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Roselyn 10-19-2012 01:07 PM

DADA Lesson : Topsy Turvy
Defense Against the Dark Arts Lesson Two

The winter weather left the arena chillier than usual, but by now you should know you'll warm up soon enough. Having been busy setting up certain things, Professor Romanos didn't quite have time to think of the effects of cold weather. With the morning sun shining brightly through the large windows, she had set up a table near the stands where a good number of cups were placed neatly on top, covering every inch of it. What those cups held would be explained shortly, but there was indeed some type of liquid in it. If you snuck a peak, water would definitely be crossed off your list of ideas.

The professor herself was sitting on the lowest part of one of the stands next to two medium sized boxes, both closed, ready to greet the students who came in. More than likely, they'd be explained shortly along with the cups. If the sight of these new objects make you feel uncomfortable in any way, than perhaps the absence of the purple mats would put your mind at ease.

Do come in and take a seat, whether that be on the cold stone floor or in the stands, or stay standing if you so wish. The lesson will begin soon as usual.

OOC: Class has started. If you're just joining us, post your character as if they've been here the entire time,
______or they may just face a little consequence.

Princesspower 10-19-2012 01:30 PM

Sarah arrived at the lesson, rather puzzled by the unusual request.. girls REQUESTED to wear pants... Pants were boys clothing and Sarah did not like people to see the shape of her legs (because when they did they drove her made, telling her that she had such gorgeous thin legs while she did not care at all about it. She was Sarah, a girl a personality and not a pair of legs). Yet given no choice Sarah made a pair of jeans which she wore under her skirt. Jeans were for boys! yet she was etermined to make the most of it.

"Hello Professor
" Sarah said, feeling rather strange in pants... she usually wore pants under her nightie in winter yet the last time she wore pants around she was about three or something. She liked to dress modestly... like a princess!

sweetpinkpixie 10-19-2012 02:22 PM

..............where were the yoga mats?

Standing in the doorway for a moment with a rather perplexed look plastered across her face, the Gryffindor thought for a moment that perhaps she had arrived in the wrong location. There were ALWAYS purple yoga mats on the ground with Professor Romanos' where in the kneazle's whiskers were they now? She had been expecting some super intense yoga since they had been required to wear pants this lesson and now, well, she had no idea what was going to happen.

"Good day...professor," Kurumi said as she, erm, stood off to the side rather awkwardly. No mats was throwing her off...a lot.

CrazyMaisie 10-19-2012 03:36 PM

Phew. So that yoga thing wasn't regular? That was good. 'Cause it was kinda freaky, with Professor Romanos being a DADA teacher and not some muggle, yoga person-y thing.

The room looked mysterious, though. Cups and boxes. What was in those? Because not knowing their contents bugged Jennifer. Because she liked to be on top of things. And to know everything that was going on. Which made sense, being ultimate-ruler-of-the-universe and everything.

"Hi, Professor!" she beamed, with a small wave of her hand.

FearlessLeader19 10-19-2012 03:44 PM

The first thing Jory noticed when the entered the arena was the lack of the usual yoga mats. "Why aren't they here?'' he wondered, taking in the table covered with cups. That made him very curious.

"Oh, good day, Professor,'' the Puff said with a smile when he finally saw her. He went off take take a seat in the stands. It would be warmer than the floor, after all.

Expecto-Penguin 10-19-2012 04:29 PM

Belle came into the classroom. Belle was curious where the yoga matts where. Hmm...maybe a change of the lesson plan. Belle did not plan to sit on the cold ground floor. She rather be warm in her robes.
Belle was still standing and Belle greeted the professor with, "Good morning Professor, how are you today?"

Weasley174 10-19-2012 05:32 PM

Laura had this funny feeling she was running late, she had legged it from the Hufflepuff Common Room to the Classroom, she slowed down when she got near there. "Goo...Good... D...D.." Laura was panting as she was totally out of breath, it took a couple of minutes to get her breath back. "Good day Professor." Laura looked around, not many people was there, if she got told she had run for nothing she'd scream.

TSnitch 10-19-2012 05:40 PM

Irina walked into class and was immediately assaulted by the sunlight. Squinting a bit as her eyes adjusted. She continued and headed directly for the stands to sit. As she moved up the stands she paused to say,"Good day Professor." Continuing up, she sat not too far and set down her bag.

DaniDiNardo 10-19-2012 05:47 PM

Unlike the first DADA class Lex wasn't nearly as enthusiastic about coming to this one. For starters she had been hoping to learn a thing or two about protecting herself from idiots who liked raising their wand at all unnecessary hours of the day and at her nonetheless but instead they...they did yoga...

Althooooough, if she was being honest it was kinda fun. Yoga wasn't so bad...just a little different? Yeah...different.

Walking into the arena she nearly frowned at the absence of the yoga mats. Er...not that she would miss the yoga of course because really she wouldn't. The next thing to catch her attention was the cups on the table. Oooooo, she walked over and took a look inside. Could this be anything like the first Astronomy class?

Turning to the Professor she grinned. "Hello Professor!" BEAM. "Are we gonna be having drinks in this class?" That was what that stuff was, right? It occurred to her that she should ask about the other stuff but really her mind was busily thinking about the liquid she had convinced herself was some refreshing juice. When would they be able to start drinking?

TakemetotheBurrow 10-19-2012 06:06 PM

Ella stood in the doorway and let her eyes roam the arena, noting the absence of the usual mat setup. Huh. NO YOGA? A small smile immediately graced her lips and thoughts of the dangerous boat pose were cast aside. BEAM. No yogaaaaaa!

Stepping inside, the third year headed to where her classmates were congregating, giving a small wave to Professor Romanos. "Hello Professor." Grin. ...Shiver. Sheesh. It was quite cold today, yeah? Hopefully they'd be doing some moving soon or she'd likely freeze to death. Mhm...Not at all dramatic or anything.

Holmesian Feline 10-19-2012 07:58 PM

When Gideon walked into the DADA classroom ready for the latest class, the last thing he expected was the different set-up. Professor Romanos had been pretty routine in her class design the almost two years she had been here but now there were no mats, trays or candles and the room was certainly colder then usual. It was certainly a odd occurance but he made no comment of it aloud as he walked further into the classroom.

"Good day Professor Romanos," he greeted with a polite smile at the woman. He was curious about the bowls beside her and the cups on the table though he pushed it aside to await the beginning of class patiently. All would probably be explained soon enough.

Emzily 10-19-2012 08:19 PM


Did that mean they didn't have to do those silly yoga movements?! Theodore sure hoped so because he didn't have the muscle structure for that kind of thing. They always felt as if they tore a little... Anyway, yay! That had certainly put him in a good mood for today's lesson. He sat cross-legged on the floor and shuddered a bit. The room was chilly but the floor was even colder.

His butt didn't appreciate that.

"Hallo, professor Romanos." He offered a beeeeam, then watched the peculiar cups on the table...

oh its Erik ok 10-19-2012 08:46 PM

Nigel walked in and noticed no yoga mats. Which of course meant that there was no yoga today. Nigel could at least do that math in his head. He looked towards the table where Professor Romanos was and saw the cups of water. That reminded him that he was thristy.

"Hello, Professor Romanos."

Now the real question was. What will this class be like without its normal yoga routine?

PhoenixWizard 10-19-2012 08:53 PM

Angelina arrived at the classroom to find no mats and nothing to sit on. Wondering what this was all about she stood off to the side. This would be a instresting DADA class, but possibly exciting? When she saw all the cups and some liquid inside she began to wonder what it all was. She would wait though and not take any chances. She made the wonder of the liquid leave her mind and stood off to the side waiting for class to start.

"Hello Professor," she called out with a smile on her face.

DecemberMoon 10-19-2012 09:11 PM

Eliza walked in to what she thought was supposed to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts room. She distinctly remembered the dark, candlelit room with yoga mats sprawled across the floor, but this room has neither dark nor prepped for a show of balance and flexibility. She walked into the room cautiously at first, but seeing that she was not alone - she proceeded with more trusted footwork. Strange, she thought I guess we're doing something with those cups over there? Then she spotted the professor and walked up to her with a smile on her face.

"Hello Professor Romanos!" She remembered their conversation they'd had before and added, "I hope you've been enjoying yourself since we last talked." She smiled again and went to stand with the other students as they waited for class to start.

Bazinga 10-19-2012 09:38 PM

Minerva walked into class and the first thing she noticed were no yoga mats. Frowning a little she kept walking in. The next think she noticed was cups and a table. This was all different, wondering what they might be doing today she noticed the professor with some boxes.

"Hello Professor, how are you today?" She then looked around. Smiling at some of her house friends she made her way to a spot and turned to wait for instructions on what they might be doing for the lesson.

SilverTiger 10-19-2012 09:58 PM

Comfortable shoes and no skirts. Honestly, that part of the notice about the DADA lesson hadn't really piqued Kendall's interest. She always wore comfortable shoes, because she always wore her combat boots, and the no skirts thing wasn't a big deal either. It was cold out, so jeans were better. Plus, she'd worn leggings under her uniform skirt last lesson anyhow, so that was just obvious. Skirts and yoga didn't really go together anyway, and it was Professor Romanos' lesson. She would have been surprised to find out that they weren't doing yoga, and she'd prepared for it by eating a couple extra pieces of chocolate on her way to the classroom. That way she was definitely energized and ready.

She still was curious about if dementors could have babies, too, even though her baby dementor in Arithmancy had turned out to be a crazy version of Myrtle. Class would be the easiest time to ask, or afterward, but she got distracted by the classroom itself. Or, more notably, the lack of some items and presence of others. No yoga mats, but as she continued looking around, Professor Romanos was still there. Weird, she thought, making her way past the boxes and table of cups to head for the stands. No way she was going to sit on the floor and freeze. "Hi Professor Romanos!," she did call out with a grin, though. She might have been confused, but she wasn 't going to be rude.

JennMarie 10-19-2012 10:03 PM

'ariana meep ariana meep meep meep' she sang in her head as she literally skipped down the corridor to defence against the dark arts. Upon entering the room she saw several students already there. she shrugged And walked over to MINERVA giving her a nudge with her shoulder and a wave with a rare smile on her face. "Good Morning Professor!" she finally said. la lalalalalaaaa why she was so cheerful she had no idea just woke up in good spirits today

Schroyers 10-19-2012 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by Bazinga (Post 11237419)
Minerva walked into class and the first thing she noticed were no yoga mats. Frowning a little she kept walking in. The next think she noticed was cups and a table. This was all different, wondering what they might be doing today she noticed the professor with some boxes.

"Hello Professor, how are you today?" She then looked around. Smiling at some of her house friends she made her way to a spot and turned to wait for instructions on what they might be doing for the lesson.


Originally Posted by JennMarie (Post 11237451)
'ariana meep ariana meep meep meep' she sang in her head as she literally skipped down the corridor to defence against the dark arts. Upon entering the room she saw several students already there. she shrugged And walked over to MINERVA giving her a nudge with her shoulder and a wave with a rare smile on her face. "Good Morning Professor!" she finally said. la lalalalalaaaa why she was so cheerful she had no idea just woke up in good spirits today

Maxwell walked into class, his uniform looking neat and his book bag hanging off of his shoulder. He smiled wildly at the lack of yoga mats, Merlin he was not good at yoga and then you add school work and he was a mess, maybe this class would be easier. He noticed his two best friends standing next to each other. Offering the professor a nod and a smile. "Hello, Professor.." He said making his way over to Minerva and Ariana. "Hey.." He whispered, not wanting to be too loud in the event the professor was about to speak.

Bazinga 10-19-2012 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by JennMarie (Post 11237451)
'ariana meep ariana meep meep meep' she sang in her head as she literally skipped down the corridor to defence against the dark arts. Upon entering the room she saw several students already there. she shrugged And walked over to MINERVA giving her a nudge with her shoulder and a wave with a rare smile on her face. "Good Morning Professor!" she finally said. la lalalalalaaaa why she was so cheerful she had no idea just woke up in good spirits today


Originally Posted by HJPotter (Post 11237510)
Maxwell walked into class, his uniform looking neat and his book bag hanging off of his shoulder. He smiled wildly at the lack of yoga mats, Merlin he was not good at yoga and then you add school work and he was a mess, maybe this class would be easier. He noticed his two best friends standing next to each other. Offering the professor a nod and a smile. "Hello, Professor.." He said making his way over to Minerva and Ariana. "Hey.." He whispered, not wanting to be too loud in the event the professor was about to speak.

Minerva was waiting for the rest of the students to come in and was hoping to see a certain student when she smiled at a nudge she had gotten, "Your in a good mood." she giggled a bit at her bestie.

She turned just in time to see Maxwell coming in as well. She smiled when he came over towards them. "You sick Maxwell?" she joked. "Good to see you in class." She turned back facing the front for class.

Lissy Longbottom 10-20-2012 12:41 AM

Alex always thought the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor COULD be a vampire, you know, with her accent and everything, so whenever he saw the BRIGHT sun shining through the windows, it put his mind at ease. But where were the mats? Alex had been looking forward to strengthening his core!

"Hello Professor," he said happily as he took a seat in the stands. He thought about going to look in the cups, but he knew she'd explain what was in there soon enough. He was in the middle of an AWESOME drawing of a greyhound and he didn't want to lose his creative energy! He pulled out his notebook and got back to doodling, waiting for the lesson to begin.

Hey Ju 10-20-2012 12:44 AM


Sophie was genuinely surprised when she saw that there were no purple mats to be seen that day. Weren't they going to do Yoga?? She was mentally ready for it, actually. That was a bit of a shock.

It didn't mean she wasn't glad, hehe.

Not that she haated Yoga, but professor Romanos always asked for the boat position... not cool. Anywho, Sophie looked around the arena and noticed the cups, but wasn't curious enough to go inspect them. So she just walked over to where some random people were and waved at the professor as she walked pass. "Hi, professor!" Sophie smiled at the older witch and stood there, waiting for the lesson to begin.

Cassirin 10-20-2012 03:31 AM

Well, thank MERLIN for small miracles. Vivi paused in the doorway, grinning a bit too broadly at the absence of the yoga mats. She hadn't been good at it, and even though she'd spent some time practicing on her own, Vivi wasn't looking forward to further public embarrassment. She didn't want to fall on anyone, or throw a shoe, or otherwise humiliate herself in front of this professor.

So no mats was a good thing.

Vivi seated herself on the bottom bench and gave the professor a cheerful nod. "Hullo, professor."

Steelsheen 10-20-2012 04:00 AM

plus Vivi at the end....
No mats?



..... thing is there are also no chairs and no tables for students to use. STILL NOT a proper classroom.

But it wasnt like that was gonna stop this Ravenclaw. He eyed the cups with the mystery liquid and then turned towards the benches where the Professor was, greeted her the customary "Good day Professor..." taking mental note of the boxes before setting onto a seat next to Vivi. Hmm now aint this familiar?....

Kimothy 10-20-2012 04:08 AM


Wow, Kat never imagined how much she's missed this class. She was quite preoccupied with Quidditch and extra work and lessons that she nearly forgot about DADA. Ouch. But, honestly, she loved this class and she's really thrilled that she's back inside its walls.

There was a fair number of students. She knew some but all that mattered to her now is that she's in for a great lesson. "Good day, Professor," Kat said with a smile. Yep, hopefully Romanos could see how much she loves her class. Yeh.

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