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Hecate had just returned from St Mungo's. She was very pale, and the bags under her eyes were dark and gray. Her lips were dry and she looked as if she'd lost weight.
The healers of the third floor were not happy that she'd released herself. But Hecate Lafay was not going to remain in that horrid hospital room. She'd gotten back a few moments ago and she was going to hold a class.
Even if it killed her.
She opened the door to the classroom and sat behind the desk.
ooc: This class will stay open for at least 72 hours (probably more.) Also thanks to Nixy! and AuroraQuinn for taking the picture of the Potions Classroom for me, and to Anna Banana for making it into a pretty graphic!
Superfan of: Minerva, Severus, Albus, Hermione <3 Travelling/ History geek/ TV show addict
Healers? Working round the clock? So it WAS bad. Ari actually began to worry for the Professor, wondering what got her in this state. But she had to admire the woman's resolve of teaching her classes as if nothing had happened.
They were discussing dreams, apparently. Uh-oh. Ariadne didn't want to talk about her dreams in front of the whole class. No one needed to know about her weird dream involving a hag and a jar of honey, thank you very much. 'I didn't dream anything last night...' she mumbled, hoping no one would actually hear or care. Yes. Let other people be vulnerable. Best strategy ever.
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
Originally Posted by Droo
"Alright you may or may not have heard, I'm a bit under the weather..." Understatement of the year... "But I will be just fine. Healers are working around the clock, so don't think I'm leaving you anytime soon."
"Let's start class, shall we? Can anyone tell me IF and What they dreamed last night?" She asked the class.
Theo felt a liiiittle uncomfortable in potions today. He wasn't entirely sure what was wrong with professor Lafay, but he hoped it wasn't... contagious, like.... At least she wasn't gonna leave as their head of house, though. Cos Lafay was kind of awesome.
... Ooh, dreams.
"I dreamed about radishes last night." Or at least, he tried to. It meant good luck to dream about radishes, you know.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
Sitting quietly on one of the seats, Louisa leaned her chin on her hand and watched the lying professor get on with class, which turned out to be about dreams too. What, was everyone aware of her rare but existing nightmares or something? The professor said dreams, so Louisa could just share her regular ones.
Raising her hand, "I was running through a maze, walls flipping and changing, people without faces, everything was so blurry and fast, yet I knew what was what and who was who." It wasn't like a scary dream, it was just an intense one. Until the end of it where she was startled awake to the feeling of someone twisting her hair. Again.
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more
Terry nodded when the Professor said that she was alright and he gave her a pleasant friendly smile back. "That's good to hear" he nodded and then proceeded to take out his equipment for the lesson. What would he need? His parchment paper and quills, he guessed. And the textbook would most certainly be of use for him, he hadn't had much practice with potions yet and the guidance would be definitely helpful for this lesson.
The question wasn't what he expected from a Potions lesson however and his eyes widened in surprise. Did all the professors organise with one another so the subjects would share a common theme or something? He was sure they were doing this in divination.
He raised his hand to answer the question. "I dreamed about a flock of Phoenix" he answered. There wasn't much detail, no, but there wasn't a lot he could actually remember within it. He was fairly certain his dream was because he missed Amadeus back home, it was strange having gone so long without seeing him.
Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good
Originally Posted by Droo
"Alright you may or may not have heard, I'm a bit under the weather..." Understatement of the year... "But I will be just fine. Healers are working around the clock, so don't think I'm leaving you anytime soon."
"Let's start class, shall we? Can anyone tell me IF and What they dreamed last night?" She asked the class.
Cassia was glad that Lafay had confirmed that she wasn't so well. Because mentioning the thing made it easier to deal with. Unlike hiding it and avoiding mentioning it at all. So that made it easier.
And what did they dream? What's with dreams and lessons? As if students a reminder of sleeping during class. However sleeping in potions wasn't likely to happen unlike Divination. Anyway, what did she dream last night? Hmmm....The second-year paused trying to recall her last night.
And she remembered. Frown. Cassia raised her hand and spoke, "I dreamed of plants." Her eyebrows furrowed automatically mentioning the most thing she loathed. "Probably because I've been avoiding doing my Herbology homework." Wait did she say this out loud? They, whoever they were, can't take points from her for saying this ,right? She didn't say she wasn't going to do it. Maybe she should think about what comes out of her mouth some more. Like she ever does.
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'myours
Atypical Ravenclaw Bookworm // Hair Flipper Pro / / the edgy starbuckian // Hot Messie
Lana nodded politely at the return greeting. It was good to hear that Lafay was okay enough to be there. Maybe looks were just decieving and all would be well later. It really wasn't her place to questioning anyway, so she just let it be as it was.
Hearing the question, she sat there and pondered it for a moment. She had a lot of dreams, she knew this; but remembering them was always the hardest part. She could remember bits and pieces of them, but whole dreams were the problem.
Raising her hand slowly, she figured maybe as bit of a dream would work too. "I dreamed I was lost somewhere. Not really sure where I was but, I know I was lost." Yup, that was pretty much as she could remember from the dreams last night.
Sierra walked in the classroom and spared only a split second to glance up at the professor sitting in front of the room. Her eyes very briefly looked into her mother's eyes, and she swallowed hard. She couldn't bare to look any longer, though, so with a quick blink, she was back to just staring at her feet. Her lip wibbled like she might cry any second, but she never did. She sat down in her seat and took out her Potions text. She could just quietly read before class got underway...
What she was really doing, though, was avoiding looking at her mother. This was the hardest thing she'd ever been through. Even harder than what had happened with her birth mother. Maybe it'd just be best if this class hurried and ended...
There were just way too many people asking if her mother was alright. Even though Sierra knew they meant well, it just made it so much harder to hear them. She just wanted to cover her ears and block it out. Wonder if she could get an excuse for staying out of class today?
Potions was usually one of the lessons Kennedy was eager to go to, and don't get him wrong, he still was, but Lafay's predicament sort of took away that excitement. Not that he wasn't interested in the lesson, but...he worried and he hated seeing Sierra upset.
So, it was obvious he was sat next to her. That and he wouldn't sit anywhere else.
Kennedy nudged her shoulder with his a little and sent her a small grin. That might not do much, but it expressed that he was there for her, and if it wasn't for Professor Lafay's keen sight then he'd comfort her.
Merlin, he was starting to sound like a Hufflepuff.
Originally Posted by Droo
"Alright you may or may not have heard, I'm a bit under the weather..." Understatement of the year... "But I will be just fine. Healers are working around the clock, so don't think I'm leaving you anytime soon."
"Let's start class, shall we? Can anyone tell me IF and What they dreamed last night?" She asked the class.
Under the weather? M'hm, right.
Kennedy glanced down at the piece of parchment he had taken out and tapped his quill on his other hand and stopped when Professor Lafay asked the question.
Hmm.... Weeeeell...
He still had nightmares of the day of the attack, that couldn't be considered as a dream, could it? Yes, it could, but he wasn't about to share THAT because...well, his father was involved in that, but he could share what the dream sort of related to. Kennedy raised his hand and said, "My dream was about me dueling..." It was true.
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
Originally Posted by Droo
"Good Morning Master Vanderbilt," And then she stared at him. Anything he could help with? Yeah, work on a cure... "Just be available to help your under classmates."
"Alright you may or may not have heard, I'm a bit under the weather..." Understatement of the year... "But I will be just fine. Healers are working around the clock, so don't think I'm leaving you anytime soon."
"Let's start class, shall we? Can anyone tell me IF and What they dreamed last night?" She asked the class.
He nodded his head silently at the Professor's reply. He could feel there was something she wanted to say but naturally she would respond the way she did. The fact that she was still holding a class despite her condition meant she was one tough lady. Not that he didnt know about that beforehand anyway.
When he's settled into his usual station and lined up his Potions things he looked up when the Professor started with her lesson. A dream theme... much like it was in Divination. Now what about his dream last night? Errrr..... that cant be discussed in front of the entire class for certain private reasons, but he can just say what recurring dreams he sometimes have "Professor, I keep having a recurring dream of something that happened to me as a child. I fell from a ski lift and I've been having dreams of falling ever since."
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Originally Posted by Droo
Ahhh yes. The boy was in her office when her began showing symptoms. "Master Odessa, I'm glad it didn't scare you away." She said and gave the boy a polite nod. She didn't really care if she scared the students. But what had happened, shouldn't have happened.
"Alright you may or may not have heard, I'm a bit under the weather..." Understatement of the year... "But I will be just fine. Healers are working around the clock, so don't think I'm leaving you anytime soon."
"Let's start class, shall we? Can anyone tell me IF and What they dreamed last night?" She asked the class.
"Of course not, Professor." West said quietly surprised. It had been weird and gross and everything but he didn't equate Lafay with scary at all, horrible symptoms or otherwise.
He nodded at the 'start the class thing and then put his hand up.
"I did." He paused, "I dreamed that I was on an island with my dad and my sister, and me and my sister were going swimming, but the island was all cliffs, and she said if I jumped off first, she'd jump off after me, and I jumped, and then she didn't, and I couldn't get back up and she wouldn't help me so I had to swim around the whole island, and I got so tired and I couldn't go any further and then I found a vine and I climbed up and when I got to the top there, my team was up there, and looking for me. And then they helped me get home, and my dad was so happy to see me, and it turned out it wasn't Aspen at all, and my dad said we had to wait for the real Aspen to come back and that she would once she was done growing up."
Dreams never made any sense, right?
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Originally Posted by Droo
"Alright you may or may not have heard, I'm a bit under the weather..." Understatement of the year... "But I will be just fine. Healers are working around the clock, so don't think I'm leaving you anytime soon."
"Let's start class, shall we? Can anyone tell me IF and What they dreamed last night?" She asked the class.
Vivi was excited about Potions class. It had been such a useless endeavor back at Beauxbatons, and being the daughter of a Potions Master meant that she was all too aware that she was being cheated out of a proper education.
At the question (which wasn't potiony, but she asked, so Vivi responded), her hand shot up. "Professor, normally I don't remember my dreams, but last night, I dreamed that I was having a picnic with a giant grizzly bear with a fox tail wearing a little top hat. And the bear made us muffins out of twigs and mud and wanted me to eat one, only I don't like how mud tastes." And she KNEW that because she had a little brother. "But I was hungry, so I finally took the muffin, only the grizzly had already given it away."
She was hungry right now, actually. Funny how that worked.
Mika was sitting in the middle of the room and tapping her forehead as she wondered what would happen when she revealed her dream. Her dream hadn't made any sense at all. She furrowed her eyebrow before she spoke.
"I-ummmmgh. I dreamed that I was swimming in a pond of chocolate and then i lost all of my teeth - and they melted...and then i walked through a wall and ended up in i think it was the Slytherin house" she shrugged. Because she didn't know what it was. "and then there was the school falling into the lake and everyone turned into merpeople." She shrugged. "I think i'm crazy Professor"...yeah she thought she was.
And why was Professor Lafay drooling?
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
"Well thank you for that Miss..." she looked at her roster, "Miss Solster, but I assure you, I'm fine."
"Good to hear that, Professor. I'm sure everything's going to be alright.", she said to Professor Lafay. She walked in front of the class and took a seat.
"Alright you may or may not have heard, I'm a bit under the weather..." Understatement of the year... "But I will be just fine. Healers are working around the clock, so don't think I'm leaving you anytime soon."
"Let's start class, shall we? Can anyone tell me IF and What they dreamed last night?" She asked the class.
Befelda seemed a little confused. What does dream got to do with Potions? Isn't it more related to Divination?, she thought to herself.
She suddenly remembered her dream last night. She hastily raised her hand. "Professor, I dreamed about my Dad last night, teaching me how to fly on a broomstick and how to catch the Golden Snitch the fastest way. My Dad was a Seeker in his class back then.", she said.
Eliza tried to observe Professor Lafay from her desk without being noticed. She was concerned for the woman and could see it was difficult for her to hide that she wasn't feeling well. I hope she's going to be all right, she thought to herself. She had never met the woman before, but she felt a sadness for her. It was one thing to get a cold, that Eliza didn't worry much about, but the way the other students were treating this professor had her thinking the worst. She didn't know diddly squat about healing, or much about magic at all really, otherwise she would've tried to charm something to make her smile for a minute. She always felt better when her mom made her smile while she was sick. Maybe it wasn't the same with adults though.
The little Ravenclaw tried to remember what she had dreamt last night. I wonder if this will tie in with Divination somehow... Recalling bits and pieces, she raised her hand and answered, "Last night I dreamt that I was climbing a tower..." She tried to recall more details. "...a really tall tower, but the sun was in my eyes so it was hard to make my way." She thought there had been something she was trying to reach but she couldn't think of what it was. "And then there were vines, living, moving vines - and they tried to help me up." She wondered what the professor would think of them based on their dreams. Especially the students she'd never met before. This could be interesting, she thought.
First Divination and now Potions? What was with these classes and dreams?
Ethan was a bit reluctant to share the recurring dream that he had again last night. After all, weren't dreams kinda... personal? Still, Lafay did not look like someone who thought of class participation as optional... no matter how ill she may be. Perhaps he could relay it without some of the more personal details.
The fifth year raised his hand and answered, "I dreamt that I was riding in one of those Muggle... er, trucks. I'm not sure who was operating it... I couldn't see the face, but it must've been someone I knew because I had a sorta familiar feeling about him in my dream. Anyway, we were crossing a bridge in this truck... one of those bridges that are meant for walking over with the wooden slats. A few of the slats were missing and I was really worried that we were going to fall into the water... but we made it across safely." That was enough, wasn't it? Bizarre, yes... but just enough info without anything too personal.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Aidan's eyes were glued on the Potions Mistress. Not only because he was most fascinated with Potions. But because of the stories he's heard. That she's part Dragon. That she BREATHES FIRE. Oh boy, did he want to see that. He hardly even dared to blink.
PLUS, she said she was feeling under the weather. Maybe SPARKS would come out if she sneezed.
...The boy didn't know what his dream had to do with Potions. But the Dragon Lady did ask for it. And he was most eager to excel in Potions. So, "I had a dream that I went to the Great Hall and there was no more food so I went back to the dormitories but couldn't get inside until someone came and helped." That actually did happen yesterday. The getting stuck outside the common room bit. It happened a lot.
a practical person, who may be considered a perfectionist,
perhaps you like being organised or paying close attention to detail, you are...
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Dreams? Interesting. You really never could know what to expect in Hecate's class. He tried and tried to think about what he'd dreamed last night, and he had a very fuzzy recollection of what it was. It was really crazy and people would probably think he had too much sugar before going to bed.
He raised his hand. "Well Professor, last night I had a REALLY weird dream. I was riding around in a big blue box with some man with a bowtie. Then we crashed and I had to run away from a future version of myself who was trying to sell shoes to me, and then I ended up in this big city that was under attack by a giant bat and a scarecrow," he explained.
Yeah, he didn't understand it either.
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
"Of course I'm not going to burn the table," she answered Elliot, somewhat pouting. She was careless most of the time and spilled potion ingredients frequently, but she certainly wasn't clumsy enough for her to burn anything that didn't need burning.
She turned her attention back to the Professor greeting her peers that was entering when a figure passed by her, she sent the Ravenclaw Prefect a furtive look once he had sat down. Just what was it now? Still going to ignore her?
After a few minutes, Professor Lafay was at the front. Yeah, she certainly did appear to be a bit under weather. Beezus wondered what might've caused this. But finding it more appropriate to shut her mouth at the woman's class, she didn't voice it out. Instead, she pointed herself to her question, cue that class has started.
Dreams, huh? Just like in Divination?
She couldn't really remember most of her dreams and last night's was no different. "I can't exactly remember everything about my dream last night Professor but there were doors.. lots of them," made of different material, different design.. "..and when I open one and step in I keep going back to that same place with the many doors." There were also differences on the ambiance when she opens a door, what those were she couldn't remember. She even thought hard if she had found her way out in that dream.
"Alright you may or may not have heard, I'm a bit under the weather..." Understatement of the year... "But I will be just fine. Healers are working around the clock, so don't think I'm leaving you anytime soon."
"Let's start class, shall we? Can anyone tell me IF and What they dreamed last night?" She asked the class.
Laura smiled at her twin sister before raising her hand and replying. "I dreamed that I was locked in a dungeon with someone." Laura wasn't going to say who, she didn't want to get into trouble. "And then they just left me down there for ages and ages and ages and ages." Laura sighed. "It was horrible." Laura sighed, and now she was reliving the experience.
♥ Socelyn | #Jeness | S W A G | ShortPerson&TallPerson | Nade ♥
Landon Hughes fixed his hair as he listened to Professor Lefay talk about how she was under the weather and all. Sure, he was a bit worried for her, but if she said she was alright. He guessed she was alright.
Right. Starting the lesson. So what did he dream of last night?
The now fifteen-year-old raised his hand and said, "I did dream last night and it was about how I was on a professional quidditch team. I won the game and after I won, my prize was all the food in the entire world." He ended his little statement with a big grin on his face. That dream was definitely on the top of his best dreams ever list.
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
Originally Posted by Droo
"Alright you may or may not have heard, I'm a bit under the weather..." Understatement of the year... "But I will be just fine. Healers are working around the clock, so don't think I'm leaving you anytime soon."
"Let's start class, shall we? Can anyone tell me IF and What they dreamed last night?" She asked the class.
Professor Lafay was under the weather? Huh? Was she sick? Alice had no idea. Alice didn't really realize that Professors had lives outside of teaching children as well. She figured Lafay just popped out of thin air to teach them. She didn't know that they could get sick, either. Someone really needed to explain this stuff to her. The lioness was way overdue for an explanation.
The Gryffindor raised her hand. "Professor, I imagined that, in class, I had brewed a potion that could cause one to become immune to love germs." And what a miraculous dream it was. "Then, they repaid the favor in ice cream, sugary waffle cones, and doughnuts." Lovely dream. And all of that candy.. she could almost taste it..
Beam. Beam. Beam.
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
Emmanuelle was about to wave back at Cassia, but then Professor Lafay started class and she didn't think it would be a good idea. Especially since the professor had actually admitted to not feeling a 100%. But, if she said she was going to be fine, then it was probably just a particularly bad cold and nothing really to worry about.
Dreams? Again? Well, at least it wasn't likely that they about to try to read something into them, unlike Divination. Nope, this probably had something to do with the potion that they were going to be making today. Maybe a way to avoid nightmares? But still, she didn't really like the idea of sharing her dream with the class. Whatever happened in her brain, stayed in her brain. "I don't really remember my dream." Nope, nobody really needed to know that she was dreaming of a certain shirtless wonder.....
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Ravenpuff | Cap'n Crunch | Bedtime Queen | O Minion, My Minion
Okay so this was Pao's first Potions class. And he'd heard the Professor was really tough. And really mean. And really... not Hufflepuff-y. So was he going to share his dream last night? No way... mostly because he hadn't HAD a dream last night. The Mancini clan didn't dream. They were hard sleepers.
So instead of answering the question, he contented himself with writing a heading at the top of his parchment. POTIONS LESSON ONE. Then he listened to all the older and braver students talk about their various dreams.
"Just Fine, Miss Wilson." She said waving it off.
"Alright you may or may not have heard, I'm a bit under the weather..." Understatement of the year... "But I will be just fine. Healers are working around the clock, so don't think I'm leaving you anytime soon."
"Let's start class, shall we? Can anyone tell me IF and What they dreamed last night?" She asked the class.
Ira just nodded and smiles slightly. Potions was her favorite subject, so she did like Lafay a little, only because sh was the Potions mistress.
Ira had had chosen to sit somewhere in the middle, and had started doodling, when she suddenly perked up as Professor began her lecture. Under the weather? Yeah, almost everyone knew about that. Ira smirked as Professor mentioned about her not leaving anytime soon. Of course not!
Dreams? Maybe Ira did have dreams, but she surely didn't remember them. "I don't remember my dreams Professor.. but maybe I had one." Yeah, she surely had one, seeing that she had woken up in a happy mood. Especially considering that she wasn't a morning person! "Sometimes our moods are influenced by the dreams, aren't they Professor?"
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Originally Posted by Droo
... *sigh*
"Miss Greingoth, no matter what the circumstances, I expect respect from my students and for them to greet me or any other professor, upon entering their classroom." She gave her a sad smile, "Don't make me owl your father."
"Alright you may or may not have heard, I'm a bit under the weather..." Understatement of the year... "But I will be just fine. Healers are working around the clock, so don't think I'm leaving you anytime soon."
"Let's start class, shall we? Can anyone tell me IF and What they dreamed last night?" She asked the class.
Hearing her name, Sierra glanced up. The look on her face hadn't changed much. Deep in her eyes there was a look of sorrow, one that was the result of months of pain she'd endured. She nodded in understanding, although she still didn't greet her mother. She just didn't feel up to being happy when things weren't happy at the moment. She did a tiny smirk in response to what was said about her father.
At least the announcement to the class, the one about not leaving them anytime soon, gave a little bit of promise. Sierra sighed softly then raised her hand. "I...didn't exactly have a dream last night," she said. It'd been more of a nightmare, and she was out of the potion she used to control them and hadn't wanted to bother her mother for more.
"...but I was in this labyrinth, and I was walking so, so far, but no matter how far I walked, I just got deeper and deeper. I could hear my mother calling for me, but...I never could reach her," she said. That was very vulnerable of her to share, but she was in one of her most vulnerable times right now.
Last edited by Anna Banana; 09-29-2012 at 03:55 AM.
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
A dream that that they had last night? Oakey couldn't remember the dream he had last night. If he had to try and remember there was a Monkey involved, or maybe that was Elijah?
Maybe he could go with a dream he has been having occasionally. "I had a dream that I was walking up a long spiral tower, the Astronomy Tower maybe, or the stair that lead to the Divination classroom? Anyways I would reach the top of the tower, but there was no room just the end of the steps and one door. I open the door and I would end up at the bottom of the tower again. I climb it again and this time it seems to be longer. Once I reached the top there was still nothing but the door. I would open it end up, and be at the bottom again."
Oakey thought this dream was disturbing. Not nightmare disturbing, just annoying disturbing. He wanted the dream to stop, or that door to take him somewhere different.