addie." Cassia beamed at the girl. Good her name was easy so Cassia was likely to remember it. Because some people took it very personal when she'd like invent another name for them. IT's not her fault she had a lousy memory! And a seventh-year. "Really! That's really scary!" Ehh.Probably not the best thing to say. But again like the twelve-years old know what was the best to say. "I mean it must be interesting. And a bit sad." She added. Yeah that should be better. "It's not like we could stay students for the rest of hour lives." Come to think of it, why wasn't that allowed again? "I am a second-year." She told Addie. "Or a third year!" She said with a grin. That was the first time she had said that. She need to get used to saying that.
Something was very interesting happening here. Cassia was actually talking with an older student who seemed to be cool! That is remarkable. The snake made a mental note of telling her friend Lex that not all older kids were boring and mean. This Addie seemed the cool type. Once the plant was brought up the younger snake shuddered. "Guh! I never ever liked plants." She stated. "And people would think I was weird. Well, duh! Plants eat people and that was proved." She said with a triumph look. She was going to have to remember all the people who thought she was odd for desipising plants. Well, that was hard and needed effort. Maybe she should just forget about it. And as for the common rooms thing. "Well, on the bright side...." Cassia paused trying to think of a bright side of having to sleep on the ground in the great hall with all the other students! "Umm...You know it was a way of socializing." That's the best she got.
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'myours
Hit Wiz love | 1/2 of Bensky | Louisa's baby claw. <3 | kewe
Originally Posted by Unalii
Taylor sighed, "But I dont want to stay so i wont." Tay grumbled and crossed her arms. She glanced back at her friend then huffed. Taylor looked back out the carriage's window in silence.
Lily was slightly taken aback by her friend's response. Not staying in London meant that the redhead wouldn't get to spend any part of her summer with Taylor. She stared at her friend for a moment before curling up into a ball and staring off in the direction the carriage was moving. She couldn't help but worry about losing two of her friends at the end of one school year.
Within a couple of minutes, they were at the station and it was time to board the train. Lily grabbed her stuff and hopped down before Taylor had a chance to get out. The former third year gave one last look at the grumpy girl before heading off toward the train, hoping that she'd be able to find someone to sit with on the train ride home.
Cassia had thought that two years were enough to meet all of her house-mates. Well, obviously she was wrong. She keeps meeting new people which she liked. The more people she knew the better. You never know when to need them. "Nice to meet you Addie." Cassia beamed at the girl. Good her name was easy so Cassia was likely to remember it. Because some people took it very personal when she'd like invent another name for them. IT's not her fault she had a lousy memory! And a seventh-year. "Really! That's really scary!" Ehh.Probably not the best thing to say. But again like the twelve-years old know what was the best to say. "I mean it must be interesting. And a bit sad." She added. Yeah that should be better. "It's not like we could stay students for the rest of hour lives." Come to think of it, why wasn't that allowed again? "I am a second-year." She told Addie. "Or a third year!" She said with a grin. That was the first time she had said that. She need to get used to saying that.
Something was very interesting happening here. Cassia was actually talking with an older student who seemed to be cool! That is remarkable. The snake made a mental note of telling her friend Lex that not all older kids were boring and mean. This Addie seemed the cool type. Once the plant was brought up the younger snake shuddered. "Guh! I never ever liked plants." She stated. "And people would think I was weird. Well, duh! Plants eat people and that was proved." She said with a triumph look. She was going to have to remember all the people who thought she was odd for desipising plants. Well, that was hard and needed effort. Maybe she should just forget about it. And as for the common rooms thing. "Well, on the bright side...." Cassia paused trying to think of a bright side of having to sleep on the ground in the great hall with all the other students! "Umm...You know it was a way of socializing." That's the best she got.
With one last glance out the window Addie sighed and turned back to Cassia. She giggled when the younger girl exclaimed that it was really scary. "I'm not ready to graduate yet," Addie said. "Even though I still have one more year, it's going to go by to fast and I'm already sad leaving this year." Though she could say that sad was an understatement. Devastated, abandoned, those would be better words to describe the feeling of leaving Hogwarts. "It would be nice to stay students forever," Addie said with a sigh as she swung her legs underneath her, they didn't touch the ground so she could just swing them! "I'll miss Hogwarts to much, you're lucky that you still have five years to go!" Very lucky.
Addie smiled when the girl shuddered at the thoughts of plants. "I used to like them and Herbology," Addie stated like it was just a plain old fact that everyone should know. "Now I'm going to check to make sure it is completely safe every time we have Herbology." Yes Addie would check with the professor for the rest of her Herbology classes in her whole entire life to make sure that she never was at danger of being eaten by a plant again. Addie giggled. Sleeping on the cold hard floors being a way of socializing. "I guess we could be sociable, I think I was a little to busy complaining," Addie admitted to the younger snake. It wasn't her fault that she was used to a nice comfortable bed. "I like comfortable beds and got to sleep in my super comfortable bed for my whole entire life until last year when I came to Hogwarts so I guess I'm a little to used to comfortable beds," because it wasn't her fault that her mom refused to let her attend Hogwarts until her fifth year. Why did she think that being short would have that big of an impact on Addie's life?
Finally. FINALLY. It was summer time. Milton was so ready to get away from Hogwarts and its man-eating plants. He had had enough near-death experiences in one term, he thought. After walking faster than his normal swagger pace, Milton hopped up into the carriage and saw a familiar face. One he wasn't so fond of a couple of months ago.
"Long time, no see," he said as he took a seat next to her. She missed him, didn't she? DIDN'T SHE? She was obviously mental if she didn't.
Addy did NOT see Milton when he finally DID arrive. Go figure. HEHE. Her head swung around toward him and she smiled brightly before launching herself at him for HUGGGGSSSS!
"Milton! I am SO happy to see you. Glad you didn't die and YES. I missed you. I have been locked up in the dorms not wanting to see people, though. Everyone was all mopey and gross," she chattered excitedly.
Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good
Originally Posted by sarahb
With one last glance out the window Addie sighed and turned back to Cassia. She giggled when the younger girl exclaimed that it was really scary. "I'm not ready to graduate yet," Addie said. "Even though I still have one more year, it's going to go by to fast and I'm already sad leaving this year." Though she could say that sad was an understatement. Devastated, abandoned, those would be better words to describe the feeling of leaving Hogwarts. "It would be nice to stay students forever," Addie said with a sigh as she swung her legs underneath her, they didn't touch the ground so she could just swing them! "I'll miss Hogwarts to much, you're lucky that you still have five years to go!" Very lucky.
Addie smiled when the girl shuddered at the thoughts of plants. "I used to like them and Herbology," Addie stated like it was just a plain old fact that everyone should know. "Now I'm going to check to make sure it is completely safe every time we have Herbology." Yes Addie would check with the professor for the rest of her Herbology classes in her whole entire life to make sure that she never was at danger of being eaten by a plant again. Addie giggled. Sleeping on the cold hard floors being a way of socializing. "I guess we could be sociable, I think I was a little to busy complaining," Addie admitted to the younger snake. It wasn't her fault that she was used to a nice comfortable bed. "I like comfortable beds and got to sleep in my super comfortable bed for my whole entire life until last year when I came to Hogwarts so I guess I'm a little to used to comfortable beds," because it wasn't her fault that her mom refused to let her attend Hogwarts until her fifth year. Why did she think that being short would have that big of an impact on Addie's life?
Cassia of course couldn't know how it felt to be so close to leaving school but she wondered how would someone be ready. And obviously even Addie didn't know. Cassia pushed the thoughts of graduating away because she still had plenty of time. "You should not waste any minute next year. Have as much fun as you can." Because fun is the most important thing obviously! What else was important. And stay students forever was indeed nice. "It's cool but come to think about it. It'd become weird because we'd get older and stuff." She paused trying to picture herself as student after twenty years. Nahh..it didn't feel right. And yeah five more years for Cassia and she was going to rock them.
The twelve-years old tried not to frown when Addie said she used to like Herbology. Honestly how could people like it. Weird. "Well, now I have an excuse to never step near the greenhouses." Too dangerous and Cassia's life was more important than a subject. And the snake was actually surprised that students were still going to take it. Well, she wasn't sure she wasn't going to because her father insisted she did. She'd have to convince him. Which was hard.
Comfortable beds! Who didn't like them. "I know right! You enjoy sleeping when you have a soft and comfy mattress not like when sleeping on the hard floor." She said. "But that was the only time I got to sleep in a sleeping bag. Though it wasn't enjoyable but now I experienced it." Because she wanted to experience everything.
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'myours