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As you make your way into the History of magic classroom you notice that thankfully it appears quite normal. The desks are set in the usual order of twos, with nothing at all on top.
The windows are closed thanks to the light rain that continues to fall outside. Up front Professor Scabior is leaning against his desk, and gazing out the window, appearing to be slightly distracted as he does not even notice you enter. Nevertheless, pick your desk and grab a seat, class will begin shortly.
OOC: Class has started so, act like you've been here the whole time if you wish to join! Class will begin soon. Please familiarize yourself with the updated classroom rules. Your characters can chat, dance, try to set the room on fire. Just remember Scabior is there, and SS and RPG rules apply.
Oh, the staff room does not have a password +BLINK+ That seems strange, but he does have a point, I would not go in there. Soon after that thought a new question was at hand, and she had a good idea of how to answer. She.raised.her hand and said, "We need passwords to keep only certain people from getting into certain areas so only the people who belong there can get in. prefects need a private area to discuss their duities and only certain people should get in each common room so people can develop a bond amongst their fellow housemates. Also in general only allowing certain people in certain areas will prevent overcrowding as well".
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
Ah, okay. So the ghost invitation didn't count as a password. Which, really made sense. Anyway, getting off track. She tried to think of a reason that no one had said yet but still made sense, but that was easier said than done. Ah, well. She just nodded along with what her classmates were saying, indicating her agreement. Because, really she didn't want to become repetitive. That was boring.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Why did places like the prefects' bathroom and the common rooms need passwords? Ella stroked her imaginary beard while she listened to her classmates offer up their own ideas. She agreed with the whole safety aspect and also with the privacy point as well. "Professor, I think if those places didn't have passwords they wouldn't be as erm...special, I guess. For instance the prefects' bathroom is soley for the use of the prefects because they earned the right to be there. If just anyone could enter it would kind of lose it special quality." Same with the common rooms. They were kind of an escape from everything else for each specific house and if people were allowed to enter and exit as they pleased, the common rooms wouldn't feel as homey.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles
Now that they had a list of places, Scabior was no longer distracted. He felt alert and ready to teach. "So as we agreed to before, passwords are used to restrict people and limit access. Why would places like Common Rooms and the Prefects bathroom or any of the other places listed need to have limited access to get in?"
Well, they'd already discussed how passwords restricted people and limited access, so Sierra tried to think of something else to bring to the table. She raised her hand slowly at first, and then she raised it at a normal pace and to full height as a thought came to mind.
"...because the people inside don't want the others to find out what they're up to," she said. "Usually if you're trying to restrict access, you're planning something or working hard for something that you don't want the others to know about. You're worried that they'll get in on all your good ideas and use that as a chance to one-up you."
He nodded his head respectfully when the Historian acknowledged his answer. Now where else in the school would be using password? He listened to the others mention other places, some he already knew, others he didnt. Which got him wondering.... "Professor, what about the Faculty sleeping quarters?.. for those who arent bunking with us in our Common Rooms?" He has always wondered where the rest of those who arent looking after a particular house actually slept...
Aspen was the only one, but Vickers asking about getting into Faculty quarters made her laugh. Obviously Ravenclaws would ask questions just for the sake of asking questions, curiosity and all that, but... mostly... she figured he was asking for a more specific reason. Haha. Boys.
She didn't bother raising her hand to answer the question. She hadn't bothered answering of the other questions up until now either.
"They don't NEED limited access." Shrug. "If an area needed to be truly restricted, like the Hogwarts gates, it'd be truly restricted with charms and such. Passwords just work as deterrents. Or challenges for those students that get bored." With enough time, there wasn't a password at Hogwarts that wasn't breakable in Aspen's opinion.
Professors should password protect their classes. Imagine all the students that would be left outside? hahaha!mental-cackling!
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz
Aspen was the only one, but Vickers asking about getting into Faculty quarters made her laugh. Obviously Ravenclaws would ask questions just for the sake of asking questions, curiosity and all that, but... mostly... she figured he was asking for a more specific reason. Haha. Boys.
She didn't bother raising her hand to answer the question. She hadn't bothered answering of the other questions up until now either.
"They don't NEED limited access." Shrug. "If an area needed to be truly restricted, like the Hogwarts gates, it'd be truly restricted with charms and such. Passwords just work as deterrents. Or challenges for those students that get bored." With enough time, there wasn't a password at Hogwarts that wasn't breakable in Aspen's opinion.
Professors should password protect their classes. Imagine all the students that would be left outside? hahaha!mental-cackling!
There was... laughing. He turned his head as his gaze fell on the Ravenclaw brunette. His lips twitched upwards at the corners, not sure if he should laugh with Aspen or grimace at the fact that Aspen was possibly laughing at him. It was a legitimate answer he thought, because he was finding it hard to imagine certain Faculty members like the Headmistress sleeping in a couch in her office. Scabbior? Maybe.
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles
Now that they had a list of places, Scabior was no longer distracted. He felt alert and ready to teach. "So as we agreed to before, passwords are used to restrict people and limit access. Why would places like Common Rooms and the Prefects bathroom or any of the other places listed need to have limited access to get in?"
Now why the passwords? Vickers pondered the question for a few minutes. If it was all about elitism and privilege, why bother with passwords at all? Wouldnt it be easier and more obvious to the not-so-lucky to just keep to membership tokens and exclusive invites? "The primary purpose of passwords is for security Professor...." he finally spoke after raising his hand "...and sometimes its not always about keeping people out, but more so keeping whats inside from getting out or being taken, as most of the time people who are legitimately given a password to certain places or things are entrusted to keep whatevers inside safe or respectable."
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Last edited by Steelsheen; 11-20-2012 at 05:20 PM.
Reason: adding Aspen ;)
The little first year raised her hand and added her two cents.
"Well they're meant to limit access to certain areas or to certain groups, maybe to keep harm out or to keep others from learning things they aren't supposed to know. But I do have to agree with the girl who just spoke. Passwords really aren't very secure. Anyone who wanted to tell someone else would be free to do so. They're more of an honor system type code or an ego boost for those that are in the know." She put her hand back down, hoping that she hadn't been too off topic.
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles
Now that they had a list of places, Scabior was no longer distracted. He felt alert and ready to teach. "So as we agreed to before, passwords are used to restrict people and limit access. Why would places like Common Rooms and the Prefects bathroom or any of the other places listed need to have limited access to get in?"[/color]
That was a pretty straight forward question. All these were quite easy, but Theo blamed that partly on his inner secret spy. He knew all about the secret stuff..... yep..
"Well... I..." All dramatic-like, "...would like to go to classes knowing that my stuff was locked away from everyone other than my housemates." Because he trusted any Slytherin for obvious reasons. But WHO could trust a thieving Ravenclaw. Or Gryffindor. Theo wouldn't be surprised if Alice nabbed his Omnioculars at any given chance.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
I didn't quote everyone just a few! All your answers were good though!
★ BabyQuad ★ PERRY THE PLATYPUS ★ Ern's Fave ★ dangerous with brooms ★
Originally Posted by Tegz
"To make the people who can get in to whatever part feel special and exclusive?" West suggested, putting his hand up, "Which can encourage a sense of belonging to a particular house or group or whatever." Just saying. Part of what made a house a house, or prefects prefects, or whatever, was knowing the secrets and stuff associated with that group, and not knowing the secrets of another group.
Yup. His point of view was SLIIIIGHTLY different wasn't it? Oh wells.
In the case of the common rooms yes. Scabior nodded."It would bring housemates closer together." Since only they could get into that certain area.
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Kurumi found herself nodding a bit when West spoke, thinking the same sort of thing herself. Before being prefected her fourth year she had often wondered what the prefects' bathroom looked like and just what all was in there. It was actually the first place she explored once she had received her badge and she was rather glad that prefects had such a place because it provided...
Hand up! "Privacy and security," Kurumi answered. "A place where things can be discussed and not have unwanted ears overhear anything or see something that was going on. Or to keep harmful people or creatures from entering easily. Historically we saw how this could cause panic when Sirius Black entered the Gryffindor common room." Although he was no real threat in the end. Or like when Gryffindor had house meetings and didn't want the other houses knowing their plans and what not. Selina was especially avid about these with Quidditch. All those secret team lineups and strategies and what not.
Ah, but no. "In the case of the Common Rooms however it is not that private. Your information might not be spread to other houses but there are a number of people in your house that could get the information and spread it anyways."
Originally Posted by the fastest seeker
Well, she knew that it wasn't the question but she didn't know what to answer to that question. At least he didn't snap at her which she appreciated. Hmmm....Now what was the next question?
Still discussing passwords obviously. Cassia considered the question and tried to think hard and fast...Well as hard and fast she could manage anyway. She then raised her hand and spoke," Each one of those places that are protected by passwords were first established for certain people to use or enter. It's a way of keeping order I guess. Because otherwise all students,in the common rooms case, would be able to enter any common room. Then what's the point of having houses if it didn't have any specificity to it." That at least what she could think of.
Scabior snapped his fingers and even let out a smallsmaall smile. "Yes exactly. That's exactly it.."
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Minerva was not satisfied with the response she got from her answer. She wasn't one to fight, argue, or disagree with a professor, but her hand shot up, "But, Professor.. A person that might come across the chamber, but doesn't know parseltongue or how to copy it still couldn't get in. Which would make the parseltongue itself a password to protect the area so not just anyone could get in." Putting her hand down feeling better of explaining her answer she began to listen again.
Minerva then put her hand up again, "Well in these areas the school doesn't want just any student getting in, because each common room has meanings, and a special place for each house. So bringing other houses into that area would take away from its special ways. Same goes for the prefects bathroom. It holds a special place and a meaning behind being there. If just any student could use it, it would not hold that meaning any longer. So keeping them protected by passwords, keeps that meaning intact."
Well.....Scabior nodded, listening and taking in what the Puff was saying. She made a good point but...."See it's tricky. Since there are no set words that someone must use the idea of it being a password is out. However like you said, maybe, if you consider the language an important aspect of opening the chamber then it can possibly be considered a password. Though keep in mind, if the Hufflepuff password is "orange" and someone says orange in French it will not open. If you are considering the use of Parseltongue the language as a password then you also have to consider the use of the English language as a password." Hmm. Did she get it, or had he confused her?
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Why did places like the prefects' bathroom and the common rooms need passwords? Ella stroked her imaginary beard while she listened to her classmates offer up their own ideas. She agreed with the whole safety aspect and also with the privacy point as well. "Professor, I think if those places didn't have passwords they wouldn't be as erm...special, I guess. For instance the prefects' bathroom is soley for the use of the prefects because they earned the right to be there. If just anyone could enter it would kind of lose it special quality." Same with the common rooms. They were kind of an escape from everything else for each specific house and if people were allowed to enter and exit as they pleased, the common rooms wouldn't feel as homey.
Prefect bathroom? Yes. Another student that hit the nail on the head. "Yes! You are right." He nodded.
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz
Aspen was the only one, but Vickers asking about getting into Faculty quarters made her laugh. Obviously Ravenclaws would ask questions just for the sake of asking questions, curiosity and all that, but... mostly... she figured he was asking for a more specific reason. Haha. Boys.
She didn't bother raising her hand to answer the question. She hadn't bothered answering of the other questions up until now either.
"They don't NEED limited access." Shrug. "If an area needed to be truly restricted, like the Hogwarts gates, it'd be truly restricted with charms and such. Passwords just work as deterrents. Or challenges for those students that get bored." With enough time, there wasn't a password at Hogwarts that wasn't breakable in Aspen's opinion.
Professors should password protect their classes. Imagine all the students that would be left outside? hahaha!mental-cackling!
Well the older Odessa had not spoken up in his class in a while. "Right you are. If things really did need to be protected passwords would not be used."
Originally Posted by Emzily
That was a pretty straight forward question. All these were quite easy, but Theo blamed that partly on his inner secret spy. He knew all about the secret stuff..... yep..
"Well... I..." All dramatic-like, "...would like to go to classes knowing that my stuff was locked away from everyone other than my housemates." Because he trusted any Slytherin for obvious reasons. But WHO could trust a thieving Ravenclaw. Or Gryffindor. Theo wouldn't be surprised if Alice nabbed his Omnioculars at any given chance.
Scabior rased a brow at the young boy. "But why? What makes members of each house do different that you can not trust one with your stuff?" There was a certain house he....didn't exactly like as much as the others but that did not mean that Scabior could not trust them. It just meant he didn't like them.
"So, while all of your answers are good, some are more truthful than others. Just like Miss Somerlad said, for things like Common Room purposes, passwords are merely used to keep order. This many students in this many rooms and no other is allowed in. In case of emergencies it is known right away how many students are located in which common rooms." Which was exactly why students in separate houses could not visit each other.
"As for the prefects bathroom like Miss Bishop stated, become a Prefect is something that is earned. So restricting what they have to other students simply makes sense." The other students didn't earn anything. The prefects did.
"Most of other places in the castle where passwords are simply deterrents, and thank you Miss Odessa for pointing that out. If we truly wanted to safeguard an area it would be charmed as well as include something else just in the case of someone breaking the charm.' He nodded and then cleared his throat. Scabior language for: get ready to write some stuff down.
"So the idea of passwords instead of using charms on many things was introduced to the castle in the 12th century after many of the charms happened to backfire letting people into areas they shouldn't but mostly restricting more people than they should. The Charms Professor at the time, Petey Pride decided that perhaps giving the students the incantations to reomove the charm and then place it back would work. This lasted for a few weeks at most because in areas such as Common Rooms, younger students did not quite have a grasp on the complicated aspect of the charms that had to be used and so often had to wait outside for hours until an older student let them in." It was to say the least, extremely flawed. "Pride continously insisted that charms be used for everything, until another professor Surles Cavendish brought forth the idea of passwords. Pride was intimately against the use of passwords and gave the Headmaster an ultimatum, use charms or he would walk out of the job. Suffice it to say, he was replaced pretty quickly."
Poor Petey. Not so much though. Scabior stopped for a bit, letting anything sink in in case they wanted to ask any questions.
"After he left a list was drafted of all the places that would have passwords and all the places in the castle that would have charms, dubbed the Hogwarts Security Act. The act has since been lost, but the majority of password protected areas are known." Which was obvious enough since they all knew so many. With ALLL that being said, "Are there any places in the castle that do not currently have passwords that you believe need or should have one?
{act like you know me, but you never will}__{but there's one thing that I know for sure} {i'll show you}
"After he left a list was drafted of all the places that would have passwords and all the places in the castle that would have charms, dubbed the Hogwarts Security Act. The act has since been lost, but the majority of password protected areas are known." Which was obvious enough since they all knew so many. With ALLL that being said, "Are there any places in the castle that do not currently have passwords that you believe need or should have one?
Laura looked at the Professor and smiled. "I don't think the Staff-room has a password?" Laura was sure that it was just a door that was kept locked all the time, but people have picked locks before so they could do it again. "I think that it would be a good idea for the staff-room to have a password."
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles
Scabior rased a brow at the young boy. "But why? What makes members of each house do different that you can not trust one with your stuff?" There was a certain house he....didn't exactly like as much as the others but that did not mean that Scabior could not trust them. It just meant he didn't like them.
"Cos.. I thought your housemates were like your family." Theodore shrugged, then began to think a little more. "It's like putting a lock on your house at home. I wouldn't go and give all of my friends keys to my house cos that'd be WEIRD, and I'd want privacy and..." And, and, and, what was that wooooooooood? "Security."
Oh yeah.
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles
"After he left a list was drafted of all the places that would have passwords and all the places in the castle that would have charms, dubbed the Hogwarts Security Act. The act has since been lost, but the majority of password protected areas are known." Which was obvious enough since they all knew so many. With ALLL that being said, "Are there any places in the castle that do not currently have passwords that you believe need or should have one?
After listening with a tight expression though ALL those words that Scabior just spoke, Theo almost forgot to listen to the next question. It was all good, though, he heard it. Though, he did pause at first. Whilst one side of his brain said that every room needed a password, his social side was saying BAAAAAAAAAD IDEA.
"I would like to have my own separate bedroom with a password on it." Or a lock. Theodore was into personal space, if you hadn't already guessed. As for other places, there wasn't much else he could think of.
"But I realize that could be a stretch." Another shrug.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
SPOILER!!: Professor
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles
"So the idea of passwords instead of using charms on many things was introduced to the castle in the 12th century after many of the charms happened to backfire letting people into areas they shouldn't but mostly restricting more people than they should. The Charms Professor at the time, Petey Pride decided that perhaps giving the students the incantations to reomove the charm and then place it back would work. This lasted for a few weeks at most because in areas such as Common Rooms, younger students did not quite have a grasp on the complicated aspect of the charms that had to be used and so often had to wait outside for hours until an older student let them in." It was to say the least, extremely flawed. "Pride continously insisted that charms be used for everything, until another professor Surles Cavendish brought forth the idea of passwords. Pride was intimately against the use of passwords and gave the Headmaster an ultimatum, use charms or he would walk out of the job. Suffice it to say, he was replaced pretty quickly."
Poor Petey. Not so much though. Scabior stopped for a bit, letting anything sink in in case they wanted to ask any questions.
"After he left a list was drafted of all the places that would have passwords and all the places in the castle that would have charms, dubbed the Hogwarts Security Act. The act has since been lost, but the majority of password protected areas are known." Which was obvious enough since they all knew so many. With ALLL that being said, "Are there any places in the castle that do not currently have passwords that you believe need or should have one?[/color]
That was a lot for one kid to take in. Personally she couldn't care less why they put up passwords and stuff 'cause it just meant she couldn't go places but she had a feeling she'd need the information so she scribbled down as much as she could while he went on talking.
Thankfully he stopped, giving her a chance to catch up with everything. Her hands only went so fast you know!
Right and onto his question now--
Whaaaat? O____O
How could he possibly think there were more places that could use a good password?! Wasn't she being restricted enough?! Her hand flew up immediately. "Professor I think this place is pretty well locked up; it doesn't need anymore passwords." Merlin, how did anyone expect her to go exploring when everything was out of reach. Couldn't they just try to be a bit more considerate? Jeesh. "Everything's fine just the way it is." Correction; it needed to be a bit more open, but she wouldn't say that.
And did Theo really say he needed his own bedroom?? Dangit, and here she thought she was demanding.
"Unless of course you think somewhere else needs locking off." Somewhere you wanted to share with the class? Hmm?
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
*Blink* Professor Scabior had liked her answer...and repeated it to the class? Ella just kind of looked from him to Theo with a confused expression on her face. They were so convinced that the History of Magic Professor was out for payback after the train incident that it was hard for the blonde to comprehend him praising something she'd said. Was this a trick? Meep. She shrugged and gave the man a small smile.
As for places in the castle that might need to be password protected that aren't already, Ella shrugged. Hmmm... "Professor, perhaps the places where the magical creatures are kept could use passwords? That would ensure the safety of both the students and the animals." Seemed like a good idea, especially given the fact that several animals had been killed/disappeared this term. Oh! And that skrewt that had attacked first term! Meep.
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
Emmanuelle had been paying attention, yep, she just didn't have anything to add to what everyone had said. She set her quill and, as best she could, took down notes of what the professor said. It was actually interesting, to say the least, especially the part about the Hogwarts Security Act. How could something that was obviously that important be lost? But, they were moving so she held her question for the library later.
Other places in the castle that should have passwords? "The broomshed? To keep students from stealing the brooms."
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Well sure. West stuck his hand up. "Mine and Theo and Terry's dorm. Just on account of it'd be cool." Pretty much. HE didn't have other places he needed to protect, save his own trunk, which had a lock anyways.
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
So clearly EVERYONE in the class had an understanding of what a password was. Which was excellent considering that it made Scabior's job easier. He nodded at each answer, the majority of them differed but in the end they were all saying the same thing. "So we can all agree that, passwords are words, phrases, symbols, and numbers, that are used to limit access to a handful of people." Therefore excluding everyone else. He raised a brow. Yes? Yes. They could all agree in that.
"Within the school, passwords are used for the common rooms like Mister Vanderbilt and others stated. Where else in the castle are passwords used?"
Belle raised her hand and said, "Professor i know that portraits in this school have passwords use for secret entrances to get to classes faster."
SPOILER!!: Professor 2!
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles
Now that they had a list of places, Scabior was no longer distracted. He felt alert and ready to teach. "So as we agreed to before, passwords are used to restrict people and limit access. Why would places like Common Rooms and the Prefects bathroom or any of the other places listed need to have limited access to get in?"
Belle wondered about this question. Belle agreed that passwords were used to restrict people and limit access. Now she wondered why they would limit people to enter. Belle thought about it and said, "Well professor they have to earn it to get the password, like i had to earn to be a prefect to know all the passwords." Belle did not want to brag but it was true. Being a prefect does not come easy.
Then she heard the professor ask another question. What places that do not have passwords, should have one. Belle heard Ella's suggestion. Take care of the animals from the students. "Professor i agree with Ella's suggestion. We should have a password for creature cages. So the creatures can not harm the students and the other way around. The broom shed is a logical one too." Belle loved her classmates suggestions.
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles
"After he left a list was drafted of all the places that would have passwords and all the places in the castle that would have charms, dubbed the Hogwarts Security Act. The act has since been lost, but the majority of password protected areas are known." Which was obvious enough since they all knew so many. With ALLL that being said, "Are there any places in the castle that do not currently have passwords that you believe need or should have one?
Were there areas that needed passwords that didn't have them? Hadn't Scabior been listening to her answers earlier? Or to Aspen's genius response a bit ago? DIDN'T HE LISTEN?
No. He did not.
"It seems to me, Professor, that since passwords are mostly for show and to give the appearance of security without actually being secure, that we could password protect ever room in the school. Or none of them. The only difference would be how late you end up being to class on a daily basis."
Aspen DID raise her hand to answer THIS question. She kept it up, too, to make sure she was seen.
"I'd make the Restricted Section of the library password protected and get rid of the idea that you need a note from a Professor to get in there. That way, if you really wanted or needed in, you'd be able to with work, and not be at the mercy of Professors."
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
Vickers had to wonder if people get idetification and security offered by passwords confused. They are related of course, as they go hand in hand, but to him the delineation of function has always been clear, well maybe because his Uncle, the man who spent his life securing secrets, made it clear for him....
Anyway onto the next question. Up goes the hand "The Armory Professor. It may just function more as a gallery now, but there are still weapons in there, and given that many of those also have historical value shouldnt that room have a password too?"
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Eliza wasn't a big fan of imposing more passwords all over the place, but for the sake of contribution she raised her hand.
"I know the Hospital Wing is well monitored, but I'm sure it could use a password to keep people from sneaking in when no one is looking. They might try to steal gifts from patients' bedsides or medicines from the cabinets." She didn't really think anyone would do that, but it was possible.
I wonder when he's going to stop toying with us and give us some information on the password failures of our common rooms! She doodled on her parchment next to the notes she'd taken, which were few.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Minerva smiled at the Professor's answer back. She was still wrong, but not as wrong as she felt before and she did feel that she made him think a bit about it as well. So she gave him a nod showing she understood, it was the first time in four terms she didn't seem to mind him as much. Maybe he wasn't as bad as she always tried to make him out to be.
Minerva listened to the password conversations and tried to think of another place that could use a password. The animals as someone said would be a good place, but frowning even a password would never have kept that plant from getting Millie..Plants didn't go with passwords, right. She couldn't think of another place, so she just kept to her self and listened to everyone else answer.
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
Anything ELSE in this school to lock up? Uhmm... what? But Hogwarts was to secure already. That is, for Kat at least. Additional security didn't seem so important. There were charms and spells everywhere. It was optional though, maybe Truebridge would want to add more passwords and spells then Kat wouldn't mind. She didn't want to meddle with Truebridge ever since... that incident at the Pitch. You know... during Ravenclaw vs. Gryffindor... And the kicking of her face... and... the little 'show' that caused Vivi and Milton Shackly-bolt right? Yeah, whatever. Not the point.
"Uhmm," Kat said. She obviously needed some time to think at first. She really agreed with West's sister, Aspen, about the Restricted Section in the Library. "I think the dormitories between the girls and boys need some password." Even though there were already charms to prevent this. But more security for safety measures, that was Kat's initial thought. Her answer, though, was a bit similar to West's, she noticed. Oh, child.
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles
Ah, but no. "In the case of the Common Rooms however it is not that private. Your information might not be spread to other houses but there are a number of people in your house that could get the information and spread it anyways."
Kurumi nodded a bit at Professor Scabior's answer...only she didn't really entirely agree with his response. Passwords created the illusion and feeling of privacy. Kurumi knew she felt more comfortable discussing certain things with Selina behind Gryffindor doors than else where. Then again, if we really though about it, was anywhere in Hogwarts private enough for information not to spread were certain people to get a hold of it? With the Aparecium floating about and Hogwarts students' love of gossip in general.
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles
"Are there any places in the castle that do not currently have passwords that you believe need or should have one?
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz
Aspen DID raise her hand to answer THIS question. She kept it up, too, to make sure she was seen.
"I'd make the Restricted Section of the library password protected and get rid of the idea that you need a note from a Professor to get in there. That way, if you really wanted or needed in, you'd be able to with work, and not be at the mercy of Professors."
JUST saying.
Where else? Well, to be honest, this discussion on passwords right now was somewhat changing her view on the whole password thing. Namely that now passwords were sort of presenting themselves as things that made it easier to gain access to something. Because, really, even the prefects' bathroom just required a password, not a badge to get in. So, technically, any student who managed to get the password could enter. So, with that in mind, where would she like to have easier access too...
And then Aspen spoke. BINGO.
Kurumi nodded her head in the Ravenclaw's direction. Yep. That. Right there.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
A ship in harbor is safe — but that is not what ships are built for.
Zoey has been daydreaming all through the class...she wasn't so proud that she did so..but there was seriously nothing to do. Except answering questions, that is. Zoey much prefer some other classes that require more physical work or more activities: like waving your wand more in class.
Anyways, Zoey finally caught he last question and decided she should have a go on it. She tried to think hard of all the places at Hogwarts. Where does she want to have passwords on??
"Well Professor, I don't think we should have anymore additional passwords. I mean, the passwords to the common rooms and prefects bathrooms are fine. But I don't think we should have it anywhere else." Zoey replied. "First of all, it would be rather hard for everyone to remember all the passwords. I can barely remember what I had for lunch today. Also, I think setting more passwords make us feel more trapped and less free. It just doesn't seem like a school anymore. School rules are made to break so that we'll learn from our rule-breakings."
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
Hmmm... Hannah was not sure what all was password protected and what wasn't. She listened to everybody elses ideas and they all sounded good to her. She wouldn't mind have a password on her dorm either, better yet her bed. That way she could finally have her some peace and quiet. The thing about the restricted section in the library would come in pretty handy as well.
What else should have a password though? She didn't want to repeat any of the other answers. "Maybe a password on the kitchen so you couldn't sneak food." Now she personally didn't agree with this, but it made sense.