-   Term 32: September - December 2012 (
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Destiny 10-25-2012 08:00 AM

CoMC 2

After much deliberation, Vanora had decided to hold her second lesson of the term in the barn. The cold helped speed up that decision just a little bit, and as you make your way into the building, you'll notice that not a single trace of winter could be found inside. Winter was definitely not her favorite of seasons. The creatures could all be seen from where the lesson was going to take place, resting in their stalls or gazing at you curiously from their cages.

Say hello to them all if you like before taking a seat on one of the few benches scattered about. Or perhaps you are much too curious about what those funky looking stands located at the back of the barn are going to be used for.

Still distraught over the death of her BABIES, Professor Newlin is not yet inside. She needed to brush her hair compose herself first.
OOC: This lesson will start later, later, laaaaaater today!

sweetpinkpixie 10-25-2012 08:23 AM

Run run run run run!

Creatures was perhaps the only lesson that this Gryffindor would run to. No, wait, sprint to as the case was this time around. Kurumi had no idea what would be in store this time around since the class announcement had been rather cryptic, but as long as there was more hands on creature time she really didn't care if they were dealing with giant spiders.

Okay, that was probably an exaggeration, but Kurumi was rediscovering just how much she loved the subject.


Approaching the area, Kurumi tugged on her robes for a moment to make sure that the woman saw that she was wearing THE shirt. "Professor Newl----," Kurumi said with a polite bow before glancing over at the stands...and then realizing that the woman wasn't around. Oops. Awkward bow to the air then...

The jobberknolls would have probably liked those...

Kimothy 10-25-2012 10:30 AM

Care for Magical Creatures up next!

Butshedidn'twannaleaveMasonherbeautifulfirecraball alone. But he'll be okay, right? That's the reason why they have Creatures. They learn how to take care of those creatures out there... that are magical of course. MASON WAS NO EXCEPTION!

When Kat arrived, she already saw Kurumi... what shirt was she wearing? Save the *insert name of bird here*. Well, whatever. Kat looked at Professor Newlin. "Hello Professor," she greeted the woman. Taking a seat at one of the benches, Kat then looked at Kurumi. "Hi Kurumi." Well, she didn't want to be ignorant or anything.

... Now what were those weird-looking stand for, Newlin?

Steelsheen 10-25-2012 11:49 AM

plus Kurumi
Going to COMC class had him worrying slightly about the cold, so just like Divination he bundled himself up nice and thick before heading towards the barn. But when he slid open the large doors he was surprised by the warmth filling the interior, and thus he started to loosen his heavy robes and scarf. His eyes caught the bird tree "I got something like that for Dolly..." he murmured grinning referring to his pet cockatoo up at the Owlery. He turned around and that grin melted away when he saw Kurumi's shirt. "Did anybody ever found out what happened to the Jobberknolls?" he murmured to the Lioness.

Bazinga 10-25-2012 12:28 PM

Minerva walked into the barn. She hadn't been here yet this term. Which she hated being so busy with classes, that she wasn't able to give extra help like other terms. Looking around she smiled at the animals and even stopped to talk to a few of them. She was early and not many students were here yet. "Hey everyone" She gave a quick glance to Vickers, Kurumi, and Kat.

Going back to the animals she walked around just looking at them and stopping for a moment to check out the interesting stands. Wondering what they could be using them for, she turned and found a seat. Once in her seat she pulled out some parchment to be ready for class and just hoped maybe a certain person might be in class today. Thinking about that first Care class and how she was happy not to have partnered with her usual friends, because if she would have she might not have met him.

FearlessLeader19 10-25-2012 01:06 PM

Jory arrived at the barn looking forward to another great lesson. There were a few students there all ready.

Hi, Professor Newlin. Hey everyone,'' he greeted.His attention was caught by the Stands. "What are those for?'' he wondered, rather curious.

emjay 10-25-2012 01:51 PM

Bundled up for the cold weather, Ethan stepped into the barn for class, grateful that it was much warmer than he expected. He was not a fan of winter and was counting the days before it would be spring again. Loosening up his scarf, he ventured further in, eyes scanning the immediate vicinity. No sign of Newlin yet.. but a handful of students were already assembled.

Friendly nods for each as he walked past, his eyes landed on Minerva and flashed her a smile as he made his way towards her. "Hi, Min," he said as he took a seat on the bench next to her. Oh, parchment? Yeah, that was probably a good idea and he had some too. The boy reached down in his bag and pulled out a few pieces, waiting for class to begin and wondering what kind of creatures they'd be working with today.

TakemetotheBurrow 10-25-2012 02:21 PM

and Kurumi
Ella was still a bit freaked out over the whole Jobberknoll business, even if it had been a while since she had to break the news to the Professor. That was the worst bit actually, having had to be the one to tell her about it. She felt like she had broke the woman's heart or something. Frown. That saying don't shoot the messenger hopefully was one that held true. Ella felt bad enough as it was.

Entering the barn, the third year noticed that the Professor wasn't yet inside. Frown. She didn't blame her, really. Bad memories in the barn and all. She did notice Kurumi's shirt, however. This actually got the small blonde to smile. Walking up to the older girl, she studied it curiously. "Kurumi...that shirt is brilliant." Nod. Nod. Nod. "Did you make it yourself?" And more importantly, where could she get one?

Princesspower 10-25-2012 02:23 PM

plus kurumi
Sarah walked into the barn and out of habit was about to greet the jobberknoll, yet their empty spot reminded her of their death. She then saw Kurumi wearing the most AWESOMEST shirt. "Hey Kurumi! Did you make that? They are so awesome... a perfect memorial for those poor creatures" she said, "by the way, is the seat beside you on the bench free?" Sarah asked. She would like to sit next to Kurumi

DecemberMoon 10-25-2012 04:18 PM

Eliza began pulling off her mittens and scarf as she entered the cozy barn for her lesson. As she stepped further inside she saw that she was among the first to arrive. Well that's a good sign, she thought. She'd felt like she had been in a mad dash all year, so it was nice to have a few minutes before class officially started. She spotted the strange stands in the classroom, as well as her friend Ethan, who was not strange but just happened to be there in her line of sight as well. She gestured at the stands and said to him, "Hey Ethan -- birds, you think?" She brushed some snowflakes off of her robes and rubbed her hands together to keep her fingers warm.

the fastest seeker 10-25-2012 04:35 PM

The last care of magical creatures lesson was fun. So Cassia was excited about the second one. But she wasn't so excited about walking outside the castle until she reached the Barn where the lesson was held. But there was no other choice for her ,was there? So wearing everything that fit on top of each other, Cassia headed to the barn. While heading there she was wondering what would they be doing today.

And she remembered that the Jobberknolls mysteriously died! Cassia wondered how would be Professor Newlin feeling. Surely she;d be devastated. Would they spend the lesson grieving the died creatures and talking about how good they used to be? Cassia hoped not. Because that would be boring.

The second-year entered the barn and headed towards one of the benches and sat down. Where was the Professor? She wondered.Do they need to say anything to her. Like sorry your creatures died? Or something. Better to leave it till the woman appeared.

Deezerz 10-25-2012 05:06 PM

Kennedy tugged his cloak tighter as he went down to the barn. He didn't like the cold...well, maybe a little, but he didn't like having to wear layers just to stay warm. He quickly made his way down and rubbed his hands together once he entered the barn.

His mind was still somewhere else, so he briefly acknowledged the creatures and instead sat on a bench. His eyes wandered around, but Professor Newlin was nowhere in sight. Huh.

Lissy Longbottom 10-25-2012 05:35 PM

What was with these professors and their constant need to be OUTSIDE? Granted this was Care of Magical Creatures, so it was to be expected, but Elwood had held class outside as well and at this point, Alex was DONE with the cold. He was ready for the spring, when it was warm and lovely and plenty of flowers and animals came out for him to draw...

Rubbing his hands together (of course he'd forgotten his gloves, just his luck) he gathered with the rest of the class and waited for the professor. Hurry hurry hurryyyy!

feeheeheeny 10-25-2012 06:25 PM

It was really, really cold.

Bundled up with two scarves and gloves, Max hurried inside the barn only to find that... it was actually quite cozy. He instinctively began pulling his scarves and gloves off, shoving them deep into his robe pockets, leaving part of one of the scarves hanging out. Newlin hadn't arrived yet, it seemed, about which he was quite grateful. Perhaps he could straighten himself up a bit before she arrived. Max removed the hat from his head, used a hurried hand to smooth his hair down, and shoved the hat in an overstuffed pocket.

As he went to take a seat on one of the benches, he noticed the funny-looking stands at the back of the room. They looked like some kind of... weird bird-feeders or bird stands, maybe? Hm. Still eyeing them as he sat down, Max wondered if they had anything to do with the deceased jobberknolls.

Poor Newlin.

Anna Banana 10-25-2012 06:41 PM

Sierra shivered just a little as she stepped outside the castle and met the cold, winter air. She pulled her cloak tighter across her chest then headed down to the barn. Stepping inside, she released a soft sigh as the warmth engulfed her. Thank you, Professor Newlin, for having a heart. Or a brain, whichever had prompted the sudden change in temperature. Looking around, she eyed the surroundings quite curiously before finding a place amongst the others.

Bazinga 10-25-2012 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by emjay (Post 11242085)
Bundled up for the cold weather, Ethan stepped into the barn for class, grateful that it was much warmer than he expected. He was not a fan of winter and was counting the days before it would be spring again. Loosening up his scarf, he ventured further in, eyes scanning the immediate vicinity. No sign of Newlin yet.. but a handful of students were already assembled.

Friendly nods for each as he walked past, his eyes landed on Minerva and flashed her a smile as he made his way towards her. "Hi, Min," he said as he took a seat on the bench next to her. Oh, parchment? Yeah, that was probably a good idea and he had some too. The boy reached down in his bag and pulled out a few pieces, waiting for class to begin and wondering what kind of creatures they'd be working with today.

Minerva looked up at her name and smiled. He was looking cute today, she noticed. Then he sat down next to her and made her smile even more, "Hey Ethan, how are you today?" She looked around and noticed more students were coming in, but still no professor. "So think we will be seeing any interesting animals today?" She wondered what they were going to be doing, she never knew what to expect out of this class. There were so many creatures she still didn't know much about in this world, so every class was a new experience.

Expecto-Penguin 10-25-2012 07:26 PM

As Belle came down for another Care Of Magical Creatures lesson, she was shivering. She should learn to wear warmer clothes. I mean she had her robes on to keep her warm but she could feel the cold wind. BRRRRRRRRRRR
Then Belle looked around at the Barn. I wonder what they were going to be learning today. As Belle saw the professor she greeted her with, "Hello Professor Newlin! How are you today?" Belle nodded and gave a friendly wave to Ethan and Minnie.

Weasley174 10-25-2012 09:58 PM

Laura walked into the classroom and "Hello Pr......." Laura suddenly stopped when she realised there wasn't a Professor in the room, oh this was good, she decided to have some fun, She hoped she didn't get into too much trouble. "Who thinks I would make a good teacher?" Laura asked the class, she thought she could be a good one.

LilFox06 10-25-2012 10:57 PM

Anya pulled her cloak around her tighter and she headed in to the barn. The barn with allllll the cool animals. And the dodo bird that wasn't actually a dodo bird.

It was a little chilly, but, she was sure it would be worth it. When were fun magical animals not worth it?

She entered the classroom but didn't see the Professor. She glanced curiously at the ... perches? in the barn.

Hopefully that meant they were playing with some sort of monkey today. Because. That looked like the type of thing monkeys could enjoy.

Bazinga 10-25-2012 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by Harry174 (Post 11242488)
Laura walked into the classroom and "Hello Pr......." Laura suddenly stopped when she realised there wasn't a Professor in the room, oh this was good, she decided to have some fun, She hoped she didn't get into too much trouble. "Who thinks I would make a good teacher?" Laura asked the class, she thought she could be a good one.

Minerva sighed when she saw Laura shaking her head she stayed in her seat. "Laura please just find a seat before you get points taken or something. I thought you were turning over a new leaf and becoming a good student?" She eyed her friend and gave her a smile, so she knew she wasn't mad at her, but just afraid she would get into trouble.

kayquilz 10-25-2012 11:22 PM

Elliot didn't feel like being here, she felt like laying in her BED..all day. She wanted to just...sleep. She felt awful. And in many ways....mentally and physically. The blonde had a windswept look about her, which was quite unusual...but...meeh. She still managed to look perfectly GORGEOUS!


She stepped into the barn and was GLAD to be out of the freeeezing cold outside. Shivering, she went and stood by no one else...glaring at everyone, pretty much, but her most viiiicious glare for that..Hufffflepuff....Minnie....


She leaned against the wall and folded her arms across her chest....looking VERY't talk to me or I will BITE your head off sulky...she scowled to herself, checking her watch. How long until this class was over? At least it was Magical Creatures, which had been quite enjoyable last time...surprisingly.

MEehehh. Where was Hannah? Or MAx? or Ariana? Or Presley?! WAH.

sweetpinkpixie 10-26-2012 02:10 AM

we see you too Kat :3

Originally Posted by Steelsheen (Post 11242063)
Going to COMC class had him worrying slightly about the cold, so just like Divination he bundled himself up nice and thick before heading towards the barn. But when he slid open the large doors he was surprised by the warmth filling the interior, and thus he started to loosen his heavy robes and scarf. His eyes caught the bird tree "I got something like that for Dolly..." he murmured grinning referring to his pet cockatoo up at the Owlery. He turned around and that grin melted away when he saw Kurumi's shirt. "Did anybody ever found out what happened to the Jobberknolls?" he murmured to the Lioness.

Waving to Kat when she entered, Kurumi's attention was drawn to Vickers when he whispered to her. Biting down on her lower lip, she shook her head and glanced at the perch again. "No..." she replied as she idly ran her fingers through her dark hair. "It's really unsettling...and I really didn't like using their blood in Potions..." She glanced at Vickers now, knowing how partial he was to creatures of the flying variety.

Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow (Post 11242090)
Ella was still a bit freaked out over the whole Jobberknoll business, even if it had been a while since she had to break the news to the Professor. That was the worst bit actually, having had to be the one to tell her about it. She felt like she had broke the woman's heart or something. Frown. That saying don't shoot the messenger hopefully was one that held true. Ella felt bad enough as it was.

Entering the barn, the third year noticed that the Professor wasn't yet inside. Frown. She didn't blame her, really. Bad memories in the barn and all. She did notice Kurumi's shirt, however. This actually got the small blonde to smile. Walking up to the older girl, she studied it curiously. "Kurumi...that shirt is brilliant." Nod. Nod. Nod. "Did you make it yourself?" And more importantly, where could she get one?

Attention now shifting to Ella, Kurumi blushed slightly and looked down at her t-shirt. "Professor Newlin actually did," she said. "After my essay on making sanctuaries for jobberknolls." It was why Professor Newlin had the shirt that had 00 on it while Kurumi had 01. Maybe they could recruit more people to the cause this lesson? It really was a noble one.

Speaking of which...DID Professor Newlin know about all the blood they had to use in Potions? If not...Kurumi was more than willing to let her know.

Originally Posted by Princesspower (Post 11242091)
Sarah walked into the barn and out of habit was about to greet the jobberknoll, yet their empty spot reminded her of their death. She then saw Kurumi wearing the most AWESOMEST shirt. "Hey Kurumi! Did you make that? They are so awesome... a perfect memorial for those poor creatures" she said, "by the way, is the seat beside you on the bench free?" Sarah asked. She would like to sit next to Kurumi

And then there was Sarah. Kurumi didn't actually blush this time around - mostly because she had become accustomed to the girl's praise - and instead simply smiled back at her. "Credit goes to Professor Newlin," she chirped. Chirping...what birds did...*wibble*

Kurumi hadn't actually picked a seat yet...she should probably do that. "Oh, no. Not one side at least," she nodded. The other was reserved for Daichi on the off chance that they were working with more fire creatures today.

Yourenodaisy 10-26-2012 03:14 AM


Originally Posted by Grangerfn1 (Post 11242184)
It was really, really cold.

Bundled up with two scarves and gloves, Max hurried inside the barn only to find that... it was actually quite cozy. He instinctively began pulling his scarves and gloves off, shoving them deep into his robe pockets, leaving part of one of the scarves hanging out. Newlin hadn't arrived yet, it seemed, about which he was quite grateful. Perhaps he could straighten himself up a bit before she arrived. Max removed the hat from his head, used a hurried hand to smooth his hair down, and shoved the hat in an overstuffed pocket.

As he went to take a seat on one of the benches, he noticed the funny-looking stands at the back of the room. They looked like some kind of... weird bird-feeders or bird stands, maybe? Hm. Still eyeing them as he sat down, Max wondered if they had anything to do with the deceased jobberknolls.

Poor Newlin.

Emmaleigh hadn't bothered to really bundle since the class was going to take place in the barn, she knew how warm barns could be. Of course, as soon as she stepped out of the castle, she near about froze, but she decided to push through it. When she finally reached the barn, and pushed the door open, her teeth were chattering. She glanced around a moment, at the familiar barn where she had spent many an afternoon, though, she hadn't had the chance to visit it at all this term.

Seeing the reason why she hadn't made it to the barn, Em headed straight to him. Taking a seat close beside Max, she smiled through her chattering teeth. “Hey,” she said quietly, as she sat her bag on the floor beside her.

Destiny 10-26-2012 06:51 AM

If it was possible, today would have been one of those days that she would have owled in sick. She really, really didn't feel like teaching a class, and considering what the lesson she was going to be teaching was on.. all she wanted to do was sit in her hut with a nice cup of something chocolate and cuddle Grise until it looked like the little coati's eyeballs were going to pop out of her head.

As it was, though, the downside of living where you worked, it was hard to owl in sick and she couldn't exactly hide herself away.

So, teaching it was!

Finally making her way into the barn, hair lazily thrown up because she didn't feel like brushing it, Vanora grabbed three of those funky looking stands from the back of the barn and dragged them to the front of where the group of students congregated. They didn't take any of the creatures out of their stalls, right? No? Good. "Good afternoon, everyone." At least, she thought it was the afternoon. Oh well. She did her best to smile at everyone, but it came out just a little wonky. Moreso after spotting the shirt Kurumi was wearing. She, of course, was wearing hers. She'd see if anyone else wanted to save the Jobberknoll at the end. "I was going to wait for more students to fill in, but I'll just start the lesson now." The sooner she started, the quicker she'd be done. Then she could go and hide in her hut again.

"As you can probably guess by these stands here, today we'll be discussing a few different types of birds." Just a few, since she didn't have every type. *wibble* "So, before I call for the first one you'll be meeting, who can tell me what they know about Augureys? One answer per person, please."

And as she waited for the answers to start, Vanora picked up a bucket and began to fill the feeding cups connected to the stands with insects. The Jobberknoll would have liked them.

OOC: The lesson has officially begun! Please don't announce late arrivals, just pretend your charrie has been here the whole time! =D

the fastest seeker 10-26-2012 07:26 AM

Text Cut: Sad Prof ;_;

Originally Posted by Destiny (Post 11242879)
If it was possible, today would have been one of those days that she would have owled in sick. She really, really didn't feel like teaching a class, and considering what the lesson she was going to be teaching was on.. all she wanted to do was sit in her hut with a nice cup of something chocolate and cuddle Grise until it looked like the little coati's eyeballs were going to pop out of her head.

As it was, though, the downside of living where you worked, it was hard to owl in sick and she couldn't exactly hide herself away.

So, teaching it was!

Finally making her way into the barn, hair lazily thrown up because she didn't feel like brushing it, Vanora grabbed three of those funky looking stands from the back of the barn and dragged them to the front of where the group of students congregated. They didn't take any of the creatures out of their stalls, right? No? Good. "Good afternoon, everyone." At least, she thought it was the afternoon. Oh well. She did her best to smile at everyone, but it came out just a little wonky. Moreso after spotting the shirt Kurumi was wearing. She, of course, was wearing hers. She'd see if anyone else wanted to save the Jobberknoll at the end. "I was going to wait for more students to fill in, but I'll just start the lesson now." The sooner she started, the quicker she'd be done. Then she could go and hide in her hut again.

"As you can probably guess by these stands here, today we'll be discussing a few different types of birds." Just a few, since she didn't have every type. *wibble* "So, before I call for the first one you'll be meeting, who can tell me what they know about Augureys? One answer per person, please."

And as she waited for the answers to start, Vanora picked up a bucket and began to fill the feeding cups connected to the stands with insects. The Jobberknoll would have liked them.

Well, someone was devastated.

Cassia hadn't really felt very sad when she heard that the creatures died. She felt more curious about it. But now seeing Professor Newlin she knew that it must've hurt the woman . She felt sad for her nice Professor. But what could she do to her? nothing unfortunately.

Then Newlin started pulling things around. Cassia looked cluelessly at them. Fortunately the Professor didn't ask them to tell what those were, like most Professor would. Maybe being a sad and devastated professor had it positives? Maybe. Birds. Cassia shuddered hearing that. She liked birds but except for OWLS. And her mean and evil owl in particular.

And first question. Cassia raised her hand and spoke. "It's a bird." But that Newlin already mentioned. "It's a greenish one with black feathers." She added. "It can also tell what's the weather like." Um..she wasn't really sure of that last bit. Anyway, she knew about this creature because her father taught her about it during the summer in an attempt to make her ready for her second year or something . Though she forgot most of what he had taught her.

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