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Ducks, fifteen in all and quite possibly already named, live in this pond. Go on, take a seat on the rocky ledge and dip your feet into the water! Rest assured, these ducks will not bite, but if you just so happen to have any type of bread or cookies on you at the time, the ducks have been known to take without asking.
Waylon keeps a good eye on the pond and the ducks, so no funny business.
Text Cut: And to my lovely Emily, whom I hate for making me Seek. =P
Originally Posted by hpluvr037
All in all, he was beginning to find their conversation a bit confusing. This was almost exclusively his own fault, mind you. He wasn't sure how Kate was supposed to understand anything he said when he kept changing it. But she must have been sharp, because she was staying on top of it, smiling the whole while. "Then.. I'm not sorry, I suppose!" Even though she had just been telling him not to take things back and change what he said. But she'd also just told him to not be sorry. And that trumps the first bit, right? He hoped so. "You're welcome," he said, smiling with ease. His stomach felt a bit lighter as he watched her grin.
He took a deep breath and sighed in a contented manner. His initial awkwardness was wearing off, which was fortunate for both parties involved. She didn't seem.. disappointed at all by his answer. In fact, she had thought that sounded nice! Like she almost wants to go with me. It wouldn't be an obligation. His grin expanded to the full width of his face at this thought, his eyes absently following her hair as it bounced to and fro. "Great, we'll try to make it happen, then." And I'll definitely not be scheduling practice on that day. People want to enjoy the village anyways, right? It wouldn't be fair of me to take that opportunity away from them... Definitely not.
Her next statement, well, question, was somewhat random. Though we had been talking about Quidditch, so I guess not too much. "I support the Montrose Magpies, actually. They're based not far from my home in Scotland. I used to go to matches with da' every year as a birthday present." They also happened to be the most successful team in history, but there was no need to rub it in or gloat. "And you?"
Sitting up a bit more, he tore off a chunk of bread and threw is aimlessly into the pond, then watched as three waterfowl descended on it and began to peck incessantly, all vying for the same prize. He obliged the two losers by sending two more pieces in their direction. Finished, he put both arms behind him to brace himself. When he set down his right hand, he mistakenly laid it on top of hers. His eyes bulged and panic flooded his system. His neck cracked as his head whipped around to see her reaction. He lifted his hand jerkily as if it were touching a hot surface. "S-sorry," he stammered.
Now she was only smiling, not as wide as before, but it was a smile nonetheless. Why wasn't it that big? Because she was certain she'd confused him a little bit. It was best if they let go everything involving being sorry or not. Taking stuff back or not doing so. Kate could blame that on him, though, but she wouldn't.
Her smile did grow when her 'thanks' were accepted.
"Definitely," she said, and it was seriously genuine, the smile on her face. Then again, who else should accompany her to Hogsmeade? Certainly not West. Kurumi...even if she seemed nice, the girl was probably going to be freaking out if there was some running around on behalf on some kids. Then there was Eve, who she still needed to talk to a bit more. So, she'll be going with Keefer...if, as he said, Quidditch didn't get in the way.
Not that Quidditch ever got in the way of anything. Never.
Then when he answered what his favorite team was...or the team he supported, actually, it wasn't a surprise that it had to be one of the most successful teams in history. Scotland. That's where he got the accent from, of course. Kate just listened, she was very fond of hearing his voice, by the way, perhaps that's why she'd rather have him say whatever was on his mind, because he got to speak a lot more. And as far as her favorite team...., "The Heidelberg Harriers," she nodded, a smile on her face, "Same as my father," and that's as far as Quidditch goes in her family since no one else was a real fan of the sport. They could all go to a game, but whatever defined a fan, didn't define the whole family, only Kate and her father followed the on-goings of the team. And yes, she knew who Vindictus was. "We didn't go to games as often as we'd liked, though," even if it could be a sad thought, her voice held no hint of sadness at all.
The unthinkable happened when his hand landed on hers by accident. Why was he apologizing? And what was going on in his mind? Because his reaction was a very amusing one. At least he wasn't blushing. That would've been the cherry on top when it came to cuteness. "It's...nothing to apologize for, really," she said, in a sweet tone that matched her smile. Truth be told, she'd rather he wouldn't have lifted his hand.
Let's go back to Quidditch, it was safer at this point. "Have you thought about playing Quidditch professionally?" If he liked the Magpies, and got chosen by that team...he'd have no issues with the uniform and his hair color. A plus.
Serial Prankster • Troloholic • Like a BAWS • Brae the Lionheart & Lion Cub • AnDee & Melsse
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
What in the feathers!!? Louisa's eyes bulged out of her head as she stared at the thimble sized shoe on his palm. Her hand came up to her mouth to cover the grin that was forming on her face.. she wanted to laugh, no he should laugh with her too. Come oooonn it was funny! Although it insulted Louisa's skills... the girl was actually finding it humorous.
"Okay, let's not freak out." She was stifling her laugh and her voice came out trembling just a tad, "I probably should've mentioned that my nonverbal skills are still growing." Funny how she did an easy spell out loud and the harder one nonverbally. Heh heh heh.
With her wand in hand, she asked carefully, "D-do you want me to repair it for you?" Louisa tried SO hard not to let her laugh surface at this point. Her cat had approached them by then and seeing the boy with this not-so-happy look on his face, she went over to his bare foot and started rubbing her head against it affectionately. The Ravenclaw looked down at her cat and a pang of jealousy hit her... she didn't show it though... much.
"Well." She started, "If the stuck-up Viola is trying to console... you sure are one of a kind." The girl then shot her cat a look, again, and returned her gaze up to Edric, "Do you want to use my wand?" she sighed, giving up on taking responsibility here. BUT HE WAS GOING NOWHERE UNTIL HE FORGAVE HER. So.. he shouldn't get his hopes up.
Edric was just staring at his once-normal-sized shoe in disbelief as Louisa spoke. He could sense a sort of… shakiness to her voice. What-- was she about to cry? Oh Merlin, this was just great. He was supposed to not make people cry anymore this term! ;____;
Then he looked up at the girl.
HA! Louisa was about to burst into laughter, not tears! Edric furrowed his brows disapprovingly at her. No remorse, this girl! Hmph.
And then Louisa asked the most FRIGHTENING question Edric had heard all day today - 'Do you want me to repair it for you?'
"Oh, I don't know… you did so well 'fixing the situation' for me earlier, that I'd have to be crazy to say no now," started the cynical boy, "But… as it turns out, I am crazy, so… no." Nope. No. Never in a million years. Thank you very much.
Next thing Edric knew, the girl's cat was rubbing against his foot. D'awwwwwwww. Wait, no-- Edric Theodore Barlow had no feelings. So he remained expressionless as he gazed at the furry creature for a moment before looking up again as - ah! Louisa had made a smart suggestion!
"That would be great, actually. Thank you," said Edric with a half-smile as he held his hand out.
Alrighty, gurl. Wand. Hand it ovah.
Edric was just staring at his once-normal-sized shoe in disbelief as Louisa spoke. He could sense a sort of… shakiness to her voice. What-- was she about to cry? Oh Merlin, this was just great. He was supposed to not make people cry anymore this term! ;____;
Then he looked up at the girl.
HA! Louisa was about to burst into laughter, not tears! Edric furrowed his brows disapprovingly at her. No remorse, this girl! Hmph.
And then Louisa asked the most FRIGHTENING question Edric had heard all day today - 'Do you want me to repair it for you?'
"Oh, I don't know… you did so well 'fixing the situation' for me earlier, that I'd have to be crazy to say no now," started the cynical boy, "But… as it turns out, I am crazy, so… no." Nope. No. Never in a million years. Thank you very much.
Next thing Edric knew, the girl's cat was rubbing against his foot. D'awwwwwwww. Wait, no-- Edric Theodore Barlow had no feelings. So he remained expressionless as he gazed at the furry creature for a moment before looking up again as - ah! Louisa had made a smart suggestion!
"That would be great, actually. Thank you," said Edric with a half-smile as he held his hand out.
Alrighty, gurl. Wand. Hand it ovah.
Louisa squinted her eyes at Edric, her wand still clutched tightly with her hand and lying on her shoulder like a bat about to strike. "Huh. You, Edric Barlow, are even more sarcastic than I am." Her serious expression turned to a grin as she hopped away from him, "I take that as a challenge between thee and me!" She bellowed in the most dramatic tone she could muster, pointing her wand at him, "I'm not going to lend you my magical staff before we become acquainted with each other." Louisa moved her wand to her cat, that was now settled down on his foot, "Even her majesty, Viola, thinks you're worthy."
The girl let her wand down and started laughing, "Okay, okay, my throat hurts a bit from all the deep voice thing. Anyways, I am serious." She let her face fall, "I'm not letting you resize your shoe until I know you have nothing against me or my cat that's now sleeping on your foot," she said matter-of-factly.
Crossing her arms, she waited for him to decide how exactly would he want them to socialize. Or how would he NOT want them to socialize. Either way, she had a plan. Sort of. And she had the upper hand with the hand in her literal hand..... was that too many hands?
Serial Prankster • Troloholic • Like a BAWS • Brae the Lionheart & Lion Cub • AnDee & Melsse
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
Louisa squinted her eyes at Edric, her wand still clutched tightly with her hand and lying on her shoulder like a bat about to strike. "Huh. You, Edric Barlow, are even more sarcastic than I am." Her serious expression turned to a grin as she hopped away from him, "I take that as a challenge between thee and me!" She bellowed in the most dramatic tone she could muster, pointing her wand at him, "I'm not going to lend you my magical staff before we become acquainted with each other." Louisa moved her wand to her cat, that was now settled down on his foot, "Even her majesty, Viola, thinks you're worthy."
The girl let her wand down and started laughing, "Okay, okay, my throat hurts a bit from all the deep voice thing. Anyways, I am serious." She let her face fall, "I'm not letting you resize your shoe until I know you have nothing against me or my cat that's now sleeping on your foot," she said matter-of-factly.
Crossing her arms, she waited for him to decide how exactly would he want them to socialize. Or how would he NOT want them to socialize. Either way, she had a plan. Sort of. And she had the upper hand with the hand in her literal hand..... was that too many hands?
Edric watched with mild surprise as Louisa suddenly began to hop and wave her wand around in one of the most dramatic theatric acts he had ever witnessed. Well, well, well! The girl had humour. He liked that.
As the Ravenclaw returned to her normal self, Edric clapped his hands.
And then the boy was being challenged. Challenged to - eek! - socialize. Guhhhhhh. Wasn't knowing his name, year, and House enough!? What else did he have to share with her or do with her before she'd just give him the wand?! HIS SOCK WAS DIRTY! Was this even worth it anymore!?
He really did want that shoe back, though.
"O-kay…" Edric thought for a moment. What could he do with Louisa and her cat that would be brief, painless, and enough for the girl to hand her weapon over? "Would you like to… uh…" He looked down at his hand. He still had half a loaf of bread. "Feed the ducks with me?" he suggested.
Edric watched with mild surprise as Louisa suddenly began to hop and wave her wand around in one of the most dramatic theatric acts he had ever witnessed. Well, well, well! The girl had humour. He liked that.
As the Ravenclaw returned to her normal self, Edric clapped his hands.
And then the boy was being challenged. Challenged to - eek! - socialize. Guhhhhhh. Wasn't knowing his name, year, and House enough!? What else did he have to share with her or do with her before she'd just give him the wand?! HIS SOCK WAS DIRTY! Was this even worth it anymore!?
He really did want that shoe back, though.
"O-kay…" Edric thought for a moment. What could he do with Louisa and her cat that would be brief, painless, and enough for the girl to hand her weapon over? "Would you like to… uh…" He looked down at his hand. He still had half a loaf of bread. "Feed the ducks with me?" he suggested.
Louisa waited for him for ten..eleven...twelve.. THIRTEEN seconds it took the guy to surrender agree. She nodded vigorously, tucked her wand in and walked over to him. "Why of course I would." She might as well do a courtesy bow but her uniform skirt wouldn't allow such a classy gesture. "Be careful not to step on my devil cat, though," shooting him a glare. She wasn't going to get her second kitty to die on someone's hand... or foot.
The girl held her palm up for him to hand her some of the food he was carrying in his hand all this time, "We need to be careful not to be seen by Daichi, the Duckinator," she mused, "He's a Slytherin boy who's just so in love in ducks it sometimes creeps me out." Louisa looked around in case the boy was nearby and she'd point him out to Edric for further reference, "He even made us wear duck feet slippers in one of the classes." Her face expression said aaaaalll about her disgust.
His turn to socialize, "Why did you move from your old school to Hogwarts?"
Serial Prankster • Troloholic • Like a BAWS • Brae the Lionheart & Lion Cub • AnDee & Melsse
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
Louisa waited for him for ten..eleven...twelve.. THIRTEEN seconds it took the guy to surrender agree. She nodded vigorously, tucked her wand in and walked over to him. "Why of course I would." She might as well do a courtesy bow but her uniform skirt wouldn't allow such a classy gesture. "Be careful not to step on my devil cat, though," shooting him a glare. She wasn't going to get her second kitty to die on someone's hand... or foot.
The girl held her palm up for him to hand her some of the food he was carrying in his hand all this time, "We need to be careful not to be seen by Daichi, the Duckinator," she mused, "He's a Slytherin boy who's just so in love in ducks it sometimes creeps me out." Louisa looked around in case the boy was nearby and she'd point him out to Edric for further reference, "He even made us wear duck feet slippers in one of the classes." Her face expression said aaaaalll about her disgust.
His turn to socialize, "Why did you move from your old school to Hogwarts?"
Edric gave Louisa half of the half-bread he was still carrying. So now each was carrying just tiny pieces of bread; it might last them to feed three ducks each.
The Gryffindor had almost forgotten about the cat snuggled up on his foot until Louisa pointed it out.
Oh. Right.
But the cat was curled up on his foot, how was he supposed to walk now!? Scared that the cat might wake up and dig its claws deep into his unprotected foot if he woke it up, Edric lifted the foot - cat still curled up on top of it - veeeeeeeery carefully. So, carrying the cat on his foot, the boy walked back over toward the pond and threw a tiny piece of bread. The ducks immediately caught it.
Edric turned to Louisa with a raised eyebrow as she went on about a 'Duckinator'. Wut?
"That sounds… well, just like the kind of person I'd like to avoid." Seriously. Duck feet slippers? No thank you.
And then they were moving on to personal questions. Edric glanced down at the baby shoe in his left hand and sighed. Fiiiiiiiiiiine. He'd have to be all social and friendly if he wanted to walk back to the castle in both shoes.
"Um…" Honestly? Edric didn't feel like explaining the whole story about how he'd been expelled. Sooooooo… he lied. "We moved. And… Hogwarts was closer. So here I am." Mmhmm. Thurr ya go.
Edric gave Louisa half of the half-bread he was still carrying. So now each was carrying just tiny pieces of bread; it might last them to feed three ducks each.
The Gryffindor had almost forgotten about the cat snuggled up on his foot until Louisa pointed it out.
Oh. Right.
But the cat was curled up on his foot, how was he supposed to walk now!? Scared that the cat might wake up and dig its claws deep into his unprotected foot if he woke it up, Edric lifted the foot - cat still curled up on top of it - veeeeeeeery carefully. So, carrying the cat on his foot, the boy walked back over toward the pond and threw a tiny piece of bread. The ducks immediately caught it.
Edric turned to Louisa with a raised eyebrow as she went on about a 'Duckinator'. Wut?
"That sounds… well, just like the kind of person I'd like to avoid." Seriously. Duck feet slippers? No thank you.
And then they were moving on to personal questions. Edric glanced down at the baby shoe in his left hand and sighed. Fiiiiiiiiiiine. He'd have to be all social and friendly if he wanted to walk back to the castle in both shoes.
"Um…" Honestly? Edric didn't feel like explaining the whole story about how he'd been expelled. Sooooooo… he lied. "We moved. And… Hogwarts was closer. So here I am." Mmhmm. Thurr ya go.
Viola did not wake up, if anything the cat snuggled more onto the corner of his foot and ankle. Louisa threw some of the bread to the ducks, eyed her cat, and raised her eyebrows at him in surprise, "Really? Where did you guys move to? Hogsmeade?" It was the closest to Hogwarts, right? And that meant that Edric was from a magical family so extra info was totally earning him more points in this challenge.
Louisa gotta catch up to this, "I've been here since year one." She watched the two ducks trying to catch the bread she'd thrown, "Honestly, I can't believe I'm almost graduating." It was all like a blink of an eye. "Did you decide what you're going to do after Hogwarts?" The girl turned her head to look at him curiously.
With someone like him... she'd saaaaaaay... Azkaban employee, the dementors wouldn't have any 'feelings' to feed on. And no, that wasn't mean, that was logical and again Louisa was nothing if not logical.
"I can't decide," she sighed, throwing the duck some more of the bread bits in her hand.
Serial Prankster • Troloholic • Like a BAWS • Brae the Lionheart & Lion Cub • AnDee & Melsse
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
Viola did not wake up, if anything the cat snuggled more onto the corner of his foot and ankle. Louisa threw some of the bread to the ducks, eyed her cat, and raised her eyebrows at him in surprise, "Really? Where did you guys move to? Hogsmeade?" It was the closest to Hogwarts, right? And that meant that Edric was from a magical family so extra info was totally earning him more points in this challenge.
Louisa gotta catch up to this, "I've been here since year one." She watched the two ducks trying to catch the bread she'd thrown, "Honestly, I can't believe I'm almost graduating." It was all like a blink of an eye. "Did you decide what you're going to do after Hogwarts?" The girl turned her head to look at him curiously.
With someone like him... she'd saaaaaaay... Azkaban employee, the dementors wouldn't have any 'feelings' to feed on. And no, that wasn't mean, that was logical and again Louisa was nothing if not logical.
"I can't decide," she sighed, throwing the duck some more of the bread bits in her hand.
Edric actually - HE ACTUALLY laughed when Louisa asked if he and his family had moved to Hogsmeade. I'm sorry, but that was funny. And the fact that she seemed completely serious and honest as she asked this only amused the Gryffindor even more. "No, not Hogsmeade…" He said no more than that, though, trying to get his expression back to normal.
Huh. So she'd been at Hogwarts since the very first year? Interesting. Edric would've liked to remain at Ashworth's 'til graduation, but… yeah, obviously that wasn't happening. He felt weird graduating from a new school he wasn't even all that used to yet. It was specially weird he had to take his classes and room with girls now, too. Let us not forget he came from an all-boys school. So… girls were weird specimens.
"Honestly, I've got no clue," Edric replied as Louisa asked what he wanted to do after school. "I like Herbology a lot. Maybe something in that field? I haven't decided yet."
Turns out Louisa was undecided too.
"Really? I thought you were going to take up Drama. Work on Shakespearean plays?" He was obviously referring to her earlier dramatic performance.
Doggy paddle? Evelyn grinned but her grin faded when she noticed how scared Blue looked. "Look. Never jump into the water again..until you learn to swim..okay? She wanted to make sure Blue understood what she was saying.
"I know you love him but..how can you even find him out there? The pond is quite big, you know." Evelyn said, waving her hand towards the pond. "He'll come back. You wait and see." She put an arm around Blue's shoulders and led her towards the grass. Gosh, she was literally shivering.
Evelyn quickly removed her wand and with a flick of her wrist, Blue was dry. moment later, she was dry as well. Replacing her wand in the pocket of her jeans, she looked at Blue, concern on her face. "Are you still upset?"
"OOOKKKAAAYYY." Blue grumbled. Thinking about it, it probably wasn't the best idea to jump in after her toad. Toad's could swim, right? RIIIIGGGHHHT? Well, tadpoals could anyway. They were all like, wriggle wriggle under water so maybe, seeing as they're baby toads, big adult toads could go wriggle wriggle in the water too!!!!
"And deeeeeep." Very very very deep. Or it seemed to be anyway to the tiny, ickle firstie. Maybe to a TALL seventh year oldie like her sister, Eve, the pond was just wide and biiig not deep. Blue let out a sigh of relief. Of course he'd come back if her AWESOME friend sister said so. Because Eve would NOT lie to Blue, right? 'Course not. Blue beamed up at her.
Blue sighed happily when her clothes were all warm and dry. "That's cool magic, that is!" She said pointing to Eve's wand. She pulled out her own and gave it a weird wave, sending yellow sparks out. "Will you teach me pretty pleeease? Wif sugar on top?" If she loved Blue, she would. And Blue loooved Eve.
Was she still upset? Blue went thoughtful for a moment before deciding, "I'd be a lot happier if I had hot chocolate." Note the hint. 'Blink innocently! Maybe she'll magic one up for yah with her awesome magic stuff!' Blue thought before...
Edric actually - HE ACTUALLY laughed when Louisa asked if he and his family had moved to Hogsmeade. I'm sorry, but that was funny. And the fact that she seemed completely serious and honest as she asked this only amused the Gryffindor even more. "No, not Hogsmeade…" He said no more than that, though, trying to get his expression back to normal.
Huh. So she'd been at Hogwarts since the very first year? Interesting. Edric would've liked to remain at Ashworth's 'til graduation, but… yeah, obviously that wasn't happening. He felt weird graduating from a new school he wasn't even all that used to yet. It was specially weird he had to take his classes and room with girls now, too. Let us not forget he came from an all-boys school. So… girls were weird specimens.
"Honestly, I've got no clue," Edric replied as Louisa asked what he wanted to do after school. "I like Herbology a lot. Maybe something in that field? I haven't decided yet."
Turns out Louisa was undecided too.
"Really? I thought you were going to take up Drama. Work on Shakespearean plays?" He was obviously referring to her earlier dramatic performance.
Louisa's features beamed as he laughed. Edric LAUGHED! With his mouth and everything. Whew. Although... it wasn't really... the reasonable time to laugh since she asked him a very serious and casual question. "Not Hogsmeade? Daaarn, I was about to suggest you invite me over on our next weekend." GRIN. That wasn't entirely true though, she had a date with Adam... but she wanted to know how hard she could push.
He liked Herbology? That was her cue to roll her eyes, "I don't really get along with plants." Should she tell him about that stunt Lewis and herself had to do in their recent class? Proooobably not. He liked Herbology after all. "Charms is my favorite," she shared.
"Ha ha ha, very funny," she stuck her tongue out at him, throwing what's left of her bread onto the pond. "But, wait a minute, you know Shakespeare? You're not from a magical family, then." Not that it mattered, it just meant she was winning with this challenge, knowing so much about him already.
Louisa knelt down and started gently prying her cat off his foot. Viola meowed once or twice before letting go of the boy's foot. The Ravenclaw held her between her arms and smiled up at Edric, "See? Viola isn't all bad." She hopped closer to him and nodded at the cat, "Come on, pet her and let her know you've forgiven her." Coz Louisa loved her tabby stubborn devil pet all the way.
Serial Prankster • Troloholic • Like a BAWS • Brae the Lionheart & Lion Cub • AnDee & Melsse
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
Louisa's features beamed as he laughed. Edric LAUGHED! With his mouth and everything. Whew. Although... it wasn't really... the reasonable time to laugh since she asked him a very serious and casual question. "Not Hogsmeade? Daaarn, I was about to suggest you invite me over on our next weekend." GRIN. That wasn't entirely true though, she had a date with Adam... but she wanted to know how hard she could push.
He liked Herbology? That was her cue to roll her eyes, "I don't really get along with plants." Should she tell him about that stunt Lewis and herself had to do in their recent class? Proooobably not. He liked Herbology after all. "Charms is my favorite," she shared.
"Ha ha ha, very funny," she stuck her tongue out at him, throwing what's left of her bread onto the pond. "But, wait a minute, you know Shakespeare? You're not from a magical family, then." Not that it mattered, it just meant she was winning with this challenge, knowing so much about him already.
Louisa knelt down and started gently prying her cat off his foot. Viola meowed once or twice before letting go of the boy's foot. The Ravenclaw held her between her arms and smiled up at Edric, "See? Viola isn't all bad." She hopped closer to him and nodded at the cat, "Come on, pet her and let her know you've forgiven her." Coz Louisa loved her tabby stubborn devil pet all the way.
For some reason, Edric didn't feel too surprised when Louisa confessed that she and plants didn't get along very well. He couldn't imagine her dealing with plants. And Charms was her favourite subject?! That did surprise him. "That's unexpected," he commented. Not adding on why. Maybe because she'd kind of shrunk his shoe some five sizes with her charms skills?
And then Louisa was pointing out that he wasn't from a magical family. He narrowed his eyes slightly at her. The Ravenclaw was turning out to be more observant than he'd expected.
"Well… my father's a wizard and my mother's a muggle," explained the boy. So. Halfblood.
Next thing the Gryffindor knew, the cat that had once taken his foot for a bed was staring straight at him. He took a step back just as Louisa hopped toward him and demanded he pet the feline.
Edric suddenly turned a bit hopeful - did this mean she was FINALLY going to give him her wand?!
Surprisingly eager, Edric reached out toward the cat and patted its head gently a few times.
For some reason, Edric didn't feel too surprised when Louisa confessed that she and plants didn't get along very well. He couldn't imagine her dealing with plants. And Charms was her favourite subject?! That did surprise him. "That's unexpected," he commented. Not adding on why. Maybe because she'd kind of shrunk his shoe some five sizes with her charms skills?
And then Louisa was pointing out that he wasn't from a magical family. He narrowed his eyes slightly at her. The Ravenclaw was turning out to be more observant than he'd expected.
"Well… my father's a wizard and my mother's a muggle," explained the boy. So. Halfblood.
Next thing the Gryffindor knew, the cat that had once taken his foot for a bed was staring straight at him. He took a step back just as Louisa hopped toward him and demanded he pet the feline.
Edric suddenly turned a bit hopeful - did this mean she was FINALLY going to give him her wand?!
Surprisingly eager, Edric reached out toward the cat and patted its head gently a few times.
"So… I can have your wand now?"
Viola's head rocked up and down by the slight force of Edric's hand. It was emotionless and even the tabby cat got it. If you look closer, her face was like -__-. Louisa wasn't impressed, she just shook her head and nodded. "Fine, fine. You can take the wand. My right side." She maneuvered herself for him, it's in the holster fixed to her waistband. Just take it.
"That wasn't a pet, by the way. That was hitting a cat without any damaging force." Louisa commented, "You need to let the cat purr as you touch her. Watch," positioning Viola on her right arm awkwardly, Louisa used her left one to slowly and gently rub the cat's head until she purred, moved one of her paws over to her face affectionately.
Louisa grinned down at her success, "That makes me a winner, by the way." In the challenge thing. "Are we cool, though?" No hard feelings for... licking his shoe and then resizing it? "I'm still sure you'll laugh at this later on." The Ravenclaw said, trying to let out a convincing chuckle. But it was just nervous... and uncertain.
"OOOKKKAAAYYY." Blue grumbled. Thinking about it, it probably wasn't the best idea to jump in after her toad. Toad's could swim, right? RIIIIGGGHHHT? Well, tadpoals could anyway. They were all like, wriggle wriggle under water so maybe, seeing as they're baby toads, big adult toads could go wriggle wriggle in the water too!!!!
"And deeeeeep." Very very very deep. Or it seemed to be anyway to the tiny, ickle firstie. Maybe to a TALL seventh year oldie like her sister, Eve, the pond was just wide and biiig not deep. Blue let out a sigh of relief. Of course he'd come back if her AWESOME friend sister said so. Because Eve would NOT lie to Blue, right? 'Course not. Blue beamed up at her.
Blue sighed happily when her clothes were all warm and dry. "That's cool magic, that is!" She said pointing to Eve's wand. She pulled out her own and gave it a weird wave, sending yellow sparks out. "Will you teach me pretty pleeease? Wif sugar on top?" If she loved Blue, she would. And Blue loooved Eve.
Was she still upset? Blue went thoughtful for a moment before deciding, "I'd be a lot happier if I had hot chocolate." Note the hint. 'Blink innocently! Maybe she'll magic one up for yah with her awesome magic stuff!' Blue thought before...
Evelyn was really amused. She knew Blue was genuinely upset that she couldn't find her toad..but it wasn't like she lost him, right? Anyway, she really meant what she said. That toad would definitely come back. "Blue..why did you decide to name your toad..WMD?" She tried to hide the smile on her face. WMD, really? It was a little weird, you have to admit.
"Exactly. So, you are not to go in there again. Do you understand?" Evelyn was really insistent that the girl promise she'd never enter the water again unless she learnt to swim. She bent down and gave the girl another big hug. "..and don't worry. Your toad will come back."
"Thank you." Evelyn sat down on the grass and grinned. Heh. Blue was just adorable. She started to laugh when Blue waved her wand a little but..nothing. "You'll learn all this soon. I promise." She'd just started her first year, after all. She had plenty of time. Teach her? Evelyn smiled before she patted her on the head. "No, silly. I don't think I'm allowed to teach you but like I said you'll learn all this soon."
Hot chocolate? "Well, I'll take you to the Great Hall soon for the hot chocolate soon but for now..can we just hang out here, Blue? Pretty please?" Evelyn was feeling way too lazy to take the girl all the way to the Great Hall at the moment but..she will. Soon-ish.
Evelyn was really amused. She knew Blue was genuinely upset that she couldn't find her toad..but it wasn't like she lost him, right? Anyway, she really meant what she said. That toad would definitely come back. "Blue..why did you decide to name your toad..WMD?" She tried to hide the smile on her face. WMD, really? It was a little weird, you have to admit.
"Exactly. So, you are not to go in there again. Do you understand?" Evelyn was really insistent that the girl promise she'd never enter the water again unless she learnt to swim. She bent down and gave the girl another big hug. "..and don't worry. Your toad will come back."
"Thank you." Evelyn sat down on the grass and grinned. Heh. Blue was just adorable. She started to laugh when Blue waved her wand a little but..nothing. "You'll learn all this soon. I promise." She'd just started her first year, after all. She had plenty of time. Teach her? Evelyn smiled before she patted her on the head. "No, silly. I don't think I'm allowed to teach you but like I said you'll learn all this soon."
Hot chocolate? "Well, I'll take you to the Great Hall soon for the hot chocolate soon but for now..can we just hang out here, Blue? Pretty please?" Evelyn was feeling way too lazy to take the girl all the way to the Great Hall at the moment but..she will. Soon-ish.
"OOOH. You don't know the story?" 'Twas an awesome name really. If you were awesome you'd understand. "See, I was in the Menga- Menagerie and I picked out this toad when West Odessa came over and we were trying to think of names for it. There was a few he came up with - I came up with Mr. Toad bu' we both thought that was a bit, ya' know, un-original - then he came up with WMD and told me it stood for Weapon of Mass Destruction! And I thought it suited him perfectly!" GRIIN. She ran her eyes over the murky water for the toad.
"I understand." She sighed, but was SMILING on the inside. Her sister wanted to protect her. Blue hugged Eve back. "I won't. If you say he will, I know he will. I have complete and utter faith in you." 'Cause she was her AWESOME sister. All very true. Yes, yes.
Blue pouted and sat down next to Eve on the grass, stowing her wand away in the pocket of her robes. "N'aaw. I think you'd be a wonderful teachah." Yupyupyup. Blue gasped, her eyes alight. "YOU SHOULD COME BACK AND TEACH HER AND THEN YOU CAN STAY WIF ME!" She hugged Eve, beaming. YAY!YAY!YAY! The best plan EVA.
"YAY." Blue grinned. Eve would get her a hot chocolate laterr. "Since you said pretty please!" And Blue lay back, looking at the clouds passing by. "Hey! Look at the one!" She pointed above her head, at a particularly fluffy one. "It looks like an old woman pushing a trolley with a crocodile in it." It did to Blue anyway.
Serial Prankster • Troloholic • Like a BAWS • Brae the Lionheart & Lion Cub • AnDee & Melsse
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
Viola's head rocked up and down by the slight force of Edric's hand. It was emotionless and even the tabby cat got it. If you look closer, her face was like -__-. Louisa wasn't impressed, she just shook her head and nodded. "Fine, fine. You can take the wand. My right side." She maneuvered herself for him, it's in the holster fixed to her waistband. Just take it.
"That wasn't a pet, by the way. That was hitting a cat without any damaging force." Louisa commented, "You need to let the cat purr as you touch her. Watch," positioning Viola on her right arm awkwardly, Louisa used her left one to slowly and gently rub the cat's head until she purred, moved one of her paws over to her face affectionately.
Louisa grinned down at her success, "That makes me a winner, by the way." In the challenge thing. "Are we cool, though?" No hard feelings for... licking his shoe and then resizing it? "I'm still sure you'll laugh at this later on." The Ravenclaw said, trying to let out a convincing chuckle. But it was just nervous... and uncertain.
Edric sighed in relief as Louisa finally gave in. WHEW. The wand was his! Finally!
… Except he had to go and get it himself.
Normally, he wouldn't have minded. If it was sitting on a table. On a chair. Even on the ground. But this wand was attached to the girl in front of him, and… well, in all honesty proximity kind of freaked Edric out.
"Um." He stared at the wand then back up at the girl. "Can't you just… give it to me?" It wasn't that hard, was it!?
But Louisa was already moving on to the next topic - this girl didn't keep her mind on one thing for very long, did she? Edric was hardly listening as she went on about the basics of cat-petting and demonstrated the art of it herself. He was just staring at her wand. It was his ticket out of here! His ticket to getting his shoe back.
Edric, standing a good five feet away from Louisa, extended his arm out toward her. He balanced on his shoe-covered foot and leaned in closer. Closerrr... clooooserrrrrr...
HA! In one swift motion, he snatched the wand from the girl's holster.
"Right. Yeah," he muttered absentmindedly as Louisa assured him this would all be hilarious in the future. He honestly didn't care, he was too distracted pointing the girl's wand at his baby-sized shoe. "Engorgio!"
Edric sighed in relief as Louisa finally gave in. WHEW. The wand was his! Finally!
… Except he had to go and get it himself.
Normally, he wouldn't have minded. If it was sitting on a table. On a chair. Even on the ground. But this wand was attached to the girl in front of him, and… well, in all honesty proximity kind of freaked Edric out.
"Um." He stared at the wand then back up at the girl. "Can't you just… give it to me?" It wasn't that hard, was it!?
But Louisa was already moving on to the next topic - this girl didn't keep her mind on one thing for very long, did she? Edric was hardly listening as she went on about the basics of cat-petting and demonstrated the art of it herself. He was just staring at her wand. It was his ticket out of here! His ticket to getting his shoe back.
Edric, standing a good five feet away from Louisa, extended his arm out toward her. He balanced on his shoe-covered foot and leaned in closer. Closerrr... clooooserrrrrr...
HA! In one swift motion, he snatched the wand from the girl's holster.
"Right. Yeah," he muttered absentmindedly as Louisa assured him this would all be hilarious in the future. He honestly didn't care, he was too distracted pointing the girl's wand at his baby-sized shoe. "Engorgio!"
Louisa watched Edric curiously as he literally did a move that'd be qualified as a catchy circus move while getting to the wand in her holster. Was it really that hard to just reach out and get it? Also why did he back away? Or was he standing there originally she just blacked out at one point? Any ways, Louisa still had Viola in her arms and didn't give any signs that might indicate she was about to let her down soon.
She watched Edric use her OWN SPECIAL wand on his shoe. "Huh. Did it work?" The shoe did grow into a reasonable human-fitting size but.. was it the same size? The same shoe? Louisa secretly hoped that Edric mess up something so that she didn't look like a fool, misusing her own special wand as mentioned earlier.
... but if he did the spell right... then... he was about to escape! D: Louisa prepared herself to just start walking with him back to the castle. Just because she liked his nonchalant, sarcastic and emotionless attitude. He was one of a kind, being Gryffindor along with all those traits! Just wow!
Haley smiled and nodded. It seemed like the girl was a bit more distracted than oblivious. "Thats alright." she said sweetly hoping the girl wasn't embarrassed.
Home schooled, Haley had never met anyone who was home schooled before. But she figured it had to be like regular school just with out all of the class mates. "Home schooled? Thats cool." she nodded "I guess you could confsider it a transfer... but I don't know either." she giggled hoping she didn't sound like an idiot.
The blond grinned as she watched the ducks. She wasn't in the mood to sit because honestly, if she sat down, she knew she'd be too lazy to get back up. She felt a little bad that the other girl had stood up, but only a little. After all, it wasn't that big of a deal.
Brookie nodded. "Yeah, home schooled. It's really not that cool. Actually, it's kind of boring." Except for you know.. Waverly.. He wasn't boring. She sighed at the thought. Oh, Waverly. She missed him, she did. But what could she do? "Yeah, I guess transfer works, though at the same time.. it really doesn't."
back on your feet again, lift your head, hold it_h i g h______________________________________________ _____________you wanna run it back but you can't turn the time, you start to feel like you're losing your shine __________________________________but the grass ain't always greener on the_o t h e r_ s i d e
Serial Prankster • Troloholic • Like a BAWS • Brae the Lionheart & Lion Cub • AnDee & Melsse
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
Louisa watched Edric curiously as he literally did a move that'd be qualified as a catchy circus move while getting to the wand in her holster. Was it really that hard to just reach out and get it? Also why did he back away? Or was he standing there originally she just blacked out at one point? Any ways, Louisa still had Viola in her arms and didn't give any signs that might indicate she was about to let her down soon.
She watched Edric use her OWN SPECIAL wand on his shoe. "Huh. Did it work?" The shoe did grow into a reasonable human-fitting size but.. was it the same size? The same shoe? Louisa secretly hoped that Edric mess up something so that she didn't look like a fool, misusing her own special wand as mentioned earlier.
... but if he did the spell right... then... he was about to escape! D: Louisa prepared herself to just start walking with him back to the castle. Just because she liked his nonchalant, sarcastic and emotionless attitude. He was one of a kind, being Gryffindor along with all those traits! Just wow!
Edric watched as his shoe slowly began to grow in size. It was getting bigger… and bigger… and bigger… and-- tap! The boy tapped it with the wand gently just as it reached the right size. Immediately, the shoe stopped growing.
"Thank you very much, Ms. Carter." Edric flashed her a smile - the only times he was ever TRULY friendly was when he was saying bye and getting away from people - and placed the shoe on the ground. A few seconds later, it was back on his foot.
Now both his feet were happy and cozy in their shoes.
"Here you go." He handed the wand back to Louisa and, flashing the girl one last I'm-so-RELIEVED-to-finally-be-out-of-here smile, he turned on his feet and waved the girl au revoir before heading off in the direction of the castle.
Edric watched as his shoe slowly began to grow in size. It was getting bigger… and bigger… and bigger… and-- tap! The boy tapped it with the wand gently just as it reached the right size. Immediately, the shoe stopped growing.
"Thank you very much, Ms. Carter." Edric flashed her a smile - the only times he was ever TRULY friendly was when he was saying bye and getting away from people - and placed the shoe on the ground. A few seconds later, it was back on his foot.
Now both his feet were happy and cozy in their shoes.
"Here you go." He handed the wand back to Louisa and, flashing the girl one last I'm-so-RELIEVED-to-finally-be-out-of-here smile, he turned on his feet and waved the girl au revoir before heading off in the direction of the castle.
He was free.
Louisa took the wand from him and even before she said 'thank you', the boy turned his back on her and waved. She quickly put her cat down, Viola purred annoyed but got up eventually. Louisa tucked her wand in and started jogging, glancing around at her lazy cat, "Come on, Viola! The shoe boy is about to get away!" Snickering as she said so.
The girl caught up to Edric pretty soon, since he wasn't jogging like she was, and slowed down to match his pace. "Sooooo..." She beamed sideways at him, stifling her laughter, "It's getting dark. You'll join the rest for dinner?" So that they could get into the Great Hall together? Heh heh heh heh.
Serial Prankster • Troloholic • Like a BAWS • Brae the Lionheart & Lion Cub • AnDee & Melsse
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
Louisa took the wand from him and even before she said 'thank you', the boy turned his back on her and waved. She quickly put her cat down, Viola purred annoyed but got up eventually. Louisa tucked her wand in and started jogging, glancing around at her lazy cat, "Come on, Viola! The shoe boy is about to get away!" Snickering as she said so.
The girl caught up to Edric pretty soon, since he wasn't jogging like she was, and slowed down to match his pace. "Sooooo..." She beamed sideways at him, stifling her laughter, "It's getting dark. You'll join the rest for dinner?" So that they could get into the Great Hall together? Heh heh heh heh.
Edric was feeling pretty relieved as he headed back toward the castle. It's not that he hated Louisa or anything, he'd actually found her to be amusing at times; it's just that the boy had absolutely no social skills. So. The longer he could avoid people, the better he felt.
His much looked-forward-to time of solitude was NOT going to be happening anytime soon. Because surprise, surprise, guess who was now walking beside him?
Edric turned his head in Louisa's direction, looking startled. WUT. Why was she here?! She... she wasn't stalking him, was she!? She wouldn't... do that, would she?
"Um. Yes... perhaps..." muttered Edric. Honestly he had no plans of eating at the Great Hall. He preferred to have his dinner in the solitude of the kitchens. The boy looked around for a moment before turning back to Louisa. "Don't you have somewhere you need to be?" Y'know, that wasn't like... right next to him?
The blond grinned as she watched the ducks. She wasn't in the mood to sit because honestly, if she sat down, she knew she'd be too lazy to get back up. She felt a little bad that the other girl had stood up, but only a little. After all, it wasn't that big of a deal.
Brookie nodded. "Yeah, home schooled. It's really not that cool. Actually, it's kind of boring." Except for you know.. Waverly.. He wasn't boring. She sighed at the thought. Oh, Waverly. She missed him, she did. But what could she do? "Yeah, I guess transfer works, though at the same time.. it really doesn't."
Haley stretched a little more and then crossed her arms. She thought for a moment and then said "Really? I think it would be better than having to be at school every day... I mean I love Hogwarts but muggle school isn't all that fun..." In fact Haley hated muggle school. Yeah, she did get really good grades but she just did it to please her parents. "Yeah, well just leave it at transfer I guess" she smiled and then changed her stance trying not be awkward.
Edric was feeling pretty relieved as he headed back toward the castle. It's not that he hated Louisa or anything, he'd actually found her to be amusing at times; it's just that the boy had absolutely no social skills. So. The longer he could avoid people, the better he felt.
His much looked-forward-to time of solitude was NOT going to be happening anytime soon. Because surprise, surprise, guess who was now walking beside him?
Edric turned his head in Louisa's direction, looking startled. WUT. Why was she here?! She... she wasn't stalking him, was she!? She wouldn't... do that, would she?
"Um. Yes... perhaps..." muttered Edric. Honestly he had no plans of eating at the Great Hall. He preferred to have his dinner in the solitude of the kitchens. The boy looked around for a moment before turning back to Louisa. "Don't you have somewhere you need to be?" Y'know, that wasn't like... right next to him?
"Me too!" About the Great Hall dinner, Louisa put one hand on her stomach as if it grumbled. "I haven't had anything since lunch. Not even a snack, and then Viola was being annoyingly active. I just gotta have some mashed potatoes." That was his cue to either share his favorite meal or say whether he was hungry for real or not. Normal people usually got the cue.
...was he quickening his pace? Why did Louisa feel the necessity to jog a few steps every now and then to catch up then? She knew he wasn't all that happy or fond of her joining him on the way to the castle but he wasn't actually trying to get away from her, was he? Nope. Probably not. Even Jonathan didn't do this when their bickering was at its peak.
Yeah he was trying to avoid her! His question proved it! Louisa grinned at him, though, amused by his annoyance. "No, of course not, don't worry." She glanced to the back making sure Viola was on their tails following. "If you're not really hungry, you don't have to come to the Great Hall, by the way," she spoke softly, recognizing his tendency to keep to himself as Emrys liked to.
She was totally understanding.
"We can get up to the common room instead. We both have ours on the tower above. Right next to each other." *snicker*
Serial Prankster • Troloholic • Like a BAWS • Brae the Lionheart & Lion Cub • AnDee & Melsse
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
"Me too!" About the Great Hall dinner, Louisa put one hand on her stomach as if it grumbled. "I haven't had anything since lunch. Not even a snack, and then Viola was being annoyingly active. I just gotta have some mashed potatoes." That was his cue to either share his favorite meal or say whether he was hungry for real or not. Normal people usually got the cue.
...was he quickening his pace? Why did Louisa feel the necessity to jog a few steps every now and then to catch up then? She knew he wasn't all that happy or fond of her joining him on the way to the castle but he wasn't actually trying to get away from her, was he? Nope. Probably not. Even Jonathan didn't do this when their bickering was at its peak.
Yeah he was trying to avoid her! His question proved it! Louisa grinned at him, though, amused by his annoyance. "No, of course not, don't worry." She glanced to the back making sure Viola was on their tails following. "If you're not really hungry, you don't have to come to the Great Hall, by the way," she spoke softly, recognizing his tendency to keep to himself as Emrys liked to.
She was totally understanding.
"We can get up to the common room instead. We both have ours on the tower above. Right next to each other." *snicker*
Edric glanced over at Louisa as she went on about being hungry and the cat and no food since lunch and this and that. How did he end up in this position!? He was supposed to be the most avoidable character in all of Hogwarts, yet here he was, being stalked.
Naturally, the socially inept boy didn't get Louisa's clue to share his favourite meal, so instead he just continued on his way toward the castle.
And then… then! The strangest of things.
Louisa was being understanding. She… she understood his need to be alone. Wow.
Edric slowed his pace and turned his attention back to the girl with raised eyebrows as she went on about him not having to go to the Great Hall. "Really?"
Oh, gee.
That was really nice of her, she was being really considerate with hi--
And then she was suggesting they go up to the common rooms instead. Which conveniently happened to be right next to each other.
"Isn't that convenient?" muttered the boy sarcastically. After a moment's pause, he added, "Is there any specific reason you're following me?" 'Cause there was NO WAY she was stalking him 'cause she actually liked his grouchy attitude and sarcastic nature. Right? Nobody liked that. So why would she? Huh…
Edric glanced over at Louisa as she went on about being hungry and the cat and no food since lunch and this and that. How did he end up in this position!? He was supposed to be the most avoidable character in all of Hogwarts, yet here he was, being stalked.
Naturally, the socially inept boy didn't get Louisa's clue to share his favourite meal, so instead he just continued on his way toward the castle.
And then… then! The strangest of things.
Louisa was being understanding. She… she understood his need to be alone. Wow.
Edric slowed his pace and turned his attention back to the girl with raised eyebrows as she went on about him not having to go to the Great Hall. "Really?"
Oh, gee.
That was really nice of her, she was being really considerate with hi--
And then she was suggesting they go up to the common rooms instead. Which conveniently happened to be right next to each other.
"Isn't that convenient?" muttered the boy sarcastically. After a moment's pause, he added, "Is there any specific reason you're following me?" 'Cause there was NO WAY she was stalking him 'cause she actually liked his grouchy attitude and sarcastic nature. Right? Nobody liked that. So why would she? Huh…
Louisa blinked when he so suddenly stopped walking and turned to face her, she had to literally break on her feet and let out a breathless sigh. She then stared at him for half a second before blurting out, "I'm not following you, mind you." She even shook her head disapprovingly and wiggled her finger at him. "I am walking with you to the castle.' She nodded confidently. The girl stopped there, did he need a real reason? Or just the one that he amused her just so much to simply let him go without a proper goodbye?
Maybe both of reasons.
She chuckled suddenly, "Come on, Edric! It's fun! When was the last time you've been stalked by a girl?" Hmm? Louisa was a judgmental character but her guess of none about him had nothing to do with her personality rather than with his. "Okay, well.. that isn't why. I just see you intriguing." GRIN. "The way you don't give a damn about what the person in front of you feels about your sarcastic comments." Louisa had this grin still plastered on her face, "How you're just so independent and a loner. You're hardly impressed by anything at all!" All those were already checked in her ex boyfriend but only one Edric missed that made him less intense. That was yet to be verified though. "I like hanging out with people like that! No social obligations. No hypocrisy, just blunt all the time."
Was that enough of a reason...?
Louisa started rocking her body sideways as she looked at him from under her eyelashes, "So.. can I still walk with you to the castle?" Pweeeaase?
"OOOH. You don't know the story?" 'Twas an awesome name really. If you were awesome you'd understand. "See, I was in the Menga- Menagerie and I picked out this toad when West Odessa came over and we were trying to think of names for it. There was a few he came up with - I came up with Mr. Toad bu' we both thought that was a bit, ya' know, un-original - then he came up with WMD and told me it stood for Weapon of Mass Destruction! And I thought it suited him perfectly!" GRIIN. She ran her eyes over the murky water for the toad.
"I understand." She sighed, but was SMILING on the inside. Her sister wanted to protect her. Blue hugged Eve back. "I won't. If you say he will, I know he will. I have complete and utter faith in you." 'Cause she was her AWESOME sister. All very true. Yes, yes.
Blue pouted and sat down next to Eve on the grass, stowing her wand away in the pocket of her robes. "N'aaw. I think you'd be a wonderful teachah." Yupyupyup. Blue gasped, her eyes alight. "YOU SHOULD COME BACK AND TEACH HER AND THEN YOU CAN STAY WIF ME!" She hugged Eve, beaming. YAY!YAY!YAY! The best plan EVA.
"YAY." Blue grinned. Eve would get her a hot chocolate laterr. "Since you said pretty please!" And Blue lay back, looking at the clouds passing by. "Hey! Look at the one!" She pointed above her head, at a particularly fluffy one. "It looks like an old woman pushing a trolley with a crocodile in it." It did to Blue anyway.
Evelyn grinned as she listened to Blue talk. She snorted when she heard what WMD stood for. "Blue! Why would you name your toad something like that...and how on earth does it suit him?" Now, she was genuinely confused. That was the weirdest name she'd heard for a toad..or for a pet in general.
Thankfully. Evelyn gave a sigh of relief when Blue said that she wouldn't enter the water again. Aw. Evelyn blushed a little. Frankly, no one had as much faith in her like Blue had. Even if it was for something simple like her toad coming back. "Thank you." Evelyn gave a bright smile. "That means a lot, Blue." It read did. More than she could ever express.
WHHHHATTTTT!? Evelyn burst out laughing. She'd be a wonderful teacher!? On what planet? "I really doubt if I'd be asked to teach at Hogwarts, Blue..." Her laughter faded when it suddenly hit her that she would be leaving this term and she wouldn't be able to see Blue as often as she'd like..especially if she was moving to Scotland. Sigh. "Although...that does sound like a great idea." GRIN.
Evelyn lay down on the ground beside her sister, looking at the sky. Huh? Old woman pushing a trolley with a crocodile in it!? Unfortunately, Evelyn just couldn't see it. She burst out laughing again. "You have really good imagination, Blue."