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The chill November air was definately hanging around the Divination Tower but once you ascended the ladder into the classroom the heat from the firegrate, being trapped in the room with the window-coverings, assured you this class was definately going to be a stifling one. The room was dark, apart from a few candles here and there so watch your step as you find you way to a table.
Professor Elwood was no where to be seen but you can bet she will be there soon so there had better be no funny business, besides her parrot, Galileo was there watching.
OCC: Come on in and take a seat. The lesson won't start for a while so there's plenty of time to post. Prof. Elwood doesn't appear to be there yet but don't try anything, Prefects will be in charge until she shows up. Enjoy.
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
SPOILER!!: Elwood
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01
Professor Elwood didn't seem to be in the room but she WAS...
Because of the light being so dim, her Galileo playing his part of showy bird distraction, and the overall unawareness of their surroundings a student usually has were working perfectly for Callie's plan. The blonde was hiding behind the arm chair at the front of the class so that no one could see her and ruin her lesson introduction. As she heard the students enter and complain about the heat she grinned mischeviously and placed her wand to her throat whispering, "Sonoros."
Suddenly a breeze went through the room, created by the professor to NOT make it cooler but to just blow out a few of the candles making it a tad darker than before. Creeeeeeeeepy. Now Elwood's voice floated into the classroom.
"Dreeaaamss! They become your reality when you go to sleep." she started, still behind her chair. "You can fly, you can walk on water, faires live among you," with that a sparkling of pink dust and light appeared to fall from the ceiling, "and dragons breath fire as you ride them." A huge flame tore across the ceiling and extinguished as it hit the far wall. Yes, she had been practicing that for weeks.
She undid the voice raising spell and spoke in her normal voice again. "Dreams." Professor Elwood popped up from behind her chair wishing she had her banshee costume from last term and grinned with a little pose to show how she suprised them. "They are also the window to the future in some cases. It's good to see you all here this afternoon and I am happy to see plenty of familiar faces." She winked and nodded at Kurumi, Loiusa, Sierra, Jory, the fainting girl from the Oghamn stave lesson, and others--a good batch of kids.
She needed to go on. The woman used her wand to light a few more candles returning the light to the original dimness as before she blew them out and sat down in her armchair. "What do you all know about dream Divination?"
OCC: The lesson has officially started. No more posting your character arriving late or points will be taken; just pretend you've been here since the beginning.
Merlin what is it about scaring the kids half to death whenever classes start this term?
But you know, it was Elwood, so of course this Ravenclaw sits up and makes it appear that he wasnt startled at all by those lights going out again with those glittery, fiery things making a bid for his scalp.
Now Dreams, obviously this was what the lesson was about. Dream Divination. He raises his hand and offered this answer "Professor, its dream interpretation, using elements in one's dream and learning what they symbolize. Its like a way to interpret what your subconscious is trying to say to your conscious side."
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good
Text Cut: O_O her
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01
Professor Elwood didn't seem to be in the room but she WAS...
Because of the light being so dim, her Galileo playing his part of showy bird distraction, and the overall unawareness of their surroundings a student usually has were working perfectly for Callie's plan. The blonde was hiding behind the arm chair at the front of the class so that no one could see her and ruin her lesson introduction. As she heard the students enter and complain about the heat she grinned mischeviously and placed her wand to her throat whispering, "Sonoros."
Suddenly a breeze went through the room, created by the professor to NOT make it cooler but to just blow out a few of the candles making it a tad darker than before. Creeeeeeeeepy. Now Elwood's voice floated into the classroom.
"Dreeaaamss! They become your reality when you go to sleep." she started, still behind her chair. "You can fly, you can walk on water, faires live among you," with that a sparkling of pink dust and light appeared to fall from the ceiling, "and dragons breath fire as you ride them." A huge flame tore across the ceiling and extinguished as it hit the far wall. Yes, she had been practicing that for weeks.
She undid the voice raising spell and spoke in her normal voice again. "Dreams." Professor Elwood popped up from behind her chair wishing she had her banshee costume from last term and grinned with a little pose to show how she suprised them. "They are also the window to the future in some cases. It's good to see you all here this afternoon and I am happy to see plenty of familiar faces." She winked and nodded at Kurumi, Loiusa, Sierra, Jory, the fainting girl from the Oghamn stave lesson, and others--a good batch of kids.
She needed to go on. The woman used her wand to light a few more candles returning the light to the original dimness as before she blew them out and sat down in her armchair. "What do you all know about dream Divination?"
As Cassia sat down in her seat waiting for the lesson to start she waved in greeting to some friends such as Sarah. She was restless and wasn't in the mood to speak or chat which was RARE. And probably that was caused by atmosphere? Outdoors lessons were much more fun ,but not in this weather of course.
She was trying to occupy herself fidgeting with her tie in order not fall asleep, when that creeeeeep voice sounded. The second-year practically jumped from her seat but landed safely. She was grateful for the darkness so no one should have noticed. OK? What's with the woman who was hiding! Talk about maturity.
Cassia sat frozen in her seat watching what the breeze did , the dust and the flame. Her eyes widening at each move Professor Elwood did with her wand. Yeah it was cool but a warning wouldn't have hurt. A jumpy second-year here!
The snake was grateful when Elwood seemed to have finished whatever tricks she had been preparing. Though she braced herself for any other upcoming tricks in store. Then the woman started to talk. Happy to see familiar faces? Well, it seemed that she wanted to give heart attack to some students in order to minimize the number of students, no?
Dreams. They were going to sleep? Well, Cassia would forget about the heart attack Elwood almost caused her if they went to sleep in the lesson for whatever academic reason. Though not now apparently.
The slytherin paused considering the question before raising her hand, swallowing the lump cause by the mini-heart attack she just suffered from ,she spoke, "Dream Divination is when you dream about something happening and then something that resembles it happens for real. "She said hesitatingly because she wasn't sure about it but she could give it a try and have a nap right now. No problem.
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'myours
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Originally Posted by Lady of Light
He prefered Gideon? Yeah, well. Abby didn't ask if he prefered Gideon. She called people what she wanted and they just had to deal with it. "How about Gids? Is that better?" He was getting to choose now. If he didn't like Gids, Giddy it is.
Anyway, this place was really starting to suffocate her now. It was way too warm and the fact that the place was really dark didn't help things either. There were a few candles here and there but the classroom wasn't bright enough. Sighing, she ran a hand through her hair and hoped that class would begin really soon.
Looks like he wasn't going to get away any easier with the nickname issue with Abby then he did with the other three, Vivi now among his tormentors he remembered. "How about a compromise of Gid." That he could half-way stand to be called and not want to cringe when it was used. Gideon didn't get to hear an answer as suddenly a loud voice rang out and it took him few moments to realise it was Professor Elwood's own amplified as she spoke.
Cue dramatic entrance.
Sure enough after her words and a few dramatic actions...like the pink dust that was now everywhere...the woman showed herself from behind the chair in the front of the room. How had they missed that? Whatever...the first question had been posed at the end of the brief introduction about dreams and Gideon raised his hand to answer as he briefly wondered where Selina was off to.
"Its the interpretation of the symbols and events that occur within our dreams in an attempt to predict what it might mean to the course of future happenings." A least in his thoughts, the mention of its supposed name had been lost on him until he heard it from another student.
Sarah had gotten quite a fright at first.. yet she liked the drama of it all. Especially the fire that went through. "All of us dream plenty of times through out the time we sleep. It is a cycle. Sometimes we remember dreams when we wake up -sometimes we don't. When interpretating dreams, it is important to know that even in a propheitc dream some detail may be false. If you dream about something that happened that day, then it is not a prophecy. Only dreams that have nothing to do with the previous days events and thoughts can even be considered prophercy". Then Sarah remembered that the information she gave over had NOTHING to with knowlege about Divinition, just dream interpreting. Sarah had read up some things about dreams.
Belle jumped when the professor amplified her voice. She was in a heavy daze due to the heat of the room and the smells wafting. Belle was used to this but it was the first class of the semester.
The professor asked a question and she wondered what Dream divination was. "Professor isn't dream divination a study when you want to interpret and find what your dreams mean in depth?" Belle was always curious about this subject. She loved her dreams and always wanted to know their depth.
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
Merlins Beard!
Hannah jumped up when the professor announced herself all crazy like. She eyed Elliot. This is what she meant when she said that she would regret coming to this class. Hannah was going to have to start paying more attention when she came to class because apparently the professors have completely lost it this term!
Anyways the crazy lady was asking a question. "Professor in your sleep you could dream about something that could be giving you clues about something that may happen in the future." Hannah herself did not believe in this nonsense because if that were the case then she would go to sleep tonight and dream about a world where puffers didn't exist!!!
Elijah, needless to say, wasn't Elwood's biggest fan. He didn't mind Divination TOO much, because it was the easiest class to make up a whole load of gobbledegook and still seem right. But, Elwood's presence in the class certainly detracted from that novelty somewhat.
Despite Elijah's reservations about the class, he rather had enjoyed her display of sparkles and fire (although, the voice was a little unsettling)! Unfortunately Elijah could imagine that this was as exciting as the class was likely ever to get...
Oh look! There she is! Behind the chair. How clever. Spooky cow, with her creepy voice. With her now present, the lesson could begin and Elijah could sleep (it was dark enough to hide him, right?)... They were supposed to be studying dreams, after all. Well how best to do that than to....
When I look into the MIRROR OF ERISED
all that I see is YOU
He was relaxed and just about to fall asleep. When he hears Professor Elwood start class loudly. Nigel jumped a little and almost fell out of his chair. He quickly got his balance back and looked around to see what was going on. Oh, Class has started an it was about dreams. Perfect. Nigel closed his eyes right when she was talking about fairies and dragons.
Well since this lesson is about dreaming. He thought it would be alright to go to sleep. He might even dream about dragons. It was way to hot in here and Professor Elwood's voice was not that loud anymore. Nigel fell asleep dreaming about faires and dragons.
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
Hannah was enjoying Elliots sarcasm. "I went to one class last year and never returned." She would soon find out why. Still Hannah did not have a choice his year. She had to attend every last bloody class.
Something important huh? Everything was important to her friend. Not that, that was a bad thing. Everything in their life was important. They were noble for crying out loud.
She noticed Elliot jotting something down on a piece of paper. Man it must be really important. Hannah took the note and read it quickly. Elliot had a boyfriend? O___O Blink. Blink. Really?
Hannah didn't even know how to process this. On the same note she jotted down. Who, what, when, where & why? We need to talk!!! Oh yes just simply telling her that she had a boyfriend was sooo not going to cut it!
"Never returned? Why?" Elliot couldn't quit a class...no...her father would absolutely DIEEEE of shame...if she did that.
Right before the professor came in, Elliot read what Hannah wrote...sighed, and said aloud, "We need to meet somewhere to talk, Lockwood." She then wrote down his name....'Maxwell Lupin, Gryffindor.' Because that was important, wasn't it? His name and house.
And he was pureblood, not a puffer...and a true gentleman. So there. He met all of her requirements. Hmmmphhh.
SPOILER!!: errr, crazylady!
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01
Professor Elwood didn't seem to be in the room but she WAS...
Because of the light being so dim, her Galileo playing his part of showy bird distraction, and the overall unawareness of their surroundings a student usually has were working perfectly for Callie's plan. The blonde was hiding behind the arm chair at the front of the class so that no one could see her and ruin her lesson introduction. As she heard the students enter and complain about the heat she grinned mischeviously and placed her wand to her throat whispering, "Sonoros."
Suddenly a breeze went through the room, created by the professor to NOT make it cooler but to just blow out a few of the candles making it a tad darker than before. Creeeeeeeeepy. Now Elwood's voice floated into the classroom.
"Dreeaaamss! They become your reality when you go to sleep." she started, still behind her chair. "You can fly, you can walk on water, faires live among you," with that a sparkling of pink dust and light appeared to fall from the ceiling, "and dragons breath fire as you ride them." A huge flame tore across the ceiling and extinguished as it hit the far wall. Yes, she had been practicing that for weeks.
She undid the voice raising spell and spoke in her normal voice again. "Dreams." Professor Elwood popped up from behind her chair wishing she had her banshee costume from last term and grinned with a little pose to show how she suprised them. "They are also the window to the future in some cases. It's good to see you all here this afternoon and I am happy to see plenty of familiar faces." She winked and nodded at Kurumi, Loiusa, Sierra, Jory, the fainting girl from the Oghamn stave lesson, and others--a good batch of kids.
She needed to go on. The woman used her wand to light a few more candles returning the light to the original dimness as before she blew them out and sat down in her armchair. "What do you all know about dream Divination?"
OCC: The lesson has officially started. No more posting your character arriving late or points will be taken; just pretend you've been here since the beginning.
Okay, maybe her father would just have to deal with her quitting...because...Elliot JUMPED as the professor suddenly made all the candles go out...uh...okaaay? and then...fairy dust and FIRE? Elliot put both her hands over her hair, protecting that over anything else...
Her hair was very important, yes?
And then...the woman jumped on her desk...MERLIN! Elliot met Hannah's eyes...and tried her best not to laugh...okay...Divination was proving to be VERY interesting indeed. She raised her hand..."Aren't dreams our unconscious? Sometimes can't they tell us things about ourselves that we don't even realize...and in some cases, that's the future...right?" Because honestly Elliot was just guessing.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
SPOILER!!: Ze Professor
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01
Professor Elwood didn't seem to be in the room but she WAS...
Because of the light being so dim, her Galileo playing his part of showy bird distraction, and the overall unawareness of their surroundings a student usually has were working perfectly for Callie's plan. The blonde was hiding behind the arm chair at the front of the class so that no one could see her and ruin her lesson introduction. As she heard the students enter and complain about the heat she grinned mischeviously and placed her wand to her throat whispering, "Sonoros."
Suddenly a breeze went through the room, created by the professor to NOT make it cooler but to just blow out a few of the candles making it a tad darker than before. Creeeeeeeeepy. Now Elwood's voice floated into the classroom.
"Dreeaaamss! They become your reality when you go to sleep." she started, still behind her chair. "You can fly, you can walk on water, faires live among you," with that a sparkling of pink dust and light appeared to fall from the ceiling, "and dragons breath fire as you ride them." A huge flame tore across the ceiling and extinguished as it hit the far wall. Yes, she had been practicing that for weeks.
She undid the voice raising spell and spoke in her normal voice again. "Dreams." Professor Elwood popped up from behind her chair wishing she had her banshee costume from last term and grinned with a little pose to show how she suprised them. "They are also the window to the future in some cases. It's good to see you all here this afternoon and I am happy to see plenty of familiar faces." She winked and nodded at Kurumi, Loiusa, Sierra, Jory, the fainting girl from the Oghamn stave lesson, and others--a good batch of kids.
She needed to go on. The woman used her wand to light a few more candles returning the light to the original dimness as before she blew them out and sat down in her armchair. "What do you all know about dream Divination?"
OCC: The lesson has officially started. No more posting your character arriving late or points will be taken; just pretend you've been here since the beginning.
Ella was drumming her fingers on the table in front of her, trying not to let the lack of light play tricks on her eyes. When a sudden gust of wind swept through the room, blowing out some of the nearby candles, Ella shivered. No, it wasn't cold, but Ella was a little scared now. This type of thing happened in those horror movies she loved to watch with Gran. Next would be someone jumping o-
The third year literally JUMPED out of her seat when suddenly a BOOMING voice sounded throughout the room. She regained her composure and listened, eyes a bit wider than before, as talk about dreams continued. The pink dust was a really nice touch though Ella could have done without the fire, only because it was already nearly a thousand degrees in here. Dramatic.
Ella smiled, eyebrows raised, as Professor Elwood them emerged from behind the chair. Heh. She'd seriously gotten Ella, the badger had definitely been freaked out!
Dream Divination? Ella didn't know too much about the technical side of it but she did understand the purpose of it. "Professor, I believe dream divination has to do with interpreting one's dreams."
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Daichi had seen the wave that Kurumi had send him but he didn't wave back. He tried to give her a smile but it turned more in to a grimace.
He waited for the class to begin and end as quickly as possible. It wasn't that he didn't want to learn but, well , the obvious candles in the room just made him feel uncomfortable.
The Slytherin jumped when the candles suddenly blew out and he let out a laugh, an actual laugh of relief. No fire~! yaaaay! And then a voice came which he knew was the Professor and he even giggled at her words. Crazy lady hehe. And the pink twinkling dust was soooo cute~! He wanted to have that...can he? can he?
But his smile and laugh turned upside down again when a HUGE flame shot up from behind the chair where the voice was coming from and the Slytherin fell off his chair. Lying on the ground, Daichi stared up at the flames that traveled to the wall and he...
Cried. Not like a baby but his eyes began to feel watery and he shuffled on his behind to the ladder. He needed to get out of here, this was too dangerous! His hands found the hatch as he pushed it open when the flame vanished.
Daichi blinked his eyes as his heart was still pounding loudly. Was it over? With shaking hands, he let go of the hatch and it closed shut was a loud bang. He was still sitting near the entrance to the tower though when the Professor asked the first question and his cheeks began to blush.
Dreams? WHATHADFIREHADTODOWITHDREAMS?! "D-dream divination is..wanting to get out of here...can i?" please?
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01
She needed to go on. The woman used her wand to light a few more candles returning the light to the original dimness as before she blew them out and sat down in her armchair. "What do you all know about dream Divination?"
Oooh, breeze. Theo enjoyed that, BUT, he did not enjoy the fact that the room suddenly got darker. It was creepy. But at least the professor was here. Though, she was being pretty creepy herself.
Theo jumped out of his skin, but did rather appreciate that big introduction. Wheeeheh, the professors were all being pretty awesome this term. Dreams. Theo always had the best dreams, but he hated waking up in the morning. Linking them to Divination, though? Ehhhhh, there was only one thing that stuck in his mind.
"Is it something to do with.... deja vu?" Deja vu was pretty self explanatory, wasn't it?
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
[QUOTE=DanialRadFAN01;11213399]Professor Elwood didn't seem to be in the room but she WAS...
Because of the light being so dim, her Galileo playing his part of showy bird distraction, and the overall unawareness of their surroundings a student usually has were working perfectly for Callie's plan. The blonde was hiding behind the arm chair at the front of the class so that no one could see her and ruin her lesson introduction. As she heard the students enter and complain about the heat she grinned mischeviously and placed her wand to her throat whispering, "Sonoros."
Suddenly a breeze went through the room, created by the professor to NOT make it cooler but to just blow out a few of the candles making it a tad darker than before. Creeeeeeeeepy. Now Elwood's voice floated into the classroom.
"Dreeaaamss! They become your reality when you go to sleep." she started, still behind her chair. "You can fly, you can walk on water, faires live among you," with that a sparkling of pink dust and light appeared to fall from the ceiling, "and dragons breath fire as you ride them." A huge flame tore across the ceiling and extinguished as it hit the far wall. Yes, she had been practicing that for weeks.
She undid the voice raising spell and spoke in her normal voice again. "Dreams." Professor Elwood popped up from behind her chair wishing she had her banshee costume from last term and grinned with a little pose to show how she suprised them. "They are also the window to the future in some cases. It's good to see you all here this afternoon and I am happy to see plenty of familiar faces." She winked and nodded at Kurumi, Loiusa, Sierra, Jory, the fainting girl from the Oghamn stave lesson, and others--a good batch of kids.
She needed to go on. The woman used her wand to light a few more candles returning the light to the original dimness as before she blew them out and sat down in her armchair. "What do you all know about dream Divination?"
Wooooooow...What an entrance...oh Merlin. Elektra sarcastically thought. Oh, what was she in for right now? She then flincheda bit from the weird voice thingy she was doing and then shook her head a little bit and then huffed. Next, Elektra squinted her eyes a bit as the room got a littl brighter and she looked around the classroom as she listened to the professor continue to talk. Dreams? This lesson has to do with dreams? Huh...shouldn't be too hard. Elektra raised her hand and leaned forward a bit in her seat, "Well...Sweet dreams are made of these. Who am I to disagree?" Elektra then sat back and chuckled to herself. Oh, yeah...she just recited words to a song called 'Sweet Dreams.'
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Text Cut: Beezus
Originally Posted by xXxPandora
Cooling Charm? Oh? Yeah, that might help. "Okay..." She pondered on this for a moment. What if Professor Elwood gets mad that they alter the temperature of the classroom? But naaah, magic was supposed to be aiding them in situations where they feel threatened or uncomfortable, yes? Well, she was feeling both right now. Surely the Slytherin was too, so... "Do iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit." She told her, kind of grimacing right now as deliberately took off her robes then placed it on her lap.
Go on Sierra, or they were all bound to die!
"Me?" Sierra said, wiping a bead of sweat off her face. This girl must have mistaken her for some Hufflepuff. Or at best a Gryffindor. Sierra was nobody's fool, that much was sure. "I was actually suggesting that you show us what you've got," she said, meaning that she was hinting at Beezus casting the spell. No way would Sierra volunteer herself to get into trouble, especially after having to meet with the Headmistress in Lafay's office.
But then--...
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01
Professor Elwood didn't seem to be in the room but she WAS...
Because of the light being so dim, her Galileo playing his part of showy bird distraction, and the overall unawareness of their surroundings a student usually has were working perfectly for Callie's plan. The blonde was hiding behind the arm chair at the front of the class so that no one could see her and ruin her lesson introduction. As she heard the students enter and complain about the heat she grinned mischeviously and placed her wand to her throat whispering, "Sonoros."
Suddenly a breeze went through the room, created by the professor to NOT make it cooler but to just blow out a few of the candles making it a tad darker than before. Creeeeeeeeepy. Now Elwood's voice floated into the classroom.
"Dreeaaamss! They become your reality when you go to sleep." she started, still behind her chair. "You can fly, you can walk on water, faires live among you," with that a sparkling of pink dust and light appeared to fall from the ceiling, "and dragons breath fire as you ride them." A huge flame tore across the ceiling and extinguished as it hit the far wall. Yes, she had been practicing that for weeks.
She undid the voice raising spell and spoke in her normal voice again. "Dreams." Professor Elwood popped up from behind her chair wishing she had her banshee costume from last term and grinned with a little pose to show how she suprised them. "They are also the window to the future in some cases. It's good to see you all here this afternoon and I am happy to see plenty of familiar faces." She winked and nodded at Kurumi, Loiusa, Sierra, Jory, the fainting girl from the Oghamn stave lesson, and others--a good batch of kids.
She needed to go on. The woman used her wand to light a few more candles returning the light to the original dimness as before she blew them out and sat down in her armchair. "What do you all know about dream Divination?"
The lights suddenly dimmed, and Sierra had the urge to toss Beezus into the line of fire. Whatever this was, Sierra would make sure it got the Ravenclaw first.
Then she heard the booming voice of Ellwood. Where was this woman?! Creepy. Just creepy. Whatever happened to just standing in front of the class and saying--What can you tell me about dream divination? No. Ellwood had to go and make it seem like they were under attack.
She cleared her throat, trying to make it seem as if she hadn't been bothered at all. "Well, I do that it's a way for our future to come to us in our dreams," she said. "Sometimes we may dream what we think are silly dreams, but they're really hidden messages about our future. We just have to interpret them first."
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
to quote Professor Trelawney :3
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Kurumi was about to respond to Sarah when....she arrived.
Erm...right...the woman was going to have to show up eventually seeing as this was her lesson but...never mind. "Dragons breath fire whether you ride them or not," she muttered into her textbook, pretending to look at though she were reading something fascinating in it.
Dream Divination. She remembered keeping dream journals her...first year was it? Dreams that had shown her one thing and the opposite had happened in reality. SEE!? This subject was so flawed and dkfldfsljsjsl.
Sitting up straight and putting her book down, Kurumi DID raise her hand to answer. "Some say that it is the most important means of divining the future."
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
Jeez, what was with the professors and dramatics this term? Had they all gone to a drama seminar or something over the summer? Not that Emmanuelle wasn't enjoying it or anything. In fact, she was 'ooh'ing and 'ahh'ing over the beginnings of this lesson. Yep, the fire thing was pretty cool. And she might have hastily gathered up some of the pink dust for later use. One never when Hogwarts was going to have a party, after all. And pink dust was useful for just such events. Ahem.
Dream Divination? Wasn't that when people spotted 'symbols' in their dreams and 'interpreted' to mean certain things? Like dreaming of a tornado meant you were going to be hit with a sudden windfall- of money? Em had always thought it was a bunch of bull. Like, really, how could one predict something in their dreams when they couldn't while they were awake? Since dreams were just a part of a person's subconscious and all.
She just crossed her arms and gave the professor an 'I'm-not-convinced' look.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
She needed to go on. The woman used her wand to light a few more candles returning the light to the original dimness as before she blew them out and sat down in her armchair. "What do you all know about dream Divination?"
OCC: The lesson has officially started. No more posting your character arriving late or points will be taken; just pretend you've been here since the beginning.
Aaaand.. Abby stared as the supposed professor came flying into the class. This woman was actually a professor? She seemed so.. weird but then again the subject was super weird. Obviously, a weird professor would be teaching a weird subject. And, the professor had made the room darker too which was really annoying. Wasn't the classroom already dark enough?
Sullenly, Abby raised her hand. "Interpretration of dreams? Although, I really don't think ALL our dreams tell us something about our future." Because she got really silly dreams sometimes. They couldn't actually mean anything, right?
Text Cut: Giddy Diddy
Originally Posted by Macavity
Looks like he wasn't going to get away any easier with the nickname issue with Abby then he did with the other three, Vivi now among his tormentors he remembered. "How about a compromise of Gid." That he could half-way stand to be called and not want to cringe when it was used. Gideon didn't get to hear an answer as suddenly a loud voice rang out and it took him few moments to realise it was Professor Elwood's own amplified as she spoke.
Abby turned towards Gideon again with an evil cheerful look on her face. "Gids it is then!" Because Abby didn't go for compromises. If he didn't like that nickname, it was his problem. Her attention was back on the weird!professor.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Jory was startled by the Professor's sudden entrance. But he listened to her intently as she talked about dreams.
Dream Divination? He was not sure what it was about but he raised is hand, anyway to give an answer. "Dream Divination is a sort of prediction,'' he began. "They maybe can give an indication of some future event? Or every detail from the dream may come through.''
Professor Elwood didn't seem to be in the room but she WAS...
Because of the light being so dim, her Galileo playing his part of showy bird distraction, and the overall unawareness of their surroundings a student usually has were working perfectly for Callie's plan. The blonde was hiding behind the arm chair at the front of the class so that no one could see her and ruin her lesson introduction. As she heard the students enter and complain about the heat she grinned mischeviously and placed her wand to her throat whispering, "Sonoros."
Suddenly a breeze went through the room, created by the professor to NOT make it cooler but to just blow out a few of the candles making it a tad darker than before. Creeeeeeeeepy. Now Elwood's voice floated into the classroom.
"Dreeaaamss! They become your reality when you go to sleep." she started, still behind her chair. "You can fly, you can walk on water, faires live among you," with that a sparkling of pink dust and light appeared to fall from the ceiling, "and dragons breath fire as you ride them." A huge flame tore across the ceiling and extinguished as it hit the far wall. Yes, she had been practicing that for weeks.
She undid the voice raising spell and spoke in her normal voice again. "Dreams." Professor Elwood popped up from behind her chair wishing she had her banshee costume from last term and grinned with a little pose to show how she suprised them. "They are also the window to the future in some cases. It's good to see you all here this afternoon and I am happy to see plenty of familiar faces." She winked and nodded at Kurumi, Loiusa, Sierra, Jory, the fainting girl from the Oghamn stave lesson, and others--a good batch of kids.
She needed to go on. The woman used her wand to light a few more candles returning the light to the original dimness as before she blew them out and sat down in her armchair. "What do you all know about dream Divination?"
OCC: The lesson has officially started. No more posting your character arriving late or points will be taken; just pretend you've been here since the beginning.
Eliza was still trying to adjust to the nauseating heat when a voice took hold of the room. Dreams? She thought Divination was all to do with tea and crystal balls - things she didn’t put much stock in, mind you. Being a Ravenclaw, she had a hard time believing your personal biases would somehow not cloud your ability to see shapes and visions objectively. Dreams however were another matter. They were something you couldn’t manipulate to your own agenda. They just… happened, and sometimes you were lucky enough to remember them. Well, in her case, most of the time.
She admired the sparkles and fireballs and thought the professor must’ve really enjoyed theatrics. I wonder if there’s a theatre club at Hogwarts… Just then a figure jumped out at the front of the room, blonde hair flying from the momentum. “Jeepers!” she cried out. Seeing it was only the professor, Eliza relaxed again. Or rather, tried to relax. Is it always this hot in here? she wondered. She was beginning to think the reason for the heat was to cause hallucinations -- from heat stroke.
This being the first year's one and only Divination lesson, she didn’t know much about dream Divination. She raised her hand and made her best guess. “I’m assuming it has to do with trying to interpret our dreams? Sometimes they must just be silly nothingness, but other times they could be trying to tell us something.”
She pulled at the neck of her sweater. Merlin! I know it’s a chilly autumn, but this heating is overkill. She twister her pale auburn hair to the side, hoping to cool her neck some. Wait... she thought, Can Professor Elwood read my mind? She hoped not. She wasn't always as pure of thought as she was of tongue. I guess if I hear her in my head, I'll have my answer. ...Er, well if she can read minds and talk to them that is.
Assistant Marauder | 1/2 of BenSky | Hit Wiz! | Mischief Managed
Nerida had sat down when she felt a sudden breeze come through the room making her a bit cold rather than hot but once she noticed the room had gotten darker she gulped...What was Professor Elwood planning? Dreams...Nerida loved dreams...She giggled as she saw the pink dust fall and light enveloped the room. But as the fire shot out she couldn't help but jump back in her seat a bit...Wow...The Professor must have practiced this for days!! And she was doing a good job too...
Dream divination...She had read about it last year when she was looking through those divination books. Raising her hand Nerida said, "Dream divination is a system of dream interpretation in which it uses dreams to predict the future.
♕♕ Fire works through my veins into my heart ♕♕ ♕♕ Remember the night’s dancing under the sky♕♕
Vickers turns just as heard someone give a quick Hey! to Galileo. Even in the dimness he can see the Head Girl's form as she headed towards the table he was thinking of himself. Yep thats his cue to go join her....
"'Scuse me Miss but I think you're in my seat." he said as he stood behind her for a moment, trying to sound oh so serious. He waited just when she would likely move, slipped behind just out of her field of vision to plop himself on one of the cushy seats next to her. Yes his lame idea of a joke. Boyfriends can get away with that right?
She was taking her textbook out of her backpack when someone whispered urgently to her, wait what? Louisa rolled her eyes and was about to snap at the hushed down voice when she turned around and saw Vicky Vickers' face. Her snapping face grinned at him, "I knew it was you," she lied and turned back to the table as he took a seat beside her, making her day even happier!
Text Cut: Prof O_O & Vicky
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01
Professor Elwood didn't seem to be in the room but she WAS...
Because of the light being so dim, her Galileo playing his part of showy bird distraction, and the overall unawareness of their surroundings a student usually has were working perfectly for Callie's plan. The blonde was hiding behind the arm chair at the front of the class so that no one could see her and ruin her lesson introduction. As she heard the students enter and complain about the heat she grinned mischeviously and placed her wand to her throat whispering, "Sonoros."
Suddenly a breeze went through the room, created by the professor to NOT make it cooler but to just blow out a few of the candles making it a tad darker than before. Creeeeeeeeepy. Now Elwood's voice floated into the classroom.
"Dreeaaamss! They become your reality when you go to sleep." she started, still behind her chair. "You can fly, you can walk on water, faires live among you," with that a sparkling of pink dust and light appeared to fall from the ceiling, "and dragons breath fire as you ride them." A huge flame tore across the ceiling and extinguished as it hit the far wall. Yes, she had been practicing that for weeks.
She undid the voice raising spell and spoke in her normal voice again. "Dreams." Professor Elwood popped up from behind her chair wishing she had her banshee costume from last term and grinned with a little pose to show how she suprised them. "They are also the window to the future in some cases. It's good to see you all here this afternoon and I am happy to see plenty of familiar faces." She winked and nodded at Kurumi, Loiusa, Sierra, Jory, the fainting girl from the Oghamn stave lesson, and others--a good batch of kids.
She needed to go on. The woman used her wand to light a few more candles returning the light to the original dimness as before she blew them out and sat down in her armchair. "What do you all know about dream Divination?"
OCC: The lesson has officially started. No more posting your character arriving late or points will be taken; just pretend you've been here since the beginning.
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
Merlin what is it about scaring the kids half to death whenever classes start this term?
But you know, it was Elwood, so of course this Ravenclaw sits up and makes it appear that he wasnt startled at all by those lights going out again with those glittery, fiery things making a bid for his scalp.
Now Dreams, obviously this was what the lesson was about. Dream Divination. He raises his hand and offered this answer "Professor, its dream interpretation, using elements in one's dream and learning what they symbolize. Its like a way to interpret what your subconscious is trying to say to your conscious side."
... Happiness never seems to last long enough for her.
Louisa simply jumped in her chair as a booming voice echoed through the class suddenly, looking around a bit frantically as fire suddenly roared up in class before it died down and the nice Elwood's voice returned to normal.
Welp, wasn't that just a successful theatrical introduction? Louisa smiled back at the professor when she met her eyes.
Divination and dreams! That was Louisa's first Divination lesson, very touching. She shot her arm up in the air after listening to Vickers' answer, "The ancient Egyptians wrote a book about it, "Ramesside Dream-Book" which only fragments survived and was translated into English." Pause. "Dream Divination is Oneiromancy... right?" Just checking.
Dream Divination? What can dream divination be? Surya wondered. Let's see. I know what are dreams. And divination is predicting the future if I am not wrong. Then dream divination is supposed to be, "Professor, Predicting the future through our dreams, that is while sleeping is dream divination.", Surya said it as soon as he raised his hand and stood. But is he correct?
Jasmine started at both the sudden breeze and the Professor's dramatic entrance. Eyes wide she watched as she stepped out from behind a chair. Merlin, she was there the whole time....clever if not slightly creepy.
Shifting in her seat to get more comfortable, she loosened her tie slightly to let some air under her shirt. Phew, hot! Trying to ignore the supressing heat, Jasmine started taking notes on the responses to the Professor's question.
Jasmine couldn't help but scoff a little at the notion of it. None the less she raised her hand and replied with both an answer and a question, "Dream Divination would seem to be an interpretation of one's dreams by associating preconceived symbolic references that pertain to whatever was dreamt about. However, Professor, are not all dreams subjective? For instance, if one were to dream about rain, one could say it is a symbol of fertility and that the person will soon be with child, or one could say the rain is a symbol of cleansing and soon their troubles will cease, or one could even say rain is a symbol of a bad omen and that they will soon meet their doom. There are so many interpretations how would one know which is correct and thus be able to divine a singular outcome?"
"Me?" Sierra said, wiping a bead of sweat off her face. This girl must have mistaken her for some Hufflepuff. Or at best a Gryffindor. Sierra was nobody's fool, that much was sure. "I was actually suggesting that you show us what you've got," she said, meaning that she was hinting at Beezus casting the spell. No way would Sierra volunteer herself to get into trouble, especially after having to meet with the Headmistress in Lafay's office.
But then--...
The lights suddenly dimmed, and Sierra had the urge to toss Beezus into the line of fire. Whatever this was, Sierra would make sure it got the Ravenclaw first.
Then she heard the booming voice of Ellwood. Where was this woman?! Creepy. Just creepy. Whatever happened to just standing in front of the class and saying--What can you tell me about dream divination? No. Ellwood had to go and make it seem like they were under attack.
She cleared her throat, trying to make it seem as if she hadn't been bothered at all. "Well, I do that it's a way for our future to come to us in our dreams," she said. "Sometimes we may dream what we think are silly dreams, but they're really hidden messages about our future. We just have to interpret them first."
Her? Sierra was actually saying that she do the Cooling Charm? Beezus squinted at the Slytherin and thought about this for a moment. Weeeeeeeeeeell...BUT NO. She wasn't dumb to fall into the girl's trap. Yes Sierra, we've just read what you were thinking and we ain't falling for it.
"Oh. Don't be too modest...you show us how a Prefect---"
SPOILER!!: Elwood nutterz :P
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01
Professor Elwood didn't seem to be in the room but she WAS...
Because of the light being so dim, her Galileo playing his part of showy bird distraction, and the overall unawareness of their surroundings a student usually has were working perfectly for Callie's plan. The blonde was hiding behind the arm chair at the front of the class so that no one could see her and ruin her lesson introduction. As she heard the students enter and complain about the heat she grinned mischeviously and placed her wand to her throat whispering, "Sonoros."
Suddenly a breeze went through the room, created by the professor to NOT make it cooler but to just blow out a few of the candles making it a tad darker than before. Creeeeeeeeepy. Now Elwood's voice floated into the classroom.
"Dreeaaamss! They become your reality when you go to sleep." she started, still behind her chair. "You can fly, you can walk on water, faires live among you," with that a sparkling of pink dust and light appeared to fall from the ceiling, "and dragons breath fire as you ride them." A huge flame tore across the ceiling and extinguished as it hit the far wall. Yes, she had been practicing that for weeks.
She undid the voice raising spell and spoke in her normal voice again. "Dreams." Professor Elwood popped up from behind her chair wishing she had her banshee costume from last term and grinned with a little pose to show how she suprised them. "They are also the window to the future in some cases. It's good to see you all here this afternoon and I am happy to see plenty of familiar faces." She winked and nodded at Kurumi, Loiusa, Sierra, Jory, the fainting girl from the Oghamn stave lesson, and others--a good batch of kids.
She needed to go on. The woman used her wand to light a few more candles returning the light to the original dimness as before she blew them out and sat down in her armchair. "What do you all know about dream Divination?"
...Beezus was cut short when she felt an odd sweep of wind past her. She even shivered and gave Sierra a questioning look next to her. What in Merlin's beard?
She could suddenly hear Elwood's voice. But where was she? Beezus turned her head to and fro in search for its source. That's when the woman jumped out of her hiding place. The Ravenclaw's eyes widened and she literally flinched on her seat, causing her robe to fall on the floor so she bent down to pick it up while the woman began her introduction. Dreams, eh? She brushed off the sparkling dust on her head. It really had to be pink. Ugh. Then that fire. The Professor definitely had a loose screw!
When things have deduced to the normal flow...kind of, Beezus tilted her head as she listened. So dreams were windows to the future. She once had a dream that they won the Quidditch Cup again so that was bound to happen soon? Hehe.
Dream Divination. Okay.
She'd just let her classmates answer that one. Yep. No need for repeated answers, no?
Professor Elwood didn't seem to be in the room but she WAS...
Because of the light being so dim, her Galileo playing his part of showy bird distraction, and the overall unawareness of their surroundings a student usually has were working perfectly for Callie's plan. The blonde was hiding behind the arm chair at the front of the class so that no one could see her and ruin her lesson introduction. As she heard the students enter and complain about the heat she grinned mischeviously and placed her wand to her throat whispering, "Sonoros."
Suddenly a breeze went through the room, created by the professor to NOT make it cooler but to just blow out a few of the candles making it a tad darker than before. Creeeeeeeeepy. Now Elwood's voice floated into the classroom.
"Dreeaaamss! They become your reality when you go to sleep." she started, still behind her chair. "You can fly, you can walk on water, faires live among you," with that a sparkling of pink dust and light appeared to fall from the ceiling, "and dragons breath fire as you ride them." A huge flame tore across the ceiling and extinguished as it hit the far wall. Yes, she had been practicing that for weeks.
She undid the voice raising spell and spoke in her normal voice again. "Dreams." Professor Elwood popped up from behind her chair wishing she had her banshee costume from last term and grinned with a little pose to show how she suprised them. "They are also the window to the future in some cases. It's good to see you all here this afternoon and I am happy to see plenty of familiar faces." She winked and nodded at Kurumi, Loiusa, Sierra, Jory, the fainting girl from the Oghamn stave lesson, and others--a good batch of kids.
She needed to go on. The woman used her wand to light a few more candles returning the light to the original dimness as before she blew them out and sat down in her armchair. "What do you all know about dream Divination?"
OCC: The lesson has officially started. No more posting your character arriving late or points will be taken; just pretend you've been here since the beginning.
Laura looked at the Professor and smiled as she raised her hand. "Well since there is dream in the title, I would say it's when your asleep, is it when something from the future come into your sleep and then happens the next day?" Laura smiled, she had no idea if she was right but it was worth a try.