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The Badgers, reigning House Cup and Gobstones Tournament champions, sit under a bright black and gold banner representing their house. The candles light it up nicely in spite of the gloomy, turbulent skies above.
"Nate, hey, how ya been?" Olivia had been talking to the Fat Frier too and finally saw somebody she knew from last year who she could talk too.
Nate then heard a familiar voice come from one side of him. He turned his head to see a Slytherin. He knew that he saw that face, he just couldn't put his finger on it. It was on the tip of his tounge, and it would bug him until he got her name. "Is it Bulivia? No Aliza. That's not it. Oh I know Colivea. That's it, that's your name. I'm good. How've you been?" He asked her.
SPOILER!!: The Friar
Originally Posted by Fat Friar
Someone was pleased to see him! Goodness.
"Hello there, young lady! How are you doing this..." he looked up and saw the thunder, rain and dark grey clouds covering the ceiling. Not nice. "rather horrible evening? Good job you're all in here, eh?!"
"I do sometimes forget that some of you aren't used to me popping up! No way is it your fault, my dear," the Friar smiled, bobbing some more and shimmering in the candle light.
"Very much so. Always lovely to meet new and returning Badgers!"
"Good evening, young Lion!" the Friar boomed out down the table as he was greeted by the red house child.
"I've heard nothing, my dear. What on earth happened? I assume it has to do with why some of you look a little....damp, for want of a better word." He floated closer so she could fill him in completely without having to shout it out. Crossing his translucent arms and fixed a concerned expression on his old face.
Dude? Children nowadays had such a way with words.
"The trouble with Mozart, my dear," in the context of this feast anyway, perfectly lovely music. "Is that you need instruments to play most of his pieces. And all we have is our voices. Which, while they are an instrument of sorts, I suggest you'd struggle to play Symphony number 5. Perhaps you could just go and say hello once the Headmistress has done her speech?"
"Ahhh, good evening young Prefect! That is a nice shiny badge you have there. Congratulations dear!"
He really would need to be more careful when making his entrance. Last thing he wanted to do was scare the poor children.
"Forgive me, young man. Nate? Nice to meet you. You can call me Friar, everybody does!" And Fat. "Splendid, I'm splendid. Thank you for asking."
F.F? He liked it.
He didn't like that long face though. Not at all.
"Why so sad looking, young Oakey? Back to Hogwarts - what could be more exciting? Come on now, tell the Friar what the trouble is..."
"Wonderful as always, my dear," the Friar replied, grinning broadly at the young 'Puff.
'Your welcome. I'm pleased to be in your house. Also I'm pleased to say that Hufflepuff has been winning the House cup, and the Gobstones cup two years in a row, and hoping to make it three." Nate replied in his most sophisticated-not-voice.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Originally Posted by HJPotter
Maxwell laughed. "Well being nice isn't really the point of being mean, but don't worry. I'm not mean to my friends." He said and continued watching the elves. "They are interesting...but you get used to it after a while." He said referring to the broken english.
Alexa watched the elves for awhile, "So broken train, portkey, carriages with invisible animals, and now house elves.. this place doesn't have a dull moment does it?" She said feeling exhausted, "This school is odd." she said looking around again. "So what is it that you like here?" she was questioning why people liked to come here.
Originally Posted by MagicalWorld
Dylan couldn't help but smile as she said that they would have to try it sometime, so that meant that they would be doing spellwork together.. just for fun? good.. better than being on your own! "Yeah it will be a really fun time, yeah soon" very soon.. cause he couldn't to try it out! Seriously! when would this feast end and let them explore the castle and do a bit of spell practice!
He saw her look around before she asked him if he had someone in mind, he looked around too, he then leaned in closer "Well I do have a whole houseful of people in mind, and they wear green!" yup he was talking about that house, he then moved away "Do you have anyone in mind? that you would like to try this on?" he asked her.. cause he was not the only one that was going to be having fun with this she would be as well.
Alexa thought about it, "I don't know I haven't met many people yet, so I guess anyone would be okay with me." She looked around and thought of some potentials. "Let's look around the castle first and find the perfect place then we could just stake out and use it when we find some people that need some new facial pimples." she giggled a bit.
Yes Pimplise is a word! It's in my dictionary! XD!
Text Cut: Alexa
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Alexa thought about it, "I don't know I haven't met many people yet, so I guess anyone would be okay with me." She looked around and thought of some potentials. "Let's look around the castle first and find the perfect place then we could just stake out and use it when we find some people that need some new facial pimples." she giggled a bit.
Dylan listened as he wanted to know who Alexa would want to pimplise even though she hadn't been here too long! She was working fast on wanting people to pimple up! He smiled as she said that anyone would be ok with her before she made a very good point of getting their stake out position picked out, he nodded "Yeah that's a good idea Alexa, that should be the first thing to do. A good place to hide two people, to practice their spell work" he chuckled
This was sounding good already and the feast hadn't even ended, imagine what he could be capable of if he worked on planning several adventures, spellwork etc. Oh the possibilities were now really seeming to be endless. He knew that she was going to enjoy this as much as she was when she giggled, right so now she joins the group of the youngsters that were going to show Hogwarts a fun way to party! Ooo a party!.. no.. he was no good at those.. mm maybe someone here was good at doing all that party stuff.. any of the older ones? maybe he would have to ask around.
Loves the Black Dog | Ninja Pirate...BEWARE! | High Queen of Narnia | GIRAFFE- made you look!
Originally Posted by DancingThroughLife
The more and more that Will talked to this girl the more convinced he was that they were going to be friends. Even if they weren't friends they would have some sort of relationship, for all he knew she may become is arch rival by the end of the term. He listened as she spoke about some people not being up to the challange. With that he leaned across the table and whispered to her. "Let me share a secret with you. There isn't a challenge that I'm not up to" He told her with a wicked handsome grin. Then she tried to tell him that she was also on top of the roof. "Of course you didn't see me!" He responded. "That's how good I am. Like a ninja" He told her with a single nod of his head.
William could easily tell that Emilia did not like being called dear. His mind was quickly and easily made up from that point that she would be called dear as often as possible. He loved to do little things that drove others crazy. As she asked what else he liked to do he was slightly caught off guard. Who goes and changes the subject right in the middle of talking about something different. He thought about his answer for a moment, not sure if he should be honest with her or not. He didn't really know her too well yet. Finally he decided just to go with the truth. "I like to draw and sketch" he told her. He loved art, it was one of his secret passions.
Their conversation was like a roller coaster ride. They would be laughing one moment and then ready to be at one another's throats the next moment... their relationship was certainly going to be interesting. And she was quite enjoying it. As he leaned forward, she did as well, wondering what he needed to say. At his statement, her grin widened, almost matching his. At the sight of his grin though, she felt a small fluttering in her stomach- nervousness? Or something else? She wasn't sure, nor did it matter. "Oh, yes, I'm sure," she said, crossing her arms. "Shame I don't believe it," she said, her expression turning bored.
Emilia hid a grin at his surprised expression, glad that she was still able to knock him off balance. As the silence stretched, she half wondered if she had broken him... but then he spoke. However, all she could do was stare at him. "Shut up," she said, her tone deadly serious. Who was this kid? And why did they have so many interests- random interests, mind you- in common?
||Delta Goodrem Lover || Emma Watson Lover | | RavenPuff || 1 of 4 Amigos ||
Text Cut: Sad Ella? :( Bad Harvey!!
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Ella nodded, attempting a small smile that probably looked as half-hearted as it felt. "Yeah we did...have fun. It was nice spending time with them." And she wished her Dad was here now to make up some excuse for her to leave because the more she talked to Harvey, the sadder she felt. The smaller blonde nodded when he talked about his siblings being happy her was gone. "I...well maybe. I bet they miss you when you're gone, though." That's what siblings do, yeah? Miss each other? And then Harvs was looking at her weird and Ells didn't exactly know why so she looked down at the table, biting her lip. "Yeah...yeah. I'm sure once classes start up I will." Hopefully.
Harvey nodded along as she talked to him "Thats good I am glad that you had some fun. Yeah I guess it always will be nice spending time with them" unlike it not being so nice when something happens, but he didn't blame for telling him in fact he was actually happy that she did. It explained everything her behaviour, her avoiding him, her strange questions etc. Well it seemed he wasn't doing a very good job of cheering her up at the moment, well she had Laura to talk to so maybe he should move on "Mm that would be a good thing to find out.. if they miss me and just how much. Cause I mean if I am the annoying big brother when I am there would they miss being annoyed by their big brother? Good question" he rambled on about annoying his siblings.. he really had to stop rambling.. she probably disliked it as much as she had loved his rambling in the past. He saw her bite her lip as she looked down at the table "Yeah I am sure you will" cause he knew that she loved her classes. "Well I will leave you two girls to resume your conversation before I came and disturbed you" and with that he turned to leave and walked a bit before turning around to see something else......
Text Cut: Ameliah
Originally Posted by ameliah_longbottom
ELLA DIDN'T KNOW ADAM YET?? "He's an old friend of mine from when I was a runaway. He just transferred from Beauxbatons... well, he calls it Sneezey School cause he can't pronounce it. I'm dating him now, Harvs and I broke up over the summer." Might as well mention that too, before Ella got mad at Adam.
..... he saw that Ameliah was there talking to Ella now as well that was good, she would prove to be a good distraction for Ella. She and many of Ella's other friends
Text Cut: Adam
Originally Posted by SceneQueen
Adam walked over to Ameliah and that Harvey boy and some blonde girl. "Heeeeey pretty girl." He slid in the seat next to her and put his arm around her shoulders, not daring to touch her back. Ameliah HATED when people touched her back. Adam found out the hard way. "Heya Harvey and blonde Puffie!!" he added. Any friend of Ameliah's was a friend of Adam's.
Suddenly he was being greeted, he smiled a little "Hi Adam" he said to Ameliah's new boyfriend. He saw the boy sit next to Ameliah and put his arm around her this made him smile.. did she seem happier with Adam? if she was then he was glad for her.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Originally Posted by ortalismusicoh
"Yeah, I preffer it, but if you would like to call me Renesmee I suppose I won't mind." [/B]Oakey did that and it wouldn't hurt if someone else began doing it too. "Belle...that's like Belle in beauty and the Beast." It was a random fact, and it was possible this girl didn't even know what it was, but she said it anyways. More blushing!
Renesmee looked back at Logan for just one second only to see that he was winking at her. This caused her face to go bright red, redder than her hair almost. Why? Why did she always have to blush around him? It might have been what happened on the train, but she felt silly because of it, and she understood why he'd nicknamed her tomato. It suited her when she was around him.
Looking the other way, seemed to be a bad idea though, because it meant turning your back to someone and that was rude, especially when it was a friend. Trying not to blush anymore, she turned around and looked at Logan from the corner of her eye. She could see he was looking at her, and that too wasn't helping with the redness.
"He..hey." she said really quietly and then bit her lip as she looked absent-mindedly at her plate.
Aaaannnddd now there was the feast! Lex had been starving! Well not really and in fact she had nearly completely lost her appetite...or so she thought!
Looking directly across from her she saw a girl with a nice bit of food in her plate. Yes this was normal and in fact expected but umm...well...she liked the look of her cinnamon bread in the girl's plate better. It just looked so warm and squshy! The perfect combination--everyone knew that. Her eyes fell to her plate again. She wasn't enjoying hers nearly as much as she figured she would have enjoyed that one and well the girl seemed busy with her conversations soooo....
When she was almost sure the girl wasn't watching she climbed onto her seat so she was now kneeling then eased herself across the table.
Sure she ended up knocking some plates away and okay, she wasn't all that quiet BUT she did managed to reached over far enough an snatch the bread. She grinned in satisfaction and gave a little chuckle as she got more comfortable on the table and prepared to take a bite.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Last edited by DaniDiNardo; 09-05-2012 at 02:07 AM.
UHM. Lee? Head GIrl? No one? You? Everyone? I dunno. Stuff.
Inside Kitty | HIT ENTER | UNO Queen
Like on the train ride here, Aspen still felt mostly like keeping to herself. She didn't want to sit with her House, her friends, and since she'd caught sight of West at the Platform after the train debacle - she'd left him alone, too.
This is why she was at the Hufflepuff table, not sitting with anyone in particular. Not engaging in any particular conversation. She was listening, she was watching West with interest, and of course she was taking in sights and sounds of the Staff table. Always.
Originally Posted by Leeness
"OI! PUFFS! Can I get a round of applause for our new cute 'Claw couple?"
She wasn't exactly taking in all this. Mostly, it was safer for Aspen to avoid the Jelly Fingers Louisa that apparently had turned Head Girl. BUT when Elijah started yelling over the roar of the Hall, Aspen obliged in clapping upon his request.
She clapped.
And smiled.
And ran her tongue over her teeth.
And smiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiled.
Hoorah, New Couple. Indeed. Smiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiile.
Their conversation was like a roller coaster ride. They would be laughing one moment and then ready to be at one another's throats the next moment... their relationship was certainly going to be interesting. And she was quite enjoying it. As he leaned forward, she did as well, wondering what he needed to say. At his statement, her grin widened, almost matching his. At the sight of his grin though, she felt a small fluttering in her stomach- nervousness? Or something else? She wasn't sure, nor did it matter. "Oh, yes, I'm sure," she said, crossing her arms. "Shame I don't believe it," she said, her expression turning bored.
Emilia hid a grin at his surprised expression, glad that she was still able to knock him off balance. As the silence stretched, she half wondered if she had broken him... but then he spoke. However, all she could do was stare at him. "Shut up," she said, her tone deadly serious. Who was this kid? And why did they have so many interests- random interests, mind you- in common?
As she leaned in to meet him Will wished that he had said something else or done something to scare her but he ended up being glad that he hadn't. At her reaction though, he couldn't help but roll his eyes. She didn't believe him?! Well she was sure a tough cookie to crack. Whatever, he decided, he'd let her have this one. But only this one.
Oh so she was happy that she had caught him off guard. Oh he'd just have to see what to do about that. But apparently he caught her off guard without even trying to. As she told him to shut up the grin fell off his face. "Oh you've got to be kidding me" He said thinking back to all the similaries that they shared. What were they? The same person? Finally he laughed it off a bit as he replied, "Let me guess my dear, that you enjoy the same thing?"
Em listened as the headmistress gave her speech, well, finished it anyways. She was more concerned about the stuff mentioned in this feast than she was her first year when Tate had advised them not to die. Like the train “malfunction.” Although the Headmistress was all serious about it, she didn’t act all that concerned. Of course she was probably really worried about it, but just putting on a brave face for the students. And she wanted to make changes, to the school? This would probably not end well.
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Lex crinkled her brows as she look up at the girl. No amount of words of wisdom and all that other stuff would get her to go to the Healer..."Uh-huh, yeah I know it looks bad but the Healer is the last place I intend to go to!" She paused for a moment to consider her offer. She looked over at the boy for a minute before looking back at her. "Fine he can have a look--but I draw the line at him raising his wand at me!" Yeah that she would never agreed to because just about everything would go wrong when a student waved a wand at another student! "Oh cool you nearly hex someone? Who? What did they do?"
“What’s so scary about the healer?” Emmaleigh asked. “I’ve had to visit the healer quite a few times. I broke my wrist getting off the carriages, and I got attacked by bowtruckles.” Though, she had never met this healer. But she wouldn’t be here if she wasn’t qualified. “He’ll take good care of you.” After all, the boy had always bandaged Em up, and he had plans of being a healer and all.
Nodding, she replied. “I almost did, but I figured it was a bad idea. And it was because he was being a jerk, and was more concerned with his appearance than with helping.”
Originally Posted by Fat Friar
"I've heard nothing, my dear. What on earth happened? I assume it has to do with why some of you look a little....damp, for want of a better word." He floated closer so she could fill him in completely without having to shout it out. Crossing his translucent arms and fixed a concerned expression on his old face.
So the ghost hadn’t heard? Well, that wasn’t so surprising, it seemed like no one was aware of their troubles. That, or they didn’t care. The red headed puff nodded. “damp, dirty and sore.” And for some, that was very much an understatement. “The Hogwarts Express broke down. The lights flickered, there was a weird noise, and it came to a jarring stop. Have you ever heard of anything like this happening before?” She asked the Fat Friar expectantly.
Good, she was glad he agreed to go otherwise she might have taken him for a wuss. That's right and she had no patience for wusses. She grinned at his next question. "Heard of him? He was at the Gryffindor table earlier! Came right through the table like that one over there did." But then... "I've only heard of Peeves though..."
"Okay "..."I haven't seen Nearly headless nick yet..." Noah looks over at the Gryfendor table. "Well, now I have...But not the point. I've also only heard of Peeves. What about uh...the ghost in the bathroom? What was her name...Mertal! Yeah. You ever hear of her?"
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
SPOILER!!: Louisa
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
Text Cut: Oakey, Elijaaaah and Vicky <333
........ blink blink.
Louisa's cheeks started burning when Elijah went on and on AND ON about how she didn't want to miss this "stud". Little did he know that she knew perfectly well what kind of "stud" Elijah was talking about, and no, mister fraud Louisa didn't want to miss that. Not without some fighting, anyways. "Do you come with a mute button? ELIJAH, shut up for a second, okay!!" GEEZ, her face was burning and her nerves were definitely not at ease today. The Ravenclaw sighed, wiped the untouchable blush off her face and rubbed her temples a bit before lifting her gaze to see Oakey settling down in his seat, solemn.
Okay.. lecture... right.. she cleared her throat, worked really really really hard on NOT thinking of stuff her mind kept thinking of thanks to the fraud Huffie over here, and started, "I don't care enough to lecture people about their studies, by the way. This is just... a fun fact about Louisa." She waved her hand and then moved to the side so that Vickers and Elijah were standing in front of her, "I never, ever, in my life believed that there is this level of idiocy and recklessness where two people sneak into a place full of officials and out of the blue claim the identity of other officials." She was scowling, switching her glare from the mastermind of this criminal act to the taller hawttt 'claw without lingering on his face or eyes because that was grumpy-mood killer. "Did you even think of how the rest of the night could go like? No, the rest of the term since you two actually walked in and sat with us!" Throwing her arms up in disbelief, "How are you going to explain to the others when Lewis and Spike actually show up in class or during the feast! What if someone calls upon them and THEY answer? How exactly are you going to go on through the term like this!? What do I have to say when they interrogate me!!" PANIIIIC! DISASTER IS BREWING.
Oh Merlin... this is it.
His gaze shifted to the floor when Louisa rounded on them and launched with her reprimand. At certain points he wanted to jump in and protest but the second he'd look up and open his mouth he would hear something that makes absolute sense and he'd go back to staring at the gleam on his shoe. Indeed what ARE they going to do for the rest of the term? Scuttle away whenever they see the Headmistress and the Board of Governors walking along the corridors? That wasnt exactly his idea of making good impression. Or the chance to get a stellar recommendation letter-- which is REALLY important at this point in his academic life. Then again that idea got flushed down Myrtle's toilet the minute he was introduced as somebody else.
Oh no--Lewis and Spike.... he was so caught up with his own worries justifiably! that he hasnt even considered what the real Prefects felt. Would they just laugh it off? Charge them with something? Lewis wouldnt do that to him right? They... bonded. Kinda. He can keep Spike at bay right?
SPOILER!!: Elijah
Originally Posted by Leeness
SPOILER!!: Y'all
Good. It appeared Oakey had given up on that ridiculous duel thing, although he had expected him to blabber on about it for far longer and in turn hurt Elijah's head even further. In fact, it was a little suspicious that the little twerp had given up so easily... hmm...
Louisa was talking now and they were about to get to the bottom of what was so important that she felt the need to strangle him with his own shirt collar. As the Head Girl went on and on, Elijah's left eyebrow rose higher and higher. THIS was what the girl had her knickers in a twist about? Elijah had practically forgotten about the occurrences on the train already.
When the Ravenclaw girl was quite finished, Elijah returned a smile back to his face. "On a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you like a bad boy, Louisa? I mean what Vickers did was preetttyyyyy bad boyish. IS that why you want to talk about this? Is it because you were so attracted to Vickers and his rule breaking?"
Elijah practically bounced on the spot, shaking Vickers as he did so, "See, Vickers? What have I been telling you all this time?" There wasn't really an answer to that question, it just seemed like something he should say. "Okay, Louisa, now that we know the real reason for this charade of yours," because the only thing Elijah found funnier than Professors trying to reprimand him, was students practically his own age trying to do so, "we can start talking about when your first date will be. Hogsmeade is good because it has the coffee shops and the pub and stuff... but perhaps an abandoned classroom with a house elf made picnic? That sounds barfingly romantic!"
Elijah stared, first, at Vickers then at Louisa and continued to do so, back and forth, beaming. "I think this is awesome that this is happening right now guys and," he took a deep sigh, his hand on his heart, "I would just like to say, you are both very, very welcome." Stepping forward, he placed an arm around each of the 'Claws necks and hugged tightly, "You two will be SO cute together."
"OI! PUFFS! Can I get a round of applause for our new cute 'Claw couple?"
Aaaand THERE is the end to that speech. But before this Ravenclaw can get any two syllables in Elijah started yakking again. Rating him? Bad boy scale? Whaaaaat? "ShutupShutupShutupShutupShutupShutup!!" he grumbled back through gritted teeth as the Curly One bounced and babbled on about a date in a classroom. Can he whack him at the back of the head now? Have Oakey deck him already? He steals a glance at Oakey, who was talking to the Fat Friar. He had that LOOK. Whatever it is can he do it now?
Wait... what 'You're welcome'? Before he knew what was happening he was getting a hug from Elijah as the Hufflepuff said those words....
Did he just.... did he just say?.....
Vickers froze on the spot. Shock. That was his first reaction. Shock like the kind when he read that Aparecium article about what he thought was a very private party that no one would know about other than a select few. Which of course has now spread like wildfire. And now this....
His brain was still catatonic, but his hand started gripping the crook of Elijah's neck-- was he gonna hug him? Strangle him? Do that Vulcan neck pinch thing?
He zeroes in on a particular clapping-- Aspen Odessa. She... was smiling. And clapping. Unexpected? Yes. Then again he has always thought Aspen was one of the GOOD Claws who he still believed got framed in Charms so seeing her seemingly smiling at the news was a good thing. At least he hopes so.
BUT there was a Hufflepuff loudmouth to deal with....
Vickers plasters a smile for the crowd then pulls Elijah roughly to the side so that they were some ways away from everybody else. Still not releasing his grip he mutters into the Curly One's ear "Very funny buddy." There was nothing buddy-like about that statement "What the heck do you think you're doing?!?" Finally he releases that deathgrip. Still muttering he jerks his head towards where they stood earlier "Maybe as far as you're concerned that was good for laughs... but its not to ME." he said it with such blazing intensity in his blue eyes, which steals a glance at Louisa before focusing back on the CurlyPuff. "You... have... NO IDEA what you just did." he stammered, unable to enunciate the jumbled mess of FEELS. There was a reason why things were complicated between the two Claws. Things they need to sort out. A public announcement-- even when meant as a joke-- did NOT help their situation any.
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Good. It appeared Oakey had given up on that ridiculous duel thing, although he had expected him to blabber on about it for far longer and in turn hurt Elijah's head even further. In fact, it was a little suspicious that the little twerp had given up so easily... hmm...
Louisa was talking now and they were about to get to the bottom of what was so important that she felt the need to strangle him with his own shirt collar. As the Head Girl went on and on, Elijah's left eyebrow rose higher and higher. THIS was what the girl had her knickers in a twist about? Elijah had practically forgotten about the occurrences on the train already.
When the Ravenclaw girl was quite finished, Elijah returned a smile back to his face. "On a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you like a bad boy, Louisa? I mean what Vickers did was preetttyyyyy bad boyish. IS that why you want to talk about this? Is it because you were so attracted to Vickers and his rule breaking?"
Elijah practically bounced on the spot, shaking Vickers as he did so, "See, Vickers? What have I been telling you all this time?" There wasn't really an answer to that question, it just seemed like something he should say. "Okay, Louisa, now that we know the real reason for this charade of yours," because the only thing Elijah found funnier than Professors trying to reprimand him, was students practically his own age trying to do so, "we can start talking about when your first date will be. Hogsmeade is good because it has the coffee shops and the pub and stuff... but perhaps an abandoned classroom with a house elf made picnic? That sounds barfingly romantic!"
Elijah stared, first, at Vickers then at Louisa and continued to do so, back and forth, beaming. "I think this is awesome that this is happening right now guys and," he took a deep sigh, his hand on his heart, "I would just like to say, you are both very, very welcome." Stepping forward, he placed an arm around each of the 'Claws necks and hugged tightly, "You two will be SO cute together."
"OI! PUFFS! Can I get a round of applause for our new cute 'Claw couple?"
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
Oh Merlin... this is it.
His gaze shifted to the floor when Louisa rounded on them and launched with her reprimand. At certain points he wanted to jump in and protest but the second he'd look up and open his mouth he would hear something that makes absolute sense and he'd go back to staring at the gleam on his shoe. Indeed what ARE they going to do for the rest of the term? Scuttle away whenever they see the Headmistress and the Board of Governors walking along the corridors? That wasnt exactly his idea of making good impression. Or the chance to get a stellar recommendation letter-- which is REALLY important at this point in his academic life. Then again that idea got flushed down Myrtle's toilet the minute he was introduced as somebody else.
Oh no--Lewis and Spike.... he was so caught up with his own worries justifiably! that he hasnt even considered what the real Prefects felt. Would they just laugh it off? Charge them with something? Lewis wouldnt do that to him right? They... bonded. Kinda. He can keep Spike at bay right?
SPOILER!!: Elijah
Aaaand THERE is the end to that speech. But before this Ravenclaw can get any two syllables in Elijah started yakking again. Rating him? Bad boy scale? Whaaaaat? "ShutupShutupShutupShutupShutupShutup!!" he grumbled back through gritted teeth as the Curly One bounced and babbled on about a date in a classroom. Can he whack him at the back of the head now? Have Oakey deck him already? He steals a glance at Oakey, who was talking to the Fat Friar. He had that LOOK. Whatever it is can he do it now?
Wait... what 'You're welcome'? Before he knew what was happening he was getting a hug from Elijah as the Hufflepuff said those words....
Did he just.... did he just say?.....
Vickers froze on the spot. Shock. That was his first reaction. Shock like the kind when he read that Aparecium article about what he thought was a very private party that no one would know about other than a select few. Which of course has now spread like wildfire. And now this....
His brain was still catatonic, but his hand started gripping the crook of Elijah's neck-- was he gonna hug him? Strangle him? Do that Vulcan neck pinch thing?
He zeroes in on a particular clapping-- Aspen Odessa. She... was smiling. And clapping. Unexpected? Yes. Then again he has always thought Aspen was one of the GOOD Claws who he still believed got framed in Charms so seeing her seemingly smiling at the news was a good thing. At least he hopes so.
BUT there was a Hufflepuff loudmouth to deal with....
Vickers plasters a smile for the crowd then pulls Elijah roughly to the side so that they were some ways away from everybody else. Still not releasing his grip he mutters into the Curly One's ear "Very funny buddy." There was nothing buddy-like about that statement "What the heck do you think you're doing?!?" Finally he releases that deathgrip. Still muttering he jerks his head towards where they stood earlier "Maybe as far as you're concerned that was good for laughs... but its not to ME." he said it with such blazing intensity in his blue eyes, which steals a glance at Louisa before focusing back on the CurlyPuff. "You... have... NO IDEA what you just did." he stammered, unable to enunciate the jumbled mess of FEELS. There was a reason why things were complicated between the two Claws. Things they need to sort out. A public announcement-- even when meant as a joke-- did NOT help their situation any.
…breeeeeeeath. She took a deep breath after the first half of her lecture that was; Laying out facts & ask questions to trigger the logic process in one's mind. She had the next parts ready somewhere inside her head but she figured that waiting for them to talk would be fair. Only it wasn't the smart one who talked, it was the curly haired mastermind.
And she might as well has been talking to the Fat Friar all this time because he didn't seem to hear or acknowledge a word she was saying.
Bad boy? She was here because Vickers' attitude attracted her? "I am?" she asked, genuinely confused. But it wasn't why she was here, no. Like she wouldn't come to the Huffie table to the Huffie fraud to express the-- waaaaaaaaait a second. She caught up to Elijah's "play". Her cheeks quickly gained their red shade color as she dropped her head, scowling at ELijah from under her eyelashes, and crossed her arms nervously. What in Merlin's FILTHY shoes was he doing!?! She wanted to look at Vickers, see his face and study his reaction to every word his FRIEND was saying, but she didn't. Simply because she didn't want him to see how much her face was burning... it was times like these when she hoped that her hair hid--
Aaaaaaaand her neck was squashed in a hug. O_O
Louisa squirmed and pushed Elijah away, almost stomping on his foot but Vickers dragged him to the side... was he strangling him? She looked with concern at the two of them when she heard the clapping...
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz
She wasn't exactly taking in all this. Mostly, it was safer for Aspen to avoid the Jelly Fingers Louisa that apparently had turned Head Girl. BUT when Elijah started yelling over the roar of the Hall, Aspen obliged in clapping upon his request.
She clapped.
And smiled.
And ran her tongue over her teeth.
And smiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiled.
Hoorah, New Couple. Indeed. Smiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiile.
The seventeen years old just looked at the smiiiiiiiiiling and clapping Odessa. Was that... a genuine smile? Was she amused? Is she planning something? Was this an olive branch extended toward the Head Girl? Scoff, no way. The last thing Odessa would do was get intimidated by badges or titles, she had her own officials in her head.
Louisa pouted and averted her gaze away from the girl back to the boys. Yet another riddle presented itself; Why was Vickers mad exactly? She could name a couple of reasons, some she would like to mention, others... not so much. He could be mad that 1) Elijah made a joke of their bond, whatever it was. 2) Elijah made a big deal out of nothing, technically, forcing Vickers to take a solid bold? move in her direction. 3) Vickers had to actually voice his refusal to something he wasn't even considering, since as far as Louisa knew he didn't mention anything about going out on a date with her after what happened. 4) Elijah doing exactly what Vickers wanted to do but at the wrong time. THAT, now that last reason was Louisa's favorite and if she ever prayed, it'd be for it to be that reason.
As for her, she was mad because Elijah DID put them in a horribly awkward situation, and in one way he rushed the procrastinated discussiong of certain...things. SIIIIIIIIGH. She approached the boys again, seeing Vickers had taken a glance in her direction, and gently – gingerly even – she put a hand on his arm, "It's okay, Vickers. Everybody knows he just jokes around…" She wanted to go on, tell him that it meant nothing and they still had to talk but she didn't want it to mean nothing. D: So she just halted there and moved her glare toward the said Joker, "And you!" Eyes squinting. "That was not funny! Nor theatrical!" She STOMPED on his foot, pushed her nose up in the air and spun on her heels walking back to her table, ignoring anyone still clapping or smiling at the announcement.
Like on the train ride here, Aspen still felt mostly like keeping to herself. She didn't want to sit with her House, her friends, and since she'd caught sight of West at the Platform after the train debacle - she'd left him alone, too.
This is why she was at the Hufflepuff table, not sitting with anyone in particular. Not engaging in any particular conversation. She was listening, she was watching West with interest, and of course she was taking in sights and sounds of the Staff table. Always.
She wasn't exactly taking in all this. Mostly, it was safer for Aspen to avoid the Jelly Fingers Louisa that apparently had turned Head Girl. BUT when Elijah started yelling over the roar of the Hall, Aspen obliged in clapping upon his request.
She clapped.
And smiled.
And ran her tongue over her teeth.
And smiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiled.
Hoorah, New Couple. Indeed. Smiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiile.
Elijah was disappointed that no one was clapping. Why were people NOT happy about this new marriage of 'Claws? Then he heard it! The wonderful sound of someone's left palm assaulting the right! Elijah turned to the sound, ready to give whoever it was a huge smile as thanks. When he saw it was Aspen, however, his smiled wavered slightly. But, she seemed genuinely happy, so Elijah should too... that was until she began licking her teeth.
His hand subconsciously caressed the spot where Aspen had sunk in her stupid VAMPIRE teeth. He made note to go see the Healer to see if he had contracted something since, if the Aparecium was to believed, there was a high chance he probably had.
SPOILER!!: Vickers and Louisa
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
Oh Merlin... this is it.
His gaze shifted to the floor when Louisa rounded on them and launched with her reprimand. At certain points he wanted to jump in and protest but the second he'd look up and open his mouth he would hear something that makes absolute sense and he'd go back to staring at the gleam on his shoe. Indeed what ARE they going to do for the rest of the term? Scuttle away whenever they see the Headmistress and the Board of Governors walking along the corridors? That wasnt exactly his idea of making good impression. Or the chance to get a stellar recommendation letter-- which is REALLY important at this point in his academic life. Then again that idea got flushed down Myrtle's toilet the minute he was introduced as somebody else.
Oh no--Lewis and Spike.... he was so caught up with his own worries justifiably! that he hasnt even considered what the real Prefects felt. Would they just laugh it off? Charge them with something? Lewis wouldnt do that to him right? They... bonded. Kinda. He can keep Spike at bay right?
SPOILER!!: Elijah
Aaaand THERE is the end to that speech. But before this Ravenclaw can get any two syllables in Elijah started yakking again. Rating him? Bad boy scale? Whaaaaat? "ShutupShutupShutupShutupShutupShutup!!" he grumbled back through gritted teeth as the Curly One bounced and babbled on about a date in a classroom. Can he whack him at the back of the head now? Have Oakey deck him already? He steals a glance at Oakey, who was talking to the Fat Friar. He had that LOOK. Whatever it is can he do it now?
Wait... what 'You're welcome'? Before he knew what was happening he was getting a hug from Elijah as the Hufflepuff said those words....
Did he just.... did he just say?.....
Vickers froze on the spot. Shock. That was his first reaction. Shock like the kind when he read that Aparecium article about what he thought was a very private party that no one would know about other than a select few. Which of course has now spread like wildfire. And now this....
His brain was still catatonic, but his hand started gripping the crook of Elijah's neck-- was he gonna hug him? Strangle him? Do that Vulcan neck pinch thing?
He zeroes in on a particular clapping-- Aspen Odessa. She... was smiling. And clapping. Unexpected? Yes. Then again he has always thought Aspen was one of the GOOD Claws who he still believed got framed in Charms so seeing her seemingly smiling at the news was a good thing. At least he hopes so.
BUT there was a Hufflepuff loudmouth to deal with....
Vickers plasters a smile for the crowd then pulls Elijah roughly to the side so that they were some ways away from everybody else. Still not releasing his grip he mutters into the Curly One's ear "Very funny buddy." There was nothing buddy-like about that statement "What the heck do you think you're doing?!?" Finally he releases that deathgrip. Still muttering he jerks his head towards where they stood earlier "Maybe as far as you're concerned that was good for laughs... but its not to ME." he said it with such blazing intensity in his blue eyes, which steals a glance at Louisa before focusing back on the CurlyPuff. "You... have... NO IDEA what you just did." he stammered, unable to enunciate the jumbled mess of FEELS. There was a reason why things were complicated between the two Claws. Things they need to sort out. A public announcement-- even when meant as a joke-- did NOT help their situation any.
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
Text Cut: SPEWIS
…breeeeeeeath. She took a deep breath after the first half of her lecture that was; Laying out facts & ask questions to trigger the logic process in one's mind. She had the next parts ready somewhere inside her head but she figured that waiting for them to talk would be fair. Only it wasn't the smart one who talked, it was the curly haired mastermind.
And she might as well has been talking to the Fat Friar all this time because he didn't seem to hear or acknowledge a word she was saying.
Bad boy? She was here because Vickers' attitude attracted her? "I am?" she asked, genuinely confused. But it wasn't why she was here, no. Like she wouldn't come to the Huffie table to the Huffie fraud to express the-- waaaaaaaaait a second. She caught up to Elijah's "play". Her cheeks quickly gained their red shade color as she dropped her head, scowling at ELijah from under her eyelashes, and crossed her arms nervously. What in Merlin's FILTHY shoes was he doing!?! She wanted to look at Vickers, see his face and study his reaction to every word his FRIEND was saying, but she didn't. Simply because she didn't want him to see how much her face was burning... it was times like these when she hoped that her hair hid--
Aaaaaaaand her neck was squashed in a hug. O_O
Louisa squirmed and pushed Elijah away, almost stomping on his foot but Vickers dragged him to the side... was he strangling him? She looked with concern at the two of them when she heard the clapping...
The seventeen years old just looked at the smiiiiiiiiiling and clapping Odessa. Was that... a genuine smile? Was she amused? Is she planning something? Was this an olive branch extended toward the Head Girl? Scoff, no way. The last thing Odessa would do was get intimidated by badges or titles, she had her own officials in her head.
Louisa pouted and averted her gaze away from the girl back to the boys. Yet another riddle presented itself; Why was Vickers mad exactly? She could name a couple of reasons, some she would like to mention, others... not so much. He could be mad that 1) Elijah made a joke of their bond, whatever it was. 2) Elijah made a big deal out of nothing, technically, forcing Vickers to take a solid bold? move in her direction. 3) Vickers had to actually voice his refusal to something he wasn't even considering, since as far as Louisa knew he didn't mention anything about going out on a date with her after what happened. 4) Elijah doing exactly what Vickers wanted to do but at the wrong time. THAT, now that last reason was Louisa's favorite and if she ever prayed, it'd be for it to be that reason.
As for her, she was mad because Elijah DID put them in a horribly awkward situation, and in one way he rushed the procrastinated discussiong of certain...things. SIIIIIIIIGH. She approached the boys again, seeing Vickers had taken a glance in her direction, and gently – gingerly even – she put a hand on his arm, "It's okay, Vickers. Everybody knows he just jokes around…" She wanted to go on, tell him that it meant nothing and they still had to talk but she didn't want it to mean nothing. D: So she just halted there and moved her glare toward the said Joker, "And you!" Eyes squinting. "That was not funny! Nor theatrical!" She STOMPED on his foot, pushed her nose up in the air and spun on her heels walking back to her table, ignoring anyone still clapping or smiling at the announcement.
Elijah's worry of catching the Odessa Infection was short lived as his friend dug his finger into his neck and dragged him off to the side. "Woahwoahwoahwoah," he protested, frantically. He couldn't understand WHY Vickers was acting like this!? Elijah had just bagged him a date AND got them out of being given into trouble further. The 'Claw seemed livid, though.
"For laughs...?" Elijah repeated, shocked that that was how this whole thing had been interpreted. "This was not for laughs, Vee! I told you during the summer that I was going to get you someone! And Louisa's perfect! She's like the male version of you," he said, taking a small glance back at the Head Girl and then turning his attention back to his friend, "And what do you mean I have no idea what I just did? I just did a GOOD thing. If you two have some weird, crazy past then it is YOUR," Elijah poked the boy's chest at this point, "fault for not keeping me up to date with these things!"
HMPH. Joke, indeed! Elijah thought he had been helpful.
It was then that Louisa came over talking, AGAIN, about how he had been joking and how it had not been funny and Elijah was about to protest to HER about it not being intended to be a joke but an ACTUAL genuine suggestion when She. Stomped. On. His. FOOT.
Elijah screamed, grabbing his foot and trying to hug it to his chest as tightly as possible whilst hopping around the Hufflepuff table trying to keep his balance. "WHAT. ON. MERLIN'S. EARTH." Was THIS what he got for HELPING people!? He turned to Vickers as if to say, 'what are you going to do about this!?' because as far as ELIJAH was concerned, this was all VICKERS' fault.
When I look into the MIRROR OF ERISED
all that I see is YOU
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
SPOILER!!: Louisa! Elijah!
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
Text Cut: SPEWIS
…breeeeeeeath. She took a deep breath after the first half of her lecture that was; Laying out facts & ask questions to trigger the logic process in one's mind. She had the next parts ready somewhere inside her head but she figured that waiting for them to talk would be fair. Only it wasn't the smart one who talked, it was the curly haired mastermind.
And she might as well has been talking to the Fat Friar all this time because he didn't seem to hear or acknowledge a word she was saying.
Bad boy? She was here because Vickers' attitude attracted her? "I am?" she asked, genuinely confused. But it wasn't why she was here, no. Like she wouldn't come to the Huffie table to the Huffie fraud to express the-- waaaaaaaaait a second. She caught up to Elijah's "play". Her cheeks quickly gained their red shade color as she dropped her head, scowling at ELijah from under her eyelashes, and crossed her arms nervously. What in Merlin's FILTHY shoes was he doing!?! She wanted to look at Vickers, see his face and study his reaction to every word his FRIEND was saying, but she didn't. Simply because she didn't want him to see how much her face was burning... it was times like these when she hoped that her hair hid--
Aaaaaaaand her neck was squashed in a hug. O_O
Louisa squirmed and pushed Elijah away, almost stomping on his foot but Vickers dragged him to the side... was he strangling him? She looked with concern at the two of them when she heard the clapping...
The seventeen years old just looked at the smiiiiiiiiiling and clapping Odessa. Was that... a genuine smile? Was she amused? Is she planning something? Was this an olive branch extended toward the Head Girl? Scoff, no way. The last thing Odessa would do was get intimidated by badges or titles, she had her own officials in her head.
Louisa pouted and averted her gaze away from the girl back to the boys. Yet another riddle presented itself; Why was Vickers mad exactly? She could name a couple of reasons, some she would like to mention, others... not so much. He could be mad that 1) Elijah made a joke of their bond, whatever it was. 2) Elijah made a big deal out of nothing, technically, forcing Vickers to take a solid bold? move in her direction. 3) Vickers had to actually voice his refusal to something he wasn't even considering, since as far as Louisa knew he didn't mention anything about going out on a date with her after what happened. 4) Elijah doing exactly what Vickers wanted to do but at the wrong time. THAT, now that last reason was Louisa's favorite and if she ever prayed, it'd be for it to be that reason.
As for her, she was mad because Elijah DID put them in a horribly awkward situation, and in one way he rushed the procrastinated discussiong of certain...things. SIIIIIIIIGH. She approached the boys again, seeing Vickers had taken a glance in her direction, and gently – gingerly even – she put a hand on his arm, "It's okay, Vickers. Everybody knows he just jokes around…" She wanted to go on, tell him that it meant nothing and they still had to talk but she didn't want it to mean nothing. D: So she just halted there and moved her glare toward the said Joker, "And you!" Eyes squinting. "That was not funny! Nor theatrical!" She STOMPED on his foot, pushed her nose up in the air and spun on her heels walking back to her table, ignoring anyone still clapping or smiling at the announcement.
Originally Posted by Leeness
Elijah was disappointed that no one was clapping. Why were people NOT happy about this new marriage of 'Claws? Then he heard it! The wonderful sound of someone's left palm assaulting the right! Elijah turned to the sound, ready to give whoever it was a huge smile as thanks. When he saw it was Aspen, however, his smiled wavered slightly. But, she seemed genuinely happy, so Elijah should too... that was until she began licking her teeth.
His hand subconsciously caressed the spot where Aspen had sunk in her stupid VAMPIRE teeth. He made note to go see the Healer to see if he had contracted something since, if the Aparecium was to believed, there was a high chance he probably had.
SPOILER!!: Vickers and Louisa
Elijah's worry of catching the Odessa Infection was short lived as his friend dug his finger into his neck and dragged him off to the side. "Woahwoahwoahwoah," he protested, frantically. He couldn't understand WHY Vickers was acting like this!? Elijah had just bagged him a date AND got them out of being given into trouble further. The 'Claw seemed livid, though.
"For laughs...?" Elijah repeated, shocked that that was how this whole thing had been interpreted. "This was not for laughs, Vee! I told you during the summer that I was going to get you someone! And Louisa's perfect! She's like the male version of you," he said, taking a small glance back at the Head Girl and then turning his attention back to his friend, "And what do you mean I have no idea what I just did? I just did a GOOD thing. If you two have some weird, crazy past then it is YOUR," Elijah poked the boy's chest at this point, "fault for not keeping me up to date with these things!"
HMPH. Joke, indeed! Elijah thought he had been helpful.
It was then that Louisa came over talking, AGAIN, about how he had been joking and how it had not been funny and Elijah was about to protest to HER about it not being intended to be a joke but an ACTUAL genuine suggestion when She. Stomped. On. His. FOOT.
Elijah screamed, grabbing his foot and trying to hug it to his chest as tightly as possible whilst hopping around the Hufflepuff table trying to keep his balance. "WHAT. ON. MERLIN'S. EARTH." Was THIS what he got for HELPING people!? He turned to Vickers as if to say, 'what are you going to do about this!?' because as far as ELIJAH was concerned, this was all VICKERS' fault.
He was just about to launch into a tirade about why he thinks Elijah did do it for laughs when he got distracted by.... Louisa being a male version of him.
That sooooo did not help with the mental images... SPECIALLY when he has these images of Louisa over the summer... but with his head transposed over her neck. Yeah scary.
Shakes head. Don't get distracted!
"I....I had a bit of luck on my own thanks." he muttered, calmer now although it was clear he was still seething. That wasnt an ungrateful statement to his buddy, but he just didnt know how to respond without PARADING the entire event of the previous month...
....And then there was that stab of guilt 'his fault for not keeping him up to date with these things'. Yeah he would've clued Elijah in on this, except Vickers was struggling to come to terms with things on his own. Still is. And he would have to admit, he WAS a little selfish about wanting to keep that secret to himself for as long as he could. It was special see? And he just wasnt that kind of guy that would go brandishing a special moment around like some kind of trophy.
"Aww-alright. If you must know--" he started but felt a gentle hand on his arm. His head turned sharply to see Louisa beside him. She was looking at him, and whatever extreme annoyance he had earlier seems to be dissipating rather quickly. He presses his lips together to take some nice, deep, calming breaths when.....
.... Louisa stomped on Elijah's foot.
For a few seconds he watches Louisa stalk off back towards their table with Elijah hopping around like a Mexican jumping bean. Yeahhhh he should've seen that coming. Or maybe Elijah should have. He turns with a start when Elijah's howling finally snaps him out of his reverie. He braces his buddy by the arm and sets him back onto the Hufflepuff seats "Be thankful its just your foot." he mumbled. No really, be glad, because Louisa could've swung any of her limbs against something else. "Its not broken is it?" he asks, slightly worried. He wasnt so much worried that it was broken-- moreso that Elijah would have to seek Healer help and really the Curly One was better off not to tussle with her. Unless he wants to. Whatever.
"We're.... gonna have to talk." he mumbles to the Elijah as he straightens up. "You do deserve some kind of explanation." he added, specially with all the help he had just given them. "But NOT HERE." Not where everybody can hear or pretend not to hear. Strictly VanderWilde business only capisce?
"I gotta get back... get out... get.... going." its been a looooooong night for him. "You'll hear from me." he said as he clapped his buddy by the arm, a hope-you-didnt-take-my-nearly-strangling-you-by-the-neck-personally gesture. He took one last look at the Ravenclaw table-- Louisa was likely doing her Head Girl duties or something-- before he turned around and dragged his weary self out of the Great Hall.
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Loves the Black Dog | Ninja Pirate...BEWARE! | High Queen of Narnia | GIRAFFE- made you look!
Originally Posted by DancingThroughLife
As she leaned in to meet him Will wished that he had said something else or done something to scare her but he ended up being glad that he hadn't. At her reaction though, he couldn't help but roll his eyes. She didn't believe him?! Well she was sure a tough cookie to crack. Whatever, he decided, he'd let her have this one. But only this one.
Oh so she was happy that she had caught him off guard. Oh he'd just have to see what to do about that. But apparently he caught her off guard without even trying to. As she told him to shut up the grin fell off his face. "Oh you've got to be kidding me" He said thinking back to all the similaries that they shared. What were they? The same person? Finally he laughed it off a bit as he replied, "Let me guess my dear, that you enjoy the same thing?"
She smirked, but quickly hid it as she saw Will roll his eyes. She liked irritating him, just as he seemed to like to irritate her. When he didn't fight her any further she hid her surprise. One battle to her, but the war was still far from concluding- of that she was sure.
She knew she should have felt satisfied as his grin disappeared, but she was still too shocked. How? How did they share so many interests? There couldn't be that many coincidences in one meeting... but apparently there were. She internally winced as he called her dear again, but didn't let him see it. "Believe it or not..." she said tightly. She gave herself a moment to relax and then nodded. "Yes, it's how I relax. I draw, I paint, I even sculpt on the occasion," she said, resuming her normal tone.
"Oh so are you muggleborn then? My mum was a muggle so I'm half," Ariella said with a smile on her face, she loved the muggle world, she visited the little muggle town everyday and played with the children, "Well, if that's the case do you got any questions or something you want to know about in the wizarding world? I don't know a lot about school but I know some!"
Jordan feeling a little more at ease answered "yes, both my mum and dad are non magical folks, so finding out that I was witch was a big shock for all of us." Jordan laughed when she thought about her parents expression when she received her letter from Hogwarts. Although Jordan was the most incredible and honest child that her parents coud ever have, their had been several curious incidents and situations that went unexplained for years. She remembered the silent ahhh haaa expression that her parents shared with each other after reading her acceptance letter. Jordan snapped out of thoughts to rejoin the conversation she was having with Ari. "Oh question...what in the world is Quidditch?"
He was just about to launch into a tirade about why he thinks Elijah did do it for laughs when he got distracted by.... Louisa being a male version of him.
That sooooo did not help with the mental images... SPECIALLY when he has these images of Louisa over the summer... but with his head transposed over her neck. Yeah scary.
Shakes head. Don't get distracted!
"I....I had a bit of luck on my own thanks." he muttered, calmer now although it was clear he was still seething. That wasnt an ungrateful statement to his buddy, but he just didnt know how to respond without PARADING the entire event of the previous month...
....And then there was that stab of guilt 'his fault for not keeping him up to date with these things'. Yeah he would've clued Elijah in on this, except Vickers was struggling to come to terms with things on his own. Still is. And he would have to admit, he WAS a little selfish about wanting to keep that secret to himself for as long as he could. It was special see? And he just wasnt that kind of guy that would go brandishing a special moment around like some kind of trophy.
"Aww-alright. If you must know--" he started but felt a gentle hand on his arm. His head turned sharply to see Louisa beside him. She was looking at him, and whatever extreme annoyance he had earlier seems to be dissipating rather quickly. He presses his lips together to take some nice, deep, calming breaths when.....
.... Louisa stomped on Elijah's foot.
For a few seconds he watches Louisa stalk off back towards their table with Elijah hopping around like a Mexican jumping bean. Yeahhhh he should've seen that coming. Or maybe Elijah should have. He turns with a start when Elijah's howling finally snaps him out of his reverie. He braces his buddy by the arm and sets him back onto the Hufflepuff seats "Be thankful its just your foot." he mumbled. No really, be glad, because Louisa could've swung any of her limbs against something else. "Its not broken is it?" he asks, slightly worried. He wasnt so much worried that it was broken-- moreso that Elijah would have to seek Healer help and really the Curly One was better off not to tussle with her. Unless he wants to. Whatever.
"We're.... gonna have to talk." he mumbles to the Elijah as he straightens up. "You do deserve some kind of explanation." he added, specially with all the help he had just given them. "But NOT HERE." Not where everybody can hear or pretend not to hear. Strictly VanderWilde business only capisce?
"I gotta get back... get out... get.... going." its been a looooooong night for him. "You'll hear from me." he said as he clapped his buddy by the arm, a hope-you-didnt-take-my-nearly-strangling-you-by-the-neck-personally gesture. He took one last look at the Ravenclaw table-- Louisa was likely doing her Head Girl duties or something-- before he turned around and dragged his weary self out of the Great Hall.
Elijah accepted the help from his friend gratefully, successfully making it to a seat at the table with his aid. "I don't think so," he said, examining his foot, "I think it'll just bruise, is all. She has some freakin' strength!"
Elijah quickly nodded as he massaged his foot, "Yes. It appears we do need to talk, at least so we can protect my feet from any future stomping." The Hufflepuff reached behind him for a slice of pizza and began munching on it, "Yes, okay. Not here. But you better bloody talk, Vee! It seems I've missed out a whole lot of... something."
He watched as the 'Claw backed away from the table, saying his goodbyes and leaving the Great Hall, all very suddenly as if he was being chased by some demon. Oh well, more pizza for him.
Nom. Nom. Nom. The pizza was definitely helping his foot feel better...
When I look into the MIRROR OF ERISED
all that I see is YOU