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If you've reached the seventh floor corridor, then you have almost reached the Ravenclaw Common Room. Keep going until you find the Eagles' tower and the spiral staircase that leads up to it.
At the top of the staircase is a door without a doorknob or keyhole but a bronze knocker in the shape of an eagle. In order to enter the common room, a person must answer a riddle asked by the eagle knocker; if they answer incorrectly, they must wait for someone else who gets it right. This might lead overconfident non-Ravenclaws to believe that they could break into the common room at any time, but then they would have over-exerted themselves climbing all the way up there only to be made to feel stupid by a simple door knocker.
If you're waiting on a friend, you can have a seat on the staircase leading up to the knob-less door and feel grateful that you don't have to walk all this way every day just to go to bed.
Groannnnnnn Ariana would NEVER be able to be a lion or a claw all of these stairs were Agonizing! finally reaching the seventh floor she looked over to kat "do you think they are locked out as well?" she said as she turned the corridor to where their entrance was.. Yupp Locked out! "Kicked out as well?" hummm what was going onnnn "So is Slytherin And Hufflepuff." she said to the lot of them. hmm No dylan & bee here
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
Originally Posted by JennMarie
Groannnnnnn Ariana would NEVER be able to be a lion or a claw all of these stairs were Agonizing! finally reaching the seventh floor she looked over to kat "do you think they are locked out as well?" she said as she turned the corridor to where their entrance was.. Yupp Locked out! "Kicked out as well?" hummm what was going onnnn "So is Slytherin And Hufflepuff." she said to the lot of them. hmm No dylan & bee here
Merlin's Beard.
How did these Claws manage to go up these stairs and NOT get tired? What kind of legs to they have? SILVER? Just like Voldie's gift to Pettigrew, that is. But seriously, Kat had to drag herself up these stairs and went up breathing heavily. Thank Merlin that the Dungeons weren't filled with STAIRCASES. Praise you.
Once they reached the top, even the Claws were locked out. "That's no surprise." Ravenclaw down, just the Gryffs left. Which reminds her... more stairs. Kat reluctantly went down the stairs. "Can we... Staircases... Please..." Kat said. "How many staircases to we HAVE to go through now?!" One staircase = a hundred in Kat's eyes.
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
Louisa made another two blankets and headed toward the younger Ravenclaw, "Here you go, Opal." She draped it around the girl's shoulders and offered a small smile before moving to the next person. She continued to make blankets and distributing them to the younger ones... until she passed someone sitting on the step furiously writing on-- "No." She whispered to herself, rolling her eyes and snatching the parchment right from under Vickers' hands. "Can we please forget about homework for a little?" And just so he doesn't stand up and easily tower over her raised hand, Louisa slipped the papers in her skirt waistband. SMIRK. "Here.." she made an excuse of handing him a blanket to put a quick apologetic kiss on his lips. "I'll give them back once we're settled." And knew where they were going to spend the night.
Moving away to the others, she saw that people started gathering around Spike's blueball flame. Good. In this slightly dim hall, Louisa almost tripped over something... or someone. "Nigel?" She gave a sigh before throwing an extra blanket over the boy. Fine, he could take a nap while they fetched the professor. Then suddenly and without a warning one of the boys started singing. Awesome, that was more cheerful. Making sure not to stomp on Nigel's head, Louisa moved forward to Spike and spoke loudly so everyone could hear her over the singing. "Okay guys, I'm going to check on the Gryffindors and then continue to professor Vee's office. He'll know what to do and he'll inform the headmistress." She gave Spike a firm dramatic nod, and continued, "Spike here, along with the others, will make sure you're all warm and settled for the time being." The others meaning all the seventh and sixth years. Hear that Vicky and Vivi? Thanks.
"I'll be back soon." She gave her co-Prefect an arm squeeze and weaved her way through the remaining standing students and it wasn't until she reached the very last students that she realized a blanket was still draped over her arm, she gave it to Mika the second year hyper girl. "Stay warm and don't use your wand." The head girl's eyes went to Vivi then, "Keep your eyes on her for me, will you? She tends to... go overboard." Very cute but naughty kid Mika was.
Louisa continued toward the Gryffindor's tower.
Last edited by Magical Soul; 10-20-2012 at 05:39 PM.
Aurora pulled the blanket Louisa put on her shoulders close. "Thanks, Louisa."
She stepped closer to Spike and his blueball flame, preferring to stay as close as possible both in order to keep warm and feel safe. Even though Spike was a Sixth Year and a student-- he was a prefect.
Aurora watched Louisa leave them and dearly hoped that she would get one of the professors to see what was going on with their common room and why they were locked out.
When you're ready come and get it, nah nah nah, nah nah nah, nah nah nah.
½ of Lauralie | Koala | The being in Ern's pocket | Baby Smurf | Prouf member of The Flock
Elise was in her pajamas, that consisted of a loose T-shirt and a pair of weirdly patterned pajama pants. And she was sort of sleeping when the common room decided to toss her out. Aaand toppled onto the ground. Bad arm breaking the fall a little.
OUCH. That hurt. And totally woke her up. Muttering under her breath, she hugged her pillow closer and shuffled towards Spike. "What's going on?" she asked, yawning. The castle seemed to be really mean to her this term. And the train.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Michael Alexander DeLarge (a.k.a. Mick)
Fifth Year
SPOILER!!: Ethan
Originally Posted by emjay
Ethan had never been camping, but if this is what is was, then he thought it wasn't half-bad. He grinned over at Mick as he started the song. Ethan managed the Let's gather 'round the campfire to sing our 'Campfire Song'! OUR C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E-S-O-N-G SONG! quite well.. yes, he was quite proud of his spelling skills.. and he hummed along to the rest being unsure of the words. Maybe he'd get it on the next go. He chuckled lightly at the end.. it was a kind of fun and silly song but it seemed to lighten the mood a bit.. and that was exactly what they needed. Especially to put the younger ones at ease. "Do you know any more?" he asked Mick. Or maybe they could just sing that one again..
He smiled warmly at Eliza as she came to sit by him. The boy felt compelled to look out for the younger girl and figured if she sat near him, she might feel a little less distressed about the situation. Not that he was very confident about it himself.. but he thought he hid it well. Ethan thought for a moment about her question. He really had no idea what was going on and the thought that this was just the latest string in a series of bizarre occurrences was rather unsettling. Still, he didn't want the younger kids any more worried than they were. "I'm sure it's just like the prefect said.. The castle is playing some sort of joke on us." And he wouldn't be surprised given the odd sort of things he had seen happen the past few months.. but he had a funny feeling that wasn't it.
He glanced around the area looking for any of the Claws he knew somewhat well - Cora, Elliot, Taylor. No sign of any of them.. he figured they weren't in the common room when it happened. He turned back to Eliza and gave her a reassuring smile. "Once Professor V gets here, I'm sure he'll sort everything out." Yes, adults usually had the answers.
Mick stopped singing after repeating the spelling part 2 times, because that's all there was to the song and people looked like they weren't in the mood for a song. He didn't know any other camping songs anyway He liked how Ethan went along with it, so it wasn't like he was the only goofball singing a song originally sung by a talking sponge named Bob.
He sat there, cross-legged, staring at the fire. His mind went to other places. He thought about his mother and father, considered writing to the both of them when the madness is over. He thought about the question the younger girl, sitting next to Ethan, asked. "This is weird, even for Hogwarts," he whispered to himself. "What is going on?" He assured himself that everything was going to be okay, hoping to be back in his bed very soon.
SPOILER!!: Elise
Originally Posted by iceblossom22
Elise was in her pajamas, that consisted of a loose T-shirt and a pair of weirdly patterned pajama pants. And she was sort of sleeping when the common room decided to toss her out. Aaand toppled onto the ground. Bad arm breaking the fall a little.
OUCH. That hurt. And totally woke her up. Muttering under her breath, she hugged her pillow closer and shuffled towards Spike. "What's going on?" she asked, yawning. The castle seemed to be really mean to her this term. And the train.
Her arm hurt too.
Mick turned his attention to the girl in pjs that had asked the same question that's been going around. Eh, it's a running gag, he had thought privately. She looked more confused than the others, maybe she was asleep when it happened. "Are you all right, little missy?" he asked kindly. "Would you like to sit down?"
Falling in love is such an easy thing to do.
Birds can do it, we can do it
Let's stop talking, let's get to it...Let's fall in Love!
½ of Lauralie | Koala | The being in Ern's pocket | Baby Smurf | Prouf member of The Flock
Originally Posted by therock_sorceress
Mick turned his attention to the girl in pjs that had asked the same question that's been going around. Eh, it's a running gag, he had thought privately. She looked more confused than the others, maybe she was asleep when it happened. "Are you all right, little missy?" he asked kindly. "Would you like to sit down?"
Elise turned towards the person who seemed to be talking to her. She was still a little confused. Maybe very confused, but the girl was still half-asleep. "M'name is Elise," she muttered groggily before taking a seat on the floor next to the guy.
"And my arm kinda hurts," she added, as an afterthought. it was her beating arm. And the match was coming up. She didn't want to miss it again. No. She'd missed the last one.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Michael Alexander DeLarge (a.k.a. Mick)
Fifth Year
Originally Posted by iceblossom22
Elise turned towards the person who seemed to be talking to her. She was still a little confused. Maybe very confused, but the girl was still half-asleep. "M'name is Elise," she muttered groggily before taking a seat on the floor next to the guy.
"And my arm kinda hurts," she added, as an afterthought. it was her beating arm. And the match was coming up. She didn't want to miss it again. No. She'd missed the last one.
Mick scooched a little bit so the girl could have room in case she wanted to lie down or something, she did look sleepy. I would hate this too if I was pulled out of bed, while sleeping... "Nice to meet you, I'm Mick." He looked at her arm and pulled his wand out of his pocket, "Would you like some ice for that? I could conjure some up."
Falling in love is such an easy thing to do.
Birds can do it, we can do it
Let's stop talking, let's get to it...Let's fall in Love!
Presley was headed back to the common room after a brief meeting with her stupid brother, but the sight that greeted her outside the knocker was surprising. Nearly all of Ravenclaw house was gathered outside, chatting, freezing, and looking confused. "Um..What's going on?" she asked bewilderdly.
Maybe they hadn't been able to figure out the riddle? Excepting the time Pres had been stuck outside at three in the morning, she'd usually been able to figure it out. She slipped between people up to the front, and knocked, but either she couldn't hear it over the roar of people, or it didn't say anything at all. What in Merlins name was going on here?
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Originally Posted by McFeisty
When someone near her bumped into her Mia looked up and frowned well she had no idea what was going on now did she?
"Ugh - the common room just poof kicked us out...should we gather our supplies and make our way to the greathall or something? Try and find if the other houses have been banished to the halls as well?" She asked thinking truly like a real Ravenclaw.
Vivi glanced down at the voice coming from just beside her, and in spite of the severity of the situation, she had to grin at the rather feisty Ravenclaw girl. Common rooms shouldn't be allowed to make sentient decisions, so far as she knew, and especially shouldn't be allowed to kick out their occupants.
"I dunno how we can gather supplies when we can't get into the common room. I suppose we'll have to send someone to Vindictus to find out, and the rest of us will need to make due until we hear from him." She crossed her arms, leaned against the wall, and nodded at the Slytherins that had just joined them.
"Looks like everyone is locked out."
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
Moving away to the others, she saw that people started gathering around Spike's blueball flame. Good. In this slightly dim hall, Louisa almost tripped over something... or someone. "Nigel?" She gave a sigh before throwing an extra blanket over the boy. Fine, he could take a nap while they fetched the professor. Then suddenly and without a warning one of the boys started singing. Awesome, that was more cheerful. Making sure not to stomp on Nigel's head, Louisa moved forward to Spike and spoke loudly so everyone could hear her over the singing. "Okay guys, I'm going to check on the Gryffindors and then continue to professor Vee's office. He'll know what to do and he'll inform the headmistress." She gave Spike a firm dramatic nod, and continued, "Spike here, along with the others, will make sure you're all warm and settled for the time being." The others meaning all the seventh and sixth years. Hear that Vicky and Vivi? Thanks.
"I'll be back soon." She gave her co-Prefect an arm squeeze and weaved her way through the remaining standing students and it wasn't until she reached the very last students that she realized a blanket was still draped over her arm, she gave it to Mika the second year hyper girl. "Stay warm and don't use your wand." The head girl's eyes went to Vivi then, "Keep your eyes on her for me, will you? She tends to... go overboard." Very cute but naughty kid Mika was.
Louisa continued toward the Gryffindor's tower.
"What did I tell you about bossing me around, LouLou?" Vivi called at the departing figure of the Head Girl. Hmph. She didn't want to be left to take care of anyone's needs. She just wanted to go to her bed and not emerge for 12 hours.
Her glance slid once again to the younger Ravenclaw. Mika, did she say her name was? "It appears Louisa does not have a lot of faith in your decision making abilities. Any idea why that might be?"
Originally Posted by Presley Black
Presley was headed back to the common room after a brief meeting with her stupid brother, but the sight that greeted her outside the knocker was surprising. Nearly all of Ravenclaw house was gathered outside, chatting, freezing, and looking confused. "Um..What's going on?" she asked bewilderdly.
Maybe they hadn't been able to figure out the riddle? Excepting the time Pres had been stuck outside at three in the morning, she'd usually been able to figure it out. She slipped between people up to the front, and knocked, but either she couldn't hear it over the roar of people, or it didn't say anything at all. What in Merlins name was going on here?
"Something about... the common room said no and then poof everyone was out here?" Vivi offered the girl who had just arrived on the scene. She shrugged helplessly.
"We're just trying to stay warm and not get cranky with each other." Or that was her goal.
Well, It seemed like Nigel could not even begin to fall asleep on the staircase. He tried thought. He closed his closed his eyes for as long as he could. But with people tripping over him and poking him. It made it hard for him to fall asleep.
I finally opens his eyes to see a blanket on him and somebody poking him. He turned to listened to this girl talk and wondered if she gave him the blanket. Even though she was talking a little to fast for Nigel. He could understand her.
"Hi, M......" Okay Nigel was going to stay quiet until she tells him all of her nicknames. "Hi, Mika. I'm Nigel. and of course Batman. Batman is the best." And since he was awake now. He should at least know what is going on.
"Do You Know what is going now and did you give me this blanket?"
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
Ethan had never been camping, but if this is what is was, then he thought it wasn't half-bad. He grinned over at Mick as he started the song. Ethan managed the Let's gather 'round the campfire to sing our 'Campfire Song'! OUR C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E-S-O-N-G SONG! quite well.. yes, he was quite proud of his spelling skills.. and he hummed along to the rest being unsure of the words. Maybe he'd get it on the next go. He chuckled lightly at the end.. it was a kind of fun and silly song but it seemed to lighten the mood a bit.. and that was exactly what they needed. Especially to put the younger ones at ease. "Do you know any more?" he asked Mick. Or maybe they could just sing that one again..
He smiled warmly at Eliza as she came to sit by him. The boy felt compelled to look out for the younger girl and figured if she sat near him, she might feel a little less distressed about the situation. Not that he was very confident about it himself.. but he thought he hid it well. Ethan thought for a moment about her question. He really had no idea what was going on and the thought that this was just the latest string in a series of bizarre occurrences was rather unsettling. Still, he didn't want the younger kids any more worried than they were. "I'm sure it's just like the prefect said.. The castle is playing some sort of joke on us." And he wouldn't be surprised given the odd sort of things he had seen happen the past few months.. but he had a funny feeling that wasn't it.
He glanced around the area looking for any of the Claws he knew somewhat well - Cora, Elliot, Taylor. No sign of any of them.. he figured they weren't in the common room when it happened. He turned back to Eliza and gave her a reassuring smile. "Once Professor V gets here, I'm sure he'll sort everything out." Yes, adults usually had the answers.
Ethan seemed pretty confident that everything would be okay, so Eliza thought maybe she was over-reacting. She put a small smile on her face to show him that she was trying to believe him. "I hope so..." She still thought it was all very strange. She hoped he was right about a professor coming to help soon. Hopefully anyone with information would come soon anyway, she didn't really care who it was. Come to think of it, she wasn't sure she knew who that man was, that Ethan mentioned. "I'm not sure if I've met Professor V yet. What's he like?" Sitting here not knowing a single thing was driving her crazy. Ok, if we are all out of our common rooms like that Slytherin girl told us, that means... What does it mean? Does someone want us all to be really tired tomorrow? If we're all tired...maybe we will be down on our guard. But for what? She was beginning to wonder where Cora was, but there were a lot of students outside the door so she really could be in there amongst them. She was small after all. She drew a sharp breath when the thought that maybe Cora had been banished somewhere different from everyone else crossed her mind. She hoped she was all right.
The first year pulled out her sketchbook and began making a list of what she knew to try to help figure this out. Her mind would be swimming in it all anyway, so she thought she might as well get it on paper.
SPOILER!!: Sketchpad Notes
-Missing brooch
-Arithmancy room flooded
-Kicked out of the common rooms and dormitories
-Professor Lafay is really sick
-Apparently the jobberknolls had died - overheard during Potions
"Something about... the common room said no and then poof everyone was out here?" Vivi offered the girl who had just arrived on the scene. She shrugged helplessly.
"We're just trying to stay warm and not get cranky with each other." Or that was her goal.[/color]
Well, this girl seemed to not know much more than Presley did. Or maybe she did and she was just giving her the short version. "So, why can't someone inside just let us all in?" Because when the knocker was giving a stupid riddle that was always the best solution.
Mika just laughed, a happy little laugh when she heard what Louisa was saying. Sure yeah maybe she did go a little overboard? But sometimes you needed that certain type of gumption in order to well - get things done?
She watched with wide eyes as Louisa handed her a blanket. Oh thank goodness her little toes would be warm today. "Thank you thank you thank you" she chirped excitedly as she wrapped herself into the blanket.
Warmth was great right?
"Alright I won't use my wand...not unless we've got to protect ourselves" Mika nodded. Yeah she wasn't about to let a horde of hungry pogrebin's attack or anything. Then again it wasn't like Hogwarts was in Russia - Hogwarts was in scotland so they were safe from Pogrebin's for now at least. She chuckled a bit as it was clear Louisa was warning Vivi about her....oh right she hadn't ever really introduced herself to Vivi being well too busy being crazy this term.
Her quest for chocolate hadn't been all that great - though she had been eying that giant thing Kendall had in her dorm. Pretty mouth watering looking that was.
Mika smiled up to Vivi as she spoke to her. She liked her hair. When she commented on how it looked like everyone was locked out it just seemed to probe her little suspicions further. Something was up. Something magical had gone a little off kilter - maybe mercury was in retrograde or something?
"Hmmm...I'm not really sure - maybe its because of my sister? She kind of had a history with Louisa's ex...didn't date or anything she just kept running into him and he never told her he had a girlfriend." Mika nodded. Oh right it somewhat dawned on her. "Well....last year I did kind of mumble a plan outloud to cause havoc to said ex of hers - because pfft you don't not tell someone you have a girlfriend." Her expression was that of deep concentration.
"I told her i was trying to recruit a bunch of slytherins to steal the guy's things...bed, trunk and everything and send him floating on the lake." She shrugged. "I never did it though because I didn't want to get a detention - oh and i accidentally launched a chocolate frog at the slytherin table last term - it wasn't on purpose i was trying to launch it into my mouth and the trajectory was a bit off." She shrugged.
She smiled over to Vivi again. "I'm Amelia by the way but you can call me anything really...except pumpkin...food names are just - creepy they remind me of babayaga and really don't want to think of witches who eat people." She laughed a bit - but yeah, overboard. She'd gone off to lalalaPSYCHO.PANTSlalaland.
It was then that Nigel began to speak. Turning her head over to him she just smiled. Nigel looked nice.
She knew she was holding back - if she wasn't she would have been singing the batman theme song at the top of her lungs. And striking awesome faux martial-arts poses...maybe she was a little overboard but honestly it was just the chocolate, and all the other sweets she kept stashed in her bags. "Batman is awesome - me I have the nickname of Wonder!Woman and a new super-hero-side-kid-thingy...Pig!Girl because i snort when i laugh" she nodded and embarrassing herself all the while as she spoke.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
Spike's smiled widened, and he gave her a little wink. "It suits you," he said with a chuckle. It might be on the big side, but at least it'd keep more of her warm, right? It came all the way to her knees, and hopefully her fluffy socks would keep her tootsies nice and warm. At her question, he shook his head lightly. "Nah, I'm a big boy. And I've just run up all those stairs. I'll be fine." And even if he did get cold, he'd rather she had it.
"Not the nicest way to wake up, I shouldn't imagine," Spike said with a frown. It was sounding more and more strange. 'Whooshed' through the dorm? "You're okay though, yes?" He probably had some healing potion in one of his pockets somewhere if she wasn't. Spike had a whole random assortment of things in his pocket. "Nothing too badly bruised?"
"It does?" Blue looked from Spike to the over-large jacket and her smile got bigger. "Mhm. Guess it does. Doesn't really fit though." *mini!giggle* But it was lovely and warm and snug. And it reminded her she should send home for warmer pajamas. "You sure?" She eyed him and hugged the jacket a little tighter around her. Even though she was kinda worried about him getting cold, she really appreciated having the jacket to keep her warm.
"Naaah. I was kinda hoping to wake up super early to do my homework..." She made a face. Maybe it was probably best NOT to tell the Ravenclaw prefect that but eh. "Twas really weird. It wasn't like it hurt or anything. Just a push. It was when I fell that I got hurt." She said thoughtfully. "nope. I don't think I have any bruises at all actually!" BEAM.
Originally Posted by McFeisty
Mia glanced up when she heard Blue's voice. Meekly she spoke up - well, squeaked. "Yeah i was all getting into bed and then POOF standing on one foot in the middle of the hall here." She nodded. "I wonder if the magic has gone and wibbly-wobbly-wonky? You know like how it did with the trains? OH MERLIN I think the commonroom lost its ability to let only Ravenclaws in and now no one can get in because the charms on the school and maybe magic in this world is fading?" She was thinking aloud of course and her eyes were as WIDE as doorknobs.
"OH MERLIN! Look Cat Woman! We've now got batman" Mika's eyes got wide as she realized she used the little-known nickname for Blue. Yeah. Anyhow she reached her hand over and poked the batman pajama clad boy in the arm.
"I was SLEEPING. Twasn't nice. And you know Barnabus? My evil fat kneazle that drools ALL over my stuff and ate my toad?" She pulled a face. STUPID kneazle. But she couldn't get rid of it cause Alice would be really upset. "Yeah well...he's left in our dorm, angry." She widened her eyes, trying to warn Mika silently. DID SHE REALIZE HOW DANGEROUS THIS WAS?!?! He would drool on/and eat all of their stuff! EEEEEP. Blue widened her eyes and shook her head frantically. "Don't say that! Hogwarts is the most magic-y place in the whole world! The magic hasn't GONE." And don't say that again cause you're making her wibble. "B-b-but if all the magic is sucked out of the world, I won't be able to see all of my friends." WAAAAH. No. That could NOT happen. She wouldn't let it.
"WONDER WOMAN. You what?" Blue scrambled over in her over-sized jacket. A BATMAN. COOOOOOOL.
SPOILER!!: You Slytherins
Originally Posted by JennMarie
Groannnnnnn Ariana would NEVER be able to be a lion or a claw all of these stairs were Agonizing! finally reaching the seventh floor she looked over to kat "do you think they are locked out as well?" she said as she turned the corridor to where their entrance was.. Yupp Locked out! "Kicked out as well?" hummm what was going onnnn "So is Slytherin And Hufflepuff." she said to the lot of them. hmm No dylan & bee here
Originally Posted by PotterHeadforLife
Merlin's Beard.
How did these Claws manage to go up these stairs and NOT get tired? What kind of legs to they have? SILVER? Just like Voldie's gift to Pettigrew, that is. But seriously, Kat had to drag herself up these stairs and went up breathing heavily. Thank Merlin that the Dungeons weren't filled with STAIRCASES. Praise you.
Once they reached the top, even the Claws were locked out. "That's no surprise." Ravenclaw down, just the Gryffs left. Which reminds her... more stairs. Kat reluctantly went down the stairs. "Can we... Staircases... Please..." Kat said. "How many staircases to we HAVE to go through now?!" One staircase = a hundred in Kat's eyes.
Blue was still blinking at the badman boy when she heard more voices coming up the stairs. Moar Ravenclaws probably. And now they'd have to explain everything ALL over again and honestly? This was getting annoying. She was tired (she was warm at least) and getting a little frustrated hearing the same thing over and over again. But she glanced at these two girls and widened her eyes. They weren't Eagles. They were Snakes. Okay. Random. But maybe they were locked out of their common room too!
The second-year walked over to the two, pushing back her too-big sleeves in case she had to gesture with her hands. "HI. You guys are Slytherins, right? My two bestest friends are," Just to start with a 'I-come-in-peace' type thing. "Are you guys locked out of your common room too?" Wide eyes. Hear that prefects? She was checking around, seeing if it was only their CR. Such prefect potential.
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
Originally Posted by Lollipop!
Blue was still blinking at the badman boy when she heard more voices coming up the stairs. Moar Ravenclaws probably. And now they'd have to explain everything ALL over again and honestly? This was getting annoying. She was tired (she was warm at least) and getting a little frustrated hearing the same thing over and over again. But she glanced at these two girls and widened her eyes. They weren't Eagles. They were Snakes. Okay. Random. But maybe they were locked out of their common room too!
The second-year walked over to the two, pushing back her too-big sleeves in case she had to gesture with her hands. "HI. You guys are Slytherins, right? My two bestest friends are," Just to start with a 'I-come-in-peace' type thing. "Are you guys locked out of your common room too?" Wide eyes. Hear that prefects? She was checking around, seeing if it was only their CR. Such prefect potential.
While Kat was waiting for Ariana to signal her to go down, a little Ravenclaw had gotten her attention. What a tiny little girl. Kat thought this one was cute. She looked like an ickle Firstie... or a Second year. Well, Kat doesn't know. "Hello," Kat said. Man, she really has this attachment to Claws... does she? "Yeah, we're Slytherins... and who are your two bestest friends?" Kat can't blame the girl. Even though a Ravenclaw should know there is no such word as bestest, Kat gave an exemption to this one. She was so cute.
"Unfortunately, yes," Kat nodded. "All the Houses are locked out of their common room. We don't know what caused it." And neither does anyone in this entire school. Oh... wait.
"I'm Kat, by the way," the Slytherin introduced. "And this is my friend, Ariana." LOGAN, WHERE IN THE NAME OF MERLIN ARE YOU?!
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
"It does?" Blue looked from Spike to the over-large jacket and her smile got bigger. "Mhm. Guess it does. Doesn't really fit though." *mini!giggle* But it was lovely and warm and snug. And it reminded her she should send home for warmer pajamas. "You sure?" She eyed him and hugged the jacket a little tighter around her. Even though she was kinda worried about him getting cold, she really appreciated having the jacket to keep her warm.
"Naaah. I was kinda hoping to wake up super early to do my homework..." She made a face. Maybe it was probably best NOT to tell the Ravenclaw prefect that but eh. "Twas really weird. It wasn't like it hurt or anything. Just a push. It was when I fell that I got hurt." She said thoughtfully. "nope. I don't think I have any bruises at all actually!" BEAM.
"I was SLEEPING. Twasn't nice. And you know Barnabus? My evil fat kneazle that drools ALL over my stuff and ate my toad?" She pulled a face. STUPID kneazle. But she couldn't get rid of it cause Alice would be really upset. "Yeah well...he's left in our dorm, angry." She widened her eyes, trying to warn Mika silently. DID SHE REALIZE HOW DANGEROUS THIS WAS?!?! He would drool on/and eat all of their stuff! EEEEEP. Blue widened her eyes and shook her head frantically. "Don't say that! Hogwarts is the most magic-y place in the whole world! The magic hasn't GONE." And don't say that again cause you're making her wibble. "B-b-but if all the magic is sucked out of the world, I won't be able to see all of my friends." WAAAAH. No. That could NOT happen. She wouldn't let it.
"WONDER WOMAN. You what?" Blue scrambled over in her over-sized jacket. A BATMAN. COOOOOOOL.
SPOILER!!: You Slytherins
Blue was still blinking at the badman boy when she heard more voices coming up the stairs. Moar Ravenclaws probably. And now they'd have to explain everything ALL over again and honestly? This was getting annoying. She was tired (she was warm at least) and getting a little frustrated hearing the same thing over and over again. But she glanced at these two girls and widened her eyes. They weren't Eagles. They were Snakes. Okay. Random. But maybe they were locked out of their common room too!
The second-year walked over to the two, pushing back her too-big sleeves in case she had to gesture with her hands. "HI. You guys are Slytherins, right? My two bestest friends are," Just to start with a 'I-come-in-peace' type thing. "Are you guys locked out of your common room too?" Wide eyes. Hear that prefects? She was checking around, seeing if it was only their CR. Such prefect potential.
Hi, are you guys slytherin? No we just walk around robes with the slytherin crest on it! she looked down.. right her's was open and you couldn't see her crest but you could still see the green on the inside. are you color blind child? She stood behind Kat.. I'm right here dont lose your quaffle Hudson. "Your two bestest friends?" probably some losers who she didn't know.. i mean who hung out with ravenclaws besides Dylan Locked out more like Forced out by an angry Spirit! "Yes, were were shoved out then our entrance sealed itself" stupid wall. She hated hat dang thing. her first year she never remembered what part to whisper to. Stupid thing. "Were you lot literally pushed out as well?" hopefully. cause it's be mean to just force out the best house ever and no one else.. they deserved to be pushed out as well. yupp
While Kat was waiting for Ariana to signal her to go down, a little Ravenclaw had gotten her attention. What a tiny little girl. Kat thought this one was cute. She looked like an ickle Firstie... or a Second year. Well, Kat doesn't know. "Hello," Kat said. Man, she really has this attachment to Claws... does she? "Yeah, we're Slytherins... and who are your two bestest friends?" Kat can't blame the girl. Even though a Ravenclaw should know there is no such word as bestest, Kat gave an exemption to this one. She was so cute.
"Unfortunately, yes," Kat nodded. "All the Houses are locked out of their common room. We don't know what caused it." And neither does anyone in this entire school. Oh... wait.
"I'm Kat, by the way," the Slytherin introduced. "And this is my friend, Ariana." LOGAN, WHERE IN THE NAME OF MERLIN ARE YOU?!
Originally Posted by JennMarie
Hi, are you guys slytherin? No we just walk around robes with the slytherin crest on it! she looked down.. right her's was open and you couldn't see her crest but you could still see the green on the inside. are you color blind child? She stood behind Kat.. I'm right here dont lose your quaffle Hudson. "Your two bestest friends?" probably some losers who she didn't know.. i mean who hung out with ravenclaws besides Dylan Locked out more like Forced out by an angry Spirit! "Yes, were were shoved out then our entrance sealed itself" stupid wall. She hated hat dang thing. her first year she never remembered what part to whisper to. Stupid thing. "Were you lot literally pushed out as well?" hopefully. cause it's be mean to just force out the best house ever and no one else.. they deserved to be pushed out as well. yupp
Ergh. Why did she always talk to people SO much taller than her. Blue had to look UP which hurt her neck, for Pete's sake. "HI. Oh...you probably know them." Shrug. Weren't they were pretty popular in Slytherin or something? Pretty popular in the year too. "Theodore Kinsley and West Odessa." Mhm. She had to say the full Theo'dore' cause Theo Kinsley just sounded weird. Yep.
She looked from one to the other, still wide eyed. Sniff. "Is it all the common rooms? I think our prefects are gonna go get the headmisstress now..." Blue said thoughtfully, twirling a lock of hair around her finger, making it more curly and messy and BLAH. Bedhead. But it was what she did because she couldn't NOT be doing anything. *GLARES at ADHD* She bounced from foot to foot. "Our knocker isn't working, any more either." And it wasn't like they just couldn't figure out what the answer was though that had happened to Blue on numerous occasions.
"Yep. I was sleeping and then when I was shoved my kneazle went flying." She grimaced. Barnabus was probably eating everything in the dorm at this stage.
"Nice to meet ya Kat." Hop hop hop. "I'm BLUE. Like the colour!" Mhm. She stuck out her two hands, one for Kat and the other for the other girl. And raised her eyebrows at the dark haired one. Still don't know your name.
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
Originally Posted by Lollipop!
Ergh. Why did she always talk to people SO much taller than her. Blue had to look UP which hurt her neck, for Pete's sake. "HI. Oh...you probably know them." Shrug. Weren't they were pretty popular in Slytherin or something? Pretty popular in the year too. "Theodore Kinsley and West Odessa." Mhm. She had to say the full Theo'dore' cause Theo Kinsley just sounded weird. Yep.
She looked from one to the other, still wide eyed. Sniff. "Is it all the common rooms? I think our prefects are gonna go get the headmisstress now..." Blue said thoughtfully, twirling a lock of hair around her finger, making it more curly and messy and BLAH. Bedhead. But it was what she did because she couldn't NOT be doing anything. *GLARES at ADHD* She bounced from foot to foot. "Our knocker isn't working, any more either." And it wasn't like they just couldn't figure out what the answer was though that had happened to Blue on numerous occasions.
"Yep. I was sleeping and then when I was shoved my kneazle went flying." She grimaced. Barnabus was probably eating everything in the dorm at this stage.
"Nice to meet ya Kat." Hop hop hop. "I'm BLUE. Like the colour!" Mhm. She stuck out her two hands, one for Kat and the other for the other girl. And raised her eyebrows at the dark haired one. Still don't know your name.
Mother of Salazar Slytherin. THEODORE AND WEST WERE THIS GIRL'S BEST FRIENDS?!?! Kat couldn't believe what she heard. Her ears never deceived her. "Of course I know them," Kat said. "Terror Twins of the Slytherin Quidditch Team. Ariana and I are part of the team as well. Those two are awesome."
Kat pitied Blue. She was so tiny that she had to look up. Did she want Kat to kneel down and say 'Marry me' or something? No. Ok, back to the topic. "Our girl prefect is watching the other students by the Dungeon corridor right now, I haven't seen our Head boy though," Kat said. Where was Kennedy anyway?!
"Nice to meet you, Blue," Kat smiled. She was a friendly Snake... not always. "And..." Kat looked at Ariana. Hey, Logan, talk to her. "This is Ar..." Kat knew Ariana might've hit her or something so she stopped mid-sentence. "Logan. This is Logan." Now Blue's going to think Ariana was a guy. Honestly, if Kat made other people call her Hudson, they'd call her 'River' instead. If you know what I mean.
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
Ergh. Why did she always talk to people SO much taller than her. Blue had to look UP which hurt her neck, for Pete's sake. "HI. Oh...you probably know them." Shrug. Weren't they were pretty popular in Slytherin or something? Pretty popular in the year too. "Theodore Kinsley and West Odessa." Mhm. She had to say the full Theo'dore' cause Theo Kinsley just sounded weird. Yep.
She looked from one to the other, still wide eyed. Sniff. "Is it all the common rooms? I think our prefects are gonna go get the headmisstress now..." Blue said thoughtfully, twirling a lock of hair around her finger, making it more curly and messy and BLAH. Bedhead. But it was what she did because she couldn't NOT be doing anything. *GLARES at ADHD* She bounced from foot to foot. "Our knocker isn't working, any more either." And it wasn't like they just couldn't figure out what the answer was though that had happened to Blue on numerous occasions.
"Yep. I was sleeping and then when I was shoved my kneazle went flying." She grimaced. Barnabus was probably eating everything in the dorm at this stage.
"Nice to meet ya Kat." Hop hop hop. "I'm BLUE. Like the colour!" Mhm. She stuck out her two hands, one for Kat and the other for the other girl. And raised her eyebrows at the dark haired one. Still don't know your name.
Kinsleeeey & Odesssaaaa .... really they hung out with her remember to talk with them later on this Logan.... "Oh, Kinsley & Odessa.. we play Quidditch with them." well DUH who else would you play quidditch with if you played at all in this school. Dumb girl. she looked at Kat briefly before back to the ravenclaw. Blue.. right? "yupp all of them so far.. were on to Gryffindor next to ssee if they are locked out as well." aww your poor knocker wan't working.. Ariana didnt care about a knocker. Crazy Blue.
Bahahahah! She was sleeping! Poor girl... Not really Ariana didnt care. "i was about to be sleeping.. Lost my wand as i flew through the air." and NO it didnt fall out of it's holster. she had already put her holster away and was ABOUT to put her wand away when she went flying WHOOOSSSHHH. and bye bye went her wand.. She got so caught up in thinking about her wand in their all alone she forgot to mention her name.. Looking back up she heard "logan" "Huh!? oh right yeah." that was her.. big whoop.. now Worship me.
½ of Lauralie | Koala | The being in Ern's pocket | Baby Smurf | Prouf member of The Flock
Originally Posted by therock_sorceress
Mick scooched a little bit so the girl could have room in case she wanted to lie down or something, she did look sleepy. I would hate this too if I was pulled out of bed, while sleeping... "Nice to meet you, I'm Mick." He looked at her arm and pulled his wand out of his pocket, "Would you like some ice for that? I could conjure some up."
Elise rubbed her eyes a little and shook her head. She was fine. No ice necessary. But the guy wasn't a mindreader. "No thanks. But I appreciate it." She did. She just didn't want ice on her arm at this freezing hour of the morning/night/whatever time it was.
"But it's nice to meet you too." Because Elise loved meeting new people. And making friends with them. It was fun, and there were lots of nice people here at Hogwarts. And nice people made great company... and sometimes they had food.
y'all, bust mostly Louisa and Spikey and the eagle knocker lol!
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
He can hear Spike hollering out instructions above the din of confused Eaglets. Campfire and blankets? Thats fine by him, so long as they left him in peace to redo his homework. Locked out or not Vickers wasnt missing a deadline because of such unforeseen circumstan--
--Hey homework whereyougoin'?
His head shot up to where his parchment zipped off to, and finds himself glaring at--- the Head Girl. His face softens immediately "But those are due tomorrow..." he mumbles.... begs?... reaching out for his parchment just as she slips them into her skirt. Oh well now was that supposed to be challenge?...
Not quite. She just traded those for a blanket. And a kiss.
Okay he's quite pacified. For now.
As Louisa proceeded to her Head Girl duties Vickers leans back onto the still SHUT door. Right he'll be a-helpin'... but so far the Claws were proving to be a pretty hardy bunch. They were already chatting about as if this was some kind of impromptu slumber party by the stairs. They even have guests-- Slytherins managed to climb their way up here from the dungeons.
Apparently they werent the only ones locked out of their common room...
Vickers looked up and reached out for the brass knocker, tracing his fingers against the now silent eagle. What kind of Magic is keeping them from getting in anyway? Or was it a lack of magic?
"Why wont you let us in?" he mumbled exasperated at the Eagle knocker. His turn to ask questions at it yeah?
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Eliza thought harder and harder about this whole magic going haywire thing. She looked over her notes again and again as they sat there. Oh! How could I forget about the train stopping at the beginning of term?! She scribbled that note onto her list of ideas as well and asked Ethan, or anyone near enough to hear her. "Does anyone think this might have something to do with how the train stopped? I mean, this is the second time we've been magically sabotaged this year. Weird, right?"Okay so maybe sabotaged was a bit strong, but oh well. She hoped people didn't think she was crazy, but someone here must be thinking the same things as her. They were Ravenclaws after all. They needed to be at the forefront of this investigation. Maybe some of the Slytherins here could help figure out what was happening too, being good at achieving their goals by whatever means necessary and all.
SPOILER!!: Sketchpad Notes
- Missing brooch, seems strangely important to Headmistress
- Arithmancy room flooded
- Kicked out of the common rooms and dormitories
- Professor Lafay is really sick and no one knows with what or why
- Apparently the jobberknolls had died - overheard during Potions
- Train magically halted on ride to Hogwarts
"It does?" Blue looked from Spike to the over-large jacket and her smile got bigger. "Mhm. Guess it does. Doesn't really fit though." *mini!giggle* But it was lovely and warm and snug. And it reminded her she should send home for warmer pajamas. "You sure?" She eyed him and hugged the jacket a little tighter around her. Even though she was kinda worried about him getting cold, she really appreciated having the jacket to keep her warm.
"Naaah. I was kinda hoping to wake up super early to do my homework..." She made a face. Maybe it was probably best NOT to tell the Ravenclaw prefect that but eh. "Twas really weird. It wasn't like it hurt or anything. Just a push. It was when I fell that I got hurt." She said thoughtfully. "nope. I don't think I have any bruises at all actually!" BEAM.
"I was SLEEPING. Twasn't nice. And you know Barnabus? My evil fat kneazle that drools ALL over my stuff and ate my toad?" She pulled a face. STUPID kneazle. But she couldn't get rid of it cause Alice would be really upset. "Yeah well...he's left in our dorm, angry." She widened her eyes, trying to warn Mika silently. DID SHE REALIZE HOW DANGEROUS THIS WAS?!?! He would drool on/and eat all of their stuff! EEEEEP. Blue widened her eyes and shook her head frantically. "Don't say that! Hogwarts is the most magic-y place in the whole world! The magic hasn't GONE." And don't say that again cause you're making her wibble. "B-b-but if all the magic is sucked out of the world, I won't be able to see all of my friends." WAAAAH. No. That could NOT happen. She wouldn't let it.
"WONDER WOMAN. You what?" Blue scrambled over in her over-sized jacket. A BATMAN. COOOOOOOL.
SPOILER!!: You Slytherins
Blue was still blinking at the badman boy when she heard more voices coming up the stairs. Moar Ravenclaws probably. And now they'd have to explain everything ALL over again and honestly? This was getting annoying. She was tired (she was warm at least) and getting a little frustrated hearing the same thing over and over again. But she glanced at these two girls and widened her eyes. They weren't Eagles. They were Snakes. Okay. Random. But maybe they were locked out of their common room too!
The second-year walked over to the two, pushing back her too-big sleeves in case she had to gesture with her hands. "HI. You guys are Slytherins, right? My two bestest friends are," Just to start with a 'I-come-in-peace' type thing. "Are you guys locked out of your common room too?" Wide eyes. Hear that prefects? She was checking around, seeing if it was only their CR. Such prefect potential.
Originally Posted by JennMarie
Kinsleeeey & Odesssaaaa .... really they hung out with her remember to talk with them later on this Logan.... "Oh, Kinsley & Odessa.. we play Quidditch with them." well DUH who else would you play quidditch with if you played at all in this school. Dumb girl. she looked at Kat briefly before back to the ravenclaw. Blue.. right? "yupp all of them so far.. were on to Gryffindor next to ssee if they are locked out as well." aww your poor knocker wan't working.. Ariana didnt care about a knocker. Crazy Blue.
Bahahahah! She was sleeping! Poor girl... Not really Ariana didnt care. "i was about to be sleeping.. Lost my wand as i flew through the air." and NO it didnt fall out of it's holster. she had already put her holster away and was ABOUT to put her wand away when she went flying WHOOOSSSHHH. and bye bye went her wand.. She got so caught up in thinking about her wand in their all alone she forgot to mention her name.. Looking back up she heard "logan" "Huh!? oh right yeah." that was her.. big whoop.. now Worship me.
Amelia nodded and noticed the look that Blue had given her. Oh goodness the droolmonster of a kneazel was alone in their room? "Thats not good! Do you think Barnabus will eat Dezzy?" She asked thinking fondly of her little pink-and-purple Pygmy puff.
She couldn't help but smile at the idea that she was excited to have a batman. Batmans were cool of course.
It was then that Mika glanced up after she had zoned out a bit. She was scared for Dezzy and then letting out a sharp intake of breath she spotted the Logan girl.
"You" she gasped. "Hey - sorry i almost lost you guys so many points first day...I wasn't too right in my little head that day." She nodded. "I think i had a concussion or something" she shrugged rolling her eyes.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
[QUOTE=therock_sorceress;11238263] Mick stopped singing after repeating the spelling part 2 times, because that's all there was to the song and people looked like they weren't in the mood for a song. He didn't know any other camping songs anyway He liked how Ethan went along with it, so it wasn't like he was the only goofball singing a song originally sung by a talking sponge named Bob.
He sat there, cross-legged, staring at the fire. His mind went to other places. He thought about his mother and father, considered writing to the both of them when the madness is over. He thought about the question the younger girl, sitting next to Ethan, asked. "This is weird, even for Hogwarts," he whispered to himself. "What is going on?" He assured himself that everything was going to be okay, hoping to be back in his bed very soon.
Ethan covered a rather large yawn with his hand. The novelty of "camping" was starting to wear off and he really wanted to take his tired self to bed. His mind did not even want to entertain the idea of sleeping on the floor.. though he had a sinking feeling that that was were he was going to end up. The boy figured singing time was over as Mick either didn't know any more or was tired of the one they had sung a few times. It didn't seem like anyone else felt much like continuing anyway, as few had joined in and no one else started another.
He glanced over at the boy next to him as he heard him mumble something about weirdness. Ethan nodded in agreement and said to him quietly, "A lot of strange things have been happening lately.. I wonder if they're connected somehow." He thought maybe, somehow.. but his tired mind was far too exhausted to try to put two and two together. Ask him after he's had some sleep.
SPOILER!!: Eliza
Originally Posted by DecemberMoon
Ethan seemed pretty confident that everything would be okay, so Eliza thought maybe she was over-reacting. She put a small smile on her face to show him that she was trying to believe him. "I hope so..." She still thought it was all very strange. She hoped he was right about a professor coming to help soon. Hopefully anyone with information would come soon anyway, she didn't really care who it was. Come to think of it, she wasn't sure she knew who that man was, that Ethan mentioned. "I'm not sure if I've met Professor V yet. What's he like?" Sitting here not knowing a single thing was driving her crazy. Ok, if we are all out of our common rooms like that Slytherin girl told us, that means... What does it mean? Does someone want us all to be really tired tomorrow? If we're all tired...maybe we will be down on our guard. But for what? She was beginning to wonder where Cora was, but there were a lot of students outside the door so she really could be in there amongst them. She was small after all. She drew a sharp breath when the thought that maybe Cora had been banished somewhere different from everyone else crossed her mind. She hoped she was all right.
The first year pulled out her sketchbook and began making a list of what she knew to try to help figure this out. Her mind would be swimming in it all anyway, so she thought she might as well get it on paper.
SPOILER!!: Sketchpad Notes
-Missing brooch
-Arithmancy room flooded
-Kicked out of the common rooms and dormitories
-Professor Lafay is really sick
-Apparently the jobberknolls had died - overheard during Potions
Think, think, think...
Originally Posted by DecemberMoon
Eliza thought harder and harder about this whole magic going haywire thing. She looked over her notes again and again as they sat there. Oh! How could I forget about the train stopping at the beginning of term?! She scribbled that note onto her list of ideas as well and asked Ethan, or anyone near enough to hear her. "Does anyone think this might have something to do with how the train stopped? I mean, this is the second time we've been magically sabotaged this year. Weird, right?"Okay so maybe sabotaged was a bit strong, but oh well. She hoped people didn't think she was crazy, but someone here must be thinking the same things as her. They were Ravenclaws after all. They needed to be at the forefront of this investigation. Maybe some of the Slytherins here could help figure out what was happening too, being good at achieving their goals by whatever means necessary and all.
SPOILER!!: Sketchpad Notes
- Missing brooch, seems strangely important to Headmistress
- Arithmancy room flooded
- Kicked out of the common rooms and dormitories
- Professor Lafay is really sick and no one knows with what or why
- Apparently the jobberknolls had died - overheard during Potions
- Train magically halted on ride to Hogwarts
As Mick started talking to another of their housemates, Ethan turned back to Eliza. "Oh.. Professor Vindictus, actually. He's our Head of House." Come to think of it, Ethan hadn't met him yet either, but he certainly knew who their HoH was.. "I don't know what he's like," he shrugged. "But I'm sure he'll know what to do." That he was fairly certain of.. Adults usually had a pretty good handle on things and one didn't get to be Head of House without knowing what he was doing, right? "I've not met him yet.. but apparently he used to be a famous Quidditch player ages ago. My mum told me a bit about him.. he was here when she was going to school." Which meant he was ancient.
He glanced over to her sketchbook as she began doodling in it. "Whatcha got over there?" he asked as he peered over her shoulder. Ethan caught a glimpse of what was written and gave Eliza a curious look. It was somewhat apparent that she didn't really believe his "everything will be fine" spiel and that made him feel a little bad for some reason. He didn't want her to worry, but he should have known better. She was a Ravenclaw, after all, and wouldn't be pacified by stock answers.
He glanced up as a couple Slytherins joined them and gave them some information.. the other houses were locked out too? The boy did not like the sound of that at all.. obviously it was more than a prank or magical malfunction. He glanced back at Eliza and her sketchpad with a grim smile, his eyes scanning her list. "Don't forget that the House tables are missing from the Great Hall." Did that have anything to do with any of this? His guess was as good as anyone's.. And the train? There was something he was wondering. "Eliza," he said to her quietly. "What exactly happened with the train? I came here a week into the school year and I wasn't on it." He knew that it had stopped but had only heard that bit about it when he wasn't daydreaming in History of Magic class.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line