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Similar to the Magical Creatures Sanctuary, the barnyard is an enclosure that contains a variety of creatures scattered about, mostly ones that need to be kept inside during the winter. In the spring and fall, many of these creatures will be allowed out into the Sanctuary where students can continue looking after them.
If you're feeling useful, pick up a shovel from the rack at the back of the barn and scoop up some animal poo! There's a nice manure pile just outside the barn's back doors. If you're feeling lonely, go visit with an abraxan, aethonan, or a granian, although the barn currently only contains one of each. If you're feeling sad, go visit with the somber thestrals, provided that you can see them. Who knows, your skills around these animals might just result earn you a few house points.
At the extreme back of the barn, in what used to be an old stall with no door and what is now a converted fireplace, lies one very shiny, very large egg-like object. The object seems to be giving off an incredible amount of heat and occasionally quivers to and fro as the flames from the fireplace lick its sides. What is it, you wonder? Just as you start to take a step closer to examine what you think is an egg, the professor pops up out of nowhere and shoos you out of the barn.
The time for this object is not yet, but soon enough, the barn might just have a new inhabitant.
All animals within this enclosure (with the exception of one) are rated X, XX, or XXX. Some animals reside in stalls, others are in coops or cubbies, and some are just regular mundane barn creatures. Please remember your character's skill level, year, and familiarity around animals when visiting the Barnyard.
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Students with permission to work/visit animals in the barnyard:
SPOILER!!: Alphabetical Order By Username =)
• alchemist_18 - Gerald Alexander Rush, 5th year Slytherin
• AlwaysSnapesGirl - Penelope Greenwell, Gryffindor
• Anna Banana - Sierra Greingoth, Slytherin
• Bazinga - Minerva Wheatborn, Third Year Hufflepuff
• Bubbles - Kennedy Escalante, Sixth Year Slytherin
• Dead_As_You - Sarassi Luciferilla Eventide, Ravenclaw
• Deniiz - Joćo Marcelo Mendonēa Nascimento Teixeira Neves, Slytherin
• DH Vixen - Lana Kalen Hyde, 2nd Year Ravenclaw
• Eve. - Liesel Walther, Slytherin
• EW_FAN - Harvey Watson, Third Year Ravenclaw
• Fira - Lea Raina Carter, 2nd Year Gryffindor
• FireboltAvis88 - Alyssa Potter, Hufflepuff
• Gabrielle - Glenn Reyes, Hufflepuff
• grangerfan8- Isidora Y. Miroslava, Ravenclaw first year
• Grangerfn1 - Maximus James, Sixth Year Ravenclaw
• Green Ninja - Isaac Muir, 6th year Slytherin
• HaRoHeGiNeLu - Ellie Stone, Ravenclaw
• Hayden - Han Zi Hao (Xing Canterbury), Slytherin
• Hermione Lily Potter- Lily Violet Potter, Ravenclaw, second year
• Hermione2286- Hydra Corona Prince, Hufflepuff, first year
• HOPEendures - Jezzabelle Marie Antoinette, Gryffindor, Second Year
• iBeJenn - Selena Zabini-Riddle, Slytherin
• iceblossom22 - Elise Fairfield, Ravenclaw, Third Year.
• jessininja- Adarian Hunter, Slytherin first year
• Jojogali - Jess Stone, Fifth year Slytherin
• jujune29th - Sophie D. Campbell, Hufflepuff, Second Year
• Lady of Light - Evelyn Wellington, Hufflepuff
• lazykitty- Emmanuelle Moreau, Slytherin
• LilFox06 - Anya Phillips, Gryffindor, 2nd Year
• Lislchen - Lewis Rasting, Hufflepuff Sixth Year
• Lockhartian - Kate S. Osmium, Hufflepuff
• Lollipop! - Blue Gracae, First Year, Ravenclaw
• Luna_Midnight - Nerida Faye Eventide , Ravenclaw
• Macavity - Gideon Gert, Gryffindor 6th Year
• Magical Soul - Louisa Carter, Ravenclaw.
• MaverickMagpie - Dale Upstead, Hufflepuff 4th year
• Meizzner - Nigel Barrington, First Year Ravenclaw
• mellamaet - Ara Cassandra Prewett, 6th year Slytherin
• Miss Marilyn - Dylan Corvi Montmorency, Slytherin
• MyPatronusIsaMoose- Oakey Gunter, Hufflepuff, 4th Year
• Nixy! - Delilah O'Flanagan; Slytherin 5th year
• nogoodforyou - Nora Reed, Slytherin
• nups21 - Ira Wilson, Gryffindor
• ortalismusicoh - Renesmee Talya Dixon, Hufflepuff, Fourth Year
• PhoenixStar - Hannah Marie Lockwood, Second Year Slytherin
• PrincessPower- Sarah Edwards, First year, Gryffindor
• RachieRu - Indiana Hutchinson, Ravenclaw
• Rosa Chispa Princessa - Oichi Paulidine
• sarahb, Adelaide Coral, Slytherin, 5th Year
• Shanners -- Evie Lynn Appleby, Hufflepuff
• SilverDragon - Silvia Talbot, Ravenclaw, Second year
• SilverTiger - Stella M. Gardiner, seventh year Ravenclaw
• Steelsheen- Vincenzo Vanderbilt, 6th year Ravenclaw
• sweetpinkpixie - Kurumi Hollingberry, Gryffindor
• TakemetotheBurrow - Ella Bishop, Hufflepuff, 2nd Year
• Tegz - West Scanlan Odessa, Slytherin First Year
• TwistedHearts - Zeke de Ferreis, Gryffindor
• vijaya - Zack Tatum, Gryffindor Second year
• Wisher - Narumi Kya Matsumoto, Gryffindor First Year
• XxEros_PsycheXx - Pyrsephonie Freja Black, Hufflepuff
• Yourenodaisy- Kaiden R.W. Yarborough, First Year Hufflepuff
Creatures currently in the barnyard:
SPOILER!!: Creatures, Ratings, and Amount In Barn
Augurey - XX - 1, moved to a nest in the barn loft
Chizpurfle - XX - probably some hiding out in various creatures' fur
Crup - XXX - 0 currently within barn; 1 in WWW's office
Diricawl - XX - 3 currently within barn, wandering around freely
Egg - XXXXX - 1, currently in the fireplace...
Fire crab - XXX - 1 currently within its own stall in the barn
Flobberworm - X - ~40? currently within a tub in the back of the barn
Fwooper - XXX - 1 currently within barn loft; has been silenced
Jarvey - XXX - ? rumored to have snuck inside the barn for the winter
Jobberknoll - XX - ~24 moved in to nest in the barn loft
Knarl - XXX - 6 currently within barn
Kneazle - XXX - 8 currently within barn; tend to room with winged horses
Moke - XXX - 4 currently within barn
Niffler - XXX - 12 currently within barn
Porlock - XX - 4 currently within barn; tend to room with winged horses
Puffskein - XX - too many to count currently within barn, in an enclosed pen
Re'em - XXXX - 1 currently within barn in its own stall
Salamander - XXX - 12 currently within barn, roaming about
Tebo - XXXX - 4 THOUGHT to be currently within barn
Winged horse - XX-XXXX - 1 abraxan, 1 aethonan, 1 granian, 1 thestral in separate stalls
Things to DO within the barn:
SPOILER!!: These are just suggestions; feel free to PM me with more!
Cheer up the augurey
Try to rid the furry creatures of chizpurfles
Try to spot a diricrawl or a tebo
Draw the pretty firecrab
Try to ride the firecrab
Feed the flobberworms
Visit the horses/threstrals
Groom the horses/thestrals
Go talk to a jobberknoll
Feed a knarl (or try to)
Pet a kneazle
Play with the puffskein colony
Feed the salamanders
Feed pretty much any animal
Pet pretty much any animal
Scoop up poop!
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Last edited by BanaBatGirl; 06-07-2012 at 04:41 PM.
Reason: updated as of 12:41pm on 6/7. final update.
Adarian walked into the barn his jaw dropping at the awesome animals contained within. He felt at home here with all of these magnificent creatures, he wished his older brother had taken a job with the Care of Magical Creatures department at the ministry instead of the one he did go with. Then maybe he could have had some of these creatures come for respite and care in his home. He walked through the barn examining his surroundings when he stopped at the stall for the Abraxan, "Wow" he muttered. The winged horse wasn't as big as a full grown Abraxan but it was still huge. It's palomino coat was kinda dingy and it's wings were folded at it's sides. Adarian looked around before bringing out a medium sized bottle of single malt whiskey, he knew that the winged horses lived on the stuff. It wasn't opened since he didn't want to be accused of drinking it, He cracked the top and poured it in a smallish bowl that was built into the stall's wall. The horse snuffled at him before going over to drink it. Adarian sighed, he wanted to groom and wash the winged horse but he was too small and the animal far too large for an 11 year old to handle by himself. The whiskey was the best he could do. "One day my pretty friend, you and I are going to hang out." it was his dream to ride a winged horse, the Abraxan wasn't a Pegasus but it was the next best thing. He looked around the stall, there was no name plate, "Don't you have a name?" he wondered aloud. Perhaps the Professor would know.
Assistant Marauder | 1/2 of BenSky | Hit Wiz! | Mischief Managed
Nerida cherrfully walked into the barnyard, there were so many animals and she had her eye set on all of them, but not today. That would be so much work and she had so little time! She looked over in a lonely looking stall, there standing somberly was a skeleton looking thing called a thestral, they could only be seen by people who have seen death. Nerida saw death, it took her muggle best friend in an instant, one minute she was there and the next minute she wasnt. She walked over to the thestral casualy and said Hello, do you want some company, you look a bit lonely. She knew that thestrals were commonly known as aggresive, but seeing wild ones in the forests she came to realize they are actually pretty gentle.
She let it sniff her hand and get it to trust her before she actually offered to groom it, she whispered to it, it was always nice to ask for permission, you know...Would you like me to groom you? After getting approval or what seemed like approval, she picked up the grooming utensil and began to groom the invisible creature, to everyone else it probably looked like she was grooming an imaginary creature but to those like her who her unfortunate to see death could see she was really grooming a thestral. After finishing she placed the grooming utensil down and petted it for a couple minutes, feeling its coat beneath her hand, it was smooth and the color was black as night, you could clearly make out its bones just by glancing at the creature.
♕♕ Fire works through my veins into my heart ♕♕ ♕♕ Remember the nights dancing under the sky♕♕
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Willy walked into the barnyard, whistling as he swung his pail of dragon food in one hand and a dead rat in the other. He was just so happy to go see his baby again, his wittle baby dwagon Roro.
"Roro!" he called out cheerfully as he rounded the corner in the barn that led to his stall. "Roro! Baby! Where areeeeee you!" Sometimes the dragon liked to hide in the corners and pop out and surprise his papa, snapping his sharp little teeth playfully, but Willy was always prepared for that.
Today, though, it seemed no Roro was in sight. "Roro???" he called out again, setting the food stuff down and unlocking the door to an empty stall. "RORO???!?!" Where WAS his baby dragon? "RORORORORORORORO!!!!!!!!!!!!"
The dragon baby was gone!
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
Willy walked into the barnyard, whistling as he swung his pail of dragon food in one hand and a dead rat in the other. He was just so happy to go see his baby again, his wittle baby dwagon Roro.
"Roro!" he called out cheerfully as he rounded the corner in the barn that led to his stall. "Roro! Baby! Where areeeeee you!" Sometimes the dragon liked to hide in the corners and pop out and surprise his papa, snapping his sharp little teeth playfully, but Willy was always prepared for that.
Today, though, it seemed no Roro was in sight. "Roro???" he called out again, setting the food stuff down and unlocking the door to an empty stall. "RORO???!?!" Where WAS his baby dragon? "RORORORORORORORO!!!!!!!!!!!!"
The dragon baby was gone!
Alyssa entered the Barnyard where the Winged Horses were corralled. "Hello there my beauties. I did promise you that I would come back to see how you were doing. Let me go pick up your brushes and some tools to clean up your stalls and I'll be back." Alyssa told her winged friends. She was about to make her way out of the barn
It was then that she heard Professor Williamson yelling for his baby dragon. She groaned. Somebody was going to be in trouble. She walked up to the Professor. "Um.....Professor Williamson, I think I know where your baby dragon is. I think I saw Professor Lafay trying to smuggle it out of the sanctuary as I was making my way here."
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88
Alyssa entered the Barnyard where the Winged Horses were corralled. "Hello there my beauties. I did promise you that I would come back to see how you were doing. Let me go pick up your brushes and some tools to clean up your stalls and I'll be back." Alyssa told her winged friends. She was about to make her way out of the barn
It was then that she heard Professor Williamson yelling for his baby dragon. She groaned. Somebody was going to be in trouble. She walked up to the Professor. "Um.....Professor Williamson, I think I know where your baby dragon is. I think I saw Professor Lafay trying to smuggle it out of the sanctuary as I was making my way here."
Hearing the sound of a voice just behind him, William whirled on his heel and stared at the Hufflepuff. Alyssa. Just Alyssa Potter. Nothing dangerous about her, right? SHE HADN'T TAKEN RORO, HAD SHE??!
"Oh...you...you saw him? With LAFY??!" Willy mentally smacked himself in the forehead. Of course, of COURSE the other Slytherin teacher in the school would be the one to go after his dragon. And poor little Roro probably hadn't known WHAT to think of the dragon-like woman! What if he thought she was his MOM and followed her straight into her LAIR??!?!
Well there was no time left to lose: Willy had to rescue Roro! Grabbing his pail of dragon food, he started out the door, then backtracked to nod at Alyssa. "Er, thanks, Potter, thanks for the heads-up."
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
As Alyssa saw the Professor head out the door after his baby dragon, she was really inclined to follow him to see what was going to happen next but she decided, that for now, it was best to stay where she was.
So Alyssa headed over to the Winged Horses in their stalls. She first needed to clean up the poop in their stalls. Picking up her shovel she entered the first stable of the Abraxan and scooped up the poop and dropped it into her wheelbarrow, then she walked over to the stall where the Aethonan was eating, and making sure that she didn't disturb it too much, shovelled up the piles of poop in it's stall and added it to the wheelbarrow.
Now that was done, she exited the Aethonan's stall and entered the Granian. It seemed to recognize her from last term because it gently backed up to allow her to scoop up it's poop. Alyssa added the steamy pile into her wheelbarrow before making her way to the stall where the Thestral was supposedly stabled in. Since she still couldn't see it, she had to watch the ground of the stall for any movement. Where she saw any shuffling or disturbance on the ground, she kept a wide berth and quickly shoveled up the poop and added it into her wheelbarrow, before quickly exiting the Thestrals stall.
She wheeled the wheelbarrow out of the Barnyard and back out into the Sanctuary grounds.
The Barnyard smelled like animals. It smelt like her farm. Sarah immediately made her way to the horses. She petted one. She liked horses. Horses she felt understood her. Whenever she rode a horse she would speak to it and somehow feel comforted.
Hearing the sound of a voice just behind him, William whirled on his heel and stared at the Hufflepuff. Alyssa. Just Alyssa Potter. Nothing dangerous about her, right? SHE HADN'T TAKEN RORO, HAD SHE??!
"Oh...you...you saw him? With LAFY??!" Willy mentally smacked himself in the forehead. Of course, of COURSE the other Slytherin teacher in the school would be the one to go after his dragon. And poor little Roro probably hadn't known WHAT to think of the dragon-like woman! What if he thought she was his MOM and followed her straight into her LAIR??!?!
Well there was no time left to lose: Willy had to rescue Roro! Grabbing his pail of dragon food, he started out the door, then backtracked to nod at Alyssa. "Er, thanks, Potter, thanks for the heads-up."
Gemma had finally found time...no worked up the courage...to come down and meet W's new friend and addition to his COMC Family. She wasn't really too sure what to think about the 'little' one, so she decided not to make any decisions until she was able to meet the creature herself. She knew that O had mixed feelings about...which she couldn't blame him since he had been injured by the thing.
She walked timidly into the barnyard, where she had heard the thing was being kept and was surprised to see some students around the area. Was it really safe for students to be around a baby dragon...they were so unpredictable and, well obviously, dangerous.
As she walked into the barnyard, she saw W speaking with one of the students and noticed that he had an urgent look on his face. Just as she said, "Hey W cubed, so wheeeeerrr...." her words trailed off as she heard him say something about Lafay and the dragon and then turn and head out of the barnyard...Great timing Gemma...She turned on her heels and followed him out of the barnyard...where to she wasn't sure, but she was sure it would be between here and the Dungeons.
The rooster, where was it. There she spotted it, its colourful plummage made it stand out like a sore thumb -eh rooster. She ran to it and places and a light placard around its neck:
When I crow,
the sun says hello.
To inform you - comes the sun,
to let you know that a new day has begun.
Wake up then, and the whole day you will be thrilled
and that night you will feel about your day more fulfilled
Body plastered on the outer wall, Joćo peeked in the barnyard first before entering, again wrapped in protective, warm charms and an expensive winter coat. He stared inside for a while, as if he was trying to detect what every shadow was, as if he was running from someone and didn't want to be seen. He quickly drew his head back with a small gasp as if he was spotted. He waited... and at the same time looked at the grounds to see if anyone was there too, or if anyone had seen him. Good. No one was in sight to spot his weird behaviour... After 10 seconds, he peeked in again and stayed like that for a shorter time, before quickly slipping in, trying to be as silent as he could.
Hopefully, Professor Williamson was away.
Once inside, he started looking at the animals one by one. He stopped and stared each of them for a few seconds. He had a very bad feeling about this. He was alone and he didn't even know the names of the animals. Sure he could name some in Portuguese, but half of them were a mystery. How was he going to manage this when he didn't even know what they were? He had the most comprehensive creatures book he could find in the library, but even then, he didn't know what to look for and it could take him quite a while to find the exact animal.
Oh well. If he had got himself into this, he had to fix it. And fixing it he had to do perfectly.
Walking slowly in an attempt to at least remember the names of the animals--which was no use--he came in front of an oxen-like animal that shone with its golden colour.
There. This was the animal he was working for. He didn't even glance at the rest of the animals he was yet to see.
He got his wand out and cleaned the area in front of its stall to sit. He eyed the animal suspiciously, hearbeats getting faster. It... it wouldn't burst out of the stall while he was there, would it? Though, even if it did, did he have any other choice? Clearly he didn't want to be here and the animals would sense it somehow. It would be the same story eventually. He only needed to... sit down calmly, and find the thing in that book as fast as he could.
Louisa made sure to get rid of her cold before getting back in the barnyard and checking on the creatures professor unprofessional was keeping. She had a small basket full of cat cookies leftovers from her own cat to feed the Kneazles.
Pushing the door open, she screwed up her face a bit. Someone didn't clean the poops in a long time. Ugh. Or maybe it was just the natural smell of all the animals. Heh. Either way, this made her question professor Williamson's usual smell since y'know he was THE care of magical creatures.
Before she could head for the bunch of Kneazles snuggling somewhere, someone sitting slightly on the edge in front of the Re'em drew her attention. He was pretty much the only one in the barnyard. And he was simply staring at the creature.
Louisa walked over to them.
"Err...I don't think it'll help staring right into the Re'em's eyes." Whatever he was trying to do here, it wouldn't work. Louisa knew it. And she was using her neutral curious voice tone with him, she was being friendly.
Because of the Re'em. They didn't want to upset him and get killed by the negative energy against each other. Ahem.
Louisa made sure to get rid of her cold before getting back in the barnyard and checking on the creatures professor unprofessional was keeping. She had a small basket full of cat cookies leftovers from her own cat to feed the Kneazles.
Pushing the door open, she screwed up her face a bit. Someone didn't clean the poops in a long time. Ugh. Or maybe it was just the natural smell of all the animals. Heh. Either way, this made her question professor Williamson's usual smell since y'know he was THE care of magical creatures.
Before she could head for the bunch of Kneazles snuggling somewhere, someone sitting slightly on the edge in front of the Re'em drew her attention. He was pretty much the only one in the barnyard. And he was simply staring at the creature.
Louisa walked over to them.
"Err...I don't think it'll help staring right into the Re'em's eyes." Whatever he was trying to do here, it wouldn't work. Louisa knew it. And she was using her neutral curious voice tone with him, she was being friendly.
Because of the Re'em. They didn't want to upset him and get killed by the negative energy against each other. Ahem.
Joćo gasped slightly at the approaching footsteps. What if it was HIM!? He raised his eyes from the book quickly and stood there almost frozen, looking at the animal. If it was him--looking wouldn't work best. But he had to see who it was! Some more seconds passed staring at the animal, heartbeats getting faster and faster when--
She talked.
He let out a huge sigh of relief, although she didn't exactly make things any better either. The colour of his face started to return too. If the man came, Louisa would hide him, right?
"So it's a Re'em?" Clever girl! So they were talking in a friendly way again, it seemed? After potions, that is? Heh. She wished! He wasn't going to make a scene of course, but he was going to keep things formal. And neutral. She had chosen Adam over him, and even hexed him for that idiot. She'd used him as her manservant. Those were hard to forget. But as long as she kept her mouth shut, he was fine.
He didn't get up, but he scooted over where he sat so that she could sit too while he tried to find Re'em in the book.
Joćo gasped slightly at the approaching footsteps. What if it was HIM!? He raised his eyes from the book quickly and stood there almost frozen, looking at the animal. If it was him--looking wouldn't work best. But he had to see who it was! Some more seconds passed staring at the animal, heartbeats getting faster and faster when--
She talked.
He let out a huge sigh of relief, although she didn't exactly make things any better either. The colour of his face started to return too. If the man came, Louisa would hide him, right?
"So it's a Re'em?" Clever girl! So they were talking in a friendly way again, it seemed? After potions, that is? Heh. She wished! He wasn't going to make a scene of course, but he was going to keep things formal. And neutral. She had chosen Adam over him, and even hexed him for that idiot. She'd used him as her manservant. Those were hard to forget. But as long as she kept her mouth shut, he was fine.
He didn't get up, but he scooted over where he sat so that she could sit too while he tried to find Re'em in the book.
Ooooh. He didn't know what it was. Internal snort. Very typical of the Brazilian boy. Louisa aaalmost smiled at the familiarity of this. It was wrong to lie and say she didn't like the way certain things remained intact in people. It gave her some sense of... safety. To go back with someone and see that they hadn't changed that much, that everything was just normal somewhat.
"Yes, it is a Re'em." She started spilling everything she knew about the creature while looking at it, "They live in the wilds of North America and the Far East. Their blood gives major strength to those who drink it for a limited period of time." It didn't really need to be taken care of as far as she knew, unless.... "Are you planning on feeding or cleaning it?" It wasn't the nicest creature in the barn, she might add.
Ooooh. He didn't know what it was. Internal snort. Very typical of the Brazilian boy. Louisa aaalmost smiled at the familiarity of this. It was wrong to lie and say she didn't like the way certain things remained intact in people. It gave her some sense of... safety. To go back with someone and see that they hadn't changed that much, that everything was just normal somewhat.
"Yes, it is a Re'em." She started spilling everything she knew about the creature while looking at it, "They live in the wilds of North America and the Far East. Their blood gives major strength to those who drink it for a limited period of time." It didn't really need to be taken care of as far as she knew, unless.... "Are you planning on feeding or cleaning it?" It wasn't the nicest creature in the barn, she might add.
She was definitely a Ravenclaw. Joćo chuckled as she spilled everything she knew, then stopped laughing awkwardly. Could he even laugh with her? And so easily like that? Well, he shouldn't.
"Thanks for the information." He smiled again, though this time it was only polite and formal. He knew he'd chosen the right animal, looking so strong and such. He closed the book. She seemed to know everything anyway.
If she wasn't going to sit, he would get up then. He didn't like it how she stared from so high at him.
Which would make professor Williamson more pleased? Would he even know Joćo had been there? He glanced over the Re'em. Cleaning was always the best option, right?
"Cleaning." She was going to help and not leave him alone with it, right?!
She was definitely a Ravenclaw. Joćo chuckled as she spilled everything she knew, then stopped laughing awkwardly. Could he even laugh with her? And so easily like that? Well, he shouldn't.
"Thanks for the information." He smiled again, though this time it was only polite and formal. He knew he'd chosen the right animal, looking so strong and such. He closed the book. She seemed to know everything anyway.
If she wasn't going to sit, he would get up then. He didn't like it how she stared from so high at him.
Which would make professor Williamson more pleased? Would he even know Joćo had been there? He glanced over the Re'em. Cleaning was always the best option, right?
"Cleaning." She was going to help and not leave him alone with it, right?!
Ooooh, cleaning. Tooough. "Well good luck with that," she said returning his formal smile. "I'll be feeding the Kneazles over there.." in case he needed help with the Re'em that was highly likely to kick him somewhere if it wasn't distracted and satisfied before getting people touch him. HEHEHE.
Louisa moved away, stifling her laugh, and on toward the bunch of Kneazles snuggling next to each other. A part of her was curious to really help Joao with the Re'em, she didn't even know how they were supposed to clean it, as she put it. Maybe scoop its poop? Wipe its body? Polish its horns? Something more?
Another part of her wanted to see how exactly was he going to do it himself? Joao was too egoistic to care for other creatures - she might be not interested in them in the way Williamson wanted his students to be but she sure could handle dealing with them for the sake of experimenting on them later but Joao wouldn't. At least she thought he wouldn't.
The Ravenclaw cooed at the Kneazles when she reached them and squatted down, placing the basket on the floor, "Hiiii. Hungry today, lovelies?" She stretched her hand, palm up, slowly toward them without daring to pet any of them in case she'd interrupted their nap or something. A couple of them, though, curiously looked at the hand and scooted closer sniffing it and bumping it with their heads. Louisa widened her smile and grabbed a few crackers from the basket with her other hand. "There y'go." They carefully sniffed the crackers and started nibbling on them.
Louisa lifted her eyes and glanced toward Joao. did he start already? She reeally wanted to join him.
Ooooh, cleaning. Tooough. "Well good luck with that," she said returning his formal smile. "I'll be feeding the Kneazles over there.." in case he needed help with the Re'em that was highly likely to kick him somewhere if it wasn't distracted and satisfied before getting people touch him. HEHEHE.
Louisa moved away, stifling her laugh, and on toward the bunch of Kneazles snuggling next to each other. A part of her was curious to really help Joao with the Re'em, she didn't even know how they were supposed to clean it, as she put it. Maybe scoop its poop? Wipe its body? Polish its horns? Something more?
Another part of her wanted to see how exactly was he going to do it himself? Joao was too egoistic to care for other creatures - she might be not interested in them in the way Williamson wanted his students to be but she sure could handle dealing with them for the sake of experimenting on them later but Joao wouldn't. At least she thought he wouldn't.
The Ravenclaw cooed at the Kneazles when she reached them and squatted down, placing the basket on the floor, "Hiiii. Hungry today, lovelies?" She stretched her hand, palm up, slowly toward them without daring to pet any of them in case she'd interrupted their nap or something. A couple of them, though, curiously looked at the hand and scooted closer sniffing it and bumping it with their heads. Louisa widened her smile and grabbed a few crackers from the basket with her other hand. "There y'go." They carefully sniffed the crackers and started nibbling on them.
Louisa lifted her eyes and glanced toward Joao. did he start already? She reeally wanted to join him.
That she would feed the KNEAZLES over there?! That she would LEAVE him AGAIN?!
Joćo simply nodded and hoped his face didn't show his slight growing terror. Fine. He didn't need her help anyway. He wished Aspen was there to help him. She would make a deal of it, but she would help too. Or make him to the thing. She would have done anything but leaving him on his own. With a huge beast that had horns.
Louisa chose her stupid cats though. He didn't need her. He needed someone who would take his time to teach how to approach animals.
Cleaning. Right. How to do that? Where to start? What to do?
Questions, questions. Maybe he should start with feeding it. Once it was fed, it would be more cooperative? Maybe it could even talk? Or--or--send him messages in a way? Yeah?
Sitting back on the floor, he grabbed the book as if it was in the open sea and it was his life vest, and started rummages through pages.
That she would feed the KNEAZLES over there?! That she would LEAVE him AGAIN?!
Joćo simply nodded and hoped his face didn't show his slight growing terror. Fine. He didn't need her help anyway. He wished Aspen was there to help him. She would make a deal of it, but she would help too. Or make him to the thing. She would have done anything but leaving him on his own. With a huge beast that had horns.
Louisa chose her stupid cats though. He didn't need her. He needed someone who would take his time to teach how to approach animals.
Cleaning. Right. How to do that? Where to start? What to do?
Questions, questions. Maybe he should start with feeding it. Once it was fed, it would be more cooperative? Maybe it could even talk? Or--or--send him messages in a way? Yeah?
Sitting back on the floor, he grabbed the book as if it was in the open sea and it was his life vest, and started rummages through pages.
There had to be re'em information somewhere.
...huh. He was reading again. Well, that meant he didn't know what to do. Louisa wondered why he even bothered to show up if this whole thing wasn't easy.
Looking down at the Kneazles, she threw them some more crackers and jumped to her feet. Time for some Prefecting.
"Y'know, I've never really seen someone courageous enough to attempt cleaning a Re'em before," she started casually walking to where he sat, "But I'm sure we can manage without making it angry or... lethal." Bahaha, she was clearly in a good mood. Standing right on top of him she took her scarf and hat off throwing them on the edge of the stall. She pushed her hair away from her face and placed her hands on her hips, looking at the Re'em as nothing more than an intriguing project.
"We're going to need some water, rags, sponge, shovel for the poop, and probably professor Williamson keeps him fed when the barn's open for us." It was what PROFESSIONAL professors were supposed to do.
... oh no.
Well, they had really no choice but to believe Williamson did that. 'Coz the Ravenclaw had no idea what to feed the Re'em without causing it to have a diarrhea.. or something.
Louisa glanced at Joao, after the debate in her head calmed down, and nodded her head to where all the equipments were, "Let's get them.." And off she went expecting him to either agree silently and follow her or refuse silently and step out of the barn.
She started rummaging through the items put down, finding empty buckets and pots for cleaning purposes. She grabbed one of those. Then tossed some tattered rags into it. Her eyes lingered on a big brush which resembled the one she'd used in her CoMC OWL exam. She tossed that in as well, maybe the Re'em needed some brushing..? Not that it was fluffy or furry but he ought to have some mites living on his skin, no?
Joao could take the poop scooper and the rubbish bin. Hehe.
...huh. He was reading again. Well, that meant he didn't know what to do. Louisa wondered why he even bothered to show up if this whole thing wasn't easy.
Looking down at the Kneazles, she threw them some more crackers and jumped to her feet. Time for some Prefecting.
"Y'know, I've never really seen someone courageous enough to attempt cleaning a Re'em before," she started casually walking to where he sat, "But I'm sure we can manage without making it angry or... lethal." Bahaha, she was clearly in a good mood. Standing right on top of him she took her scarf and hat off throwing them on the edge of the stall. She pushed her hair away from her face and placed her hands on her hips, looking at the Re'em as nothing more than an intriguing project.
"We're going to need some water, rags, sponge, shovel for the poop, and probably professor Williamson keeps him fed when the barn's open for us." It was what PROFESSIONAL professors were supposed to do.
... oh no.
Well, they had really no choice but to believe Williamson did that. 'Coz the Ravenclaw had no idea what to feed the Re'em without causing it to have a diarrhea.. or something.
Louisa glanced at Joao, after the debate in her head calmed down, and nodded her head to where all the equipments were, "Let's get them.." And off she went expecting him to either agree silently and follow her or refuse silently and step out of the barn.
She started rummaging through the items put down, finding empty buckets and pots for cleaning purposes. She grabbed one of those. Then tossed some tattered rags into it. Her eyes lingered on a big brush which resembled the one she'd used in her CoMC OWL exam. She tossed that in as well, maybe the Re'em needed some brushing..? Not that it was fluffy or furry but he ought to have some mites living on his skin, no?
Joao could take the poop scooper and the rubbish bin. Hehe.
And just like that, she came back again. Deep inside, Joćo just knew it she would. Well? So he should just back away from it? He was not backing away if that was what she meant. It was even better that no one had touched it before. Because that meant he would get the appreciation of the professor.
Or more likely, his increased hatred.
Once she was finished and all decided, he eyed her for a moment before she went off to get the items. She didn't even wait for his answer. He couldn't decide if this was better or not. He got up after her, and without moving another inch, simply stared after her.
"We?" he asked with a sliiiightly smug smile, eyebrows raised. "Does your boyfriend know about this?" This, being their working together. "Because I don't want to have another one of his 'civil talk's."'Oh, Louisa's still in love with you, Joćo, I fear. Will you help me make her fall for me instead?' He still distinctly remembered those words. Stupid scumbag thinking he could be better than Joćo Neves.
Though, on a second thought... he needed her help. Even if it meant another Adam talk. He didn't believe the boy would get the difference between his normal expression and not-listening one anyway. He was so silly that he had only one reaction to every situation: 'I don't want Louisa to be hurt' and his stupid, worried expression. So Joćo would be fine. What worried him the most, though, was whether the professor would know it had been him.
Following her to where the cleaning materials were, he grabbed what was left without paying attention to them. Then, he followed her back to the Re'em and put the stuff down.
"How will the professor know it's me?" he asked with a little worry in his tone.
Louisa placed everything she had in her hands in front of the stall, still not daring to go in there. She didn't look at Joao when he started talking, simply because her anger would be showing. Instead she took her wand out... and pointed it at the bucket, "Aguamenti," and so they had water. Another tap on the bucket, the water was heated. Thanks to Bentley for teaching them how to water plants with hot liquid.
She glanced sideways at the items Joao had brought. Good thing he didn't notice the poop scoop coz he was doing it all on himself... well she was going to help him if he hadn't brought up that subject in such an obnoxious way. "We're not on a Rendezvous. Get over yourself."
Oooh. So Joao Neves the magnificent was only doing this for some credit. Interesting. "You didn't do it. I'm doing it with you," she answered him flatly before opening the door of the stall and peering closely at the Re'em. "We can write your name on top of its head." As an answer to his question. And no she didn't sound humorous about it, he actually deserved to be treated like this. She started rolling up her sleeves, thankfully she was just wearing her uniform. "We'll wet the rags and wipe him gently. Each one can take a side. I think it's easier than the Hippogriff."
Louisa placed everything she had in her hands in front of the stall, still not daring to go in there. She didn't look at Joao when he started talking, simply because her anger would be showing. Instead she took her wand out... and pointed it at the bucket, "Aguamenti," and so they had water. Another tap on the bucket, the water was heated. Thanks to Bentley for teaching them how to water plants with hot liquid.
She glanced sideways at the items Joao had brought. Good thing he didn't notice the poop scoop coz he was doing it all on himself... well she was going to help him if he hadn't brought up that subject in such an obnoxious way. "We're not on a Rendezvous. Get over yourself."
Oooh. So Joao Neves the magnificent was only doing this for some credit. Interesting. "You didn't do it. I'm doing it with you," she answered him flatly before opening the door of the stall and peering closely at the Re'em. "We can write your name on top of its head." As an answer to his question. And no she didn't sound humorous about it, he actually deserved to be treated like this. She started rolling up her sleeves, thankfully she was just wearing her uniform. "We'll wet the rags and wipe him gently. Each one can take a side. I think it's easier than the Hippogriff."
Oh, she was still angry about that and wouldn't talk about Adam. HER choice. Joćo didn't care about them at all. He snorted to himself, in fact. "I am over myself very much, thank you. I'm just saying." How was she still be with him? Was he really that good? Well. Joćo just didn't care. She could go date that idiot--no one was more idiot than Adam though. Huh.
Good thing she was angry. She did all the important steps he didn't know without giving a heed to them. Hehe. Maybe he should talk about the scumbag more? Or maybe not. Because now, she wasn't being funny.
"Haha, really funny." He rolled his eyes. "I mean it. I'm not getting any horns for nothing. You shouldn't, too." He eyed the rags and then eyed back the stall and Louisa inside it. Then, he let out some ineligible Portuguese words under his breath and took off his coat and sweater, carefully hanging them on the stall door.
Still eyeing the beast as he waited for it to bolt, he got serious again. He was even a little emotional, if she listened closely. "No kidding. How are you two?" He didn't care, but he still wondered. He had to know if he had been a worse boyfriend than the scumbag, as if that was possible.
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Alyssa returned to the stables and picked up the grooming brush and slowly entered the Abraxan's stall. "Hi there. Remember me? I'm here to brush you down and make you all nice and shiny again."Alyssa whispered to the winged horse as she put on her leather gloves.
She first gently wiped its muzzle and then its face with a wet towel to remove the dust and hay from it before moving up to the ears. She used the towel to wipe the ears with an upward stroking motion, starting from the base of the ears until the tips.
Once she was done with the Abraxan's head, she replaced the towel for a grooming brush and started brushing down its chest. She brushed away the dust and removed the hay until its coat started gleaming again. Then Alyssa moved up to the Abraxan's mane. She first untanged the hairs, removing any knots from the the mane before picking up a grooming comb and started combing its mane. She combed and combed until the mane was nice and silky looking again. Then she slowly moved to the back of the Abraxan making sure not to alarm it and gently picked up its tail and did the same thing she did with its mane. She gently unknotted the tangles and removed whatever hay and grime there was on it before taking the comb and gently combing it down. Once its tail was looked smooth and shiny, Alyssa swapped her comb for the grooming brush again.
She started brushing down the Abraxan's body, with smooth downward strokes. She brushed and she brushed, making sure that she covered every area of the winged horse's body. She only stopped brushing when she stepped back to inspect the Abraxan and saw a beautiful gleaming Palamino horse standing proudly in its stable. Alyssa smiled and gently patted it on it neck.
"We're all done now. Thank you for being so patient with me and for not kicking me while I was brushing your tail. I'm going to work on your other friends now. Once I'm done I'll come back and feed all of you." Alyssa whispered to the Palamino before picking up her bucket containing her grooming equipment and moving on next to the Aethonan standing in the next stall.
Oh, she was still angry about that and wouldn't talk about Adam. HER choice. Joćo didn't care about them at all. He snorted to himself, in fact. "I am over myself very much, thank you. I'm just saying." How was she still be with him? Was he really that good? Well. Joćo just didn't care. She could go date that idiot--no one was more idiot than Adam though. Huh.
Good thing she was angry. She did all the important steps he didn't know without giving a heed to them. Hehe. Maybe he should talk about the scumbag more? Or maybe not. Because now, she wasn't being funny.
"Haha, really funny." He rolled his eyes. "I mean it. I'm not getting any horns for nothing. You shouldn't, too." He eyed the rags and then eyed back the stall and Louisa inside it. Then, he let out some ineligible Portuguese words under his breath and took off his coat and sweater, carefully hanging them on the stall door.
Still eyeing the beast as he waited for it to bolt, he got serious again. He was even a little emotional, if she listened closely. "No kidding. How are you two?" He didn't care, but he still wondered. He had to know if he had been a worse boyfriend than the scumbag, as if that was possible.
Louisa didn't get far into the Re'em's stall since the creature finally saw them... and acknowledged them as intruders. It snorted loudly and started shuffling with its hooves, getting away from both of them. The Ravenclaw froze where she was, plopping the bucket on the floor and holding one hand out for Joao to freeze as well. "I think we went in too fast," she whispered. "Avoid the...eyes." A general tip she followed when dealing with creatures below human's IQ.
The Re'em continued its shuffling and snorting for another moment before finally calming down... somewhat. Louisa swallowed and took a deep breath. "Keep your wand at the ready without showing it. I'm coming closer," her voice was very serious and dramatic. She could've saluted too if her heart wasn't accelerating.
Louisa took a step forward, the creature snorted and rocked its head up and down. She didn't know what to make of this gesture so she took another step forward... the Re'em then let out a horrible groan before glaring at the two intruders and its hooves started moving.
Louisa didn't need to be told twice. She jumped backward, flailing her arm toward Joao, grabbing him from his what's left of his clothes and dragged him out of the stall. "Merlin's beard! I think we should get friendly with him first," she breathed out, looking at Joao expectantly.
He probably didn't want an answer to his last inquiry, did he? "Leave us alone. I mean it." she told him as seriously just in case he decided to bail out from the Re'em mission and sit down interrogating her about her love life.
Louisa didn't get far into the Re'em's stall since the creature finally saw them... and acknowledged them as intruders. It snorted loudly and started shuffling with its hooves, getting away from both of them. The Ravenclaw froze where she was, plopping the bucket on the floor and holding one hand out for Joao to freeze as well. "I think we went in too fast," she whispered. "Avoid the...eyes." A general tip she followed when dealing with creatures below human's IQ.
The Re'em continued its shuffling and snorting for another moment before finally calming down... somewhat. Louisa swallowed and took a deep breath. "Keep your wand at the ready without showing it. I'm coming closer," her voice was very serious and dramatic. She could've saluted too if her heart wasn't accelerating.
Louisa took a step forward, the creature snorted and rocked its head up and down. She didn't know what to make of this gesture so she took another step forward... the Re'em then let out a horrible groan before glaring at the two intruders and its hooves started moving.
Louisa didn't need to be told twice. She jumped backward, flailing her arm toward Joao, grabbing him from his what's left of his clothes and dragged him out of the stall. "Merlin's beard! I think we should get friendly with him first," she breathed out, looking at Joao expectantly.
He probably didn't want an answer to his last inquiry, did he? "Leave us alone. I mean it." she told him as seriously just in case he decided to bail out from the Re'em mission and sit down interrogating her about her love life.
See? And she was supposed to be the Ravenclaw here. Joćo would have never ever walked inside that stall so abruptly and without any close examination of the animal in question. Of course it got moody. Of course it glared at them. And of course he was staying right where he was. She didn't need to treat him like a baby. Her stupid boyfriend was one.
"What if it understands English?" he wanted to protest at wand advice, but she was already getting closer. Fine. Let Joćo do the dirty job! He got his wand out and waited for her to test the Re'em out. If he had to hex the animal sometime, Louisa was responsible for it. He had already called WWW a Muggle hater, he certainly wasn't injuring his precious.
He didn't hold her, but still supported her weight as a sign of help. He didn't want to particulary touch her if he could avoid it. He... he liked Aspen, and he didn't need any more Louisa drama again.
"We should probably look at its eyes, stand lower than its head to show it is the chief and talk to it nicely," he said, almost bored. It was the key to communication with animals. Only, he usually failed at it. No, it was the easy part of their mission. He looked into those blue eyes seriously and insistently, showing he wasn't going to simply let go. He also kept a hand on the stall door as if a barrier and warning. Until she answered him, he wasn't opening the door.
"After months I ask you a nice, caring question and you just snap at me." His tone was also a little accusing. "I don't dream of you anymore, if that's your worry. I--I have other worries." Saying that last part a little quicker than normal. She wouldn't notice?