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Directly outside of the Hogwarts Quidditch Stadium on the grass between the arena and the Castle, a giant white party tent has been set up during the game. Inside, music blares from the wireless and tables are laden with tasty treats, including several hundred cupcakes that are decorated with Golden Snitches. The ceiling of the tent has been enchanted with thousands of tiny Golden Snitches glimmering against the white canvas. Over the table, a banner appears announcing the winner of the Quidditch Cup.
Everyone at Hogwarts is welcome to attend this special Quidditch party. Have fun!
District 9 Tribute World's Biggest Harry Potter Fan
Arabella-Marie hadn't seen any of the match but she had heard that hufflepuff had won she had just come down for the party she blamed her studying so hard for her NEWTs but she knew that even if she got good grades she had her future sorted out already
Minerva blushed at his words, "I was so nervous, I thought I was going to be sick. Plus I was rusty, I could have done better. I let the bludger hit Ella. that was just no good." Minerva frowned and looked down, she was mad at herself for letting that happen. She then felt herself want to say awww as he admitted being nervous, "I don't want you to be nervous and worry about me. I'm fine.. see." She gave a weak smile and then let it fall a bit, "To be honest, my head is killing me. Everything is a bit loud at the moment, but I'll deal with it. I want to be here." She then liked the sound of his next words, "If you could spare some of that potion I would be very grateful." Anything to stop this pounding.
Minerva listened as he spoke about her announcing and her playing, she grinned a little. "I don't know what I'll do, but that's next term. Let's get through the end of the term and have some fun this summer." Yes she was ready for some fun and relaxing this summer. She was nervous what that meant with seeing Ethan, but it will be nice to have a break. She watched as Ethan went to get them food, she wasn't sure if eating would make her sick form her head hurting or not, but she had to try. When he kissed her cheek she smiled, this was nice to have someone that cared so much. When he came back with the cupcakes she took one, "Thank you.. Ethan you are just wonderful." She couldn't help saying it, but she could see how much he cared and how much he wanted to help her.
Ethan smiled at Minerva's modesty. She really was a good player.. he could see that even through his anxiety.. and obviously the rest of the team thought so as well or they wouldn't have asked her to play in the Championship - especially when she wasn't even formally on the team this year. His smile turned a bit sympathetic at the mention of Ella. Yes, he saw that bludger.. never had he been so focused on them as a spectator before.. and he saw how upset Harvey had been until the girl seemed to recover quickly. But it wasn't Minnie's fault that her teammate had been hit. "You can't blame yourself for that, Min.. It's just part of the game.." The whole reason the bludgers were there.. though he didn't really care for the injury part of it, especially when she was the one injured.
He then gave her a tentative smile. "Yes.. you look like you're okay.." he started to agree.. though he wasn't completely convinced. The boy did witness her nasty fall.. and he wasn't surprised she had a headache. "Of course.. I'll run up and get it when we go back to the castle. I'm sure you want to have a little fun and celebrate for now.. if you're up to it," he added as she seemed to be trying to have a good time even if he could tell she was in pain. "Congratulations by the way," he said with a genuine smile.. and he was truly happy that her team won and she got to be a part of it.. though he probably wouldn't be quick to admit it as his own team lost.
"Yeah.. that sounds like a good idea." Term was almost over, thankfully.. which also meant classes and exams would soon come to an end. And he couldn't wait to just have some fun without the worry about his academic life. "I'm looking forward to summer.. you too?" he grinned back at her. He still wasn't sure exactly where summer would take him with things up in the air, but he planned on making it a point to still see Minnie as much as he could.. and hoped she felt the same. Which was why he was happy about the owl he received last weekend.. but he could wait a few more days to give that to her.. Now it was time to enjoy the party. And wonderful? "Oh.. I don't know about that.. not anything I wouldn't normally do.." he said, looking down and blushing slightly as he was prone to do when she would grace him with such a compliment.
SPOILER!!: Harvey
Originally Posted by EW_FAN
He looked over as someone called to him and saw it was Ethan.. heeyyyy it was Ethan.. told you he would be there soon Mins! Aha! he was right! "Good to see you too Ethan, it was nice sitting with you too!" he smiled and nodded "Well we can finally say the puffs have beaten the claws." he smiled and then leaned in close to Ethan "I just hope we dont have to do what the girls tells us to do, oh no.. dont get me wrong I mean I would love to anything she tells me.. but you never know what crazy tasks these girls might come up with" he chuckled as he moved back to his normal position and just smiled at Minnie.. noo.. he was not saying anything to Ethan.
As Minnie spoke to her teammates, Ethan turned to Harvey again and nodded. Yep, the Puffs took down the Claws in Quidditch, but.. "We still have the House Cup.." he told his housemate with a wink. Hopefully they'd still keep their lead over the Badgers, because they were quickly gaining on them.
When the boy leaned closer, Ethan raised an eyebrow then chuckled at his words. Crazy tasks? "Err.. do you speak from experience, Harvs?" he asked matching the same low voice. Because so far Minnie hadn't asked him to do anything too strange, though he'd be hard-pressed to refuse her anything anyway.. but he vaguely wondered what was going on in Harvey's world with his own girlfriend.
SPOILER!!: Bentley
Originally Posted by Hera
"They did indeed, it was a great result for a Campionship Match, couldn't have been more exciting." ... Unless they introduced pixies or dragons to the pitch, because that would have been MORE interesting to an extent. "I've been... well. And yourself? Looking forward to the holidays?"
Originally Posted by Bazinga
She smiled at the Professors words, very happy at how well the match went. "I was just excited to get to be part of the final match. Just being in it was worth everything." It was nice to play with the team even if she wasn't as great as the rest of them. A
A concerned look crossed her face, she knew Professor Bentley had to be still upset over the events that had happened. She looking a bit nervous not sure how to word what she wanted to say, "Professor, I know Ethan and I tried to help the best we could that day in the.. umm greenhouse, but if you need any other help I would gladly come help you." Then she smiled a bit, "Yes a break will be nice after this term. Will you be doing anything fun?" She wasn't sure if she should ask a professor that or not, but the Professor didn't have to tell her if she didn't want to.
Ethan turned back to Minnie at the sound of his name. Oh she was talking to Professor Bentley now.. "Hi, Professor.." he said giving her a small smile. After what happened in the greenhouse, he was glad she seemed to be enjoying herself at the party. He could only imagine what she must have been feeling.. his loss wasn't nearly as great as hers.
With a quick glance at Minnie upon hearing her words, he looked back at Bentley and nodded. "That goes for me too, Professor.. Anything you need, I'm willing to help." And maybe it would be too late this term as it was about to come to an end.. but he would be more than happy to help her rebuild things at the beginning of next term if need be. And maybe also show her some of the notes he made on his hybrids to see if she could point him in the right direction.. then maybe all his work wouldn't be completely lost, in a way..
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Ella BEAMED at Professor Bentley as she ordered her to have a great time. She did seem genuinely happy for them and that meant a lot. “I sure will, Professor! Thanks…” And without thinking she gave the woman a quick hug before turning slightly pink and disappearing into the crowd. …Were you allowed to hug Professors?!
Smiling at Lex, Ella nodded her head. The zoo? She’d almost forgotten about that! ”Sure we’ll go…I mean if you’d still like to!” The zoo was like Ella’s favorite place in the entire world so there was no way she wouldn’t want to go there.
Awww! Super Bliss Hugs? Ella BEAMED back at her teammate before giving her a squeeze. They’d both worked really hard throughout the season and she was just glad it payed off!
All Ella could do when Oakey sour lemon glared at her was do it back before sticking her tongue out at him. GIGGLE! Oh and don’t think for a second she didn’t see Miss Sophie laughing about it. Her best friend got a raised eyebrow before Ella made smooching noises mockingly. Tehehe. She was being a bit mean but hey, they were here people! It was totally allowed! ”Well…I may or may not be much richer than I was before the match…” GRIN.
Ella nodded at Theo, a small smile playing on her lips. “Course I did! You were quite loud, y’know!” Impressively so, actually… The blonde wondered if he yelled like that during fits of his Slytherin Wrath. Shudder. EYEBROWS. Was that tude…from Theoman? Hmph. Not cool, dude. Ella tilted her head to the side and stared at the younger boy, a frown forming now. Wasn’t he happy two seconds ago? …And why did the boy suddenly look like he was going to cry when she had.. O__O Oh no. OHHHH no.no.no. No way. …Right?
…Max was here. Blink. And some other Ravenclaws too…and Kurumi! Ella wanted badly to tell them all good game and how awesome she thought they were but she was kind of afraid. :\ They hadn’t seemed to want to talk after the match and Ella didn’t want to make things worse. Maybe…she’d just stay where she was?
Violet! Ella BEAMED at the older girl and waved to her. “HIIIII VIOLET!” BEAM. BEAM. BEAM. “We did it!” She knew that right? RIGHT?!
Professor Elwood made her way across the grounds towards the large white tent and sheepishly poked her head, and then the rest of her body under the canvas. She had been walking along the edge of the forest after the match to get away from the noise for a few minutes and time had gotten away from her.
Now she was here to help celebrate the Hufflepuff's victory and hopefully get some good treats. It was also a bit of a celebration that the term was over and all the horrible stuff was behind them, thank Merlin. Callie twisted her bangles as she made her way through the crowd.
Ravenpuff | Cap'n Crunch | Bedtime Queen | O Minion, My Minion
Text Cut: Bentley
Originally Posted by Hera
Bracing herself for chaos and adrenalin, Seren entered the tent and scanned the room for mischief. Everything appeared to be in order. "Congratulations Badgers!" she mused to those that were present. "Very well played, and well deserved."
Oh look, it was Professor Bentley! And she was congratulating them! "Thanks, Professor! Your House had a great team this year too, you know!" They easily could have been facing the Lions for the Cup.
Text Cut: Ella
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Ella raised an eyebrow at Pao as he greeted her rather unenthusiastically. Dude knew they had won the Quidditch Cup, yeah? She smiled when he then apologized, raising an eyebrow at him. “No problem! What were you thinking about, anyway?”Not that she was being nosy or anything... She giggled when he asked her to try a cupcake, thinking he was quite adorably, even when talking with a mouth full of food. “Good idea, Pao. I think I will”
So she had definitely noticed. "Oh. Er... promise you won't laugh?" Because he didn't want her thinking he was dumb, after all.
"The cupcake reminded me of the cookies we baked with the elves. So I was thinking of you... and you just poofed here! So I thought maybe... like... I-might-have-telepathic-summoning-powers-and-tried-to-get-loads-of-chocolate-but-it-didn't-work-so-I-was-sad." This was all said very quickly and in one breath because clearly that lessened how dumb it sounded.
And then Vindictus arrived. With loads of people. And cameras. "What d'you suppose that's all about?" he asked, nodding in the direction of the old man.
Text Cut: Kurumi
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
After having put the mic and all other things away, Kurumi figured that she ought to attend this party because 1. she had never been to one before in all her terms at Hogwarts. 2. She had been a Quidditch announcer this term and announced in the Championship match 3. It was one last experience she could enjoy at Hogwarts before...everything was over.
Along the way she had run into Vivi and Max who had been a little resistant to the whole party idea. Not that she could blame them, but she didn't want her fellow seventh years missing out on one last experience. Besides, with the trail of media that was following Professor Vindictus around there was bound to be something exciting.
"Come on you two," Kurumi said as she adjusted her arms so they were wrapped around their backs instead of through their arms. "I know you are depressed about the match, and you have every right to be, but think of this as one last little adventure. Once last memory to make. I'm not letting you guys deny yourselves that. So...let's go get something to eat and drink and enjoy ourselves because you both played brilliantly." No arguing. Either of them. They both had been brilliant and Kurumi would throw a waffle at them if they said otherwise. Erm, quaffle at them...assuming one of those was around.
And WOW there were a lot of people here already...
But then his favorite Gryffindor walked it. His stomach did a little flip. After awhile he noticed that her two compatriots were scooped up by Vindictus, so he made his move.
Walking up to her, he cleared his throat. "Erm.. good announcing, Kurumi! Best yet, I'd say." He nodded fervently.
Rucole Club Club|| film lyfe || mac and cheese queen|| *exits with trunkshot*
Awarlesta bounced into the party. She was so happy to hear that her house won the Cup. "GO BADGERS!" She yelled, over enthusiastically. She weaved her way in between people, trying to find her friends.
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Ella nodded at Theo, a small smile playing on her lips. “Course I did! You were quite loud, y’know!” Impressively so, actually… The blonde wondered if he yelled like that during fits of his Slytherin Wrath. Shudder. EYEBROWS. Was that tude…from Theoman? Hmph. Not cool, dude. Ella tilted her head to the side and stared at the younger boy, a frown forming now. Wasn’t he happy two seconds ago? …And why did the boy suddenly look like he was going to cry when she had.. O__O Oh no. OHHHH no.no.no. No way. …Right?
"I'm always loud! 'Member my voice went funny at your last match!" COUGH - not really, but she didn't know that. In fact, that tiny lie had gotten him an Ella!Hug, if he remembered correctly. And for someone who hated hugging others, the ones from her were very special indeed.
Anyway, back to being a grump.
But why was she... staring at him? He was trying to mope in silence here, and she was WATCHING.
"What?!" Thankfully the tears had dried up by now.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
And Vivi was winking at heeeeer! Okay, she so hopefully she was feeling a little better despite whatever Kurumi might have done. It really was hard to tell, the girl was always doing things. She would continue to keep an eye on her just in case things got out on hand and punches had to be thrown...granted she probably wouldn't be the one throwing them because well...others would retaliate...and that would hurt...
SPOILER!!: Bentley
Originally Posted by Hera
"And I'm sure it was." Special, that is. Seren was THIRLLED to know one of HER Lions had that sort of passion and attention to detail. Supporting her friends and so forth. It was good. Very good.
The look on Alexa's face just said it all. It was very amusing watching the girl process this information. Alhtough, she hoped the Lion Cub wouldn't be needing a Heimlich maneuver, she ever was good at those.
And then there was that question. She'd had it before, and no doubt she'd have it again... but it really was quite simple. "I took the role for a number of reasons. I wanted to be more involved with the student body of the school, and this was the perfect role for me to do so. Secondly, Gryffindor were in need of a Head, and I was available. Just because you're not a Ravenclaw, it doesn't stop you from caring about Vivi does it? So... just because you don't dress in blue it doesn't mean I care any less about you or other Gryffindors, Slytherins and Hufflepuffs. I'm a teacher, all students deserve to have support, guidance and leadership..." and so here she was.
Lex beamed at her Head of House's response. Even she thought what she did was special. But of course it was. Anything she did was special because it meant she actually bothered at all. There were very few things that the 11 year old bothered with.
By now the cupcake had gone down her throat without much more problem and she was able to breath normally again. Note to self: Never have a cupcake while talking to a Professor. Lex placed the half eaten cupcake back on the table. She would continue eating it when the conversation was done juuuust in case the Professor had any more surprizing news.
"Oooohhhhh!! So that's why!" It was all starting to make sense to her. "But...do you ever wish you were their Head of House...like when you look at the points standing...?" That would be enough to discourage most people. Her eyes drifted to the cupcake again, with her half wishing she didn't ask. What if that was exactly how she felt?! Despite it being a reasonable response she would never be able to look at the woman in the same light ever again...
Originally Posted by cake.ninjak
But, alas, he was still alone. And what better thing to keep you company when you're alone than food? Dustin immediately started for the cupcakes. Maybe they would fill the hole he felt was gaping wide open.
Someone else who seemed more occupied with the cupcakes than the party!...That was it right? He just liked the cupcakes? After taking a good look at him she realized he was one of the people playing in the game. "Hi...uh..." Wait, she didn't know his name...Hmmm...She was sure Kurumi might have said it at least once during the game but her attention had been so split earlier that she could only focus on a few details, namely, Ravenclaw lost. She would just leave it hanging and hope he offered his name so she wouldn't have to ask.
SPOILER!!: Blissy!Face
Originally Posted by ForeverYours
Bliss returned the BEAM with equal enthusiasm. Then she noticed Alexa's face fall. Darn. Had she noticed that something was wrong? She certainly hoped not! But alas, she had. Bliss smiled reassuringly at the girl, "I'm alright, Lexy," she said with a firm nod. She WAS alright, her head no longer hurt and the only places that were sore, were her ribs and her wrist. Her nose was no longer bleeding and had been cleaned up and she had taken medication for the pain from her concussion head.
The Second Year tried to dial it down as much as possible, as not to scare Lex. "You know Quidditch's a rough game, Lexy. I hurt my nose, got elbowed in the ribs and I'm pretty sure you saw me land in the stands. Yeah? Well I broke me wrist then," Bliss explained to the younger girl. "Oh, and I got concussion after the match, because of when I hit my head," she addded, waving her good hand in an attempt to make herself seem calm and confident. Then she realised that she hadn't exactly reassured Lex in the slightest, so she quickly added, "but I'm alright now, it's just that my wrist is a little sore." That's it.
Lex eyed her friend suspiciously for a moment. She said she was alright but she didn't feel very inclined to believe her. Very few people would be alright after hitting into the stands the way she did...unless of course Blissy was some kind of super human and she simply forgot to tell her in which case Lex was very offended. Oh yeah, now she was eyeing her even more. If there was any chance of gaining super powers she hoped Bliss wouldn't have hesitated to share the knowledge.
She was about to agree with the girl on the whole Quidditch being a dangerous sport kind of thing because really it was but then the girl started explaining some kind of extreme for of violence and she didn't know what to say.
"Then you seriously expect me to think you're okay?! That sounds absolutely horrible! No. Just no." She was gullible but not that gullible....okay maybe she was that gullible but not this time! This time she had eyes and could clearly see that the girl was hurt.
Originally Posted by Saz Hale
Arabella-Marie hadn't seen any of the match but she had heard that hufflepuff had won she had just come down for the party she blamed her studying so hard for her NEWTs but she knew that even if she got good grades she had her future sorted out already
Oh and there was Arabella. The girl had practically disappeared...or it would seem so with all that was happening...not to mention the fact that the girl was a seventh year meaning she would have those exams too. Yeah...she could see why the girl would be off being busy. "Hi!" BEAM.
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Smiling at Lex, Ella nodded her head. The zoo? She’d almost forgotten about that! ”Sure we’ll go…I mean if you’d still like to!” The zoo was like Ella’s favorite place in the entire world so there was no way she wouldn’t want to go there.
"YES!!!" Lex nearly started bouncing when she heard they'd still be going. It was one of the things she was considering the highlight of her summer and she already had a list of things to do when they got there. "It's gonna be soooo cool!! And the picnic's gonna be awesome too--he's not coming right?" She had to be sure.
SPOILER!!: Minnie
SPOILER!!: Minnie
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Laughing even though it hurt Minerva shook her head, "Yeah I guess something to that aspect, but I don't think I want to do that very often. It doesn't feel very good when your head hits into the side of the stands." She rubbed the back of her head where it was hurting the most.
"Well if you get a chance this summer you could keep in touch by sending an owl. I don't know if I'm going to be in London or back in the United States for summer yet, but the owl can find me. Do you have any big plans for summer?" Minerva always loved to hear summer plans, she was just hoping hers could be uneventful for one summer. Since finding out she was a witch things had changed and she was always involved in something over the summer.
"Umm yeah...that doesn't sound very fun at all...I'm just glad you didn't get like seriously hurt." It would have made her a bit sad to know that but she totally didn't just say that because she was not supposed to be 'fraternizing with the enemy' as her Mama Vivi had called it. Technically she didn't care whether the girl was hurt--but she still did because she was a nice person. Ahem. She said nothing.
Sending an owl. Those were untraceable, right? "That sounds like a great idea! I've been meaning to show Jeremy how wizard mail works anyway so I'll just take him with me when I'm sending it." Might as well while she was at it plus she liked the idea of keeping in touch with the people she actually liked here. She shrugged at her next question. "Well not really...I mean me and Ella are going to the zoo and Daddy's taking me to Scotland to visit my grandparents for a bit but other than that I'll probably just be at Will's house everyday." Anything to keep her from seeing the baby. "What about you?"
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
District 9 Tribute World's Biggest Harry Potter Fan
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
And Vivi was winking at heeeeer! Okay, she so hopefully she was feeling a little better despite whatever Kurumi might have done. It really was hard to tell, the girl was always doing things. She would continue to keep an eye on her just in case things got out on hand and punches had to be thrown...granted she probably wouldn't be the one throwing them because well...others would retaliate...and that would hurt...
Lex beamed at her Head of House's response. Even she thought what she did was special. But of course it was. Anything she did was special because it meant she actually bothered at all. There were very few things that the 11 year old bothered with.
By now the cupcake had gone down her throat without much more problem and she was able to breath normally again. Note to self: Never have a cupcake while talking to a Professor. Lex placed the half eaten cupcake back on the table. She would continue eating it when the conversation was done juuuust in case the Professor had any more surprizing news.
"Oooohhhhh!! So that's why!" It was all starting to make sense to her. "But...do you ever wish you were their Head of House...like when you look at the points standing...?" That would be enough to discourage most people. Her eyes drifted to the cupcake again, with her half wishing she didn't ask. What if that was exactly how she felt?! Despite it being a reasonable response she would never be able to look at the woman in the same light ever again...
Someone else who seemed more occupied with the cupcakes than the party!...That was it right? He just liked the cupcakes? After taking a good look at him she realized he was one of the people playing in the game. "Hi...uh..." Wait, she didn't know his name...Hmmm...She was sure Kurumi might have said it at least once during the game but her attention had been so split earlier that she could only focus on a few details, namely, Ravenclaw lost. She would just leave it hanging and hope he offered his name so she wouldn't have to ask.
Lex eyed her friend suspiciously for a moment. She said she was alright but she didn't feel very inclined to believe her. Very few people would be alright after hitting into the stands the way she did...unless of course Blissy was some kind of super human and she simply forgot to tell her in which case Lex was very offended. Oh yeah, now she was eyeing her even more. If there was any chance of gaining super powers she hoped Bliss wouldn't have hesitated to share the knowledge.
She was about to agree with the girl on the whole Quidditch being a dangerous sport kind of thing because really it was but then the girl started explaining some kind of extreme for of violence and she didn't know what to say.
"Then you seriously expect me to think you're okay?! That sounds absolutely horrible! No. Just no." She was gullible but not that gullible....okay maybe she was that gullible but not this time! This time she had eyes and could clearly see that the girl was hurt.
Oh and there was Arabella. The girl had practically disappeared...or it would seem so with all that was happening...not to mention the fact that the girl was a seventh year meaning she would have those exams too. Yeah...she could see why the girl would be off being busy. "Hi!" BEAM.
"YES!!!" Lex nearly started bouncing when she heard they'd still be going. It was one of the things she was considering the highlight of her summer and she already had a list of things to do when they got there. "It's gonna be soooo cool!! And the picnic's gonna be awesome too--he's not coming right?" She had to be sure.
"Umm yeah...that doesn't sound very fun at all...I'm just glad you didn't get like seriously hurt." It would have made her a bit sad to know that but she totally didn't just say that because she was not supposed to be 'fraternizing with the enemy' as her Mama Vivi had called it. Technically she didn't care whether the girl was hurt--but she still did because she was a nice person. Ahem. She said nothing.
Sending an owl. Those were untraceable, right? "That sounds like a great idea! I've been meaning to show Jeremy how wizard mail works anyway so I'll just take him with me when I'm sending it." Might as well while she was at it plus she liked the idea of keeping in touch with the people she actually liked here. She shrugged at her next question. "Well not really...I mean me and Ella are going to the zoo and Daddy's taking me to Scotland to visit my grandparents for a bit but other than that I'll probably just be at Will's house everyday." Anything to keep her from seeing the baby. "What about you?"
Arabella-Marie smiled at Alexa and said "Hi was the game good i was busy studying for my exams coming up that i could not make it down to the qudditch pitch"
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
SPOILER!!: Ethan
Originally Posted by emjay
Ethan smiled at Minerva's modesty. She really was a good player.. he could see that even through his anxiety.. and obviously the rest of the team thought so as well or they wouldn't have asked her to play in the Championship - especially when she wasn't even formally on the team this year. His smile turned a bit sympathetic at the mention of Ella. Yes, he saw that bludger.. never had he been so focused on them as a spectator before.. and he saw how upset Harvey had been until the girl seemed to recover quickly. But it wasn't Minnie's fault that her teammate had been hit. "You can't blame yourself for that, Min.. It's just part of the game.." The whole reason the bludgers were there.. though he didn't really care for the injury part of it, especially when she was the one injured.
He then gave her a tentative smile. "Yes.. you look like you're okay.." he started to agree.. though he wasn't completely convinced. The boy did witness her nasty fall.. and he wasn't surprised she had a headache. "Of course.. I'll run up and get it when we go back to the castle. I'm sure you want to have a little fun and celebrate for now.. if you're up to it," he added as she seemed to be trying to have a good time even if he could tell she was in pain. "Congratulations by the way," he said with a genuine smile.. and he was truly happy that her team won and she got to be a part of it.. though he probably wouldn't be quick to admit it as his own team lost.
"Yeah.. that sounds like a good idea." Term was almost over, thankfully.. which also meant classes and exams would soon come to an end. And he couldn't wait to just have some fun without the worry about his academic life. "I'm looking forward to summer.. you too?" he grinned back at her. He still wasn't sure exactly where summer would take him with things up in the air, but he planned on making it a point to still see Minnie as much as he could.. and hoped she felt the same. Which was why he was happy about the owl he received last weekend.. but he could wait a few more days to give that to her.. Now it was time to enjoy the party. And wonderful? "Oh.. I don't know about that.. not anything I wouldn't normally do.." he said, looking down and blushing slightly as he was prone to do when she would grace him with such a compliment.
As Minnie spoke to her teammates, Ethan turned to Harvey again and nodded. Yep, the Puffs took down the Claws in Quidditch, but.. "We still have the House Cup.." he told his housemate with a wink. Hopefully they'd still keep their lead over the Badgers, because they were quickly gaining on them.
When the boy leaned closer, Ethan raised an eyebrow then chuckled at his words. Crazy tasks? "Err.. do you speak from experience, Harvs?" he asked matching the same low voice. Because so far Minnie hadn't asked him to do anything too strange, though he'd be hard-pressed to refuse her anything anyway.. but he vaguely wondered what was going on in Harvey's world with his own girlfriend.
SPOILER!!: Bentley
Ethan turned back to Minnie at the sound of his name. Oh she was talking to Professor Bentley now.. "Hi, Professor.." he said giving her a small smile. After what happened in the greenhouse, he was glad she seemed to be enjoying herself at the party. He could only imagine what she must have been feeling.. his loss wasn't nearly as great as hers.
With a quick glance at Minnie upon hearing her words, he looked back at Bentley and nodded. "That goes for me too, Professor.. Anything you need, I'm willing to help." And maybe it would be too late this term as it was about to come to an end.. but he would be more than happy to help her rebuild things at the beginning of next term if need be. And maybe also show her some of the notes he made on his hybrids to see if she could point him in the right direction.. then maybe all his work wouldn't be completely lost, in a way..
Minerva gave a small grin towards Ethan. He was just so sweet to her all the time. "I know it does happen, but I did have the bat, it's my job to keep the bludger away from my team. Your claw beaters are just great." They were fantastic and Minerva didn't think many could keep up with them. She tried to not look to concerned, but it was something that crossed her mind, "Maybe sometime you can tell me what type of injury made you not want to play again." She took his hand reassuring if he really didn't want to tell her he didn't have to. She rubbed the back of her head and cringed a bit, "Yeah the potion will be wonderful, maybe we could go up to the castle a little later. I should stay since we just won the championship, but I'm a bit tired and the loudness isn't helping. So I don't know how long I will stay."
Thinking about summer made Minerva happy and sad. She was ready more then any other term before she was wanting that break. "I hope to hear something soon about the internships. If you get your internship, where wil you stay?" Minerva was curious about where he might be staying if he stayed in London. "Ari told me I could stay with her, so I'm hoping that works out, but I do want to see my grandparents. With all that has went on this term I have been missing being with them. So I am going back for the Fourth of July and I hope you will come with me. I have been meaning to speak to you about that." She looked up hopeful that he might be allowed to come with her to visit the United States and her grandparents.
As she spoke to her friends she over heard a comment that she could not let go without saying something turning back to Ethan and Harvey, "I wouldn't get to comfortable with that top spot in the house cup. You do have me to be up against." Winking at them she laughed, knowing they probably were not going to catch up to the claws in points, but she was giving it her all to make them nervous at least.
||Delta Goodrem Lover || Emma Watson Lover | | RavenPuff || 1 of 4 Amigos ||
Text Cut: Ethan and Minnie
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Minerva smiled at Harvey, "Well I'm glad he had someone to sit with. Not that he doesn't have other friends, but I guess it was nice being with someone that had a puff girlfriend." She gave a faint smile. She blushed at the thought of the tree. "If it's okay with you, could we not tell Ethan about the game of Chicken I like to play with that tree. I don't need him worrying about that as well." She hadn't played all term with that tree, so there was no reason to bring it up. Trying to laugh she cringed as it hurt her head. "Yes, we are both fine. We are strong puffs." She then smiled towards Ella.
Originally Posted by emjay
As Minnie spoke to her teammates, Ethan turned to Harvey again and nodded. Yep, the Puffs took down the Claws in Quidditch, but.. "We still have the House Cup.." he told his housemate with a wink. Hopefully they'd still keep their lead over the Badgers, because they were quickly gaining on them.
When the boy leaned closer, Ethan raised an eyebrow then chuckled at his words. Crazy tasks? "Err.. do you speak from experience, Harvs?" he asked matching the same low voice. Because so far Minnie hadn't asked him to do anything too strange, though he'd be hard-pressed to refuse her anything anyway.. but he vaguely wondered what was going on in Harvey's world with his own girlfriend.
Originally Posted by Bazinga
As she spoke to her friends she over heard a comment that she could not let go without saying something turning back to Ethan and Harvey, "I wouldn't get to comfortable with that top spot in the house cup. You do have me to be up against." Winking at them she laughed, knowing they probably were not going to catch up to the claws in points, but she was giving it her all to make them nervous at least.
Harvey smiled as she said that she was glad Ethan had someone to sit with that had a puff girlfriend too "Yeah.. I guess that does help, knowing that you arent the only one watching your girl out there.. flying around.. looking all.. wonderful and.. stuff" he said before clearing his throat and saw her blushing at the mention of the tree "Mmmm ok.. I guess I dont have to tell him.. if we hang out at the summer.. I might just.. forget about that tree?" he half joked with her, cause he wasnt going to tell Ethan obviously.. he could imagine what that information would do to these two and he wouldnt want that.. but he DID want to hang out with Minnie.. and Ethan if he wanted to as well.. so he was truthful on that one! He looked all concerned as she tried to laugh but stopped as it probably pained her to laugh, he nodded as he chuckled "Yeah! I have always told her that.. even with her noodle-like arms that look strong" he chuckled some more as he looked over at Ella.. man he was with Ella.. still! Bestest person in the whole world!
He chuckled and nodded as Ethan winked "We do! We do! They may have the quidditch cup but we have the House Cup and the Gobstones Cup too!!" he said,, just then Ethan raised his eyebrows at his comments before whispering to back to him.. Harvey instantly shook his head "No.. no.. I do not..I just thought that Minnie would like to have some fun is all" he smiled, cause Minnie hadnt asked him to do anything crazy in the last four years,, he was not sure about the future though. He then nearly jumped up as Minnie spoke up after having heard Minnie talking about the House Cup.. Harvey nodded and looked at Ethan "You know Ethan.. she DOES have a point.. we are up against her" he chuckled looking at Minnie "Always been good at her studies.. smart girls we have" he said to Ethan.. "Our girls are puffs that are smart and strong" he chuckled as he realised the similarities between him and Ethan.. both claws.. with puff girls that were smart and strong.
Text Cut: Professor Bentley
Originally Posted by Hera
It was nice to see so many familiar faces, but, considering she taught these faces, it wasn't all that surprising. Seren was still clearly feeling the effects of the adrenalin from watching the game. "Harvey, it's good to see you too. I trust you've been keeping well?"
She cast her eyes across the tent, just observing. "Oh absolutely, it's always nice to have a break, keeps things fresh... and in perspective." It made her realise how much she missed a certain someone.
He grinned as Professor Bentley greeted him "I have been keeping well professor" he said quickly glancing at Ella before turning back to his professor, he smiled and nodded "Oh I agree with you professor.. it gives us a chance to breath.. and get ready for the new term.. but before that we just enjoy time with family and.. friends." he just hoped that Ella's dad wouldn't mind Harvey spending so much time with her, he hoped that he wouldnt. "What do you have planned professor? one of your fun vacations abroad?" he asked as he remembered that she often went abroad.. though he hadnt heard anything new recently though so he wondered if she had stopped travelling.
Text Cut: Alexa
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Ah, so he was one of those people who had to be tricked and mistreated before they admitted to the bad in others. Well it was his funeral. She wouldn't tell him how to run his day to day interactions. Ravenclaws were supposed to be smart so he must have known what he was doing. Having decided on this she was set to change the subject when he said the most outrageous thing. "Yes. He. Is. You don't know him very well--neither do I and I don't want to because he has a mean spirit and he's always saying ruuude things. And I know he means it too!" It was obvious he did. "He doesn't care about people's feelings unless they're Slytherins and the last I checked you were a Ravvie so open your eyes man!"Be a smart Claw!
Harvey wanted to roll his eyes but that was Ella's thing so he just continued to listen to the ickle firstie "My eyes are open Alexa, and you cant just shoot the guy down cause he is rude. You are going to meet many rude people in your life and you cant just make enemies with all of them, and I cant risk making enemies with Ella's friends!! Besides.. I havent found him to be rude!" he said to her as she said that. He seriously didnt find the little guy rude so he couldnt see what Alexa was saying really, was she right? did he really mean those things? So what if he did! They werent too hurtful.. so he didnt mind what Theodore said. "But why do you hate the guy so much? did he say something to you?" he asked her wondering what had gone on between the two little youngsters, even though she DID admit that she didnt know the boy well.. he still wondered though.
Text Cut: Our Ella <3 and Theodore
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
O__O And there was Theo! Boy, he was quick to get over to her. She smiled at her friend, excited that he was at the party. “Thanks, Theo! I heard you cheering!” Oh! And a hug? BEAM! After giving him a gentle squeeze, Ella smiled at Theoman. “I’m really glad you and Harvey are getting along…”
And speaking of Harvey…He was here…and with cupcakes! BEAM! “HARVS!” She said, running at him and stopping short when she noticed the cupcakes. “You brought me food?” BEAM! This earned him a kiss on the cheek. “I heard you cheering as well, y’know!” And she was really glad to see him. Could he tell?
Originally Posted by Emzily
This was getting boring now. When would this Ravenclaw crack? He was supposed to be mean, because then Theo had an excuse to hate him. And not JUST because he was Ella's boyfriend.
Sigh. "Yes, she liked it a lot, I know." He turned to see his reaction when he hugged Ella, but... just nothing? Once again. So calm and collected. Theodore took the cupcakes from Harvey, then handed them to Ella.
"You did?" Theo let go of the hug, and beamed up at the slightly taller girl. He was about to go into greater detail about how he nearly choked on his sandwich from cheering so hard, but she was quick to include Harvey in the conversation. The second year pouted and folded his arms. "Oh yeah, we're like BESTIES now." If Ella couldn't read that sarcasm, then she really needed tutorials or something.
To be honest, HOW did she still not know about his little crush? He'd made it SO obvious.
She........ she........ kissed Harvey on the cheek.
Right in front of him.
Theo felt his lip quiver, and he immediately looked in the other direction, where he saw OAKEY and SOPHIE kissing!? What was with the kissing everywhere? Did he need a constant reminder that he was ALONE? His eyes were watering JUST a little.
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Ella nodded at Theo, a small smile playing on her lips. “Course I did! You were quite loud, y’know!” Impressively so, actually… The blonde wondered if he yelled like that during fits of his Slytherin Wrath. Shudder. EYEBROWS. Was that tude…from Theoman? Hmph. Not cool, dude. Ella tilted her head to the side and stared at the younger boy, a frown forming now. Wasn’t he happy two seconds ago? …And why did the boy suddenly look like he was going to cry when she had.. O__O Oh no. OHHHH no.no.no. No way. …Right?
Originally Posted by Emzily
"I'm always loud! 'Member my voice went funny at your last match!" COUGH - not really, but she didn't know that. In fact, that tiny lie had gotten him an Ella!Hug, if he remembered correctly. And for someone who hated hugging others, the ones from her were very special indeed.
Anyway, back to being a grump.
But why was she... staring at him? He was trying to mope in silence here, and she was WATCHING.
"What?!" Thankfully the tears had dried up by now.
He smiled as Theodore said that she liked it alot. He then smiled more as he neared Theodore and Ella and heard that she was glad they were getting along, he was then surprised as Ella came running to him "Ella!" he chuckled as she then noticed the cupcakes.. he looked at the cupcakes and nodded before looking at her "I did! Well I DO know that you like food" he smiled as she gave him a kiss on his cheek, he grinned as she seemed to be really glad that he was there.. there was no way that he would NOT turn up when Ella was around. He then blinked as he heard Theodore call them besties.. but it was not a genuined besties comment.. was he ok? He smiled as Ella revealed that she had actually heard him cheering "I told him you did" he smiled at the little guy. He listened as Theodore went over a past memory that was interesting.. meaning that he shouted that loud everytime., that was impressive. He looked at Theodore and noticed that the little guy was.. gonna cry?? but why?? He heard him say what? he looked at Ella and noticed that Ella seemed to be trying to read Theodore which he obviously didnt like.
Sulking, and with the Snitch still in tow, Aidan walked into the tent. He felt slightly better, given time to cool down while changing, and the fact that he was holding the Snitch, but he was still upset. Obviously. They just LOST the MOST IMPORTANT Quidditch match of the YEAR.
Instinct had his eyes drawn up to the Snitches on the ceiling and he pouted and clutched his a little tighter in his hand.
And then he saw them. The most appealing thing of the tent. The best part of the day. THE CUPCAKES!!! Aidan made a beeline for them, pushing and shoving people aside as he went. Then he stuffed as much of one as he could in his mouth, causing icing to smudge his nose, cheeks, and lips, and preventing him from chewing without quite a few crumbs falling out of his mouth and onto the floor....where he might have stepped and squashed a few of them.
a practical person, who may be considered a perfectionist,
perhaps you like being organised or paying close attention to detail, you are...
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Yes, Josephina was late heading down to the Quidditch Party, considering that the white tent was RIGHT next to the pitch. But she couldn't help herself; after the match, somehow she found herself needing to freshen up. After all, she was the Hufflepuff House Head and it wouldn't do well to have their house head looking all disheveled like.
Once she changed into one of her more classy outfits, she swept back her back her hair in a claw clip and took a last look making sure she looked presentable, before heading back onto the grounds. Pity she didn't consider the fact that the ground was still moderately soft.
Ignoring that detail though, she made her way carefully through the crowd towards her Hufflepuffs. The ones who played brilliantly out there today. "Oakey! Bliss! Ella! Minerva! Alex! Logan! Alec!" She called jubilantly, taking in the atmosphere. "You guys were stellar out there! I'm sure you've made your captain very proud and it was a real pity that she seemed to have come down with something. Those OWL studies can be rather stressful and all, if you're not careful. BUT BUT.... I'm soooo proud!" Really, she was. Group photo now? That was why there was photographers present, right? To take a picture of the winning team?
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
Little Fox | ½ of Lauralie | Ravenclaw with a Hufflepuff heart and a Gryffindor soul | #HouseNATARIANA
Listening to Bliss, Minerva felt like her head wasn't so bad after all. So she had a horrible headache, no big deal to all those injuries. "Well I'm glad your okay now. That is a lot of injuries for one match. The most I had gotten one match last term was two bludgers to the ribs. I think my ribs hurt for weeks after that." That was one of the last matches she played in until this one. "Just promise you will take it easy for the next few days and let everything heal. Don't want you hurting yourself anymore." Then she said about a concussion, "A concussion.. Oh Bliss, really make sure your taking it easy and if you feel sick or dizzy tell someone, alright?"
Looking around she did a double take, "Is that Oakey and Sophie... together?? Did Sophie say she liked him back I take it?" Minerva smiled obviously missing the entire kissing that had went on between the two knew love birds. Laughing a bit she looked back to Bliss, "Any big plans for summer?"
Bliss was so glad that her injures had been able to be fixed by the Healer, otherwise she might have been stuck with a broken wrist for the summer holidays. NOT GOOD. "Thank you," Bliss said and smiled up at the older girl. "Yeah, tell me about it. But it was the Championship, soooo..." Bliss shrugged. "Ouch, sounds nasty. I got elbowed in the ribs right at the end. Luckily they're just bruised," Bliss explained and smiled. What was she ON about, luckily. Technically, there was nothing lucky about it. OH DEAR. She'd worried Minnie. Ooops. She hadn't meant to. "Okay, Min. I promise I will," she said sinserely. For much trouble could one get up to anyway?
Bliss followed Minnie gaze and BEAMed. "Yeah. It is, isn't it." She said, all smiles and rainbows and stuffs. She was super happy for Sophie and her team mater, Oakey. Looking back toward Minnie, she smiled. "Just staying home, but hopefully Blue and Tag will be coming over at some point. I CAN'T WAIT." She exclaimed gleefully.
SPOILER!!: Violet :3
As soon as she had heard the news, the loudest of squeals had been heard throughout the halls of Hogwarts. And these squeals and shrieks of excitement could not be contained! For once again, her Puffs had won the QUIDDITCH CUP! Now of course in the past, Violet was always really happy when she heard of how well her House did; that it being points-wise, homework-wise, finals-wise, and of course Quidditch as well. BUT obviously this year was a LOT different for the sixth year!
Since Violet had joined the Quidditch team this year she had finally seen a whole new side to this amazing sport, only wishing that she had joined this world sooner! Not only that, she had formed new friendships as well as stronger friendships ever since she had gone to her first practice on the Pitch. If only she had had the chance to get to try out her skills on the pitch for a match instead of a practice!
But alas, there was a LOT going on in her life at the current moment. Stuff that was becoming rather stressful for the blonde. And because of that stress, it would make the poor girl's mind start to throb from thinking so much. Thankfully for her, she had just about figured out what she would be doing for her preparations thus far coming during the summer months. For right now, was a time of celebration FOR HUFFLEPUFF HAD WON THE QUIDDITCH CUP! And she was more than anxious to find her teammates and congratulate them and hug them and love and them probably squeal some more and etc, etc!
It took a matter of moments for Violet to figure out where the party was taking place and if it hadn't been mentioned before, Violet was VERY anxious! And when she had walked into the tent she saw that there was already a lot of hustle and bustle going on in the tent and a bright smile was brought upon her face. She began fiddling with her bracelet a little bit as she began to look around for the familiar faces that needed a lot of congratulatory hugs!
EEEEP! Bliss gave a little internal squeal when she saw Violet, one of her team members. Though she hadn't been to a match, Bliss knew she was good from seeing her in practices. SKIIIP. Bliss went over to the girl and beamed at her. "Hello, Violet," she said enthusiastically.
SPOILER!!: Arabella!
Arabella-Marie hadn't seen any of the match but she had heard that hufflepuff had won she had just come down for the party she blamed her studying so hard for her NEWTs but she knew that even if she got good grades she had her future sorted out already
OH. Look it was. Arabella. One of Bliss' first friends a Hoggy-warts. She prompty skipped over to her and stood in front of the girl. "Arabella," she exclaimed, wrapping her friend in a hug. She was going to miss her after she was gone. WIBBLE. One of the many Seventh Years that she might never see again.
Awww! Super Bliss Hugs? Ella BEAMED back at her teammate before giving her a squeeze. They’d both worked really hard throughout the season and she was just glad it payed off!
GIGGLE! Her friend definitely gave great hugs, Bliss thought to herself as she BEAMed at Ella. "Well done on the goals, by the way," she said and nodded. Ella had done quite well in the scoring department, especially seen as the other teams keeper was so good. Bliss herself had only scored once, but she was happy to have scored nonetheless.
SPOILER!!: Awarlesta :)
Awarlesta bounced into the party. She was so happy to hear that her house won the Cup. "GO BADGERS!" She yelled, over enthusiastically. She weaved her way in between people, trying to find her friends.
OH. Random person. Bliss gave the girl a SUPER MEGA BEAM and walked towards her. She had definitely heard the girl say, Go Badgers and now she wanted to introduce herself. "Hello," she said as she stood in front of the girl. "I'm Bliss!"
SPOILER!!: Lexy-boo! <3
Lex eyed her friend suspiciously for a moment. She said she was alright but she didn't feel very inclined to believe her. Very few people would be alright after hitting into the stands the way she did...unless of course Blissy was some kind of super human and she simply forgot to tell her in which case Lex was very offended. Oh yeah, now she was eyeing her even more. If there was any chance of gaining super powers she hoped Bliss wouldn't have hesitated to share the knowledge.
She was about to agree with the girl on the whole Quidditch being a dangerous sport kind of thing because really it was but then the girl started explaining some kind of extreme for of violence and she didn't know what to say.
"Then you seriously expect me to think you're okay?! That sounds absolutely horrible! No. Just no." She was gullible but not that gullible....okay maybe she was that gullible but not this time! This time she had eyes and could clearly see that the girl was hurt.
Bliss raised an eyebrow, giggled and eyed Alexa right back. After all, she WAS telling the truth. Mostly."Mhmmm. I seriously expect you to think that I'm okay," she agreed with a nod. "Cos I am. I'm a tough cookie, Lexy!" She told the girl and smiled.
She was, she really was.
SPOILER!!: Miss Awesome Professor! <3
Yes, Josephina was late heading down to the Quidditch Party, considering that the white tent was RIGHT next to the pitch. But she couldn't help herself; after the match, somehow she found herself needing to freshen up. After all, she was the Hufflepuff House Head and it wouldn't do well to have their house head looking all disheveled like.
Once she changed into one of her more classy outfits, she swept back her back her hair in a claw clip and took a last look making sure she looked presentable, before heading back onto the grounds. Pity she didn't consider the fact that the ground was still moderately soft.
Ignoring that detail though, she made her way carefully through the crowd towards her Hufflepuffs. The ones who played brilliantly out there today. "Oakey! Bliss! Ella! Minerva! Alex! Logan! Alec!" She called jubilantly, taking in the atmosphere. "You guys were stellar out there! I'm sure you've made your captain very proud and it was a real pity that she seemed to have come down with something. Those OWL studies can be rather stressful and all, if you're not careful. BUT BUT.... I'm soooo proud!" Really, she was. Group photo now? That was why there was photographers present, right? To take a picture of the winning team?
Professor Hadley was making her feel SO happy right now. "Hello, Professor," she called over the noise and made her way over to her. "THANK YOU SO MUCH," Bliss said happily, ignoring the churning in her stomach that appeared when Hadley started talking about Nessie. She..She hadn't meant to. BLINK. Be strong, Bliss. Nessie forgave you, remember? She told herself, while shaking off any sad feelings.
District 9 Tribute World's Biggest Harry Potter Fan
Originally Posted by ForeverYours
Listening to Bliss, Minerva felt like her head wasn't so bad after all. So she had a horrible headache, no big deal to all those injuries. "Well I'm glad your okay now. That is a lot of injuries for one match. The most I had gotten one match last term was two bludgers to the ribs. I think my ribs hurt for weeks after that." That was one of the last matches she played in until this one. "Just promise you will take it easy for the next few days and let everything heal. Don't want you hurting yourself anymore." Then she said about a concussion, "A concussion.. Oh Bliss, really make sure your taking it easy and if you feel sick or dizzy tell someone, alright?"
Looking around she did a double take, "Is that Oakey and Sophie... together?? Did Sophie say she liked him back I take it?" Minerva smiled obviously missing the entire kissing that had went on between the two knew love birds. Laughing a bit she looked back to Bliss, "Any big plans for summer?"
Bliss was so glad that her injures had been able to be fixed by the Healer, otherwise she might have been stuck with a broken wrist for the summer holidays. NOT GOOD. "Thank you," Bliss said and smiled up at the older girl. "Yeah, tell me about it. But it was the Championship, soooo..." Bliss shrugged. "Ouch, sounds nasty. I got elbowed in the ribs right at the end. Luckily they're just bruised," Bliss explained and smiled. What was she ON about, luckily. Technically, there was nothing lucky about it. OH DEAR. She'd worried Minnie. Ooops. She hadn't meant to. "Okay, Min. I promise I will," she said sinserely. For much trouble could one get up to anyway?
Bliss followed Minnie gaze and BEAMed. "Yeah. It is, isn't it." She said, all smiles and rainbows and stuffs. She was super happy for Sophie and her team mater, Oakey. Looking back toward Minnie, she smiled. "Just staying home, but hopefully Blue and Tag will be coming over at some point. I CAN'T WAIT." She exclaimed gleefully.
SPOILER!!: Violet :3
As soon as she had heard the news, the loudest of squeals had been heard throughout the halls of Hogwarts. And these squeals and shrieks of excitement could not be contained! For once again, her Puffs had won the QUIDDITCH CUP! Now of course in the past, Violet was always really happy when she heard of how well her House did; that it being points-wise, homework-wise, finals-wise, and of course Quidditch as well. BUT obviously this year was a LOT different for the sixth year!
Since Violet had joined the Quidditch team this year she had finally seen a whole new side to this amazing sport, only wishing that she had joined this world sooner! Not only that, she had formed new friendships as well as stronger friendships ever since she had gone to her first practice on the Pitch. If only she had had the chance to get to try out her skills on the pitch for a match instead of a practice!
But alas, there was a LOT going on in her life at the current moment. Stuff that was becoming rather stressful for the blonde. And because of that stress, it would make the poor girl's mind start to throb from thinking so much. Thankfully for her, she had just about figured out what she would be doing for her preparations thus far coming during the summer months. For right now, was a time of celebration FOR HUFFLEPUFF HAD WON THE QUIDDITCH CUP! And she was more than anxious to find her teammates and congratulate them and hug them and love and them probably squeal some more and etc, etc!
It took a matter of moments for Violet to figure out where the party was taking place and if it hadn't been mentioned before, Violet was VERY anxious! And when she had walked into the tent she saw that there was already a lot of hustle and bustle going on in the tent and a bright smile was brought upon her face. She began fiddling with her bracelet a little bit as she began to look around for the familiar faces that needed a lot of congratulatory hugs!
EEEEP! Bliss gave a little internal squeal when she saw Violet, one of her team members. Though she hadn't been to a match, Bliss knew she was good from seeing her in practices. SKIIIP. Bliss went over to the girl and beamed at her. "Hello, Violet," she said enthusiastically.
SPOILER!!: Arabella!
Arabella-Marie hadn't seen any of the match but she had heard that hufflepuff had won she had just come down for the party she blamed her studying so hard for her NEWTs but she knew that even if she got good grades she had her future sorted out already
OH. Look it was. Arabella. One of Bliss' first friends a Hoggy-warts. She prompty skipped over to her and stood in front of the girl. "Arabella," she exclaimed, wrapping her friend in a hug. She was going to miss her after she was gone. WIBBLE. One of the many Seventh Years that she might never see again.
Awww! Super Bliss Hugs? Ella BEAMED back at her teammate before giving her a squeeze. They’d both worked really hard throughout the season and she was just glad it payed off!
GIGGLE! Her friend definitely gave great hugs, Bliss thought to herself as she BEAMed at Ella. "Well done on the goals, by the way," she said and nodded. Ella had done quite well in the scoring department, especially seen as the other teams keeper was so good. Bliss herself had only scored once, but she was happy to have scored nonetheless.
SPOILER!!: Awarlesta :)
Awarlesta bounced into the party. She was so happy to hear that her house won the Cup. "GO BADGERS!" She yelled, over enthusiastically. She weaved her way in between people, trying to find her friends.
OH. Random person. Bliss gave the girl a SUPER MEGA BEAM and walked towards her. She had definitely heard the girl say, Go Badgers and now she wanted to introduce herself. "Hello," she said as she stood in front of the girl. "I'm Bliss!"
Arabella-Marie smiled at Bliss as she hugged her and said "Congrats on winning the cup sorry i did not see the game, studying for my NEWTs came first"
While Max and Vivi took a picture with Professor Vindictus and rubbed elbows with the press, Kurumi continued to nibble on her cheese and fruit and sip pumpkin juice while she wandered a bit closer to the Hufflepuff players. It was then that she spotted Emmaleigh looking...ridiculously depressed for some reason. "You alright?" Kurumi asked, hesitating on taking another sip of her pumpkin juice.
As others started passing her by, Em tried to move a little out of the way, but still trying to remain close enough to observe. Close enough to be there if he decided he wanted her around. She sighed, and heard something about a surprise or something when Kurumi came up. Pulling her eyes from Max, to look at the girl, Em tried to force a smile and nodded. “Yeah. Fine, just curious.” Her gaze wandered back over the where Max and the others were standing. That, wasn’t a total lie. She was curious about whatever was going on. Looking back at her Gryffindor friend, Emmaleigh gave her a genuine smile this time. “You did a great job announcing today. You’re so much better than that Minerva girl.”
So many things are possible
just as long as you don't know they're impossible
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
SPOILER!!: Professor Elwood
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01
Oh she was late. Gahhh.
Professor Elwood made her way across the grounds towards the large white tent and sheepishly poked her head, and then the rest of her body under the canvas. She had been walking along the edge of the forest after the match to get away from the noise for a few minutes and time had gotten away from her.
Now she was here to help celebrate the Hufflepuff's victory and hopefully get some good treats. It was also a bit of a celebration that the term was over and all the horrible stuff was behind them, thank Merlin. Callie twisted her bangles as she made her way through the crowd.
Minerva smiled as she saw another professor come in. Walking towards her she stopped, "Hi Professor, lovely to see you here. Hope you are having fun." Yes it would not be a good thing if the professor couldn't have a little fun as well. "Did you make it to the match today?" Why not ask her if she was there, usually Min would know because she was in the stands, but she had no clue who was in the stands other then Ethan and Harvey.
SPOILER!!: Alexa
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
And Vivi was winking at heeeeer! Okay, she so hopefully she was feeling a little better despite whatever Kurumi might have done. It really was hard to tell, the girl was always doing things. She would continue to keep an eye on her just in case things got out on hand and punches had to be thrown...granted she probably wouldn't be the one throwing them because well...others would retaliate...and that would hurt...
Lex beamed at her Head of House's response. Even she thought what she did was special. But of course it was. Anything she did was special because it meant she actually bothered at all. There were very few things that the 11 year old bothered with.
By now the cupcake had gone down her throat without much more problem and she was able to breath normally again. Note to self: Never have a cupcake while talking to a Professor. Lex placed the half eaten cupcake back on the table. She would continue eating it when the conversation was done juuuust in case the Professor had any more surprizing news.
"Oooohhhhh!! So that's why!" It was all starting to make sense to her. "But...do you ever wish you were their Head of House...like when you look at the points standing...?" That would be enough to discourage most people. Her eyes drifted to the cupcake again, with her half wishing she didn't ask. What if that was exactly how she felt?! Despite it being a reasonable response she would never be able to look at the woman in the same light ever again...
Someone else who seemed more occupied with the cupcakes than the party!...That was it right? He just liked the cupcakes? After taking a good look at him she realized he was one of the people playing in the game. "Hi...uh..." Wait, she didn't know his name...Hmmm...She was sure Kurumi might have said it at least once during the game but her attention had been so split earlier that she could only focus on a few details, namely, Ravenclaw lost. She would just leave it hanging and hope he offered his name so she wouldn't have to ask.
Lex eyed her friend suspiciously for a moment. She said she was alright but she didn't feel very inclined to believe her. Very few people would be alright after hitting into the stands the way she did...unless of course Blissy was some kind of super human and she simply forgot to tell her in which case Lex was very offended. Oh yeah, now she was eyeing her even more. If there was any chance of gaining super powers she hoped Bliss wouldn't have hesitated to share the knowledge.
She was about to agree with the girl on the whole Quidditch being a dangerous sport kind of thing because really it was but then the girl started explaining some kind of extreme for of violence and she didn't know what to say.
"Then you seriously expect me to think you're okay?! That sounds absolutely horrible! No. Just no." She was gullible but not that gullible....okay maybe she was that gullible but not this time! This time she had eyes and could clearly see that the girl was hurt.
Oh and there was Arabella. The girl had practically disappeared...or it would seem so with all that was happening...not to mention the fact that the girl was a seventh year meaning she would have those exams too. Yeah...she could see why the girl would be off being busy. "Hi!" BEAM.
"YES!!!" Lex nearly started bouncing when she heard they'd still be going. It was one of the things she was considering the highlight of her summer and she already had a list of things to do when they got there. "It's gonna be soooo cool!! And the picnic's gonna be awesome too--he's not coming right?" She had to be sure.
"Umm yeah...that doesn't sound very fun at all...I'm just glad you didn't get like seriously hurt." It would have made her a bit sad to know that but she totally didn't just say that because she was not supposed to be 'fraternizing with the enemy' as her Mama Vivi had called it. Technically she didn't care whether the girl was hurt--but she still did because she was a nice person. Ahem. She said nothing.
Sending an owl. Those were untraceable, right? "That sounds like a great idea! I've been meaning to show Jeremy how wizard mail works anyway so I'll just take him with me when I'm sending it." Might as well while she was at it plus she liked the idea of keeping in touch with the people she actually liked here. She shrugged at her next question. "Well not really...I mean me and Ella are going to the zoo and Daddy's taking me to Scotland to visit my grandparents for a bit but other than that I'll probably just be at Will's house everyday." Anything to keep her from seeing the baby. "What about you?"
"Nope I will be fine, nothing a potion and some rest can't fix." She then gave a smile and leaned in a bit, "I probably wouldn't say if it was worse then that, because I'm terrified of the healer. I have avoided seeing her every term and I want to keep it that way." Minerva was honest about that. She wanted nothing to do with seeing the healer if she could help it.
Smiling wider when Alexa thought the owls were a great idea. "Oh that reminds me, I have to teach my grandparents how to do the owl thing as well. Since I just started living with them last summer I figured I would ease them into this world, so I didn't show them and it's been kind of sad not being able to hear from them all term." She frowned a little missing them so much lately, but she would see them soon. "Oh the zoo sounds fun.. I love going to the zoo's in the States." and with Ella, that sounded like a great plan. "Well I applied for an internship so if I get that then I'm staying in London and working there, but if I don't get it, I'm spending the summer in the States with my grandparents. So it's up in the air at the moment." She was hoping to know soon, so that she could figure out her plans on seeing Ethan and the rest of her friends.
SPOILER!!: Harvs
Originally Posted by EW_FAN
Text Cut: Ethan and Minnie
Harvey smiled as she said that she was glad Ethan had someone to sit with that had a puff girlfriend too "Yeah.. I guess that does help, knowing that you arent the only one watching your girl out there.. flying around.. looking all.. wonderful and.. stuff" he said before clearing his throat and saw her blushing at the mention of the tree "Mmmm ok.. I guess I dont have to tell him.. if we hang out at the summer.. I might just.. forget about that tree?" he half joked with her, cause he wasnt going to tell Ethan obviously.. he could imagine what that information would do to these two and he wouldnt want that.. but he DID want to hang out with Minnie.. and Ethan if he wanted to as well.. so he was truthful on that one! He looked all concerned as she tried to laugh but stopped as it probably pained her to laugh, he nodded as he chuckled "Yeah! I have always told her that.. even with her noodle-like arms that look strong" he chuckled some more as he looked over at Ella.. man he was with Ella.. still! Bestest person in the whole world!
He chuckled and nodded as Ethan winked "We do! We do! They may have the quidditch cup but we have the House Cup and the Gobstones Cup too!!" he said,, just then Ethan raised his eyebrows at his comments before whispering to back to him.. Harvey instantly shook his head "No.. no.. I do not..I just thought that Minnie would like to have some fun is all" he smiled, cause Minnie hadnt asked him to do anything crazy in the last four years,, he was not sure about the future though. He then nearly jumped up as Minnie spoke up after having heard Minnie talking about the House Cup.. Harvey nodded and looked at Ethan "You know Ethan.. she DOES have a point.. we are up against her" he chuckled looking at Minnie "Always been good at her studies.. smart girls we have" he said to Ethan.. "Our girls are puffs that are smart and strong" he chuckled as he realised the similarities between him and Ethan.. both claws.. with puff girls that were smart and strong. .
Listening to Harvey Minerva couldn't help but try and laugh. Cringing at the pain a bit she tried to stop, he would always be the same Harvey never changing. "Well of course if I'm in London we will hang out. I wouldn't go a summer without one of my close friends, but if I'm not in London then I will at least Owl you. I'm not sure if I have gotten an internship yet or not, so we will see." Minerva smiled wishing they could know soon about that.
Minerva then laughed at both boys, "Don't make me remind you what your up against. I've been practicing the clothes spell this term. A pink shirt and a jean skirt might look good with the pink mohawk Harvs. What do you think?" She chuckled and then turned to let the boys talk without her again.
SPOILER!!: Mama Hadley
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
Yes, Josephina was late heading down to the Quidditch Party, considering that the white tent was RIGHT next to the pitch. But she couldn't help herself; after the match, somehow she found herself needing to freshen up. After all, she was the Hufflepuff House Head and it wouldn't do well to have their house head looking all disheveled like.
Once she changed into one of her more classy outfits, she swept back her back her hair in a claw clip and took a last look making sure she looked presentable, before heading back onto the grounds. Pity she didn't consider the fact that the ground was still moderately soft.
Ignoring that detail though, she made her way carefully through the crowd towards her Hufflepuffs. The ones who played brilliantly out there today. "Oakey! Bliss! Ella! Minerva! Alex! Logan! Alec!" She called jubilantly, taking in the atmosphere. "You guys were stellar out there! I'm sure you've made your captain very proud and it was a real pity that she seemed to have come down with something. Those OWL studies can be rather stressful and all, if you're not careful. BUT BUT.... I'm soooo proud!" Really, she was. Group photo now? That was why there was photographers present, right? To take a picture of the winning team?
Hearing Professor Hadley's voice Minerva got up and went over closer to her head of house. Minerva blushed a bit at her words on how great they were. She wasn't feeling so great, but she was excited about the win. "Thanks Professor, you got to see the match?" She hoped nothing kept her from being there and enjoying the win as well. "I think all the congrats needs to go to the rest of the team. They have worked super hard the entire term to get us this far." She just lucked out being able to play the final match she didn't work as hard as the rest to get them to the final match.
SPOILER!!: Blissy
Originally Posted by ForeverYours
Listening to Bliss, Minerva felt like her head wasn't so bad after all. So she had a horrible headache, no big deal to all those injuries. "Well I'm glad your okay now. That is a lot of injuries for one match. The most I had gotten one match last term was two bludgers to the ribs. I think my ribs hurt for weeks after that." That was one of the last matches she played in until this one. "Just promise you will take it easy for the next few days and let everything heal. Don't want you hurting yourself anymore." Then she said about a concussion, "A concussion.. Oh Bliss, really make sure your taking it easy and if you feel sick or dizzy tell someone, alright?"
Looking around she did a double take, "Is that Oakey and Sophie... together?? Did Sophie say she liked him back I take it?" Minerva smiled obviously missing the entire kissing that had went on between the two knew love birds. Laughing a bit she looked back to Bliss, "Any big plans for summer?"
Bliss was so glad that her injures had been able to be fixed by the Healer, otherwise she might have been stuck with a broken wrist for the summer holidays. NOT GOOD. "Thank you," Bliss said and smiled up at the older girl. "Yeah, tell me about it. But it was the Championship, soooo..." Bliss shrugged. "Ouch, sounds nasty. I got elbowed in the ribs right at the end. Luckily they're just bruised," Bliss explained and smiled. What was she ON about, luckily. Technically, there was nothing lucky about it. OH DEAR. She'd worried Minnie. Ooops. She hadn't meant to. "Okay, Min. I promise I will," she said sinserely. For much trouble could one get up to anyway?
Bliss followed Minnie gaze and BEAMed. "Yeah. It is, isn't it." She said, all smiles and rainbows and stuffs. She was super happy for Sophie and her team mater, Oakey. Looking back toward Minnie, she smiled. "Just staying home, but hopefully Blue and Tag will be coming over at some point. I CAN'T WAIT." She exclaimed gleefully.
SPOILER!!: Violet :3
As soon as she had heard the news, the loudest of squeals had been heard throughout the halls of Hogwarts. And these squeals and shrieks of excitement could not be contained! For once again, her Puffs had won the QUIDDITCH CUP! Now of course in the past, Violet was always really happy when she heard of how well her House did; that it being points-wise, homework-wise, finals-wise, and of course Quidditch as well. BUT obviously this year was a LOT different for the sixth year!
Since Violet had joined the Quidditch team this year she had finally seen a whole new side to this amazing sport, only wishing that she had joined this world sooner! Not only that, she had formed new friendships as well as stronger friendships ever since she had gone to her first practice on the Pitch. If only she had had the chance to get to try out her skills on the pitch for a match instead of a practice!
But alas, there was a LOT going on in her life at the current moment. Stuff that was becoming rather stressful for the blonde. And because of that stress, it would make the poor girl's mind start to throb from thinking so much. Thankfully for her, she had just about figured out what she would be doing for her preparations thus far coming during the summer months. For right now, was a time of celebration FOR HUFFLEPUFF HAD WON THE QUIDDITCH CUP! And she was more than anxious to find her teammates and congratulate them and hug them and love and them probably squeal some more and etc, etc!
It took a matter of moments for Violet to figure out where the party was taking place and if it hadn't been mentioned before, Violet was VERY anxious! And when she had walked into the tent she saw that there was already a lot of hustle and bustle going on in the tent and a bright smile was brought upon her face. She began fiddling with her bracelet a little bit as she began to look around for the familiar faces that needed a lot of congratulatory hugs!
EEEEP! Bliss gave a little internal squeal when she saw Violet, one of her team members. Though she hadn't been to a match, Bliss knew she was good from seeing her in practices. SKIIIP. Bliss went over to the girl and beamed at her. "Hello, Violet," she said enthusiastically.
SPOILER!!: Arabella!
Arabella-Marie hadn't seen any of the match but she had heard that hufflepuff had won she had just come down for the party she blamed her studying so hard for her NEWTs but she knew that even if she got good grades she had her future sorted out already
OH. Look it was. Arabella. One of Bliss' first friends a Hoggy-warts. She prompty skipped over to her and stood in front of the girl. "Arabella," she exclaimed, wrapping her friend in a hug. She was going to miss her after she was gone. WIBBLE. One of the many Seventh Years that she might never see again.
Awww! Super Bliss Hugs? Ella BEAMED back at her teammate before giving her a squeeze. They’d both worked really hard throughout the season and she was just glad it payed off!
GIGGLE! Her friend definitely gave great hugs, Bliss thought to herself as she BEAMed at Ella. "Well done on the goals, by the way," she said and nodded. Ella had done quite well in the scoring department, especially seen as the other teams keeper was so good. Bliss herself had only scored once, but she was happy to have scored nonetheless.
SPOILER!!: Awarlesta :)
Awarlesta bounced into the party. She was so happy to hear that her house won the Cup. "GO BADGERS!" She yelled, over enthusiastically. She weaved her way in between people, trying to find her friends.
OH. Random person. Bliss gave the girl a SUPER MEGA BEAM and walked towards her. She had definitely heard the girl say, Go Badgers and now she wanted to introduce herself. "Hello," she said as she stood in front of the girl. "I'm Bliss!"
SPOILER!!: Lexy-boo! <3
Lex eyed her friend suspiciously for a moment. She said she was alright but she didn't feel very inclined to believe her. Very few people would be alright after hitting into the stands the way she did...unless of course Blissy was some kind of super human and she simply forgot to tell her in which case Lex was very offended. Oh yeah, now she was eyeing her even more. If there was any chance of gaining super powers she hoped Bliss wouldn't have hesitated to share the knowledge.
She was about to agree with the girl on the whole Quidditch being a dangerous sport kind of thing because really it was but then the girl started explaining some kind of extreme for of violence and she didn't know what to say.
"Then you seriously expect me to think you're okay?! That sounds absolutely horrible! No. Just no." She was gullible but not that gullible....okay maybe she was that gullible but not this time! This time she had eyes and could clearly see that the girl was hurt.
Bliss raised an eyebrow, giggled and eyed Alexa right back. After all, she WAS telling the truth. Mostly."Mhmmm. I seriously expect you to think that I'm okay," she agreed with a nod. "Cos I am. I'm a tough cookie, Lexy!" She told the girl and smiled.
She was, she really was.
SPOILER!!: Miss Awesome Professor! <3
Yes, Josephina was late heading down to the Quidditch Party, considering that the white tent was RIGHT next to the pitch. But she couldn't help herself; after the match, somehow she found herself needing to freshen up. After all, she was the Hufflepuff House Head and it wouldn't do well to have their house head looking all disheveled like.
Once she changed into one of her more classy outfits, she swept back her back her hair in a claw clip and took a last look making sure she looked presentable, before heading back onto the grounds. Pity she didn't consider the fact that the ground was still moderately soft.
Ignoring that detail though, she made her way carefully through the crowd towards her Hufflepuffs. The ones who played brilliantly out there today. "Oakey! Bliss! Ella! Minerva! Alex! Logan! Alec!" She called jubilantly, taking in the atmosphere. "You guys were stellar out there! I'm sure you've made your captain very proud and it was a real pity that she seemed to have come down with something. Those OWL studies can be rather stressful and all, if you're not careful. BUT BUT.... I'm soooo proud!" Really, she was. Group photo now? That was why there was photographers present, right? To take a picture of the winning team?
Professor Hadley was making her feel SO happy right now. "Hello, Professor," she called over the noise and made her way over to her. "THANK YOU SO MUCH," Bliss said happily, ignoring the churning in her stomach that appeared when Hadley started talking about Nessie. She..She hadn't meant to. BLINK. Be strong, Bliss. Nessie forgave you, remember? She told herself, while shaking off any sad feelings.
This party was for celebrations, was it not?
Minerva gave her a reassuring smile, "Well as long as your alright, I don't want you hurt at the end of term. It's time to relax a bit and have some fun not be hurt and feeling bad." Yes that would be horrible if people couldn't enjoy their last few days at Hogwarts, this was when it was fun. Just relaxing before the feast and saying goodbyes. Min frowned thinking about good byes, she really didn't want to have to make those yet. Trying not to think about it she thought about something else.
"Well they look cute together. I'm glad Oakey found someone to understand him." She wasn't annoyed with him anymore, but she still hadn't forgotten him sticking up for her enemy either. Hopefully now that he was with Sophie he really did see the evil side of Elliot, because Elliot was no friend of Sophie's either. Turning her thoughts back to Bliss she listened to her summer plans, "Well that sounds fun and just relaxing at least."
Replying now in case thread gets closed cause of the feast!
||Delta Goodrem Lover || Emma Watson Lover | | RavenPuff || 1 of 4 Amigos ||
Text Cut: Minnie
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Listening to Harvey Minerva couldn't help but try and laugh. Cringing at the pain a bit she tried to stop, he would always be the same Harvey never changing. "Well of course if I'm in London we will hang out. I wouldn't go a summer without one of my close friends, but if I'm not in London then I will at least Owl you. I'm not sure if I have gotten an internship yet or not, so we will see." Minerva smiled wishing they could know soon about that.
Minerva then laughed at both boys, "Don't make me remind you what your up against. I've been practicing the clothes spell this term. A pink shirt and a jean skirt might look good with the pink mohawk Harvs. What do you think?" She chuckled and then turned to let the boys talk without her again.
He smiled as she laughed but then stopped as she cringed in pain "Im sorry.. I shouldnt have joked too much.. I will save them for when you are not sore anymore" he nodded as he listened and he smiled "You mean you cant go a summer without one of your close friends" he said trying not to laugh and winced internally knowing that she may laugh again and be pained.. anymore of those and he was sure Ethan wouldnt want her hanging out with Harvey until she was well again "Ahh yeah that thing.. sure no worries.. I hope you get it.. what did you apply for? " he hoped she would get it even though that would probably take up most of her time.. and then Ethan meaning.. he would have to wait his turn.
He chuckled as she laughed and he listened to what she had to say before he was surprised and blinked several times "Mins.. I .. I was.. only kidding.. no.. no use for all that." though the pink mohawk reminded him of when he first set eyes on Ella, and how she kind of liked it. It was that mohawk that made her want to know Harvey more.. so it was thanks to Mins that they were together. "Just.. a nicer style ok? I know.. you love to change my hair at least once in the feast.. just make it a nice one.. I do have Ella now" he said kinda hoping that she would go with it and no more pink mohawks.. though he wondered what Ella would think of her boyfriend with a pink mohawk.
Minerva gave a small grin towards Ethan. He was just so sweet to her all the time. "I know it does happen, but I did have the bat, it's my job to keep the bludger away from my team. Your claw beaters are just great." They were fantastic and Minerva didn't think many could keep up with them. She tried to not look to concerned, but it was something that crossed her mind, "Maybe sometime you can tell me what type of injury made you not want to play again." She took his hand reassuring if he really didn't want to tell her he didn't have to. She rubbed the back of her head and cringed a bit, "Yeah the potion will be wonderful, maybe we could go up to the castle a little later. I should stay since we just won the championship, but I'm a bit tired and the loudness isn't helping. So I don't know how long I will stay."
Thinking about summer made Minerva happy and sad. She was ready more then any other term before she was wanting that break. "I hope to hear something soon about the internships. If you get your internship, where wil you stay?" Minerva was curious about where he might be staying if he stayed in London. "Ari told me I could stay with her, so I'm hoping that works out, but I do want to see my grandparents. With all that has went on this term I have been missing being with them. So I am going back for the Fourth of July and I hope you will come with me. I have been meaning to speak to you about that." She looked up hopeful that he might be allowed to come with her to visit the United States and her grandparents.
As she spoke to her friends she over heard a comment that she could not let go without saying something turning back to Ethan and Harvey, "I wouldn't get to comfortable with that top spot in the house cup. You do have me to be up against." Winking at them she laughed, knowing they probably were not going to catch up to the claws in points, but she was giving it her all to make them nervous at least.
Ethan looked down at Minerva's hand on his and gave it a gentle squeeze, taking a minute before looking back up at her. Giving her a small smile, he nodded slowly. "Yes.. I will tell you.. sometime." As in not right now. They were here to have fun.. but he would probably tell her later.. and maybe she'd understand a little better about why he got so worried. He frowned as she winced in pain, then nodded. "Sure.. just let me know when you're ready to go.. and I'll walk back with you." He could leave any time really.. he was only talking to Harvey besides her, not knowing any of the other Puffs on the team.. and figured Harvey wouldn't mind anyway.
"Yeah.. me too," he said in regard to the internships. He really thought they would have heard something by now so they could finalize their plans since it was the end of term.. hopefully that wasn't a bad sign. "Well, my grandfather lives in London, so I'd be staying there. My aunt's been taking care of him, he's very ill.. so even if I don't get it I'll probably spend some time there helping out." And also a fall-back plan if he didn't get the internship and she did.. he'd still be in London at least part of the summer. And Ari was that Slytherin girl she was friends with, right? She was one he hadn't met yet. He grinned a little as she mentioned Fourth of July. "Yeah, I'd love to go visit the States with you.. Do you think you'll still have time to visit Germany with me?" Hopefully she wouldn't be too busy working if she got the internship as well as seeing her family. And they still had a date for a Quidditch game that he was going to hold her to.
The boy grinned widely at Minnie's last words and laughed a little. "Oh I know.. you're some tough competition.. top in points for Hufflepuff, and all." And it was probably a fact that she had more points just herself than he and Harvey combined. Quite impressive.
SPOILER!!: Harvey
Originally Posted by EW_FAN
Harvey smiled as she said that she was glad Ethan had someone to sit with that had a puff girlfriend too "Yeah.. I guess that does help, knowing that you arent the only one watching your girl out there.. flying around.. looking all.. wonderful and.. stuff" he said before clearing his throat and saw her blushing at the mention of the tree "Mmmm ok.. I guess I dont have to tell him.. if we hang out at the summer.. I might just.. forget about that tree?" he half joked with her, cause he wasnt going to tell Ethan obviously.. he could imagine what that information would do to these two and he wouldnt want that.. but he DID want to hang out with Minnie.. and Ethan if he wanted to as well.. so he was truthful on that one! He looked all concerned as she tried to laugh but stopped as it probably pained her to laugh, he nodded as he chuckled "Yeah! I have always told her that.. even with her noodle-like arms that look strong" he chuckled some more as he looked over at Ella.. man he was with Ella.. still! Bestest person in the whole world!
He chuckled and nodded as Ethan winked "We do! We do! They may have the quidditch cup but we have the House Cup and the Gobstones Cup too!!" he said,, just then Ethan raised his eyebrows at his comments before whispering to back to him.. Harvey instantly shook his head "No.. no.. I do not..I just thought that Minnie would like to have some fun is all" he smiled, cause Minnie hadnt asked him to do anything crazy in the last four years,, he was not sure about the future though. He then nearly jumped up as Minnie spoke up after having heard Minnie talking about the House Cup.. Harvey nodded and looked at Ethan "You know Ethan.. she DOES have a point.. we are up against her" he chuckled looking at Minnie "Always been good at her studies.. smart girls we have" he said to Ethan.. "Our girls are puffs that are smart and strong" he chuckled as he realised the similarities between him and Ethan.. both claws.. with puff girls that were smart and strong.
"Oh.. does Gobstones have a cup too?" Ethan gave Harvey a questioning look. It would make sense if there was one, but he hadn't heard about it.. and was pretty sure Ravenclaw hadn't come in first place for that anyway. He had played his fair share of it this term. He chuckled lightly as Harvey shook his head. He wasn't entirely sure what he had meant by crazy.. but if it was fun he could go along with it. Grinning back at the boy, he agreed. "Yes.. very. Not surprising they narrowed the gap in points so quickly." And he would be nervous about the House Cup if he really cared about that kind of thing.. okay, maybe he did a little.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Maybe she ought to tell Zed to get in touch with her mother's publicist? Hmm? Instead, Vivi lifted her cupcake even further and smiled broadly, although with her free hand she reached around Prof V's back and gave Max a pinch. You see what coming to parties get us, sir???
"A surprise, sir? Other than cupcakes?" Because please please please let it be about cupcakes. Let her EAT HER CUPCAKE. Selina was over there eating a cupcake! UNFAIR.
Originally Posted by Grangerfn1
Max was still laughing when Zed took the picture, but he nearly jumped out of his Quidditch boots when Vivi pinched him from behind. He gave her a scandalized, open-mouthed expression, but he ended up grinning and poking her side from behind Vindictus. Ha. Gotcha back.
...A surprise?
"What is it, sir?" Max didn't like surprises. He nodded quickly in agreement with Vivi's suggestion. A CUPCAKE surprise was the best kind of surprise.
"Why Quidditch scouts, of course!" beamed Vindictus. "They're here to talk to the seventh years. A few years of playing can pay for your university education so don't be shy in speaking with the scout from the Harpies, Vivi. And Max, the scout for the Arrows is here to see you and only you. Now off with the both of you so that I can award some points."
Then he felt Annie's grip on his elbow again.
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
Blah blah blah, students had won, blah blah blah, the two standing next to him were probably going to be recruited. Yeah, great. Anastasia just wanted to know what her Deputy Headmaster had been doing all term... and WHY he had been avoiding her? Yeah she could see right through his little flattery. It was very tempting to pinch his ear.
But no, the photographers would take that the wrong way. So instead she was going to cling to his elbow like wax to a broomstick. "I did hear about that," she agreed in a charming tone, "but I didn't realize you were representing them." She popped out of the photo just before the flashbulb went off and then was back in his ear in a second.
"Is that where you've been all term, hmm? Busy with your more important job?" The calm facade was fading... Bunz must be needing sugar. The redhead did swipe a cupcake off the nearby tray though, since everyone was eating them and they looked scrumptious. She licked its icing off its top in a steady motion, still eying Vindictus like a cat sizing up its prey.
"Enjoy that cupcake while I make a few presentations and then I'll tell you what's going on. In fact, you might want to eat a few of them," he said and headed over to a table where the Quidditch Cup was placed.
"Can I have everyone's attention, please! I have a few awards to give out now that the Quidditch season has come to an end!"
Check out the non-HP topics in the Leaky Cauldron today!
Ravenpuff | Cap'n Crunch | Bedtime Queen | O Minion, My Minion
Text Cut: Fina][QUOTE=PhoenixRising;11271984][COLOR="#6960EC
Yes, Josephina was late heading down to the Quidditch Party, considering that the white tent was RIGHT next to the pitch. But she couldn't help herself; after the match, somehow she found herself needing to freshen up. After all, she was the Hufflepuff House Head and it wouldn't do well to have their house head looking all disheveled like.
Once she changed into one of her more classy outfits, she swept back her back her hair in a claw clip and took a last look making sure she looked presentable, before heading back onto the grounds. Pity she didn't consider the fact that the ground was still moderately soft.
Ignoring that detail though, she made her way carefully through the crowd towards her Hufflepuffs. The ones who played brilliantly out there today. "Oakey! Bliss! Ella! Minerva! Alex! Logan! Alec!" She called jubilantly, taking in the atmosphere. "You guys were stellar out there! I'm sure you've made your captain very proud and it was a real pity that she seemed to have come down with something. Those OWL studies can be rather stressful and all, if you're not careful. BUT BUT.... I'm soooo proud!" Really, she was. Group photo now? That was why there was photographers present, right? To take a picture of the winning team? [/COLOR][/QUOTE]
Oh look, it was his Auntie!
In the excitement of the day he totally forgot about calling her professor.
"Aunt Hadley, we WON!"
Now the entire SCHOOL knew Professor Hadley was his aunt. He was going to go hide in a corner now.
Originally Posted by demented_death_eater
"Can I have everyone's attention, please! I have a few awards to give out now that the Quidditch season has come to an end!"
Happy for the distraction, he turned his glance towards Vindictus. Oooo, awards? Sweet! Though I know I won't win anything. We didn't play in as many matches as Ravenclaw did. Plus there was the whole being a first year thing, so...
But... was he about to see the SHINY?!?!?!?!?! Er... the Quidditch Cup?
"Quidditch is a team sport, and on each team there are individuals who shine at their positions. This term, points are being awarded to the athletes who finished in the top three in the areas of blocked shots, goals scored, Bludger hits, and Snitch captures," explained Vindictus as he began the awards segment of the party. "Maximus James of Ravenclaw was a brute force in front of the hoops this term and finished in first place with 16 blocks. For his efforts, he is awarded 15 points. In second place, is little Logan Mancini of Hufflepuff who is a rising star in the realm of Hogwarts Quidditch with 13 blocks this season. For his efforts, he is awarded 10 points. In third place, is Dylan Montmorency of Slytherin who is awarded 5 points for his achievement this term. Everyone, please give them a round of applause!"
Check out the non-HP topics in the Leaky Cauldron today!
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
Blah blah blah, students had won, blah blah blah, the two standing next to him were probably going to be recruited. Yeah, great. Anastasia just wanted to know what her Deputy Headmaster had been doing all term... and WHY he had been avoiding her? Yeah she could see right through his little flattery. It was very tempting to pinch his ear.
But no, the photographers would take that the wrong way. So instead she was going to cling to his elbow like wax to a broomstick. "I did hear about that," she agreed in a charming tone, "but I didn't realize you were representing them." She popped out of the photo just before the flashbulb went off and then was back in his ear in a second.
"Is that where you've been all term, hmm? Busy with your more important job?" The calm facade was fading... Bunz must be needing sugar. The redhead did swipe a cupcake off the nearby tray though, since everyone was eating them and they looked scrumptious. She licked its icing off its top in a steady motion, still eying Vindictus like a cat sizing up its prey.
Vivi was busy making faces at Max in between shots, even though that was a sure way to have a moving picture of herself that would misbehave the entire time it was in-frame. Still, it was better than stressing about Vindictus, or about how the Headmistress was leaning in and eating a cupcake RIGHT IN HER FACE.
That was mean.
Originally Posted by demented_death_eater
"Why Quidditch scouts, of course!" beamed Vindictus. "They're here to talk to the seventh years. A few years of playing can pay for your university education so don't be shy in speaking with the scout from the Harpies, Vivi. And Max, the scout for the Arrows is here to see you and only you. Now off with the both of you so that I can award some points."
Then he felt Annie's grip on his elbow again.
Vivi scowled when the man suggested she should go check with the all female team, like she was incapable of playing for a co-ed team if she wanted. Which she did NOT, thanks ever so. But still... the implication was there.
"Thanks for your interest, sir, but I'm going to be an Auror like my mother. I've just applied to YATI." And they wouldn't let her have time off to play Quidditch, much as that would be the best of all possible worlds.
She watched Vindictus wander off before stuffing the cupcake whole into her mouth and fishing out the wrapper to hand off to Max. "Mmmmffmmmf fmmf mmmngf mmmffmmffm." Yup. Congratulations, Max.
Ariana was not feeling well her head was Throbbiinnggg but she decided to show her face to the party and give congrats to whoever won... though really, she could care less because Slytherin didn't win and she came to the conclusion that she was THE WORST player ever and would most likely NOT try out again next term cause use she was HORRIBLE.... or so she thought anyway.thoughshedidsuck
where was everyone she knew?
she looked around covering her mouth with the inside of her elbow as she coughed. ugh. everytime she coughed her head hurt more and her throat hurt. ugh but she didn't like taking potions for a simple cold she just let her body run it's course cause you know that's what a normal person would do and if ariana had to go back to live with John & Erin for the summer she had to learn how to be a muggle really... cause they wouldnt even let her have her wand in their house like UGH they SUCKED anyway... what was going on?
Ravenpuff | Cap'n Crunch | Bedtime Queen | O Minion, My Minion
Text Cut: Vindy
Originally Posted by demented_death_eater
"Quidditch is a team sport, and on each team there are individuals who shine at their positions. This term, points are being awarded to the athletes who finished in the top three in the areas of blocked shots, goals scored, Bludger hits, and Snitch captures," explained Vindictus as he began the awards segment of the party. "Maximus James of Ravenclaw was a brute force in front of the hoops this term and finished in first place with 16 blocks. For his efforts, he is awarded 15 points. In second place, is little Logan Mancini of Hufflepuff who is a rising star in the realm of Hogwarts Quidditch with 13 blocks this season. For his efforts, he is awarded 10 points. In third place, is Dylan Montmorency of Slytherin who is awarded 5 points for his achievement this term. Everyone, please give them a round of applause!"
Pao couldn't believe it.
That's... that's just... THAT'S SO UNFAIR! He crossed his arms in front of his chest in a firstie pout. Maximus James had played in an extra game. Of COURSE he was going to block more shots! I never even had a chance!
His Hufflepuff sense of fairness was being violated. Logan Mancini was unhappy.