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Do you have school spirit?
I think you do!
I have school spirit, so how 'bout you?
Hogwarts Pep Rally
When Thursday, 27 September @ 8pm EST
Sunday, 30 September @ 11:59pm EST
Where Hogwarts Stadium
Electricity filled the air as the gates to Hogwarts Stadium magically opened themselves to the staff and students of the school. Set against the backdrop of Hogwarts Castle, the stadium seemed to have a life of its own - the exquisite tapestries that covered the stadium's skeleton shone brightly in the autumn sun. The blues, bronzes, crimson, gold, black, emerald and silver shades appeared brighter than usual. A light breeze wafted through the stadium, ruffling the tapestries and causing an illusion of the embroidered mascots coming to life.
Come in and have a seat in the sections that are decorated with your Hogwarts house colors. Unfurl your banners and get ready for the fun to begin!
Kurumi was not running late. Not in the traditional sense of the word anyway. Selina had given the seventh year very specific instructions: BRING COOKIES. Not that Kurumi hadn't been planning on it before...but Selina had mentioned big. So...she had had to start over with her initial plans. Not that she had tossed her first batch out. Nope, the carefully iced red and gold cookies were in a box that she had placed an Undetectable Extension Charm on so she could fit them all in.
As for the other, erm, cookie...
Kurumi wobbled in her yellow boots as she made her way over to the rest of her house followed by a larger than life size lion cookie. Selina HAD said big... and this lion cookie put some of those balloons you saw in nonmagical parades to shame. The charms on the cookie were nothing special really. Kurumi had witnessed them as a first year when Cam had performed them at the opening feast on her normal sized lion cookies. Waving her wand a bit to help the giant beast along as it continued to stomp its way, Kurumi wished she had had time to make he be able to roar properly. As it was now, it just pawed at the air occasionally and was able to walk around on command.
By the time Kurumi had arrived her giant cookie's roaring wasn't really needed as the rest of her house was roaring away - not that the added effect wouldn't be appreciated.
Weaving her way through everyone, Kurumi managed to find her way beside Selina and handed her the box of cookies. "Alright, captain...I'm here...and I brought a friend."
Cue a MASSIVE pawing at the air from the giant cookie.
Yay KURUMI-WAS-HERE! Sarah grinned and was about to hand a t-shirt when she realized that... Kurumi had brought a YUM friend.. and it moved... Sarah hoped it did not crumble... "Hello - Howdya do that?" Sarah asked the older girl in awe... she always knew her prefect was AWESOME!!
Anyway Sarah was still handing out Tshirt and handed one to Kurumi, "you can wear it if you want..." and she got another one, "does the mascot want one too? He can have one with pleasure!" not waking for an answer, Sarah gave noth of them to Kurumi. Anyway Sarah had lots more...
SPOILER!!: fanficfanatict
Selina smirked at her boyfriend's logic about the whole November versus bare-chested pride. On a logical standpoint, the seventh year prefect did make a lot of sense. However, Selina was not exactly logical- especially since her beater bat had gone missing- so his argument did not make any sense to her. All she could think about was yelling at all the Gryffindor boys to show their pride in a similar fashion as a few years ago when Carter was Captain. That was an AWESOME Pep Rally. She missed a lot of the people on that team. Especially since, back in the day, it was mostly boys on the team, which always made for a fun time.
So brushing aside what he said, she merely chuckled, "November or not... house pride is forever." In her crazed state of mind, she supposed that her logic made sense. To the average person what she was suggesting was downright ludicrous. The sixth year was just not the most stable person in the world, especially when it came to house support. Selina really was the unofficial mascot for Gryffindor. And it was something that she was rather proud of to be honest.
Then she saw all of her little lions make their way onto the field. She grinned and nodded to each of them as they showed up, "Hey Taggle, Alice, Jake, Penelope, Anya, Ira." That seemed like MOST of the little lions. Although, out of the corner of her eye, she did see Landon and Melanie talking. She waved at them as well, "Hey Melanie, Landon." It seemed like a majority of her team was here, which made her happy. The only one she saw who was missing was Dylan, the ickle first year. Where was he?
Then, she heard all of the ickle lions talking about a shirtless mascot. She smiled at the memory and paused to explain, "Back when Anya's brother was Captain, we had a pep rally. All of the boys on the team, per me and Kurumi's request, went to the pep rally shirtless and we painted their chests red and gold. It was awesome. But me and Kurumi dressed up Gideon in a tail and some cub ears. So he was the shirtless mascot." Just so all of them knew why she was talking about that. It was sort of a random thing to be a continuous part of conversation, so she was just setting the record straight now.
However, she started to hear a very loud thud as all of the Gryffindors, including the adorable one who was handing out the t-shirts, started to mingle amongst themselves. But Selina blatantly ignored ALL of them because Kurumi had arrived. And as much as she loved her best friend, she was more interested in WHAT her best friend had arrived with. It was magical, it was huge, it was A COOKIE!!!!
Selina ran at Kurumi and excitedly embraced the cookie. As she hugged it, she lifted her head away and smiled at Kurumi, "It's perfect. It's so, so, so very perfect." As she snuggled her head back into the cookie, she, in a muffled voice, muttered, "By the way, hi there."
After a few moments, Selina finally pulled away from the huge cookie and gave it one more smile. It was perfect. Just so perfect.
But she had work to do. She ran up the steps so she was overlooking all of the Gryffindors. The redhead pulled out her wand and waved it so a LOUD SONG PUMPED THROUGH THE STADIUM!
She pumped her fist in the air and yelled, "WHO ARE WE FIGHTING FOR?" WHO WERE THEY FIGHTING FOR, LIONS????
Then Selina told them what had happened a all those years ago... that was hilarious. Yet it was so ukurumi ike to do such a thing anyway. Sarah got
into the vibe. Was it a trick question or what? obviously lions.. they were the top of the food chain after all! She she yelled "GRYFFINDOR -ROAR,ROAR,ROAR!" And she waved her arms in the air... she was on a mission...
Frangelina || twitter addict || Music of the Sun || The Fresh Princess of Bellaire
Originally Posted by Roselyn
Perhaps she should've arrived earlier. The lack of seating wasn't all that troubling, it was actually trying to find a space to stand that wasn't on the staircase that was the problem. Seriously, how excellent was this!? Alas, she found a spot to squeeze into. Just in time for a certain charms professor to show up.
She didn't particularly have a grudge against the woman, but that beaming smile Sophia had on her face... "Hello Sophia." she smiled in return. A kind and warm smile. One that said that she was over the little fiasco with the hurricane. "Pleasant veather for a pep rally, isn't it?"
Or maybe not...
Hmmm? Leather? As in her skirt? Yes she thought leather was a good go in the fall season. But just look at Medea trying to be a devious vampire and charm her up so she wouldn't think she was up to something.
That was the oldest trick in the book and Sophia was not about to let her guard down now. NO way. She played a long however.
"Yes I think leather is a great material to wear at Pep rallies. Paint stains can be scrubbed right off or with the simplest of spells." Oh well at least she thought the woman said leather.
...Throw me to the wolves and I'll return leading the pack...
Time for some school spirit, and time to loose your voice to the point where you couldn't speak anymore. All dressed in yellow and black, Renesmee made her way towards the stands. No little Puffles on her shoulder for a change, he was with her bestie and had been for quite a while now. Hopefully she'd get to see the two of them today, but she knew Thomas didn't always attend these things. Who knew though, maybe he'd attend today?
Adjusting her Captain badge, Renesmee made her way towards all the yellowness, she then took a seat and watched everyone else for a few moments.
Was she supposed to shout like Selina was? Because erm that was not her thing. Also she didn't want too much attention today. Her hair was a mess from the wind and everything she did to it, wasn't helping. Meeh. Ness got onto her feet and stood up.
"BLACK AND YELLOW! BLACK AND YELLOW! AHA! YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS BLACK AND....." Okay this was just embarrassing to Ness and if her cheeks couldn't tell that, then the fact that she sat down again, hopefully would.
Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good
Cassia's energy hadn't subsided nor did it decrease. She kept bouncing on the balls of her feet while cheeeering. "Go Slytherin!" And some whistles and un- deciphered sounds actually but she was so excited that's all.
Originally Posted by JennyWeasley06
WOW! that one had some energy within her! Ariana leaned back a bit because her yelling was so loud and it was bad enough that Vindy was yelling at the same time as well. Ariana just hoped the small child didnt notice her cause she did NOT want someone yelling in her face. it would just make her angry.
And while doing this, Cassia kinda noticed that a girl leaned away from her? The second-year glanced at her, "Did my voice annoy you?" She asked shouting not because she was angry, Cassia rarely got angry, but because it was so hard to be heard because of the craziness. Especially the lions.
Originally Posted by verbain
"SSS.... SSS... SLYTHERINNNNNN!" Theodore made his entrance in the best way possible, right? He was wearing his full Slytherin robes, along with his green scarf and hat, and they were all so tooooasty warm when put together. It was lovely.
He found Dylan, Cassia and Ariana, of whom he joined. Pep rallies were not really Theo's thing but.... anything for a bit of Slytherin pride!
"Higuyyyyyyyyyyyyyys!" Slytherin guys, haaai.
He heard a recognizable Hufflepuff's voice through a megaphone, and he FROWNED at the culprit. Oakey. Theo hadn't seen much of him this term.... he was hoping that he left school or something.
And here was Theo. Cassia beamed at him, "Hey!" She said and it sounded like a cheer because you know her voice stuck to that tone. She shifted leaving more place to him. Oh and smart of him to wear his robes, Cassia felt that it was a very bad idea to wear a skirt. Though she was wearing a thick scarf ,jacket and boots but still. Maybe if she jumped she'll get warm. "Do you think any ghosts will show up?" She whispered in his ear because it was hard to be heard over the cheers.
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'myours
♣ Heejin here | Did somebody say coffee & cakes? | cat lover ♣
Originally Posted by RandomRaven
It's time to show our house pride!
Didn't know why but Gary was so enthusiast about this. It wasn't him as usual because usually he seemed like to avoid the school events. But now he decided to come to the pep rally. Maybe socialize around the people, especially the Slytherins could distract his mind from his problems.
With camera in his hand, the blonde guy took some photos around. "GO SLYTHERIN!" he shouted loudly and gathered around the Snakes. He just smiled to the a girl next to him.
Everyone was screaming and enjoying this is really one of the best moments she is having at Hogwarts right now. Thank you for transferring. Juliet had a long grin on her face as the crowds and cheers just got louder and louder. Also, there were more and more students joining them as well. She wished she would have bought something with her, like a balloon or something. A big fancy hat that says Slytherin, big enough for just everyone to see.
Hearing a sort of click sound nearby, Juliet's eyes glanced over to the person beside him. Smiling to the tall Slytherin guy beside him, she gave a small wave and a smile. However, she's more interested with the thing that he is holding. Muggle cameras. She has actually have experienced using it and quite frankly she likes it. The way how things are captured and pause rather than the ones they have which is moving. She still likes it but maybe we just need some moment in our life where we just wanted it to pause, just like that.
"Yeah!!!!" she shouted once more "Go SLYTHERIN" a little louder than before. Pausing for awhile and managing to swallow , she then returned to the Slytherin guy beside her. "I'd like to have one of those too" she pointed at the camera on his hands.
Hmmm? Leather? As in her skirt? Yes she thought leather was a good go in the fall season. But just look at Medea trying to be a devious vampire and charm her up so she wouldn't think she was up to something.
That was the oldest trick in the book and Sophia was not about to let her guard down now. NO way. She played a long however.
"Yes I think leather is a great material to wear at Pep rallies. Paint stains can be scrubbed right off or with the simplest of spells." Oh well at least she thought the woman said leather.
It didn't take long before Leobald left the deserted library to go down to the pep rally in the quidditch stadium. With a few hogwarts flags tugged under an arm the dark haired librarian beamed brightly as he made his way into the stands.
The house spirit was evident everywhere and the house roars just maybe him grin even more. They should have pep rallies more often. Spotting Medea and Sophia amongst the students he made his way over to the two women. "Hello misses Bellaire and Romanos." He greeted with a wide beam. "It seems the stadium is getting filled with more and more excited students by each passing minute." Leo commented.
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Jory was all decked out in the Hufflepuff colours. He followed Oakey as he made his way to where the Puffs were. "Hey guys,'' he greeted Alec and Oakey. He could hardly hear himself as the students were all shouting the respective House names.
The badger had to cover is ears when Oakey started shouting through the megaphone. "Nice one,'' Jory told him. He himself cupped his hands around his mouth and began shouting as loud as he could:
Oakey turned when he heard some one complement his cheer. It was Jory one of his roommates. "Thanks Jory" Oakey said through his megaphone directly into his fellow puffers face.
He lowered it down for a moment. "I mean thanks Jory, sorry." He repeated a second time except megaphoneless. "Wanna join in on the next one." He grinned and looked to Alec and Messer who had shown up moments ago. "You two as well." He told his favorite Seeker.
He lifted his megaphone back up to his mouth and turned to face away from Jory.
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Pep rallies. One of the events where Beatrice Castell would put basically her all. Next to Quidditch and classes, it's where she could show her pride for her House.
And that is why she was in a cheerleading costume as she she made her way into the stadium, a bunch of balloons in one hand and a megaphone on the other. Sending excuses, smiles and nods to other Houses as she passed, she finally got to where her fellow eagles were assembled. CHESIRE GRIN TO EVERYONE. Then she handed out a balloon to each that the number she brought with her could accommodate. Oh, and hello there fluffy dragon! "I didn't Ravenclaws were raising a dragon," Beezus said with a giggle as she eyed the mascot.
They were so ready to roll. Bringing the megaphone to her lips, the Chaser began, "Ravenclaws, are you reeeeeaaaaaaaaaaadddyyyyyyyyyy?!" LET US HEAR YOU EAGLES! Oh of course they were. They've been cheering way before she arrived. Yeah, they were just that awesome.
She wanted to add more to the noise they were making, so, "WE'VE GOT THE RHYTHM,
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy
Hmmm? Leather? As in her skirt? Yes she thought leather was a good go in the fall season. But just look at Medea trying to be a devious vampire and charm her up so she wouldn't think she was up to something.
That was the oldest trick in the book and Sophia was not about to let her guard down now. NO way. She played a long however.
"Yes I think leather is a great material to wear at Pep rallies. Paint stains can be scrubbed right off or with the simplest of spells." Oh well at least she thought the woman said leather.
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch
It didn't take long before Leobald left the deserted library to go down to the pep rally in the quidditch stadium. With a few hogwarts flags tugged under an arm the dark haired librarian beamed brightly as he made his way into the stands.
The house spirit was evident everywhere and the house roars just maybe him grin even more. They should have pep rallies more often. Spotting Medea and Sophia amongst the students he made his way over to the two women. "Hello misses Bellaire and Romanos." He greeted with a wide beam. "It seems the stadium is getting filled with more and more excited students by each passing minute." Leo commented.
Oh yes, she was indeed wearing leather.
"Right." Medea nodded, eyebrows knitting together a little. Was it just her or did that sound as if Sophia was implying something? Subtly, the defense professor glanced back to check the seat she had claimed as hers. Ahem. No paint balloons or anything theeeeere. Oh! Look who showed up.
"Hello Leo." she beamed, shrugging her shoulders up briefly, a little too happy to have another staff member nearby. Witnesses. "Oh, I know. Going to need to get to higher ground sooner or later."
Time for some school spirit, and time to loose your voice to the point where you couldn't speak anymore. All dressed in yellow and black, Renesmee made her way towards the stands. No little Puffles on her shoulder for a change, he was with her bestie and had been for quite a while now. Hopefully she'd get to see the two of them today, but she knew Thomas didn't always attend these things. Who knew though, maybe he'd attend today?
Adjusting her Captain badge, Renesmee made her way towards all the yellowness, she then took a seat and watched everyone else for a few moments.
Was she supposed to shout like Selina was? Because erm that was not her thing. Also she didn't want too much attention today. Her hair was a mess from the wind and everything she did to it, wasn't helping. Meeh. Ness got onto her feet and stood up.
"BLACK AND YELLOW! BLACK AND YELLOW! AHA! YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS BLACK AND....." Okay this was just embarrassing to Ness and if her cheeks couldn't tell that, then the fact that she sat down again, hopefully would.
"...yellow?" Lewis offered quietly, stepping up behind Nessie with a slightly wary look on his face. This was just...ugh, it reminded him of that one Quidditch match were Professor Bentley had made him cheer. And loudly too. And just for the record and in case it wasn't clear from the way he was biting his lip right now, he really didn't like that. Not cheering per se of course but him cheering. Him cheering loudly. He didn't like that.
And this whole thing was basically just about that wasn't it?
His lips curled into a small smile when he spotted Kurumi somehwere to their right. This was just her thing wasn't it? Lots of cookies. A LOT of cookies. Why hadn't they just made one giant yellow and black cookie which said 'GO HUFFLEPUFF!' or something like that? They could've just held it up instead of yelling. But now..."Do we really have to...you know...shout? And yell?" Lewis asked their new Captain in a whisper, the look following the question clearly implying that he hoped the answer would be no.
Wasn't dressing all in yellow and black enough? Maybe somebody could talk him into painting a badger on his face but that was all.
BOOMBAYAH! | #PuedoPorquePiensoQuePuedo | Certified Blank and Random Person | Raventastic
Originally Posted by hjhm
Everyone was screaming and enjoying this is really one of the best moments she is having at Hogwarts right now. Thank you for transferring. Juliet had a long grin on her face as the crowds and cheers just got louder and louder. Also, there were more and more students joining them as well. She wished she would have bought something with her, like a balloon or something. A big fancy hat that says Slytherin, big enough for just everyone to see.
Hearing a sort of click sound nearby, Juliet's eyes glanced over to the person beside him. Smiling to the tall Slytherin guy beside him, she gave a small wave and a smile. However, she's more interested with the thing that he is holding. Muggle cameras. She has actually have experienced using it and quite frankly she likes it. The way how things are captured and pause rather than the ones they have which is moving. She still likes it but maybe we just need some moment in our life where we just wanted it to pause, just like that.
"Yeah!!!!" she shouted once more "Go SLYTHERIN" a little louder than before. Pausing for awhile and managing to swallow , she then returned to the Slytherin guy beside her. "I'd like to have one of those too" she pointed at the camera on his hands.
This such a good moment. All of the Hogwartians dressed up and showed their house pride. He could see all Gryffindors dressed in red and gold, Slytherins in green and silver, Ravenclaw in blue and bronze and Hufflepuff in yellow and black. It would be good if he could take their picture because it was such a rare moment! His photographer instinct also said that it's a good time for his hobby.
"LET'S GO SLYTHERINS!" he shouted more. "WE'RE GONNA RULE THE WORLD! SHOW YOUR GREEN AND SILVER!" Okay, too much shouting wasn't good because now he felt his throat hurt. He cleared his throat and decided to take more photographs. Wow, he noticed there was a Hufflepuff wore a badger costume! His photography instinct said that it would be good that if he could take its picture. Okay, he took the pictures and wondered if there was a Slytherin wore snakes costumes.
Well, it sounded weird and impossible. No Slytherin would hummiliated himself by wearing those riddiculous costume.
Realized that the girl who was standing beside him spoke about his camera, He turned to her and gave her a smile. "So, you love photography too?" asked him. He just found some wizards got interested by Muggle-style photography because the other said that it was boring and the picture couldn't move like the wizarding one. But that's the art of photography.
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ It's a fairytale evening, and you want the entire event to be totally dazzling and
a real experience with the friendliest people around you.
Indy giggled as she saw her brother. Oh the hutchinson siblings sure had a lot of house pride. Spike looked pretty amazing. It had taken a lot of work to get his curls into that costume. He better have been happy. And his face paint. Well that was just a work of art. Indy was very pleased. Maybe she should've brought some of the face paint out with her, so that she could put paint onto all of the other ravenclaws. That would've been so much fun. "Looking goooooood." She called out at her brother, raising her thumbs, and beaming at him. They had an awesome amount of house pride. She just loved being in ravenclaw. But now, back to the nice chanting that she was going before.
Spike gave his sister a wink and a wave, and might have even done a little tail wiggle. She'd done a really good job with his curls and face, so much so that even he'd been surprised when he had looked in the mirror. He couldn't remember the last time he hadn't had curls hanging down over his forehead.
He grinned. "Not looking or sounding too bad yourself, Indy," he replied, though it probably couldn't be heard over the noise. "Keep up the good work!"
Originally Posted by xXxPandora
Then she handed out a balloon to each that the number she brought with her could accommodate. Oh, and hello there fluffy dragon! "I didn't Ravenclaws were raising a dragon," Beezus said with a giggle as she eyed the mascot. [/SIZE]
The funny thing about an anonymous costume was that it allowed you to be different. Kinda...not you. And that is why, for the first time in a while, Spike found himself talking to her.
"In secret," Spike said with a nod. "I'm a very special Ravenclaw dragon." A particularly huggable one, in fact. "Brought out for special occasions."
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Ella looked at Alec, eyebrows raised. “Pom Pom trouble…he has pom poms?” Why didn’t Ella know this and more importantly, “Are they PINK pom poms?” GRIN. Oh! And Alec had an idea about what they could do? A rap, eh? Hmm. Ells wasn’t much of a rapper but she’d give it a go. “How exactly does this rap song go, anyway?” Did Ella already know it? She wasn’t sure. Oh! And Alec did want gummy worms. BEAM. She knew it. The blonde smiled as she handed him the bag. “Take as many as you want…I have more.” Grin.
The third year smiled as Oakey arrived to the pep rally in style. “Cool face paint.” She said cheerfully, waving her little Hufflepuff flag in appreciation. She BEAMED when her eyes fell on the mega phone, knowing it was going to come in handy today. And then Oakey was doing what he did best, making up chants and such. Heh. He’d been fantastic at that during their little protest assignment so she wasn’t surprised.
OH! And the badger could do tricks? CLAP CLAP CLAP. Impressive cartwheels, badger! BEAM.
Ella spotted Laura cheering and waved at her friend, giving her a wide smile. “Hey! Nice cheering, Laura!” She called out, hoping her friend could hear her. Speaking of cheering…”GOOOOO HUFFLEPUFFFFF!” There, that was much better.
OHHH! THOSE were the pom poms Alec had been talking about! Ella grinned at Messer, laughing a bit when she saw his cheerleading moves. He was quite good at those, actually. The third year grinned at her housemate as he referred to himself as ‘Uncle Messer’ jumping out of her seat to give him a big hug. “Uncle Messy! Good to see you.” BEAM. “Want some gummy worms?” She asked, bringing one up and dangling it in front of his face. He did, yeah? Who could refuse gummy worms?!
Captain Loch Nessie! BEAM. BEAM. BEAM. Ella grinned at the older girl, waving from where she sat. “Hey Captain!” Bounce. “Isn’t this exciting?” Oh! And Nessie had cheers too? Hey! That was the rap song Alec had mentioned, yeah? Ella DID know that one. And she also knew the tall boy who walked up next to Nessie! It was Lewis! Kurumi’s Lewis! BEAM. “Hi Mr. Kurum-…I mean um Sir Lewis!” GRIN. “Do you guys want some gummy worms?!” EYEBROWS. They should totally have some!
Why did they always insist calling him Messy instead of Messer? Oh well, at least he got a hug. As soon as Ella mentioned about gummy worms, his eyes lit up. "Sureeeee..!!" Who's going to refuse gummy worms? Definitely not him. Then, Oakley asked Messer to cheer with him. "Sure..!!" He loved cheering. Its fun. But before he could do some cheering, he saw Nessie joined them followed by Lewis. But after a few second cheering, the Hufflepuff Captain already back to her seat. Frowns. Well, at least she's cheering and what's wrong with his Hufflepuff Prefect? He's not cheering. That's unacceptable!
The third year opened his bag and took out another pom poms. "Here, Lewis." he gave the Prefect another pom poms. And yes, the Prefect MUST use that till the pep rally over.
"GO HUFFLEPUFF...!! GO..!!! GO..!! GO..!!" he amde another High V movement with his pom poms.
All of the love for tomorrow______________________________________________ I know we're gonna be stronger than you'll ever known
He frowned at her slightly, it was strange that people could get this excited about a house. Was it bad that he was just here to try and understand why people got so frustrated when their house was losing? It was pretty clear to him now, though.
Following her to the corner, he smiled at her observation. "Yeah, I didn't think I'd have to, but it seems that I was wrong." He looked out over at the sea of yellow, blue, green and red around the stands. "Eh, I'm fine about being here, I'm just confused, mostly." He shrugged. He hadn't been at Hogwarts long enough to understand the extent of the house proud nature of every student. "And it's very loud." Extremely. He only liked noise when HE was the one making it.
Confused? Abby made a face and ran a hand through her hair, watching all her house mates jump around. Heh. They were all acting crazy. All of them. "I mean, I like being a Hufflepuff and all but what's the point in yelling and screaming? I don't think I'll ever do anything like that.." Jeez. Abby would rather jump in the lake rather than make a fool of herself.
Text Cut: Minerva
Originally Posted by Bazinga
But wait was that two Hufflepuffs sitting quietly not looking like they were having fun. Minerva wasn't really sure she knew either of them, but that is why she wanted the get to know you party so badly. Running over to them she danced around yelling "Woot woot" and "Hufflepuff..Hufflepuff.." cheering she hoped to get the up cheering with the rest of her house. She didn't want to see anyone not having fun.
"Do you mind!?" Abby yelled at the girl who was jumping around her and Almond. Did people go out of their way to annoy the heck out of her? Like, she was already risking her hearing by being here.. wasn't that enough? Oh gosh. "Could you.. um.. cheer elsewhere please?" She tucked her hands in her coat pockets, hoping the girl would just go away.
Text Cut: Ness Ness
Originally Posted by ortalismusicoh
Time for some school spirit, and time to loose your voice to the point where you couldn't speak anymore. All dressed in yellow and black, Renesmee made her way towards the stands. No little Puffles on her shoulder for a change, he was with her bestie and had been for quite a while now. Hopefully she'd get to see the two of them today, but she knew Thomas didn't always attend these things. Who knew though, maybe he'd attend today?
Adjusting her Captain badge, Renesmee made her way towards all the yellowness, she then took a seat and watched everyone else for a few moments.
Was she supposed to shout like Selina was? Because erm that was not her thing. Also she didn't want too much attention today. Her hair was a mess from the wind and everything she did to it, wasn't helping. Meeh. Ness got onto her feet and stood up.
"BLACK AND YELLOW! BLACK AND YELLOW! AHA! YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS BLACK AND....." Okay this was just embarrassing to Ness and if her cheeks couldn't tell that, then the fact that she sat down again, hopefully would.
Abby jumped when someone nearby started to yell REALLY loud. Like, people weren't deaf so why yell!? She cringed before looking at the owner of the voice. Oh, wait. Wasn't she the quidditch captain? The girl frowned at her before she leaned forward slightly to make herself heard. "Hey, could you please lower your volume?" Pretty please?
Last edited by Lady of Light; 09-28-2012 at 06:23 PM.
Reason: Errrr.. I can't spell.
Liz's Bestie ● Helvetica ● ● Jigglypuff ● Jeff Vader
Text Cut: Quotes!
Originally Posted by Bazinga
But wait was that two Hufflepuffs sitting quietly not looking like they were having fun. Minerva wasn't really sure she knew either of them, but that is why she wanted the get to know you party so badly. Running over to them she danced around yelling "Woot woot" and "Hufflepuff..Hufflepuff.." cheering she hoped to get the up cheering with the rest of her house. She didn't want to see anyone not having fun.
SPOILER!!: Piccy
Originally Posted by Lady of Light
Confused? Abby made a face and ran a hand through her hair, watching all her house mates jump around. Heh. They were all acting crazy. All of them. "I mean, I like being a Hufflepuff and all but what's the point in yelling and screaming? I don't think I'll ever do anything like that.." Jeez. Abby would rather jump in the lake rather than make a fool of herself.
"Do you mind!?" Abby yelled at the girl who was jumping around her and Almond. Did people go out of their way to annoy the heck out of her? Like, she was already risking her hearing by being here.. wasn't that enough? Oh gosh. "Could you.. um.. cheer elsewhere please?" She tucked her hands in her coat pockets, hoping the girl would just go away.
Abby jumped when someone nearby started to yell REALLY loud. Like, people weren't deaf so why yell!? She cringed before looking at the owner of the voice. Oh, wait. Wasn't she the quidditch captain? The girl frowned at her before she leaned forward slightly to make herself heard. "Hey, could you please lower your volume please?" Pretty please?
"Well I don't hate being a Hufflepuff, but this?" This was bordering on insanity! "I've not been a member of the house for long enough to have any devoted feelings." Other than points. He was starting to want to win points. "I don't see the point of screaming and shouting ei-" He broke off when they were interrupted. By a dancing person in badger costume.
Smirking slightly at Crabby's reaction, he shoved his hands into his jean pockets and watched the crazy person. While it was irritating having him/her up in their faces, he was seriously amused. You had to be pretty devoted to do something like that.
Again, he just watched Crabby tell people to turn the volume down. AND THIS ONE HAD A SHINY BADGE. High five for awesomeness, Crabby! He turned away to hide his grin and sniggered, unable to stop himself. They had the same attitude, it was just that he hadn't got the chance to say anything before she had.
Yesterday is not ours to recover But tomorrow is ours to win or lose.
Atypical Ravenclaw Bookworm // Hair Flipper Pro / / the edgy starbuckian // Hot Messie
Lana glanced around as she continued to wave her pennant high above her head. Seeing the Hutchinson siblings, she waved with her free hand and gave a thumbs up. "You two look stunning!" She really needed to remember all these things for the first match. There was so much that she could try to redo for their first match.
Seeing Beezus, she waved and smiled. Balloons! She should have thought of balloons! That was another thing she would have to remember for next time.
Oh yeah, more cheering.
"We are the Eagles!
The Mighty Mighty Eagles
Do what we say
And get out the way"
"SSS.... SSS... SLYTHERINNNNNN!" Theodore made his entrance in the best way possible, right? He was wearing his full Slytherin robes, along with his green scarf and hat, and they were all so tooooasty warm when put together. It was lovely.
He found Dylan, Cassia and Ariana, of whom he joined. Pep rallies were not really Theo's thing but.... anything for a bit of Slytherin pride!
"Higuyyyyyyyyyyyyyys!" Slytherin guys, haaai.
He heard a recognizable Hufflepuff's voice through a megaphone, and he FROWNED at the culprit. Oakey. Theo hadn't seen much of him this term.... he was hoping that he left school or something.
Ariana really really didn't want to be there, but figured there was nothing better to do and everyone else was going to be there anyway soo Ehh why not.
leaning back onto the bench behind her she sat in silence as Theo walked up Screaming that dumb chant. Ariana blinked her eyes a few times and moved her head Away from his loudness "Way to Make an Entrance Kinsley." she said shaking her head with a slight chuckle
Yup last name, Ariana called everyone by there last name. it was like her mark, and she had done it all her life and wasn't going to change now, nope.
then the smaller girl who was yelling loudly walked right up to her
and asked if she was anoying her with her voice and ariana really wanted to say yes, because.. well she was.. buttt she was feeling nice
"No, Just loud.. Have a headache." she pointed to her head. She didn't really have a headache but hey it sounded nice.. right... Now run along little baby snake.. shoo shoo
she looked over at all the other snakes having fun and stood up "We Need a realllyy Good chant." Humm if only she could remember the one Sierra had her and that other girl do at the last pep rally.. where was sierra.. maybe she'd remember
Blue skipped down through the stands to all her AWESOME and MOST FAVOURITE PEOPLE IN THE WORLD. She BEAMed at them all, yes, including the dragon, despite her fear. Gah. They were all older then her. Where were all the ickle eagles at?! Seriously. But she skipped over to Beezus, anyway, and smiled at her cheerleader outfit.
"You look really pretty!"
Oh. They were cheering. Right. She hadn't exactly come up with one so...
Penelope, Selina, Anya, Kurumi... and anyone else around them. ^_^
Sardines ♥ // Nomsy, yo
Text Cut: Gryffies
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl
Pep rally! This looked fun!
Penelope made her way quickly down to the stands for the pep rally. Shame it wasn't for a match yet, but pep rallies sounded cool too, especially since she'd never really been to one before. So this would be interesting.
Entering the stands, she quickly spotted Selina and Tag, so she walked over to them...and heard something about a bare chested/naked mascot? And THAT was when she spotted Jake. "Found him," she said, smirking.
Originally Posted by LilFox06
Anya headed to the pep rally. As a muggle born, she expected there to be... cheerleaders and... stuff. But there... wasn't. Of course, had there been a cheerleading squad, her name would have been on that list instead of the quidditch one.
Andddd... of course there was a crazy shirtless guy. That seemed more like a pep rally that she was expecting.
... That was her half dressed man. "You know... you could have just transfigured a shirt a different color if you didn't have red." But nope. He had to be a guy. Unless... he did it on purpose... in which case... Anya needed to rethink some things.
She casually stepped in front of him, because, you know, eyes to yourselves ladies.
Oh. And there were other people too. "Capt'n. Gideon. Taggie. Penne." she said with a smile nodding to each of them.
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Kurumi was not running late. Not in the traditional sense of the word anyway. Selina had given the seventh year very specific instructions: BRING COOKIES. Not that Kurumi hadn't been planning on it before...but Selina had mentioned big. So...she had had to start over with her initial plans. Not that she had tossed her first batch out. Nope, the carefully iced red and gold cookies were in a box that she had placed an Undetectable Extension Charm on so she could fit them all in.
As for the other, erm, cookie...
Kurumi wobbled in her yellow boots as she made her way over to the rest of her house followed by a larger than life size lion cookie. Selina HAD said big... and this lion cookie put some of those balloons you saw in nonmagical parades to shame. The charms on the cookie were nothing special really. Kurumi had witnessed them as a first year when Cam had performed them at the opening feast on her normal sized lion cookies. Waving her wand a bit to help the giant beast along as it continued to stomp its way, Kurumi wished she had had time to make he be able to roar properly. As it was now, it just pawed at the air occasionally and was able to walk around on command.
By the time Kurumi had arrived her giant cookie's roaring wasn't really needed as the rest of her house was roaring away - not that the added effect wouldn't be appreciated.
Weaving her way through everyone, Kurumi managed to find her way beside Selina and handed her the box of cookies. "Alright, captain...I'm here...and I brought a friend."
Cue a MASSIVE pawing at the air from the giant cookie.
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict
Selina smirked at her boyfriend's logic about the whole November versus bare-chested pride. On a logical standpoint, the seventh year prefect did make a lot of sense. However, Selina was not exactly logical- especially since her beater bat had gone missing- so his argument did not make any sense to her. All she could think about was yelling at all the Gryffindor boys to show their pride in a similar fashion as a few years ago when Carter was Captain. That was an AWESOME Pep Rally. She missed a lot of the people on that team. Especially since, back in the day, it was mostly boys on the team, which always made for a fun time.
So brushing aside what he said, she merely chuckled, "November or not... house pride is forever." In her crazed state of mind, she supposed that her logic made sense. To the average person what she was suggesting was downright ludicrous. The sixth year was just not the most stable person in the world, especially when it came to house support. Selina really was the unofficial mascot for Gryffindor. And it was something that she was rather proud of to be honest.
Then she saw all of her little lions make their way onto the field. She grinned and nodded to each of them as they showed up, "Hey Taggle, Alice, Jake, Penelope, Anya, Ira." That seemed like MOST of the little lions. Although, out of the corner of her eye, she did see Landon and Melanie talking. She waved at them as well, "Hey Melanie, Landon." It seemed like a majority of her team was here, which made her happy. The only one she saw who was missing was Dylan, the ickle first year. Where was he?
Then, she heard all of the ickle lions talking about a shirtless mascot. She smiled at the memory and paused to explain, "Back when Anya's brother was Captain, we had a pep rally. All of the boys on the team, per me and Kurumi's request, went to the pep rally shirtless and we painted their chests red and gold. It was awesome. But me and Kurumi dressed up Gideon in a tail and some cub ears. So he was the shirtless mascot." Just so all of them knew why she was talking about that. It was sort of a random thing to be a continuous part of conversation, so she was just setting the record straight now.
However, she started to hear a very loud thud as all of the Gryffindors, including the adorable one who was handing out the t-shirts, started to mingle amongst themselves. But Selina blatantly ignored ALL of them because Kurumi had arrived. And as much as she loved her best friend, she was more interested in WHAT her best friend had arrived with. It was magical, it was huge, it was A COOKIE!!!!
Selina ran at Kurumi and excitedly embraced the cookie. As she hugged it, she lifted her head away and smiled at Kurumi, "It's perfect. It's so, so, so very perfect." As she snuggled her head back into the cookie, she, in a muffled voice, muttered, "By the way, hi there."
After a few moments, Selina finally pulled away from the huge cookie and gave it one more smile. It was perfect. Just so perfect.
But she had work to do. She ran up the steps so she was overlooking all of the Gryffindors. The redhead pulled out her wand and waved it so a LOUD SONG PUMPED THROUGH THE STADIUM!
She pumped her fist in the air and yelled, "WHO ARE WE FIGHTING FOR?" WHO WERE THEY FIGHTING FOR, LIONS????
"Found who?" Jake asked, catching Penelope's words when he stopped cheering. He looked around like he was trying to guess what Selina and Penelope had been talking about. He gave up quickly, though, and just turned to Selina with a grin on his face. "Hey, Captain. How're you?"
And then, "Hey, Anya," he said automatically as his girlfriend joined them. "Um." Transfigured a shirt color? "I... don't know how." He had learned how to transfigure a shirt in class... but change the color? No. Jake watched as Anya stepped in front of him, clearly trying to cover up his masterfully painted abs. Psh. "I'm perfectly decent, ya know," he said, putting his hands on her shoulders and stepping slightly to the side so she wasn't in front of him, and crossing his arms. Decent, yes. Warm? Definitely not. He hadn't thought about how cold it would be to go without a shirt. But... oh well. There were plenty of things to keep his mind off the cold.
Such as a giant lion... cookie.
Jake just stared at the thing as he watched the Prefect walk over. That was a cookie."Did you make that?" Sweet Merlin, that was amazing. Could they eat it? It was probably enough cookie to feed the whole of Gryffindor house...
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
SPOILER!!: Grumpy Puffs and Professors..
Originally Posted by Becky
Text Cut: Quotes!
"Well I don't hate being a Hufflepuff, but this?" This was bordering on insanity! "I've not been a member of the house for long enough to have any devoted feelings." Other than points. He was starting to want to win points. "I don't see the point of screaming and shouting ei-" He broke off when they were interrupted. By a dancing person in badger costume.
Smirking slightly at Crabby's reaction, he shoved his hands into his jean pockets and watched the crazy person. While it was irritating having him/her up in their faces, he was seriously amused. You had to be pretty devoted to do something like that.
Again, he just watched Crabby tell people to turn the volume down. AND THIS ONE HAD A SHINY BADGE. High five for awesomeness, Crabby! He turned away to hide his grin and sniggered, unable to stop himself. They had the same attitude, it was just that he hadn't got the chance to say anything before she had.
Originally Posted by Lady of Light
Confused? Abby made a face and ran a hand through her hair, watching all her house mates jump around. Heh. They were all acting crazy. All of them. "I mean, I like being a Hufflepuff and all but what's the point in yelling and screaming? I don't think I'll ever do anything like that.." Jeez. Abby would rather jump in the lake rather than make a fool of herself.
"Do you mind!?" Abby yelled at the girl who was jumping around her and Almond. Did people go out of their way to annoy the heck out of her? Like, she was already risking her hearing by being here.. wasn't that enough? Oh gosh. "Could you.. um.. cheer elsewhere please?" She tucked her hands in her coat pockets, hoping the girl would just go away.
Abby jumped when someone nearby started to yell REALLY loud. Like, people weren't deaf so why yell!? She cringed before looking at the owner of the voice. Oh, wait. Wasn't she the quidditch captain? The girl frowned at her before she leaned forward slightly to make herself heard. "Hey, could you please lower your volume?" Pretty please?
Originally Posted by Roselyn
Oh yes, she was indeed wearing leather.
"Right." Medea nodded, eyebrows knitting together a little. Was it just her or did that sound as if Sophia was implying something? Subtly, the defense professor glanced back to check the seat she had claimed as hers. Ahem. No paint balloons or anything theeeeere. Oh! Look who showed up.
"Hello Leo." she beamed, shrugging her shoulders up briefly, a little too happy to have another staff member nearby. Witnesses. "Oh, I know. Going to need to get to higher ground sooner or later."
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch
It didn't take long before Leobald left the deserted library to go down to the pep rally in the quidditch stadium. With a few hogwarts flags tugged under an arm the dark haired librarian beamed brightly as he made his way into the stands.
The house spirit was evident everywhere and the house roars just maybe him grin even more. They should have pep rallies more often. Spotting Medea and Sophia amongst the students he made his way over to the two women. "Hello misses Bellaire and Romanos." He greeted with a wide beam. "It seems the stadium is getting filled with more and more excited students by each passing minute." Leo commented.
Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy
Hmmm? Leather? As in her skirt? Yes she thought leather was a good go in the fall season. But just look at Medea trying to be a devious vampire and charm her up so she wouldn't think she was up to something.
That was the oldest trick in the book and Sophia was not about to let her guard down now. NO way. She played a long however.
"Yes I think leather is a great material to wear at Pep rallies. Paint stains can be scrubbed right off or with the simplest of spells." Oh well at least she thought the woman said leather.
Minerva saw that the puff were mad that she was jumping around. She stopped put her hands on her badger hips and shook her big badger head. If your coming to a PEP RALLY then have some PEP, she thought. Clapping her hands she turned and wiggled her badger behind towards them and skipped off with her flag in hand. RUNNING as fast as she could back and forth in front of all the badgers "HUFFLEPUFF.....HUFFLEPUFF... HUFFLEPUFF...HUFFLEPUFF"
She screamed through her big badger head. Then she saw a few professors sitting in the stands. Giggle..Giggle. Minerva took off running with her big flag towards the Charms Professor, DADA Professor, and Librarian. Once she got close to them she slowed down having doubts in her head, but they didn't know who she was and it was a pep rally. They were suppose to be having fun.. right? Moving closer to them she began to dance around them and was trying to get them up and dancing with her.
Nigel nodded to Lana and was listening to her cheer and was now getting into it too. He was happy more people were showing up in their section. He loved the dragon, Beezus's cheerleader outfit. Nigel wondered why there were no cheerleaders for Quidditch. It was a question to ask Professor Vinidictus whenever he had time.
"Nice outfits Blue and Beezus" Nigel said putting some more blue pain on his face. He was loving all the blue and bronze.
Now it was time for a megaphone. Nigel brought his megaphone from under his robes and shouted into
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
Minerva was running in her costume waving her badger flag proudly when she heard someone yell to get away. Hmmm.. turning she saw the Lion boy looking at her.. Well who peed in his cheerios she thought and then began to chuckle moving a little closer to him and waving the flag.
After waving the badger flag she laughed again and then turned taking off towards people that would appreciate her efforts. Seeing Ella and the Puff Prefect sitting together, smiling she ran over to them and started jumping up and down waving the flag. Then she handed Ella the flag and began to dance around in the costume hoping people were enjoying her little spirit show.
Belle giggled and was very proud of Minnie when she was jumping up and down in the suit. "Yay! GO PUFFS!" Belle cheered when Ella got the flag.
Originally Posted by demented_death_eater
Vindictus could hear the crowd roaring to life as he strode onto the pitch. It was time to get them roaring so that those living in Hogsmeade could hear.
"I CAN'T HEAR YOU, HOGWARTS!" he called out to the crowd in a magically amplified voice.
Belle screamed as loud as she could. She stomped her feet and screamed to the heaven to show her house spirit.
SPOILER!!: Alec!
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
He was EXCITED about this. And it didn't have anything to do with ice cream or superheroes. But it was Quidditch and Quidditch was AWESOME and EXCITING.
Minus the nerves.
Alec bounded down to the Stadium. This was EXCITING. A pep rally! At Hogwarts! And it was about Quidditch! VERY EXCITING THINGS WERE HAPPENING. And maybe he was a bit too excited about all of this but... how could anyone not be excited at a time like this?
The Hufflepuff bounded over towards the Hufflepuff section, a big grin spread across his face. There weren't many there... but there were some! Like Ells! And Belle! And... a badger? Who decided to come as a badger? ... Had Aaron secretly come back to Hogwarts?! Alec GRINNED. Whoever this person was... they were bound to be awesome!
"Hey badger! Awesome suit!" he said, before turning to the girls, "Ells! Belle! HEY!" Was he showing his excitement yet? "Erm... do you know where everyone else is...?" Because, well, it couldn't just be the four of them at this rally. And... another question that popped into his mind... "How should we show that we're proud to be Hufflepuffs?" GRIN.
And... erm... what sound do badgers make, again?
Belle smiled and waved to Alec. "Hey Alec! I do not know where the other puffs are!" she yelled over the crowd cheering. "I guess they are busy studying or not cool enough to come here." Belle said jokingly.
SPOILER!!: Head of House!
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
Josephina had a particular bounce to her step as she made her way down the stadium that afternoon. Her Badgers might have been off to a rowdy start, but she had every bit of confidence that they could work hard and make a comeback. Starting with some stellar cheering at the school Pep Rally to kick off the Quidditch Season!
Yes, she'd seen the lineup and it looked quite awesome, in her eyes anyway.
Oh look, and ONE of her badgers even dressed up in the costume! How clever and spirited. Making her way toward Ella and Annabelle to start, she gave them a friendly grin. "Where's everyone? Do you think they know we're over here? We should do a loud cheer...."
Belle saw the head of the house and smiled and nodded. We should do a chant for the hufflepuffs. I will start it....
Originally Posted by demented_death_eater
"HUFF . . . HUFF . . . HUFFLEPUFF!" exclaimed Vindictus and he now pointed at the Badgers in the stands.
Belle was already doing the chanting and then she heard Vindictus start and she continued the chant.
Sooner or later she may loose her voice and become hoarse.
SPOILER!!: Ella!
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Woah! Someone had decided to dress as a badger? BEAM! That was brilliant! Ella laughed, waving her own little flag as the badger ran back and forth, showing some serious Hufflepuff pride. Heh. This was going to be so fun!
And then Belle was there and looking quite cheerful. Ella returned the wave with one of her own and smiled at the prefect. “Hey Belle! Nice seeing you as well!” Grin. “Isn’t this exciting?” It totally was, yeah? Bounce. Bounce. Bounce. Oh! And Ella should share with Belle! “I have some gummy worms if you want any!” And she did because gummy worms were amazing, right? Right.
When Ella said Hi to her, Belle beamed and said, "I am having so much fun! I am so excited!" Belle said bouncing on the balls of her feet. Belle noticed the gummy worms O.O
"Ella can i have some gummy worms? I haven't had any in so long!" Belle said as she put out her hand.
"Yeah i guess you're right...like me going to classes." Maxwell could feel a shiver down his spine just thinking about how much he disliked potions especially. "But i guess this could be fun..." He said though he thought the opposite.
Maxwell nodded. "Yeah i see it.." He said kinda freaked out. Who shows up as a dragon? non of the houses has a dragon? Then he looked to see the badger and knew who it was instantly by the way she walked. "Yeah...thanks for not showing up like that..." He said knowing Min was underneath that suit.
Yeah! Elliot smiled..."Yeah! I'm not the best at Potions either, Max, don't worry..." well...she was decent. Just not naturally talented at it..."It could be...if we tried." But trying took sooooo much energy, didn't it?
"Ha! I don't dress up. For anything. Except for Halloween..." but even then Elliot didn't like dressing up in obnoxious costumes or anything...She would have grabbed his hand, or something, but some of her fellow claws were chanting really...awesome chants.
Elliot admired their creativity...
SPOILER!!: Bee and Lana
Originally Posted by xXxPandora
Pep rallies. One of the events where Beatrice Castell would put basically her all. Next to Quidditch and classes, it's where she could show her pride for her House.
And that is why she was in a cheerleading costume as she she made her way into the stadium, a bunch of balloons in one hand and a megaphone on the other. Sending excuses, smiles and nods to other Houses as she passed, she finally got to where her fellow eagles were assembled. CHESIRE GRIN TO EVERYONE. Then she handed out a balloon to each that the number she brought with her could accommodate. Oh, and hello there fluffy dragon! "I didn't Ravenclaws were raising a dragon," Beezus said with a giggle as she eyed the mascot.
They were so ready to roll. Bringing the megaphone to her lips, the Chaser began, "Ravenclaws, are you reeeeeaaaaaaaaaaadddyyyyyyyyyy?!" LET US HEAR YOU EAGLES! Oh of course they were. They've been cheering way before she arrived. Yeah, they were just that awesome.
She wanted to add more to the noise they were making, so, "WE'VE GOT THE RHYTHM,
Originally Posted by DH Vixen
Lana glanced around as she continued to wave her pennant high above her head. Seeing the Hutchinson siblings, she waved with her free hand and gave a thumbs up. "You two look stunning!" She really needed to remember all these things for the first match. There was so much that she could try to redo for their first match.
Seeing Beezus, she waved and smiled. Balloons! She should have thought of balloons! That was another thing she would have to remember for next time.
Oh yeah, more cheering.
"We are the Eagles!
The Mighty Mighty Eagles
Do what we say
And get out the way"
SHe couldn't help but grin....at Lana(was that her name? Stupid Laura's twin?!) and Beezus...because those were really cool cheers. She decided she might as well join in...you know, show those snakes that hey, Ravenclaws can dominate, too. Because Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors aren't much competition, are they? (No offense, Maxwell. )
AND LET'S DEFEAT!" she cheered along with Beezus...That was kind of fun. Though she wasn't nearly as loud....
And then she cheered along with Lana, because her cheer was awesome, tooooo!
"We are the Eagles!
The Mighty Mighty Eagles
Do what we say
And get out the way"
She kind of swayed to the beat...there was no way she was jumping around or anything..nuh uuuuh!
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
Messer it's time to shine! I see's you too Minerva!
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
He Oakey ever beamed with joy? Has he ever been this giddy? Probably not, just don't tell him next month is December.
Everyone of his Housemates were cheering and dancing and eating gummy worms. Oakey couldn't resist it when he saw Messer begin cheerleading with Pom-Poms in front of Lewis. A cheer hit him right there for his little Beater partner.
He faced Messer and Lewis and began cheering his housemate on.
That felt great!
His attention was quickly averted to the dancing badger, he wasn't sure who it was, but what it was doing was awesome. Dancing around Professors at a Pep Rally! "YAH BADGER!" Oakey shouted towards it as he made his way to the dancing creature, and began dancing along side the costumed mystery housemate.