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The Badgers, reigning House Cup and Gobstones Tournament champions, sit under a bright black and gold banner representing their house. The candles light it up nicely in spite of the gloomy, turbulent skies above.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Originally Posted by socks12ful
"Sweet. Plus. I don't know what to talk about. So you talk okay?"
"Oh well I'm pretty good at talking so I can help you there!" She said with a sheepish smile. Talking just happened to be her speciality. "So what do you like to do?' That was one way to keep talking.
Originally Posted by Fat Friar
It was time. Time to go and greet his Hufflepuff's!
The Fat Friar emerged, beaming, from the centre of the table. Directly through the fruit bowl as a matter of fact. He hovered gently and looked up and down the length of the table. "Good evening Badgers! ....and non Badgers," quite a few non badgers it turned out. "Enjoying the feast I trust?!"
"Woooww! A ghost!!!" She had always wanted to see one and now she did! Lex grinned in satisfaction as the ghost came through the table. "Hello Mr. Ghooossst!" She said giving him a big wave.
Originally Posted by Shanners
[color=orange]Aha! She was catching on! Elodie's inner self was smug and somersalting in high spirits over her success. "Make sure it's one that wont pop easy! You don't want to bump into something and get covered in bubble goo!" Or bubble poo. If bubbles did that. Did they? Were they even capable of it?! O_O "Let me try it out when you get it, pleeeeease Alexa? Pleeeeeeaaaase?" It had been her idea, of course. So it was only fair, and friendly. BECAUSE THEY WERE FRIENDS OKAY AND ALEXA WAS SO GETTING AN INVITE TO CAMP ELODIE.
Cambridge? That was a place. Alexa had such a cool last name! "Well then, Alexa Cambridge, you are going to see the healer whether I have to drag you there myself! By your bad wrist." Oh yeah, the second year WENT THERE. She gave the girl a smile though, just to reiterate that she was being a friend by doing this. Because that was what she was doing. "Ice wont fix it." So take that, Alexa.
Oh yeah... "That's a good idea too. Can't afford to be rolling down the stairs then suddenly going POP!" That would have landed her a first class ticket to the Healer that she was trying to avoid. "Wait...you think I'd get covered in bubble poo....do bubbles do that?" She raised a puzzled eyebrow at the girl. That was an odd thought but she would have to consider it! "And of course you can borrow it! It was your idea you know and besides...it wouldn't be much fun bouncing around in a bubble without a friend. We could take turns pushing each other down the stairs or something!!" Now there was a grand idea! It would be a lot more fun that way then waiting her turn would be so hard! Perfect! Yes, they would do it and they would have fun!
She stared over at the girl with wide eyes for a few seconds before catching her breath. This girl was scary. "Would you really though?" Her eyes were still very wide and she slowly moved her hand behind her and away from the scary Elodie that threatened it. "Now just how would that solve anything?! Wouldn't it just make it worse?!?!?" Yes much worse. "And it will hurt!!"
Originally Posted by Team Neville
"It's been a fun hour though!! I mean- I can't really guess how the next 7 years will go by an hour, but if I had to, I'd say it'll be good!"
Dorian didn't mind too much when Alexa scooted closer-- at least she wasn't creeped out by him or something.
Oh. A target. That certainly put a damper on things. And people dying?! I mean, his cousin told stories, but he never thought to believe him. Dorian looked positively scandalised. Maybe if he just stayed on the outskirts, he wouldn't die. Realising his jaw was hanging wide open and that he probably looked like a total dope, he toyed with his hair for what was probably the millionth time today.
"They're probably just scared of badgers or something." He joked, half-heartedly. "Do people actually die though?!"
Alexa seemed to know a lot of gossip already, and Dorian vowed to find the source. He knew he shouldn't, but deep down, Dorian loved gossip.
She giggled. "You're right about that, this hours been really fun. I think I'm willing to wager that the next 7 years will be fun toooo!!" It had to be because she was promised adventure by her father and her neighbour had told her tonnes of things about this place. The way she heard, there was never a dull moment!
Good, the boy hadn't pulled away like some idiot but instead stayed still so she could talk. She knew she liked this one; he was a smart cookie. Nod.
She nearly laughed when she saw the expression on his face change but of course she didn't or he might have thought she was lying, but she did laugh when he suggested that people might have been afraid of the puffs. "Nah," She managed to stop laughing enough to say. "Would you be afraid of anyone with the nickname puffer?" She sure wouldn't. "And besides, I heard that it's because puffs are usually too nice so they get pulled into things often." Or something like that.
There must have been some secret to it and thanks to Dorian she was now resolved to figure out what it was. The secret of the puffs. Whatever it was, she would find it!
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Last edited by DaniDiNardo; 09-03-2012 at 10:40 PM.
Reason: Adding Dorian ^_^
"Well I just can't see how wizards can marry muggles, we aren't even suppose to tell them we are wizards, so how does that work? Do they just blurt it out or do the muggles figure it out?" she knew she was blurting out her thoughts more then she should, her mother warned her of this, but she just couldn't help asking the questions. "I just don't know if I would ever want to meet one. Mum says they are just weird."
Maxwell shrugged. "I mean i know with him, i showed signs of magic very early so how could she have hidden it. I think in cases with magical children there are exceptions, like with muggleborns." He laughed a little at the latter part. "They're not so much weird as they are different. It's like meeting someone from the other side of the world."
Em looked up when she felt someone poking her shoulder. Shaking her head, she gave the boy a small smile. “No, not sleeping, just tired is all.” It had been a long day stressful day, and she had bottled in so much fear and terror in the last couple of hours that she was so on edge.
The ginger looked across the table when she heard her name. “Hey Lexa, I see you were sorted into Gryffindor.” Of course, Em wasn’t too surprised, someone that though it was a good idea to climb a train was dumb enough to be in Gryffindor. “ I was helping back at the platform, bandaging kids up, and pointing them towards the carriages.” She let out a little laugh when the girl got on the kid next to her. “Hes fine, just making sure I don’t sleep through the food, right?” she said to the boy. Oh, food, the Headmistress really needed to give her speech already so they could eat.
As the young boy introduced himself, Em gave him her first real grin since the lights flickering. “Welcome to Hufflepuff Noah. I’m Emmaleigh, and Were totally the best house.” He was new right? He looked little enough to be a firstie, but most of the second years were that small too. And seeing as she wasn’t here the year before, there was no way of knowing.
Looking back across the table she asked the little lion. “So where did the rest of you guys get sorted?” You know, since they had all been sorted before she had arrived. “The luggage usually gets taken to the dorms during the feast. I don’t know who normally does it, but it gets done. I’m not sure whats going to happen this year. It might take until morning for it to show up. Don’t worry though, I’m sure the animals will be the first to make it back.” Hopefully. Though, Em expected Halt to show up soon, he was a smart little thing.
"Ya. Thanks for that. Uh....did you know that Barking owls really do sound like they bark?"
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Originally Posted by HJPotter
Maxwell shrugged. "I mean i know with him, i showed signs of magic very early so how could she have hidden it. I think in cases with magical children there are exceptions, like with muggleborns." He laughed a little at the latter part. "They're not so much weird as they are different. It's like meeting someone from the other side of the world."
Alexa's eyes grew big as her mind and mouth went at the same time, "Do you think there are some here??" she said it before she thought it was probably rude and started looking around the room. Were there muggleborns at Hogwarts? She never thought about that before. "Well maybe one day I will meet a muggle then and find out for myself." she said still looking around wondering if the muggleborns stuck out more then then purebloods.
Nathan was feeding her, too? Gosh, wasn't she spoiled. It was as if on cue, Delphinia couldn't help memories of watching her father serve her mother at the dinner table come to the front of her mind, only to be pushed away after a minute with a slight shake of her head.
With her other hand empty as he released it, Delphi sort of rubbed both hands on her robes absently before one reached up to grab her goblet again. Maybe she was a little more thirsty than she'd originally thought.. "Everything." Was her simple, somewhat silly reply upon swallowing. Best friends were for everything, Nathaniel Aspen.
The food, though.. hm. Delphi eyed her plate. "I'm not sure I can eat," Atleast not a lot. Her tummy felt awfully small compared to usual, and nervous still. "But I'll try.." Because Nathan was being thoughtful, and she knew well he would insist if she refused.
Nathan smiled.
Yes, indeed. They were for everything.
Nathaniel Aspen gave his best friend a funny look. "You need to eat. So you grow healthy and stuff" he said, somewhat sternly.
What a thing to say. But seriously. After the whole fiasco and how shaken up she was - Nathan would rather she eat and drink and just go up to her dorm and sleep.
......................let's be reckless, unaffected, running out until we're breathless ...............let's be hopeful, don't get broken, and stay caught up in the moment ♥
"Oh well I'm pretty good at talking so I can help you there!" She said with a sheepish smile. Talking just happened to be her speciality. "So what do you like to do?' That was one way to keep talking.
"I like to play 2 aside quiditch with my sister. She's a 3rd year. Plus...my brother he's like 20 something. He's a keeper for the France quidditch team. What about you? What do you like to do?"
"Yup!" She said, beaming over at the girl when she mentioned that she had been sorted into Gryffindor. "I sure was and it's great--er...except for the fact that I'll have to eat the sorting hat...but I'll worry about that when it comes." For now she would try to remain positive.
Lex nodded when Emm said she had been out helping. "Yeah...I figured you would have been off helping; a lot of older students were doing that, like Abby and Vivi! But I couldn't help...I had to go to the boats." If she could have she would have stayed to help out a bit seeing as things had gotten pretty frantic but then she was told by just about everyone that she needed to go to the Ground's Keeper and she had no choice but to do as she was told. "Did everyone end up getting some kind of help?" She asked curiously? he place had been so busy that she didn't bother mentioning her hurt wrist; not when there were others with more serious cases.
The others? "Well Dylan's a lion, like me but Ari's a claw..." She was hoping that they would have all been in the same house so they could share a common room but it didn't seem like it would work that way...
She looked over at her in shock at the mention that they might have had to wait until the next day to get their things. "Really?! But I left a bag of candy in my trunk! What will I eat tonight??" This just didn't seem right!
Lex shot the boy a curious look when he said that. "How come?" She asked with a light tone. By now she had gotten use to walking up to people and just striking up conversations. She had learned a long time ago that if she didn't then she was much less likely to make friends.
Em laughed at the girl’s comment. “I’m sure it will be incredibly tasty. Like eating a shoe I would expect.” Probably not as seasoned though. And this was the reason betting was a bad idea, especially against adults one doesn’t know.
Emmaleigh nodded. “Yeah, there was a few people helping, but I’m not sure who your friends are.” She didn’t know these Abby and Vivi people, but if they had been helping, they had her gratitude. The red head was so not happy with those that just ran off when they could have helped. “The boats were the best place for you and the rest of the first years. It kept you from getting squashed by falling students.” And she couldn’t even imagine what would have happened if one of them had tried copying a spell that they had seen. “I think so, at least those who were seriously injured and some that weren’t. I patched up some that just had some scrapes, but I’m sure there are others that were injured that just left, maybe planning on seeing the healer later or something.” The girl wasn’t the least bit surprised to hear that Dylan had been sorted into Gryffindor. He had been pretty bold when he had asked what she had against firsties. But hearing that the other girl was a claw was a bit surprising. Though, the hat did seem to know thing better than anyone. “What will you eat? The feast is about to start, and I promise, you won’t go hungry.” If she ate like Em did at the feast, she wouldn’t feel like eating for the next day or two.
The girl smiled at Noah, "Yeah, I've heard them a few times, in the owelry. Theres tons of owls there, and you can visit them there. Your own owl will usually stay there if hes not hunting for delivering mail."
Originally Posted by Fat Friar
It was time. Time to go and greet his Hufflepuff's!
The Fat Friar emerged, beaming, from the centre of the table. Directly through the fruit bowl as a matter of fact. He hovered gently and looked up and down the length of the table. "Good evening Badgers! ....and non Badgers," quite a few non badgers it turned out. "Enjoying the feast I trust?!"
Smiling at their "overweight" house ghost, Em commented. "Well, definitely enjoying it better than the trip here. I don’t know if you heard, but it was quite eventful “
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
SPOILER!!: Adeline!
Originally Posted by BowtiesAreCool
Adeline looked around for anyone that she just might know or even to meet some new people because she only has like two friends at the moment. She wondered what happened to all the friends she had when she was a first year. Did they not like her anymore or something? She wasn't all that likeable in her first year because she had never had any friends before. She knew she was more likeable not than she was back then so why didn't she have any friends. Addie looked around the table to see if she knew anybody and there she spotted the very first friend she ever had ALEC!She found a seat near him and plopped down with a smile on her face. "Alec!" She grinned.
Alec sat there, at a complete loss as to what he should do. His grey-blue eyes swept the table, looking around for a familiar face. Because, really, if he was near someone he knew right now, they would know exactly how to distract him. Like with ice cream or gummy worms or...
Alec blinked. Someone... had called his name. Again. He turned his head, flipping his hair in the process, and blinked at... Adel?! She... the girl was BACK?! She was actually in the Great Hall, ready to eat at a Start of Term Feast?! Was he dreaming...? The thirteen year old reached over a pinched his arm.
No, definitely not dreaming. He grinned, looking over at the girl. She was actually here! Sitting next to him! Alec grinned some more before wrapping his arms around the girl and giving her a hug. Nothing about the awkwardness and whether they were friends or not entered his mind. All he knew was that he had to hug this girl for coming back! "Hey Adel!" GRIN! "How've you been?"
SPOILER!!: Annabelle!
Originally Posted by hpfan18
Annabelle saw a lonely looking boy wondering around and Belle didn't like seeing that. She was going to him and introduced herself. "Hey I am Annabelle, what is your name?" she said with a sweet smile.
And then another person came up to him. A girl this time. Alec... blinked. Really, he had not been expecting this at all. People had always told him that he did manage to attract a lot of girls but... Hogwarts was full of them! He couldn't exactly be blamed, right? Right.
A small glint of light shining in his eyes brought him back down to earth. His eyes darted down to the shiny badge pinned to her chest. P... Prefect?! O_O He... wasn't in trouble, right? Now... what had he done over the past 24 hours that could lead to a Prefect coming up to him and-
Oh, she was speaking nicely. GRIN! "Hey... erm... can I call you Belle?" He liked giving people nicknames. They were fun! "Erm... congrats on the badge! I'm Alec, by the way. Alec Summers!"
SPOILER!!: Sophs!
Originally Posted by jujune29th
Sophie wasn't sure what was going ON with her life. Everything, absolutely everything bad was happening with/around her! One would think she would have gotten used to all of this now, but nope. She wished she could go back in time and... well, she had no idea how she would be able to change everything that happened during the summer break, so going back in time wouldn't do any good anyway.
After all of the commotion of the train, portkeys, Hogsmeade, carriages and yadda yadda, the third year slowly made her way to the Hufflepuff table. This time she was not cheerful and didn't have a smile on her face. She wasn't even excited to be back this time and was most definitely not looking forward to try and cheer those firsties that were going to hate on their house as soon as they were sorted.
Sophie quickly glanced at some people around the table and frowned confused at Elijah and Oakey as they both stood up and shouted at each other.
Yep, that was Hogwarts!
She would have been amused by that sight if she wasn't feeling like going to the dorms and doing nothing until... maybe the other week? Though she was looking forward to some classes. They should be fun no matter what.
Not noticing some different faces at the staff table, Sophie took a seat next to a random person - she didn't pay attention to who it was, really - and placed her elbows on the table, burying her face on her hands. Sigh. She just wanted this Feast to be over so she could go to bed.
So Alec had thought that no one would come and sit next to him. After all, when he had came and sat down at the Hufflepuff Table, he didn't really know a lot of the people who were already seated. But... there were lots of new Hufflepuffs! That was a good sign, right? They could all attend classes and Quidditch tryouts and-
Hey, it was Sophs! Sophs was the one who sat down near him! Alec grinned... and then stopped. Sophs looked... well, not like her usual self. She seemed sad. Alec ruffled his hair and looked down at the table. He needed to do something... and FAST! He didn't like seeing people sad... especially his friends.
And then... he caught sight of his reflection on the plate. Then his eyes went to his dark hair which was slightly ruffled. If he could look silly... maybe it would make Sophie laugh? And then she wouldn't be sad! YEAH! This could WORK! He took a deep breath before reaching up both of his hands and messing up his hair. Yeah... really messy hair was funny, right? And if some of his hair was sticking up randomly... Alec couldn't believe he was doing this. All those times he had spent spent perfecting his hair and this was how he was putting his skills into use.
After a couple of minutes, Alec turned to Sophie and said, "Hey!" Please smile... please laugh...
SPOILER!!: Messy!
Originally Posted by Poolicious
He just realized how weird this term was. No Ellie. No Keefer. Speaking of Keefer, he wondered who got the Captain Badge this term. He was sleeping most of the time during the train ride so he missed who's who this term. Well, he'd found out soon enough.
Oh. Look, there's Alec.
"Wassup, mate!" he pat his roommate shoulder. "What's with the gloom face? Did you miss me that much?" Poor guy.
Alec blinked. This made no sense at all. Why weren't there more people over at the table? And why is it that it seemed to be emptier than usual? Was it because so many older people had left? Except... the only person he knew who had left was Keefer. And Ellie. But Ellie hadn't been a Hufflepuff.
Yeah, why was it so empty?!
But the pat on his shoulder made him look up and- ... WHAT?! Messy?! MESSY was here?! "Dude!" he said, turning round to face him fully, "You come back after weeks of not owling and you just say 'wassup'?!" What was WRONG with this dude?! And... gloom face? What was he TALKING about?! "Yes, mate, I did miss you," he said, trying not to roll his eyes, "Erm... so how've you been? Missed me over the summer?" If Messer said 'no', he was getting a lot of pillows chucked towards him.
And... Messer was speaking to...
SPOILER!!: Alice!
Originally Posted by lemon
Alice wobbled into Great Hall on her splint. She had been given a pair of crutches to walk on until she could visit the Healer. She didn't really care if she had come into the Feast looking really awkward— on crutches, with a large fiberglass splint. She had adjusted to them very quickly; it wasn't that hard to walk on them. As soon as she entered the Hall, she headed for the Hufflepuff Table. Most of her friends would be there, yeah? She hadn't seen Alec since she had been dragged away from him. She hadn't even met Ella on the train, but Alec had told her that she was okay. And she hadn't seen Messer since summer! Lord. He was probably being ambushed by firsties or something.
The lioness made her way over to the Hufflepuffs unstably. This fiberglass split was still a bit heavy for her, it seemed to be throwing her off balance. Why couldn't she just break.. like.. an arm instead? Why did it have to be her leg?
GRIN! It was actually nice to see Messy having someone who can give him a run for his money. And Alice was the perfect girl for that. Yeah... if he had something like ice cream with him, he could just sit and watch the two bicker all day long. It was pretty amusing, actually. If only Alice was in Hufflepuff; the common room would be a lot more eventful with Pinky and the Hulk there.
But he needed to ask Alice something so... he could just interrupt the two. Simple as, right? Yeah. "Hulk, how's the leg?" Yeah... how did she manage to get herself to sit herself down and get up the stairs and... Yeah, Alec didn't understand anything that had happened before.
SPOILER!!: Lyss!
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88
Alyssa turned around when she felt somebody plop next to her and smiled when she saw it was Alec, her young friend, who seemed to have grown quite a lot since she had last seen him. "Hey Alec. Boy! you have definitely grown taller. How much ice cream have you eaten during the summer?" Alyssa grinned at him, knowing his fondness for the dessert. Then to Alyssa's delight, Adeline came and sat next to Alec. She felt an affinity with the Third Yead girl.
Hey, Lyss! There she was! And she was talking to him! Awesome! Alec grinned at the older girl. "Hey Lyss!" Boy, had he missed her! The girl was like an older sister to him. If she happened to leave... well, Alec didn't really want to think about that. Not at all. She could just stay forever, right?
Wait, he had grown? "Really, Lyss?" He looked down at his body and flailed his legs about a bit. Yeah... he did feel taller, for some reason. "Thanks Lyss! Hey, you've grown taller too, you know!" Like really tall! Like Super... erm... woman? "Erm... I've eaten a fair few..." Which really meant a LOT! In all fairness, it was pretty hot during the summer.
But enough about him, he needed to ask about Lyss as well! Last he had heard, quite a bit had happened to the older girl. "Lyss, how was your summer? And... erm... that Evan guy?"
SPOILER!!: Ness!
Originally Posted by ortalismusicoh
Yes..Renesmee may have gotten a little distracted at the Gryffindor table, and maybe she was a little late, but she at least thought she had good excuses. One of them being her pygmy puff and the other being her best friend. They were good reasons to be late weren't they?
With a smile on her face, Ness finally headed to her own house table. She looked at a few of the younger kids and gave them all a nod as she passed by. She then took a seat at her table and put Puffles, that was previously on her shoulder, beside her plate. He'd be alright there and hopefully would not start with he's silly jokes again. It was NOT funny how he had tricked her by playing dead earlier. NOT funny at all! Hmphh! She'd teach him a lesson if he continued. She gave him a strange look and then pouted looking at all the students, especially the older ones.
It was scary to think that this year was already her fifth year here. It felt like she was growing quicker then she felt, but that was life wasn't it? Always went by within the blink of an eye. The real nerve-racking thing this term would be OWLs and even more so quidditch. To think she had to be responsible for a whole team..it was frightening, but just as exciting. She thought of Keefer, Kita and all the other captains before her, even Ellie. If they had coped, then so could she right? That's what she hoped. With a little bit of getting used to everything she believed she'd manage to do it.
If there was one thing she was sure of, it was that this term was going to be a crazy one and you could already tell that even from just the train ride. Crazy was not always bad though, and maybe this year would be a good one, but then maybe it would be bad. Ness couldn't know yet and she didn't want to, right now what she wanted was food.
She eyed the empty plate and then pouted as she waited for the food to come.
Alec sat and stared at the opposite wall. Did it really take this long for the speech to be made and to get the food out? He was kind of hungry... and tired. And he needed to have a private talk with Messy afterwards, even if his roommate didn't quite know it yet.
But then, a person with ginger hair walked between him and the far wall and... Alec jumped. It... was that... Ness! Alec let a wide grin spread across his face as he watched the older girl. This was another one of his sisters! And, from the shiny glinty badge on her robes, Alec knew that he just had to talk to her and congratulate her.
So the third year got up and went over towards the ginger girl. But, the closer he got to her, the more he noticed the look on the girl's face. Alec puffed out his cheeks as much as he could before letting all the air go. There. It was ready to be pinched! And then Ness could be happy, right? Yeah! GRIN!
"Ness! Hey!" he said, squeezing himself into a seat next to the girl, "Erm... congrats Ness! I bet you'll make a great Captain!" Yeah... a cheek pinching Captain. That was pretty awesome!
SPOILER!!: Ells! And a small mention of the Fat Friar... I think.
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Ella sat quietly, eyes on the table in front of her. The journey to Hogwarts had been quite an adventurous one and now that she was here, she was pretty tired. She did her best to smile at the new additions to the Hufflepuff family, knowing they would love being a badger just as much as she did. Her happiness was only stifled by the fact that she had yet to speak to her best friend Sophie, who was also sitting at the table. FROWN. She was also afraid to let her eyes wander over to the Ravenclaw table, mostly because she didn't know if a certain someone would be over there looking back. Meh.
Sitting up a little straighter, Ells smiled as the Fat Friar emerged. That was quite cool. "The feast is lovely." She said in response to the question, speaking more quietly than she normally would. It was lovely...and the food was always good...and she was glad to be back. She just wanted things to be better this term. They would be, yeah?
Oh hey! There was the Fat Friar! Alec grinned and waved at the ghost. "The feast is great!" It really was. Except... he was kind of waiting for the ice cream. And for a chance to throw a pillow at Messy and tease him all year long. Yeah... that would be great! "Erm... how was your summer?" ... What did ghosts even DO in the summer?! Alec did not understand.
And... sitting close to where the Fat Friar was bobbing around... was a familiar head of blonde hair. Alec blinked. ELLS?! When had SHE managed to wander into the Hall?! And where did she disappear off to after the Portkey incident? But... wait. this meant that he hadn't lost Ells. She was safe and okay, hopefully. This also meant that he wouldn't be getting an angry letter from Mr Bishop asking him how he could possibly lose a girl on the train. Yeah... everything was more or less okay now.
Alec stood up and wandered over towards the girl. She might not want to be disturbed but... that didn't really matter to him. He needed to make sure that she was okay! Reaching her, Alec squeezed into a seat next to her and grinned. "Ells! It's good to see you again!" ... And not just because this meant that he was free from the wrath of Mr Bishop. "Erm... are you okay?"
Alexa's eyes grew big as her mind and mouth went at the same time, "Do you think there are some here??" she said it before she thought it was probably rude and started looking around the room. Were there muggleborns at Hogwarts? She never thought about that before. "Well maybe one day I will meet a muggle then and find out for myself." she said still looking around wondering if the muggleborns stuck out more then then purebloods.
"Yes, there are...I know a few. They're really cool.." He said with a smile. "I know it seems weird but it'll seem more normal later."
Ella looked at Laura, surprised by what her friend was saying. "She called you a-a drama queen?" That didn't sound like Sophie. Had Laura been acting like a drama queen? But still...you couldn't just call someone that, could you? The third year didn't really know what to say so she frowned, looking down at her plate again. "I hate that she's mad at me." And especially that Ella didn't fully understand what she had done to make Sophie so mad. It was horrible. When Laura started singing, Ella gave her a small smile but decided against joining in. She wasn't really in the singing mood right now.
She let her eyes drift up and down the table, wondering what everyone else was doing. Most people looked happy...some a bit tired like her. And then her eyes fell on Sophie. She felt her eyes going all teary so she looked down again, frowning. Soph looked really upset. And Ells wasn't allowed to hug her, right? Sophie probably didn't want a hug from Ella. This made her stomach do a weird flip flop and Ella pushed the plate away from her. She officially wasn't hungry.
Laura looked at Ella and sighed. "Yeah she did." Laura feel sad now, she really missed Sophie and it was stranged that they had all been so happy their first two years together but for some reason this summer they had all had a fight. "I hate it too, I really miss her." Laura hadn't realised how much until just then, she really did miss Sophie.
Laura gave Ella another hug when she saw her friend was sad, she didn't like seeing Ella sad, it made things worse for Laura and then when she pulled back she saw Sophie, she wanted to go and hug her when she saw how sad Sophie was looking but she wasn't going anywhere near her until she knew that Sophie was happy to see her, and when Sophie was ready she would speak to her, and then hopefully they could be friends but until then she would stay with Ella. "So Ella how was the rest of your summer?" Laura asked fiddling with her neckless.
Originally Posted by Fat Friar
So this was the one that had been singing. The Friar had had his back to her when it was going on, trying to block it out. He might have been dead, but he wasn't deaf. "You're quite right, young lady, she should! Unfortunately I'm not much up on music myself. Certainly not something our new Headmistress might like." He didn't get out much.
"Oh come on you must know loads." Laura sighed. "Seriously dude, you must be over 600 years old." Laura smiled to the ghost. "So obviously, you've had students come in and talk about music and things like that and surely you've gone to see a concert in those years." Laura looked at the ghost surely this ghost fellow knew an ancient man. "I'm sure you even knew Mozart." Saying that she was sure Professor Vindictus knew him.
Alexa looked at DJ as he talked, he seemed to ramble and talk about having fun a lot. If he wanted to have fun then why didn't he just make up his own fun she thought. "Do you know any magic yet? Maybe you can do something fun with your wand?" it was a suggestion, right? That couldn't get him into to much trouble, at least she didn't think it could. They were wizards after all, why wouldn't they be allowed to use their wands.
Dylan looked at her and shook his head "No I don't whenever I tried to take my dad's wand to do any, he always caught me and tried to hide his wand again." he sighed.. if only he had been successful in taking that wand.. he would need some practice on that.. although not needed seeing as he had his own wand. Now that he had his own wand, no need to go around stealing other wand to practice with.
"Do you know any spells? Maybe you could teach me some." yeah cause her being older she would probably have some spells she knew, is that what her private studying was like with spells and stuff? "Some fun ones would be good" that way he could do some wand waving even before he would start his classes. That could also help in the classes if he has some practice before he even gets there.
||Delta Goodrem Lover || Emma Watson Lover | | RavenPuff || 1 of 4 Amigos ||
Text Cut: Blinking Ella XD
Blink.Blink. This was a...joke, yeah? Was Harvey really at the table? Ella bit her lip nervously before deciding she had to stop acting like she had done something wrong to him. She hadn't. She had told him the truth and it hadn't worked out the way she hoped. Well that was done now and she couldn't exactly avoid Harvey all term. They were still meant to be friends...though that seemed a bit unlikely at the moment. "Harvey...H-hi." The small blonde said, giving him a small smile. "I um...How..How have you been?"Without me aroundQUOTE]
Harvey could see that she wasn't too happy to see him, but he thought it rude not to say Hi to Ella cause they were still friends even if not close anymore. He listened as she stuttered her Hi with a small smile "I.. am .. er.. alright" so not good.. but not bad either.. not yet anyways "How.. about you? How.. was the rest of your .. summer?" he asked her as he tried to read her face to see how she was. Though he could see that she wasnt too please to see him but how else was she feeling? He wished that they could still hang out, how did this happen? why did her saying that change so much?! When she hadn't said anything they were having fun.. ok so not as much as before but at least they were still hanging out.. now even that was not allowed cause he cared too much... apparently. Well he would try to care a bit less if that helped.. but that was going to be tough for a guy like him.
Little Fox | ½ of Lauralie | Ravenclaw with a Hufflepuff heart and a Gryffindor soul | #HouseNATARIANA
Originally Posted by Lottiepot
So how long was he going to have to stand here awkwardly and wait for his presence to be heard or seen or whatever. He was getting used to this though, the groups of friends and him, a new student, with less friends.
Oh wait!
He heard his name. Was someone calling his name? He looked around, wandering where the source of the voice was. And it hit him, along with a massive grin on his face.
"Hi Bliss" he wandered over towards her and sat down by her side. He had only been around for the Summer and on the train and already Terry thought he had found a good friend in Bliss. They had instantly hit it off, they seemed to have a good connection. He frowned down at her wrist however, realising that it was still bandaged up whichh clearly indicated that she was still in discomfort. "You really should sort that out you know?" Quickly, before it got any worse. There was a healer around here wasn't there? It shouldn't take too long.
Bliss watched as Terry spun around, clearly confused as to where the voice had come from. Then he spotted her and grinned. Bliss was glad that he was happy to see her and grinned back just as widely. "Hey yourself, Terry," she said, moving over slightly as he sat down next to her. Bliss took the moment to look at Terry, like, actually look at him. He had floppy-ish blonde hair and blue eyes and was easily taller than her, though that wasn't a hard feat to achieve. And he was her best friend, well best guy friend. Blue was her bestest friend. Bliss looked away from Terry for a moment and shook her head, before turning back to him, only to notice that his gaze had travelled down to her broken wrist. She moved it quickly out of his sight, under the table, but this only caused her to wince it pain. "I..urm, I'm going after the feast," she told Terry, in what she hoped was a convincing voice. Though, in all honestly she didn't know if she could bare to go to the Healer. Everyone said she was scary and everyone couldn't be wrong. Could they?
[b]She giggled. "You're right about that, this hours been really fun. I think I'm willing to wager that the next 7 years will be fun toooo!!" It had to be because she was promised adventure by her father and her neighbour had told her tonnes of things about this place. The way she heard, there was never a dull moment!
Good, the boy hadn't pulled away like some idiot but instead stayed still so she could talk. She knew she liked this one; he was a smart cookie. Nod.
She nearly laughed when she saw the expression on his face change but of course she didn't or he might have thought she was lying, but she did laugh when he suggested that people might have been afraid of the puffs. "Nah," She managed to stop laughing enough to say. "Would you be afraid of anyone with the nickname puffer?" She sure wouldn't. "And besides, I heard that it's because puffs are usually too nice so they get pulled into things often." Or something like that.
There must have been some secret to it and thanks to Dorian she was now resolved to figure out what it was. The secret of the puffs. Whatever it was, she would find it!
Dorian laughed with her. Puffer was a pretty silly nickname. If he was in charge, it'd be Huffer or Huffles or Puffs or- no. None of them worked either. There was no way to make Hufflepuff sound intimidating. It was just such a cuddly sounding word.
"You clearly haven't seen the pufferfish! They're scary! I don't have the spikes but I can do the puff bit." In true dork fashion, Dorian puffed out his cheeks performing the worlds least convincing puffer-fish impersonation.
Hm. So the 'puffs were too nice and got roped into things. Being nice wasn't the worst trait to have, but if it meant death... nah. Surely the teachers would look out for him, and others for that matter, if he started getting 'too nice', wouldn't they? He would help if a friend asked him to.... He made a mental note to not agree to do anything dangerous.
He had seen Alexa talking to students on the other tables earlier and considered doing the same. Houses seemed a whole lot more complicated then they did when he was getting sorted.
"Are you happy to be a Gryffindor?" He asked, hoping to find out more about the house from his new friend.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Originally Posted by HJPotter
"Yes, there are...I know a few. They're really cool.." He said with a smile. "I know it seems weird but it'll seem more normal later."
Alexa thought and looked around the hall, seriously do they look different can they be noticed. "So do these people look different, will I know as soon as I see them?" she was sitting up taller to look around. Then she looked at Maxwell, "Well if you say it will be I guess I will believe you. I think I trust you, but I'm just not sure yet." She looked at him wondering if he was going to try and trick her or if he was trust worthy.
Originally Posted by MagicalWorld
Dylan looked at her and shook his head "No I don't whenever I tried to take my dad's wand to do any, he always caught me and tried to hide his wand again." he sighed.. if only he had been successful in taking that wand.. he would need some practice on that.. although not needed seeing as he had his own wand. Now that he had his own wand, no need to go around stealing other wand to practice with.
"Do you know any spells? Maybe you could teach me some." yeah cause her being older she would probably have some spells she knew, is that what her private studying was like with spells and stuff? "Some fun ones would be good" that way he could do some wand waving even before he would start his classes. That could also help in the classes if he has some practice before he even gets there.
Alexa looked at DJ, "Yes I learned many different spells with my instructor last year. Many that are boring and for everyday use though." she then smiled and got closer to him, close enough that most people would feel their personal space was being violated, but to Alexa this didn't seem to be a problem nor did she seem aware that others might. "I did learn one spell that might be interesting being used on someone. It was a pimple jinx. If you cast it on someone it will give the person pimples." she smiled and then backed away from him just a bit.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Originally Posted by socks12ful
"I like to play 2 aside quiditch with my sister. She's a 3rd year. Plus...my brother he's like 20 something. He's a keeper for the France quidditch team. What about you? What do you like to do?"
"Oh I like playing Quidditch too but I don't play very often because Daddy has work and Amanda's too stupid to fly a broom...that and I don't have any siblings." Not that she wanted any. That just meant having to share her father's love and attention. When she came to such things she found it hard to play well with others. "But I really just like looking for adventure and stuff!"
Originally Posted by Yourenodaisy
Em laughed at the girl’s comment. “I’m sure it will be incredibly tasty. Like eating a shoe I would expect.” Probably not as seasoned though. And this was the reason betting was a bad idea, especially against adults one doesn’t know.
Emmaleigh nodded. “Yeah, there was a few people helping, but I’m not sure who your friends are.” She didn’t know these Abby and Vivi people, but if they had been helping, they had her gratitude. The red head was so not happy with those that just ran off when they could have helped. “The boats were the best place for you and the rest of the first years. It kept you from getting squashed by falling students.” And she couldn’t even imagine what would have happened if one of them had tried copying a spell that they had seen. “I think so, at least those who were seriously injured and some that weren’t. I patched up some that just had some scrapes, but I’m sure there are others that were injured that just left, maybe planning on seeing the healer later or something.” The girl wasn’t the least bit surprised to hear that Dylan had been sorted into Gryffindor. He had been pretty bold when he had asked what she had against firsties. But hearing that the other girl was a claw was a bit surprising. Though, the hat did seem to know thing better than anyone. “What will you eat? The feast is about to start, and I promise, you won’t go hungry.” If she ate like Em did at the feast, she wouldn’t feel like eating for the next day or two.
Lex nodded with a wide smile when Emm said the hat would taste good. "Yup, I'm sure it will, especially since I plan to dip it in a cauldron of gravy and let it swim around for a little, you know, just to teach it a lesson then I'm really gonna show it why it shouldn't have gone against what I said." Ahhh, one way or another the hat would learn.
"Hmm...really? That's too bad. You should meet them, they're really nice!" Well...er...one of them was really nice. That had to count for something right? She made a face at her for saying that the boats would have been the best place for them. That may have been true but she still wouldn't agree because on the journey over she hadn't seen the giant squid and she hadn't seen any mermaids so she might as well had stayed and helped out. "Yeah, other people are saying that too but I don't think I could have gotten hurt any worse." She said, gesturing to her wrist that had started changing colour--but only slightly and there was nothing wrong with it she wouldn't have to go see the healer!
She beamed up at her suddenly. "It was nice of you to stay behind and help. I heard that some older kids were trying to walk away." Yet another reason to not like older kids, ugh.
Oh yes the feast! "Ummmm I don't know what Ill eat just yet but i know I wanna try everything." She smiled at the thought of having all the yummy food but couldn't ignore the slight feeling of nausea that came with it. It must have been from all the candy....
Originally Posted by Team Neville
Dorian laughed with her. Puffer was a pretty silly nickname. If he was in charge, it'd be Huffer or Huffles or Puffs or- no. None of them worked either. There was no way to make Hufflepuff sound intimidating. It was just such a cuddly sounding word.
"You clearly haven't seen the pufferfish! They're scary! I don't have the spikes but I can do the puff bit." In true dork fashion, Dorian puffed out his cheeks performing the worlds least convincing puffer-fish impersonation.
Hm. So the 'puffs were too nice and got roped into things. Being nice wasn't the worst trait to have, but if it meant death... nah. Surely the teachers would look out for him, and others for that matter, if he started getting 'too nice', wouldn't they? He would help if a friend asked him to.... He made a mental note to not agree to do anything dangerous.
He had seen Alexa talking to students on the other tables earlier and considered doing the same. Houses seemed a whole lot more complicated then they did when he was getting sorted.
"Are you happy to be a Gryffindor?" He asked, hoping to find out more about the house from his new friend.
See? Even he thought the name was pretty silly. There was no way that she was going to let anyone with the word puffer attached scare her. Nope; it just wasn't possible!
Alexa burst into wild laughter when the boy puff out his cheeks after mentioning something about pufferfishes. After a while the laughter toned down and became little giggles. "I don't think that will help either, in fact I think adding the word fish just makes it sillier...you sound like a rare Japanese delicacy, not a threat." She shook her head. This was clearly why they were targeted...in a good way though. They drew people with their funniness.
She blinked twice, wondering if he was being serious. He couldn't have been but she would humour him by answering and she would even do it with a smile. "Of course I'm glad! I'm a Gryffie and proud! ROOOOAAARRRR!" yeah she had to add that last part because she was pretty proud of being a lion.
"And so I guess we're pretty much happy with where we've been placed, yes?" It seemed that way.
"So have you started talking to other students as yet?" She asked curiously with a wide smile.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Last edited by DaniDiNardo; 09-04-2012 at 08:35 PM.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
SPOILER!!: Hair Whipper
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
And... sitting close to where the Fat Friar was bobbing around... was a familiar head of blonde hair. Alec blinked. ELLS?! When had SHE managed to wander into the Hall?! And where did she disappear off to after the Portkey incident? But... wait. this meant that he hadn't lost Ells. She was safe and okay, hopefully. This also meant that he wouldn't be getting an angry letter from Mr Bishop asking him how he could possibly lose a girl on the train. Yeah... everything was more or less okay now.
Alec stood up and wandered over towards the girl. She might not want to be disturbed but... that didn't really matter to him. He needed to make sure that she was okay! Reaching her, Alec squeezed into a seat next to her and grinned. "Ells! It's good to see you again!" ... And not just because this meant that he was free from the wrath of Mr Bishop. "Erm... are you okay?"
Ella was playing with her hands nervously, eyes on the table again, when she felt someone squish down next to her. She debated ignoring the person but decided that was very unlike her, and turned to see who had sat down. Oh...Alec. ALEC! He was okay then? She had kind of lost him in the chaos of the portkeys and hadn't seen him since. "Hi!" She said, returning his smile with a small one of her own. "It's good to see you too. I um...well I got a bit nervous when I didn't see you coming in." But he was here and talking and being all...Alec-y. That meant he was fine, yeah? But he was asking about her? Ella nodded, shrugging her shoulders. "I'm okay...I hurt my knee a bit but I'll be fine." It's not like Ella didn't bump into things and fall all the time anyway. "And you? You're okay? I mean you're not...hurt or anything?" And the small blonde found herself checking him out for any sign of injury. Superman couldn't get hurt though, could he?
SPOILER!!: Lauraaaa
Originally Posted by Harry174
Laura looked at Ella and sighed. "Yeah she did." Laura feel sad now, she really missed Sophie and it was stranged that they had all been so happy their first two years together but for some reason this summer they had all had a fight. "I hate it too, I really miss her." Laura hadn't realised how much until just then, she really did miss Sophie.
Laura gave Ella another hug when she saw her friend was sad, she didn't like seeing Ella sad, it made things worse for Laura and then when she pulled back she saw Sophie, she wanted to go and hug her when she saw how sad Sophie was looking but she wasn't going anywhere near her until she knew that Sophie was happy to see her, and when Sophie was ready she would speak to her, and then hopefully they could be friends but until then she would stay with Ella. "So Ella how was the rest of your summer?" Laura asked fiddling with her neckless.
Ella nodded, continuing to frown. This was...well it just wasn't right. They couldn't start the term like this. It just felt...it felt all wrong and it made Ella's heart hurt a lot to think about Sophie not wanting to hang out with them anymore. At this rate, the third year thought her heart had hurt enough for a whole life time. When would it stop?
The hug? It was definitely appreciated. "Thanks." Ella said, feeling as though Laura deserved that. The change in topic was probably a good thing too. Ells was happy to not think about sad things for a minute or two. "I um...well I spent a lot of time at home playing with my puppy, Dino. He's really great, y'know. And you? Did you have a good rest of um...summer?"
SPOILER!!: Harveyy
Originally Posted by EW_FAN
Harvey could see that she wasn't too happy to see him, but he thought it rude not to say Hi to Ella cause they were still friends even if not close anymore. He listened as she stuttered her Hi with a small smile "I.. am .. er.. alright" so not good.. but not bad either.. not yet anyways "How.. about you? How.. was the rest of your .. summer?" he asked her as he tried to read her face to see how she was. Though he could see that she wasnt too please to see him but how else was she feeling? He wished that they could still hang out, how did this happen? why did her saying that change so much?! When she hadn't said anything they were having fun.. ok so not as much as before but at least they were still hanging out.. now even that was not allowed cause he cared too much... apparently. Well he would try to care a bit less if that helped.. but that was going to be tough for a guy like him.
Ella nodded. So he was alright? That meant he hadn't gotten hurt on the train or anything. This was good, yeah? It should make Ella feel happier? Only...it didn't. Not really. "Good. Alright is ...good." And that was the most awkward response...ever. As for how she was? Ella didn't exactly know how to respond. She knew she couldn't lie, though. That much was still the same. "I've been better." Truth. "I just spent a lot of time at home with Dad, Caleb, and Gran...playing with Dino and um...getting ready for the term." Mentally preparing and all that. Shrug. "You um...you glad to be back?"
Alexa thought and looked around the hall, seriously do they look different can they be noticed. "So do these people look different, will I know as soon as I see them?" she was sitting up taller to look around. Then she looked at Maxwell, "Well if you say it will be I guess I will believe you. I think I trust you, but I'm just not sure yet." She looked at him wondering if he was going to try and trick her or if he was trust worthy.
Maxwell laughed. "No, they look the same as everyone else..There's not real difference in the appearance of Muggles and Wizards, just that one group can use magic and the other can't. So they look the same." He smiled. "You should trust me, if i wanted to play a trick on you it would be a lot meaner than that."
Sophie sat down nervously at the table. She didn't know how the start of term feast was going to be. Looking around she noticed magical ceiling, which was a cloudless night with a full moon and lots of stars. It was so pretty. The ceiling made Sophie love even more hogwarts. It was such an amazing castle.
"Oh I like playing Quidditch too but I don't play very often because Daddy has work and Amanda's too silly to fly a broom...that and I don't have any siblings." Not that she wanted any. That just meant having to share her father's love and attention. When she came to such things she found it hard to play well with others. "But I really just like looking for adventure and stuff!"
"Thats cool . You ever want to look for secret passages and stuff on the grounds?"
Nathaniel Aspen gave his best friend a funny look. "You need to eat. So you grow healthy and stuff" he said, somewhat sternly.
What a thing to say. But seriously. After the whole fiasco and how shaken up she was - Nathan would rather she eat and drink and just go up to her dorm and sleep.
Grow? It was delphi's turn to give him a funny look. "I'm sixteen, Nathan.. I don't think I'm growing anymore," Actually, Delphinia didn't remember the last time she had noticed her own growth. And HEY! She wasn't all that little, thanks.
However, the sternness of his tone brought on amusement. Rather than push the matter, Delphi grabbed the roll off her plate and took a bite. Good? "Thank you," For filling her plate, that is. Again, he'd know. She never really had to explain herself with him.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Last edited by D.A Forever; 09-04-2012 at 12:15 AM.
Loves the Black Dog | Ninja Pirate...BEWARE! | High Queen of Narnia | GIRAFFE- made you look!
Originally Posted by DancingThroughLife
Will watched as Emilia made a face when he asked about her siblings, perhaps this was a touchy subject for her as well. How was it that within their first meeting that had already learned just which buttons not to push. He listened to her talk of her brother and sister. Her brother was the one that intruigued him but he knew not to ask. There was no way that he was about to get upset with her for looking too much into his family and then turning around and doing the same thing to her. "Well then" he paused for a moment, "Welcome to Hogwarts" he said summing up that conversation.
Istantly Will could tell that she loved her studies and took pride in her grades. There was something quite endearing about her reaction when speaking of her courses. "Well I only wish that I had your passion for knowledge" He told her with a laugh. As she asked about Defense Against the Dark Arts he shrugged his shoulders. "I'm not exactly sure, thats just been the focus of the school since its birth. Perhaps its the region that its located. The whole culture just has a much more tough and dark side to it than England does" He said thinking back to his upbringing. Everyone was taught to be tough and show no weakness. "I guess the arguable question is which school has to correct viewpoint"
It seemed they were learning a lot about each other- either that or they just had a talent for finding one another's sore subjects. And that didn't bode well. As Will regarded her, she gave him a steely look, as if she sensed that he wanted to delve more into her history. She was mad enough at her parents, but her brother was off limits. At least until she knew him better and even then... "Thanks," she said, relaxing as he closed the door on their tense conversation.
"Well, I can't say that I have a full passion for it- there are days where it's the last thing I'd like to do," she said with a soft chuckle. Often she had to force herself to her studies, especially when it was a really nice day to kick a ball around, or if she had gotten new paint. She listened quietly as he talked about his former school. "That would make sense- dark arts tend to flock there, don't they?" she said thoughtfully. "True- but each has a different environment so their viewpoint is correct based on what's needed," she pointed out.
It was time. Time to go and greet his Hufflepuff's!
The Fat Friar emerged, beaming, from the centre of the table. Directly through the fruit bowl as a matter of fact. He hovered gently and looked up and down the length of the table. "Good evening Badgers! ....and non Badgers," quite a few non badgers it turned out. "Enjoying the feast I trust?!"
Annabelle saw the Fat Friar and was smiling. He was such a sweet house ghost, she couldn't help but wave and say with a sweet smile, "Hello Fat Friar! The feast is lovely, i am loving the mashed potatoes and roast beef."
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Ella sat quietly, eyes on the table in front of her. The journey to Hogwarts had been quite an adventurous one and now that she was here, she was pretty tired. She did her best to smile at the new additions to the Hufflepuff family, knowing they would love being a badger just as much as she did. Her happiness was only stifled by the fact that she had yet to speak to her best friend Sophie, who was also sitting at the table. FROWN. She was also afraid to let her eyes wander over to the Ravenclaw table, mostly because she didn't know if a certain someone would be over there looking back. Meh.
Sitting up a little straighter, Ells smiled as the Fat Friar emerged. That was quite cool. "The feast is lovely." She said in response to the question, speaking more quietly than she normally would. It was lovely...and the food was always good...and she was glad to be back. She just wanted things to be better this term. They would be, yeah?
After Belle was done eating her food, she noticed a girl she worked with last year. She remembered her name it was at the tip of her tongue. Then it clicked! Belle wanted to go say hi, "Hi Ells!" Belle said and she walked over to her.
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
And then another person came up to him. A girl this time. Alec... blinked. Really, he had not been expecting this at all. People had always told him that he did manage to attract a lot of girls but... Hogwarts was full of them! He couldn't exactly be blamed, right? Right.
A small glint of light shining in his eyes brought him back down to earth. His eyes darted down to the shiny badge pinned to her chest. P... Prefect?! O_O He... wasn't in trouble, right? Now... what had he done over the past 24 hours that could lead to a Prefect coming up to him and-
Oh, she was speaking nicely. GRIN! "Hey... erm... can I call you Belle?" He liked giving people nicknames. They were fun! "Erm... congrats on the badge! I'm Alec, by the way. Alec Summers!"
Belle smiled, she knew he had the look on his face that he was in trouble. She giggled and said, "Don't worry you aren't in trouble, Of course you can call me Belle. I know it is short and sweet right?" Belle agreed, she always wondered why her mother gave her such a long name. Anyways onto Alec. "It is a pleasure to meet you Alec." Belle said and shook his hand. "What year are you in?"
It was time. Time to go and greet his Hufflepuff's!
The Fat Friar emerged, beaming, from the centre of the table. Directly through the fruit bowl as a matter of fact. He hovered gently and looked up and down the length of the table. "Good evening Badgers! ....and non Badgers," quite a few non badgers it turned out. "Enjoying the feast I trust?!"
Nate was minding his own buisness, trying not to move his injured arm, when the Fat Friar appeared right in front of him. "You almost gave me a chill for a second there. I don't believe we met. I'm Nate Jones." He said to the Friar almost extending his arm. Then he remembered that the Friar wouldn't be able to shake it because he's not alive. "So how are you on this evening?" He asked the Friar.
Grow? It was delphi's turn to give him a funny look. "I'm sixteen, Nathan.. I don't think I'm growing anymore," Actually, Delphinia didn't remember the last time she had noticed her own growth. And HEY! She wasn't all that little, thanks.
However, the sternness of his tone brought on amusement. Rather than push the matter, Delphi grabbed the roll off her plate and took a bite. Good? "Thank you," For filling her plate, that is. Again, he'd know. She never really had to explain herself with him.
"Yes. But you can grow weak .. and get lazy and not have energy to get through your days," he preached - filling her goblet with more juice.
He smiled wide when she took a bite, finally. "No .. Thank you" he said, munching on his own food. Lord, he was feeling .. heavy already .. he would be needing sleep sooon.
"Excited for the year, then?"
......................let's be reckless, unaffected, running out until we're breathless ...............let's be hopeful, don't get broken, and stay caught up in the moment ♥