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The winter weather left the arena chillier than usual, but by now you should know you'll warm up soon enough. Having been busy setting up certain things, Professor Romanos didn't quite have time to think of the effects of cold weather. With the morning sun shining brightly through the large windows, she had set up a table near the stands where a good number of cups were placed neatly on top, covering every inch of it. What those cups held would be explained shortly, but there was indeed some type of liquid in it. If you snuck a peak, water would definitely be crossed off your list of ideas.
The professor herself was sitting on the lowest part of one of the stands next to two medium sized boxes, both closed, ready to greet the students who came in. More than likely, they'd be explained shortly along with the cups. If the sight of these new objects make you feel uncomfortable in any way, than perhaps the absence of the purple mats would put your mind at ease.
Do come in and take a seat, whether that be on the cold stone floor or in the stands, or stay standing if you so wish. The lesson will begin soon as usual.
OOC: Class has started. If you're just joining us, post your character as if they've been here the entire time, ______or they may just face a little consequence.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
"Torparticus, Torparticus,'' Jory said, to get a hang of the spell. "Torparticus,Torparticus,Torparticus.'' He was sure he got that right. "Now to try it out.'' To tell the truth, he was a bit nervous about doing this. What if something went horribly wrong?
"Torparticus!'' The Puff made the jabbing movement and instantly felt that numbish/prickling sensation he sometimes got when he woke up and found he had slept on his hand. He hated it.
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
Originally Posted by JennMarie
Ariana crawled her way over to Hudson. "Hey hudson." she said as she sat across from her her long back hair hanging from the top of her head. she raelly should of brought something to tie her hair up but how was she to know they were going to be upside down.. "You ready to get to work?"
"Ready as I'll ever be," Kat said with a small smirk. Well, she knows Ariana so it won't be possible that they both will be uncomfortable with each other, right? It would've been awkward if Kat had to pick a lonely person whom she doesn't know yet.
So... back to the spell stuff. "Why don't you start up first?" KAT IS READY FOR FINGER JINXES that can be used on Cambridge and Wheeler.
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
"Ready as I'll ever be," Kat said with a small smirk. Well, she knows Ariana so it won't be possible that they both will be uncomfortable with each other, right? It would've been awkward if Kat had to pick a lonely person whom she doesn't know yet.
So... back to the spell stuff. "Why don't you start up first?" KAT IS READY FOR FINGER JINXES that can be used on Cambridge and Wheeler.
"Good!" she said as she practiced an incantation and the wand movement"Torparticus! wand jab! "Torparticus!" wand jab! Of course she wasnt doing them TOGETHER. then she'd wind up hurting someone. eh that couldn't be too bad right? she then looked at kat and pointed her wand ad the joints of her fingers to her NON wand hand. "this spell is casted on the joint right?" she said pointing to hudson's finger with her wand lightly. nothing happened. she just poked her "Ready Hudson!?" she said a bit to excited. looking at the girl Your turn.. then we'll do the other spell.. whatever it was
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
SPOILER!!: Romanos
Originally Posted by Roselyn
No incantations or wand movements?
"I guess there's no tricking you all here." she chuckled quietly. "Yes, their names do say it all. There are no squiggle lines for wand movements with these spells, however, truthfully I am glad none of you brought up their incantions or movements due to the fact...that we'll be casting modified versions of these spells. Didn't really think I'd let you sever or de-bone your classmates fingers, did you?"
Come on now.
"We're going to start with the Finger Removing Jinx. Instead of actually removing one's fingers, we'll be using a spell that is quite similar to the Body-Binding Curse, only a bit more narrowed down to just your hands. This spell will stiffen your fingers straight and forced together so you can't bend or move them. You don't need to worry about dropping your wand. They'll stick right to your gloves, though I do hope you've already realized to practice on your non-wand hand." Mmhmm. Medea raised an eyebrow. To demonstrate the stickiness of the glove though, since her wand was already in her hand, Medea stretched out her arm so all could see and let her grasp lose of the wood. It stuck to the glove. Little shake here and there, and all was still well.
"If you'd like to find a partner to practice with, you can do so, or you can practice on yourselves. The wand movement for this spell is a looping motion, much like an upside down 'U', rather similar to that of the basic shield charm for those who know it. A little less 'flick' though." The professor demonstrated this a few times. "And the incantation is Petrificus Digitirus. Petrificus...Digitirus. It is important you say the incantation clearly. I'd advise you practice the wand movement and incantation a few times by themselves before practicing together. A simple 'Finite' will end this spell."
"Whenever you're ready, you can start and if you have any questions or need help, just holler. Students on the ground, you as well. Holler extra loud."
It took him a while to get himself up on the ceiling with the mats but he's finally there! And... its quite nothing like flying, if anything it was rather unnerving to feel something solid beneath your feet when you know the ground is actually the one below your head.
But right moving onto the spells.... He mouthed the spell a few times while doing the upside down U wand stroke Pe-trif-icus Di-gi-tir-us...... Petrificus Digitirus. Does he want to try this on anybody right now? Sure-- if only they werent so dependent on their other hand and feet to keep them glued to the ceiling. Even if there was a net to catch them, he found it extremely risky to try it on anyone up on the ceiling.
SPOILER!!: Romanos
Originally Posted by Roselyn
Everyone seemed to be doing well, at least with pronouncing the spell. Some were still a little slow in practicing it, which was understandable. Why would one wand to practice a spell that prevented you to use your hand when you were upside down? "A little tighter with the wand movement, Miss Lockwood."
Glancing around to the students, she gave them a few more minutes before speaking up. "Pause for a moment, everyone." Another moment was waited to let them do so. "When you get the hang of this spell, you can move on to the next spell, which would be our modified version of the Jelly Fingers Curse. While that particularly curse targets one's fingers, this one targets any joint you point your wand at, so I want you to be rather careful. I want you to only target yours or your partner's fingers."
She'll be watching all of you. Mmhmmm.
"If you ever sat on your leg or laid on your arm funny to the point where you couldn't move it until the blood starts flowing back through it's veins, this is the feeling you'll get from this spell. May be a bit more difficult to cast than what you are practicing now, but that is alright. The wand movement is a simple jab to your intended target with the incantation, 'Torparticus'. Again, it is very important you say the incantation right. Torp-ar-ticus."
A quick glance to her watch, and she continued. "We have a short while longer before class ends. Feel free to continue just practicing our first spell, or if you feel confident enough, go ahead and try the second. If there are any questions, do not hesitate to ask."
OOC: We're short on time, but I'm giving an extra day to practice both spells. I'll give you a heads up though, you'll have enough practice during the homework. Please no losing limbs. Yes? Awesome. Class will end tomorrow around 7pm EST.
Now there was another spell. He mimicked the jabbing motion and mouthed the spell again Torp-ar-ti-cus.....Torparticus. He was starting to wish he stayed on the ground, that way he would be more at ease to try it on someone or someone trying it on him. Or maybe one of those dummies....
And he was starting to get the feeling that the spell to keep lightheadedness away was starting to wear off, either that or his bad ear was acting up now....
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
Originally Posted by JennMarie
"Good!" she said as she practiced an incantation and the wand movement[ B]"Torparticus![/B] wand jab! "Torparticus!" wand jab! Of course she wasnt doing them TOGETHER. then she'd wind up hurting someone. eh that couldn't be too bad right? she then looked at kat and pointed her wand ad the joints of her fingers to her NON wand hand. "this spell is casted on the joint right?" she said pointing to hudson's finger with her wand lightly. nothing happened. she just poked her "Ready Hudson!?" she said a bit to excited. looking at the girl Your turn.. then we'll do the other spell.. whatever it was
Soo... uhh... yeah.
Kat needed to practice that incantation and wand movement now. Gripping her wand, Kat jabbed on the air. "Torparticus." Cool... Again. "Torparticus... Torparticus... Torp-ar-ti-cus..." That should do it. Yep. After a few more rounds oh beautiful practice, Kat was now ready. "Let's start now with the other spell."
Petrificus Digitirus, right?
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
Kat needed to practice that incantation and wand movement now. Gripping her wand, Kat jabbed on the air. "Torparticus." Cool... Again. "Torparticus... Torparticus... Torp-ar-ti-cus..." That should do it. Yep. After a few more rounds oh beautiful practice, Kat was now ready. "Let's start now with the other spell."
Petrificus Digitirus, right?
"Petrificas Dagitiros, right?" was that it? she couldn't remember how to say it "with the upsidedown U movement right?" she demonstrated with her wand but just wasn't sure. ugh kat hellppp! She really needed to pay more attention instead of sticking her hands to the ceiling while the professor was speaking
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
Originally Posted by JennMarie
"Petrificas Dagitiros, right?" was that it? she couldn't remember how to say it "with the upsidedown U movement right?" she demonstrated with her wand but just wasn't sure. ugh kat hellppp! She really needed to pay more attention instead of sticking her hands to the ceiling while the professor was speaking
It's only been a few minutes and Logan had already forgotten the first spell. Amnesia, anyone? "It's Petrificus Digitirus, Logan," Kat corrected her not-so-intelligent housemate. "And at least you got the hand movement correct. Upside down 'U'." Well, Ariana better remember her incantations, otherwise it would cost a whole lot disaster.
Kat started practicing the spell, though. "Petrificus Digitirus," UPSIDE DOWN U. "Pet-ri-fi-cus Di-gi-ti-rus..." Syllabication gone easy. "Petrificus Digitirus." Got it. Logan, YOU'RE NEXT.
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
It's only been a few minutes and Logan had already forgotten the first spell. Amnesia, anyone? "It's Petrificus Digitirus, Logan," Kat corrected her not-so-intelligent housemate. "And at least you got the hand movement correct. Upside down 'U'." Well, Ariana better remember her incantations, otherwise it would cost a whole lot disaster.
Kat started practicing the spell, though. "Petrificus Digitirus," UPSIDE DOWN U. "Pet-ri-fi-cus Di-gi-ti-rus..." Syllabication gone easy. "Petrificus Digitirus." Got it. Logan, YOU'RE NEXT.
Petrificus Digitirus! Right!" aariana put her hand to her forehead. stupipd girl. "right okay Pe-trif-icus Digi-tir-us." okay so she didnt sound it out how it was SUPPOSE to be sounded out but it was still right And UPside U that wasnt hard "Petrificus Digitirus" good! "okay what do you want to do next kat?"
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
Originally Posted by JennMarie
Petrificus Digitirus! Right!" aariana put her hand to her forehead. stupipd girl. "right okay Pe-trif-icus Digi-tir-us." okay so she didnt sound it out how it was SUPPOSE to be sounded out but it was still right And UPside U that wasnt hard "Petrificus Digitirus" good! "okay what do you want to do next kat?"
Good. Logan was doing well with the spellwork, though. Great. At least Kat won't be zapped with a spell. Hopefully Logan knows how Kat is when someone hits her with a spell, right? Especially in First Year when a PUFFER hit her with the Sneezing spell. REALLY?! Good thing there is FINITE. Gracious Merlin.
Uhmmm... "I think we could start hitting each other with spells now." That was a joke. "Kidding, we could practice now if you want."
OOC: I've asked Katherine (Kurumi) if we could practice now and she said we could.
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
Good. Logan was doing well with the spellwork, though. Great. At least Kat won't be zapped with a spell. Hopefully Logan knows how Kat is when someone hits her with a spell, right? Especially in First Year when a PUFFER hit her with the Sneezing spell. REALLY?! Good thing there is FINITE. Gracious Merlin.
Uhmmm... "I think we could start hitting each other with spells now." That was a joke. "Kidding, we could practice now if you want."
OOC: I've asked Katherine (Kurumi) if we could practice now and she said we could.
Hitting each other!? WIN! oh.. ohhhh she was kidding.. way to let me down hudson "okay let's practice. You can so them on me first if you want." Nod nod nod.
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
Originally Posted by JennMarie
Hitting each other!? WIN! oh.. ohhhh she was kidding.. way to let me down hudson "okay let's practice. You can so them on me first if you want." Nod nod nod.
Kat wouldn't want to hit anyone... but everyone knows she's lying... *smirk* She still wants to hit the Slythindor duo firsties. Meehee. Annoying little ducks those two are. VERY ANNOYING. Pssh.
Okay. Time for practice, right? "I'll go first," Kat said. SORRY LOGAN IF IT'S GONNA FEEL FOR FRIGGIN' WEIRD AND STUFF. THERE'S FINITE, RIGHT?! Here it goes... "Torparticus," Kat had said, with a jab...
Merlin. Logan, I'm sorry. O__________O But it wouldn't hurt. Hopefully Logan's fingers were ready for some... exercising. Heehee.
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
Kat wouldn't want to hit anyone... but everyone knows she's lying... *smirk* She still wants to hit the Slythindor duo firsties. Meehee. Annoying little ducks those two are. VERY ANNOYING. Pssh.
Okay. Time for practice, right? "I'll go first," Kat said. SORRY LOGAN IF IT'S GONNA FEEL FOR FRIGGIN' WEIRD AND STUFF. THERE'S FINITE, RIGHT?! Here it goes... "Torparticus," Kat had said, with a jab...
Merlin. Logan, I'm sorry. O__________O But it wouldn't hurt. Hopefully Logan's fingers were ready for some... exercising. Heehee.
Ariana held out her right hand for the girl. you know since she was left handed and held her want in her LEFT hand. anyway. holding her hand out she waiting as Hudson casted the charm and MERLIN. her hand tensed up and ariana scrunched her face up "Oh WOOWWWW!!" she didnt expect it to feel like that! she looked at her hand as her fingers were hurting heh ow.
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
Originally Posted by JennMarie
Ariana held out her right hand for the girl. you know since she was left handed and held her want in her LEFT hand. anyway. holding her hand out she waiting as Hudson casted the charm and MERLIN. her hand tensed up and ariana scrunched her face up "Oh WOOWWWW!!" she didnt expect it to feel like that! she looked at her hand as her fingers were hurting heh ow.
Kat gulped when she saw her spell cast on Logan. "Sorry if that hurts," Kat apologized. She wanted this class to be 'No one was harmed during the making'. Kat then casted Finite on Ariana's right hand. "You okay now?"
Ok. Ariana's been casted. Cambridge Kat goes next. She left out her left hand, since she's right-handed. "You're turn, Logan." Kat shut her eyes close because she honestly does not like spells casted on her... or near here. Today is just an exemption. Meh.
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Originally Posted by hpfan18
Belle did think they were connected at the hip but that was not a bad thing right? Belle BEAMED when Minnie said she needed a partner. Her spirits were lifted.
Belle remembered what the teacher said. "Petrificus Digitirus...yeah that is right. I like the name of the spell. It is quite cool. But i think we are saying it right." Belle was confident that Minnie was knowing what she was doing.
"Now do you want me to do the spell first or you?"
Minerva smiled at her friend, "Yes it is a neat spell isn't it." She did enjoy the name and she always liked having something to tease Harvey with in their little spats. Changing his hair was kind of getting old, so she did need something new. "Petrificus Digitirus" She said one last time and then did a practice wand movement.
Looking at Belle she thought for a second, "Oh go ahead and do it on me first. Just not my wand hand. Just in case." She giggled, Minerva had no worries that Belle would get the spell right. She wasn't a prefect for nothing and she was good with her wand. "Whenever your ready, just go for it."
Now that Sarah had managed to do the incantation - Petrificus Digitirus. She did the wand movement the upside down ‘U’ which is how Sarah did her non-capital ‘n’s.
After practicing the wand movement by itself a couple of times, Sarah held out her non-wand hand and pointed her wand to her fingers. “Petrificus Digitirus” she said and she did the baby n shape... she did not think it would work, that was why she was so surprised when her fingers stiffened straight and she was unable to bend them... She then forgot what the spell to end it was... after watching the others for a while she knew it. “finite” she said. She breathed a sigh of relief when her fingers where back to normal again.
She was rather nervous when she preformed it again, which was probably why it did not work, yet on the third time she did it right.
It was then that the teacher told them about the next spell.
SPOILER!!: prof 2
Originally Posted by Roselyn
Glancing around to the students, she gave them a few more minutes before speaking up. "Pause for a moment, everyone." Another moment was waited to let them do so. "When you get the hang of this spell, you can move on to the next spell, which would be our modified version of the Jelly Fingers Curse. While that particularly curse targets one's fingers, this one targets any joint you point your wand at, so I want you to be rather careful. I want you to only target yours or your partner's fingers."
She'll be watching all of you. Mmhmmm.
"If you ever sat on your leg or laid on your arm funny to the point where you couldn't move it until the blood starts flowing back through it's veins, this is the feeling you'll get from this spell. May be a bit more difficult to cast than what you are practicing now, but that is alright. The wand movement is a simple jab to your intended target with the incantation, 'Torparticus'. Again, it is very important you say the incantation right. Torp-ar-ticus."
A quick glance to her watch, and she continued. "We have a short while longer before class ends. Feel free to continue just practicing our first spell, or if you feel confident enough, go ahead and try the second. If there are any questions, do not hesitate to ask."
OOC: We're short on time, but I'm giving an extra day to practice both spells. I'll give you a heads up though, you'll have enough practice during the homework. Please no losing limbs. Yes? Awesome. Class will end tomorrow around 7pm EST.
Sarah decided to go on with the next spell, she could always do the first one again later.
“Torp-ar-tus” she said... wrong there is a ‘c’ in there. “TorptiCus” she said.. wrong again. “Torp-ar-ticus” she said, finally getting it right. She repeated it for more times “Torp-ar-ticus, Torp-ar-ticus, Torp-ar-ticus”. That was okay now
On to the wand movement, which was simple to master, a slight jab. Then Sarah again held out her left arm and aimed her wand and gave a jab “Torp-ar-ticus” she said. Strangely enough she go the feeling that there were ants running in her wrist... she must of miss aimed. Now.. what was the spell to stop it... the professor hadn’t said, yet Sarah said “finite” and it stopped. Again she did it, this time making SURE that it went to her fingers... it felt so horrible. Her mom called that feeling pins and needles. “finite” she said again... she hated that feeling.
Ella smiled as the first year she'd worked with in Divination came walking ...erm sort of walking towards her. "Hi Eliza, yeah that would be great." Because really, she'd much prefer to work with another person than try the spell out on herself. "Did you want to try first or shall I?" The third year was fine with either option and had already practiced the incantation and wand movement so she was ready to go. Biting her lip then, she eyed the younger girl. "You don't think it'll like...hurt, do you?" The fingers going all stiff, thing? Probably not. If anything it'd probably be a bit uncomfortable. Ella could deal with that.
She was glad that Ella was okay with being partners again. She looked at her and then down to her fingers. Would it hurt?"No, I don't think it hurts, but it might be really uncomfortable." She drew her wand and said eagerly, "Do you mind if I try first? I think I've got it down pretty well now." When Ella consented, she focus on her non-wand hand and said the incantation. "Petrificus Digitirus!" She was shocked when Ella's fingers snapped together, stiff as a board. "Are you okay?!" she asked excitedly. "Does it hurt?"
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Originally Posted by DecemberMoon
She was glad that Ella was okay with being partners again. She looked at her and then down to her fingers. Would it hurt?"No, I don't think it hurts, but it might be really uncomfortable." She drew her wand and said eagerly, "Do you mind if I try first? I think I've got it down pretty well now." When Ella consented, she focus on her non-wand hand and said the incantation. "Petrificus Digitirus!" She was shocked when Ella's fingers snapped together, stiff as a board. "Are you okay?!" she asked excitedly. "Does it hurt?"
Ella nodded, feeling a bit more at ease with the whole idea after Eliza's reassuring words. "You're probably right...nothing to worry about." ...Hopefully. The third year smiled when Eliza eagerly volunteered to go first, waiting with a curious smile to see what would happen. The blonde's green eyes grew wide when the first year finally cast the spell, her fingers going quite stiff and stone-like. BLINK.BLINK. "Merlin's beard!" She whispered, examining her own hand curiously. "I... I'm fine, actually. This is really...I..." How to explain the feeling? It wasn't like she was in serious pain or anything but it felt really strange. "It's uncomfortable...and I wouldn't want to be stuck like this but... it's also kind of cool." Grin. "Well done! If you just end the spell, I'll give it a go!" A simple finite should have her back to normal, yeah?
When her fingers were back to normal, the third year got her wand ready and took a deep breath. She then made the upside-down U movement and with a clear voice said, "Petrificus Digitirus!" WOAH! ...Wicked. "Are you alright?"
Ella nodded, feeling a bit more at ease with the whole idea after Eliza's reassuring words. "You're probably right...nothing to worry about." ...Hopefully. The third year smiled when Eliza eagerly volunteered to go first, waiting with a curious smile to see what would happen. The blonde's green eyes grew wide when the first year finally cast the spell, her fingers going quite stiff and stone-like. BLINK.BLINK. "Merlin's beard!" She whispered, examining her own hand curiously. "I... I'm fine, actually. This is really...I..." How to explain the feeling? It wasn't like she was in serious pain or anything but it felt really strange. "It's uncomfortable...and I wouldn't want to be stuck like this but... it's also kind of cool." Grin. "Well done! If you just end the spell, I'll give it a go!" A simple finite should have her back to normal, yeah?
When her fingers were back to normal, the third year got her wand ready and took a deep breath. She then made the upside-down U movement and with a clear voice said, "Petrificus Digitirus!" WOAH! ...Wicked. "Are you alright?"
Eliza's eyes were still wide at the sight of what she had done when she realized, "Oh! Gosh, sorry!" She pointed her wand again and said, "Finite!" She scratched her forehead and shrugged her shoulders at her forgetfulness. Now it was her turn. Okay, brace yourself. She breathed in and out, slowly.
"Ok, I'm ready." She held out her hand and WHAP! Her fingers were hard and unyielding, crushed together by the invisible force of the spell. "Wow!" She turned her hand from side to side. "I see what you mean, it is weird. But not really bad...exactly..." She made a chopping motion with her hand like she had a sword and laughed. "This is fun! You want to go ahead and try the next one on me now?"The jelly finger curse should be even weirder, she thought.
Pointing her wand at her left hand, Kurumi repeated the wand movement and uttered the incantation rather nervously. She wasn't sure how it was supposed to feel. She somewhat imagined it feeling like when your toes suddenly cramped up. This was a jinx after all, there should be some mild discomfort when it was done right.
Only nothing ended up happening. Oh, right, she had sort of lost focus while doing all this. You know, over thinking as usual when it came to spells and how things worked.
"Petrificus Digitirus," Kurumi repeated, wand still focused on her left hand. Suddenly and as if all her fingers were magnets being attracted to each other, her fingers stuck together and suddenly had a hard time gripping the wall. This WOULD have been a cool and nice and neat and all that...had she not been on the ceiling. So instead of looking proud of her accomplishment Kurumi wore an expression of complete shock as she fumbled with her wand for a moment before casting Finite to remove the effects.
Grateful that she could now move her fingers again, she glanced over when she heard someone calling her name. "Oh, hey Nessie," she smiled waving AND flexing her. "Sure! We can even make a game out of this maybe. My brothers and I used to do this balance game where we tried to knock each other's hands out from under one another...might be a fun way to practice."
But before either of them could get to practicing again, Professor Romanos was speaking and giving them further instructions for what to do. Jelly Finger Jinx...that didn't sound as bad as the one she had currently been practicing - Kurumi liked jelly. "Torp-ar-ticus," she murmured, jabbing her wand a few times just to practice.
She figured she would stick with the first spell for now though. At least until she stopped being so squirmish about the whole thing.
Violet eyes back on Nessie, Kurumi wiggled her fingers and thought of Vivi and offered the Hufflepuff captain a small smile. "My fingers are ready whenever you are." In the meantime she might keep practicing on her own fingers.
A game? Sounded like a good idea. Nod. Nod. "Yeah I'm game for that." It would be a good way to learn without really the feeling of actual learning. "I just need to get this pronounciation right." Which hopefully with a bit more of repetition would be fixed in no time.
Petrificus Digitirus! Petrificus Digitirus! Now aloud. "Petrificus Digitirus" Aha! Bingo! She had the wording now. Perfect. But just then the Professor paused the rest of the class giving them yet another spell learn.
Gosh. This would be hard to keep up with. Nessie bit her lip and turned to Kurumi who was now uttering the second spell with no problem. Maybe the second one wasn't as bad? Well if it was, she'd cope with it later, now she wanted to perfect her first spell.
When Kurumi gave the heads up to go. Ness nodded and then feeling uneasy from the roof standing held tightly onto her wand, almost as though she was clutching it for life. She refused to let herself mess up though, especially since it wasn't her actual fingers."Petrificus Digitiris" She said it unknowingly incorrectly and then did the upside down 'U' movement and waited for Kurumi's reaction to see whether it had worked or not.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
SPOILER!!: Eliza
Originally Posted by DecemberMoon
Eliza's eyes were still wide at the sight of what she had done when she realized, "Oh! Gosh, sorry!" She pointed her wand again and said, "Finite!" She scratched her forehead and shrugged her shoulders at her forgetfulness. Now it was her turn. Okay, brace yourself. She breathed in and out, slowly.
"Ok, I'm ready." She held out her hand and WHAP! Her fingers were hard and unyielding, crushed together by the invisible force of the spell. "Wow!" She turned her hand from side to side. "I see what you mean, it is weird. But not really bad...exactly..." She made a chopping motion with her hand like she had a sword and laughed. "This is fun! You want to go ahead and try the next one on me now?"The jelly finger curse should be even weirder, she thought.
Ella smiled, shaking her head. "No, don't worry!" Honest. It really wasn't a big deal. "I'm actually kind of enjoying the awkwardness that is my hand right now." Giggle. Not that she wanted to be stuck like this forever or anything...that wouldn't be good.
The third year smiled as Eliza examined her hand, a knowing look on her face. "Right?" It was weird...but like a cool weird. If that made any sense at all...which it totally didn't. She giggled as the first year made the chopping motion, amused. "Yeah...yeah, I can do that. But first...Finite!" And now she'd need to practice the other incantation.
"Alright...Professor Romanos said it's important we get the incantation right so... Torp-ar-ticus...Torp-ar-ticus....Torp-ar-ticus... Torparticus... Torparticus" Okay...not so bad, now to try it out.
"Ready?" Because Ella was...kind of. Pointing her wand, the third year made sure to only aim at her partner's fingers and made the jabbing motion. "Torparticus!"
Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good
Finally Cassia reached the ceiling and stood there…how cool saying that was. Her bangs of course fell and she was glad that she had her short hair in a tiny ponytail. Wouldn't be so awesome if her hair was loose. She then turned her attention to professor Romanos and what she was telling them about the incantations and the movements. Partners? Nope, thank you very much Cassia wouldn't want anyone to practice on her. And actually it would be safer if she didn’t too. At least if anything wrong happened she'd only have to deal with herself. Unlike if she plucked hurt someone's fingers.
So glad that her wand in her pocket Cassia smiled and retrieved it .If the wand was down there Cassia wouldn’t have made the trip down there to get it then coming here again. Anyway, all good now. Taking a deep the second-year tried to forget that she was upside down. She focused on an area on the wall that didn’t look so turned over.
"Pet..rif..icus Dig.itir.us "Cassia spelled slowly. Romanos said that it was important to say the incantation clearly and Cassia didn’t want any unwanted results. So she would make sure to say it clearly. "Petrificus Digitirus.. Petrificus Digitirus" She repeated trying the movements with the free hand that didn’t clutch the wand.
After about a couple of minutes of practicing, she decided that it was time to try it. And she saw that some students were doing it successfully so it shouldn’t be that hard. Hopefully.
She aimed wand at her free left hand and drawing a U shape she uttered," Petrificus Digitirus" And immediately she felt a tug at her hand and her fingers went numb and frozen. She tried to bend them but with no success.
Turning her hand over examining how It looked stiff. She admired the spell. Not really the spell but her own performance. Could come in handy this one. Though she couldn't imagine herself casting it on anyone. Not to mention that she was likely to forget the incantation very soon.
Satisfied with her progress, she pointed her wand at her hand again and murmured, "Finite." And her hand was back to normal. Now the next one.
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'myours
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Text Cut: Roselyn
Originally Posted by Roselyn
Everyone seemed to be doing well, at least with pronouncing the spell. Some were still a little slow in practicing it, which was understandable. Why would one wand to practice a spell that prevented you to use your hand when you were upside down? "A little tighter with the wand movement, Miss Lockwood."
Glancing around to the students, she gave them a few more minutes before speaking up. "Pause for a moment, everyone." Another moment was waited to let them do so. "When you get the hang of this spell, you can move on to the next spell, which would be our modified version of the Jelly Fingers Curse. While that particularly curse targets one's fingers, this one targets any joint you point your wand at, so I want you to be rather careful. I want you to only target yours or your partner's fingers."
She'll be watching all of you. Mmhmmm.
"If you ever sat on your leg or laid on your arm funny to the point where you couldn't move it until the blood starts flowing back through it's veins, this is the feeling you'll get from this spell. May be a bit more difficult to cast than what you are practicing now, but that is alright. The wand movement is a simple jab to your intended target with the incantation, 'Torparticus'. Again, it is very important you say the incantation right. Torp-ar-ticus."
A quick glance to her watch, and she continued. "We have a short while longer before class ends. Feel free to continue just practicing our first spell, or if you feel confident enough, go ahead and try the second. If there are any questions, do not hesitate to ask."
Sierra had just about been ready to give the first spell another go when she heard the professor's voice over the crowd of students. Sierra paused in place and turned her head the best way she knew how. She was climbing the wall like a spider, after all.
Ooookay. She hadn't exactly gotten the hang of the first spell yet. She'd only gone over the wand movement and incantation. Seeing that class was coming to a close soon, though, she should at least do something with this second spell. Another incantation and wand movement practice it'd be.
Sierra started with the incantation. "Torparticus," she said aloud. "Torparticus." Weird little word. Then again, all incantations were. "Torparticus." Then it was on to the wand movement. She took her wand and, without saying the incantion, she jabbed forward a few times. That was an easy movement, as it seemed to be the movement for a lot of the spells they learned.
Everyone seemed to be doing well, at least with pronouncing the spell. Some were still a little slow in practicing it, which was understandable. Why would one wand to practice a spell that prevented you to use your hand when you were upside down? "A little tighter with the wand movement, Miss Lockwood."
Glancing around to the students, she gave them a few more minutes before speaking up. "Pause for a moment, everyone." Another moment was waited to let them do so. "When you get the hang of this spell, you can move on to the next spell, which would be our modified version of the Jelly Fingers Curse. While that particularly curse targets one's fingers, this one targets any joint you point your wand at, so I want you to be rather careful. I want you to only target yours or your partner's fingers."
She'll be watching all of you. Mmhmmm.
"If you ever sat on your leg or laid on your arm funny to the point where you couldn't move it until the blood starts flowing back through it's veins, this is the feeling you'll get from this spell. May be a bit more difficult to cast than what you are practicing now, but that is alright. The wand movement is a simple jab to your intended target with the incantation, 'Torparticus'. Again, it is very important you say the incantation right. Torp-ar-ticus."
A quick glance to her watch, and she continued. "We have a short while longer before class ends. Feel free to continue just practicing our first spell, or if you feel confident enough, go ahead and try the second. If there are any questions, do not hesitate to ask."
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Minerva smiled at her friend, "Yes it is a neat spell isn't it." She did enjoy the name and she always liked having something to tease Harvey with in their little spats. Changing his hair was kind of getting old, so she did need something new. "Petrificus Digitirus" She said one last time and then did a practice wand movement.
Looking at Belle she thought for a second, "Oh go ahead and do it on me first. Just not my wand hand. Just in case." She giggled, Minerva had no worries that Belle would get the spell right. She wasn't a prefect for nothing and she was good with her wand. "Whenever your ready, just go for it."
Belle heard the professor's instructions. Now they were learning a new spell called "Torparticus." That was a cool word too. Belle decided to practice it before she preformed it on her friend. "Now Minnie once i preform it, you will feel the feeling of your arm falling asleep." Belle knew that feeling too many times to count. Pin and Needles is what she would call it.
Belle was kind of nervous but she felt confident. Belle's wand never failed her before. She was doing the simple jab motions to the wall first and said "Tor-part-icus...Tor-part-icus...Tor-part-icus..." Three or four more times with the short jab.
"Alright i am ready.." Belle said with a breath of calmness. She was confident. Belle pointed her wand at Minnie's non wand hand. Then she said "Torparticus!" loud and clear and did the short jab. After Belle preformed the spell, Belle asked how Minnie's hand felt. "How is your hand feeling Minnie?"
Ella smiled, shaking her head. "No, don't worry!" Honest. It really wasn't a big deal. "I'm actually kind of enjoying the awkwardness that is my hand right now." Giggle. Not that she wanted to be stuck like this forever or anything...that wouldn't be good.
The third year smiled as Eliza examined her hand, a knowing look on her face. "Right?" It was weird...but like a cool weird. If that made any sense at all...which it totally didn't. She giggled as the first year made the chopping motion, amused. "Yeah...yeah, I can do that. But first...Finite!" And now she'd need to practice the other incantation.
"Alright...Professor Romanos said it's important we get the incantation right so... Torp-ar-ticus...Torp-ar-ticus....Torp-ar-ticus... Torparticus... Torparticus" Okay...not so bad, now to try it out.
"Ready?" Because Ella was...kind of. Pointing her wand, the third year made sure to only aim at her partner's fingers and made the jabbing motion. "Torparticus!"
Blink. Blink.
Eliza looked at her blade hand a moment more before Ella ended the spell. She slowly curled and uncurled her fingers, glad to be able to again. She was having so much fun, she almost forgot that half the fun was being on the ceiling. Yeah, exactly. It's weird." She looked down towards the ground to see the other students practicing. "How cool is being on the ceiling though! These sticking charms are awesome!"
As Ella prepared for the next spell, Eliza tried to imagine what it would be like. The professor said it was like when your legs fell asleep, so it was a relief to know her fingers wouldn't actually flop over all wiggly like jello. No bone mending today, thank you very much. Still, she wanted to practice aloud. She tried to say the word herself as Ella was practicing it too. "Yeah, good idea. Torp-ar-ti-cus, Tor-par-ti-cus." She made extra sure that she got the r sound in there. For some reason it seemed to be giving her trouble. Good thing she's going first...
Ella cast the spell and Eliza's fingers began to tingle slightly. She tried to wiggle them and found that she still could. They weren't so asleep that they couldn't be made useful. She looked up at Ella and said, "Well...they're sort of tingly," trying to be encouraging. "Maybe you should try it again. I bet the second time will really be good!" She smiled and held her hand out again for further practice.
Cora took a deep breath, preparing herself for the spell ahead of her. She shook slightly as she pointed her wand at her hand.
"Petrificus Digitirus."
Nothing happened. Cora knew you had to MEAN it when you did any spell, but how could Cora actively bind her fingers together? So Cora tried again, louder this time. "PETRIFICUS DIGITIRUS." Again, it didn't work. Cora didn't actually want her fingers bound, but she desperately wanted to impress the professor. At this point, she had already failed in this. She wondered if anyone wanted to pair with her.