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Floodwater subsided and other chaos behind her, Josephina opened up the Arithmancy classroom in an effort that hopefully they will make it further in their curse-breaking studies this time. She just hoped the students weren't too frustrated with her lack of a first lesson in terms of learning much, but also hoped she could make up for it in her remaining lessons of the term.
Propping the door open, the brunette strode over to have a seat behind her desk and skimmed over her notes from last lesson, making mental notes on what still had to be discussed...
ooc: lesson will begin in a couple hours ... or 12 hours, depending on how many people post now =) Sorry for the short notice <3
Lesson Progression
* Question One: Why senses / sense impairment is important to curse-breaking?
* Question Two: What is the incantation used to find numbers associated with curses?
* Question Three: Moving on.....what's a cryptogram?
* And now solving cryptic messages...
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
Soon enough the lesson began and it seemed that they were starting right where they left off when Myrtle had created chaos. Which was good, because Emmanuelle was still curious about how curse breaking was connected to Arithmancy and the only way she was going to get that answer was if that lesson continued. Her went up at the professor's question. "Our other senses are heightened when we lose our eyesight, even temporarily, and it's useful to get used to that fact so that if we do happen to have to break a curse in darkness, for whatever reason, we can use that to our advantage?"
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Sarah raked her brain. "perhaps curse breakers get into situation where one sense or the other is compromised and they need to know how to work with their remaining senses." That was completly made up on the spot sort of a thing.
Ravenpuff | Cap'n Crunch | Bedtime Queen | O Minion, My Minion
Soooooooooooooo excited! That's how he felt right now. Because they were continuing the curse breaking lesson finally, since Myrtle had so rudely interrupted their first crack at it. It was with an eager expression that Logan raised his hand. "Yes, Professor," he said purposefully. "I think it may help if you're actually cursed. I know a lot of curse breakers work like in old tombs or something. Even though they're professionals, they are bound to mess up and miss something sometimes." Except for Auntie Fina. She practically never made mistakes. "So it's good practice in still being able to think logically and not freak out when you've been cursed," like SOME people did when Myrtle showed up, "though I doubt it would ever be something so harmless as impairing only one of your senses."
He put his hand down. Then he set to scribbling all the other answers he was hearing, skipping anything that sounded like repetition of others' ideas. Logan squirmed in his seat a bit, unable to contain his excitement for the practical demonstration he just KNEW had to be coming in this lesson.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Ella thought about Hadley's question for a few minutes, stroking her imaginary beard. How could something like the activity they'd done last class relate to curse breaking? Hmm...
After a few minutes, the small blonde thought she had a semi decent answer and raised her hand. "Professor, perhaps because when you lose on sense, your other senses are kind of on high alert. It's like they make up for the lost sense and help you to figure stuff out even when you're not fully functional. I guess when you're curse breaking, you'd want to be able to use all your senses to help detect the signs that something is cursed. All your senses are important for that. Not just the obvious ones like sight and touch."
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Originally Posted by PumpkinRising
So some of them, no probably most of them, were worried about the lesson being interrupted last time. Something she worried about too, but she was not about to let that interfere with the lesson today.
"So last lesson we started talking about curses and then before it was abruptly ended, we were trying to identify some objects I had prepared given one of our senses obstructed. Can anyone think why that may be important to the subject of curse-breaking?"
Vivi was still somewhat annoyed at the last lesson getting cut short, especially as this was a subject she enjoyed and the class topic had been one in which she'd been very interested. She propped her chin on her fist and gazed absently at the professor until the question was asked.
Oh! "Professor, Curse-breakers need to rely on their instincts, as well as their smarts, and instincts are often fed by the senses. Hearing or smelling something that doesn't seem right is a better indicator that just waiting to see that something is going wrong."
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Thinking back, Sierra remembered that last lesson. It had been cut too short, but ehh...this was Arithmancy. Distractions were always welcome as far as Sierra was concerned. Nevermind that now, though. So how was it all important to the skill of curse breaking?
Sierra raised her hand. "I think it's because curse breaking often times requires you to think outside the box. Lots of times, when we see things with our eyes, we automatically decide we do or don't know what that object is and what it does," she said. "If we allow ourselves the chance to touch the object, smell the object, or use any of other senses, we're opening ourselves up to more perspectives and thoughts."
Assistant Marauder | 1/2 of BenSky | Hit Wiz! | Mischief Managed
Originally Posted by PumpkinRising
So some of them, no probably most of them, were worried about the lesson being interrupted last time. Something she worried about too, but she was not about to let that interfere with the lesson today.
"So last lesson we started talking about curses and then before it was abruptly ended, we were trying to identify some objects I had prepared given one of our senses obstructed. Can anyone think why that may be important to the subject of curse-breaking?"
Nerida raised her hand and said not quite a hundred percent on her answer. "I think its important because when we're trying to break a curse a lot of things can happen and our senses can be messed with so it would be good to learn how to be able to use the others if the situation were to happen." She had said that way better than she had thought it.
♕♕ Fire works through my veins into my heart ♕♕ ♕♕ Remember the night’s dancing under the sky♕♕
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
"So last lesson we started talking about curses and then before it was abruptly ended, we were trying to identify some objects I had prepared given one of our senses obstructed. Can anyone think why that may be important to the subject of curse-breaking?"
Jory raised his hand. "Sometimes, for some reason, curse breakers may not be able to use their senses and will have to rely on instinct,'' he said. "For example, if they're in total darkness and Lumos cannot work,they'll have to feel around and touch objects and try to figure out what that object is by forming a mental picture.'' It all came down to their instincts and how good they were.
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Text Cut: responses <3
Originally Posted by evilblackdoxy
Settling in to her seat and with her parchment in front of her, Kurumi nervously glanced down at the floor as if expecting there to still be water there. There wasn't...so she was just being ridiculous...so her attention was back towards Professor Hadley as she began the lesson.
Curse Breaking...what did Kurumi know about Curse Breaking...not all that much besides the very basics and, well, her logic was telling her that there were methods around what first popped into her head, but the fact that they had had their sight taken from them sort of linked. "Since we were surrounded by total darkness, losing our sense of sight, is that connected to how Curse Breakers sometimes are required to work in tombs?" Tombs where lumos wasn't effect or any other sources of light.
Although...relying on your sense of TOUCH when there were curses around did not seem like the smartest of things either.
Fina nodded. "Tis somewhat correct, yes. Losing your sense of sight may be related to work in tombs." That was only part of the equation though, but didn't fully explain the importance of senses to curse-breaking.
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Minerva rolled her eyes at Oakey and turned when Professor Hadley started class. She wasn't going to let him annoy her during class at least. She listened as the professor had said she still wasn't sure what was keeping them out of their common rooms. This brought a bit of a frown, she really wanted in her trunk for her candy at least, but her bed would be nice as well.
When Hadley asked the first question Minerva remembered the things they were going over last class and put her hand up, "Professor, we have to know that someone has been curse to be able to break the curse. So taking away are sight was a way to try to get us to use our other senes as well using our brain to determine what things are. The same might go for curse breaking. We need to use our senses and brain to know someone has been curse in order to do the curse breaking." Well it sounded like a sensible answer to her at least.
"Getting there," Fina nodded. "Curse breaking relies heavily on your senses. If one is impaired, then it makes things more challenging, but not impossible."
Originally Posted by emjay
And then class was beginning.. Ethan turned his eyes to Hadley as she began speaking. Oh.. curse-breaking? He supposed that was slightly interesting.. that was what she was trying to introduce last class with those boxes? Shrugging, he listened to the other answers then raised his hand. "Does it have to do with sharpening our senses.. sort of like what blind people have to do in order to function in society without sight?" Nothing like answering a question with a question.. but he honestly didn't know the first thing about curse-breaking and needed it to at least look like he was paying attention. Meh.
"Curse breakers must have very sharp senses indeed. Yes, I'll give you that." Fina nodded at the Ravenclaw.
Originally Posted by nups21
Sitting back comfortably into her seat as the lesson started, Ira took out her parchments and quill and ink bottle and kept it ready to take notes. And also removed the notes she had taken the last lesson, since this was gonna probably be last lesson's continuation.
She had almost started doodling, but looked up as Professor began. Why the identifying process was important. Ira thought about it for a while. Like, seriously, when far more easier and quicker methods were available like revealing spells and what not, why did they have to resort to the seemingly slow and relatively difficult process? Maybe because curse breaking too was an art, and art needed to be felt.
She raised her hand up and answered, continuing her thoughts, "Professor, curse breaking is a skill.." And an interesting one at that! "..And I think that a skill needs to be felt. I mean, it shouldn't just be learned by rote learning, rather by our senses." Was she making sense? She hoped so.. "What I mean, is, trusting our instincts is good, very useful."
This was also true; Hadley nodded at the Lioness, as she explained her thoughts in broken dialect. "Trust is a very important and useful component to curse-breaking. And yes, like many other wizarding professions, this is a skill, which requires thought and applied knowledge."
Originally Posted by PhoenixStar
Hannah secretly hoped that this lesson would be interupted early as well because she didn't like this class at all. It didn't make any sense to her. She remembered having to stick her hand in a box in total darkness and was glad that as of now it seemed like they were over that whole thing.
She raised her hand. "Curse-breaking isn't an easy job and you can be sure that you won't always have all of your senses to count on. I think it is important to be able to handle any situation that might be thrown at you... so what better way than to practice without one of your senses." Man that was a lengthy answer and so not Hannah's style.
That was also true, but didn't really give much insight as to why senses in general were important to curse-breaking. "True points," Fina nodded at the Slytherin.
Originally Posted by PotterHeadforLife
Professor, I don't even wanna be a Curse Breaker. That's what Kat thought. She'd prefer to be an Auror but that will depend to her OWL and NEWT results soon. If she fails at it, well maybe she can find a position in one of the Quidditch Teams or... whatever life takes her.
Kat raised her hand. "Well, usually the sense of hearing can help especially when you're in trouble or you think you're in danger," Kat said. "And the sense of touch, well it can be useful as well. Actually all the sense are useful in different ways and in different situations. If one sense is unavailable, there's always another sense that can help." There's just too much to enumerate and Kat was just lazy. Not good.
"Also very true points! When one sense is impaired, then your other senses all kick in to make up for the impairment." Fina reiterated. "But if you have more than one sense impaired, then you may not be able to make up the difference with your remaining senses." Oddly enough.
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
So that's what she missed!
During her absence the Professor had them playing a guessing game. Seriously, why did all the cool stuff happen after she was gone?! That could have been a pretty cool lesson, especially since Lex loved guessing games even though she was no good at them.
One thing she found strange though was the Professor saying the lesson ended abruptly. Why would it do that? Did somebody die??? Was that why they were learning about curse breaking??? O___O
Okaaaaay she had officially formed her opinion. The Professor tried teaching them curses in the last class, some idiot didn't do it right and someone else died. Yup. Now they were learning to break curses before bad things happened. That had to be it but seeing as she had nothing to offer she kept her mouth shut and waited to find out if the others were right.
Hadley looked toward Alexa, who looked as if she was about to say something, but was silent. For once the first year seemed to be holding her tongue, for which she wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
Vickers pondered her question. It was quite unusual, and quite sudden, that they lost their primary sense, which was sight. But how was it related to curse breaking and numbers divination. He sat silently for a while mulling things over, then finally raised his hand "Professor, is it an exercise on lateral or creative thinking?..... to teach us that certain objects arent always what they seem, that our vision can be tricked to thinking its just one thing but in truth its something else?"
"The exercise last lesson could have been thought that, yes. Which brings up another point that creative thinking is often necessary for curse-breaking tasks."
Originally Posted by Grisly Longbones
Alex raised his hand. "Well, when you're working with curse breaking, chances are you're in a dangerous environment, and something could happen at any time that causes one of your senses to be disrupted or compromised. Therefore it's important to make sure that if that were to happen, you're prepared and able to move forward without that sense," he explained. And that was precisely why he was NEVER going in to curse breaking. Ever.
Well that was morbid.
"Something could happen at anytime, yes, but curse-breakers are trained to deal with such environments. Just as Quidditch players are trained appropriately, as are Law Enforcement Officers, or any other profession. So the main thing is that curse-breakers are prepared for anything." Whether a sense was lost or just something completely unexpected.
Originally Posted by lazykitty
Soon enough the lesson began and it seemed that they were starting right where they left off when Myrtle had created chaos. Which was good, because Emmanuelle was still curious about how curse breaking was connected to Arithmancy and the only way she was going to get that answer was if that lesson continued. Her went up at the professor's question. "Our other senses are heightened when we lose our eyesight, even temporarily, and it's useful to get used to that fact so that if we do happen to have to break a curse in darkness, for whatever reason, we can use that to our advantage?"
"Not only with loss of eyesight are our other senses heightened, but this could go for loss of smell or hearing or touch, as well." Fina nodded. "And having to break a curse in darkness may or may not be to your advantage, depending on what the curse is."
Originally Posted by Princesspower
Sarah raked her brain. "perhaps curse breakers get into situation where one sense or the other is compromised and they need to know how to work with their remaining senses." That was completly made up on the spot sort of a thing.
Hadley nodded at the girl, as she reiterated on something that was previously said.
Originally Posted by hpluvr037
Soooooooooooooo excited! That's how he felt right now. Because they were continuing the curse breaking lesson finally, since Myrtle had so rudely interrupted their first crack at it. It was with an eager expression that Logan raised his hand. "Yes, Professor," he said purposefully. "I think it may help if you're actually cursed. I know a lot of curse breakers work like in old tombs or something. Even though they're professionals, they are bound to mess up and miss something sometimes." Except for Auntie Fina. She practically never made mistakes. "So it's good practice in still being able to think logically and not freak out when you've been cursed," like SOME people did when Myrtle showed up, "though I doubt it would ever be something so harmless as impairing only one of your senses."
He put his hand down. Then he set to scribbling all the other answers he was hearing, skipping anything that sounded like repetition of others' ideas. Logan squirmed in his seat a bit, unable to contain his excitement for the practical demonstration he just KNEW had to be coming in this lesson.
"Precisely right. Just as aurors are meant to remain calm, curse-breakers shouldn't freak out as well. They need logic and to think clearly, two things which can't be done if one is anxious or panicky."
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Ella thought about Hadley's question for a few minutes, stroking her imaginary beard. How could something like the activity they'd done last class relate to curse breaking? Hmm...
After a few minutes, the small blonde thought she had a semi decent answer and raised her hand. "Professor, perhaps because when you lose on sense, your other senses are kind of on high alert. It's like they make up for the lost sense and help you to figure stuff out even when you're not fully functional. I guess when you're curse breaking, you'd want to be able to use all your senses to help detect the signs that something is cursed. All your senses are important for that. Not just the obvious ones like sight and touch."
Other senses high alert or heightened. As other students had said before, so Hadley simply nodded at Ella.
Originally Posted by Jack-o'-LantERN
Vivi was still somewhat annoyed at the last lesson getting cut short, especially as this was a subject she enjoyed and the class topic had been one in which she'd been very interested. She propped her chin on her fist and gazed absently at the professor until the question was asked.
Oh! "Professor, Curse-breakers need to rely on their instincts, as well as their smarts, and instincts are often fed by the senses. Hearing or smelling something that doesn't seem right is a better indicator that just waiting to see that something is going wrong."
"Logic and smarts and instincts are all very important to curse-breakers, yes," Hadley nodded in concurrence.
Originally Posted by Anna Banshee
Thinking back, Sierra remembered that last lesson. It had been cut too short, but ehh...this was Arithmancy. Distractions were always welcome as far as Sierra was concerned. Nevermind that now, though. So how was it all important to the skill of curse breaking?
Sierra raised her hand. "I think it's because curse breaking often times requires you to think outside the box. Lots of times, when we see things with our eyes, we automatically decide we do or don't know what that object is and what it does," she said. "If we allow ourselves the chance to touch the object, smell the object, or use any of other senses, we're opening ourselves up to more perspectives and thoughts."
Hadley blinked at hearing the next student's response. A response which was very well stated. Which came from ..... Sierra?!
"I ... couldn't have said it better myself. So curse-breakers need to be open-minded and perceptive to multiple alternatives. To be able to see the shades of gray." In other words.
Originally Posted by Luna_Midnight
Nerida raised her hand and said not quite a hundred percent on her answer. "I think its important because when we're trying to break a curse a lot of things can happen and our senses can be messed with so it would be good to learn how to be able to use the others if the situation were to happen." She had said that way better than she had thought it.
Fina nodded at the Ravenclaw, as she said similar things as what was said before.
"So senses are important to curse-breaking because they allow you to perceive the world and its many choices. Curse-breaking, just like Law Enforcement positions, requires vigilance." Fina paused, glancing down at her notes and then back up at the students. "Your senses allow you to better perceive the curses and to be more successful in finding solutions to break those curses."
"Every curse and spell has a numerical basis to it. Which some of you may remember from a couple years ago, how we find the numbers associated with a curse... is a simple incantation, which is ....?"
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
Ira nodded. Senses were important for curse breaking. Like constant vigilance, as ex-headmaster used to say. And besides, she wanted to learn all about curse breaking. It was interesting to say the least. She really enjoyed it.
And finally they came to numerical part. Ira had revised this topic after the last lesson, when it was told that they would be studying about curse breaking again this term. So she did know the spell of course! Raising her hand up high in the air, she answered, "Arithmos Revelio. Thats the spell finding the associated numbers." And oh yes, Ira remembered that lesson in her first year, when the wrong spell had frozen her and many others. Looking back, that had been a fun lesson.
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
Text Cut: PumpkinRising / Professor
Originally Posted by PumpkinRising
"Also very true points! When one sense is impaired, then your other senses all kick in to make up for the impairment." Fina reiterated. "But if you have more than one sense impaired, then you may not be able to make up the difference with your remaining senses." Oddly enough.
"So senses are important to curse-breaking because they allow you to perceive the world and its many choices. Curse-breaking, just like Law Enforcement positions, requires vigilance." Fina paused, glancing down at her notes and then back up at the students. "Your senses allow you to better perceive the curses and to be more successful in finding solutions to break those curses."
"Every curse and spell has a numerical basis to it. Which some of you may remember from a couple years ago, how we find the numbers associated with a curse... is a simple incantation, which is ....?"
Kat smiled when Professor Hadley said she's got a point. She didn't actually expect it. She was just stating what she had in mind. Well... maybe Kat should answer some of her opinions soon, note to self.... But not the bad opinions. She's going to lose those points soon. Which is totally not worth it.
Spell. She wasn't even sure, but yeah. "I agree with the Gryffindor Ira, Professor," Kat said. "The incantation is Arithmos Revelio." Hmmm... yeah.
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
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Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
So....were they going to be trying to open up more walnuts this time? Walnuts...that reminded her of a certain feline that was still in the Gryffindor common room...PEEING on everything most likely as well. Merlin help her. And all of Gryffindor house. And...oh, right, class.
Nodding, Kurumi looked down at her notes again for a brief moment. She had brought up the spell last lesson and had been hoping then that they would get to apply it to something - Kurumi like analyzing numbers - but they all THAT had happened and...yeah. "Arithmos Revelio," she said after raising her hand. "And you move your wand down, then up, and finally flick it towards the object."
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
Hannah listened as the professor went on about senses and why they were important in curse breaking. She jotted down notes just in case she would need them later. She knew that she would need all the help that she could get when it came to this class.
Numbers associated with a curse. Little bells were going off in Hannah's head. Maybe she had actually retained something from a previous class. Then it hit her. She knew the answer. She actaully knew the answer. She raised her hand in the air. "Professor, the spell is Arithmos Revelio." She eyed the Gryffindor prefect...of course she would go futher explain something that the professor did not ask. Oh yeah...Hannah was very judgemental of others!
"So senses are important to curse-breaking because they allow you to perceive the world and its many choices. Curse-breaking, just like Law Enforcement positions, requires vigilance." Fina paused, glancing down at her notes and then back up at the students. "Your senses allow you to better perceive the curses and to be more successful in finding solutions to break those curses."
"Every curse and spell has a numerical basis to it. Which some of you may remember from a couple years ago, how we find the numbers associated with a curse... is a simple incantation, which is ....?"
Sarah had not learnt this before, so she wrote down some notes and listened carefully to what the others said
Ravenpuff | Cap'n Crunch | Bedtime Queen | O Minion, My Minion
Text Cut: Fina
Originally Posted by PumpkinRising
"So senses are important to curse-breaking because they allow you to perceive the world and its many choices. Curse-breaking, just like Law Enforcement positions, requires vigilance." Fina paused, glancing down at her notes and then back up at the students. "Your senses allow you to better perceive the curses and to be more successful in finding solutions to break those curses."
"Every curse and spell has a numerical basis to it. Which some of you may remember from a couple years ago, how we find the numbers associated with a curse... is a simple incantation, which is ....?"
So they were finally getting to the numbers part. YES! Except... he wasn't here a few terms ago. How was he supposed to know this incantation? Not fair! Now he couldn't show his aunt how much he knew and make her proud!
Pao pouted slightly, his poochy lip sticking out in a slight scowl. Nevertheless, he dutifully copied down the incantation into his notes. Though he wasn't quite sure how to spell it, he tried a few variations and finally settled on ARITHMOS REVELIO.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Ella listened to Hadley, taking notes as the Professor shared her own insights on curse-breaking and how it related to their activity last class. She smiled a little, happy her answer was an okay one.
The incantation question was one Ella didn't immediately know the answer to and by the time she'd thought of it, several other students had already answered. Rather than repeating the same thing over again, the blonde simply wrote down the incantation in her notes in bold letters, underlining it several times. There, she wouldn't be able to forget it now. Mhm.
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Alex raised his hand. "Well, the incantation is Arithmos Revelio, which makes sense cause it sounds like Arithmancy Reveal!" he explained. He was also going to go in to detail about the wand movement, but of course the Gryffindor prefect had gotten to that first.
He quickly scribbled everything down in his notebook. He couldn't really remember WHY they needed to know the numerical base behind spells, but he was sure he would find out soon enough.
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
Arithmos Revelio? For some reason this Ravenclaw doesnt remember having studied that at Hogwarts or even anywhere else hence the hasty scribbling of his quill against parchment. He was* curious now what that spell can do how it could be used against curse-breaking and numbers divination...
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Minerva listened to the next question and put her hand up, but others were called on first so she just placed her hand back down and decided to just let everyone answer and she would take notes on what they said.
She remembered doing that spell a few terms ago, well she thought she remembered it. Sometimes it seemed things got all mixed up and she couldn't remember if she just read about it or actually did it in class. Maybe she should stop reading ahead so much on things and just wait until they were taught to her.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Originally Posted by PumpkinRising
"So senses are important to curse-breaking because they allow you to perceive the world and its many choices. Curse-breaking, just like Law Enforcement positions, requires vigilance." Fina paused, glancing down at her notes and then back up at the students. "Your senses allow you to better perceive the curses and to be more successful in finding solutions to break those curses."
"Every curse and spell has a numerical basis to it. Which some of you may remember from a couple years ago, how we find the numbers associated with a curse... is a simple incantation, which is ....?"
Lex raised a suspicious eyebrow at everyone in the class. Yeah. They all got the look. Something happened in the last class and nobody bothered to mention what. It was like they were trying to keep her out of the loop or something--Not something she appreciated one bit.
She leaned forward, resting her head on her desk and listened to the Professor speak but while she did Lex couldn't help but snicker. If she didn't then she might have cried.
This. Was. Another. Number. Class.
Didn't they think it was important to warn a girl about these things before she chose whether or not to hide out in the bathroom during a class? Jeez. Yet another selfish act on all their parts--the Professor too. They'd had so many chances to talk and not once did she bother to say 'Oh and Alexa I teach a subject that's bestfriends with numbers, just giving you a heads up'. Hmph. Though she couldn't be too surprized. Over the summer Pao HAD told her his aunt taught numbers and she did say she wouldn't go to her classes. That just left her wondering...why was she sitting her without an answer to the question? Meh. She would sit there and wait to be asked something simpler. 2 + 2 would be well appreciated. Yup.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
She couldn't have said it better herself? Well, of course she couldn't. Sierra was just that awesome, and that's all there was to it. Heh. Sierra sat back and listened as the professor went on about how curses related to numbers and how there was a simple incantation used to find the numbers associated with a curse. "That'd be Arithmos Revelio," she said, her hand raised. Not much else to say there. She looked up and waited for the lesson to continue.
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Text Cut: yay!
Originally Posted by nups21
Ira nodded. Senses were important for curse breaking. Like constant vigilance, as ex-headmaster used to say. And besides, she wanted to learn all about curse breaking. It was interesting to say the least. She really enjoyed it.
And finally they came to numerical part. Ira had revised this topic after the last lesson, when it was told that they would be studying about curse breaking again this term. So she did know the spell of course! Raising her hand up high in the air, she answered, "Arithmos Revelio. Thats the spell finding the associated numbers." And oh yes, Ira remembered that lesson in her first year, when the wrong spell had frozen her and many others. Looking back, that had been a fun lesson.
Originally Posted by PotterHeadforLife
Kat smiled when Professor Hadley said she's got a point. She didn't actually expect it. She was just stating what she had in mind. Well... maybe Kat should answer some of her opinions soon, note to self.... But not the bad opinions. She's going to lose those points soon. Which is totally not worth it.
Spell. She wasn't even sure, but yeah. "I agree with the Gryffindor Ira, Professor," Kat said. "The incantation is Arithmos Revelio." Hmmm... yeah.
Originally Posted by evilblackdoxy
So....were they going to be trying to open up more walnuts this time? Walnuts...that reminded her of a certain feline that was still in the Gryffindor common room...PEEING on everything most likely as well. Merlin help her. And all of Gryffindor house. And...oh, right, class.
Nodding, Kurumi looked down at her notes again for a brief moment. She had brought up the spell last lesson and had been hoping then that they would get to apply it to something - Kurumi like analyzing numbers - but they all THAT had happened and...yeah. "Arithmos Revelio," she said after raising her hand. "And you move your wand down, then up, and finally flick it towards the object."
Originally Posted by PhoenixStar
Hannah listened as the professor went on about senses and why they were important in curse breaking. She jotted down notes just in case she would need them later. She knew that she would need all the help that she could get when it came to this class.
Numbers associated with a curse. Little bells were going off in Hannah's head. Maybe she had actually retained something from a previous class. Then it hit her. She knew the answer. She actaully knew the answer. She raised her hand in the air. "Professor, the spell is Arithmos Revelio." She eyed the Gryffindor prefect...of course she would go futher explain something that the professor did not ask. Oh yeah...Hannah was very judgemental of others!
Originally Posted by Grisly Longbones
Alex raised his hand. "Well, the incantation is Arithmos Revelio, which makes sense cause it sounds like Arithmancy Reveal!" he explained. He was also going to go in to detail about the wand movement, but of course the Gryffindor prefect had gotten to that first.
He quickly scribbled everything down in his notebook. He couldn't really remember WHY they needed to know the numerical base behind spells, but he was sure he would find out soon enough.
Originally Posted by Anna Banshee
She couldn't have said it better herself? Well, of course she couldn't. Sierra was just that awesome, and that's all there was to it. Heh. Sierra sat back and listened as the professor went on about how curses related to numbers and how there was a simple incantation used to find the numbers associated with a curse. "That'd be Arithmos Revelio," she said, her hand raised. Not much else to say there. She looked up and waited for the lesson to continue.
Of course Josephina had not expected every student to know the incantation she was talking about, but a fair few of the older kids did remember, which pleased her. "Excellent. Yes, the spell to reveal the numbers associated with a curse is indeed Arithmos Revealo!"
"So in numerology, there are 10 single-digit numbers that have individual meanings when they stand alone, but when it comes to Curse-Breaking, we have to pay attention to compound numbers." Something that after the chaldean method last term, they'd surely get now, right?
"But instead of us learning the parts of spell numerization like some of you remember from a few years ago, we're going to discuss another, more basic form of curse-breaking which comes in the form of solving cryptograms!" Hadley explained, glad things were moving along finally. "Cryptograms are important to curse-breaking too, which is because .... well, first, what is a cryptogram?"
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
"But instead of us learning the parts of spell numerization like some of you remember from a few years ago, we're going to discuss another, more basic form of curse-breaking which comes in the form of solving cryptograms!" Hadley explained, glad things were moving along finally. "Cryptograms are important to curse-breaking too, which is because .... well, first, what is a cryptogram?"
Jory raised his hand. "Cryptograms are like pieces of puzzles,'' he begn. "It is made up od of encrypted text.'' Really, it was all he could remember about cryptograms right now.
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Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Kurumi was squirming in her seat a little bit more now. Did this mean that today they would actually GET to try out the spell today? Kurumi was really itching for some more practical applications of Arithmancy and some of her favorite lessons with Professor Hadley had been ones where they didn't just do calculations but also got to apply the subject to something - even if that something was a walnut.
Cryptograms. Easy enough to be defined, but the Gryffindor's thoughts sort of wandered elsewhere after Jory had already spoken. "Professor Hadley, in a sense isn't Arithmancy sort of one big cryptogram? I mean with the application of the Pythagorean and Chaldean methods of assigning letters to number values. They are, in a sense, substitution ciphers which is what cryptograms frequently use." It was way out of the box, perhaps a bit too much so, but she was feeling rather sheepish about her previous answer with tombs. You know, going for a literal reason instead of stepping back and seeing the big picture like everyone else had. Tunnel vision. She had it.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
Well... At least Kat got it right. Now moving on to cryptograms.
Hand raised. "Cryptograms are some sort of puzzles with a little piece of encrypted text in it." Kat's answer was just so simple just like that. But her way of saying it didn't sound so scholar-like or smart. Kat is no perfect Ravenclaw, but she knows her stuff. And that's not something you're supposed to tell off about her. She just knows. Period.
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...