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Minerva made a sarcastic laugh, "Well if you can believe it Maxwell was a nice guy at one point, but ever since he has been with Elliot he has become a jerk." she shook her head. She couldn't believe how much he had changed and why he hated her so much anymore. Minerva then shrugged without looking up, "Well.. I don't know how you define bad, but my first year my parents and little brother had died in a plane crash going back to the states. Since then I have been living with my wizard cousins, but right before term ended my cousin decided she couldn't handle being 28 taking care of a 14 year old, so I went to live with my muggle grandparents in the States. I left kind of without warning, because I didn't even know I was leaving. I came back to school late after convincing my grandparents I had to come back, by the time I came back Maxwell had dated my best friend and was actually flirting with Elliot when I found him." she glared down the corridor towards him. "I've moved on, so I don't know why they think it's necessary to always pull mean things on me when they are around." She shook her head not believing she had just spilled all that and then blushed hoping he wouldn't mind her telling him so much.
Minerva couldn't help but give a chuckle when he asked about Elliot and Laura, "Oh no they do not like each other, I'm assuming Elliot was invited because of Laura's mom and Elliot's mom being friends." She then shrugged, "I think me being there to annoy was just an added bonus for her." Minerva looked down, she knew she didn't help anything by her attitude towards either of them, but how were you nice to people who hated you. "Sorry for throwing you in the middle of this all the time. I feel like every time you are around Elliot shows up.." Then she thought of Laura, "I will find her later and hopefully fix her birthday before the day is over."
Then she looked up, should she say anything about what was said or just leave it. He probably would just walk away from her if she admitted what Maxwell had said. Looking back at the ground she felt super nervous. Fidgeting with her fingers she looked up at Ethan, "Ethan.. I'm sorry for what happened back there. I..I'm never mean to people..Yes I can have a little temper when pushed, but I'm usually not mean to anyone." she felt the blush coming back, "and well.. what Maxwell said that started this..sorry about that." she wimped out in saying the truth..
Ethan's eyes widened slightly as Minerva told of her family tragedy and living arrangements. He looked down, away.. not knowing what to say. That was really bad.. he wasn't expecting that. "I'm really sorry," he mumbled. But he was sure she didn't want him feeling sorry for her so he looked up and offered her a sad smile, continuing to listen. "What?" he asked incredulously as she explained what happened with Maxwell. "That's cold.. that's just.. wrong." He shook his head in disbelief. Just when this girl was the most vulnerable.. her boyfriend goes looking for someone else. And not just anyone else.. but her best friend. Ethan didn't get what Elliot saw in this guy.. but he wouldn't put it past him to treat her that way one day too. He'd have to keep his eye on him. But this wasn't about them... Ethan didn't hold much regard for this so-called 'best friend' either. What kind of friend does that to someone as soon as their back is turned? "Well, I can see why you'd be angry.." he started. Because he was getting angry just hearing about.. it hadn't even happened to him. But that didn't explain why he was trying to push her buttons.. just move on, mate.
Ethan furrowed his brow slightly as she continued about Laura and Elliot's relationship. That made sense.. sorta. But she didn't have to be there just because their mums were friends.. but it didn't matter that much to him so he shrugged it off as she continued. He nodded solemnly. He did feel like he was stuck in the middle a lot. "Yes.. well, you are both my friends.. and I do feel like I'm caught in the middle sometimes. The tension's a bit rough." He got quiet suddenly, feeling like he said too much. He didn't want Minerva to feel bad that he was feeling like he was.. but he didn't want to have to choose between his friends. Then he smiled at her suggestion. "That's a good idea." He still felt bad about the birthday girl's ruined party. Maybe he'd make it a point to buy her a present next Hogsmeade weekend.
Ethan listened as Minerva apologized and tried to explain her actions. He shook his head lightly and said, "It's okay..." He put his hand on the side of her arm and his eyes met hers. "I know you're not a mean person. I mean.. I know I haven't known you for long, but I can tell you're a good person." He dropped his hand. "No need to apologize." Really? It wasn't her fault that her ex-boyfriend tried to drag him into his game-playing.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Originally Posted by emjay
Ethan's eyes widened slightly as Minerva told of her family tragedy and living arrangements. He looked down, away.. not knowing what to say. That was really bad.. he wasn't expecting that. "I'm really sorry," he mumbled. But he was sure she didn't want him feeling sorry for her so he looked up and offered her a sad smile, continuing to listen. "What?" he asked incredulously as she explained what happened with Maxwell. "That's cold.. that's just.. wrong." He shook his head in disbelief. Just when this girl was the most vulnerable.. her boyfriend goes looking for someone else. And not just anyone else.. but her best friend. Ethan didn't get what Elliot saw in this guy.. but he wouldn't put it past him to treat her that way one day too. He'd have to keep his eye on him. But this wasn't about them... Ethan didn't hold much regard for this so-called 'best friend' either. What kind of friend does that to someone as soon as their back is turned? "Well, I can see why you'd be angry.." he started. Because he was getting angry just hearing about.. it hadn't even happened to him. But that didn't explain why he was trying to push her buttons.. just move on, mate.
Ethan furrowed his brow slightly as she continued about Laura and Elliot's relationship. That made sense.. sorta. But she didn't have to be there just because their mums were friends.. but it didn't matter that much to him so he shrugged it off as she continued. He nodded solemnly. He did feel like he was stuck in the middle a lot. "Yes.. well, you are both my friends.. and I do feel like I'm caught in the middle sometimes. The tension's a bit rough." He got quiet suddenly, feeling like he said too much. He didn't want Minerva to feel bad that he was feeling like he was.. but he didn't want to have to choose between his friends. Then he smiled at her suggestion. "That's a good idea." He still felt bad about the birthday girl's ruined party. Maybe he'd make it a point to buy her a present next Hogsmeade weekend.
Ethan listened as Minerva apologized and tried to explain her actions. He shook his head lightly and said, "It's okay..." He put his hand on the side of her arm and his eyes met hers. "I know you're not a mean person. I mean.. I know I haven't known you for long, but I can tell you're a good person." He dropped his hand. "No need to apologize." Really? It wasn't her fault that her ex-boyfriend tried to drag him into his game-playing.
Minerva saw his look about her family. Why do you have such a big mouth Min, making people awkward and sad. To her it was old news per say, but she forgot how people would react when she said it. "Ethan, it's really okay. I've had great friends to help me through. Maxwell was one of them to be honest." yes she knew she wouldn't have made it through without him at one point. "I'm better off with my grandparents as well. I was very close to them growing up, so it's nice to be with them again. It's just all the muggle world after being here that takes some time to get use to again." Minerva gave a smile to show she was really okay with it. She then gave a sigh, "Yeah, I finally think I'm really past what he did. I know I'm not trying to give him reasons, but no one knew if I was coming back or not, and no owls were sent. It took me all summer just to tell my grandparents I was what I am, so sending an owl to anyone would have been well.. awkward." she giggled a bit thinking of how that would have played out.
Minerva then frowned, she didn't want anyone uncomfortable, "I'm sorry Ethan, that's not fair to you. I..I could try harder to get along with her and stuff when your around at least if it could help a bit." Yes she was willing to do that for him. For Maxwell no, she wouldn't even try, because she was so angry at both of them, but for Ethan she would try. "Just do me a favor, I know your friends with her and I know she is nice to you, but just be careful around her. I'm not saying she will turn on you, but I have seen her be pretty nasty to some people." Minerva hoped she wasn't being to hard, she just wanted to protect her friends when needed.
Minerva felt her face turn pink as she felt his hand touch her arm. A small smile came across her face. She wished she could hide this part of her, but she couldn't hide her blushing. "Well I'm glad you don't think I'm mean." Minerva smiled. Then the hand was gone, what were you expecting Min, him to say he liked you.. fat chance on that, she thought to herself. But, she did like Ethan, and if was just to be a friend then she would take it. "Hey I guess I should go find Laura. Ethan, thank you so much for helping. You really did make me feel better." Yes at least she knew he wasn't scared off by the brats that followed her.
Minerva saw his look about her family. Why do you have such a big mouth Min, making people awkward and sad. To her it was old news per say, but she forgot how people would react when she said it. "Ethan, it's really okay. I've had great friends to help me through. Maxwell was one of them to be honest." yes she knew she wouldn't have made it through without him at one point. "I'm better off with my grandparents as well. I was very close to them growing up, so it's nice to be with them again. It's just all the muggle world after being here that takes some time to get use to again." Minerva gave a smile to show she was really okay with it. She then gave a sigh, "Yeah, I finally think I'm really past what he did. I know I'm not trying to give him reasons, but no one knew if I was coming back or not, and no owls were sent. It took me all summer just to tell my grandparents I was what I am, so sending an owl to anyone would have been well.. awkward." she giggled a bit thinking of how that would have played out.
Minerva then frowned, she didn't want anyone uncomfortable, "I'm sorry Ethan, that's not fair to you. I..I could try harder to get along with her and stuff when your around at least if it could help a bit." Yes she was willing to do that for him. For Maxwell no, she wouldn't even try, because she was so angry at both of them, but for Ethan she would try. "Just do me a favor, I know your friends with her and I know she is nice to you, but just be careful around her. I'm not saying she will turn on you, but I have seen her be pretty nasty to some people." Minerva hoped she wasn't being to hard, she just wanted to protect her friends when needed.
Minerva felt her face turn pink as she felt his hand touch her arm. A small smile came across her face. She wished she could hide this part of her, but she couldn't hide her blushing. "Well I'm glad you don't think I'm mean." Minerva smiled. Then the hand was gone, what were you expecting Min, him to say he liked you.. fat chance on that, she thought to herself. But, she did like Ethan, and if was just to be a friend then she would take it. "Hey I guess I should go find Laura. Ethan, thank you so much for helping. You really did make me feel better." Yes at least she knew he wasn't scared off by the brats that followed her.
Ethan silently listened, nodding at several points. Minerva seemed to have accepted the way things were.. But the whole hiding who you were from your family was hard for him to understand. Belle had told him something similar and he just didn't get it.. he figured he never would. And.. no owls? Surely she could have gotten away for a few minutes to find one? But the hardest one for him to understand was the fact that she was only gone for a few months.. and Maxwell was so easily - and quickly- able to move on, with her best friend. That left him with a bad taste in his mouth.. but it wasn't really for him to say. "Yeah.. I guess.." was all he managed to say, feeling like there was no need to discuss it any further right now.
The Ravenclaw shook his head lightly and gave her a rueful smile. "It's alright," he said with a shrug. Not everyone got her sarcastic nature and Ethan was able to see past that.. and those that couldn't.. well, he had been around enough to see others on the receiving end. "Maybe try acting like she doesn't bother you.." he suggested. Then maybe she'd back off.. because as far as Ethan could see they both had a hand in whatever disagreement they had. He merely looked at Minerva as she offered a warning, feeling a slight smirk emerge. He didn't think he had anything to worry about there.. but if he ever did, he could take care of himself.
"Oh.. Okay then," he said when she mentioned leaving. He thought that was a bit sudden.. but understood. The birthday girl was her friend so surely she must feel bad and want to make sure she's alright. "I'll see you around then." Ethan gave Minnie a smile and headed off in the direction of the Great Hall.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Myrtle's moaning had some bite to it at last. Greyish, thickish, brackish water came pouring out of her bathroom and seeping down the hallway. It picked up speed as it gained distance from the bathroom doorway, almost as though it were driven by a magical force toward an unseen destination.
The water filled every nook and cranny of the second floor corridor.
Ooooh, she had singing and ballet lessons? That was pretty awesome! Nora only learned how to play the piano, but that was something, wasn't it? As for the rest... she sang and danced where no one could see or hear her. For their own good, that is. Hehe. "I actually like the yoga in the Defence Against the Dark Arts class," she giggled. "Well, except for the boat position." Now THAT was an awful and rather painful one.
"A walk sounds good," Nora grinned. "I could use some fresh air." And so would Elijah, who was still behaving like a good lizard and remained in his favourite pocket of her robes. Should she reveal the little creature? Would Cora freak out? Maybe she should wait until they were out... "Why don't you lead the way?"
Originally Posted by The Narrator
Myrtle's moaning had some bite to it at last. Greyish, thickish, brackish water came pouring out of her bathroom and seeping down the hallway. It picked up speed as it gained distance from the bathroom doorway, almost as though it were driven by a magical force toward an unseen destination.
The water filled every nook and cranny of the second floor corridor.
Cora screamed as water poured everywhere knocking her off her feet. It was the grossest color water Cora had ever seen. But that didn't bother her as much as tumbling around did.
"AFGHJGHAASSTTT!! NORAAAA!!!" Cora called out, letting out a squeal. She reached for Nora's hand, her own hand now covered in greyish water. Leave it to Myrtle. Especially since Cora had just finished remarking about how enjoyable she found Myrtle's random interruptions to be. She liked her. But WHYYY???
Cora coughed as the gross water splashed into her face. Ew. Not that Cora REALLY cared. But still. Scrambling to her feet, she added, "Maybe we should head out. Quickly," she said, grabbing Nora's hand again. They would find some place nice and quiet. And dry.
I'm just one of those pretty little liars... | | I'm held down in this starless city...
Originally Posted by ashfig
Cora screamed as water poured everywhere knocking her off her feet. It was the grossest color water Cora had ever seen. But that didn't bother her as much as tumbling around did.
"AFGHJGHAASSTTT!! NORAAAA!!!" Cora called out, letting out a squeal. She reached for Nora's hand, her own hand now covered in greyish water. Leave it to Myrtle. Especially since Cora had just finished remarking about how enjoyable she found Myrtle's random interruptions to be. She liked her. But WHYYY???
Cora coughed as the gross water splashed into her face. Ew. Not that Cora REALLY cared. But still. Scrambling to her feet, she added, "Maybe we should head out. Quickly," she said, grabbing Nora's hand again. They would find some place nice and quiet. And dry.
The girls were about to leave, when... water - no, greyish, awful water - poured all around the corridor. What in the name of Merlin's long, grey beard was happening?! Nora knew that Myrtle... cried... hence the nickname, but a ghost couldn't do... THAT...
... right?
"EEEEEK!" Water. Everywhere.
She couldn't agree more when Cora suggested heading out. "You mean FLYING away? I can't even swim!" Well, that was a stupid thing to say, since there wasn't that much water... yet, but Nora was horrified. When Cora grabbed her hand, she sped as fast as she could through the water, having no idea where to go. Far away from that, she knew as much.
The girls were about to leave, when... water - no, greyish, awful water - poured all around the corridor. What in the name of Merlin's long, grey beard was happening?! Nora knew that Myrtle... cried... hence the nickname, but a ghost couldn't do... THAT...
... right?
"EEEEEK!" Water. Everywhere.
She couldn't agree more when Cora suggested heading out. "You mean FLYING away? I can't even swim!" Well, that was a stupid thing to say, since there wasn't that much water... yet, but Nora was horrified. When Cora grabbed her hand, she sped as fast as she could through the water, having no idea where to go. Far away from that, she knew as much.
Cora clung to Nora's hand. Fortunately there wasn't too much water...yet. But Cora did NOT want to risk it, so willingly followed Nora desperately. "Don't worry. I can swim." If it comes to it. Currently swimming would no be necessary, but Nora seemed a bit concerned, so Cora, through sputters and coughs, made sure to reassure Nora.
The water was tough to wade through, especially since it was flowing down the corridor. But Cora knew they had to get out fast. The water was FREEZING. Clinging to Nora for support, Cora lead them towards the stairs. She didn't know where she was going, but the closest staircase was leading to the third floor.
"Good enough", Cora thought.
Grasping the handrail with her free hand, she pulled Nora. "Come ON!" she yelled, a bit out of breath. And suddenly, they were in the third floor corridor.
Isabelle had been eager for some food, so from her perch up on the sixth floor she'd made her way down to the second, on route to the Great Hall, when she heard shouting coming from a little way down. Knowing Fina's office was in that particular direction she was slightly concerned by the tone of voice. Frowning, she stuck her hands in her pockets and wandered down to see what the matter was. After all, if Fina had been there she'd have let them in by now, surely?
Originally Posted by Harry174
Laura had been sent to get Professor Hadley and Professor Hadley she was going to get.
"PROFESSOR HADLEY YOU IN THERE?" Laura was really worried about what had just happened and she knew that Professor Hadley should know, she was really wishing that the Professor would answer the door, she was in a rush.
Originally Posted by Becky
Having ran at first to catch up with Laura, Ed realised she had a bad foot and wouldn't be getting anywhere too quickly and started to walk instead. Though she had climbed the stairs pretty fast. When he finally caught up with the young Puff, he leant against the wall next to the door. "Is your foot okay?" Silly question, since she'd climbed three flights of stairs.
Upon approach she saw two Hufflepuffs, one of which seemed to be in quite a state of panic. "Mister Clay, Miss Hyde. I hope you have a good explanation as to why I can hear your voice from the other end of the corridor? I'm sure Professor Hadley would not appreciate being shouted for like that," she said, raising an eyebrow. "Well?"
Liz's Bestie ● Helvetica ● ● Jigglypuff ● Jeff Vader
Originally Posted by MeredithRodneyMckay
Isabelle had been eager for some food, so from her perch up on the sixth floor she'd made her way down to the second, on route to the Great Hall, when she heard shouting coming from a little way down. Knowing Fina's office was in that particular direction she was slightly concerned by the tone of voice. Frowning, she stuck her hands in her pockets and wandered down to see what the matter was. After all, if Fina had been there she'd have let them in by now, surely?
Upon approach she saw two Hufflepuffs, one of which seemed to be in quite a state of panic. "Mister Clay, Miss Hyde. I hope you have a good explanation as to why I can hear your voice from the other end of the corridor? I'm sure Professor Hadley would not appreciate being shouted for like that," she said, raising an eyebrow. "Well?"
Wait, WHAT? She couldn't hear HIM. He was being all calm and polite. His eyes focused on the awesome professor for a moment before he replied politely. "I wasn't actually part of this, I just came across the aftermath of it, but apparently all of the Hufflepuff students have been ejected from the common room and we can't get back in." He offered a smile, hoping she'd realised why Laura had been freaking out. And maybe he wouldn't mention that Laura had kicked the barrels, just in case.
Yesterday is not ours to recover But tomorrow is ours to win or lose.
Wait, WHAT? She couldn't hear HIM. He was being all calm and polite. His eyes focused on the awesome professor for a moment before he replied politely. "I wasn't actually part of this, I just came across the aftermath of it, but apparently all of the Hufflepuff students have been ejected from the common room and we can't get back in." He offered a smile, hoping she'd realised why Laura had been freaking out. And maybe he wouldn't mention that Laura had kicked the barrels, just in case.
It was Edmund that spoke first, and confused Isabelle no end. Her eyebrows, once raised, now creased in a deep furrow the more she listened to what he said. But that was, well, preposterous. Ejected? Can't get back in? Mouth hanging open slightly, Issy went to speak then stopped herself. She didn't want to accuse him of lying, because quite clearly Laura was upset about something, but what he'd said sounded so - ridiculous.
"The only people legitimately allowed to eject you from the common room, Mister Clay, are Professor Hadley and the Headmistress. But they would only do so with a very valid reason. So if anyone else did, then take me to them and I shall have stern words." She would as well. Only those two were allowed to order the Badgers from their den, being the ones in charge. Unless of course there was an emergency and someone else sent them out. But he hadn't said that...
"And what's this about not being able to get back in? Are you sure you're all tapping the barrel properly?" And was there any vinegar? She been a victim of that a few times when she was a student. It was quite easy to forget which one it was.
Liz's Bestie ● Helvetica ● ● Jigglypuff ● Jeff Vader
Originally Posted by MeredithRodneyMckay
It was Edmund that spoke first, and confused Isabelle no end. Her eyebrows, once raised, now creased in a deep furrow the more she listened to what he said. But that was, well, preposterous. Ejected? Can't get back in? Mouth hanging open slightly, Issy went to speak then stopped herself. She didn't want to accuse him of lying, because quite clearly Laura was upset about something, but what he'd said sounded so - ridiculous.
"The only people legitimately allowed to eject you from the common room, Mister Clay, are Professor Hadley and the Headmistress. But they would only do so with a very valid reason. So if anyone else did, then take me to them and I shall have stern words." She would as well. Only those two were allowed to order the Badgers from their den, being the ones in charge. Unless of course there was an emergency and someone else sent them out. But he hadn't said that...
"And what's this about not being able to get back in? Are you sure you're all tapping the barrel properly?" And was there any vinegar? She been a victim of that a few times when she was a student. It was quite easy to forget which one it was.
She didn't look like she believed him. At all. There was that word. Legitimate. "I'm not quite sure it was legitimate." He replied quietly, staring at her to show how sincere he was. "Three of us tried in quick succession and we couldn't get in, plus we're not doused in vinegar." He pointed out the obvious. It was just... broken. "Honestly Professor, I stumbled upon Hufflepuffs sprawled all over the floor who were just as confused as I am." He shrugged. "Maybe you should come and investigate to see for yourself?" If she didn't believe it, she could come and see for herself, she was obviously a Puff since she knew about tapping the barrels.
Yesterday is not ours to recover But tomorrow is ours to win or lose.
It was Edmund that spoke first, and confused Isabelle no end. Her eyebrows, once raised, now creased in a deep furrow the more she listened to what he said. But that was, well, preposterous. Ejected? Can't get back in? Mouth hanging open slightly, Issy went to speak then stopped herself. She didn't want to accuse him of lying, because quite clearly Laura was upset about something, but what he'd said sounded so - ridiculous.
"The only people legitimately allowed to eject you from the common room, Mister Clay, are Professor Hadley and the Headmistress. But they would only do so with a very valid reason. So if anyone else did, then take me to them and I shall have stern words." She would as well. Only those two were allowed to order the Badgers from their den, being the ones in charge. Unless of course there was an emergency and someone else sent them out. But he hadn't said that...
"And what's this about not being able to get back in? Are you sure you're all tapping the barrel properly?" And was there any vinegar? She been a victim of that a few times when she was a student. It was quite easy to forget which one it was.
Laura looked at the Professor and blushed. "Sorry Professor." Laura hadn't realised she had been shouting so loud. "It's just as Ed said, we've been kicked out of the common room and now we can't get back in." Laura sighed. "Though I have tried." Laura's foot still hurt from her kicking the barrel. "You can come and look for yourself like Ed said." Laura was sure the Professor didn't believe her.
She didn't look like she believed him. At all. There was that word. Legitimate. "I'm not quite sure it was legitimate." He replied quietly, staring at her to show how sincere he was. "Three of us tried in quick succession and we couldn't get in, plus we're not doused in vinegar." He pointed out the obvious. It was just... broken. "Honestly Professor, I stumbled upon Hufflepuffs sprawled all over the floor who were just as confused as I am." He shrugged. "Maybe you should come and investigate to see for yourself?" If she didn't believe it, she could come and see for herself, she was obviously a Puff since she knew about tapping the barrels.
Originally Posted by Harry174
Laura looked at the Professor and blushed. "Sorry Professor." Laura hadn't realised she had been shouting so loud. "It's just as Ed said, we've been kicked out of the common room and now we can't get back in." Laura sighed. "Though I have tried." Laura's foot still hurt from her kicking the barrel. "You can come and look for yourself like Ed said." Laura was sure the Professor didn't believe her.
Well they both seemed serious. But, if they'd been ejected and were, what was it Edmund had said? 'Sprawled all over the floor', then it must have been done with some force. And that certainly wasn't on. Isabelle most definitely had to go and see, and make sure whoever had done it was reprimanded. But it was the being locked out thing that confused her most. The common rooms were never locked during school times. And if they'd tapped the barrel and not been sprayed they must have done it right. So why weren't they opening?
Isabelle weighed all these thoughts up in her mind, brow still furrowed, before looking directly at Edmund and Laura. "Right, we'll go down and find out what's wrong. It might be easily fixable. Come on." Although if this was some elaborate hoax designed for Professor Hadley, that Issy had walked into, Merlin help them all.
Originally Posted by hpluvr037
Huffing and puffing, Pao ran down the hallway towards his aunt's office. This. Was. Serious.
"Auntie Fina!" he said, while knocking, as a way of asking to come in. Sure, he wouldn't do that for any other professor. But this.. This was Aunt Faith. And this was them being locked out of their common room. His toad was in there! Not good.
Just as they were leaving, little Pao came running down the corridor shouting for Fina as well. Or rather 'Auntie Fina'. Interesting. "Pao!" Issy called to him, waving her arm to get his attention. "If you're here about the common room, I'm just going down to sort it out. Do you want to come with us or wait for Professor Hadley? I'm not sure if she's actually in..." Because she'd have come to see what the commotion was by now.
Leobald headed down the staircases from the library still clutching the broken reel in a tight grasp as he scanned the floors for sights of either the headmistress or the caretaker. The librarian was utterly confused why had he of all the people in the castle been robbed? Fishing pole's were last time he looked not rare or worth stealing.
Shaking his dark coloured head Leo descended onto the second floor where he spotted Professor Magnus in conversation with two badgers. Normally he would have just proceeded past but hearing some words like 'locked out' and 'common room' he steered his steps towards the small group. Catching Professor Magnus eye Leo greeted her. "Good day Professor Magnus, is something amiss? Who is locked out?" And from where?
Turning to the badgers he said in turn. "Good day Edmund and Laura!"
Liz's Bestie ● Helvetica ● ● Jigglypuff ● Jeff Vader
Text Cut: Laura, Magnus and Kitridge
Originally Posted by Harry174
Laura looked at the Professor and blushed. "Sorry Professor." Laura hadn't realised she had been shouting so loud. "It's just as Ed said, we've been kicked out of the common room and now we can't get back in." Laura sighed. "Though I have tried." Laura's foot still hurt from her kicking the barrel. "You can come and look for yourself like Ed said." Laura was sure the Professor didn't believe her.
Originally Posted by MeredithRodneyMckay
Well they both seemed serious. But, if they'd been ejected and were, what was it Edmund had said? 'Sprawled all over the floor', then it must have been done with some force. And that certainly wasn't on. Isabelle most definitely had to go and see, and make sure whoever had done it was reprimanded. But it was the being locked out thing that confused her most. The common rooms were never locked during school times. And if they'd tapped the barrel and not been sprayed they must have done it right. So why weren't they opening?
Isabelle weighed all these thoughts up in her mind, brow still furrowed, before looking directly at Edmund and Laura. "Right, we'll go down and find out what's wrong. It might be easily fixable. Come on." Although if this was some elaborate hoax designed for Professor Hadley, that Issy had walked into, Merlin help them all.
Just as they were leaving, little Pao came running down the corridor shouting for Fina as well. Or rather 'Auntie Fina'. Interesting. "Pao!" Issy called to him, waving her arm to get his attention. "If you're here about the common room, I'm just going down to sort it out. Do you want to come with us or wait for Professor Hadley? I'm not sure if she's actually in..." Because she'd have come to see what the commotion was by now.
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch
Leobald headed down the staircases from the library still clutching the broken reel in a tight grasp as he scanned the floors for sights of either the headmistress or the caretaker. The librarian was utterly confused why had he of all the people in the castle been robbed? Fishing pole's were last time he looked not rare or worth stealing.
Shaking his dark coloured head Leo descended onto the second floor where he spotted Professor Magnus in conversation with two badgers. Normally he would have just proceeded past but hearing some words like 'locked out' and 'common room' he steered his steps towards the small group. Catching Professor Magnus eye Leo greeted her. "Good day Professor Magnus, is something amiss? Who is locked out?" And from where?
Turning to the badgers he said in turn. "Good day Edmund and Laura!"
Thankfully, Laura just let him talk and explain it all. He glanced down at her foot when she said she'd tried. Yep, she certainly had. He looked back at Magnus as she said they'd go look. "Okay." At least they were being sort of believed now, right? If it was easily fixable, he'd be pretty mad at himself for not working that out. His eyes flickered to Kitridge who had appeared from seemingly nowhere. Maybe he'd just been thinking too hard about the common room situation. "Hello Mr. Kitridge." Ed greeted him politely, letting Professor Magnus explain the situation.
Yesterday is not ours to recover But tomorrow is ours to win or lose.
Leobald headed down the staircases from the library still clutching the broken reel in a tight grasp as he scanned the floors for sights of either the headmistress or the caretaker. The librarian was utterly confused why had he of all the people in the castle been robbed? Fishing pole's were last time he looked not rare or worth stealing.
Shaking his dark coloured head Leo descended onto the second floor where he spotted Professor Magnus in conversation with two badgers. Normally he would have just proceeded past but hearing some words like 'locked out' and 'common room' he steered his steps towards the small group. Catching Professor Magnus eye Leo greeted her. "Good day Professor Magnus, is something amiss? Who is locked out?" And from where?
Turning to the badgers he said in turn. "Good day Edmund and Laura!"
Ahh, Leo. She wasn't expecting to bump into him, but... wait, what was that in his hand? Issy was just about to ask when he got there first and greeted them, asking her a question. "Good day, L-- Mister Kitridge," formal, kids about. Yes. "Apparently so. Laura and Edmund here were just telling me that the Hufflepuff's have been ejected from their common room." Her voice still a hint of disbelieving about it, although not so much as before. "And that they can't seem to get back in. I was just going down to see what I could do," she smiled. Hopefully it would be something, as it was getting late and having so many kids out and about at this time wasn't ideal.
She looked over at the two Huffies and smiled as they too greeted the librarian. "Edmund said the students had been sprawled all over the floor, wasn't it?" she asked, tilting her head at him. Very strange.
Laura looked at the Librarian, she was wondering where he had come from. "Good Day Mr. Kitridge." Laura smiled as she stood letting Ed talk to the Professor, she smiled as the Professor finally believed them, at first she had a funny feeling that Professor hadn't believed her. "Yeah Professor, we all got thrown out by an invisable force, or so it felt like it." Laura suddenly had an idea. "Should I go see if the other houses can't get into their common room?" Laura smiled at the Professor.
Ahh, Leo. She wasn't expecting to bump into him, but... wait, what was that in his hand? Issy was just about to ask when he got there first and greeted them, asking her a question. "Good day, L-- Mister Kitridge," formal, kids about. Yes. "Apparently so. Laura and Edmund here were just telling me that the Hufflepuff's have been ejected from their common room." Her voice still a hint of disbelieving about it, although not so much as before. "And that they can't seem to get back in. I was just going down to see what I could do," she smiled. Hopefully it would be something, as it was getting late and having so many kids out and about at this time wasn't ideal.
She looked over at the two Huffies and smiled as they too greeted the librarian. "Edmund said the students had been sprawled all over the floor, wasn't it?" she asked, tilting her head at him. Very strange.
"Ejected...." Leobald echoed in disbelief. Very strange. Why had the Hufflepuff's been evicted from their own common room and by some kind of strong invisible force as Laura described it? Shaking his head Leo spoke to Professor Magnus. "Very strange. I think you should go investigate right away if just to make sure that the common room is actually locked and not just stuck."
"Have you informed Professor Hadley?" He wondered gesturing in the direction of Josephina's office. It was the logical step since she was the Hufflepuff Head of House and they were practically on her doorstep anyway.
Looking over briefly at Edmund he asked "No hufflepuff's were injured in the eviction from the common room i hope?" If that was the unfortunate case then Leo would send a patronus to Cecelia immediatley.
Letting his gaze drift over to Laura he replied. "Good thought dear. I shall go and check if the lions have met the same strange fate of eviction." Fingering on the reel absently he wondered if his stolen fishing pole would ever be found.
Liz's Bestie ● Helvetica ● ● Jigglypuff ● Jeff Vader
Nodding to confirm that they were ejected from the room, Ed noted her disbelieving tone, but said nothing. She'd find out for herself when she went down to the barrels. He nodded once more at the question directed at him. "Yes, it was like they'd all been pushed out and had no choice whether to leave or not."
Frustratingly, it didn't seem Kitridge believed them either. He glanced at Hadley's office when she was mentioned. "That's why we came straight here, because she's our Head of House." He shrugged before adding quietly. "Personally, I'm hoping it's a bad taste prank." He could hope all he liked, but it seemed the professors were just as confused. "I don't believe so, though I'm sure that a lot of them landed on the floor, so some might just be sore. Nothing that a good night's sleep won't get rid of." Yeah, where were they going to sleep if they didn't get back in? With the other houses? Hopefully! Eeee! SLEEPOVER. Ed's eyes dropped to the reel in Kitridge's hand and he frowned. That was a strange thing to be carrying around.
Yesterday is not ours to recover But tomorrow is ours to win or lose.
Laura looked at the Librarian, she was wondering where he had come from. "Good Day Mr. Kitridge." Laura smiled as she stood letting Ed talk to the Professor, she smiled as the Professor finally believed them, at first she had a funny feeling that Professor hadn't believed her. "Yeah Professor, we all got thrown out by an invisable force, or so it felt like it." Laura suddenly had an idea. "Should I go see if the other houses can't get into their common room?" Laura smiled at the Professor.
Invisible force? Okay, the frown was back. This was even stranger. So they hadn't seen who had thrown them out? "It might... might be best if you stick with me for now, Laura. If this turns out to be as strange as it's sounding." Don't want her to wander off towards the other common rooms and get thrown out of somewhere else.
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch
"Ejected...." Leobald echoed in disbelief. Very strange. Why had the Hufflepuff's been evicted from their own common room and by some kind of strong invisible force as Laura described it? Shaking his head Leo spoke to Professor Magnus. "Very strange. I think you should go investigate right away if just to make sure that the common room is actually locked and not just stuck."
"Have you informed Professor Hadley?" He wondered gesturing in the direction of Josephina's office. It was the logical step since she was the Hufflepuff Head of House and they were practically on her doorstep anyway.
Looking over briefly at Edmund he asked "No hufflepuff's were injured in the eviction from the common room i hope?" If that was the unfortunate case then Leo would send a patronus to Cecelia immediatley.
Letting his gaze drift over to Laura he replied. "Good thought dear. I shall go and check if the lions have met the same strange fate of eviction." Fingering on the reel absently he wondered if his stolen fishing pole would ever be found.
"Professor Hadley doesn't seem to be in, but I'm going to leave her a note certainly," Isabelle nodded confirmation to Leo's idea. Of course if this was serious, Fina would need to know about it. And if Issy needed help down there she might even send a patronus to find her.
Straightening her robes, Issy fixed a determined expression on her face and nodded again. "Yes, you should check on the Lions, good idea. Let me know if they have the same problem, we might need to put our heads together." But whatever it was was probably fairly simple to fix. Probably.
"Right then, towards the kitchens you three. Mister Kitridge, I do hope the Lions are having better luck and aren't affected," Isabelle smiled. It was bad enough having one common room locked up. With a wave of her hand to summon them, Issy started off down the corridor, her robes billowing behind her.
Laura looked at the Professor. "Okay then." Laura smiled, she was glad that Mr. Kitridge was going to check on the Gryffindors but she was glad Ed and the Professor answered so she didn't have too, because she would probably have gotten into trouble because she was fed up with people saying stupid things.
Laura smiled at the Professor as she followed her, this was going to be interesting, she was worried that they would have to sleep somewhere other than the common room tonight but where she had no idea.
Ravenpuff | Cap'n Crunch | Bedtime Queen | O Minion, My Minion
Text Cut: Magnus
Originally Posted by MeredithRodneyMckay
Just as they were leaving, little Pao came running down the corridor shouting for Fina as well. Or rather 'Auntie Fina'. Interesting. "Pao!" Issy called to him, waving her arm to get his attention. "If you're here about the common room, I'm just going down to sort it out. Do you want to come with us or wait for Professor Hadley? I'm not sure if she's actually in..." Because she'd have come to see what the commotion was by now.
Originally Posted by MeredithRodneyMckay
Ahh, Leo. She wasn't expecting to bump into him, but... wait, what was that in his hand? Issy was just about to ask when he got there first and greeted them, asking her a question. "Good day, L-- Mister Kitridge," formal, kids about. Yes. "Apparently so. Laura and Edmund here were just telling me that the Hufflepuff's have been ejected from their common room." Her voice still a hint of disbelieving about it, although not so much as before. "And that they can't seem to get back in. I was just going down to see what I could do," she smiled. Hopefully it would be something, as it was getting late and having so many kids out and about at this time wasn't ideal.
She looked over at the two Huffies and smiled as they too greeted the librarian. "Edmund said the students had been sprawled all over the floor, wasn't it?" she asked, tilting her head at him. Very strange.
He hadn't even made it to the office when Magnus flagged him down. He skidded to a halt. "Er... yeah, I was." He shuffled his feet a bit and then burst out, "I think Thomas is in there, Professor!" His poor toad! Alone, defenseless, and with no source of food!
But Magnus seemed to be doubting his housemates. "No, it's true! No one can get in anymore." Pao nodded his head fervently to show he was being sincere. But he would definitely cooperate. He liked the house elves. I think. He walked off after the other Hufflepuffs, heading toward the kitchens.
Leo nodded as Isabelle gave out order's to the badgers surrounding her, they were heading back to the kitchen levels. With Josephina off somewhere it was nice to see Isabelle stepping and going off to investigate. "I surely hope not. If they have been evicted too then we can probably be pretty safe in assuming that the other houses have met the same fate." Which meant they had to inform Headmistress Truebridge and make plans for where the kids would be sleeping while they tried to solved the problem.
Turning to leave in the opposite direction from Professor Magnus and the badgers Leo called over his shoulder. "I'll send you a patronus when I get more news."
With those words the Librarian dissapered up the staircase in a quick trot.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Minerva walked to the second floor where she was going to meet Harvey. She was happy he offered to help. She wasn't sure why, but since first year she loved doing spells on him. He was always so trusting of her, so it helped. Which sometimes would not go in his favor especially when she would change his hair. The thoughts of the spells they were learning this year in transfiguration crossed her mind and she chuckled, oh this just raised the bar a little didn't it. She looked around to see he wasn't there yet.
Setting her bag down on the floor and pulled her wand out. She wanted to practice while she had time before she showed up. As much as she liked doing spells on her friend, she would never put him in danger. Thinking about the spell she said it in her head Petrificus Digitirus, Petrificius Digitirus. Then she said it out loud to make sure it sounded correct; "Petrificus Digitirus, Petrificus Digitirus." Next she decided to try the wand movement just for some extra practice. Making her wand to an upside down U a few times she smiled confident that it should work.