-   Term 32: September - December 2012 (
-   -   Muggle Studies Lesson #2: Villains (

Lezleighd 10-25-2012 02:10 AM

Muggle Studies Lesson #2: Villains



When you first enter the Muggle Studies classroom, you can once again hear a variety of Muggle Superhero theme songs playing in the background and filling the classroom with excitement. This time they have a little bit more of an eerie and sinister sound to them. And everything is geared towards Villains instead of Superheroes this time around.

Hanging on the walls, are posters of different Villains, both from Comic Books and Movie Posters. There is the Joker, Lex Luther, Doctor Octopus, Magneto, Loki, Cat Woman, Dr. Doom, Doomsday, and many more. The room has huge drapeings all over it in Dark Green, Dark Blue, and Red. And around the room are scattered arches of balloons but this time they are in deep blues, blacks, and grays. The room has taken on a little bit of a sinister air.

There is a table in the corner with a variety of goodies that will refill instantly if emptied. There are little bags beside the goodies for you to fill up with Muggle Candy which has been creatively named to match various Villians.
There are also glasses of Muggle Kool-Aid in Green, Blue, or Red. In the middle of everything is a Villains themed caked that will be cut into later on.

There are no desks in the room, just a variety of different colored bean bags laid out all over the place. The bean bags have been charmed to be extra squishy and comfy. Beside each bean bag is a basket. The basket has a white piece of paper with a simple mask drawn on it, a package of markers and colored pencils, a piece of string, and some scissors.

On the board in the front of the room is a note that states:

Welcome to Muggle Studies!

Please have a seat and start decorating the mask placed in the basket beside your bean bag. It can be either Superhero or Villain inspired. Feel free to be creative and have fun with this. I expect to see everyone with a mask on by the time class starts.

See you in a few minutes!
OOC: Please come in and have a seat. Feel free to have small conversations but remember that Gemma is always watching. Class will officially begin in the morning. Sorry for the delayed was hectic in RL...:glomp:


~*Lesson Quick Links*~
*To be updated as the lesson progresses...feel free to answer old questions if you come in late OOC, just make sure you put Makeup or Catching Up or something like that in your title of your post...and never RP your charrie coming in late to class*

1. Welcome to Class...Class Rules...Introduction to Villains
Question One: Can anyone remember the name of a superhero and their power that we discussed last time?

2. Introduction to Villains
Question Two: How bout everyone share a villain from your favorite movie or story, fictional or nonfictional....this doesn't have to be a superhero villain...just any villain in general from the Muggle or Wizarding world...

3. Villains Quiz

4. Divide up Villain Groups Introduction to Group Work

5. Show Time

6. End of Lesson and Homework Posting

FireboltSword 10-25-2012 03:46 AM

Early bird...
Befelda felt soo sleepy, all day long. She didn't even want to wake up early this morning as her eyes won't open. But she has no choice. She just always say to herself that being at Hogwarts is her dream and nothing will ever ruin that dream.

However, despite her sleepiness, she's still having problems as to whom will she give the Lingualaxus Potion she had brewed in the last Potions lesson. Arrgghh! I need to find someone who will be willing to drink the potion. Or else, I won't get any house points on my homework.

Befelda, frowning and still thinking, almost jumped from her seat as she noticed the time. It's time for Muggle Studies! She hurriedly fixed herself, packed up her things and headed straight to the Muggles Studies classroom.

After she arrived at the door, still panting, she entered the room, not knowing that the class hasn't started yet. Oh, good Merlin! I thought I was already late. Relieved from the matter, she entered the room and scanned it. The room entirely has a sinister air, something grey and dark. She felt a little bit weird about the aura of the room; she could see posters of the villains hanging up the walls, not to mention the eerie music background.

She noticed some goodies in the table. I love goodies! She didn't have second thoughts of getting some. And as she walked, she could see colored bean bags which she believed will be the comfy seats they will be using for the class. She went for the pink bean bag which was her favorite color, and noticed a basket with some art stuff. Then she once glanced at the board, with instructions of the Professor to make a mask consisting the art stuff in the basket and use it before the class starts.

Since Befelda was not quite in the mood and still sleepy, she couldn't think of any artistic mask of a superhero or a villain. So she just cut the paper into a cat-woman-like mask, colored it black and put the strings on each side. She just made a cat woman mask. She's too sleepy to be creative at the moment.

She then cleaned up the mess, then wore her cat woman mask and waited for the others to enter the room.

She felt like sleeping wearing the mask...

Awarlesta Black 10-25-2012 04:17 AM

Awar skipped in, excited for today's lesson. She plopped into one of the bean bag chair and nestled herself comfortably. Oooh! Villians!! She was even more excited now.

She picked up her mask kit and began to work on her masterpiece. She colored vigorously, but with pizzazz and attached strings to it.

When she finished, she leaned back in the chair and slipped on her Harley Quinn mask and waited for class to start.

Steelsheen 10-25-2012 04:44 AM

Ok so he's done a few more research on the comicverse so attending this Muggle Studies class wasnt as nerve wracking was the last one. The Ravenclaw spotted the decor and heard the music-- yup now they focus on the bad guys...

He settled onto a beanbag and spotted what looks to be mask-making materials. Eh, more artwork? But he wasnt much good with artsy stuff....

... there are some heroes and villains who dont bother with masks right?

feeheeheeny 10-25-2012 05:09 AM


Max loved Muggle Studies, but he still didn't know a whole lot about Muggle superheroes or anything of the sort. He was quite glad the last class's homework had been purely creative and he could embrace his inner superhero, but now... villains was the theme, it seemed. Max wasn't a villain, he couldn't relate with villains, and he didn't think he could name one Muggle villain if his life depended on it.

Upon entering the classroom and reading the board, Max grumbled unintelligibly and plopped onto the nearest navy bean bag chair. Did he have to? Though, he supposed it would be okay to draw a mask related to the superhero he had previously come up with for the homework. So maybe... he could do this? A bit? It wouldn't hurt to try.

Max picked up a blue marker from his basket and got to work.

FearlessLeader19 10-25-2012 05:17 AM

Jory was quite looking forward to this lesson. Villains! He thought they were just as cool as superheroes because without them they won't be any superheroes, right?

When he entered the room, the first thing that got his attention were the posters of villains all around the room. He knew most of their names though he recognised some by their faces. Loki stuck out, as he was he boy's favourite villain.

The Puff took a candy bar and some blue Kool Aid before making himself comfortable on one of the bean bags. As he munched on his candy bar, he worked on his mask. Loki inspired of course. Complete with the horns, and all.

Kimothy 10-25-2012 05:18 AM

Muggle Studies was next, as Kat saw on her Class Schedule. The blonde walked to the classroom. When she arrived, Professor Cerulean wasn't there yet. Kat initially hated taking the subject, but she's grown to have respect for it since they had various activities that are fun and everything.


Why the firsties. Kat was somehow ALONE with the firsties. Good Merlin. Kat hates dealing with firsties... specifically one from Gryffindor and one from, she's sorry, Slytherin. Cough, cough. Does that ring a bell to anyone? Hopefully, yes. But Kat took a seat far awaaaaay from the firsties. Bless them, but Kat isn't comfortable with it.

Design the mask? Glancing at the Puffer firstie, Kat saw that the Puff had gotten her idea for Catwoman already. Oh gawwwwwd. Pssssssssssssssh... alright then, Kat decided on Batgirl. NO ONE JUDGE HER. NAW.

Design. Color. Color. Color. MORE COLOR. Bit of black there. Actually, it was ALL BLACK. Then.... last bit of coloring.

She was finished. Yeah.

FireboltSword 10-25-2012 06:16 AM

Befelda suddenly woke up from her seat, didn't realize that she's been sleeping for couple of minutes on her seat. Having a hard time opening her eyes, she noticed that several students have arrived and are busy creating their masks. Some are still coloring and designing their masks and some are done and are ready for class.

She fixed herself from her seat and ate the goodies she got from the table.

Deezerz 10-25-2012 06:46 AM

Getting back into routine, Kennedy made his way to the Muggle Studies classroom. He blinked at the room's decoration once he entered. Villains, it seemed today. He scanned the room and found two of his favorite. Magneto and Loki. Yep.

He spotted the beanbags and internally groaned. Kennedy liked Muggle Studies, don't get him wrong, buuuuut...he'd rather not sit so close to the ground. Oh, well. He sat on a random beanbag, nodding as greeting to several students as he passed. Looking to his side, Kennedy found several materials. Ahhh. He knew what they were doing.

Double checking, he glanced at the board and it confirmed his guess. Villain masks it was!

sweetpinkpixie 10-25-2012 07:17 AM

Squirming before she even entered the classroom, Kurumi adjusted the strap on her bag and pushed open the door. More decorations. More food. No desks. Sigh.

Bypassing all the food and finding a beanbag chair, Kurumi sat down and set her bag next to her before taking out her parchment and quill. She then noticed the mask template beside her and then the note saying that it was expected that they be wearing one whenever the professor decided to make her appearance. Really? Kurumi didn't want to dress up...all the food and decorations were already a distraction...

Picking up the mask and some scissors, Kurumi cut it down a little more narrower and gave each side of the mask three 'wings.' She didn't add any color or anything more, just a simple white mask that sort of resembled fancy goggles instead of a proper 'mask' as it were.

Why were they making masks anyway? Not all villains or superheros wore masks... In fact, you could sore of argue that the glasses Superman wore when he wasn't Superman served as a mask.

Mask made, Kurumi simply set it on her lap for now. If they really HAD to she would put it on...Maybe she would make the eye holes a little they were even more like glasses and she could see out of them without too much of a problem. Even less of a distraction that way.

lazykitty 10-25-2012 08:45 AM

Entering the Muggle Studies classroom, Emmanuelle saw that it was decorated pretty much the same way it had been for the last lesson, except for villains instead of superheroes. She grabbed herself a handful of candy and some Kool Aide before picking out a beanbag and plopping down in it. And they had to make a mask? Okay then. Em carefully placed her drink down on the floor and picked up her mask template and some scissors. She carefully cut around the mask, till she had one that looked kind of cat like. Then she colored it black with a marker, attached the string, and slipped it on. There, ready!

Daydreamer11 10-25-2012 09:30 AM

Alex entered the classroom and looked around for a moment. There was some very creepy music playing and......Kool-Aid! Alex loved red Kool-Aid and it was not something easily found in the wizarding world. Can you say quick sugar rush? She took a glass and proceeded to find an empty bean bag chair among the many scattered around the room.

Alex found a red chair to match her Kool-Aid and sat down. Aaaaah, man these seats were comfortable. Good thing she had a sugary drink or she might just fall asleep. Seeing the note on the board, she began to rummage through the nearby basket for supplies to make her mask. Who would she choose as the subject of her mask? Should she go with good or evil? After much thought, she chose....Cat Woman and got to work.

Bazinga 10-25-2012 12:35 PM

Minerva walked into class and smiled. It was always interesting to see what Professor Cerulean did to the class. It had never been the same in four terms. Seeing the posters and the music made her giggle a bit, but what caught her eye was the candy. She practically skipped to the table and filled up a bag. All her candy was locked in the common room and she was going nuts without it. If only the Professor would have some pop instead of Juice, but she wasn't going to complain, it least it was a sugar drink. That would have to hold her until she could get into her bloody trunk for her diet coke.

After getting her bag of candy and her drink she looked around and smiled at the others in the room. "Hi" she said to the ones she recognized and to the ones she didn't it was always nice to meet knew people. Finding a bean bag that looked very comfy, Minerva sat down and began to eat some of her candy.

Princesspower 10-25-2012 02:19 PM

Sarah was not so excited for yet another lesson on superheros... these people were not her superheros yet school was school and she came anyway.. after all she was learning new things. She had gone to the library in the interim and read a lot of books on superheros and things so now she was more prepared then before. She could not stand some superhero outfits though. Like Miss Victory had like so much bosom showing it was repulsive... and they all were such tight clothes you could kind of know what was there.

She sat down on one of the bean bags and read the note on the board. She then reached for the mask and cut it into the sterotypical super hero mask... black just like bat man wore and Miss America wore. She could decided later. Lady Luck wore a green mask though. she coloured away with her markers and cut it just the right shape.

TakemetotheBurrow 10-25-2012 02:40 PM

Max is here :)
Ellawoman entered the Muggle Studies classroom and BEAMED excitedly. She was super excited to continue discussing all things superhero related, even if they would be discussing the dark side of things during this lesson. She could totally do that. Mhm!

Eyes scanning the room, the third year noted that Theoman hadn't yet arrived. Shrug. She was sure her partner in crime fighting would turn up eventually, knowing how excited he was about the lesson too.

The small blonde then spotted her Hogwarts older brother and GRINNED. Max! BEAM. She hurried over and plopped down beside him, giving him a warm smile. "Hello!" Oh! And they were meant to create a mask? That was quite cool. Ella decided to make an Ellawoman one, of course. Grabbing a pink marker, the third year started carefully drawing ice cream cones on the blank mask, a small smile on her face. This was going to be the best mask ever!

DecemberMoon 10-25-2012 03:04 PM

Eliza was happy to come to the Muggle Studies class again. Last time it had been fun, so she was sure this time wouldn't disappoint either. Sure enough, when she entered the classroom things looked as festive as ever. She liked the dark colors the professor had used for villains instead of heroes this time. She grabbed some sweets again from the refilling table and plopped herself down onto a bean bag.

These really are super comfy, she thought, which made her picture a super hero bean bag with a cape like they had in last class with the words SuperComfy on it. She giggled quietly and began to decorate her mask as the professor's note instructed. to do it. She decided it would be like a fox, to match her hair. She colored it in with reds, oranges, and browns - then added some whiskers to top it off. She didn't put it on yet, because she felt a bit sillier with a mask than she had with a cape, so she sat and waited for the professor to get there.

Lezleighd 10-25-2012 03:13 PM

HEY EVERYONE!!!! *huggles you all*
Peeking it to see if everyone was seated and safe, Gemma took a quick breath in and flicked her wand. Instantly all of the lights in the room went out, leaving the classroom completely dark.

From all around the students came an evil laugh that echoed through the classroom and then disappeared. Then at the front of the room a video started playing on the Screen hanging from the ceiling.

Link to Villians Montage Video

When the video ends, the lights slowly come back up in the classroom and Professor Cerulean is standing at the front of the room. She is dressed as one of her favorite Comic Superhero, the Dark Phoenix. It was hard for her decide between Poison Ivy and Dark Phoenix but the Phoenix won out in the end.

SPOILER!!: Dark Phoenix Costume...sorry it was the best I could find

Standing in a very powerful stance, she smiles at the class and says, "Welcome everyone to our second Muggle Studies class!" she glances around the room and takes note of the different masks and of those not wearing one. "Thank you for coming and to those that followed the first directions on the board." she said the last in a passive aggressive voice trying to get her point across that she didn't appreciate those not willing to was just for fun and she always tried to make things a little bit different than usual know the boring ones in the castle.

"Last time we did a brief introduction to Muggle Superheroes...I hope some of ya'll had a chance to sneak to the library and check out some of the books and comics dealing with those Superheroes we discussed." she said finally sinking into her usual positive attitude and demeanor.

"Can anyone remember the name of a superhero and their power that we discussed last time?" she asked glancing around the classroom at all of the faces.

OOC: Okay class has officially started, so that means conversations should be ending. Please remember to raise your hand before you answer a question and try not to repeat others' answers. And remember Gemma is always watching you...dun dun dun duuuuuunnnnnn! :glomp:

FearlessLeader19 10-25-2012 03:42 PM

Jory was startled when the lights went out suddenly. And even more so when came that evil laugh. He watched the video with interest as it began to play. Just as in the first class, except it was all about villains now.

When the lights came back on, Professor Cerulean was standing before them. The boy though she looked...amazing, in her costume.

"Can anyone remember the name of a superhero and their power that we discussed last time?"

He raised his hand. "There's Hulk,'' the boy said. "When his alter ego, Dr. Benner is all big and green, he has unlimited strength.''

Emzily 10-25-2012 03:56 PM

Yesssssss, Muggle Studies! Theo hadn't made half as much effort with this class as he had done last lesson, but he WAS still wearing his Theoman t-shirt. He hoped that would be okay with the professor. Anyway, the mask - Theo filled it with different shades of green and popped it straight on his face. It worked.

His eyes glimmered in adoration at the super villains video. Not that he supported villains, but they MADE the story a story, you know?

So, cool.

"Spiderman." He finally said, before ANYONE else got a chance to. "He shoots webs and flies from building to building." And it was pretty darn cool... Not AS cool as Theoman, though.

Princesspower 10-25-2012 04:09 PM

Sarah raised her hand, hope pf the lesson being on a different topic were fading so rapidly. "Superman can fly like a bird in the sky without a broomstick or any other device... I think there Voldemort did that also though" she said. And her mom's super power was fitting so much into her day.

Kimothy 10-25-2012 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by Lezleighd (Post 11242119)
"Can anyone remember the name of a superhero and their power that we discussed last time?" she asked glancing around the classroom at all of the faces.

Superhero! From the previous lesson, at least. Trying to remember the heroes and heroines they discussed that were in this Muggle comics, Kat's hand shot up in the air. She had an answer.

"The heroine Storm, Professor," Kat said. That silver-haired woman was awesome in Kat's opinion. "Her alter-ego was Ororo T'Challa, but was before Ororo Munroe. She can manipulate the weather into whatever she likes." Storm was a powerful heroine, in Kat's opinion. Someone who can manipulate the weather?

... Wow.

TakemetotheBurrow 10-25-2012 04:48 PM

So the Super Villain video was SERIOUSLY cool and Ella watched with a huge grin on her face. She didn't support the evilness obviously, but superheroes needed villains so they'd have something to do. DUH. Besides, going on missions to stop bad guys was just plain cool! BEAM.

As for a superhero and power that had been discussed last time, Ella remembered exactly who she had talked about. It was Falcon! Raising her hand, she bounced excitedly. "Professor, Falcon is a superhero who works with Captain America and he can communicate with birds." Beam.

Deezerz 10-25-2012 04:50 PM

Kennedy was just finishing his mask of when class began in quite the fashion again. He sat it down on his lap and shrugged a little at it. It sort of resembled the Phantom of the Opera's mask, except his had a snake at the side and the nose holes resembled that of a snake. Yep, a very Slytherin-ish villain mask if you asked him.

After the video was over his eyes fell on the professor and...well, well, well. Professor Cerulean looked really really nice in that suit. Hehe. Oh, right! Class has started.

The Prefect shook his head a little and set his mind on the question. Superheroes...hmm? They talked about so many, could he just name them all instead of choosing just one? Probably not, heh. Kennedy raised his hand, still pondering on his answer, but quickly decided once he opened his mouth to speak. "There was Cyclops. He shoots powerful lasers from his eyes." Yep.

Lissy Longbottom 10-25-2012 05:39 PM

Superheroes was actually one of the ONLY things Alex knew about when it came to the muggle world. He had begged him mum to buy comics for him after he sped through all the Marvin the Mad Muggle issues, and when he realized that muggles SORT OF believed in magic and special powers, he was hooked. He knew about all of them--Batman, Superman, Spiderman, the X-Men, too many to count!

He looked at the masks and after a moment of hesitation, grabbed a superhero mask. He was going to make himself Super!Badger for today!! Bringing pride to the Hufflepuffs yo. As he decorated, class began and he raised his hand. A better question would be who DIDN'T he remember.

"There's Wolverine, he has super claws that can cut through anything," he explained.

feeheeheeny 10-25-2012 06:06 PM

Well that was dramatic.

Professor Cerulean could never have a dull class. He didn't really expect anything less, he supposed.

There was only really one that Max really remembered instantly - the symbol of the bat symbol Cerulean had showed them came to mind from the last class. He set his nearly finished mask in his lap, offered a hand in the air, and spoke, "Err, there's... the Batman? You said he doesn't really have superpowers." Max thought that was cool. "He's a billionaire, right? He just... has a lot of cool gadgets and stuff to help him fight crime and be more of a... natural superhero, kind of." At least that's what he had gathered.

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