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Entering the common room through the same corridor as the kitchens the kitchens, you will find a pile of large barrels stacked in the shadowy stone recess to your right. The second barrel from the bottom, middle of the second row, will open when tapped to the enunciation of 'Helga Hufflepuff'. (*Note: non-Hufflepuffs who tap the wrong barrel, or the incorrect number of times, will result in one of the lids bursting off and dousing the trespasser in vinegar)
Following a sloping, earthy passage inside the barrel, which will then travel upwards slightly, a cozy, round, low-ceilinged room comes into view. Welcome! Your common room is like your sanctuary. During your seven years here, your house will be like your family. The room is decorated in the cheerful house colors of yellow and black, enhanced by the use of highly polished honey-colored wood for the tables and then round doors which lead to the boys' and girls' dormitories.
Directly over the wooden mantelpiece, which is covered with carvings of decorative dancing badgers, is a portrait of Helga Hufflepuff, your house founder and one of the four Hogwarts founders, toasting her students with a tiny, two-handled golden cup. There are small, round windows level with the ground at the foot of the castle, showing a pleasant view of grass and flowers, occasionally people. As a result of the low windows, the room has a year-round sunny feel to it.
{Note: the information above has been derived from that located on Pottermore and should be credited to that accordingly}
For the first time since she'd been at school, Sutton got really really mad. Standing up and rounding on Laura, her eyes flamed with anger she spoke in a whisper that was infinitely more unnerving than if she had yelled. "What are you? Eight years old?! For your information, Laura. I do not like Edmund though apparently YOU do since you are so concerned about spreading rumors about who does like him. But news flash, Edmund doesn't like you. He loves Nell. So take your drama queen self somewhere else because EDMUND and I are trying to work on OUR train from History of Magic, and we neither need nor want your help!"
Liz's Bestie ● Helvetica ● ● Jigglypuff ● Jeff Vader
Originally Posted by Harry174
Laura looked at Sutton as it looked like she was going to tie herself to Ed, was Sutton and Ed going to get married and things, or was Sutton going to stop any girl going near Ed, it seemed like Sutton wanted to go out with Ed. "SUTTON FANCY ED!!!!! SUTTON FANCY ED!!!!!!" Laura loved this and who cares if Sutton hated her for it she didn't care. "Ed so what can I do to help?" Laura really wanted to help;
Originally Posted by Dances_With_Potter
For the first time since she'd been at school, Sutton got really really mad. Standing up and rounding on Laura, her eyes flamed with anger she spoke in a whisper that was infinitely more unnerving than if she had yelled. "What are you? Eight years old?! For your information, Laura. I do not like Edmund though apparently YOU do since you are so concerned about spreading rumors about who does like him. But news flash, Edmund doesn't like you. He loves Nell. So take your drama queen self somewhere else because EDMUND and I are trying to work on OUR train from History of Magic, and we neither need nor want your help!"
He'd been prodding wires on the train and now the girls were mad at each other? How did THAT happen? Ed looked from the train in his hands, to the girls and back to the train again. Okay then. Not touching THAT again. He put the train down and moved his hands away from it. Lets blame the train, k? K.
He'd heard his name from both sides and pretty much figured that they were fighting over him. Now THAT was new. He rubbed the back of his neck as he tried to work out what to say. Yeah, what did a guy say to two girls fighting over him, especially when they were a LOT younger than him and he was in a happy relationship? He glanced around the room awkwardly for another moment. Yeah, he didn't know what to DO or SAY. Meep.
Yesterday is not ours to recover But tomorrow is ours to win or lose.
Laura was really annoyed with the girl. "For your information I'm 14." Laura then looked straight at Sutton. "Well then why is it everytime another girl gets close to Ed you have to come over and sit on his knee or something." Laura smirked. "That's a sign of a girl being in love with someone you know, YOU LOVE ED admit it." Laura giggled, she didn't care what this girl said.
Laura looked at Sutton. "I WAS HERE WITH ED FIRST." Laura felt like hitting Sutton but she was controlling herself for now. "ED and I was talking to each other and then I was going to help ED with the train, so why don't you take your GOODY-TWO-SHOES self out of here and let me and Ed get on with fixing the train." Yeah Laura didn't like being called a drama queen.
Sutton raised her eyebrows at Laura as the girl started yelling, and then she just rolled her eyes. "It isn't my fault that girls are always fawning over him. Edmund is my best friend... He is like an older brother to me," she said in a voice as calm as Laura's had been loud. "And this train is Edmund's, Logan's, and mine so I think if anyone is going to help him, it should be us since we have a shared understanding of what we've already tried." Sutton wasn't going to rise to Laura's level. She was better than that. Calm and composed, she sat back down and started examining the train without another word.
Liz's Bestie ● Helvetica ● ● Jigglypuff ● Jeff Vader
Originally Posted by Harry174
Laura was really annoyed with the girl. "For your information I'm 14." Laura then looked straight at Sutton. "Well then why is it everytime another girl gets close to Ed you have to come over and sit on his knee or something." Laura smirked. "That's a sign of a girl being in love with someone you know, YOU LOVE ED admit it." Laura giggled, she didn't care what this girl said.
Laura looked at Sutton. "I WAS HERE WITH ED FIRST." Laura felt like hitting Sutton but she was controlling herself for now. "ED and I was talking to each other and then I was going to help ED with the train, so why don't you take your GOODY-TWO-SHOES self out of here and let me and Ed get on with fixing the train." Yeah Laura didn't like being called a drama queen.
Originally Posted by Dances_With_Potter
Sutton raised her eyebrows at Laura as the girl started yelling, and then she just rolled her eyes. "It isn't my fault that girls are always fawning over him. Edmund is my best friend... He is like an older brother to me," she said in a voice as calm as Laura's had been loud. "And this train is Edmund's, Logan's, and mine so I think if anyone is going to help him, it should be us since we have a shared understanding of what we've already tried." Sutton wasn't going to rise to Laura's level. She was better than that. Calm and composed, she sat back down and started examining the train without another word.
She did? Did Sutton really always come and sit with him when he was with another girl? No. This was the first time as far as he could remember. Er, LOVE? That word was being thrown around between the two? Oh gosh. The screwdriver suddenly seemed EXTREMELY interesting. His eyes widened as Sutton said girls fawned over him. No they didn't! Couldn't a guy be friends with a girl without people thinking they were dating or secretly in love?!
Common sense was telling him to shut up and for once, Edmund Clay was listening. He was glad Sutton saw him as a brother though, she was starting to become the little sister he'd never had. His eyes turned back to the train as Sutton examined it. He couldn't help but wonder if girls EVER got along with each other.
Nope. He was still not touching that train.
Yesterday is not ours to recover But tomorrow is ours to win or lose.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Originally Posted by PuppySara
"This isn't just about them, Min." Okay, it was just about all the arguing with Taylor and him being hurt by Ari... but he wouldn't admit that, he would just sound childish. Damon sighed, "I just don't feel at home here anymore, and it seems a lot of arguments have been caused just because I have been idiotic or said the wrong thing, and I think everyone would be better off without me here." He looked down at her, "I just need to leave, clear my mind and try to make things work for the better somewhere new." He shook his head, "And even if I did stay I still would only have one term left here, so I'd still end up missing you in the end of it, because I'm going to be in France hopefully studying to get my degree in law."
Minerva sighed feeling tears in her eyes a bit, "Well then I guess you should just go. I don't want you to go, but your right I'm either going to start missing you next term or the term after." she frowned and looked away. She didn't like the thought of her friend not being at school with her. Hadn't she said goodbye to enough people, but that was life now wasn't it.
Minerva was in the middle of her conversation with Damon when she heard to people getting very loud. Turning she saw Laura and Sutton. What were they fighting over. Then she saw Ed.. Really?? Fighting over Ed, he was cute, but still couldn't they be a little more nice about it. "Ummm.. Is everything alright over there?" she called over to them. "Ed you okay?" she looked at him to see if he could explain what was up with her other friends.
Sutton raised her eyebrows at Laura as the girl started yelling, and then she just rolled her eyes. "It isn't my fault that girls are always fawning over him. Edmund is my best friend... He is like an older brother to me," she said in a voice as calm as Laura's had been loud. "And this train is Edmund's, Logan's, and mine so I think if anyone is going to help him, it should be us since we have a shared understanding of what we've already tried." Sutton wasn't going to rise to Laura's level. She was better than that. Calm and composed, she sat back down and started examining the train without another word.
Laura was really annoyed now. "Yeah right." Laura giggled. "I've seen that look in girls face before and well it's of a girl in love with someone." Laura smirked, yeah Sutton loved Ed everyone knew it. "That why when gorgeous girls like me come near Ed you have to try and get us away from him." Laura smiled.
Obviously, Laura hadn't heard, and since she was the biggest gossip in the world, maybe there was hope that no one was talking about what had happened with Isaac. She seriously wanted to cry, but she bit her tongue and kept her face calm. Sutton scooted closer to Edmund and tried to just focus on the train, but when she reached forward to touch it, her hands were shaking with the emotion she was holding back. Looking up at Edmund, he hoped he understood her plea for help without needing to say the words. If Laura didn't stop, this wasn't going to end well for one of them, and she was pretty sure Edmund didn't want to chase Sutton through the freezing cold weather again...
And then she heard another familiar voice, and Sutton looked up to see Minnie talking to them, asking if things were okay. No, they most certainly were NOT okay, and she wasn't sure anything would feel okay for awhile, not until she knew things were okay with Isaac. Making eye contact with Minnie, but afraid to open her mouth and betraying how she really felt, her eyes flicked to Laura for just a moment. Surely Minnie would get the hint, that Laura was causing drama for no reason again...
Liz's Bestie ● Helvetica ● ● Jigglypuff ● Jeff Vader
Meep! This wasn't good! And he wasn't happy anymore, Sutton was getting upset and she was still so fragile. He glanced up at Minnie. "Personally, yes. If we're looking at the situation as a whole, no." Yep, that's right. Edmund Clay had just called them on the arguing.
"Look, Laura, while you are pretty..." Tell the truth, no? "It doesn't mean you have to mention it every five seconds, okay?" Okay. He put an arm around Sutton to try and comfort her. "Sut doesn't fancy me, she's like my sister and I'm like her brother. Even if she did, I don't think you should be teasing her about it. Especially in front of me." Nope, he wasn't liking the awkwardness. Plus, why would anyone fancy him? He was surprised that even Nell was interested, being as pretty as she was.
"So, can we move on from the 'who fancies who' conversation and work on fixing this train?" He asked hopefully.
Yesterday is not ours to recover But tomorrow is ours to win or lose.
Laura looked at Sutton and sighed, she hadn't meant to make her upset. "Look Sutton I was just messing." Laura smiled at Sutton. "Your a great girl." Laura knew that her and Sutton probably won't be friends but at least they could be on talking terms. "I think your smart Sutton." Laura looked at Ed and smiled. "Okay then lets work on the train." Laura smiled at Edd and Sutton, "I'm sorry for teasing you Sutton." Yeah Laura was Appologising anything wrong with that?
Sutton was so thankful that Edmund finally intervened on her behalf. Hopefully Laura would understand that she was telling the truth about not liking him. Even when Laura's voice changed and she tried to be nice, Sutton was still upset. Finally she took a steadying voice and spoke to the girl, "I forgive you. You just really need to be careful about teasing people, Laura, because you never know what they're going through or how little it might take to push someone too far. You also never know what kind of a friend you might be missing out on."
Yep. That was all she had to say about that.
Sutton didn't really feel like fixing in the train anymore. She pulled her knees up to her chest and rested her chin on them, silently sitting next to Ed and watching him work.
Minerva sighed feeling tears in her eyes a bit, "Well then I guess you should just go. I don't want you to go, but your right I'm either going to start missing you next term or the term after." she frowned and looked away. She didn't like the thought of her friend not being at school with her. Hadn't she said goodbye to enough people, but that was life now wasn't it.
Minerva was in the middle of her conversation with Damon when she heard to people getting very loud. Turning she saw Laura and Sutton. What were they fighting over. Then she saw Ed.. Really?? Fighting over Ed, he was cute, but still couldn't they be a little more nice about it. "Ummm.. Is everything alright over there?" she called over to them. "Ed you okay?" she looked at him to see if he could explain what was up with her other friends.
Damon looked down at her and sighed, "Min.. I'll honestly only stay for one thing." He admitted, "Though two of the three have happened I know the last one won't." Because it was having his only three real friends at the school say they want him to stay. Taylor and Min had... But he knew better than to hope that Ari would want him there.
Sutton, Laura, Ed.. (Min is up to something..hehe)
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Originally Posted by PuppySara
Damon looked down at her and sighed, "Min.. I'll honestly only stay for one thing." He admitted, "Though two of the three have happened I know the last one won't." Because it was having his only three real friends at the school say they want him to stay. Taylor and Min had... But he knew better than to hope that Ari would want him there.
Minerva shook her head, "You don't know that. Ariana and you just need to talk. If you can still be friends with me and still be friends with Taylor there is no reason you can't be friends with Ariana after some time. You just have to let things settle down and hurt feelings heal." She thought about how she needed to take her own advice on this one. "Everything will work out in the end, just have faith." she gave him a small smile.
Looking over to her three friends she saw Sutton give her a look and knew something was wrong, but what. Hmm that was interesting. Could it have something to do with her Ed question she had asked Min a day or two ago.. Then she heard Ed and knew something was going on, "Well anything I can help with?" She offered then kind of heard what Laura said, but shrugged it off. When a thought crossed her mind.. Hmm what is the best way to get a guy out of his sad state.. Meet more cute girls, that's it!!! Minerva got up all excited.. "Damon.. I want you to meet some more puffs. You need more house friends.." Yes.. yes this was true, it wouldn't kill him.
Dragging him towards the other three she smiled. "Hey Sutton, Laura, Ed.. I would like you to meet Damon. Damon this is Ed, Sutton, and Laura. Damon is kind of shy and I want to push him out of that and get him to meet some great people." and yes she was saying all three of you were great!
Minerva shook her head, "You don't know that. Ariana and you just need to talk. If you can still be friends with me and still be friends with Taylor there is no reason you can't be friends with Ariana after some time. You just have to let things settle down and hurt feelings heal." She thought about how she needed to take her own advice on this one. "Everything will work out in the end, just have faith." she gave him a small smile.
Looking over to her three friends she saw Sutton give her a look and knew something was wrong, but what. Hmm that was interesting. Could it have something to do with her Ed question she had asked Min a day or two ago.. Then she heard Ed and knew something was going on, "Well anything I can help with?" She offered then kind of heard what Laura said, but shrugged it off. When a thought crossed her mind.. Hmm what is the best way to get a guy out of his sad state.. Meet more cute girls, that's it!!! Minerva got up all excited.. "Damon.. I want you to meet some more puffs. You need more house friends.." Yes.. yes this was true, it wouldn't kill him.
Dragging him towards the other three she smiled. "Hey Sutton, Laura, Ed.. I would like you to meet Damon. Damon this is Ed, Sutton, and Laura. Damon is kind of shy and I want to push him out of that and get him to meet some great people." and yes she was saying all three of you were great!
Damon sighed and before he had a chance to respond she pulled him up and over towards new people... *gulp* His worst thing, "Min I don't think..." And to late. He sighed and looked at the three people, "Charmed I'm sure..." He said quietly.
Liz's Bestie ● Helvetica ● ● Jigglypuff ● Jeff Vader
...Say what? Laura apologised just like that? Well, that was a relief. He glanced at Sutton as she started to sort of stick up for herself and smiled. Well, she had to learn, and he was glad she'd taken the opportunity to say her piece without getting overly upset. When she hugged her knees, Ed gazed at her for a moment, wondering just how upset she was. More than she was letting on, obviously.
He shook his head at Minnie with a smile, thankful for the offer all the same. His eyes flickered back to the train during the momental silence, but turned back to Minnie when she said his name. A grin spread across his face at Minnie calling the three of them great. "Careful, my head might get too big to go through the barrel." He joked before looking at the shy kid. "Hey, Damon. Feel free to pull up a bit of floor, we don't bite. Promise." He glanced at Laura. "Be careful with that one though, she's sneaky." he narrowed his eyes at Laura playfully before sticking out his tongue. Back to normal now, yes? He threw Sutton a hopeful glance.
Yesterday is not ours to recover But tomorrow is ours to win or lose.
Laura really wished she hadn't upset Sutton so much she hadn't ment to. "I'm really, really sorry Sutton." Laura looked straight at Sutton. "Can we be friends?" Laura really really really wanted to be friends with Sutton and she wanted to hug her but didn't. "I promise I'll be kind."
Laura was about to say something when Ed spoke. "HEY!!!!!!!" Laura pouted before giggling. "Hi Damon." Laura smiled as she looked up at him. "It's Ed that's sneaky." Laura stuck her tongue out at Ed. "My tongue is cuter." Laura giggled before turning back to Damon. "How are you?"
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Minerva gave a don't hate me smile to Damon, but he only had a small group of friends, if he ventured out then maybe we would feel more comfortable and would want to stay. "Damon, is a sixth year and he is super nice and sweet." she was talking more to the girls then Ed, because Ed wouldn't care if he is sweet. "Ed, just moved here Damon so he's just getting to know people as well." Yes, see Damon there were even more guys you could be friends with.
"So what were you guys doing before we came and interrupted?" Minerva looked around wanting to figure out a way to get Damon into the conversation more...
...Say what? Laura apologised just like that? Well, that was a relief. He glanced at Sutton as she started to sort of stick up for herself and smiled. Well, she had to learn, and he was glad she'd taken the opportunity to say her piece without getting overly upset. When she hugged her knees, Ed gazed at her for a moment, wondering just how upset she was. More than she was letting on, obviously.
He shook his head at Minnie with a smile, thankful for the offer all the same. His eyes flickered back to the train during the momental silence, but turned back to Minnie when she said his name. A grin spread across his face at Minnie calling the three of them great. "Careful, my head might get too big to go through the barrel." He joked before looking at the shy kid. "Hey, Damon. Feel free to pull up a bit of floor, we don't bite. Promise." He glanced at Laura. "Be careful with that one though, she's sneaky." he narrowed his eyes at Laura playfully before sticking out his tongue. Back to normal now, yes? He threw Sutton a hopeful glance.
Originally Posted by Harry174
Laura really wished she hadn't upset Sutton so much she hadn't ment to. "I'm really, really sorry Sutton." Laura looked straight at Sutton. "Can we be friends?" Laura really really really wanted to be friends with Sutton and she wanted to hug her but didn't. "I promise I'll be kind."
Laura was about to say something when Ed spoke. "HEY!!!!!!!" Laura pouted before giggling. "Hi Damon." Laura smiled as she looked up at him. "It's Ed that's sneaky." Laura stuck her tongue out at Ed. "My tongue is cuter." Laura giggled before turning back to Damon. "How are you?"
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Minerva gave a don't hate me smile to Damon, but he only had a small group of friends, if he ventured out then maybe we would feel more comfortable and would want to stay. "Damon, is a sixth year and he is super nice and sweet." she was talking more to the girls then Ed, because Ed wouldn't care if he is sweet. "Ed, just moved here Damon so he's just getting to know people as well." Yes, see Damon there were even more guys you could be friends with.
"So what were you guys doing before we came and interrupted?" Minerva looked around wanting to figure out a way to get Damon into the conversation more...
Damon gave a nervous smile, they all seemed pretty close already, surely he didn't need to be in this conversation. Why do you torment me, Min? He sat down when offered and tried to keep his mouth shut.
And then... Laura? Right... he thought that was her anyways, asked how he was, "Fine..." His voice cracked slightly and Damon looked down, "And yourself?... Or you all?" He obviously had no idea what to do, I repeat, WHY MINERVA?!
It happened so suddenly, and quietly, but it happened all the same: everyone in the Common Room, whether they had been lounging there for hours or had just walked in the door, was suddenly evicted.
An unseen force repelled all Hufflepuff students from their Common Room and attached areas. The same force locked all entrances and exits to the rooms with one resounding, echoing, ominous CLICK.
The Common Room was officially locked and sealed to all.
It didn't take long for Sophia to raise her wand and cast the unlocking spell. Leo was relieved when it turned out it didn't need two people. The distinctive pssh sound was heard once more.
"Sure. I'll check that the common room is now unclocked." Wand still in hand the mop haired man turned the door knob and walked in.
Coming into the badger den Leobald looked around. It seemed everything was in order. No overturned tables or chairs. He went up the stairs and checked both the boy- and girls dormitories. Josephina probably wouldn't be pleased if he hadn't double checked all the rooms.
Coming back into the common room area Leo shouted out to Sophia "IT WORKED!". Hurrah. Another common room was unlocked. Satisfied the bookman left the Hufflepuff common room.
Last edited by Nordic Witch; 11-18-2012 at 10:34 AM.
Damon walked into the common room with a small smile, he never realized how comfortable it seemed until now... Then again he'd been sleeping on the ground the past few days that might be why. He looked around and smiled as Pixel came running up to him. He picked the small puff up and chuckled.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Originally Posted by PuppySara
Damon walked into the common room with a small smile, he never realized how comfortable it seemed until now... Then again he'd been sleeping on the ground the past few days that might be why. He looked around and smiled as Pixel came running up to him. He picked the small puff up and chuckled.
Minerva slowly walked down from the girls dorm. She hadn't slept well the night before from her stupid headache and decided to go relax on one of the chairs for awhile. As she made her way into the common room she noticed someone else sitting in their favorite spot. "I shouldn't be surprised I would find you sitting here." She giggled and sat in the chair next to him throwing her feet over his legs to get comfortable. She knew she could do this kind of stuff with one of her best friends. "So what are you up to?"
Minerva slowly walked down from the girls dorm. She hadn't slept well the night before from her stupid headache and decided to go relax on one of the chairs for awhile. As she made her way into the common room she noticed someone else sitting in their favorite spot. "I shouldn't be surprised I would find you sitting here." She giggled and sat in the chair next to him throwing her feet over his legs to get comfortable. She knew she could do this kind of stuff with one of her best friends. "So what are you up to?"
Damon smiled at Min as she came and sat down by him, "You really shouldn't be." He chuckled, "Nothing much though. I've been trying to decide what to do for college." Had he told her about that yet? Meh, he'd find out in a minute if she seemed confused, "What about you?" Pixel squeaked, apparently recognizing Minerva as she jumped in her lap.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Originally Posted by PuppySara
Damon smiled at Min as she came and sat down by him, "You really shouldn't be." He chuckled, "Nothing much though. I've been trying to decide what to do for college." Had he told her about that yet? Meh, he'd find out in a minute if she seemed confused, "What about you?" Pixel squeaked, apparently recognizing Minerva as she jumped in her lap.
Minerva couldn't help but smile at the little creature when she jumped in Minerva's lap. "I've missed you too Pixel, glad to see you are okay after the common room lockout chaos." Minerva snuggled up with Pixel, petting her and giving her special attention for a little bit.
Then she looked back up confused, "Oh Damon, you have all next term to figure out college. Don't stress about it now. Classes just ended and term is coming to a close, just relax for a bit." She laughed he might be surprised that she of all people would be saying relax when it came to school. "I thought you were going to France for law school anyway, isn't that what you have been talking about?"
Minerva couldn't help but smile at the little creature when she jumped in Minerva's lap. "I've missed you too Pixel, glad to see you are okay after the common room lockout chaos." Minerva snuggled up with Pixel, petting her and giving her special attention for a little bit.
Then she looked back up confused, "Oh Damon, you have all next term to figure out college. Don't stress about it now. Classes just ended and term is coming to a close, just relax for a bit." She laughed he might be surprised that she of all people would be saying relax when it came to school. "I thought you were going to France for law school anyway, isn't that what you have been talking about?"
Damon smiled and shook his head, "She's just lucky Grim didn't eat her without me being around." He looked at Minerva and sighed, "Well, getting into college is no problem. I've had three accept me already... But the location may change. I don't want to leave Ari here completely alone without me, so there's one that's ten minutes away from the train station."
He then went on explaining that him being closer would hopefully make it easier for the two of them to be there for each other, then he also would still be by Ari and everyone else, "I just... I want to do both, live my dream and be here for her. I couldn't live with knowing when I'm off studying she can't count on me to be here whenever she needs me to be."