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Slytherin Intros: Attendo Thea Vipera Beware The Viper Introductions. Find out who is who in Slytherin and watch your back in case you make enemies. Name: DoB: Age: Year At Hogwats: Blood: Best Subjects: Least Favorite/Worst Subjects: Pets: Personality: Appearance: Eye Color:<<picture>> History: |
Name: Hecate Scarlett Lafay (pronounced Heh-ckah-tee) DOB: February 29, 2032 Age: 44, but she''ll tell you 11 Dates Attended Hogwarts: 2043-2050 Marital Status: Widowed 3 times - Now Married to Minister Alexander Greingoth #1 - Gavin Grey #2 - Terrance Tralkey #3 - Libatius Lavery #4 - Alexander Greingoth Former Hogwarts House: Slytherin Blood: Pureblood Best Subjects: Potions and Charms Least Favorite Subject: Divination/Runes Pets: A black kneazle named Mephisto Previous Occupation: Potioneer Current post: Potions Mistress/Professor of Potions and Slytherin Head of House. Personality: Hecate is not the nicest person in the world. She does not like failure and loathes stupidity. Appearance: Eye Color: Brown Hair: Dark Brown Skin: Fair Height: 5'6 History: Hecate was born on leap day in a poor pureblood family. Her family can date their lineage back to Gunhilda of Gorsemoor, but as generations went by the fortune that came with being a pureblood was no longer associated with them. She was the third child of nine children, an eldest brother, then one older sister, herself, two younger sisters, triplet brothers and a brothers after that. Both her father (Lucien Sr.) and mother (Nerys) neglected her, so Hecate grew up knowing she couldn't depend on anyone but herself... she vowed to succeed in everything she did. In school she was top of her class, prefect and head girl. She began Wizarding University, at the Edinburgh, Scotland campus, and she cut all connection with her family when she met Professor Gavin Grey and became his live-in apprentice. At university she had the highest grades and she was named most likely to succeed. After she graduated, she went to work for her former professor and Scottish potioneer named Gavin Grey. He was 20 years her senior but the two worked long hours late together and soon fell in love. They had a winter wedding. All their friends were of the same mind. They were the perfect couple. Unfortunately their marriage ended after two and a half years of marriage when Gavin's died in an exploding cauldron incident. The potioneer lab was left to Hecate. A few months later Hecate was given a near to impossible request for a potion to cure a man by the name of Terrance Tralkey who was dying of a rare malady. Hecate worked hard day and night for months and was able to finally brew a successful potion to save the man's life. Terrance Tralkey and Hecate spent so much time together that they fell in love, and even though he proposed many times, she didn't accept for a year or so. Unfortunately, Terrance developed a side effect to her cure and while Hecate continued to work to reverse the side effect, he died suddenly, leaving her an undisclosed fortune. This is when the press had a field day. Hecate was successful in creating the potion to reverse the side effect, a year too late. She needed to get away from the press so she quit her job, and left the lab in Scotland to travel to Sydney Australia where she stayed for nearly two years.. On her plane ride back to Scotland, because Australia was too bright, too hot and too filled with arachnids, Hecate sat next to a man who began chatting her up. Libatius Lavery, an auror with the ministry of magic, had just been released from a muggle prison where he'd been wrongfully imprisoned, and was returning to London. By the time they landed, Libatius proposed to Hecate. She told him never to speak to her again. Libatius didn't give up, with his resources found out where she lived and send roses upon roses every day, with love notes and candy. After a few years of wooing she allowed him into her heart and soon after they married. Hecate continued to make all sorts of potions, while Libatius worked for the ministry... but one cold November day Hecate was visited by his superiors and informed her husband had been killed in the line of duty by a female death eater that they could not identify. This is when the press dubbed her The Black Widow, ironic because of her (and her typists) fear of arachnids. Hecate closed herself in her lab and dove head first into her work. She has made progress in many potions fields, not only limiting herself to healing, but also cosmetic and gastronomical. Finally, because her money had run out (potion ingredients aren't cheap,) Hecate applied to Hogwarts for the Potions job, which she currently holds. 2071-72 Hecate, in the attempt to test a burning unction, set three students ablaze, without causing physical pain. Three prefects attempted to stop her, but she placed them in detention. The Headmaster would not support her decision so she quit. Suddenly and without warning, parents of students complained to the Governors of the school. They, in turn, told the Head Master that Hecate was asked to return, not only as Potion's Mistress but as Slytherin Head of House as well. 2072-73 Hecate's had been under the impression that Sage Dodson, Herbology Professor, had been sweet on her, and in order to get her hands on free and limitless ingredients in the greenhouse. She played along... She'd also developed a friendship with Alexia Carlton, Charms professor, and to her dismay the two developed a close friendship... So close, in fact, the potions mistress took offense. Carlton was a friend and betrayed her, and Sage thought he could toy with her emotions... Well... inflicting revenge, she now won't need to see either of them at Hogwarts again. 2073-74 Hecate's Hogwarts Quidditch Captain came to meet her and patched things up with her after not speaking to each other since she was 17 and he 18. While their relationship became more serious, at school Hecate became closer to certain students and not to others. Her connections to the cult brought her gifts of expensive, rare and sometimes illegal ingredients. A club was started to create potions for Muggles. 2074-75 The year started out well for Hecate Lafay. Maybe because her love life was going so well. Unfortunately due to a fire, which was later discovered to be a diversion for the theft of potion ingredients, all her stock burned up. Thanks to the donation of students, some families of students and the generosity of the Minister of Magic, Lord Berty Borr, she was able to replenish her stock. More privately, her boyfriend's ex-wife showed her face and is now trying to start problems. So her great mood is now not so good. Slytherin won the Gobstones cup, the Quidditch cup and the House cup. 2075-76 Hecate Lafay began the term single again. Not because she was dumped. Hecate Lafay would never be dumped. Because she felt she was caring too much for her boyfriend and his daughter. Classes got harder. She was crueler and the students felt the pain she was going through. Catching Slytherins leaning a non approved picnic on the grounds, she was told how Hufflepuff seemed to want to hinder Slytherin from Winning the house cup again. She spoke to Hadley, the Hufflepuff Head of House and was not impressed with the woman's responses. During Christmas break, her now ex-boyfriend's wife mysteriously disappeared. Was Lafay involved? Who knows. But shortly after that she made amends with her boyfriend, and he proposed. Back at Hogwarts Slytherin was doing well in all their quidditch matches. Hufflepuff lost, and one of their team members pushed her seeker, and head girl off her broom. Hecate was furious, and demanded the Head of House do SOMETHING. When she declined, she pulled Vindictus in for an impartial judgment, and although he seemingly sided with her side, he did nothing to punish the offending player. She'd remember that. Again for the second time in a row, her snakes won the Gobstones cup, the Quidditch cup and the House cup. 2076-77 Hecate Lafay agreed to marry her boyfriend Alexander Greingoth over the summer, and they set the date for Christmas Day. She asked they not tell anyone. The only ones invited to the wedding was their old chum Ian Amoroso and his insufferable wife, Alexander's twin Alexandra and his daughter Sierra, who was surprised by the nuptials as well. Along with marrying the man, she adopted the girl. During the year she 'befriended' Dash, the HoM professor. She seems to loathe the Hufflepuff head of house whom she believes cheated to have her house win all three cups. http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/m...091298/br1.jpg http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/m...091298/br2.jpg http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/m...091298/br3.jpg http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/m...091298/br4.jpg http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/m...091298/br5.jpg http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/m...091298/br6.jpg http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/m...091298/br7.jpg SPOILER!!: timeline Doll: http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/m...91298/doll.jpg |
Model: Boyd Holbrook TRANSFERRED FROM: North Eastern School of Magic // The Basics // Name: Dylan Corvi Montmorency Nickname: "Switch" Age: 13 (Third Year) Date of Birth: May 10, 2063 Hometown: Green Bay, Wisconsin (United States of America) Current Residence: Chelsea, London (United Kingdom) Heritage: Halfblood American Wand: Hawthorn wood, Dragon Heartstring core, 11 inches, Unyielding. Works best for Defensive magic. Patronus: (Cannot produce a patronus at this time) Relationship Status: Single Eye Color: Blue/Green Hair Color: Blonde Height: 5'6" Hogwarts House: Slytherin Strongest Subject: DADA and Charms Weakest Subject: Transfiguration // Family // Father: Richard Dwayne Montmorency (50) Mother: Janice Ann Montmorency (nee Whisp) (39) Pets: Eagle Owl: Jackson // Personality // Dylan is, truly, ALL BOY. He's more of the sporty type, who loves to be outdoors and enjoys getting dirty. His idea of a good time is throwing a football around and talking about girls. ALL girls. He has been known to be a tad flirtatious...which has gotten him into A LOT of trouble in the past. When it comes to his friendships, Dylan is more than capable of being the nicest guy one had ever met. He'll go out of his way to do things for people and would take the shirt off his back if need be. BUT, anger the boy in any way...and you'll possibly make your worst enemy. If he feels you have disrespected him or one of his friends, he'll do WHATEVER it takes to get revenge. WHATEVER it takes. When it comes to school work, Dylan's parents have pushed him to do his best, which has never really been his concern. And due to the fact that they've made him move away from his home and friends, the boy is even more incline to REBEL. Of course, time will only tell if the lovely Lady Professors of the strange, new school can somehow pursued the young man to actually do work...and participate. // History // *is currently making HISTORY as we speak* *SMIRK* |
《 EVERETT DASHIELL SCABIOR 》 ❝ a jack of all trades, a master of most too❞ ► WHO ARE YOU? NICKNAME/ALIAS Dash (he usually just goes by this)► MIRROR MIRROR ON THE WALL HEIGHT 6’2► LET'S GET TO STUDYING ► PLAYING HEAD GAMES LIKES► THE MAKING OF PERFECTIONapples, ALL types of tea, books, himself most of the time, the interesting tudor dynasty, the lifetime work of Bathilda Bagshot, myths, fables, tall-tales, genealogy (one of his favourite books is Nature's Nobility: A Wizarding Genealogy), cake, beaches, travelingDISLIKESdrama, people with large egos, excessive talk of any Goblin rebellion, teenagers and their hormones and stuff, strawberries,PERSONALITYEverett is a jerk, and a lazy one at that. End of story. Or maybe not. But he loves to act like a jerk. He is a very reserved person, with a trust no one attitude. He likes to keep to himself, simply because that is how he has always been since he was a child. Everett at times can be quite serious but if you are able to understand his humour he is very easy to get along with. He tends to have a lot of dry humour and is often found to be quite sarcastic. FAMILY Son:Kyroh Moises Scabior (November 1st, 2071)
HISTORY This template was made for Dani and Dani only, exclusively by Ashlie. Do not steal. You cannot have it. It's only for me. *sticks out tongue* |
Selena V. Zabini-Riddle; Head Girl not quite ready to grow up yet Hello! My Name is Selena Zabini-Riddle! OOC; Jenn here. I promise I don't bite so... if you ever want to RP with the Head Girl or something... POKE ME. But if you poke me too hard, I promise to bite you. :mellow: Looking forward to meeting all you SLYTHERINS ♥ |
Sierra Hope Greingoth, Prefect Model: Sarah Hyland ▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄ SIERRA HOPE GREINGOTH Cunning. Ambitious. Determined. Slytherin. Or perhaps in Slytherin You'll make your real friends, Those cunning folks use any means To achieve their ends. THE BASICS Hey! My name is Sierra Hope Greingoth.AN IN-DEPTH LOOK ABOUT MEFURTHER MORE HistoryTHE HOGWARTS YEARS Year One; Term 27 |
http://i1187.photobucket.com/albums/...ecoralpp-1.jpg Model: Hailee Stienfeld Basics: Hi my name is Adelaide Caroline Coral You can call me Addie or Ads I am 15 years old I was born on January 3rd, 2062 I was born in Greystones, Ireland I live in London, England I reign from the house of Slytherin I’m in my 5th year My blood status is half and half I am currently single Family: My mum is Daisy Kristine Heril Coral My dad is Alexander Matthew Coral My sister is Maria Lee Coral (12) My brother is Andrew James Coral (17) My cousin is Victoria Marie Coral (18) My cat is Mittens In Depth: I have a boggart of giants My patronus is a monkey My Amortenia smells of pine trees, and peppermint I enjoy climbing trees, fun people, being short, peppermint ice cream, pine trees, girly stuff, chocolate, talking I dislike mean people, kidnappers, giants, lime sorbet, tom boy stuff, silence I speak English and a little German How I Look: My hair is brown My eyes are brown I have fair skin My face is heart shaped I’m a dwarf at the height 4’4” My weight is private How I Act: Addie is a crazy fun short girl. She is very outgoing and loves to meet new people, her favorite hobby though is climbing trees. Addie has spent the first four years of her wizarding school being home schooled due to her dwarfism so she enjoys getting outside and messing around. Most people would assume that because she has spent all her life at home and has this unfortunate disability that Addie would be a quiet girl who doesn’t like meeting new people. As long as they aren’t a giant, Addie will be extremely excited to meet them. History: The first thing that people notice when they see Addie is that she is short. And not just 5’ tall short. No Addie is a fifteen year old at four, four, and probably not growing much more. Addie is a dwarf. Addie was born at 10 inches long to Daisy and Alexander Coral. She was quite a surprise, neither of her parents had any dwarfism in their family. Daisy, being a witch, went out of her way trying to find a way to cure their dear daughter of her dwarfism. Unfortunately there is no cure for her. Addie is going to have to live her life as a dwarf. They are lucky that she is a witch because it will help her cope with her disability. Adelaide Caroline Coral. Adelaide means noble and kind. Daisy and Alexander went into great work finding a good name for Addie. They wanted her to be noble even though she was short or a dwarf. They also knew that she would be a sweet or kind little girl, they would teach her to love everyone, even those who bullied her due to her dwarfism. Caroline meant beautiful woman. They wanted Addie to live to be a beautiful woman despite how short she was. Addie’s family has always been very protective of her. She has an older brother, Andrew, who always was there for her when he got older. Andrew is two years older than Addie, though he is very mature for his age and acts older. He has probably been Addie’s fiercest protector. Andrew would always be there with Addie when she went out. When someone started to tease her, one look from Andrew and they would stop. Addie also has a younger sister, by three years, Maria. Maria is always there for Addie when she needs help cooking or whatnot. Maria helps Addie by taking her shopping, trying on clothes Addie likes, because they are similar built even though Addie is seven inches shorter. If Addie likes the clothes, Maria will get them and the clothes will be shrunken when the sisters got home. |
Model: Callan McAuliffe Name: Isaac James Muir Nickname: none Age: 16 Birthdate: October 28, 2060 Birth place : Penicuik, Scotland Heritage: half blood Girlfriend: Amelia Pendragon Education: School: Homeschooled up through his fourth year by his mum Year: 5th year Wand: 10 3/4" Slightly Yielding, Maple with Unicorn Hair Physical appearance: Hair: Dark brown, curls if it gets too long, so he keeps it short Eyes: Green Height: 6 ft 1 in Weight: 130 lbs Skin tone: Very tan, due to being in Egypt for the last 3 years Body type: tall, and kind of bony but strong upper body strength Sports: Plays soccer Family: Father: Neil James Muir - muggle archaeologist Mother: Alana Elisabeth Muir - witch travels with husband Siblings: none Personality: Isaac is really easy going. He's done lots of travelling with his parents. He's learned quite a bit about both the muggle and wizarding world. He's always felt he would be in Hufflepuff, with his moms side of the family all having gone to Hogwarts and been in Hufflepuff. History: He's an only child, his parents had always wanted just one child, and he don't really mind it. If he had a sibling they probably wouldn't do as much travelling. He loves to travel, and has lots of photographs that he brings with him, of his travels. His parents wanted him to attend Hogwarts and settle down until he graduated, so that he could decide what to finally do with his life. He wants to continnue travelling, but knows he needs his OWL's and NEWT's. So he's willing to stay at the school for the school terms. But come summer holidays he'll be off travelling once again. |
Jonathan Kim ...BASICS... Name: Jonathan Kim Nicknames: Jon-Jon (but don't call him that); Lime (only called by head girl) Age: 16 DoB: June 10 PoB: London Ethnicity: Half-English Half-Korean Education: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Year: Sixth House: Slytherin Blood Status: Pureblood Wand: 11 inches, Unicorn Hair and ash, Pliable Boggart: centaur Patronus: horse Best Subject: Potions, DADA, Charms Worst Subject: CoMC, Herbology, Ancient Runes Languages: English, French and Korean ...APPEARANCE... Hair: Black Eyes: brown Height: 5'8 ...PERSONALITY... Jonathan is quite the spoiled child. Since he came from a family of means and is the only child, he has been given everything he wishes for. He doesn’t like bragging though. He has a different principle for that. Jonathan has an OCD personality. He likes to put things in order and he’s very well organized. There are times where he can be a bit competitive especially on grades and house points. ...LIKES... Snowboarding Potions Origami (taught by his father) Winter Money and wealth Magic Friends Family Flying Color: black, green, silver ...DISLIKES... Bugs Old hags CENTAURS Odd looking creatures Too much homework BOOKS ...FAMILY... Father: Hyung Min Kim (Alexander Kim) Mother: Victoria Anne Miller Siblings: -none- Pets: Owl: Coal Crup: Ash SPOILER!!: Coal the owl ...BRIEF FAMILY BACKGROUND... Jonathan Kim is the only son of Alexander Kim and Victoria Anne Miller. Jonathan is raised and grew up in London, England. Alexander Kim is a pureblood wizard who came from Korea. His family has already been in London for generations now and is reliving the Asian culture in the Wizarding world. Not much is known about their culture though. Jonathan grew up being taught how to speak and write the native language. Victoria Anne Miller is also a pureblood witch like her husband, was also sorted under Slytherin. Although his parents are still believing about the superiority of purebloods in the Wizarding World, they try to accept half bloods and muggle borns little by little. They don’t intend to be cruel at it, it’s just that they grew up in a principle where they were taught that purebloods will always be superior than the rest. Jonathan, however, was never prejudicial about the blood status. In fact, he doesn’t even care about it. ...YEAR-TO-YEAR BREAKDOWN... SPOILER!!: click to read |
WHO IS SHE? Her full name is Nora Penelope Reed, but she is also known as Nora. Simply Nora, because the name is too short for a nickname. Hmph. She was born in Copenhagen, Denmark, during a cold night of January, 21st, 2063. Her wand is made of Rosewood and Thestral hair core, and it is 11¾ inches long. She isn’t able to produce a patronus yet, but she is actually working on it, but she had the misfortune of meeting a boggart, which took the appearance of Elijah’s corpse.FAMILY She is the first child of Lorena Vivian Reed and Hugo Sebastian Reed, and has two siblings, a ten year old brother – Gustav, and his extremely annoying and identical twin sister – Astrid. Her mother was born in England, and her father in Denmark, but both from pureblood families. Nora also considers her pets as being part of the family. She currently owns a tiny, dark green and extremely friendly (and curious) lizard, named Elijah, after many other options (one of them being Lizzie the Lizard, or the last one before Elijah – Pouf).APPEARANCE Nora is a tiny girl, barely reaching four feet and nine inches, but she likes to believe that she is taller when she raises herself on her tiptoes. She has fairly long, light brown hair (recently with a green strand), which she keeps in gentle curls, or sometimes in a high ponytail. She might also add a ribbon or a headband that matches her clothes. Her eyes are pale blue, almost grey, and her skin is light, if not pale.PERSONALITY Always with a smile on her face, Nora is surely one cheerful Slytherin. She likes to live in her own world, full of butterflies and adorable things, and, if possible, sweets – especially liquorice wands and anything that has to do with cherries. Everyone should be warned that she giggles a lot, she’s a silly and curious little creature, and that her heart’s desire is to rule over the world one day. If there is something that Nora hates, that is her first name, and just because it is too short and common, in her opinion. She also found out how awful she is at flying, despite being a Quidditch fan, so she prefers to just watch. Something else? The butterfly-wing-rippers, as she calls them. Yes, people, she can see you, and she can also glare at you. |
Kimalia Alarose Fanster ♥ Quidditch Captain ♥ Fifth year http://i305.photobucket.com/albums/n...era-fontbw.png http://i305.photobucket.com/albums/n...2mrmo1_500.gif ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ http://i305.photobucket.com/albums/n...a-font-iam.png http://i305.photobucket.com/albums/n...-font-iact.png http://i305.photobucket.com/albums/n...ont-mylook.png http://i305.photobucket.com/albums/n...t-yearsago.png
Character for Terms 2075-2082 AUTHOR, BIBLIOPHILE, GARDENER ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄ Sweet. Imaginative.Gregarious. Creative Could you be the start to a new beginning Be me heart tied in the sleeps Seamlessly perfect as they could be And love me to life Love me to life THE BASICS |
Model: Emma Stone EMMANUELLE MOREAU Basic Info Full Name: Emmanuelle Zoéy Moreau Nickname(s): Em, Emma, Ellie (but only by the family!) Birthday: Feb. 5, 2061 Age: 16 Place of Birth: Nice, France Current Residence: Glasgow, Scotland House: Slytherin Year: Sixth Blood Status: Pureblood Relationship Status: Single Wand: Dogwood with a unicorn hair core; 10 1/2 inches; swishy Patronus: Squirrel Boggart: Her parents splitting up… again Best Subject: History of Magic Worst Subject: Charms Previous School(s): Beauxbatons, L'ecole de Magie du Nice Hair Color: Ginger Eye Color: Green Height: 5'7" Weight: That's not something you ask a lady… Special Characteristics: a small heart shaped birthmark on her upper arm, a small, light in color scattering of freckles around her nose Sophie Bonaparte- 40, mother Mathieu Moreau- 41, father Adélaïde Moreau- 22, sister Charlemagne Moreau 19, brother Emmanuelle is friendly, but she has a sarcastic edge. She prefers spending time with those of her own age (or around it) and doesn't have much patience for those who are younger. Once someone becomes her friend, she is very loyal and expects the same from them. She loves to have a good time and try new things. One exception to that is food. She eats what she likes and it's almost impossible to get her to try anything else. She is fairly sporty, although she doesn't play Quidditch (preferring football [soccer] and tennis instead). Emmanuelle was born on a cold (for Nice, anyway) February day to Sophie Bonaparte (a realtor) and her husband, Mathieu Moreau (a contractor). She is the youngest of the couple's three children and was slightly spoiled growing up. The couple gave their children everything they could. However, when it came to punishing the children, they always seemed to go easiest on Emmanuelle. Her brother, Charlemagne, didn't mind, but it irritated their sister, Adélaïde, to no end. Being nearer in age, Emmanuelle was always closer to her brother than her sister. This was more pronounced when Adélaïde turned thirteen and became interested in clothing and boys. She didn't like having her two younger siblings around and baulked when their parents made her parents babysit. Charlemagne, on the other hand, was always very protective of his youngest sister. Anyone who wanted to harm Emmanuelle had to go through him, first. Plus, he always made sure she got some kind of treat, whether it was cookies, cupcakes or ice cream. At five, Emmanuelle started muggle primary school. Here she made several new friends as well as making pretty decent grades (they weren't straight As but they weren't failing grades either). One day, when she was seven, her magic showed itself. Her teacher had made cupcakes for the class, but she wouldn't hand them out until the class was finished with their work. So Emmanuelle, who really wanted a cupcake, summoned one of the delicious treats. The oblivators were called out and everyone's memory of the event was erased. Mathieu and Sophie were happy because that meant that all three of their children were magical; Adélaïde was annoyed, thinking she was going to have a fat sister; and Charlemagne was amused and still teases her about it to this day. When she turned eleven, Emmanuelle joined her brother at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. There she continued her streak of making friends and maintaining decent grades. However she only attended Beauxbatons for one year. During the summer between her first and second years, her parents dropped a bombshell. They were getting divorced and her father was moving to Scotland. Emmanuelle and her brother stayed in France with their mother, who pulled them from Beauxbatons and placed them in the local magic school, L'ecole de Magie du Nice (as they would spend the summers with their father, she wouldn't get to see them otherwise). The transition actually went over pretty well. The other students were mostly welcoming and friendly and Emmanuelle fit in well. A lot of the students took part in the local sports leagues and she joined in, playing football (soccer) and tennis. Things were going great. Until the summer between her fifth and sixth years, that is. That's when her mother decided to get back together with her dad. Which is great, except that she would be moving to Scotland to do it. That meant that Emmanuelle would going to Scotland, too. And she would now be attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Emmanuelle is trying to keep an open mind about the school change, though. |
Name: Zhenya Greddipe Burton Favourite Subjects: Herbology and Potions Eye Color: Brown Zhenya is very good at Potions, gardening, and enjoys reading, and has her own personal library at home. Of course, there are shelves full of potions and herbology information, cook books, and plenty of muggle children’s stories. She also has a section dedicated to her own personal work. Zhenya has written many of her own stories, novels, and plays. Reading and Learning, Making new friends, Art, Potions, Healing Potions, Cooking, Writing; stories, plays, scripts, Gardening, Herbology, Languages, Adventure Walks, Cruelty, Unevenness, Errors, Un-Cultured people, Discrimination Mother: Lizabel Burton born in St. Petersburg, Russia, into the pure-blood Metanova family. Her parents were incredibly bright. Lizabel met her future husband, Alexander, when she was in her sixth year when she visited an art gallery close to home. Alexander was doing inspections on the muggle art, after receiving information on it being under a spell. He was 5 years older than she, but it was love at first sight. They got married three weeks after Lizabel graduated in the Winter Palace, with her five sisters as her bridesmaids. Soon after she moved back to London with Alexander and fell pregnant with Dimitri. Seven years later, she fell pregnant with Zhenya, and she very recently gave birth to twins. |
Potrayed By: Alexander Ludwig GARY RUSH So, Who Am I? |
Model: Barbara Palvin Basics Full Name: Elisabet Julia "Liesel" Walther Wand: 11" Yew and Dragon heartstringAppearance Hair Colour: BrownFamily Father: John WaltherBackground SPOILER!!: Personality Liesel can be a nice girl she likes a laugh but deep down you never know what she thinks about you. She's quite good at acting out what she thinks whether she think your nice she might act a bit mean or she's just feeling good she will give you a cheerful look of happiness. To those friendly to her she'll be friendly back those mean she'll give you a little stare and you should be able to figure out what that means.Likes Jelly snakes, Lollies, Annoying some people, her nickname, getting nicknames, naming people weird names, Icee's,Dislikes Bertie Botts Every Flavored Beans, cupcakes, dead animals, quidditch, comics, really hot weather, brussel sprouts, Kherson in Ukraine, icing.Favourite Subject: Divination Least Favourite Subject: Arithmancy |
DoB: 15 of June, 2061 Personality: She has a bubbly personality, she's always smiling and in a good mood, she loves to make new friends and sometimes goes over the board to do so. Some people find her strange for being so loose, but that's just the way Jess is. Jess lives with her grandmother, since her mother left to travel the world after magic plants and herbs. Jess thinks the only reason her mother left was because she reminded her too much of her father, John, that died a few years back from cancer when Jess was only a little girl. |
You probably know that... My name is: Ara Cassandra Prewett You can call me: Cass I am: 16 years old I was born on: July 11, 2061 as a: Pureblood, of course. I am in: 6th year - and proud of it! I live somewhere in: Wiltshire, England I live with: My mom I am a proud: Snake My wand is: 10.5 inch, Mahogany, and a Dragon Heartstring core My boggart takes the shape of: Giant snails. Don't you dare laugh! while my Patronus is a: Fox I'd like to think that I excel in: Astronomy, Runes, and History of Magic I stink at: Arithmancy and Care of Magical Creatures I have a: Cat (named Ice), and an Owl (named Cygnus) You can see that.... My hair is: Blonde and it is: Curly I am only: 5 feet and 5 inches I have: Lightly tanned skin and my eyes are colored: Hazel In my family... I am: The only child My mom is: Catharina Black My biological dad: Ignatius Prewett My cousin: Lyra Black I like.. - Chocolates - Anything sweet - Food - Snow - Red and Purple Gerbera Daises - Antiquated Lockets - Friends - Fellow Snakes - The feeling of sweet victory! - Reading - The smell of old books - Anything colorful I strongly dislike.. - Snooty people - Chocolate haters - Getting dirty - Snails - My biological father - Being stereotyped - Crazy Hufflepuffs - Getting hugs from strangers - Math |
*graphic to be maaaaaaade* ▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄ DELILAH O'FLANAGAN Scaredy cat. Arachnophobe. Vegetarian. Cupcake baker. THE BASICS My name is Delilah Jane O'FlanaganAN IN-DEPTH LOOK ABOUT ME/HISTORYFURTHERMORE My family is |
{Music is a boys best friend} http://i1109.photobucket.com/albums/...ad3fo1_500.gif Face Claim: Justin Bieber http://i1109.photobucket.com/albums/...itled-1111.jpg {Basics} Full Name: Carson Alexander Jordan Dylan Benjamin McIntyre Nickname(s): Scooter (See history), Benjie, Alex, Alecat (By his sister ONLY), Captain candy cane (He came up with this himself), Zander Age: 13 D.O.B: September 9, 2064 P.O.B: Dublin, Ireland Residence: London Heritage: Muggleborn {Magical Me} Wand: Patronous: Cheetah Boggart: Snake School: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry House: Slytherin Year: Third Best subjects: Muggle Studies Worst subjects: Potions {Appearance} Hair colour: Brown Eye colour: Hazel Weight: 150 lbs Height: 5'5” Build: Tall, muscular Skin tone: Slightly tanned Distinguishing features: A freckle to the right of his mouth, two freckles to the left of his mouth and a scar on his right cheek. {Family} Mother: Megan McIntyre Father: Luke McIntyre Siblings: Amelia McIntyre, 19 {Personality} Carson is usually someone who is laid back and charming. He does have a tendency to allow his attitude get the better of him depending on the situation and the circumstances of that situation. However, when his parents are trying to make decisions for him that he would like to have a say in, his attitude comes out a lot. Whereas if his older sister, Amelia is around, his attitude lightens slightly. With an eye for the girls and a charming personality, Carson is your normal muggle teenage boy with a wizards touch. {History} Carson is an Irish born wizard. From a very early age, his parents have known there was something different about him. Though, up until he was ten years old, they weren't entirely sure what that was. From the word go, Carson has always been a little boy who wanted to experiment with music in anyway he possibly could. He would drum on tables and chairs using wooden spoons, sing around the house with the remote control as a microphone. He would even use the sofa as his very own stage. But it wasn't until he started getting older that he started to show a real interest in performing in front of crowds. At the age of six, he staged his very first performance in front of an actual crowd. All be it friends and relatives of his parents, he still quite enjoyed it and was eager to carry on performing in front of people. But his first performance in front of a crowd of more than fifty people came when he was ten, around the time his parents discovered he was a wizard. Up until that day, Carson had gone to muggle school in Dublin, Ireland. When he first started at the school, he initially came off as a quiet, shy little boy who was afraid to make friends. Up until the point he made friends with now best friend Ben. From the get go, Ben and Carson had hit it off. Throughout primary school, the two were practically inseparable. However, the 'double trouble' twosome was some two become a threesome when the two boys made friends with close friend and fellow aspiring singer, Adam. The three became close friends. However, when Carson left his muggle school in Dublin to go to a wizarding school in Limerick, the three lost contact. But contact and their friendship was resumed during Carson's first summer back home after going to school in Limerick. Limerick School for Young Witches and Wizards was where he got the nickname 'Scooter'. This nickname came around after he made friends with a wizard of the same age. He was given this nickname because he is known for being energetic and so tends to be fast at times. Since earning this nickname, Carson has grown to like it and has a tendency to refer to himself as 'Scooter'. When Carson turned 12, he was told that his father had been offered a job in London and that he was going to be taking the job. Carson was initially upset to be leaving the place he had always known as home but soon started to grow to love it. Since moving to London three months before the summer, he has had time to get used to his surroundings. However, he has not yet seen the full extent of the wizarding world outside of Ireland and so doesn't quite know what to expect of those who were born and grew up in England. {Favourites...} Colour: Blue Food: Irish Stew "Nana makes the most amazing Irish Stew in the history of Ireland" Place: Dublin, Ireland Film: Every Scooby Doo movie ever made Animal: Cheetah's "Believe it or not, I think they're cute" {Likes} - Animals - Chocolate - Singing - Playing guitar - Writing songs - Making new friends {Dislikes} - Confined, crowded places "Blame the fact my sister locked me in a cupboard when I was five" - Bullies - Snobby people - Soppy chick flicks (unless he's with a girl who happens to love the movie) - Spiders {Pets} - A tabby cat named Bella Photos!: Bella - A black cat named Socks Photos!: Socks OOC: Hey guys :hello: I'm Sammi *curtsey's* I'm looking forward to rping with all you lovely people and meeting all the new faces to our humble house :yes: Feel free to VM me anytime you want to rp. |
Name: Butterfly Penta DOB: Don't remeber. xD Age: Uh... Second year Marital Status: Single Former Hogwarts House: Slytherin Blood: Pureblood Best Subjects: Herbology and CoMC Least Favorite Subject: Rune/Ahrimacy Pets: None Personality: Mischivous Appearance: Eye Color: Brown/Green they change sometimes Hair: Dark Red Skin: Pale Height: Short She has two older brothers. She loves to read and pull pranks on her friends. |
The Basics Name: Theodore Alvin Kinsley Nicknames: Theo, Lurker, Theo The Hero Age: Eleven Year: First Blood Status: Muggleborn House: Slytherin Date of Birth: 6th July 2066 Place of Birth: Watford, England Current Residence: Watford, England Appearance + Hair: Dark brown + Eyes: Green + Height: 4"6 The Background Goss Theodore was born in London in 2066, to two muggles by the names of Emma and John Kinsley. He had always been incredibly quiet, but always seemed to be a bit of a troublesome child when he was at school. He was forever climbing up things he shouldn't be, or escaping without realizing he did wrong. Although he regularly cried his eyes out whenever getting told off. He seems to have calmed down his odd behaviour as he's grown up. Theo has an older sister called Kathryn, she is eighteen and she picks on the boy. A lot. So he doesn't like her much. He also has a twin brother, (non-identical) called Casper. His brother is not a wizard like Theo, but a muggle. It has estranged their close relationship quite severely.Personality Theodore is not shy whatsoever, but he actually speaks the things that people would usually keep to themselves. He is quite a blunt fellow, when it comes to conversations. He is extremely loud and just enjoys shouting in general. It's a hyper thing that came coupled with high consumption of sweets. Theodore does not like girls, even though the majority of his friends ARE girls, but really they just gross him out. So, if he is initially mean to a girl, he doesn't mean it REALLY. He will probably be their friend by the end of the encounter, yup. Family Emma Kinsley, 39 (Mother) John Kinsley, 39 (Father) Kathryn Kinsley, 18 (Sister Casper Kinsley, 11 (Non-identical twin) + _____ LIKES;
http://i1108.photobucket.com/albums/...edy/biopic.jpg Prefect Kennedy Escalante "Ambition is the path to success; persistence is the vehicle you arrive in." Basics: Name: Kennedy Escalante Age: 16 years old Year: 6th DOB: February 14, (Valentines Baby) POB: San Diego, California (USA) Heritage: Half-Blood House: Slytherin Wand: 10" Vine with a Manticore Hair core. Springy quality. Patronous: Jackal Boggart: ? Appearance Hair: Brown, Curly Eyes: Green Height: 6' Build: Slim, althletic Family: Mother: Lucia Escalante (Muggle) Father: What father! Personality: Kennedy's personality has morphed through his years at Hogwarts. He is still shy, but has grown a boldness to his attitude. He is gaining the confidence to be more open and less afraid of talking to others. He still gets easily frustrated when he doesn't know how to do something, but instead of running away from the problem he tackles them head on, although he steers clear from threats that may pose a possible threat to his life. Kennedy can be friendly when he is treated right, or cold when handled wrong. He is of an unforgiving nature and holding grudges is something that comes to him with facility. What defines his moods the most is when he pushes his glasses up (even if they are perfectly resting on the bridge of his nose), or when he um's a lot. History: Kennedy was born to a Muggle named Lucia Escalante. He never knew much of his father through out his childhood, just that he left when he was an infant. Even though he was raised by a single mother, Kennedy didn't feel the necessity of a father. Maybe it had to do with the fierce independence his mom demonstrated or that he liked to think he didn't need a dad. Life wasn't always simple for Escalante. Him and his mom lived near a wealthy community. Lucia worked as a maid and this made things worse. Kennedy was taunted a lot by his classmates because of his mom's job and nationality. She immigrated from Mexico to the US and although he was proud of his roots, he hated the jokes his classmates made. He was always treated differently than others. He was always the weird or poor kid. It all turned from bad to worse when he turned nine years old. That's when everything changed for Escalante. One of his classmates was making fun of his mother and how she was his family's maid. Having a short span of tolerance, Kennedy hit the kid. A small brawl broke out and (he doesn't know how) he shocked the kid when he punched him. Since that day he's been known as The Freak. After that incident, Lucia told him bits of his who his father was. A no-good-pure-blood wizard that abandoned them because his parents didn't agree with their son marrying a mere Muggle. She also told him about magic. Kennedy had a completely different reaction to this than other kids would have. He refused the magical blood that coursed through his veins, but there was nothing he could do. He was a wizard. And, Lucia took it to do her best to teach him about it by using books his father left behind. He eventually grew to agree with his classmates that he was a freak. Kennedy also grew slightly bitter about the magical world. His mother despised seen her young son feeling like that and even though he didn't tell her, she knew that it had to do with his father. Kennedy didn't want to be like him and being magical made him his father's son. As time passed, Kennedy lived through days of being beaten up and bullied. The only time he was free from all that was during holidays because that meant he wouldn't have to go to school and he wouldn't get a beating from his classmates. His mother was ignorant to all this due to working twelve hours, and when she noticed bruises on Kennedy he would come up with an excuse. He learned to lock up his emotions as well as his whole self that sometimes his own mother was fooled by his lies. His life changed once again when one of his classmates was picking on him in the boys bathroom at school. He was furious and all he wanted was for the bullying to stop and in a sudden blink of an eye one of the stalls caught on fire. Half the school was burned to ashes, but luckily no one was hurt. Kennedy confessed to his mom that it was him who did that. He didn't know how, it just happened. After that, his mom was at lost on what to do. She only had one option and although she didn't want to, Kennedy needed to go to a school where he belonged. Knowing she couldn't do this alone, she contacted Kennedy's Godfather, who was the boy's father's step-brother. In a matter of few days, Kennedy got his Hogwarts letter. He cursed that day because it was his birthday. Hogwarts Life SPOILER!!: First Year at Hogwarts; Fourth Year SPOILER!!: Second Year at Hogwarts; Fifth Year |
Basics Full Name: Allison Taylor Murphy Goes By: Allie Birthday: May 17 Age: 11 Heritage: Pureblood Place Of Birth: London Relationship Status: Single Wand: House: Slytherin Appearance Hairstyle: long blonde wavy hair Eyes: Blue Height: 5’4” Playby: Mia Frampton Personality Allie is very personable and enjoys being around people. She can often be quiet and sometimes shy but she that doesn’t stop her from living life. She’s extremely loyal to her friends and would do anything for them. Likes: - Rain - Animals - Chocolate - Dancing - Snakes - Gymnastics Dislikes: - Rude People - Reading - Coffee - Wizards Chess - Cars - Broccoli Family Mother: Maria Murphy Father: Alexander Murphy Sister: Leah Murphy Pets: Moon a small white owl History Allie was born on a beautiful May day to Maria and Alexander Murphy. Everyone in the family was happy to finally have the little Murphy among them, including the seven year old Leah who up until that point had been asking if they really needed another baby in the family. Growing up in the Murphy household was crazy, with Alexander being a muggle veterinarian and bringing home stray animals left and right, Leah was a crazy child and was a handful on her own. Maria was a stay at home mother who home schooled both Murphy girls. Alexander and Maria allowed Leah to go off to Beauxbatons for schooling where she graduated with good grades and a high record for detentions. They were pleased that Allison was the opposite and was a relatively good child that didn’t need much looking after. Even as a toddler, Allie often went to work with Alexander where she found a similar love to animals as her father something that made Maria cringe slightly because she knew there would be more animals coming home than normal. Allie is now off to Hogwarts and there’s no doubt she’ll make new friends, try new things and maybe get into some trouble. O.O.C. I’m Tessie, and I’ve been off and on SS for several terms now. I’m excited for this term and to be able to RP Allie as a first year. If anyone wants to RP just send me a message! |
Model: Zhang Yixing @ Lay (EXO) http://i.imgur.com/wo655.gif "Try to save the dead horse as if it is still alive." ☞ What you should know I was born Han Zi Hao, ☞ Sui generis I wield a 12" Poplar with crystallised boomslang venom core. It is described to be flexible.☞ You're looking at... A fair boy in his mid-teens.☞ What makes the person Off stage, Xing is a quiet and conservative person around people other than his band mates. This perhaps due to the fact the he was raised by his step family and the only people that he feels closest to like his own family are his band mates. He doesn’t seem comfortable with his stepfamily, thus he rarely visited home and stayed at the dormitory even during festive seasons and holidays. Other than that, Xing doesn’t adapt to new environment easily. On the contrary, he can be very cunning and mischievous as how he pranked fellow band mate into eating the Ton Tongue Toffee. Xing is also forgetful. He frequently forgets something such as his phone and wallet after leaving the house, only to remember when he almost reaches his destination. He also tends to space out easily.☞ The story behind the person Born Han Zi Hao (晗子豪) on February 13, 2063 in Heilongjiang, China, Xing is a half-blood wizard, son to half-blood English wizard entrepreneur, Sebastian Canterbury and pureblood Chinese witch, Han Mei Feng (唅美風). Unfortunately, Canterbury and Han divorced just a few weeks before Xing’s birth. As a result, Xing’s family name was taken from his mother’s instead of his father’s. Template by Hayden |
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