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Ducks, fifteen in all and quite possibly already named, live in this pond. Go on, take a seat on the rocky ledge and dip your feet into the water! Rest assured, these ducks will not bite, but if you just so happen to have any type of bread or cookies on you at the time, the ducks have been known to take without asking.
Waylon keeps a good eye on the pond and the ducks, so no funny business.
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Originally Posted by Yourenodaisy
"Appendages? You mean like the boy beetle has an extra set of legs or something?" That didn't sound right. Didn't all beetles have six legs? "How could we even find out if its a boy or girl?" Did they make books about this kind of thing? And would the school's library have those types of books? Some how, he didn't think so.
"You can use your wand to start and stop fires? Wouldn't it just be easier to start a fire the normal way and just use water to put it out?" Because, really this whole magic thing was hard.
Plan? Right. "Umm, well, chocolate, marshmallows, graham-crackers, and firewood." That sounded like it was all that they needed. So they need a plan. "We could split up, one of us get the food and the other the firewood, or go get the food together." Or, the could just go ahead and start the fire and then worry about the food. That way the could start having FUN!!
"No like, bigger horns and stuff for FIGHTING." West explained. "Well we could look in a book but we can't ask the Fisherlibrarian, he doesn't know the right things and even eats poofish. Maybe the Care of Magical Creatures Professor. He seems pretty cool. Keefer said he was cool. So I think that means he's cool."
Yeahhhh West was inclined to agree. "I think that if you know the spells using your wand would be easier. I haven't learned those spells yet but I bet when I do I'll be awesome at them."
... eventually? Right now he hadn't managed to do anything with his wand since the wand shop.
"What do you want to get? We could race. The first one back gets to be the awesomest for the day."
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
w.a.m.s|♩♫♪♬|sour gummy snakes| "DNA doesn't make a family, Love does"
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Ella noticed the way Cardigan's body went all rigid when she spoke. Not that she blamed the girl. She was sure neither one of them wanted to have this talk that was about to take place. When Cardigan agreed that yes, they did in fact have to speak about that, Ella sat down where she stood. Placing her shoes down beside her. "So I guess I just need to know...know what happened on the platform. I mean, I already know most of it, I was standing right there. I guess I want to know why."Why they had kissed. Why they were so quick to agree to keep it from her. WHY Cardigan? Having finished speaking, Ella looked out at the pond, observing how happy the ducks looked splashing around in the water. She honestly wished she was a duck right now. She could use some fun at the moment.
"Weeelll, here's the story. It's rather long though," Cardigan started out, taking a deep breath to work up her confidence. She didn't want to trip up and say anything wrong, further irking Ella. Mehhhhh. Here it goes... "Soooo, before you came into the picture, we kinda had something going on. Okay, that's a lie. Something BIG." So far, so good. "In all of our's first year, before Hogwarts, that's what really affected what had happened. We had actually both liked each other, at the time. So we were all talking and stuff, yada yada, and then Logan's Aunt came along and a few, erm, insults, to me. Logan reassured them and then it was all aww lovey dovey moment, once she was gone. No kissing involved then."
Take a breath, Cardigan told herself, not wanting to run out of breath. "That's when it all really happened. Keep in mind that this was before all the you and him; that we were kinda dumbstruck and a little mindless, and he kinda..." She paused for a moment, so as to work up her courage. "....asked me to be his..." cough cough. "....Askedmetobehisgirlfriend. But that was before you came along and we were a little mindless." Thank the heavens the hard part was over... "So, at the train station this year, it reminded me too much of that; I went a little ballistic when Logan came along to say goodbye. Okay, not a little ballistic, a lot. Like, sweaty pale ballistic. I have no idea what caused Logan to do that. That's his problem. Anyways, I guess I never really, let go," Cardigan finished off, going slightly misty eyed. Maybe she hadn't. at all...
Watching DH2 snape scene and crying lol. Adds to the drama of this
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
SPOILER!!: Misty eyes
Originally Posted by DeathEater1
"Weeelll, here's the story. It's rather long though," Cardigan started out, taking a deep breath to work up her confidence. She didn't want to trip up and say anything wrong, further irking Ella. Mehhhhh. Here it goes... "Soooo, before you came into the picture, we kinda had something going on. Okay, that's a lie. Something BIG." So far, so good. "In all of our's first year, before Hogwarts, that's what really affected what had happened. We had actually both liked each other, at the time. So we were all talking and stuff, yada yada, and then Logan's Aunt came along and a few, erm, insults, to me. Logan reassured them and then it was all aww lovey dovey moment, once she was gone. No kissing involved then."
Take a breath, Cardigan told herself, not wanting to run out of breath. "That's when it all really happened. Keep in mind that this was before all the you and him; that we were kinda dumbstruck and a little mindless, and he kinda..." She paused for a moment, so as to work up her courage. "....asked me to be his..." cough cough. "....Askedmetobehisgirlfriend. But that was before you came along and we were a little mindless." Thank the heavens the hard part was over... "So, at the train station this year, it reminded me too much of that; I went a little ballistic when Logan came along to say goodbye. Okay, not a little ballistic, a lot. Like, sweaty pale ballistic. I have no idea what caused Logan to do that. That's his problem. Anyways, I guess I never really, let go," Cardigan finished off, going slightly misty eyed. Maybe she hadn't. at all...
Ella sat quite still, staring blanking at Cardigan as she explained the history between her and Logan. It was taking everything in her to keep eye contact with Cardigan because with every detail she provided, Ella wanted to look away. Cardigan was telling her things she didn't want to know. Didn't want to hear. So they had liked each other...and he had asked her to be his girlfriend first. But she had said no, yeah? She had refused and that was on her. HER. And yes, it had been before Ella. Before her, yes? Ella clenched her fists, growing more and more upset. Didn't Cardigan see? This was precisely why Ella was so hurt in the first place. What Cardigan and Logan had was supposed to be in the past. Why couldn't it just stay there? Maybe Ella was still to young to understand something like that.
When Cardigan got around to talking about the station, Ella sat up a little straighter. This was the part she needed to hear. The part that would help her to decide where they would go from here. So Cardigan had gotten emotional, so she was hurt that Logan was leaving. All of his friends were. And as for why Logan had kissed her, well Ella knew what he had told her, his side of the story at least. And yes, he had kissed her. So technically Ella couldn't fault her for that. The part Ella cared about was what came after. How they were going to keep it from her without hesitation. The fact that Cardigan's eyes were getting misty didn't go unnoticed but Ella, for the first time in her life, didn't go to comfort someone in need. Instead she just sat there, blinking slowly.
After a few minutes, Ella put her fingers to her temple, trying to massage the headache that was now coming on away. "I get all that. I do. And maybe that's not even your fault but-but we were friends..." That much was true, right? "And how you could just agree to keep it from me, keep me thinking you both were my friends...it isn't right." She shook her head, still not understanding how they could do that. "How could you?"
Lol. Listening to THG trailer song on repeat. Adds to the scarinessXD
w.a.m.s|♩♫♪♬|sour gummy snakes| "DNA doesn't make a family, Love does"
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Ella sat quite still, staring blanking at Cardigan as she explained the history between her and Logan. It was taking everything in her to keep eye contact with Cardigan because with every detail she provided, Ella wanted to look away. Cardigan was telling her things she didn't want to know. Didn't want to hear. So they had liked each other...and he had asked her to be his girlfriend first. But she had said no, yeah? She had refused and that was on her. HER. And yes, it had been before Ella. Before her, yes? Ella clenched her fists, growing more and more upset. Didn't Cardigan see? This was precisely why Ella was so hurt in the first place. What Cardigan and Logan had was supposed to be in the past. Why couldn't it just stay there? Maybe Ella was still to young to understand something like that.
When Cardigan got around to talking about the station, Ella sat up a little straighter. This was the part she needed to hear. The part that would help her to decide where they would go from here. So Cardigan had gotten emotional, so she was hurt that Logan was leaving. All of his friends were. And as for why Logan had kissed her, well Ella knew what he had told her, his side of the story at least. And yes, he had kissed her. So technically Ella couldn't fault her for that. The part Ella cared about was what came after. How they were going to keep it from her without hesitation. The fact that Cardigan's eyes were getting misty didn't go unnoticed but Ella, for the first time in her life, didn't go to comfort someone in need. Instead she just sat there, blinking slowly.
After a few minutes, Ella put her fingers to her temple, trying to massage the headache that was now coming on away. "I get all that. I do. And maybe that's not even your fault but-but we were friends..." That much was true, right? "And how you could just agree to keep it from me, keep me thinking you both were my friends...it isn't right." She shook her head, still not understanding how they could do that. "How could you?"
Frown. "I-I..." Cardigan started to say, losing her trail of thought just like that. Why hadn't she? Why hadn't she told her, erm, friend? Why had she agreed just like that to not tell? Why had she let her friend down like that? Why had she done ANY of that?! Why had she EVER liked him?! And to think, it was all because she bumped into Logan in Diagon Alley before they had met... Stupid Cardigan and her clumsiness...
"I guess I just didn't want to lose my best friend. If I just, ran off and told you, he would just completely hate me. Knowing you, we knew that if we told you, that would basically be a suicide attempt; no offense. But I guess it didn't work better, the way we did it. In fact, it was worse. I lost two friends instead of one," Cardigan finally said, after a moment of silence. She pte her head between her knees, trying to hold it together. This was NOT cool. NOT cool at all...
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Originally Posted by DeathEater1
Frown. "I-I..." Cardigan started to say, losing her trail of thought just like that. Why hadn't she? Why hadn't she told her, erm, friend? Why had she agreed just like that to not tell? Why had she let her friend down like that? Why had she done ANY of that?! Why had she EVER liked him?! And to think, it was all because she bumped into Logan in Diagon Alley before they had met... Stupid Cardigan and her clumsiness...
"I guess I just didn't want to lose my best friend. If I just, ran off and told you, he would just completely hate me. Knowing you, we knew that if we told you, that would basically be a suicide attempt; no offense. But I guess it didn't work better, the way we did it. In fact, it was worse. I lost two friends instead of one," Cardigan finally said, after a moment of silence. She pte her head between her knees, trying to hold it together. This was NOT cool. NOT cool at all...
Ella was trying hard to hold it together. She wanted to scream at Cardigan...and at Logan but she didn't have it in her. She hated feeling like this. Feeling angry. It was such a waste of time. "What do you mean, suicide attempt?" Ella asked softly, her expression changing from angry to curious. Was she that much of a monster that they couldn't tell her things? Was that it? She frowned, hoping that wasn't the case.
As she continued to listen to Cardigan, she couldn't help but feel bad for the girl. Something which she hadn't expected to feel. Yeah, Ella had been hurt by two people she cared about but Logan was still writing her, still trying to be in her life. It hadn't occurred to her that he wasn't doing the same with Cardigan. "I'm sure you didn't lose him." She said shortly, looking down at her hands. "And for what it's worth. He said he hated seeing you like that at the station. That he wanted to make you feel better." Which still didn't justify any of this but maybe could make Cardigan feel better. It was a weird feeling, wanting to make someone feel better who had hurt you. Ella felt the same way about Logan when he had grabbed her in the station. She felt bad for him. Wasn't that strange? Why couldn't she just be mad at people like a normal person?
w.a.m.s|♩♫♪♬|sour gummy snakes| "DNA doesn't make a family, Love does"
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Ella was trying hard to hold it together. She wanted to scream at Cardigan...and at Logan but she didn't have it in her. She hated feeling like this. Feeling angry. It was such a waste of time. "What do you mean, suicide attempt?" Ella asked softly, her expression changing from angry to curious. Was she that much of a monster that they couldn't tell her things? Was that it? She frowned, hoping that wasn't the case.
As she continued to listen to Cardigan, she couldn't help but feel bad for the girl. Something which she hadn't expected to feel. Yeah, Ella had been hurt by two people she cared about but Logan was still writing her, still trying to be in her life. It hadn't occurred to her that he wasn't doing the same with Cardigan. "I'm sure you didn't lose him." She said shortly, looking down at her hands. "And for what it's worth. He said he hated seeing you like that at the station. That he wanted to make you feel better." Which still didn't justify any of this but maybe could make Cardigan feel better. It was a weird feeling, wanting to make someone feel better who had hurt you. Ella felt the same way about Logan when he had grabbed her in the station. She felt bad for him. Wasn't that strange? Why couldn't she just be mad at people like a normal person?
Ooopsie. "Dear me! Do excuse that. By that, I meant like, you're just like, a force to be reckoned, you know what I mean? I see a Head Girl in you; no lie," Cardigan said sheepishly, not wanting Ella to think some sort of a thing about her. Believe me. She came from a long line of head girls, the ones that actually went to Hogwarts. Anyways, Ella wasn't like that. Not at all. To put it in different words, Ella could basically "kill" her life, the social one. She knew people. She was friends with the prefects, as far as the snake knew. Prefects are not the ones to mess with. That's not even all of it...
Cardigan just listened, nodding to what Ella said. That was not it. Not even close. She wasn't exactly sure if she still wanted to be friends with him... Something just wasn't right about it. She would probably just mess up again, like the clumsy fool she is. The snake didn't want to be friends with him, for the well being of all of them. Of course she still wanted to be friends, more than anything, it just wasn't safe. Her facial expression told it all...
Dave Grohl-Josh Hutcherson-RupertGrint-HP-HG- Marvel-D.C-Taylor Hawkins-Drumming-Foo Fighters-
Originally Posted by HarryPotterQuidditch
Jordan started laughing. "I guess I could if I really wanted to." Jordan said jokingly. "Nah, I'd get in big trouble for that." Jordan couldn't even began to imagine. Definite expellsion, bad reputation, definitely wouldn't want that. "Im more of a runner, always have been. "
Ronnie laughed at Jordan. "You're so funny, Jordan." she said, still laughing. She nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you probably would." she said, and couldn't help but laugh a little again. She nodded. "Same here! I love running. I've been taking quite a few along the grounds lately." she said, gesturing around them with her hand at all the grounds.
Super Slytherin Buddy || ⅓ She-Snake Trio || 'I taste like chocolate and potatoes'
Originally Posted by The1HBIC
Cece was sitting there enjoying the scenery when someone plopped down beside her.
"Waylon! You do still work here," she said as she gave him a hug. "I didn't see you at the feast." Then again she didn't see too much at the feast. She had been so fixated on plotting on getting revenge on Oliver that she never even made it to her own seat that night.
Oh.. well..
That wasn't the greeting he was expecting to receive back, it was actually much better than what he had expected. He was an ex Hufflepuff, hugs were always welcome. He just didn't know what Cece meant by saying he still worked here.. did she know something he didn't!? "Of course I still work here." he said slowly, his eyebrows furrowing more with each word he spoke. "I was just busy, that's all." Busy keeping his eye on something that he much rather would have wanted to keep in his pocket. But his pockets were too small..
He was just glad William left some kind of food in his barn. He would have starved otherwise! Missing the feast like he did.. "Did I miss anything important?"
____________ooh, ooh, she's the rough and the rowdiest kid________ ooh, ooh, and there's more where she lives_____
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
SPOILER!!: Cardigan
Originally Posted by DeathEater1
Ooopsie. "Dear me! Do excuse that. By that, I meant like, you're just like, a force to be reckoned, you know what I mean? I see a Head Girl in you; no lie," Cardigan said sheepishly, not wanting Ella to think some sort of a thing about her. Believe me. She came from a long line of head girls, the ones that actually went to Hogwarts. Anyways, Ella wasn't like that. Not at all. To put it in different words, Ella could basically "kill" her life, the social one. She knew people. She was friends with the prefects, as far as the snake knew. Prefects are not the ones to mess with. That's not even all of it...
Cardigan just listened, nodding to what Ella said. That was not it. Not even close. She wasn't exactly sure if she still wanted to be friends with him... Something just wasn't right about it. She would probably just mess up again, like the clumsy fool she is. The snake didn't want to be friends with him, for the well being of all of them. Of course she still wanted to be friends, more than anything, it just wasn't safe. Her facial expression told it all...
Ella looked at Cardigan, eyebrows raised, as she tried to explain why telling Ella what had happened would be certain death for them. A force to be reckoned with? Ella wasn't sure about that. She didn't feel like much of a force, not at the moment anyway. As for Cardigan seeing 'head girl' in Ella's future, it earned the girl the smallest of smiles though the movement could have looked like a mere quiver of Ella's lips. "I guess I get what you're saying..." Only it still made her feel bad in some small way, though she couldn't really explain why. "But you guys should know that I-I would never use whatever 'force'" She used finger quotes around the word. "that I have against you."
When Ella finished talking, she noted that Cardigan didn't seem comforted by her words. She looked at the girl curiously, studying her facial expression. Oh Merlin, she was the one that wasn't talking to Logan, yeah? Because she-she-"You still like him?" It was meant to be a question but came out sounding like a statement. Ella didn't really need to hear the answer, it was clear enough to see. "Well I don't know where that leaves us, then." She said with a shrug, growing more tired as they continued to try and sort things out. It was pretty exhausting. "I guess I just don't want to have to avoid you." She stated simply after a moment, looking down at her hands.
Staring at Calista, after a moment she couldn't help the chuckle as she shook her head slightly, turning her gaze downward to the pond. Being taught accent lessons. The thought itself seemed silly to her, though after a few more seconds, her laughter subsided, and she...turned her attention back the divination Professor. Her expression definitely said she was thinking about it. If Calista was offering...
Medea smiled. "No laughing, right?" Because she was certain there were going to be funny moments.
The suspence was killing her! Calista waited, as patiently as she could while Professor Romanos tried to decide whether or not to allow the blonde to teach her how to speak locally. It would be fun, she had assured her that already but she wanted to say it again to help the accepting process along faster.
"Oh, um of course not!" Unless she said something ridiculously funny, in which she would test the waters before laughing. "So you're up for it?! We will have you talking in your lessons and the kids won't know what you did with Professor Romanos!"
And the little respect that was stored away in his body for this girl now went to negative numbers.
Will raised an eyebrow, eyeing Annablahblah. "What am I doing here? Well you know, I thought I would explore the universe, searching for the perfect duck, and here I am! At Hogwarts! Who would have thought right?"
Seriously...and she was in what house? He peered down at her robes, his heart sinking. Merlin's Lost Pinky-toe...she was in his house. Weren't Ravenclaws supposed to be brilliantly minded? He coughed softly, eyeing Tomat-um...Anna. "You must be on that same journey right? Seeing how it would be crazy for people to be here, at Hogwarts, to get an education. Psh...how silly." Facepalm.
Anna stared at Will, her lips pressed together while she tried to figure him out. She had just asked an innocent question and he turned it around to make her seem silly. He was probably being sarcastic, too. And he'd thought of that weird answer right off the top of his head! So he was... very... odd. And cute.
...Not cute. She didn't think that.
No, definitely not cute. Because he was making fun of her again. Her eyes narrowed and the corner of her mouth turned down in a small frown. "I had to come here." Her voice was cautious, as if she thought Will might go crazy any second. "My dad got married, and they thought it'd be best for me and my new step-brother to go to school together." So, no, she wasn't here to find a duck. "...Why are you in Ravenclaw?"
Surely someone who thought about ducks like that shouldn't be in the clever house. Right?
Edric stared at the cat that seemed unwilling to return his shoe, not realizing that by then he had already placed his sock-covered foot on the ground. When he did notice, he grimaced. Guhhh.
Then the girl was offering to share her shoe with him.
"Oh, I'm sure I wouldn't look weird at all wearing a yellow flat on only one foot," said the boy sarcastically. In the end, he had no choice but to sit on the rocky edges of the pond. "Is this going to take long? I'd like to walk back to the castle in my shoes, if that's not too much to ask for." 'Cause, y'know, who was he to want the shoes he paid for with his own money back?
Louisa rolled her eyes at his sarcasm and found a spot for her to sit down next to him. "Come on, don't be such a grumpy boy." she let out a nervous chuckle just to prove that SHE wasn't grumpy from the outside. Viola, however, was still playing with the shoe and not showing any signs of letting it go.
Uh oh.
"Uhh.. how about we.. like...uhh... chat!" Which's what normal people do in case they were sitting together in such situation. Louisa shot a glare at her cat before turning to inspect the boy closely. Huh. She hadn't seen him around classes or common room, not a Ravenclaw nor her year. Possibly. "I'm Louisa Carter, sixth year Ravenclaw. Prefect." Pause.
"...your turn." What did normal people who don't know each other talk about? D:
Serial Prankster • Troloholic • Like a BAWS • Brae the Lionheart & Lion Cub • AnDee & Melsse
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
Louisa rolled her eyes at his sarcasm and found a spot for her to sit down next to him. "Come on, don't be such a grumpy boy." she let out a nervous chuckle just to prove that SHE wasn't grumpy from the outside. Viola, however, was still playing with the shoe and not showing any signs of letting it go.
Uh oh.
"Uhh.. how about we.. like...uhh... chat!" Which's what normal people do in case they were sitting together in such situation. Louisa shot a glare at her cat before turning to inspect the boy closely. Huh. She hadn't seen him around classes or common room, not a Ravenclaw nor her year. Possibly. "I'm Louisa Carter, sixth year Ravenclaw. Prefect." Pause.
"...your turn." What did normal people who don't know each other talk about? D:
Edric almost looked amused. How many times had he been asked not to be so Scroogey? Ha.
And then -- AND THEN - she was suggesting the one thing Edric had always feared: … INTERACTION.
Social interaction. The act of… talking and socializing with another unbearable human being. Now this girl was asking for too much! First his shoe, now she requested his attention!? What would she want next? His left arm? His right leg?
Before Edric could say what was on his mind - 'No thank you, I'd rather be alone and I honestly don't care to get to know you or anyone else, for that matter' - the girl had already started speaking.
Edric's brows furrowed slightly. "You're a prefect?" This had caught his attention. "Huh. You're the second one I meet this week…" he muttered. He was just surprised she wasn't a Hufflepuff too. They seemed to be the only ones he got along with well lately.
And then it was HIS turn to introduce himself.
Edric figured he might as well be a good sport. He was trying to be more… social this term, after all.
"I'm Edric Barlow. Sixth year Gryffindor. And I hold no fancy titles." Yep, he was no prefect or head boy or anything special. Just… another student.
Blue kicked off her shoes, and with WMD perched ('perched? meh, whatever frogs do!') on her shoulder and she bounced over to the duck pond and sat down on a rock. She kicked her legs, making the water go splash!
WMD let out a crooooak and jumped...into the water.
"NOOOO!" Blue screamed and ran into the water, getting soaked to the skin. "WMD! Come baaaack!" She stuck her hand in the freezing!water, fishing for WMD.
Blue kicked off her shoes, and with WMD perched ('perched? meh, whatever frogs do!') on her shoulder and she bounced over to the duck pond and sat down on a rock. She kicked her legs, making the water go splash!
WMD let out a crooooak and jumped...into the water.
"NOOOO!" Blue screamed and ran into the water, getting soaked to the skin. "WMD! Come baaaack!" She stuck her hand in the freezing!water, fishing for WMD.
Stupid toad.
Evelyn strolled down to the duck pond, feeling quite excited to meet Blue. It had been a while since she'd met her sister. With a small smile on her face, she sat down on a big rock near the water..wondering where...
Evelyn stared when she saw the girl in the pond, screaming for WMD..her toad. Seriously? Did the girl even know to swim? Evelyn folded her jeans to her knees and walked into the water carefully before she yelled. "BLUE. Can you just come here for a minute?"
Edric almost looked amused. How many times had he been asked not to be so Scroogey? Ha.
And then -- AND THEN - she was suggesting the one thing Edric had always feared: … INTERACTION.
Social interaction. The act of… talking and socializing with another unbearable human being. Now this girl was asking for too much! First his shoe, now she requested his attention!? What would she want next? His left arm? His right leg?
Before Edric could say what was on his mind - 'No thank you, I'd rather be alone and I honestly don't care to get to know you or anyone else, for that matter' - the girl had already started speaking.
Edric's brows furrowed slightly. "You're a prefect?" This had caught his attention. "Huh. You're the second one I meet this week…" he muttered. He was just surprised she wasn't a Hufflepuff too. They seemed to be the only ones he got along with well lately.
And then it was HIS turn to introduce himself.
Edric figured he might as well be a good sport. He was trying to be more… social this term, after all.
"I'm Edric Barlow. Sixth year Gryffindor. And I hold no fancy titles." Yep, he was no prefect or head boy or anything special. Just… another student.
Louisa remained completely still as he stated she was the second Prefect he'd met this week... what was she supposed to reply to that? "Err... nice.. to... meet.. you...?" He didn't sound impressed at all though. Louisa liked this boy, he wasn't like all the other students at all. No manner obligations, no fake words or smiles, not even pretending to be impressed with her badge. Cool, she could spend time with him without getting accused of being rude.
"Edric. I haven't seen you around, and yet you're a sixth year," she stated rather than asked and then her eyes went to her cat with the shoe. Did she have to just give in and use her wand to get it? Nah, not yet.
Louisa crossed her legs and started rocking her foot, folding and unfolding her hands on her lap as she waited for the awkward silence to pass by one of them starting some... non-shoe-related topic. The boy seemed eager just to snatch his shoe and stomp off to the castle so she didn't hazard another second for him to talk, "Sooo... uh.. do you.. have a pet?" Looks like the issue was just stuck between the two of them. :|
Evelyn strolled down to the duck pond, feeling quite excited to meet Blue. It had been a while since she'd met her sister. With a small smile on her face, she sat down on a big rock near the water..wondering where...
Evelyn stared when she saw the girl in the pond, screaming for WMD..her toad. Seriously? Did the girl even know to swim? Evelyn folded her jeans to her knees and walked into the water carefully before she yelled. "BLUE. Can you just come here for a minute?"
Now someone was yelling at her.
Great! Just great. Now she was gonna get in trouble! Pulling her feet out of the mud she turned around, looking ready to cry. HER TOAD WAS MISSING PEOPLE! But then, to her relief, she saw it was Eve. "EEEEVVVVEEE!" And Blue ran as fast as she could through the water to her sister. After what must have been like five minutes, she flung her arms around her (soaking Eve aswell).
She sniffled and blinked away tears as she looked up at her sister.
Zack was yet again there, with the duck. He didn't mind coming here and feeding the ducks. He liked them for a matter of fact. He too hadn't got any idea why hews coming here and feeding them. Maybe he liked ducks or just feeding them or maybe just feeding animal he found anywhere but then he should have something to feed them and if he didn't want would be do then? Nothing maybe bring something, who knew if they would find a hungry animal on the way.
He came near the pond and looked at the ducks inside moving happily and quacking all the time. He didn't understand if they were fighting or quacking happily. He just wanted to see them. He sat on the rock nearby and stared at one f the duck wuackinga nd moving around the pond and still quacking for who know why. Then he remembered he had brought cookies for them. Do they like cookies? he thought before removing it from his pocket.
He took the packet in his hand and removed a cookie from i. and kept the rest in his pocket back. He was breaking the one into pieces and dropping them one by one into the water. He started as the ducks came toward the pieces of cookie and eating and quacking and eating. He felt a smile grew on his face, he didn't even realize for how long he was smiling.
A duck pond? Hogwarts had a duck pond? How did he not know? Ducks were one of the many animals he liked most. He couldn't really think of a particular reason. Maybe it was just because they were so calm. Either way, he was now going to visit the duck pond and probably feed them. Ducks ate pretty much everything, right? Good! He didn't have any bread. Why would he have bread anyway? His pockets were usually filled with cookies or candy. But he couldn't really give a pond full of ducks candy to eat, could he? Something in his mind told him that was one thing they wouldn't eat. Candy would be too chewy for a duck to eat. They only had little beaks and he didn't think they had teeth. But if they didn't have teeth, how did they manage to break bread up? So many questions. Maybe he could take this as an opportunity to research ducks. Yeah! That sounded like a good idea.
He wandered down the crowded duck pond and smiled at the sight of many ducks crowding round different groups of people. Wow! They were such pretty little ducks. Even the ducklings were pretty colours considering their feathers -or should he say fluff- hadn't actually gotten to the colour they would be once they'd grown up just like their parents. The different types of ducks was unbelievable. But he didn't know any names. Not without researching it at least. Maybe someone at the duck pond knew? But he wasn't really one to go asking people he probably didn't know the different names for different types of ducks.
As he got closer to the edge of the duck pond, he noticed someone stood feeding them cookies. Cookies? Well, at least he knew one more thing that ducks ate. He crouched down at the edge of the duck pond but not too close for him to fall in watching as a few ducks came swimming toward him hoping he had some food for them. He searched his pockets for something to give them finding a piece of bread. How did a piece of bread get in his pocket? He didn't remember putting any in his pocket from the last time he was in the great hall. He took the piece of bread from his pocket and began breaking it up and tossing it into the water watching as the ducks picked it up and ate it one piece at a time.
I'm gonna swing from the chandelier, from the chandelier;
I'm gonna live like tomorrow doesn't exist I'm gonna fly like a bird through the night, feel my tears as they dry;
I'm gonna swing from the chandelier, from the chandelier
Great! Just great. Now she was gonna get in trouble! Pulling her feet out of the mud she turned around, looking ready to cry. HER TOAD WAS MISSING PEOPLE! But then, to her relief, she saw it was Eve. "EEEEVVVVEEE!" And Blue ran as fast as she could through the water to her sister. After what must have been like five minutes, she flung her arms around her (soaking Eve aswell).
She sniffled and blinked away tears as she looked up at her sister.
Stupid toad.
Evelyn couldn't help but smile when the Blue yelled out her name for pretty much everyone near the pond to hear. She cringed when she saw the girl literally run through the water.. "Careful, Blue." Evelyn said, with a small sigh. She was so hyper. Gosh.
Evelyn hugged the girl back, ignoring the fact that she was now wet to the bone. "Okay. First of all..do you know how to swim?" She leaned down in the water and looked at Blue. She couldn't just go jumping into the water like that..especially when she didn't even know how to swim. That was dangerous.
"Second of all..WMD.." Honestly, she needed to ask Blue why she decided to name her toad WMD. "..is a toad. He probably wants to play around in the water for a while. He'll come back. I'm promise. Okay?" She gave the girl another hug before she led her away from the water. "Let's get you dry now."
Evelyn couldn't help but smile when the Blue yelled out her name for pretty much everyone near the pond to hear. She cringed when she saw the girl literally run through the water.. "Careful, Blue." Evelyn said, with a small sigh. She was so hyper. Gosh.
Evelyn hugged the girl back, ignoring the fact that she was now wet to the bone. "Okay. First of all..do you know how to swim?" She leaned down in the water and looked at Blue. She couldn't just go jumping into the water like that..especially when she didn't even know how to swim. That was dangerous.
"Second of all..WMD.." Honestly, she needed to ask Blue why she decided to name her toad WMD. "..is a toad. He probably wants to play around in the water for a while. He'll come back. I'm promise. Okay?" She gave the girl another hug before she led her away from the water. "Let's get you dry now."
Did she know how to swim.
Blue went quiet. She cringed into Eve and said, "Uhm...I can doggy-paddle." And now the pond wasn't very appealing and the thought of running back in there was kinda scary like the stupid baby dragon. "I need to learn yet..."
"But he's a toad I love." She glanced over her shoulder at the murky waters, pouting slightly. Poor WMD. Lost. Out there. In the wide, wide pond. Maybe she should go back in after him...? "Maybe he does." Her shoulders slumped. WAS SHE NOT PLAYING WITH WMD ENOUGH?!?! "Okay," She said, her teeth chattering.
Blue went quiet. She cringed into Eve and said, "Uhm...I can doggy-paddle." And now the pond wasn't very appealing and the thought of running back in there was kinda scary like the stupid baby dragon. "I need to learn yet..."
"But he's a toad I love." She glanced over her shoulder at the murky waters, pouting slightly. Poor WMD. Lost. Out there. In the wide, wide pond. Maybe she should go back in after him...? "Maybe he does." Her shoulders slumped. WAS SHE NOT PLAYING WITH WMD ENOUGH?!?! "Okay," She said, her teeth chattering.
She was kinda freezing cold.
Doggy paddle? Evelyn grinned but her grin faded when she noticed how scared Blue looked. "Look. Never jump into the water again..until you learn to swim..okay? She wanted to make sure Blue understood what she was saying.
"I know you love him but..how can you even find him out there? The pond is quite big, you know." Evelyn said, waving her hand towards the pond. "He'll come back. You wait and see." She put an arm around Blue's shoulders and led her towards the grass. Gosh, she was literally shivering.
Evelyn quickly removed her wand and with a flick of her wrist, Blue was dry. moment later, she was dry as well. Replacing her wand in the pocket of her jeans, she looked at Blue, concern on her face. "Are you still upset?"
Serial Prankster • Troloholic • Like a BAWS • Brae the Lionheart & Lion Cub • AnDee & Melsse
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
Louisa remained completely still as he stated she was the second Prefect he'd met this week... what was she supposed to reply to that? "Err... nice.. to... meet.. you...?" He didn't sound impressed at all though. Louisa liked this boy, he wasn't like all the other students at all. No manner obligations, no fake words or smiles, not even pretending to be impressed with her badge. Cool, she could spend time with him without getting accused of being rude.
"Edric. I haven't seen you around, and yet you're a sixth year," she stated rather than asked and then her eyes went to her cat with the shoe. Did she have to just give in and use her wand to get it? Nah, not yet.
Louisa crossed her legs and started rocking her foot, folding and unfolding her hands on her lap as she waited for the awkward silence to pass by one of them starting some... non-shoe-related topic. The boy seemed eager just to snatch his shoe and stomp off to the castle so she didn't hazard another second for him to talk, "Sooo... uh.. do you.. have a pet?" Looks like the issue was just stuck between the two of them. :|
"Yeah. Everybody says that," Edric replied to Louisa's statement about never seeing him around. After a moment, he figured he should PROBABLY add on to that because he wasn't helping the girl much with his silence. "I mean… this is only my second year at Hogwarts. I transferred from Ashworth's All-Boys Academy last term."
Distractedly, the Gryffindor began to throw bits of bread out into the water for the nearby ducks that were circling his and Louisa's feet, eyeing the bread in the boy's right hand. After the whole incident with the cat and his shoe, he'd completely forgotten he'd been carrying that around.
And then Louisa wanted to know if he had pets.
"Not here," said the boy. "I have a pet chameleon at home, though."
Only the coolest pet ever to have. In his biased opinion, anyway.
"Yeah. Everybody says that," Edric replied to Louisa's statement about never seeing him around. After a moment, he figured he should PROBABLY add on to that because he wasn't helping the girl much with his silence. "I mean… this is only my second year at Hogwarts. I transferred from Ashworth's All-Boys Academy last term."
Distractedly, the Gryffindor began to throw bits of bread out into the water for the nearby ducks that were circling his and Louisa's feet, eyeing the bread in the boy's right hand. After the whole incident with the cat and his shoe, he'd completely forgotten he'd been carrying that around.
And then Louisa wanted to know if he had pets.
"Not here," said the boy. "I have a pet chameleon at home, though."
Only the coolest pet ever to have. In his biased opinion, anyway.
Ashworth's Academy? Impressive. Louisa smiled a little at this piece of information, "I've never met anyone from Ashworth's Academy... how is it over there?" And because she was starting more like herself, she started talking again, "Is it as large as Hogwarts? Does it have this variety of students from all over the place? Do you get the same subjects? Is there houses? Do you guys also study seven years till graduation? Is there any famous wizards who attended it that I might recognize?" From the History of Magic book, she meant.
Her eyes fell on her cat as the boy fed the ducks. "I'm giving her only two more minutes before I use my wand..." Darn those stubborn cats that... wait, what? Louisa watched the cat nudge the shoe... forward.. forward.. forward... was she trying to reach them? D'awwww! Seeeeeee her cat wasn't all ba-
..over into the pond.
Louisa gasped, clasped her hands on her mouth and stared at the floating shoe rocking on the surface.
Serial Prankster • Troloholic • Like a BAWS • Brae the Lionheart & Lion Cub • AnDee & Melsse
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
Ashworth's Academy? Impressive. Louisa smiled a little at this piece of information, "I've never met anyone from Ashworth's Academy... how is it over there?" And because she was starting more like herself, she started talking again, "Is it as large as Hogwarts? Does it have this variety of students from all over the place? Do you get the same subjects? Is there houses? Do you guys also study seven years till graduation? Is there any famous wizards who attended it that I might recognize?" From the History of Magic book, she meant.
Her eyes fell on her cat as the boy fed the ducks. "I'm giving her only two more minutes before I use my wand..." Darn those stubborn cats that... wait, what? Louisa watched the cat nudge the shoe... forward.. forward.. forward... was she trying to reach them? D'awwww! Seeeeeee her cat wasn't all ba-
..over into the pond.
Louisa gasped, clasped her hands on her mouth and stared at the floating shoe rocking on the surface.
Edric was JUST about to answer Louisa's first question, when, suddenly, she just… kind of went crazy asking him EVERYTHING. What would she ask him next? What pants size he wore? "It's nice. No. Yes. Yes. No. Yes. A couple." Ha. Now that's good summarizing skills.
It was a good thing he'd kept it brief, though; Edric got the impression this girl probably didn't have a very good attention span. It wasn't long until she was going on about the cat again. That topic interested him, though. He wanted his shoe back. No, he NEEDED his shoe back. He wasn't walking back to Hogwarts in only one shoe! Who knew what he might end up stepping on?!
And then the cat was pushing the shoe over toward them.
Oh thank goodness.
Edric was just getting to his feet at that moment, ready to take his shoe and run, when…
Edric looked from the cat, to his shoe in the water, to Louisa, back to the cat, and back to the shoe. "What?!" Had that demonic creature seriously just pushed his shoe into the water?! "Correct me if I'm wrong, but... that was just my shoe your... pet just pushed into the water, wasn't it?" Any chance the cat had probably taken someone else's shoe when they weren't looking?
Nope, that was his shoe alright.
Edric's first reaction was to take out his wand and summon the shoe back from the water, but as his hands searched his pockets, he realized he'd left his wand in his robes. And his robes in the boys' dormitory.
Edric was JUST about to answer Louisa's first question, when, suddenly, she just… kind of went crazy asking him EVERYTHING. What would she ask him next? What pants size he wore? "It's nice. No. Yes. Yes. No. Yes. A couple." Ha. Now that's good summarizing skills.
It was a good thing he'd kept it brief, though; Edric got the impression this girl probably didn't have a very good attention span. It wasn't long until she was going on about the cat again. That topic interested him, though. He wanted his shoe back. No, he NEEDED his shoe back. He wasn't walking back to Hogwarts in only one shoe! Who knew what he might end up stepping on?!
And then the cat was pushing the shoe over toward them.
Oh thank goodness.
Edric was just getting to his feet at that moment, ready to take his shoe and run, when…
Edric looked from the cat, to his shoe in the water, to Louisa, back to the cat, and back to the shoe. "What?!" Had that demonic creature seriously just pushed his shoe into the water?! "Correct me if I'm wrong, but... that was just my shoe your... pet just pushed into the water, wasn't it?" Any chance the cat had probably taken someone else's shoe when they weren't looking?
Nope, that was his shoe alright.
Edric's first reaction was to take out his wand and summon the shoe back from the water, but as his hands searched his pockets, he realized he'd left his wand in his robes. And his robes in the boys' dormitory.
Louisa, with her hands still on her mouth, stumbled to her feet and stood next to Edric who was demanding an unnecessary answer and just moved his arm to get something but the LOOK on his face was just... priceless. Louisa wanted to cast a shielding charm at her devil cat and laugh her head off at the same time. "Okay, listen, I'm sorry okay? Let me fix this situation for you." The cat was licking her paws by then, and had moved away from the pond's edge. Not a care in the world. Little brat tabby feline.
"Accio," the shoe flew from the water to where the boy and girl were standing, Louisa grabbed it with her hand and it was -of course- soaking wet. "Let me dry this for you first, and you'll be completely set to wear it." He wasn't going to just run away from them, was he? He would be like... number thirteen or something. Although everyone who'd run away from Louisa became a good friend or even, in Paulie's case, a very close one. She waved her wand at the show and gave him a nervous smile, "I'm sure we'll all look back on this and laugh in like two years..." she giggled... the giggle faded into an uncertain smile, "... maybe ten years?" Because he was not amused at all! D: