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The1HBIC 12-30-2011 07:55 AM

Bed 3
Image by LilFox06
OOC: Before posting in this thread, you must first have been called back by Healer Tillstorm. To be seen by the Healer, please post in the Check-in Area for Patients first then in the Waiting Room for Patients and Visitors.

Upon entering the Hospital Ward and Healing Area, you'll come upon a long hallway that eventually forks into two different directions. You'll want to proceed to the right, the direction that will take you to the Healing Areas. Healer Tillstorm will be waiting for you. It is in the Healing Area that you'll receive the medical attention that will hopefully heal you right away and send you back to classes and your everyday life.

If, however, you aren't able to be healed right away and your character is in a rather serious condition, you will be escorted to the Observation Ward, where you will receive further medical attention.

OOC: Once your character is seen and tended to, Healer Tillstorm will deem them "well" and able to return to classes/everyday life. If your character continues to suffer from repeat conditions, it's likely that he or she will be admitted into the Room for Quarantined Patients. If this happens, you will be temporarily placed in the "Quarantined" user group, and your posting in the school will be temporarily limited to the "Quarantined" thread only.

I will lock these threads once a session is finished. When a new session, and a new student is assigned to the room, the thread will be reopened.

DaniDiNardo 09-10-2012 04:17 AM

Deep breaths Lex....deep breaths...

She couldn't believe she had allowed Els to drag her all the way up here; really she was supposed to be smarter than to fall for intimidation and then promises of ice-cream....though she did want the ice-cream. She would have to suck it up and get through this.

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad. So what if just about everyone she asked had said the Healer was evil? They were all probably playing a joke. It wouldn't have surprized her seeing as the older children seemed to find pleasure in telling the firsties lies then watching how things played out. It was for that same reason that she ended up calling the Headmistress Hog's Head. How was she supposed to know that the 7th year was only playing a prank on her. She could have gotten into some serious trouble if the train hadn't suddenly stopped!!!!

Right, but back to the point. That experience only told her that older children lied--compulsively, so she would play it cool until given a reason to freak out and run from the room screaming.

Shanners 09-10-2012 12:21 PM

Okie doke. Elodie didn't like this place. It smelt funny, and there were no colouring books. She'd mention that if ever she spoke to the Healer properly. Or next time, she'd bring her own.

Cocking her head to the side, Elodie watched her friend, and smiled at her. It was nice of the Healer to let Els come with Alexa. Because it was just nice. And Alexa was terrified. INFACT, Elodie would say she was ready to pee her pants at the very THOUGHT of coming in here. But Els was proud of her new friend for being so brave today <3

The1HBIC 09-12-2012 12:22 PM

Cece was beginning to think this day was never going to end, and it was still morning. Making her way to bed three Cece looked at the girl sitting there. She looked a little familiar to her, like she had seen her elsewhere before. Not able to place her though she decided not to dwell on that. She just wanted to get all these kids out of here so she cold take a much needed nap.

Pulling up a chair next to the bed she sat down. "So tell me Miss Cambridge. What exactly happened here?"

DaniDiNardo 09-12-2012 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by Shanners (Post 11195065)
Okie doke. Elodie didn't like this place. It smelt funny, and there were no colouring books. She'd mention that if ever she spoke to the Healer properly. Or next time, she'd bring her own.

Cocking her head to the side, Elodie watched her friend, and smiled at her. It was nice of the Healer to let Els come with Alexa. Because it was just nice. And Alexa was terrified. INFACT, Elodie would say she was ready to pee her pants at the very THOUGHT of coming in here. But Els was proud of her new friend for being so brave today <3


Originally Posted by The1HBIC (Post 11198098)
Cece was beginning to think this day was never going to end, and it was still morning. Making her way to bed three Cece looked at the girl sitting there. She looked a little familiar to her, like she had seen her elsewhere before. Not able to place her though she decided not to dwell on that. She just wanted to get all these kids out of here so she cold take a much needed nap.

Pulling up a chair next to the bed she sat down. "So tell me Miss Cambridge. What exactly happened here?"

Alexa flashed Elodie an appreciative smile when she saw that she hadn't suddenly disappeared. She might have run out right behind her if she had then nothing would have been accomplished and they would have wasted the Healer's time; something Lex figured wouldn't have been such a good idea.

Her eyes fell on the Healer when she pulled up a chair by the bed. It really was that woman from the train station--the one who pointed and fired a spell at a kid without so much as blinking. She swallowed hard before answering, all a part of her strategy to remain calm. Yup. Staying calm was the order of the day because she was trying to work on that whole not being afraid of anything approach. Technically she didn't even have a reason to be scared because she hadn't done anything wrong so the healer had no reason to be scary.

"Well during the whole portkey thing I was trying my hardest to protect Felix--he should have been in his cage but he wasn't because he doesn't like his cage and he's much heavier when I have to carry him and his cage, which meant he could have gotten seriously hurt and it would have been all my fault--I didn't want it to be my fault." Yeah...she rambled from time to time. "But then while trying to save him I landed badly on my wrist." For a moment she looked down at the wrist that showed some discolouration. "But I don' think it's broken..." Because Vivi and Elodie said it wasn't and that was good enough for her.

The1HBIC 09-15-2012 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo (Post 11198741)
"Well during the whole portkey thing I was trying my hardest to protect Felix--he should have been in his cage but he wasn't because he doesn't like his cage and he's much heavier when I have to carry him and his cage, which meant he could have gotten seriously hurt and it would have been all my fault--I didn't want it to be my fault." Yeah...she rambled from time to time. "But then while trying to save him I landed badly on my wrist." For a moment she looked down at the wrist that showed some discolouration. "But I don' think it's broken..." Because Vivi and Elodie said it wasn't and that was good enough for her.

Someone please remind Cece to ask for the SHORT version next time she asks someone what happened. "Okay, so you were holding Felix," whatever Felix was. "while you portkeyed to the train station, fell, hurt your wrist, then waited until today to come see me?" Look at that, Cece summed it all up in just a few words... that wouldn't put anyone to sleep.

Taking hold of the girls wrist she started to gently feel around it.

DaniDiNardo 09-15-2012 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by The1HBIC (Post 11202429)
Someone please remind Cece to ask for the SHORT version next time she asks someone what happened. "Okay, so you were holding Felix," whatever Felix was. "while you portkeyed to the train station, fell, hurt your wrist, then waited until today to come see me?" Look at that, Cece summed it all up in just a few words... that wouldn't put anyone to sleep.

Taking hold of the girls wrist she started to gently feel around it.

"Ahhhhh..." Yeah she could put it like that too. It sounded about right so she nodded. "Yup."

Her eyes widened when the woman took hold of her wrist. The last time someone did that she had to try her hardest to pretend that it didn't hurt...but that was last night when it didn't hurt that much. She had woken up to it being even worse--not that she would admit that.

Lex winced as the Healer began feeling around but quickly bit her bottom lip so as to avoid any kind of whimpering noises. She was fine. "See...nothing all that wrong with it." Merlin this was painful!

Lions are brave, you're a lion, you gotta be brave!

The1HBIC 09-20-2012 11:34 AM

Waits for you to get out of detention now
Did this girl really think Cece was going to believe there was nothing wrong with her wrist? "Nothing at all wrong with it huh? I guess this doesn't hurt then." She sais as she put a little more pressure on the wrist.

Let's see just how far this kid was willing to go trying to be all tough and acting like nothing was wrong.

This RP is ended due to member being suspended.

Becky 09-29-2012 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by The1HBIC (Post 11217984)
After looking over the sign in book Cece chuckled to herself. Leave it to a Puff to get sick from drinking lake water, she thought. "Edmund Clay, please head back to Bed 3. Your friend can go with you if you want her too."

OOC: Lady of Light has permission to post at bed 3 also.

Ah, thank Merlin! She'd saved him from ruining her floor! In the waiting room at least. Heading over to and sitting on bed three as instructed with Abby in tow, Edmund managed a smile for her. He was sure she was doing her best to be nice just because he was ill. And it was her fault. Now to wait for the supposedly evil nurse to come and make fun of him fix him.

Lady of Light 09-29-2012 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 11218149)
Ah, thank Merlin! She'd saved him from ruining her floor! In the waiting room at least. Heading over to and sitting on bed three as instructed with Abby in tow, Edmund managed a smile for her. He was sure she was doing her best to be nice just because he was ill. And it was her fault. Now to wait for the supposedly evil nurse to come and make fun of him fix him.

Abby looked at Almond, STILL feeling bad. It was all her fault. No, she didn't care about people in general but Almond was sick because of her and that made her feel like a really terrible human being.

"Are you.. um.. feeling a little better?" Abby asked, sitting down on the bed next to him. As much as she hated hospitals, she wanted to be there for him. That would probably help her hate herself less...

Peeves 10-01-2012 03:29 AM

The Hospital Wing, where all the sicky and weak little weenies went!!

Peeves had been floating around all morning filling the clean bedpans with lemonade from the Kitchens but had heard a commotion in one of the other rooms so he naturally took it upon himself to 'help out'.

"What do we have here, eh? Did the IDIOT drink the Pumpkin Juice that the EEINSY House-Elf dipped his crooked toes in, or is he just disgusted having to sit next to you PUFF-GIRL?!" Peeves cackled as he swooped down to float above the bed.

Oh the boy didn't look well still...a shame. "Are you going to HURL boy?!"

Becky 10-01-2012 05:46 AM


Originally Posted by Lady of Light (Post 11218155)
Abby looked at Almond, STILL feeling bad. It was all her fault. No, she didn't care about people in general but Almond was sick because of her and that made her feel like a really terrible human being.

"Are you.. um.. feeling a little better?" Abby asked, sitting down on the bed next to him. As much as she hated hospitals, she wanted to be there for him. That would probably help her hate herself less...


Originally Posted by ♦ Peeves ♦ (Post 11219729)
The Hospital Wing, where all the sicky and weak little weenies went!!

Peeves had been floating around all morning filling the clean bedpans with lemonade from the Kitchens but had heard a commotion in one of the other rooms so he naturally took it upon himself to 'help out'.

"What do we have here, eh? Did the IDIOT drink the Pumpkin Juice that the EEINSY House-Elf dipped his crooked toes in, or is he just disgusted having to sit next to you PUFF-GIRL?!" Peeves cackled as he swooped down to float above the bed.

Oh the boy didn't look well still...a shame. "Are you going to HURL boy?!"

It was obvious she still felt bad about pulling him under the water, but with his attempt to keep the lake water IN his stomach now he was here and waiting for evil nurse, he really didn't feel like he should keep talking and reassuring her. He closed his eyes and put his hand over his mouth as he coughed once more.

His eyes flew open when someone called him an idiot. O_____O That was one RUDE ghost! Eyeing it, he just sat there quietly until it insulted Abby. That wasn't nice, she was here for him! "Hey, leave her alone!" Oh, had he managed a full sentence? Looking surprised, Ed glanced at Abby before giving the ghost a disgusted look. What kind of creature person got pleasure from the misfortune of others?! But he had to admit, the ghost had a good question. "That's none of your-" Quite embarrassingly, Ed quickly pulled Abby to sit on the bed and vomited all over the healer's lovely, shiny floor. "Um... oops." Oh yeah, he was gonna get it now.

Peeves 10-01-2012 06:53 AM

Oh yeah the boy was gonna hurl, right over the Healer's nice clean floor. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA."

Peeves did a couple of backflips in the air while still cackling evilly. "PAGING HEALER TILLSTORM. CLEAN UP IN ROOM 3." Zooming down so that he was eye level with the Puffer boy, Peeves gave him a malicious grin. "Oh you're in trouble now boy."

The1HBIC 10-03-2012 04:52 AM

WHAT was going on around here? WHY was someone YELLING in the infirmary?

Pulling back the curtain that was around bed three Cece caught herself as she slipped. "What the...?"

Steadying herself so she didn't fall flat on her bum Cece glared at Peeves. "PEEVES! You KNOW the rules. You are NOT allowed in this area of the castle. Now GET OUT!" What was with this crazy poltergeist thinking he could just barge into the infirmary and bother the sickly kids?

Speaking of...

"And you!" She said turning to the puking puff. "Did you NOT see that bin?" You know, the one right there, next to the bed.

Taking out her wand she vanished the mess from the floor. "Consider yourself lucky no one got hurt here." Meaning herself. "Now tell me, what exactly were you thinking when you decided to drink that nasty water from the lake?" Oh what was she asking? The boy was a puffer. He probably wasn't thinking at all.

Lady of Light 10-03-2012 06:33 AM

Abby frowned when Almond started to cough again. Oh gosh. She patted his back awkwardly, hoping there was something she could do to make him feel better. But before she could reassure him, someone or some-THING came screaming into the room. The silly ghost. She could feel her face heat up in anger but she decided not to make a fuss. Almond was sick enough as it is. She GLARED at the stupid ghost but Almond suddenly pulled her back and threw up on the floor. Oh, gosh. Looking at that made her want to throw up too so she just turned to look away. Deep breaths, Abs.

And.. the healer entered, yelling at the ghost first and then at Almond. Okay, that wasn't fair. Not at all. "He didn't have the time to find the bin AND throw up in it." What was he thinking? Did the healer think that he drank the lake water on purpose? Abby rolled her eyes but didn't say anything. She just wanted Almond to get better and she hoped the Healer would do that soon.

Becky 10-03-2012 09:44 AM

Oh gosh, the ghost just had to yell. "No, no, shh, shh." He desperately tried to silence him, but sighed resignedly when he zoomed down to eye level. "No thanks to you." He was about to pull out his wand to clean up before the healer got here, but she got into the room too fast. And nearly fell! EEP.

Peeves. He'd definitely not be forgetting that name any time soon. Ed eyed the ghost as he coughed once more with his hand over his mouth. But his eyes grew wide when the healer turned on him. There was a bin? He chose not to look around like a lost child, so merely looked at her. Thankfully, Abby stood up for him. He shot her a weak, thankful smile before looking back at Healer Tillstorm. He supposed he should apologise for her nearly falling. "Sorry." But then she practically accused him of drinking the lake water willingly! "I didn't drink it on purpose. I was caught by surprise." Did she think he wanted to be ill? That he wanted to be here?

Peeves 10-04-2012 12:53 AM

Oooh looky here, it was the evil Healer herself and she was yelling. Again. Peeves zoomed over to her so that he was right in the woman's face and blew the loudest RASPBERRY Hogwarts has ever seen.

He cackled loudly as he floated away but before he made his exit, he picked up a bedpan from a nearby table and threw it at the two Hufflepuffs.

The1HBIC 10-07-2012 04:40 AM

Cece glared at the girl sitting on the bed next to the sickly one. "Unless you want to find yourself back out in the waiting room you'll change the way you talk to me young lady." Cecelia Tillstorm would NOT tolerate disrespect from any child. "And get off that bed. You're not the sick one."

Turning her attention to the puking one her expression didn't soften at all. Sorry, that's all he had to say for himself was sorry! Yeah, he was sorry all right, a sorry puffer that is. "You were caught by surprise? And just how did this surprise happen?" After all, it was December so it's not likely he was swimming in the nasty lake.

Bloody Hell!


Cece jumped a little from the sound of Peeves in her ear. Why did that bloody ghost have to be so annoying all the time? She was about to yell at him again but it looked as if he was leaving... and throwing a bedpan at the students.

Already irritated at the puffs sitting there she didn't even bother with trying to stop the thing from flying through the air. Maybe it would hit the girl and knock some sense into her.

What? It's not like it had anything in it.

Becky 10-07-2012 04:53 PM

Oops. Albie had been told off. He threw her an apologetic look, seeing as he was the one who'd pulled her onto the bed and all. Then he was under the scary spotlight once more. He cocked his head at her and immediately regretted it. The sickly feeling was coming back and he REALLY didn't want to re-style the healer's clothes miss that bin again.

"Well..." This was awkward. How did he say that he'd willingly got in the lake and then Albie had pulled him underwater? He mimicked a fish for a moment, trying to work out what to say but his brows creased in concentration. How to word this? Ah! He looked up at the Healer to explain, but was met by a flying bedpan which hit him. SQUARE BETWEEN THE EYES. His hand immediately raised to where it had hit him and covered it. PEEVES WAS GOING TO PAY FOR THIS. He didn't yell, he didn't make any move back to the POLTERGEIST - yes, he knew the difference - Ed just tutted. After all, revenge was best served cold, no? It really wasn't his day today, first being DRAGGED from the Willow, then being pulled under the lake, now this!

The1HBIC 10-07-2012 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 11226523)
Oops. Albie had been told off. He threw her an apologetic look, seeing as he was the one who'd pulled her onto the bed and all. Then he was under the scary spotlight once more. He cocked his head at her and immediately regretted it. The sickly feeling was coming back and he REALLY didn't want to re-style the healer's clothes miss that bin again.

"Well..." This was awkward. How did he say that he'd willingly got in the lake and then Albie had pulled him underwater? He mimicked a fish for a moment, trying to work out what to say but his brows creased in concentration. How to word this? Ah! He looked up at the Healer to explain, but was met by a flying bedpan which hit him. SQUARE BETWEEN THE EYES. His hand immediately raised to where it had hit him and covered it. PEEVES WAS GOING TO PAY FOR THIS. He didn't yell, he didn't make any move back to the POLTERGEIST - yes, he knew the difference - Ed just tutted. After all, revenge was best served cold, no? It really wasn't his day today, first being DRAGGED from the Willow, then being pulled under the lake, now this!

Okay, now THAT was funny. Not quite as funny as it would have been if the girl had been the one hit with the bedpan, but still, funny. Once the urge to laugh had passed, Cece crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm still waiting to hear how it was you came to swallow the lake water." That's right, getting hit in the head with a bedpan was NOT getting him out of telling her what had happened.

Becky 10-07-2012 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by The1HBIC (Post 11226540)
Okay, now THAT was funny. Not quite as funny as it would have been if the girl had been the one hit with the bedpan, but still, funny. Once the urge to laugh had passed, Cece crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm still waiting to hear how it was you came to swallow the lake water." That's right, getting hit in the head with a bedpan was NOT getting him out of telling her what had happened.

He STILL had to tell her? Ed lowered his hand to stare at the evil nurse lady and blinked a few times before answering. "Well, we were swimming in the lake." Yes, he was that stupid. "And uh, I got pulled under the water." Not saying by what or who. "And obviously, it surprised me, so..." He paused, swallowing in an attempt to keep his stomach contents where they should be.

The1HBIC 10-14-2012 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 11226568)
He STILL had to tell her? Ed lowered his hand to stare at the evil nurse lady and blinked a few times before answering. "Well, we were swimming in the lake." Yes, he was that stupid. "And uh, I got pulled under the water." Not saying by what or who. "And obviously, it surprised me, so..." He paused, swallowing in an attempt to keep his stomach contents where they should be.

Were all puffs this stupid? No really. Taking a swim in the middle of the winter. What a moron. She was tempted to tell him to just suck it up and deal with his illness since he was the idiot that thought it would be fun to go for a swim in freezing weather. However she didn't want to see him back later because he was still whining about throwing up. "Here, drink this potion. It'll stop the nausea." Handing over the vial she looked over at the girl standing there. Yeah, Cece was pretty sure lover boy here had just been showing off for that girl.

Stupid Puff.

Becky 10-14-2012 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by The1HBIC (Post 11232052)
Were all puffs this stupid? No really. Taking a swim in the middle of the winter. What a moron. She was tempted to tell him to just suck it up and deal with his illness since he was the idiot that thought it would be fun to go for a swim in freezing weather. However she didn't want to see him back later because he was still whining about throwing up. "Here, drink this potion. It'll stop the nausea." Handing over the vial she looked over at the girl standing there. Yeah, Cece was pretty sure lover boy here had just been showing off for that girl.

Stupid Puff.

It was obvious she didn't approve of his stupidity by the expression on her face, and right now, neither did he. He'd just have to go and meet the Giant Squid in the spring/summer. Ed took the potion from her gratefully and after eyeing it momentarily, he drained the vial. His eyes narrowed slightly as he tried to work out if it was disgusting or not, but went back to normal as he realised the healer might take this as being ungrateful. "Thank you." He murmured, coughing once more and shuddering as the potion took effect.

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