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Muggle Studies Lesson #1-Muggle Literature and Authors Introduction
When you walk into the Muggle Studies classroom, you instantly notice that there are books suspended in the air above you. Don't worry these are just for decorations and to get you into the mood of the lesson theme for the year.
SPOILER!!: The Ceiling
The desks have been replaced with special L shaped chairs that have been charmed to be extra comfy when you sit down. There is a big sparkly blue one at the front of the class that the Professor is sitting/rocking in as everyone comes into the classroom. She has her usual welcoming smile on her face and she is dressed in her favorite pair of blue pajamas and big fluffy house shoes.
SPOILER!!: The chairs
In normal Muggle Studies and Cerulean style, there is a goodies and drink table near the front of the room. It has been charmed to keep everything refilled and ready to rock. On the table, you can find plastic bowls and napkins, a popcorn bar filled with a variety of flavors, and different Muggle drinks in plastic bottles. The drinks are Coke, Cherry Coke, Dr. Pepper, Sprite, Tea, Sweet Tea, Red Gatorade, and Water. The popcorn comes in the following flavors: Buttery, Caramel, Chicago Style, Rainbow Flavored, Extra Cheese, and Garlic.
SPOILER!!: Popcorn Bar
Please help yourself to the goodies and drinks and have a seat. Get comfy and feel free to talk among yourself until the class starts.
OOC: Please sit down and grab something to drink and eat. Professor Cerulean is already in her chair eating some popcorn and waiting for everyone to arrive. The class will officially start later on tonite about 9:30ish pm CST. Thanks!
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Errr...SAY WHAT?!
Sierra just stared at all the portraits being shown. Was she meant to know who all these people were? By name or by face? *bliiiiiiiiiiink* How did Alex know this stuff anyway?! What were they READING over at Anna and Cale's?!
"Professor?" she said, raising her hand. "I've never seen or heard of any of these people. When I was growing up, we were really only introduced to wizarding authors and stories." That would be why she was here, learning this now, but she still wanting the professor to know why she was sitting there like a bump on a log.
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Alex smiled as she remembered all of the wonderful Dr. Seuss books that she had read when she was younger. When the Professor showed the picture of Stephen King, she thought about her mother reading many books by that author. He was one of her mother's favorites. Alex raised her hand and said, "Stephen King wrote a book called Cujo". "It was about a very scary dog who terrorized a lady and her son". She remembered her mother telling her a little about the story and it kind of creeped her out.
Raising her hand Angelina said, "Professor that is Stephen King." Angelina didn't really like her work, but that was her opinion. He was a famous author in the muggle world, but Angelina never took intreats in to what so ever. Luckily she wouldn't have to learn about King in class. Angelina went back to her popcorn turning to ignore a little of what was going on until the subject changed.
I'm just one of those pretty little liars... | | I'm held down in this starless city...
Originally Posted by Lezleighd
Satisfied with her disclaimer about the author, her face softened and she continued with the question, "So any guesses on whom this man is? Can anyone name any other works by him?"
And there was another unknown, old man.
Hearing Sierra's answer, Nora totally agreed with that. How should she know all of them, if she'd read only books written by wizards and witches up until her... second year? So again, not knowing who that was, Nora sat quietly and waited for others to answer and took notes. Well, there was a reason why Muggle Studies was one of her worst subjects. Heh.
Annabelle didn't recognize the picture at first but when she heard the name of the other classes it popped into her head. "Professor that guy in the photo is Stephen King!" Annabelle raised her hand to answer the question. "He was famous for writing mystery type novels in the muggle world. One of his works was called The Dark Tower i read before."
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Jory raised his hand promptly. "That's the awesome Steven King, Professor. He mainly writes horror books. One of my favourite books by him is It,'' he said. Just over the summer he had read the book and downloaded the movie. Jory loved the creepiness though it didn't help the matter that It usually took a form of a clown and the Puff disliked clowns.
That was Stephen King, and he looked almost hot in that picture.
Chelle said, "That is Stephen King. He's very, very famous. And he wrote The Green Mile, which I adore." Yes, she was not such a huge fan of Stephen King. The only book by him she'd ever bothered to read was The Green Mile, and she liked it a lot.
So Zack was here again where he didn't know who they were studying about only that he was an author too. He looked around to have something to keep him busy, till professor enlighten us again with who that person was. Will he even get any marks for his homework if it was to recognize faces? He was sure if that would be the case then surely he would fail.
He bent a little backwards in his chair and sat there patiently thinking what was coming next in the class. Now it would really be sad if professor showed yet another portrait and he wouldn't know the person in it.
A very HAPPY HOLI to all, Enjoy the festival of COLOURS! Interested in Bollywood stuff? PM me we need members for the Hindi forum
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
Theodore was on a role here. And couldn't you just tell? He had the smuggest grin ever on his face as he prepared for the next portrait. But, errr.... this one kind of left him clueless.
Burrowing his head lower onto the desk, Theo hoped that no one would notice this hiccup.
He was clever. Promise.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
Prue watched the portrait appear and began playing with the strand of hair that had fallen into her face. She somehow had a feeling that she was supposed to know who this was, but then again she had the feeling that she didn't, after all she wasn't one to read horror movies, let alone research anything about the authors.
With a sigh she twirled the quill a couple of times in small circles, taking down more notes about what was happening. She could always ask Abby if she was familiar with this author by owl later...
I am ASHAMED about missing classes *EYES LAPTOP MEANLY*
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Dylan pulled his bag of popcorn closer, pulling kernels from it every other minute or so. He'd have to congratulate the Professor later on her skills as it was quite tasty...and that was kinda saying something since he had been known to be a bit picky in his day.
Taking a few swigs from his gatorade bottle, he eyeballed the portrait. Yes, the guy did look familiar...
His dad was so muggle, it hurt at times...and Stephen King just happened to be one of the authors he read. Trying to understand the love for the man's books, Dylan had attempted to read the Bone Collector...but just couldn't get through it. Not to say he wasn't a great writter or whatever. Looking around the Muggle Studies classroom, obviously the guy had fans...even though he wasn't of their time.
Meh, Dylan figured he'd offer an answer since he did know..."Erm, Stephen King, as most everyone has already mentioned. He also wrote The Bone Collector."
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
Ummm...ok Hannah knew about Dr. Seuss only because she heard other...muggleborn...kids talk about it, but again she was drawing a blank.
Surely the professor realizes that some of us are purebloods and we were not brought up reading muggle nonsense. Still she didn't want the professor to think that she wasn't paying attention so Hannah took to taking notes on her parchment.
Jacques didn't recognise the man in the picture, who could? Apparently all the other students. He'd wondered how many of them actually completed a Stephen King novel. He'd seen some on his mothers bookshelf, but he'd never been enticed to read any in its entirety. Stephen king was not only dead, he was one of the most boring writers ever. Yes Jacques had to admit the mans talent with words but there were only so many times one could tolerate the verbose language used. Stephen and James Patterson were alike in that manner. His mother had bought him Pattersons The Witch and Wizard -which was a very good attempt at teen fiction and absolutely nothing like real witches and wizards- but even that dulled after a while.
That was the problem with writers, they often thought they needed to write a healthy -or unhealthy if you ask him- string of big words to make themselves look extra smart, or for the book to be critically acclaimed but really, most people bought their crap books to fill their bookshelves not for leisure reading. He scoffed.
João narrowed his eyes at the picture, trying to remember who he was. He had been raised by his Muggle parents alright, and he read a lot too, but he just never picked up the habit of looking up at the pictures of the authors he liked. They were just authors and no actors. They were famous for their hand, not for their baby-faces.
Giving up the effort, he simply shook his head to himself and listened to those who apparently knew.
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
SPOILER!!: zeProf
Originally Posted by Lezleighd
She smiled at the students, "Yes, this is Dr. Seuss...and as mentioned, he wasn't really a practicing doctor...but he did adopt the name Dr. Seuss as his pen name. He is well known for a variety of eclectic children's book. He was a master at rhymes and as I mentioned he created a variety of words to help make his different lines rhyme. " she paused to take a breath and then continued, "He was a very successful and well known children's author in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries in the Muggle World. There were lots of movies and animation movies made from his variety of books. I was even brought up with these books because my mother read them to me every night." she said excitedly and then stopped that line of thought because then that would lead to her brother...and focus Gemma, "He created some amazing characters like the Cat in the Hat, the Lorax, the Whos and the Grinch. He had a vivid imagination and was praised for his ingenuity and creativity."
She walked as she talked to the next portrait on the wall...which just like the other two was dimmed out. When she reached the portrait, she started with the introduction. "This next author was also an author in the twentieth and twenty first century. Just like Dr. Seuss, he had many of his novels, books, and stories turned into movies, both for the television and the big screen. But, this author was in a complete different genre. He was known for mysteries and horrors." she paused as she flicked on the light of the portrait. "This man is well known for writing and publishing over 268 novels and short stories...and over 100 of these were turned into a movie." she glanced at the man, whom actually looked like an innocent and kind old grandpa but she knew there had to be something a little off for him to be able to think up some of the stuff that he did. "Some of his most famous works are Carrie, Misery, and Christine. I do want to note that many of his works are not school appropriate and we are just studying him to recognize him as one of the top authors throughout the years in his genre. We will not be discussing his literature in detail and these books will not be available in the library. " yes she had to admire the man but knew that many of the books were not for young eyes, but just as they had to study Voldermort and the Death Eaters and their horrid affairs in History of Magic so would they discuss the works of Stephen King in quick passing.
Satisfied with her disclaimer about the author, her face softened and she continued with the question, "So any guesses on whom this man is? Can anyone name any other works by him?"
3rd portrait was revealed and Vickers blinked back clueless again. He was starting to resent not reading enough Muggle stuff now, although he should have recognized this one, given that he had heard and seen the image of Stephen King and knew of his reputation based from his other readings. The guy on the portrait didnt look like the Stephen King from his recollection.
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Again, Selina had no idea who the current author was. She was a witch and was raised a witch so she knew very few Muggle authors, so when she asked who he was Selina kept her hand down. She could not answer if she did not know. But she had to admit that she was getting annoyed that every author Cerulean was bringing up were male authors. There were plenty of prolific female authors in the wizarding world so their had to be some in the wizarding world...
The first picture, Sarah had immidiately recognized as Shakepeare. The fashion of his era sort of gave him away. Sarah has once read his Midsummer's Nights dream and she found it rather boring... Helana was just such a wierdo.
Dr. Seuss was up next. His book 'One fish, two fish, red fish blue fish' was the first book Sarah ''read'. She never actually read it, she just memorized it, yet no one else was meant to know that, (although that incident took place over 7 years prior).
The next portrait was of someone who Sarah pretended she never knew. It was Stephen King. His book 'The Bone Collector' Sarah once 'dicovered' in her muggle grandma's house. She never got a chance to read it, before her grandma discovered her.
"Stephen King is that man. Wrote awful dark, books, like Bone Collecter. Never read it, but just the title used to invoke nightmares". Sarah shuddered at the horrible things her imagination used to torment her. Until she realized how to control it.
Gemma was once again impressed with the students. She smiled at each of them as they answered. Surely most of them had just seen the movies and not rad any of this books. But either way, they were knowledgeable.
She looked at the two students that had brought up their concerns about not knowing any of the authors and thought about it for a minute. Se hadn't really thought about that. She was raised in a family that embraced the Muggle world and had never fully understood some wizarding families cutting their children off from the Muggle world. Even if you didn't support the Muggle world, you should still teach them about the other world just because. She glanced at the students again....and one of them was the Minister's daughter...how odd that he hadn't educated her a little bit more in Muggle affairs. Finally she said, "O no worries. That's why Muggle Studies is still a class for those that aren't familiar with the ways of the Muggle World. We can learn so much from their past, present, and future endeavors that could help the Wizarding World as well. If you will just take good notes, I will give you credit through your home work assignments." she said encouragingly to the two students.
The professor focused back on the portrait and the movies and novels the students were throwing out there, "All very good examples. This man is known as the Father of Horror and has created some pretty frightening imagery in his works. He is truly a pioneer in his field. His works continue to be used for inspiration in a variety of movies and other literature creations. " she said feeling a little shiver sneak down her spine as she thought about one of the movies mentioned. It was not her idea of a fun time...there was just something about clowns that freaked her out.
"Okay, now onto our last author of the day. Remember there are tons of amazing authors in Muggle history but I just chose a few to focus on. I wanted to throw in a woman author in to the mix." she said as she walked towards the last portrait, "This lady is known for her poems. She is the author of over 250 various poems and was an inspiration for women during the nineteenth century." she flicked on the light of the portrait."
SPOILER!!: Final Portrait
There may not be many of you that recognize her, but this Emily Dickson." she said glancing at the portrait. "One of my favorite lines of hers is 'Hope is the thing with feathers, that perches in the soul, and sings the tune without words, and never stops at all.'"
She walked back to her chair and sat down grabbing a quick drink, "Can anyone else share a famous poet, either Muggle or Wizard?" she asked hoping this would also encourage those that weren't familiar with the Muggle World.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Ella didn't immediately recognize the last portrait so she was glad when the professor gave them the answer. Emily Dickinson, eh? Ella had been exposed to her poetry through her Gram, who was pretty obsessed with poetry in general. When asked if she knew another famous poet, Ella again thought of her Gram. "William Shakespeare is pretty famous." She said with a small smile, thinking of how often she'd read his poems or seen them performed on stage.
Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean
oooh. Famous poets. Finally something Indiana knew. Maybe she was a bit over excited, but as soon as the professor had asked the question she had stuck her hand up in the air. Good thing that nobodies head had been anywhere near her, otherwise she might have taken it off with her hand. "William Wordsworth." Yup. That man. She knew he was famous. "He was a English Romantic poet who helped to launch the romantic age of english literature. My favorite work of his is "I wandered lonely as a cloud" or as it is sometimes called Daffodils. It is a nice poem." She nodded with a big smile. Indy didn't read that much poetry but she had heard of this one. And she really liked it.
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
"It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you are not."
Ooh, Adam knew who Emily Dickinson was, but he realized he had never really seen a portrait of her before. However, Adam remembered being introduced to some of her poems when he attended muggle school before he knew of his wizarding abilities. Other famous poets? Hmm...Adam had to admit he didn't really read a lot of poetry but he did remember some of the poems he had looked at. "I believe that Walt Whitman was a very popular poet during the time of the Civil War in muggle history," Adam offered once he had been called on. "He wrote quite a few poems dealing with the trauma that the war had on those within it who had survived."
'Cause there's always time for second guesses, I don't wanna know
If you're gonna be the death of me, that's how I wanna go
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Minerva put her hand up there was one poet she came across this summer. The poems were dark, but very interesting. "Professor, Edgar Allan Poe is a poet I came across this summer. He writes more dark poems such as the raven." She put her hand down and listened to the rest of the class.
♥ Socelyn | #Jeness | S W A G | ShortPerson&TallPerson | Nade ♥
SPOILER!!: Professor Cerulean
Originally Posted by Lezleighd
Gemma was once again impressed with the students. She smiled at each of them as they answered. Surely most of them had just seen the movies and not rad any of this books. But either way, they were knowledgeable.
She looked at the two students that had brought up their concerns about not knowing any of the authors and thought about it for a minute. Se hadn't really thought about that. She was raised in a family that embraced the Muggle world and had never fully understood some wizarding families cutting their children off from the Muggle world. Even if you didn't support the Muggle world, you should still teach them about the other world just because. She glanced at the students again....and one of them was the Minister's daughter...how odd that he hadn't educated her a little bit more in Muggle affairs. Finally she said, "O no worries. That's why Muggle Studies is still a class for those that aren't familiar with the ways of the Muggle World. We can learn so much from their past, present, and future endeavors that could help the Wizarding World as well. If you will just take good notes, I will give you credit through your home work assignments." she said encouragingly to the two students.
The professor focused back on the portrait and the movies and novels the students were throwing out there, "All very good examples. This man is known as the Father of Horror and has created some pretty frightening imagery in his works. He is truly a pioneer in his field. His works continue to be used for inspiration in a variety of movies and other literature creations. " she said feeling a little shiver sneak down her spine as she thought about one of the movies mentioned. It was not her idea of a fun time...there was just something about clowns that freaked her out.
"Okay, now onto our last author of the day. Remember there are tons of amazing authors in Muggle history but I just chose a few to focus on. I wanted to throw in a woman author in to the mix." she said as she walked towards the last portrait, "This lady is known for her poems. She is the author of over 250 various poems and was an inspiration for women during the nineteenth century." she flicked on the light of the portrait."
SPOILER!!: Final Portrait
There may not be many of you that recognize her, but this Emily Dickson." she said glancing at the portrait. "One of my favorite lines of hers is 'Hope is the thing with feathers, that perches in the soul, and sings the tune without words, and never stops at all.'"
She walked back to her chair and sat down grabbing a quick drink, "Can anyone else share a famous poet, either Muggle or Wizard?" she asked hoping this would also encourage those that weren't familiar with the Muggle World.
Jade felt absolutely thrilled about learning about these authors. She usually wasn't one to pick up books, but the ones she had she knew were amazing. And the books she read, were the ones that Professor Cerulean were talking about; well the authors, that is. She would have to thank her muggle teachers back in Arizona for making her learn some of these muggle books and authors.
As Professor Cerulean put up the next picture she was about to shout out, Emily Dickinson, but she held her voice as the Professor said her exact words. "My favorite poems of Emily Dickinson's is Because I could not stop for death. It's a bit sad really, but it's truly amazing." She nodded.
Oooh, okay so more authors. The Gryffindor tried thinking of some authors that she loved and she couldn't help but say, "Robert Frost. I really love his poems." She took a sip of her sprite and listened to everybody elses answers.