Well that was it... they were heading off now.
"Goodbye... see you next lesson.... have a good day," she said to various students as they departed. She took the Mooncalf Solution vials from them and placed them deep in her pockets.
She looked up as Alyssa approached her...
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Alyssa heard the Professor call them to finish up what they were doing as class had ended for the day. As she was just about to use the Bolting Charm on a branch that had been almost ripped from it's other half that was still attached to the tree trunk, she decided that she would finish up working on it. She applied a drop of Mooncalf solution on the broken ends of the branch. Then slowly lifted the broken end until its edges lined up exactly with the other end of the branch.
Now for the tricky part. Alyssa took out her wand and concentrated intently on the Bolting Charm and what she intended for it to do. When she was ready to cast the spell, she jabbed her wand at the spot that needed binding together and said the words to the incantation,"PARIO CLAUSTRUM".
Just like before, a screw, bolt and washer flew out from the tip of her wand and attached itself to the branch, securing it. Alyssa examined the branch to make sure that it had been secured properly before gently letting it go. The branch looked almost brand new except of course for the bolt securing it.
Alyssa then packed up her things and walked up to the Professor, handed over her vials of Mooncalf Solution to her. "Thank you for another interesting lesson. Would it be okay if I came back during my spare time and help fix up the other plants?" Alyssa asked the Professor.
Smiling, she replied,
"Alyssa... this is the Student Garden, you do not need my permission to come here."
Not that there was much left, and while the students were at their next lesson she would personally see to it that the Garden was cleaned up. There was no way she could walk away if there was still work to be done... that was like hitting someone with your flying carpet and failing to stop. Just rude!
"Alright the rest of you! Time to clear off or you'll be late for your next class!" she called out, ushering the last few students out of trees and directing them toward the castle.