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Oliver's hand was actually on the doorknob when he heard knocking on the other side of the door and he half sighed and half chuckled to himself. He'd spent the last few hours being bored and just when he decides to go for a walk, someone comes to visit him.
He pulled open the door and stuck his head out, his eyes coming to rest on Gemma.
That outfit was definitely smokin and he had a slight panic attack that he had forgotten that they had arranged a date or something. But he gave himself a small shake. Oliver knew that he wouldn't have arranged anything not when he had been needing some time to sort himself out.
He let out a low whistle, soft whistle as he lent up against the doorframe. "I must say, you sure do pretty up the corridor."
She was a little startled when she heard a little whistle. The first thought that went through her mind was that a student had whistled at her and she really didn't want to have to deal with that little situation. As she looked up to see who it was she was surprised to see O standing at the doorframe and that stupid worry just melted away. He looked good...no better than good leaning against that doorframe....seeing him there with that face on made all of her worries and doubts hide away for a few minutes.
Standing up and doing a little turn for him to take everything in, she smiled at him, "
Hey you! I'm guessing you like?" she asked as she reached for the little tray of strawberries. "
I knew you were having a few stressful weeks with the whole freezing stuff going on around the castle, so I thought I would bring you a couple of early Valentine's presents..." she held out the plate of strawberries to him.
"So, here's one of the presents..." she said with a little wink at him.