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The winter weather left the arena chillier than usual, but by now you should know you'll warm up soon enough. Having been busy setting up certain things, Professor Romanos didn't quite have time to think of the effects of cold weather. With the morning sun shining brightly through the large windows, she had set up a table near the stands where a good number of cups were placed neatly on top, covering every inch of it. What those cups held would be explained shortly, but there was indeed some type of liquid in it. If you snuck a peak, water would definitely be crossed off your list of ideas.
The professor herself was sitting on the lowest part of one of the stands next to two medium sized boxes, both closed, ready to greet the students who came in. More than likely, they'd be explained shortly along with the cups. If the sight of these new objects make you feel uncomfortable in any way, than perhaps the absence of the purple mats would put your mind at ease.
Do come in and take a seat, whether that be on the cold stone floor or in the stands, or stay standing if you so wish. The lesson will begin soon as usual.
OOC: Class has started. If you're just joining us, post your character as if they've been here the entire time, ______or they may just face a little consequence.
Kat gulped when she saw her spell cast on Logan. "Sorry if that hurts," Kat apologized. She wanted this class to be 'No one was harmed during the making'. Kat then casted Finite on Ariana's right hand. "You okay now?"
Ok. Ariana's been casted. Cambridge Kat goes next. She left out her left hand, since she's right-handed. "You're turn, Logan." Kat shut her eyes close because she honestly does not like spells casted on her... or near her. Today is just an exemption. Meh.
Hey take this spell off me Hudson!!! when she did it. ariana did it herself muttering a simple "finite" and the uncomfortableness quickly came to an end. "next time take the charm offff." yes she was complaining. and then Hudson was ready.
cracking her knuckles to her right hand she shook it out "that felt weird." meh okay Your Turn Hudson! Holding out her wand she pointed it to the girls hand and Torparticus!" heh. take that hudsonn
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
Originally Posted by JennMarie
Hey take this spell off me Hudson!!! when she did it. ariana did it herself muttering a simple "finite" and the uncomfortableness quickly came to an end. "next time take the charm offff." yes she was complaining. and then Hudson was ready.
cracking her knuckles to her right hand she shook it out "that felt weird." meh okay Your Turn Hudson! Holding out her wand she pointed it to the girls hand and Torparticus!" heh. take that hudsonn
OOC: I casted Finite on you, ya know. O_o
What was she complaining about? Maybe Kat's finite didn't work. Meeeh. You better practice your simple spells as well, Hudson.
Logan had casted the spell on Kat's hands now. Once it connected, Kat's hand felt like it was steady, like it was just there doing nothing. Stiff as stone. She can't even loll her fingers. Seriously. Then Kat took her wand by her right hand. "Finite," she casted and her hand returned to its normal condition. Knuckles cracked and everything. "Awkward feeling, that was."
Ok. Next spell. "Petrificus Digitirus," Kat cast on Ariana's right hand. Well, you've had enough resting now, Beauty Queen. Good luck taking that spell out of you, Logan.
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
She felt like it was time to go ahead and give it a try. She was not confident in any way, but she had to at least attempt it because class would soon be over and if she couldn't get it down in here then how would she possibly be able to anything for the homework that she was sure they would have.
She tried to focus on just the spell and doing it right. She allowed herself to believe that she was standing right side up on the ground. She held out her left hand while her right hand pointed her wand. "PETRIFICUS DIGITIRUS." she cried while she made the jabbing motion with her wand. Suddenly she felt a sharp jolt... almost like she had been shocked. It didn't last long though and she went back to feeling normal. Maybe she was on to something? This time she at least felt something when she tried a spell.
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Originally Posted by emjay
Ethan eyed Daichi warily and slowly nodded his head to his words. He didn't sound all that confident, not that Ethan could blame him. The Ravenclaw certainly wasn't the best with a wand and usually needed tons of practice before he was anywhere close to getting a spell right. But he soon found out why the Slytherin sounded unsure.
"Ex-exploding things?" Ethan's eyes widened at the boy's words and terribly somber expression. He did not want his hand blown off! The fifth year was about to yank his hand away when he saw the boy point his wand. Here goes nothing, he thought, as he squeezed his eyes shut and heard the boy shout the incantation. He bit his bottom lip, afraid to open his eyes as he felt his fingers grow increasingly warm.. but they were still there, right? Slowly opening his eyes as the warmness in his hand started to go away, Ethan was pleased to see his hand still intact and shot Daichi a grin because of it. But did it work?
"Well.. my fingers are stuck together," Ethan said as he examined them and tried to move them. "But they still bend." Kinda like being in a mitten instead of a glove and he bent them a couple times to show the boy. "Almost there.. good job for a first try," he said with a grin and gave him an approving nod. "So.. do you want to take turns or do you want to have another go?"
Making a move to pocket his wand back in his wrist holster, Daichi felt it stick to his glove and he remembered that it was supposed to stick on it like super glue. He looked at Ethan's hand after he had tried the spell and let out a sigh of relief when none of his fingers were missing.
So his fingers were stuck together but he could still move them? This made Daichi grin. Especially after Ethan told him he had done a good job. "Thanks" he finally answered with a faint blush covering his cheeks. He didn't get alot of compliments because of his charms work so when he did get them he thought it was awesome!
"Take turns?" he said but then stopped talking when the Professor announced something. Wait, the next spell already? "Guess we should hurry up... you do the spell on my hand" he showed the Ravenclaw his hand but then let out an "Oh! i forgot!" and pointed his own wand first at Ethan's still sticked-together-but-still-able-to-move fingers. "Finite!" he shouted and then smiled.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
SPOILER!!: Eliza!
Originally Posted by DecemberMoon
Eliza looked at her blade hand a moment more before Ella ended the spell. She slowly curled and uncurled her fingers, glad to be able to again. She was having so much fun, she almost forgot that half the fun was being on the ceiling. Yeah, exactly. It's weird." She looked down towards the ground to see the other students practicing. "How cool is being on the ceiling though! These sticking charms are awesome!"
As Ella prepared for the next spell, Eliza tried to imagine what it would be like. The professor said it was like when your legs fell asleep, so it was a relief to know her fingers wouldn't actually flop over all wiggly like jello. No bone mending today, thank you very much. Still, she wanted to practice aloud. She tried to say the word herself as Ella was practicing it too. "Yeah, good idea. Torp-ar-ti-cus, Tor-par-ti-cus." She made extra sure that she got the r sound in there. For some reason it seemed to be giving her trouble. Good thing she's going first...
Ella cast the spell and Eliza's fingers began to tingle slightly. She tried to wiggle them and found that she still could. They weren't so asleep that they couldn't be made useful. She looked up at Ella and said, "Well...they're sort of tingly," trying to be encouraging. "Maybe you should try it again. I bet the second time will really be good!" She smiled and held her hand out again for further practice.
Ella smiled at the younger girl, nodding her head. "Yeah...it is pretty awesome!" Especially because she didn't feel dizzy or anything being upside-down like she was. "I've always wondered what it would be like to walk on the ceiling." She added thoughtfully, a small smile on her face. It wasn't weird to think that, right? People thought about stuff like that?
Sort of tingly? Well that wasn't right. They were meant to be really tingly, yeah? Ella shrugged, not letting the failure bother her. "Yeah, I'd like to try again if you don't mind." And she pointed her wand at the girl. "Finite! ...I want to start fresh." Grin. And clearing her mind, she made the sharp jabbing motion and said, "Torparticus!" GRIN.
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Gideon had been making his way up the wall as directed, his movements careful and calculated. As such while he was listening to what was being said by both students and professor, he wasn't attempting to answer himself. Best to avoid too much multitasking while sticking off the ground. Not to mention with others coming up behind him, staying in one place temporarily wasn't really an option either. Finally reaching the joint between wall and ceiling the Gryffindor paused to make the move from one to the other.
It was then that Professor Medea moved on with the lesson, discussing that they would be learning two different spells that had to do with the fingers. Gideon raised one hand from its sticking point to glance at it before looking back at the woman as she explained the wand movement and incantation of the first one. Realizing he was going to need both hands to work with he also figured he needed to get to the point he was hanging only by his feet. Shifting a little further from the wall to claim one point of the ceiling, he then removed the hand he had before. After a few moments he tentatively moved the other and reached up...well down.
His curls hanging straight down towards the ground and away from his face for once. That was an experience usually only felt when hanging upside down from his broom. He almost felt he should have a quaffle in his hand instead of a broom. Gideon returned his focus on the task at hand, practicing the spell.
He repeated the incantation a few times quietly over and over. Then lifting or rather lowering his wand depending on the way you looked at it, the prefect moved it in the upside down 'u' shape Professor Medea had described. His words silent at the time. When he was satisfied he moved onto practicing them together.
Here goes nothing.
"Petrificus Digitirus..." he cast moving his wand correctly. Gideon felt something take effect but it wasn't much...his fingers becoming straighter but he could still move them. Guess he had to try again. He moved his wand casting a silent finite bringing his non-wand hand back to normal. Taking another pause and a deep breath he tried again. "Petrificus Digitirus" His voice clearer this time...his movements with a tad less flick and so he was rewarded by the completed spell taking hold.
Making a move to pocket his wand back in his wrist holster, Daichi felt it stick to his glove and he remembered that it was supposed to stick on it like super glue. He looked at Ethan's hand after he had tried the spell and let out a sigh of relief when none of his fingers were missing.
So his fingers were stuck together but he could still move them? This made Daichi grin. Especially after Ethan told him he had done a good job. "Thanks" he finally answered with a faint blush covering his cheeks. He didn't get alot of compliments because of his charms work so when he did get them he thought it was awesome!
"Take turns?" he said but then stopped talking when the Professor announced something. Wait, the next spell already? "Guess we should hurry up... you do the spell on my hand" he showed the Ravenclaw his hand but then let out an "Oh! i forgot!" and pointed his own wand first at Ethan's still sticked-together-but-still-able-to-move fingers. "Finite!" he shouted and then smiled.
"Okay you try~"
Ethan absentmindedly put his stuck-fingered hand down at his side as he heard the professor call for attention. He furrowed his brow slightly as he listened. Another spell already? Eh.. they hardly had time to practice the first.. Ethan quickly filed away this new info in his head before continuing. Toparticus, Toparticus... uh.. what was the first one again? Oh, right..
The boy nodded in agreement to Daichi's words. Yeah, it didn't seem they had much more time, so they should hurry with their practice. And then he remembered.. He raised his left hand and started to open his mouth to remind the Slytherin, but he seemed to remember just then as well. "Thanks," he grinned as the other boy ended the spell and he was grateful to move his fingers again as he demonstrated wiggling them.
"Okay, ready?" he asked as he raised his wand. Ethan was sure it wouldn't work.. at least not on the first try as he normally needed tons of practice to get anything that utilized a wand to work.. but he was fairly confident nothing would blow up - he hadn't had that happen in years. Making sure he was pointing his wand at Daichi's non-wand hand, the Ravenclaw swooped it in a tight little upside down U and commanded, "Petrificus Digitirus!" Lowering his wand, he gave the boy a questioning look. "Did it work?"
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
One spell down.
Gideon cast another finite on his immobulized hand, freeing it from the effects of the spell. He had to move it around to make sure to ease his mind. His practice seemed to be timed perfectly for he was just debating trying it again when Professor Medea spoke up once more moving them all on to the next spell to try when they were ready. Well he was and as he paid attention to all that was being said, the seventh year was trying to visualize or rather imagine the feeling being described. A hand cramp of sorts when your hand felt like it had fallen asleep...that was what the spell was supposed to do.
As before, Gideon repeated the incantation over and over again. However this time it seemed to be harder for his tongue to say." Torparticus...Torparticus..." The prefect worked on it some more trying to get the single word the way he wanted it, the way the professor had spoken it. Maybe he would try it out later. No sense in rushing and doing it wrong with the incantation not done right. Who knew what would happen.
Ella smiled at the younger girl, nodding her head. "Yeah...it is pretty awesome!" Especially because she didn't feel dizzy or anything being upside-down like she was. "I've always wondered what it would be like to walk on the ceiling." She added thoughtfully, a small smile on her face. It wasn't weird to think that, right? People thought about stuff like that?
Sort of tingly? Well that wasn't right. They were meant to be really tingly, yeah? Ella shrugged, not letting the failure bother her. "Yeah, I'd like to try again if you don't mind." And she pointed her wand at the girl. "Finite! ...I want to start fresh." Grin. And clearing her mind, she made the sharp jabbing motion and said, "Torparticus!" GRIN.
Eliza smiled when Ella said she'd always wanted to know what it was like to be on the ceiling. Eliza had wondered similar things herself. What would it be like from space? Or underwater? She decided to mention one of these things, "I always thought it would be neat to see Earth from space," she paused, "Like the super, super ceiling of the world, right?"
Eliza didn't mind her trying again at all. In fact, she wanted to see what it was like when the spell really took. That way she'd be ready if she ever needed to be, knowing how it would feel and all. She stood very still, letting Ella get a good focus on her finger joints - and then she felt it. "Woahhh! Ok, that was right!" She started to giggle and then to shake her hand like you would a limb that's fallen asleep. She was a mix of uncomfortable and silly feeling. "Ahhh!" she murmured while shaking her hand some more. "It...it's like it tickles...but it's like needles from falling asleep at the same time." She tried to grip her fingers with that hand but they were useless. "It's like when you first wake up in the morning and can't screw the lid off the jam jar." She laughed a little. That made sense right?"Ok, I think I've had enough of this one now!" She smiled her "pretty please" smile and held out her hand for Ella to stop the curse.
As she returned to normal, Eliza spotted Cora practicing by herself. She didn't think Ella would mind, so she called over to her. She was always welcome to join, if she wanted to. "Cora," she paused to see if she'd heard. "You can join us if you want. We could take turns." She smiled in her direction and then at Ella, hoping the Hufflepuff wouldn't mind. They could keep practicing with each other until Cora made her decision.
She practiced saying the spell a few more times before she was ready to try it on Ella. "Torparticus, torparticus, torparticus." She looked to Ella and asked, "You ready for this?" She raised an eyebrow and let her mouth slip into a small smirk.
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
"You'll get the hang of it soon enough, Miss Clearwater." Medea smiled to the girl as she passed by. Walking around the ceiling was indeed unusual, but watching the students perform the spells was distraction enough. Every now and then, she'd pay attention to those on the ground practicing, making sure they got their wand movements and incantations right from what she'd hear.
"Miss Lockwood..." Medea stopped by the Slytherin girl. "Remember, the upside down 'U' wand movement for Petrificus Digitirus. The jabbing movement is for Torparticus. I want you to write this down when we get back on the ground, alright?"
One more glance to her watch and the professor clapped her hands a few times to get the student's attention. "Alright, everyone, I think it's time we head back to the floor. If you can manage to un-stick your wand from your glove and re-holster it without taking your gloves off at the present moment, by all means do so. If not, you'll be able to do so on the ground. Please, climb down slowly. I don't want anyone bumping each-other off the wall. Once on the ground, take off your gloves and shoes, place them back into the boxes, grab your wand if you haven't done so before, write down any notes you'll need for future reference, and you'll be free to leave."
Walking over to the wall, Medea looked down to the ground. "Students already on the ground, you are free to leave now if you so wish. Everyone has done a marvelous job today." She smiled. "Homework will be posted later tonight. Keep on a lookout for it."
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Originally Posted by hpfan18
SPOILER!!: Professor's Instructions and Minnie!
Belle heard the professor's instructions. Now they were learning a new spell called "Torparticus." That was a cool word too. Belle decided to practice it before she preformed it on her friend. "Now Minnie once i preform it, you will feel the feeling of your arm falling asleep." Belle knew that feeling too many times to count. Pin and Needles is what she would call it.
Belle was kind of nervous but she felt confident. Belle's wand never failed her before. She was doing the simple jab motions to the wall first and said "Tor-part-icus...Tor-part-icus...Tor-part-icus..." Three or four more times with the short jab.
"Alright i am ready.." Belle said with a breath of calmness. She was confident. Belle pointed her wand at Minnie's non wand hand. Then she said "Torparticus!" loud and clear and did the short jab. After Belle preformed the spell, Belle asked how Minnie's hand felt. "How is your hand feeling Minnie?"
Minerva smiled as Belle started practicing the spell. "Oh I'm not worried you'll do fine." She watched as Belle did the motion and then said the words. She looked at her hand for a second thinking it did not work, but then she felt her hand slip into sleep mode. "Oh that's weird, I feel like I have no control of my fingers they are so heavy." She giggled at the feeling, it was so weird, but at the same time her hand had fallen asleep before.
She then heard the professor end class. "Over already.. Wow, we didn't get to practice that much." She frowned and turned to Belle, "Do you have to do the counter or will it just go away?" For some reason she couldn't remember that part.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Jory heard the Professor addressing them. Was it time to go already? Man, time flies when you're having fun.
He tried to get his wand out of the sticky glove but it won't budge. "Back to earth it is then,'' he thought and he began to descend carefully, keeping a lookout for the other students.
The Puff made it down in one piece. He quickly took off the gloves and shoes and replaced them in their boxes- after retrieving his wand of course. "Thanks for a great lesson, Professor,'' he said on his way out. Indeed it was, as they weren't allowed to climb the the Castle walls everyday.
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
Originally Posted by Roselyn
"You'll get the hang of it soon enough, Miss Clearwater." Medea smiled to the girl as she passed by. Walking around the ceiling was indeed unusual, but watching the students perform the spells was distraction enough. Every now and then, she'd pay attention to those on the ground practicing, making sure they got their wand movements and incantations right from what she'd hear.
"Miss Lockwood..." Medea stopped by the Slytherin girl. "Remember, the upside down 'U' wand movement for Petrificus Digitirus. The jabbing movement is for Torparticus. I want you to write this down when we get back on the ground, alright?"
One more glance to her watch and the professor clapped her hands a few times to get the student's attention. "Alright, everyone, I think it's time we head back to the floor. If you can manage to un-stick your wand from your glove and re-holster it without taking your gloves off at the present moment, by all means do so. If not, you'll be able to do so on the ground. Please, climb down slowly. I don't want anyone bumping each-other off the wall. Once on the ground, take off your gloves and shoes, place them back into the boxes, grab your wand if you haven't done so before, write down any notes you'll need for future reference, and you'll be free to leave."
Walking over to the wall, Medea looked down to the ground. "Students already on the ground, you are free to leave now if you so wish. Everyone has done a marvelous job today." She smiled. "Homework will be posted later tonight. Keep on a lookout for it."
Ariana hadn't even casted her spell on Kat yet! Good thing, though. Logan looked like she wanted to devour Kat for not working her Finite spell well. Looking at her fellow Quidditch Player, Kat invited her to go down. "Let's go, Logan." Kat climbed down slowly, fearing that she might accidentally or not hit someone on the process. Once she reached the ground, she took off the toe-ish shoes and gloves. Then she got her wand and placed it back to its home, Kat's wand holster. Walking to the boxes, she returned the gloves and shoes inside.
Ready to leave, Kat pushed the parchment with her notes inside her slingbag. Then she looked up to the Defense Professor. "Thank you for the great lesson, Professor," Kat said while smiling. "Have a good day!" Then she walked off...
Sorry for leaving you, Logan, but... BYEBYE.
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
Just as Cora was getting frustrated, she got words of encouragement from her professor. She would surely get this spell down soon. She would.
"Thank you professor. I'll keep trying." Cora said sweetly with a smile. She greatly appreciated being noticed for once. Usually she was really great at being invisible.
Next, turning to Eliza, who had just invited Cora to join, Cora responded, "Oh, thank you Eliza. Too bad we don't have time. Maybe next class?" Cora braced herself for the climb down. She had made it upside down without a huge fuss, despite being nervous. But down again? Clenching her fists, Cora added, "I don't know how I feel about getting back down."
And then Cora realized she had been rude. She turned to the girl (Cora thought she may have met her before but didn't expect her to remember Cora), and introduced herself. "Hi, I'm Cora." A smile formed on her face, despite her nervousness.
After a pause: "And I'm a little terrified of the whole getting down part." She said this very matter-of-fact. After all, Cora was frightened on a regular basis.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by ortalismusicoh
A game? Sounded like a good idea. Nod. Nod. "Yeah I'm game for that." It would be a good way to learn without really the feeling of actual learning. "I just need to get this pronounciation right." Which hopefully with a bit more of repetition would be fixed in no time.
Petrificus Digitirus! Petrificus Digitirus! Now aloud. "Petrificus Digitirus" Aha! Bingo! She had the wording now. Perfect. But just then the Professor paused the rest of the class giving them yet another spell learn.
Gosh. This would be hard to keep up with. Nessie bit her lip and turned to Kurumi who was now uttering the second spell with no problem. Maybe the second one wasn't as bad? Well if it was, she'd cope with it later, now she wanted to perfect her first spell.
When Kurumi gave the heads up to go. Ness nodded and then feeling uneasy from the roof standing held tightly onto her wand, almost as though she was clutching it for life. She refused to let herself mess up though, especially since it wasn't her actual fingers."Petrificus Digitiris" She said it unknowingly incorrectly and then did the upside down 'U' movement and waited for Kurumi's reaction to see whether it had worked or not.
Fingers twitching in anticipation for what was coming, Kurumi took several slow and deep breaths. It wasn't like Nessie would make her fingers fall of or anything. Or melt. Worse case would be that her fingers would cramp up and hurt, right? Something like that. But no, Nessie was good at spells so there was nothing to worry about.
Giving the Hufflepuff one last encouraging nod, she waited and held her breath when Nessie began to cast the spell. "Wait Nessie, that isn't ri---" Flinching, the spell hit Kurumi's hand and instead of her fingers locking they swelled to the size of sausages and ripped open the glove she had been wearing. Eyes widening, Kurumi bit her tongue to not squeak or scream or anything and instead gripped her wand tightly as she pointed it at her hand. "FINITE!"
Usually calm and collected and able to cast this spell nonverbally, Kurumi needed to say the incantation out loud more to confirm to herself that she was actually casting the spell. Her fingers stopped swelling, but didn't go back to their normal size either since all Kurumi had done with her well time Finite was remove the jinx. Finger size would have to come later.
"Um...Nessie...it's Petrificus Digitirus," Kurumi said with emphasis on the last sound in the incantation. Her voice surprisingly relaxed considering her fingers on her left hand were still the size of sausages.
Originally Posted by Roselyn
One more glance to her watch and the professor clapped her hands a few times to get the student's attention. "Alright, everyone, I think it's time we head back to the floor. If you can manage to un-stick your wand from your glove and re-holster it without taking your gloves off at the present moment, by all means do so. If not, you'll be able to do so on the ground. Please, climb down slowly. I don't want anyone bumping each-other off the wall. Once on the ground, take off your gloves and shoes, place them back into the boxes, grab your wand if you haven't done so before, write down any notes you'll need for future reference, and you'll be free to leave."
Walking over to the wall, Medea looked down to the ground. "Students already on the ground, you are free to leave now if you so wish. Everyone has done a marvelous job today." She smiled. "Homework will be posted later tonight. Keep on a lookout for it."
And then that was it as Professor Romanos ended the lesson. Kurumi glance back at her hand and the glove!bracelet she now wore and offered her friend a small smile. "Don't worry about this. Easily fixed," she nodded. How? She wasn't entirely sure. Professor Romanos would know, right?
Climbing down from the wall, Kurumi took a deep breath when her feet were finally back on the ground. She immediately made her way towards Professor Romanos and, erm, held up her swollen hand. "Um, professor..." she mumbled, not wanting to draw too much attention to the whole situation.
Sorry about your glove?
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
"You'll get the hang of it soon enough, Miss Clearwater." Medea smiled to the girl as she passed by. Walking around the ceiling was indeed unusual, but watching the students perform the spells was distraction enough. Every now and then, she'd pay attention to those on the ground practicing, making sure they got their wand movements and incantations right from what she'd hear.
"Miss Lockwood..." Medea stopped by the Slytherin girl. "Remember, the upside down 'U' wand movement for Petrificus Digitirus. The jabbing movement is for Torparticus. I want you to write this down when we get back on the ground, alright?"
One more glance to her watch and the professor clapped her hands a few times to get the student's attention. "Alright, everyone, I think it's time we head back to the floor. If you can manage to un-stick your wand from your glove and re-holster it without taking your gloves off at the present moment, by all means do so. If not, you'll be able to do so on the ground. Please, climb down slowly. I don't want anyone bumping each-other off the wall. Once on the ground, take off your gloves and shoes, place them back into the boxes, grab your wand if you haven't done so before, write down any notes you'll need for future reference, and you'll be free to leave."
Walking over to the wall, Medea looked down to the ground. "Students already on the ground, you are free to leave now if you so wish. Everyone has done a marvelous job today." She smiled. "Homework will be posted later tonight. Keep on a lookout for it."
Ahh! This Finger Removing Jinx and Jelly fingers curse are giving her a hard time. But then, she got to do them right as she will always have stiff fingers while lurking around the school.
When she heard Professor Romanos clapped, she knew it was the signal that the class has ended and it was time to leave. She then un-sticked her wand from her sticky gloves and re-holstered it and started going down slowly.
Ok, slowly....right foot... left hand... left foot... right hand...and so on and so forth. At last she reached the ground, she quickly wore off her sticky gloves and shoes and return them back to the box. She just wrote down a few notes from what they have learned today so far:
SPOILER!!: Befelda's notes
* Finger Removing Jinx (PETRIFICUS DIGITIRUS) - upside down 'U' wand movement
* Jelly Fingers Curse (TORPARTICUS) - jabbing movement
She fixed her things and sealed in her bag and walked to the door. "Bye, Professor! Thanks for the lesson. You have a good day ahead.", she said smilingly. She still thought of the spells as barbaric as they seem. She then continued walking and left the room.
Sarah had numbed and denumbed her hand too many times, each time feeling like she should not have been doing it when the professor told them class was over. Sarah looked down for a bit and to her terror she realize how far done it was.... She wished she had her camera there to show herself doing a head stand!
She put her wand in her mouth and walked over to the wall, treasuring every movement that she was on the roof. She backed down and as if she was going down a ladder she began to climb down. right foot, left foot, right hand left hand, right foot, left foot, right hand, left hand...
Soon Sarah was on the ground again. "Bye Professor" she said as she collected her notebook from her bag, took some notes and then packed up and left.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Text Cut: Roselyn
Originally Posted by Roselyn
One more glance to her watch and the professor clapped her hands a few times to get the student's attention. "Alright, everyone, I think it's time we head back to the floor. If you can manage to un-stick your wand from your glove and re-holster it without taking your gloves off at the present moment, by all means do so. If not, you'll be able to do so on the ground. Please, climb down slowly. I don't want anyone bumping each-other off the wall. Once on the ground, take off your gloves and shoes, place them back into the boxes, grab your wand if you haven't done so before, write down any notes you'll need for future reference, and you'll be free to leave."
Walking over to the wall, Medea looked down to the ground. "Students already on the ground, you are free to leave now if you so wish. Everyone has done a marvelous job today." She smiled. "Homework will be posted later tonight. Keep on a lookout for it."
At the sound of clapping, Sierra turned her head the best she could. Was someone getting applauded or something? Why not house points? That would be better anyway than just a mere round of applause. A second look, though, told Sierra that it was just the professor trying to get their attention. Sierra tugged at her wand, pulled it away from the glove, and then stuffed it back into her holster.
She began the climb down--slowly, because she didn't enjoy the thought of falling flat on her face in front of the class. It took her a bit, but once she made it off the wall, she removed the gloves and shoes and placed both back into the boxes.
...but hadn't they got off without it last time?! Why fix something if it isn't broken? Well, just BLAH. Oh, well. It wasn't like she could do anything about it. She grabbed her belongings and, with a little wave toward the professor exited the room.
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
Ugh! Where was her head today? It seemed like she just kept messing up. She was glad when the professor said that it was time for them to go. She was ready to get time to clear her head. There were just too many things going on right now and being locked out of their common room was not helping her situation.
"Of course... I'll practice it professor." She started to climb down the wall very slowly and carefully. Once her feet were on firm ground she took off her gloves and shoes and put them back into the basket. She dug into her bag and found a piece of parchment and jotted down all of the notes so she wouldn't get the two spells confused again. She shoved everything back into bag and slung it over her shoulder. "Thanks for the lesson professor." She exited the room without another word to anyone.
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
SPOILER!!: Romanos
Originally Posted by Roselyn
"You'll get the hang of it soon enough, Miss Clearwater." Medea smiled to the girl as she passed by. Walking around the ceiling was indeed unusual, but watching the students perform the spells was distraction enough. Every now and then, she'd pay attention to those on the ground practicing, making sure they got their wand movements and incantations right from what she'd hear.
"Miss Lockwood..." Medea stopped by the Slytherin girl. "Remember, the upside down 'U' wand movement for Petrificus Digitirus. The jabbing movement is for Torparticus. I want you to write this down when we get back on the ground, alright?"
One more glance to her watch and the professor clapped her hands a few times to get the student's attention. "Alright, everyone, I think it's time we head back to the floor. If you can manage to un-stick your wand from your glove and re-holster it without taking your gloves off at the present moment, by all means do so. If not, you'll be able to do so on the ground. Please, climb down slowly. I don't want anyone bumping each-other off the wall. Once on the ground, take off your gloves and shoes, place them back into the boxes, grab your wand if you haven't done so before, write down any notes you'll need for future reference, and you'll be free to leave."
Walking over to the wall, Medea looked down to the ground. "Students already on the ground, you are free to leave now if you so wish. Everyone has done a marvelous job today." She smiled. "Homework will be posted later tonight. Keep on a lookout for it."
Okay thats their cue to get down....
If he thought it was tricky getting up, it was nothing compared to the conundrum of getting back to the ground. He tried backtracking his crawl!steps but it seemed that he was going even slower than his already arduous process of going up. As he tried to make his way down from the ceiling it was either his clumsiness or his increasing lightheadedness or maybe just that unfortunate gift for bad balance Vickers lifted the wrong foot and and aimed the wrong arm at the wrong spot....
..... and he went crashing down towards the ground....
..... luckily caught by the net the Professor set up earlier.
He picked himself off the floor but with the last remaining sticky strength of the gloves and the shoes he ended up collapsing against it. A few seconds went by with the Ravenerd trying to disentangle himself from his own arms and legs and gloves and shoes before finally rising to his feet, looking around rather sheepishly and ducking awkwardly back to where his school shoes were. He collected his things quickly, but apparently not quick enough before his face turned into a nice shade of deep pink from his impromptu experiment with gravity. "Th-thanks for the lesson Professor Romanos..." he mumbled as he scurried past the Professor.
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Minerva smiled as Belle started practicing the spell. "Oh I'm not worried you'll do fine." She watched as Belle did the motion and then said the words. She looked at her hand for a second thinking it did not work, but then she felt her hand slip into sleep mode. "Oh that's weird, I feel like I have no control of my fingers they are so heavy." She giggled at the feeling, it was so weird, but at the same time her hand had fallen asleep before.
She then heard the professor end class. "Over already.. Wow, we didn't get to practice that much." She frowned and turned to Belle, "Do you have to do the counter or will it just go away?" For some reason she couldn't remember that part.
Belle heard the professor ending the class. Belle let a huge sigh relief. She was glad her spell worked. Then Minnie for the counter charm. Belle racked in her memory and remembered the common. Belle used her wand and said "Finite!" and that should work. That was mostly the common counter charm used in spells.
Belle looked at Minnie and said, "I am sad you did not get a chance to practice. I am sure you would have done amazing."
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Originally Posted by hpfan18
SPOILER!!: Minnie
Belle heard the professor ending the class. Belle let a huge sigh relief. She was glad her spell worked. Then Minnie for the counter charm. Belle racked in her memory and remembered the common. Belle used her wand and said "Finite!" and that should work. That was mostly the common counter charm used in spells.
Belle looked at Minnie and said, "I am sad you did not get a chance to practice. I am sure you would have done amazing."
Minerva shrugged as her hand started feeling normal again, "It's ok, I will practice some other time. I can just do it to myself if nothing else." She smiled at Belle before grabbing her bag and getting ready to leave class. "Thanks for a fun class professor the ceiling was awesome."She chuckled a bit then looked back at Belle, "Want to walk with me to the next class?"
Minerva shrugged as her hand started feeling normal again, "It's ok, I will practice some other time. I can just do it to myself if nothing else." She smiled at Belle before grabbing her bag and getting ready to leave class. "Thanks for a fun class professor the ceiling was awesome."She chuckled a bit then looked back at Belle, "Want to walk with me to the next class?"
Belle was glad that Minnie was getting feeling in her hand back. She did the counter charm right. Then Belle told the professor, "Thank you again Professor for an interesting lesson! I learned a lot!"
Then when Minnie asked Belle to walk together to their next class, Belle smiled and replied, "I will be glad to." and slung her backpack over her shoulder and walked out with her best friend to their next class.
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
After making sure that most of the students were confident with climbing down and no one was rough housing, and that Vickers was alright, Medea herself climbed down and placed her own shoes and gloves into the boxes. Sitting on the stands to put her own boots back on, she gave her goodbyes and farewells to those students who passed by.
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Climbing down from the wall, Kurumi took a deep breath when her feet were finally back on the ground. She immediately made her way towards Professor Romanos and, erm, held up her swollen hand. "Um, professor..." she mumbled, not wanting to draw too much attention to the whole situation.
Sorry about your glove?
"Hold on there, Miss Hollingberry. Easily fixed." Standing up, Medea took out her wand and pointed it at the girl's swollen hand. In no time, it was back to it's original size. "Incantation gone wrong?" From the looks of it.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
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Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
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Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by Roselyn
"Hold on there, Miss Hollingberry. Easily fixed." Standing up, Medea took out her wand and pointed it at the girl's swollen hand. In no time, it was back to it's original size. "Incantation gone wrong?" From the looks of it.
Kurumi nodded slowly, taking a quick glance at Nessie but her eyes not lingering there for too long. "Mispronounced incantation," she replied. You know, just in case the reason made a difference as to how to fix it. THANKFULLY, Professor Romanos was quick to act and her sausage fingers deflated. Flexing them a little just to make sure that she still had the bones in her fingers, Kurumi sighed with relief when it appeared as though everything was alright. "Thanks, professor." And she wiggled her fingers in Nessie's direction to make sure that the Hufflepuff saw that she was alright.
No more sausage fingers!
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes