-   Term 32: September - December 2012 (
-   -   Divinaton Lesson Two (Belomancy) (

PadfootAndTheWolf 10-23-2012 08:16 PM

Divinaton Lesson Two (Belomancy)
Divination Lesson Two

The cold and frigid weather outside didn't factor into Professor Elwood's lesson plans for the day's lesson so when you saw the notice on your common room boards you see that the second lesson of the term would be held outside in the Courtyard.

The Divination Professor, along with the help of some other members of staff, had placed charms on the stone courtyard to make it warmer and bearable, but outer robes will be necessary for this lesson. When you walk out of the castle you will see the Professor standing in the middle of the room in light blue robes with a scarf added for extra warmth.

"Good afternoon everyone, gather around me and once all of you are here we will begin." There were no objects in the area that you could see to give away what the lesson would be about but there soon would be. Just be thankful it wasn't currently snowing.

* Getting started, first question.

DaniDiNardo 10-23-2012 08:27 PM

Finally a break from climbing all those stairs just to get to a class but of course there was a catch--there was always a catch.

On her walk over to the courtyard she felt like her butt was freezing off. Seriously. Didn't any Professor think that maybe they could have a class somewhere with a warm fireplace and some hot chocolate? She wouldn't have protested to that at all! Hot chocolate was perfect for this whether, not outdoor activities.

Oh and look, the Professor was already here. She gave her a smile, "Hello Professor!" Of course she sounded a bit happier because here wasn't nearly as cold as the walk over. The woman half had the if only she had the hot chocolate...

She didn't need to be told twice, once the Professor spoke she walked as humanly close to her, without invading her personal space, as possible. You know, more heat this way.

Somnium 10-23-2012 08:37 PM

Taylor came into the courtyard to where the Divination class was being held. She smiled, "Good afternoon, Professor." Tay beamed at the professor then went over to Alexa. Taylor hugged her friend, "Hey, Lex." She straighten her cloak and grew silent, still standing by her friend.

TakemetotheBurrow 10-23-2012 08:39 PM

BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Even with her cozy clothes on and robes, the third year was still quite cold as she headed out into the Courtyard. She headed straight towards the Professor, arms crossed in front of her tightly. "Hello, Professor!" She greeted the woman cheerfully, a small smile on her face.

At least it seemed a bit warmer where they were going to be working, that was a plus. Tucking her gloved hands in her pockets, the badger began rocking back and forth on her heels. Class would be starting soon, yeah?

Expecto-Penguin 10-23-2012 08:50 PM

SPOILER!!: Hi Ella!


Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow (Post 11240788)
BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Even with her cozy clothes on and robes, the third year was still quite cold as she headed out into the Courtyard. She headed straight towards the Professor, arms crossed in front of her tightly. "Hello, Professor!" She greeted the woman cheerfully, a small smile on her face.

At least it seemed a bit warmer where they were going to be working, that was a plus. Tucking her gloved hands in her pockets, the badger began rocking back and forth on her heels. Class would be starting soon, yeah?

Belle was heading into the courtyard. BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Belle can agree that it was quite cold outside. Belle then made her way to the professor and she was shaking but said, "Hello Professor, nice change of scenery." Belle said looking at the white snow on the ground. She wondered why their class was being held outside.

Then Belle spotted Ella. Belle made her way to Ella. "Hey Ella! How are you doing? I haven't seen you that much lately."

MudInMyBlood 10-23-2012 09:30 PM

Fantastic! They would be having their lesson in the courtyard. It was only freezing...what could go wrong? She was glad that once she got over to where the professor was because it seemed as though she had charmed it to be warmer. Still, she was not happy about it.

"Hello professor." she was one of the first ones to class and didn't see anybody that she liked. She recognized Alexa, but that girl was mental so she just gave her a nice glare and waited for someone else to show up.

TakemetotheBurrow 10-23-2012 10:55 PM

SPOILER!!: Belle

Originally Posted by hpfan18 (Post 11240795)

Belle was heading into the courtyard. BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Belle can agree that it was quite cold outside. Belle then made her way to the professor and she was shaking but said, "Hello Professor, nice change of scenery." Belle said looking at the white snow on the ground. She wondered why their class was being held outside.

Then Belle spotted Ella. Belle made her way to Ella. "Hey Ella! How are you doing? I haven't seen you that much lately."

Ella smiled as the older badger walked towards her, giving the girl a wide smile. "Hi Belle!" Beam. "I'm good...a bit cold but good! How are you?" And she bounced a bit, both to keep warm and because she was excited that her friend was there. "I know...Quidditch and classes have kept me quite busy." Frown. And homework. Homework too. "What do you think we're doing out here, anyway?" Cause having class outside in this cold was quite a curious decision.

Weasley174 10-23-2012 10:58 PM

Laura walked into the classroom and smiled it was time to put her opperation into acting, the Professor wear always telling her she was too mischieves and didn't act like a lady, well now she was going to act like one a posh one maybe that would stop her friends going on about her being mischieves.

Laura walked into the courtyard and saw the Professor and smiled. "Professor Elwood splended to meet you again Professor." Laura smiled at the Professor. "Have you been keeping well Professor?" Laura was now seriously trying to hold back the giggles if this was how girls who behaved talked she was glad she was a bit mischieves.

emjay 10-23-2012 11:39 PM

This woman apparently liked extremes in terms of temperatures. The first class had him feeling like he was in a sauna.. and now, he was so cold he was certain he would have frostbite before the class was over. Good thing he bundled up..

Ethan tugged his scarf up over his ears and tightened his cloak around him as he made his way out into the courtyard. Was he early? There were only a handful of students there for class so far. "Good day, Professor," he said as he walked past Elwood.. she was a bit nutty, but pleasant so she was sorta growing on him. Eyes landing on the few he knew, Ethan gave smiles and nods in greeting. "Taylor.. Belle.. Hannah.. hi girls." And he stopped at an empty spot among them, waiting for class to begin. Was it a bit warmer here? Ethan was happy to notice that a heating charm must've been placed on the immediate area and he took off his gloves, stuffing them into his pockets.

DaniDiNardo 10-23-2012 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by Cassandra (Post 11240787)
Taylor came into the courtyard to where the Divination class was being held. She smiled, "Good afternoon, Professor." Tay beamed at the professor then went over to Alexa. Taylor hugged her friend, "Hey, Lex." She straighten her cloak and grew silent, still standing by her friend.

Lex watched Taylor walk up to the Professor and greet her before giving her a hug. "Hiya Taylor!" She said with a GRIN. Alexa hadn't seen Taylor in a while so fancy meeting her here...although...this was where they all had class...nevermind...


Originally Posted by PhoenixStar (Post 11240818)
Fantastic! They would be having their lesson in the courtyard. It was only freezing...what could go wrong? She was glad that once she got over to where the professor was because it seemed as though she had charmed it to be warmer. Still, she was not happy about it.

"Hello professor." she was one of the first ones to class and didn't see anybody that she liked. She recognized Alexa, but that girl was mental so she just gave her a nice glare and waited for someone else to show up.

Ooooohhh and look! Crazy Snake Girl was glaring at her. So nice to know she remembered her and of course she got a smile toooo. In fact she got more than a smile. Lex began waving her hand at the girl in greeting with quite the eager smile spread across her face. Yup. She could be nice while being annoying, it was all an exact science that she would teach Hannah one day...if she was nice enough...SMIRK.


Originally Posted by Harry174 (Post 11240927)

Laura walked into the courtyard and saw the Professor and smiled. "Professor Elwood splended to meet you again Professor." Laura smiled at the Professor. "Have you been keeping well Professor?" Laura was now seriously trying to hold back the giggles if this was how girls who behaved talked she was glad she was a bit mischieves.

Then Alexa saw Laura walk up. She thought to ignore her like she'd been doing for a while but then--then the girl started talking like someone straight out of one of those old novels her step-mother liked reading. She stood, hardly able to keep a straight face as the girl greeted the Professor. By the end she was snickering.

Laura had seriously let herself go. Ever since she allowed Lex to bully her back in November she just hadn't been the she was Miss Manners. It's a shame when one allowed themselves to be intimidated and outdone by an 11 year old. Especially when that 11 year old was such a darling. :angel:

MudInMyBlood 10-24-2012 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo (Post 11240956)
Lex watched Taylor walk up to the Professor and greet her before giving her a hug. "Hiya Taylor!" She said with a GRIN. Alexa hadn't seen Taylor in a while so fancy meeting her here...although...this was where they all had class...nevermind...

Ooooohhh and look! Crazy Snake Girl was glaring at her. So nice to know she remembered her and of course she got a smile toooo. In fact she got more than a smile. Lex began waving her hand at the girl in greeting with quite the eager smile spread across her face. Yup. She could be nice while being annoying, it was all an exact science that she would teach Hannah one day...if she was nice enough...SMIRK.

Then Alexa saw Laura walk up. She thought to ignore her like she'd been doing for a while but then--then the girl started talking like someone straight out of one of those old novels her step-mother liked reading. She stood, hardly able to keep a straight face as the girl greeted the Professor. By the end she was snickering.

Laura had seriously let herself go. Ever since she allowed Lex to bully her back in November she just hadn't been the she was Miss Manners. It's a shame when one allowed themselves to be intimidated and outdone by an 11 year old. Especially when that 11 year old was such a darling. :angel:

The baby lion wanted to play eh? Oh Hannah could play that game alright. She waved back at her beaming from ear to ear. She decided to go over and greet her. "Hello's so good to see you. I hope all is well." Did she mean it or not? She would let Alexa be the judge of that. Alexa did not have a reason to dislike Hannah...she had been the one to fall over her. Besides Hannah was over it. There were bigger fish to fry!

MagicalWorld 10-24-2012 12:36 AM

sorry its short. VERY tired so this is all I could come up with for now :(
Text Cut: Laura

Originally Posted by Harry174 (Post 11240927)
Laura walked into the classroom and smiled it was time to put her opperation into acting, the Professor wear always telling her she was too mischieves and didn't act like a lady, well now she was going to act like one a posh one maybe that would stop her friends going on about her being mischieves.

Laura walked into the courtyard and saw the Professor and smiled. "Professor Elwood splended to meet you again Professor." Laura smiled at the Professor. "Have you been keeping well Professor?" Laura was now seriously trying to hold back the giggles if this was how girls who behaved talked she was glad she was a bit mischieves.

Dylan entered the courtyard for their divination class and wondered why it was outside when they could easily have it inside in the warmth. Anyways he just hoped this class was going to be fun like the others he had encountered since his return, seems like Minnie was right and knew what she was talking about. Could this class make it a good hat-trick in terms of classes, only time would tell. "Hello P..professor" he greeted the professor shivering when he heard Laura speaking weirdly "Laura what are you doing? why you speaking like that? is there something wrong with your voice?" he asked lost of questions straight away not stopping to even take a single breath of the fresh air they were out here for.

Text Cut: Ethan

Originally Posted by emjay (Post 11240951)
This woman apparently liked extremes in terms of temperatures. The first class had him feeling like he was in a sauna.. and now, he was so cold he was certain he would have frostbite before the class was over. Good thing he bundled up..

Ethan tugged his scarf up over his ears and tightened his cloak around him as he made his way out into the courtyard. Was he early? There were only a handful of students there for class so far. "Good day, Professor," he said as he walked past Elwood.. she was a bit nutty, but pleasant so she was sorta growing on him. Eyes landing on the few he knew, Ethan gave smiles and nods in greeting. "Taylor.. Belle.. Hannah.. hi girls." And he stopped at an empty spot among them, waiting for class to begin. Was it a bit warmer here? Ethan was happy to notice that a heating charm must've been placed on the immediate area and he took off his gloves, stuffing them into his pockets.

He then saw Ethan nearby "Hi Ethan!" he greeted a little too enthusiastically as he waved to the older boy and watched as he took off his gloves and put them into his pocket just in case something happened like someone would decide that it would b fun to do something with his hands

Weasley174 10-24-2012 01:09 AM


Originally Posted by MagicalWorld (Post 11240974)

Dylan entered the courtyard for their divination class and wondered why it was outside when they could easily have it inside in the warmth. Anyways he just hoped this class was going to be fun like the others he had encountered since his return, seems like Minnie was right and knew what she was talking about. Could this class make it a good hat-trick in terms of classes, only time would tell. "Hello P..professor" he greeted the professor shivering when he heard Laura speaking weirdly "Laura what are you doing? why you speaking like that? is there something wrong with your voice?" he asked lost of questions straight away not stopping to even take a single breath of the fresh air they were out here for.

Laura looked at Dylan and smiled. "I do believe that I am speaking." Laura smiled at her friend giving him a small wink, it would be awesome if he would join in. "It's a glorious days today, I can hear the birds humming and I do declare that spring is just around the corner." Laura was trying her hardest not to giggle. "I say what do you think Mr Jacobs?" Laura looked at her friend waiting to see what he said.

MagicalWorld 10-24-2012 01:26 AM


Originally Posted by Harry174 (Post 11241000)
Laura looked at Dylan and smiled. "I do believe that I am speaking." Laura smiled at her friend giving him a small wink, it would be awesome if he would join in. "It's a glorious days today, I can hear the birds humming and I do declare that spring is just around the corner." Laura was trying her hardest not to giggle. "I say what do you think Mr Jacobs?" Laura looked at her friend waiting to see what he said.

He listened to how she was speaking which was in a funny way that was for sure, he saw her give him a wink and instantly smiled,.. he knew what this was, he nodded along as she continued waiting for when he would get the chance to talk. Just then she asked him what he thought "I do believe you are right Miss Hyde I too have heard the birds humming, I do believe it to be coming from the corner over that side of me." he said pointing towards a corner of the courtyard before turning to back to Laura "Though I do hear that more early signs of Spring have been seen, such as laughing coming from ones stomach such as yours Miss Hyde" he said giving her a few gentle pokes

poke... poke...poke

"Do you believe that to be true Miss Hyde?" he asked her as he looked up at her trying hard not laugh himself as they had their little fun and wondered how they would go about carrying this on now.

Weasley174 10-24-2012 01:38 AM


Originally Posted by MagicalWorld (Post 11241012)
He listened to how she was speaking which was in a funny way that was for sure, he saw her give him a wink and instantly smiled,.. he knew what this was, he nodded along as she continued waiting for when he would get the chance to talk. Just then she asked him what he thought "I do believe you are right Miss Hyde I too have heard the birds humming, I do believe it to be coming from the corner over that side of me." he said pointing towards a corner of the courtyard before turning to back to Laura "Though I do hear that more early signs of Spring have been seen, such as laughing coming from ones stomach such as yours Miss Hyde" he said giving her a few gentle pokes

poke... poke...poke

"Do you believe that to be true Miss Hyde?" he asked her as he looked up at her trying hard not laugh himself as they had their little fun and wondered how they would go about carrying this on now.

Laura was seriously having to try her hardest not to laugh as Dylan spoke. "I do believe Mr Jacobs that spring is most certainly in the air and that it is just a matter of time before I must do some spring cleaning." Laura smiled at her friend.

Laura looked at Dylan and smiled. "Well Mr Jacobs I'm affraid to say it's so difficult to decided if that is why I'm laughing or if I am just so happy I am currently laugh, one doesn't know if one is happy because it's spring or because she is in the best lesson going." Laura smiled politely at Dylan " Mr Jacobs would you mind giving your oppinion on this subject?"

DaniDiNardo 10-24-2012 01:44 AM

Mentions of Laura and Dylan *whistle*

Originally Posted by PhoenixStar (Post 11240969)
The baby lion wanted to play eh? Oh Hannah could play that game alright. She waved back at her beaming from ear to ear. She decided to go over and greet her. "Hello's so good to see you. I hope all is well." Did she mean it or not? She would let Alexa be the judge of that. Alexa did not have a reason to dislike Hannah...she had been the one to fall over her. Besides Hannah was over it. There were bigger fish to fry!

Eeep! Hannah beamed at her!!!!

Lex found herself grinning when the girl made her way over. Heh, she even liked her company.

Blink. Blink.

"Really?!" Now she was just pulling her leg--but she liked it! "It's nice to see you toooo." Nod. She was actually glad that the older girl wasn't still upset about the whole mishap at the lake. Even though she had caused Lex to trip she was forgiven because Lex was just that good a person. Yup.

Her focus shifted suddenly when Laura tried pulling Dylan into her Was that it? Well whatever it was she was hoping Dylan wouldn't have given in but pretty soon he was taking part in the stupidity. Sigh. Oh Dylan; hanging with Stupid Girl. Not. Good. The last she checked, stupidity was contagious!!

sweetpinkpixie 10-24-2012 01:51 AM

all of you chit chatters :3
Making her way to the courtyard, Kurumim tugged on her Gryffindor scarf and pulled it a little more tightly around her neck in a feeble attempt to keep herself warm. What did this woman have in mind for them outside? Had she at least prepared herself this time for all the possibilities? Going into the Forbidden Forest and admitting to not being the best with defensive spells had caused this Gryffindor to find the woman even more loony than she had initially.

"Good day...professor," Kurumi said through slightly chattered teeth. It DID feel a little warmer, but still not as comfortable as it could be. Divination by the sound of chattering teeth? Was there even such a thing? Or snowflakes maybe.

As she waited, hugging herself and rubbing her arms for warmth, Kurumi glanced at Laura and Dylan...and then everyone else that was sort of having a little too much conversation at the moment. Professor Elwood was standing RIGHT there...come on guys. "Psst, guys, can you save the conversation for after the lesson? I think Professor Elwood is going to begin shortly."

pundantic 10-24-2012 02:16 AM

Was she late? Oh Merlin, she hoped that she wasn't late. The one class that Selina ACTUALLY cared about in school, besides Herbology because Bentley taught it, was Divination, so she did not want to be late. Running down the hallway with her hair flailing all over the place, Selina almost ran into a few first years. She didn't hear any screaming, so she assumed that they were okay or something. Finally, after she ran up the stairs, she ran into the classroom and noted that no one was there. She had to be missing something. Then she remembered... today's lesson was outside.

With a groan, she made off like a bandit and ran down the endless stairs and to her final destination. Finally once she reached the mass of kids outside she beamed and threw her fists up in the air, "I'm here! AM I LATE?" Because she did not want to be late.

...where was Elwood?

LilFox06 10-24-2012 02:18 AM

Anya tightened her scarf. It was FAH-REEEEEZING! Stupid... where were they anyway...? Scotland? Why couldn't the school be... near the equator? It was too cold.

And why were they having lessons outside?

Ooh. Nice. At least it was a little warmer in the courtyard area. "Hello Professor." she greeted as she passed. Now. What were they doing today?

Expecto-Penguin 10-24-2012 02:31 AM

SPOILER!!: Ella!


Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow (Post 11240926)
Ella smiled as the older badger walked towards her, giving the girl a wide smile. "Hi Belle!" Beam. "I'm good...a bit cold but good! How are you?" And she bounced a bit, both to keep warm and because she was excited that her friend was there. "I know...Quidditch and classes have kept me quite busy." Frown. And homework. Homework too. "What do you think we're doing out here, anyway?" Cause having class outside in this cold was quite a curious decision.

Belle beamed at Ella and was glad she was happy to see her. "I am a little chilly too." Belle said through chattered teeth. She was bouncing on the balls of her feet to keep warm.

Belle knew that Quidditch and Homework were keeping Ella busy. "I bet Quidditch is keeping you busy. Sounds like the team is doing well this year." Belle said rubbing her hands together to keep them from getting frost bitten.

When Ella mentioned what she thought they were doing in class, Belle wondered..."Hmm maybe we might interpret why the snow is on the ground." Belle suggested and giggled at her silly suggestion.

SPOILER!!: Ethan!


Originally Posted by emjay (Post 11240951)
This woman apparently liked extremes in terms of temperatures. The first class had him feeling like he was in a sauna.. and now, he was so cold he was certain he would have frostbite before the class was over. Good thing he bundled up..

Ethan tugged his scarf up over his ears and tightened his cloak around him as he made his way out into the courtyard. Was he early? There were only a handful of students there for class so far. "Good day, Professor," he said as he walked past Elwood.. she was a bit nutty, but pleasant so she was sorta growing on him. Eyes landing on the few he knew, Ethan gave smiles and nods in greeting. "Taylor.. Belle.. Hannah.. hi girls." And he stopped at an empty spot among them, waiting for class to begin. Was it a bit warmer here? Ethan was happy to notice that a heating charm must've been placed on the immediate area and he took off his gloves, stuffing them into his pockets.

As Belle was bouncing on the balls of her feet trying to keep warm talking to Ella, Belle turned around and noticed Ethan was there. Belle smiled and replied, "Hi Ethan, how are you doing lately? Any news to report?"

PadfootAndTheWolf 10-24-2012 02:33 AM

Just waiting a little bit longer
As Professor Elwood waited for more students to arrive, she stared up at the sky through the opening in the Castle's courtyard; it was white and cloudly with tints of grey. That meant that it would soon start snowing again. Hmm.

Kids began appearing around her, greeting their professor as they did so. She didn't hear them as she continued to stare at the sky--either she was trying to get a reading from the formation of owls flying above or perhaps she was just checking out the weird cherub-like gargoyle perched on the wall above them.

She DID however hear the groups of young students chatting away as if she was the statue. She turned her blue eyes on them suddenly and watched as the Gryffindor Prefect scolded them. "Miss Hollingberry is right. You don't attend lessons to talk to each other you come to hear me talk and did you hear me ask you to talk to each other?" she slowly cocked her head to the side as she spoke, eyes still wide. Anger wasn't present on her face, she was seriously just wondering what was going on in their minds.

She left it at that. Kurumi had after all told them to be quiet. "Guys we will wait just a few more minutes until the rest of the class shows up. Feel free to lay in the piles of snow over there. They look quite comfortable." She grinned smally at them.

OCC: No chatting please, it clutters up the lesson thread. We will be starting here soon.

Bazinga 10-24-2012 02:41 AM

Minerva hurried to class. After that potion lesson she was not feeling herself and wasn't sure she should even be coming to class, but of course she would never miss a class either. Pushing the weakness aside she made her way in knowing she was cutting it close. Looking around she saw a full class already, oh great where will I sit, she thought to herself. Then she smiled at the professor. "Hello Professor, hope you are having a good one." Knowing her own face was probably still looking a little pale she hurried to find a seat. Pulling out her parchment and quill to be set for when class did start.

FearlessLeader19 10-24-2012 05:09 AM

As Jory neared the Courtyard, he could see that there was quite a few students already there."Hello, Professor,'' he greeted as he arrived at the group.

He was relieved that it was a bit warmer in the yard. As much as he liked the cold, he didn't want to catch the cold or anything.

DarkStorm 10-24-2012 08:53 AM

Harvey entered the courtyard and greeted the professor "Hello professor how are you?" he said before he stood over to one side waiting for the the class to start.

MagicalWorld 10-24-2012 09:01 AM

Last chatting post, just to finish it off :) a bit of Alexa
Text Cut: Laura

Originally Posted by Harry174 (Post 11241020)
Laura was seriously having to try her hardest not to laugh as Dylan spoke. "I do believe Mr Jacobs that spring is most certainly in the air and that it is just a matter of time before I must do some spring cleaning." Laura smiled at her friend.

Laura looked at Dylan and smiled. "Well Mr Jacobs I'm affraid to say it's so difficult to decided if that is why I'm laughing or if I am just so happy I am currently laugh, one doesn't know if one is happy because it's spring or because she is in the best lesson going." Laura smiled politely at Dylan " Mr Jacobs would you mind giving your oppinion on this subject?"

He nodded as he listened to Laura trying his hardest to stay serious and not burst out laughing, only time would tell how long he could hold on "Ah yes spring cleaning, that is the one common thing that everyone starts at the same time, like clockwork" he smiled back as he then listened some more

"No I do not mind giving my opinion and my opinion I shall give, you see.. since we have no idea of what subject this class will be on for now I am prepared to say it is the Spring Effect, so if you have laughed in the last week I can say that maybe it is the Spring effect. As for this class I dont know what this will have so no opinion on that" he said to her smiling and trying very hard not to laugh but he knew soon he would have to give in and laugh a bit

Text Cut: Kurumi and the Professor

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie (Post 11241028)
Making her way to the courtyard, Kurumim tugged on her Gryffindor scarf and pulled it a little more tightly around her neck in a feeble attempt to keep herself warm. What did this woman have in mind for them outside? Had she at least prepared herself this time for all the possibilities? Going into the Forbidden Forest and admitting to not being the best with defensive spells had caused this Gryffindor to find the woman even more loony than she had initially.

"Good day...professor," Kurumi said through slightly chattered teeth. It DID feel a little warmer, but still not as comfortable as it could be. Divination by the sound of chattering teeth? Was there even such a thing? Or snowflakes maybe.

As she waited, hugging herself and rubbing her arms for warmth, Kurumi glanced at Laura and Dylan...and then everyone else that was sort of having a little too much conversation at the moment. Professor Elwood was standing RIGHT there...come on guys. "Psst, guys, can you save the conversation for after the lesson? I think Professor Elwood is going to begin shortly."


Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 (Post 11241072)
As Professor Elwood waited for more students to arrive, she stared up at the sky through the opening in the Castle's courtyard; it was white and cloudly with tints of grey. That meant that it would soon start snowing again. Hmm.

Kids began appearing around her, greeting their professor as they did so. She didn't hear them as she continued to stare at the sky--either she was trying to get a reading from the formation of owls flying above or perhaps she was just checking out the weird cherub-like gargoyle perched on the wall above them.

She DID however hear the groups of young students chatting away as if she was the statue. She turned her blue eyes on them suddenly and watched as the Gryffindor Prefect scolded them. "Miss Hollingberry is right. You don't attend lessons to talk to each other you come to hear me talk and did you hear me ask you to talk to each other?" she slowly cocked her head to the side as she spoke, eyes still wide. Anger wasn't present on her face, she was seriously just wondering what was going on in their minds.

She left it at that. Kurumi had after all told them to be quiet. "Guys we will wait just a few more minutes until the rest of the class shows up. Feel free to lay in the piles of snow over there. They look quite comfortable." She grinned smally at them.

OCC: No chatting please, it clutters up the lesson thread. We will be starting here soon.

Dylan then looked at Kurumi as she said for them to save the conversation for after the class, he was still thinking about whether he should stop or not cause he was having fun with Laura. He looked at her and noticed Alexa not looking to happy, oops? He was about to talk to Kurumi when the professor spoke up.

He looked at her as she told them that Kurumi was right that they were to leave chatting for now. He shook his head "No Professor Elwood you did not ask us to talk to each other" he said still carrying on hiss new way of talking which was still fun. He then tried to keep his straight face

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