-   Term 31: May - August 2012 (
-   -   Magical Portraiture (

HaRoHeGiNeLu 06-20-2012 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by hermygirl (Post 11097789)
Unlike the alchemy seminar, Spike thought he actually had a fair chance of understanding this one. Not an amazing chance, seeing as the title included the word magical, but a fair one. And he'd found this year that he actually quite liked sketching and drawing, what with Muggle Studies homework, and drawing the dragon egg in Care of Magical Creatures. Colouring had always been Indy's domain - she was the more creative one - and yet it turned out that Spike wasn't all that bad at it, when he put his mind to it.

"Good day, Sir," he greeted the instructor, as he ventured into the classroom. He was dressed in his casual khaki shorts and a blue hoody, both slightly dusty from a previous trip to the greenhouses. Art was meant to be about being comfortable, right? He headed to a middle-ish table (so as to not to look too keen), and sat down, staring at the cauldron and dishes. Didn't painting just involve paints? Well...that was unexpected, for starters. He looked up at the board, to see if it gave any clues. He squinted at the writing, trying to identify what it said. Hopefully nothing important, as it was worse than Spike's own handwriting and he could barely make out the words. Something about messy and docking points. Well, Spike certainly didn't mind getting messy...and the other houses were welcome to lose points if they wished. As long as the Claws didn't, Prefect Spike would be happy.

It wasn't like Ellie to come to these things. Extra classes. Who'd want to do that? Except the points crazy. And the weirdos who liked learning. But she was taking any opportunity to distract herself. Find herself a hobby. And who knew? Maybe Ellie Stone had a knack for painting?

Those drawings in Arithmancy were nothing to go off of, okay? Those were....DOODLES. Or....something.

The redhead waved to the stranger man as she entered and scanned for a seat. Spike would be a good partner in this, wouldn't he? "Hey you," she said, poking his side as she sat down.

She, too, eyed the cauldrons. They....weren't making potions were they? Not real ones, anyway....right? With creatures' mucus and spawn and eyeballs?

PatInTheHat 06-20-2012 04:56 PM

Her legs swung wildy under the table as she looked at all the paints and things at her table excitedly. They were going to PAINT or something! Dora wasn't all too sure of what exactly they were gonna do, but I didn't matter. Look at the paint! And she didn't yet have a partner so it was allllllllllllll hers. Heh.

She and her slightly worn clothes were READY for this lesson. The brief glance she afforded the professor said as much. Her glances may have also been telling the other students entering to hurry up so it COULD start when she looked there way. Only a lot.

WitchLight27 06-20-2012 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF (Post 11097899)
The one thing this school did right, was giving seminar classes. It was always good to learn more than the usual stuff they teached and the Slytherin actually liked them. Sometimes...depends on the subject.

As for this one, Magical portraiture, he had never heard of before but he figured it had to do something with the portraits like in the staircase. Where they going to make a picture move?

As he stood in front of the man, he bowed his head in greeting and smiled. "Hi sir~!" he said with a bright smile that he was used to showing now and hoised his bag higher on his shoulder, the yellow head of his plush duck was sticking out of it. "Uhm, welcome to Hogwarts, Sir.."

With one last quick nod of his head, Daichi turned to sit down on an empty chair. His eyes tried to read the poorly hand writing on the board but even with his glasses on he couldn't figure it out. Oh well it probably said that they weren't suppose to touch anything or something. The usual.

The snake leaned back in his chair and looked around, wondering who or if anyone would sit with him.

Since Erin had not attended the first seminar, she kind of needed to come here. As a Ravenclaw of course, who wanted to earn extra points, even if it was only for attendance. She had nothing to know about the subject in any way and she was very sure that no one in this class knew about Magical Portraiture. In her three years in Hogwarts, she had never heard of it. Okay, she shouldn't be underestimating the knowledge of the Purebloods and those who grew up in the wizarding world, whatever?

Erin smiled at the seminar conductor and greeted him, "Good day, Sir. I hope to learn a lot from you." As a Ravenclaw, she kind of needed to say that too. Quickly turning her gaze to find a seat, her eyes found an Asian face. Yeah, Daichi, the guy everyone coined as the Duck Boy. She moved her way past the other seats and when she reached his spot, "Hi Duck Boy!" Erin greeted with a huge smile, "Is this seat somehow reserved?"

Talikins 06-20-2012 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by iBeJenn (Post 11098070)
Selena just continued to blink at the girl in reply. Well, Selena was obviously aware that the girl had a REAL name... she wasn't stupid plus, she had a shiny badge of AUTHORITY. Silly Hufferpuff. "You can't call me Bag, that's not a fruit," Selena pointed out. Silly, silly girl. Didn't she know that FRUIT nicknames were the nicknames to have? Not clothing nicknames. That was just weird. She wouldn't go around calling someone top hat, even if it would be fun.

"You can call me Cherry," Selena decided. Because that was her fruit nickname. Yup. Fruit nicknames were cool. Maybe they'd draw fruits. Or fruit people. Either one would be acceptable. Were they going to be partners? Selena always wanted to be partners with a Peach person.

Seriously? Ness had to focus with every bit of her brain to stop herself from giggling. Bag wasn't a fruit? What was up with this girl? Was she like the Fruit Salad Queen or something? Who knew? It was kinda funny and entertaining, so Ness just grinned at this girl and let out just a tiny laugh. Laughing wasn't to rude, right? It wasn't like she could help herself anylonger anyways.

Cherry. That seemed much better then Peach. Why had the girl even thought of peaches? Renesmee pouted, it had to be her reddish, orange hair that give this 'Cherry' girl the idea of peaches from all fruit. "Alright then, I guess." The pout turned into a small smile. "Cherry and Peach it is." And after that she wasn't too sure what to say anymore, so she just kept her mouth shut hoping the lesson would start soon. She was really looking forward to it.

Jacob Cutter 06-20-2012 09:22 PM

ooc: my apologies for the delay; seems my computer chose the worst of days to break down. My responses may be slow, as I still haven't managed to get it to boot up.

With an idle glance at his charmed watch, Cutter checked the time, murmuring greetings to all the children who had greeted him. It was about time he started, he supposed; rising from his seat, he flicked his wand to close the door and smiled at the class.

"Hello students, my name is Jacob Cutter, and I'll be running your seminar on Magical Portraiture today...." he looked out over the students and gestured at them absently. "Magical portraiture is the process of making moving art. Not just moving art, but works of art that can interact with you, or other portraits."

He paused, looking over the young faces, considering them all.

"First I need to figure something out though... the school, as you know, is full of magical portraits. Some even serve practical purposes, as those of you who like to visit the kitchens well know. But how much do you all actually know about these portraits? Or any magical portraits, for that matter? Anyone?"

TakemetotheBurrow 06-20-2012 09:40 PM

Hmm...what did Ella know about magical portraits? She had read pretty much every book she could find on the school and now merely needed to pull up the information. Not that that would be easy...not with all the other stuff she'd been cramming up there lately.

After a few minutes of thinking hard, Ella raised her hand. "I believe I read that the people depicted in the portraits... well they're kind of like a...well an echo or memory of the person they are meant to portray. I guess that means they think and act like the real thing only they don't have all the emotions and capabilities?" Did that make any sense? Ella hoped so.

FireboltAvis88 06-20-2012 10:29 PM

Alyssa thought for awhile before she raised her hand. "Sir I believe that the portraits like Ella said is a living memory of the person or persons depicted in it. I remember we were taught how to make a potion that made regular pictures into moving pictures by Professor Lafay."

"As for emotions, I'm not sure whether they have that although I have seen the Fat Lady cry and run in horror." Alyssa scratched her head thinking about that.

WitchLight27 06-21-2012 01:47 AM

Jacob Cutter it was. Without waiting for Daichi's response about the seat, quickly, Erin suited herself and slouched onto it. She took out her parchment and pen ready for the discussion about Magical Portraiture. All ears, she listened to Mr. Jacob Cutter's words. Seminars were important, they weren't usually offered in regular magical schools and so she really needed to pay very much attention.

And as for the question, Erin raised her hand slowly, "A being on a magical portrait, as I know, can travel from one portrait to another given that they are in the same place, like Hogwarts?" Erin suggested but very much sure that there was something in between those lines.

hpluvr037 06-21-2012 02:00 AM

Keefer just kind of stared at the man. Magical portraiture... Art isn't exactly my strong suit. But this question wasn't really art-related, at least, so maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

He thrust both fists into the air, just like he always did. "Um, sir, I don't really know that much. But just from walking by the same portraits for seven years now, it seems that many of them repeat the same phrases. Others have a less limited vocabulary, but that may just be because I haven't watched them enough."

That much was speculation. The other bit, on the other hand, was fact. "But I know that Tate's office has a portrait of each former Head, and it just sort of.. appears there once the subject dies. At least, that's what Dumbledore's did almost a hundred years ago." So at least one confirmed occurrence, then.

Bazinga 06-21-2012 02:09 AM

Minerva thought about that question and to be honest did not know much about the portraits. She never talked to any nor did she really take the time to look at them. She put up her hand though, "I know that portraits can move to other portraits to visit and I know they can interact with us even though I'm not sure why or how."

TeafortheSoul 06-21-2012 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by Jacob Cutter (Post 11098706)
ooc: my apologies for the delay; seems my computer chose the worst of days to break down. My responses may be slow, as I still haven't managed to get it to boot up.

With an idle glance at his charmed watch, Cutter checked the time, murmuring greetings to all the children who had greeted him. It was about time he started, he supposed; rising from his seat, he flicked his wand to close the door and smiled at the class.

"Hello students, my name is Jacob Cutter, and I'll be running your seminar on Magical Portraiture today...." he looked out over the students and gestured at them absently. "Magical portraiture is the process of making moving art. Not just moving art, but works of art that can interact with you, or other portraits."

He paused, looking over the young faces, considering them all.

"First I need to figure something out though... the school, as you know, is full of magical portraits. Some even serve practical purposes, as those of you who like to visit the kitchens well know. But how much do you all actually know about these portraits? Or any magical portraits, for that matter? Anyone?"

West knew something.

He put his hand up.

"Some of them are really annoying, but if you thump them, they mostly shut up."

Jacob Cutter 06-21-2012 04:27 AM


Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow (Post 11098739)
Hmm...what did Ella know about magical portraits? She had read pretty much every book she could find on the school and now merely needed to pull up the information. Not that that would be easy...not with all the other stuff she'd been cramming up there lately.

After a few minutes of thinking hard, Ella raised her hand. "I believe I read that the people depicted in the portraits... well they're kind of like a...well an echo or memory of the person they are meant to portray. I guess that means they think and act like the real thing only they don't have all the emotions and capabilities?" Did that make any sense? Ella hoped so.

Cutter nodded to the girl. "Very good, Miss..." it was then that Cutter realised he hadn't asked for their names, nor did students come with nametags for his convenience.

He'd have to work around that.

"You're correct in the fact that they're essentially only a memory. A shadow, if you will. They look the same, but they're merely an imitation. Though I'm inclined to disagree on the emotions part. There's a bit of debate regarding that, because really, how can we truly know if and what a painting can feel."


Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 (Post 11098811)
Alyssa thought for awhile before she raised her hand. "Sir I believe that the portraits like Ella said is a living memory of the person or persons depicted in it. I remember we were taught how to make a potion that made regular pictures into moving pictures by Professor Lafay."

"As for emotions, I'm not sure whether they have that although I have seen the Fat Lady cry and run in horror." Alyssa scratched her head thinking about that.

He liked these kids so far. "Yes, thank you for bringing that up. Moving photographs are actually a topic that ties in with all of this, and as for the Fat Lady... let's just say she's a good argument for portraits with feelings."


Originally Posted by WitchLight27 (Post 11099060)
Jacob Cutter it was. Without waiting for Daichi's response about the seat, quickly, Erin suited herself and slouched onto it. She took out her parchment and pen ready for the discussion about Magical Portraiture. All ears, she listened to Mr. Jacob Cutter's words. Seminars were important, they weren't usually offered in regular magical schools and so she really needed to pay very much attention.

And as for the question, Erin raised her hand slowly, "A being on a magical portrait, as I know, can travel from one portrait to another given that they are in the same place, like Hogwarts?" Erin suggested but very much sure that there was something in between those lines.

"Close!" Cutter responded quickly, almost sounding a bit excited as he indicated this girl to the class. "As Miss..." -didn't know names, he remembered too late- "Er, as this student has brought up, rather... portraits can travel into other portraits. Yes. I'm guessing Sir Cadogan is still hanging somewhere in the school, and I wouldn't be surprised if you've all seen him out of frame. But portraits aren't always limited to one building."


Originally Posted by hpluvr037 (Post 11099068)
Keefer just kind of stared at the man. Magical portraiture... Art isn't exactly my strong suit. But this question wasn't really art-related, at least, so maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

He thrust both fists into the air, just like he always did. "Um, sir, I don't really know that much. But just from walking by the same portraits for seven years now, it seems that many of them repeat the same phrases. Others have a less limited vocabulary, but that may just be because I haven't watched them enough."

That much was speculation. The other bit, on the other hand, was fact. "But I know that Tate's office has a portrait of each former Head, and it just sort of.. appears there once the subject dies. At least, that's what Dumbledore's did almost a hundred years ago." So at least one confirmed occurrence, then.

He nodded in this older boy's direction.

"Yes, some portraits have very limited vocabulary, while some can be rather... verbose. It all comes down to the artist, really. As well as the subject matter, but the artist has more sway over that."

And surely most were aware of the Headmaster's Chambers' artwork.


Originally Posted by Bazinga (Post 11099074)
Minerva thought about that question and to be honest did not know much about the portraits. She never talked to any nor did she really take the time to look at them. She put up her hand though, "I know that portraits can move to other portraits to visit and I know they can interact with us even though I'm not sure why or how."

Another encouraging nod to this girl. "Yes, they can, on both counts."


Originally Posted by Tegz (Post 11099128)
West knew something.

He put his hand up.

"Some of them are really annoying, but if you thump them, they mostly shut up."

...Cutter had almost missed this one's answer, but it was far too bizarre to fully gloss over, and it actually stopped his momentum dead.

Thump them?

"Er... I suppose. Though I don't advocate portrait thumping, as it could damage them. Maybe it's best to ignore them."

With another wand flick, Cutter was adding notes to the board.

"Portraits are not "sentient", therefore the argument usually made is that they cannot think for themselves. However, if they are of a specific person, they will retain the thought patterns and many of the memories of the person of whom they have been painted. This is why The Fat Lady and Sir Cadogan have more personality than say, the painting of the fruit bowl that hangs over the kitchen entrance."

The words "photographs" appeared on the board and underlined itself rather insistently as Cutter trailed off, and he glanced at it with a slight frown, muttering an inaudible I know at the board before addressing the class again.

"Photographs were mentioned... I assume that Professor Lafay explained the difference between them and portraits? And please, before I forget again, please state your name when you raise your hand to answer. I'm afraid I'm rather at a loss, as none of you were students last time I taught here."

TeafortheSoul 06-21-2012 04:37 AM


Originally Posted by Jacob Cutter (Post 11099198)
...Cutter had almost missed this one's answer, but it was far too bizarre to fully gloss over, and it actually stopped his momentum dead.

Thump them?

"Er... I suppose. Though I don't advocate portrait thumping, as it could damage them. Maybe it's best to ignore them."

With another wand flick, Cutter was adding notes to the board.

"Portraits are not "sentient", therefore the argument usually made is that they cannot think for themselves. However, if they are of a specific person, they will retain the thought patterns and many of the memories of the person of whom they have been painted. This is why The Fat Lady and Sir Cadogan have more personality than say, the painting of the fruit bowl that hangs over the kitchen entrance."

The words "photographs" appeared on the board and underlined itself rather insistently as Cutter trailed off, and he glanced at it with a slight frown, muttering an inaudible I know at the board before addressing the class again.

"Photographs were mentioned... I assume that Professor Lafay explained the difference between them and portraits? And please, before I forget again, please state your name when you raise your hand to answer. I'm afraid I'm rather at a loss, as none of you were students last time I taught here."

"That's what Professor Scabior said too. About not thumping them, but honestly, Hengist Rawkes just talks too much and is really wrong and all. Maybe because his portrait is old though, he doesn't know new things? Not properly at least." West tucked his leg up on the chair and rested his chin on his knee, thinking.

... wait, what kind of question is that?

He put his hand up again. "I dunno what Professor Lafay says, but anyone can hold a camera and point it, but if you suck at drawing, your portrait will be kind of limited, wouldn't it? One's more limited by equipment and the other by talent." Which West had. Talent. "West Odessa." He added as an afterthought.

Bazinga 06-21-2012 04:52 AM

Minerva tried to think about what Lafay had said when they did the pictures. She really couldn't remember it was her first term that they did that assignment. What was that she had said, she loved doing the pictures though, she still had some really great ones from her first year. Shaking her head she came back to reality from her thoughts. "Minerva Wheatborn, I think that pictures are a moment in time, something real that has been captured. Where a portrait is from someones head to their hands. They draw it, paint it, and frame it. It is an image from their imagination."

FearlessLeader19 06-21-2012 05:30 AM

Jory raised his hand. "Jory Stonewall, Sir,'' he said. "Photographs are taken to capture a particular moment with a camera and while portraits also capture particular moments, they are hand drawn and painted.''

Vanillasweetheart 06-21-2012 05:45 AM

Catching up xD

Originally Posted by Jacob Cutter (Post 11099198)
With another wand flick, Cutter was adding notes to the board.

"Portraits are not "sentient", therefore the argument usually made is that they cannot think for themselves. However, if they are of a specific person, they will retain the thought patterns and many of the memories of the person of whom they have been painted. This is why The Fat Lady and Sir Cadogan have more personality than say, the painting of the fruit bowl that hangs over the kitchen entrance."

The words "photographs" appeared on the board and underlined itself rather insistently as Cutter trailed off, and he glanced at it with a slight frown, muttering an inaudible I know at the board before addressing the class again.

"Photographs were mentioned... I assume that Professor Lafay explained the difference between them and portraits? And please, before I forget again, please state your name when you raise your hand to answer. I'm afraid I'm rather at a loss, as none of you were students last time I taught here."

Chelle quickly scribbled down notes on her parchment. If she was going to be able to keep up with the lesson, she couldn't do without taking notes.

When did Professor Lafay explain the difference between photographs and portraits?

Chelle frowned. Either she had not been paying attention while the Potions Professor was telling the students about the difference between photographs and portraits- which was highly unlikely- OR Chelle simply hadn't been there at the moment. The latter was more likely than the former, of course. Either way, she had no idea of the answer.

"Um, I suppose that photographs are taken with the help of a camera? While portraits are painted..." Chelle attempted meekly. "Michelle Adams, Sir," she added in the end.

nogoodforyou 06-21-2012 05:53 AM


Originally Posted by Jacob Cutter (Post 11099198)
"Photographs were mentioned... I assume that Professor Lafay explained the difference between them and portraits? And please, before I forget again, please state your name when you raise your hand to answer. I'm afraid I'm rather at a loss, as none of you were students last time I taught here."

Seeing that the class had already started, Nora was sort of sorry that she didn't get the chance to say anything else to Chelle as she took the seat next to her, so she only smiled at her and mumbled a 'Nora' in response, and nothing more. She wouldn't want this man to get annoyed at her for speaking during the lesson, because she wasn't. Nope.

She found it a bit difficult to follow him, but she knew that she'd eventually understand something, and maybe even take a few notes from time to time. As for his question, she raised her hand to answer, although she couldn't really remember whether professor Lafay had told them that or not. "We take photographs with a camera, and portraits... I guess they require a lot of work and talent." Or not?

cheeseStrings 06-21-2012 07:35 AM

Difference between photographs and portraits... Honestly, Janice had no idea about it. They pretty much mean the same thing to her, but she'll give it a go.

"Maybe, sir," she said after raising her hand, "portraits are pictures of living things, and photographs are pictures of every other thing. Is that right?" She was totally unsure of it. "Janice Trewhella, sir." She added.

Steelsheen 06-21-2012 08:22 AM

catching up guh >_<

Originally Posted by Jacob Cutter (Post 11098706)
ooc: my apologies for the delay; seems my computer chose the worst of days to break down. My responses may be slow, as I still haven't managed to get it to boot up.

With an idle glance at his charmed watch, Cutter checked the time, murmuring greetings to all the children who had greeted him. It was about time he started, he supposed; rising from his seat, he flicked his wand to close the door and smiled at the class.

"Hello students, my name is Jacob Cutter, and I'll be running your seminar on Magical Portraiture today...." he looked out over the students and gestured at them absently. "Magical portraiture is the process of making moving art. Not just moving art, but works of art that can interact with you, or other portraits."

He paused, looking over the young faces, considering them all.

"First I need to figure something out though... the school, as you know, is full of magical portraits. Some even serve practical purposes, as those of you who like to visit the kitchens well know. But how much do you all actually know about these portraits? Or any magical portraits, for that matter? Anyone?"

Jacob Cutter.... Vickers took out a parchment and started scribbling some notes as is his nature. What did they know about the magical portraits? Raising his hand he replied "They were usually of distinguished people or interesting events." Interesting of course, is usually in the eye of the beholder...


Originally Posted by Jacob Cutter
"Portraits are not "sentient", therefore the argument usually made is that they cannot think for themselves. However, if they are of a specific person, they will retain the thought patterns and many of the memories of the person of whom they have been painted. This is why The Fat Lady and Sir Cadogan have more personality than say, the painting of the fruit bowl that hangs over the kitchen entrance."

The words "photographs" appeared on the board and underlined itself rather insistently as Cutter trailed off, and he glanced at it with a slight frown, muttering an inaudible I know at the board before addressing the class again.

"Photographs were mentioned... I assume that Professor Lafay explained the difference between them and portraits? And please, before I forget again, please state your name when you raise your hand to answer. I'm afraid I'm rather at a loss, as none of you were students last time I taught here."

He furrowed his brows thoughtfully, trying to recall a lesson of Lafay's... he remembered studying about creating the potion for the moving pictures. Up goes the hand again "Photographs are faithful reproductions of what is captured by an apparatus like a camera..." he started, being careful not to knock the artistry of photography "... Portraits are paintings done by artisans, using their skills with their chosen medium to capture the image-- usually for a person." Oh and his name "Vincenzo Vanderbilt Sir."

Talikins 06-21-2012 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by Jacob Cutter (Post 11099198)
With another wand flick, Cutter was adding notes to the board.

"Portraits are not "sentient", therefore the argument usually made is that they cannot think for themselves. However, if they are of a specific person, they will retain the thought patterns and many of the memories of the person of whom they have been painted. This is why The Fat Lady and Sir Cadogan have more personality than say, the painting of the fruit bowl that hangs over the kitchen entrance."

The words "photographs" appeared on the board and underlined itself rather insistently as Cutter trailed off, and he glanced at it with a slight frown, muttering an inaudible I know at the board before addressing the class again.

"Photographs were mentioned... I assume that Professor Lafay explained the difference between them and portraits? And please, before I forget again, please state your name when you raise your hand to answer. I'm afraid I'm rather at a loss, as none of you were students last time I taught here."

Now that the whole fruit nickname thing had left her mind, Renesmee actually paid attention to what was going on in the lesson. So now they were talking about photographs and potraits. Ness bit her lip, couldn't you get photographs that were potraits. If she remembered corectly, wasn't it that potraits were just an image of someones face. Did it really matter whether it was painted or taken by a camera? Ness wasn't sure if she was thinking was even right. Either way she raised her hand, hoping this teacher knew.

Once her turn, she smiled a tiny bit. "Professor, I'm Peach." She was barely even concious that she had said that instead of her real name. She continued as though nothing had happened." I'm not sure if this is right, but I think that a potrait can even be in a photograph form, because a potrait is a close up of somebody's face and you can still get that even in photo's right?." Now she might of had it all wrong, but thats what she remembered.

It took her a few seconds after she had answered to realise that she had really said Peach instead of Ness or Renesmee. See, this was why she hated nicknames. The red head looked at the 'Cherry' girl beside her and went a little red from the embarrasment, she then tried to give the girl a funny look, showing she was just a little annoyed. Silly fruit nicknames.

TakemetotheBurrow 06-21-2012 01:23 PM

Hmm. What were the differences between photographs and portraits? Ella wasn't sure that any professor had explained that to her so she thought it over for a few minutes. Well as most people had already said, photographs are taken by a camera where as lots of portraits have been painted. There was another difference that Ella considered but hadn't heard yet. "Professor,...Oh right, I'm Ella Bishop. I was wondering if one of the differences is that in a photograph, you can capture just about anything but in a portrait, you want to capture a person and show what they're about...meaning like their job or hobby or something."

WitchLight27 06-21-2012 01:32 PM

"Erin Heyman, Sir," the Ravenclaw smiled.

Her classmates comparison between portraits and photographs were becoming really dull, they were just rephrasing and repeating each and everybody's answer. Instead, Erin plopped her back on her chair and added some tidbits on her notes. Erin raised her hand quickly as she saw her yellow-colored notebook. Yes. Light. "Photographs are images made of light like the others mentioned by using a camera, and think they're also pictures of anything as long as it is made by hand like a painting or a drawing."

FireboltAvis88 06-21-2012 04:17 PM

Playing catch up and edited because I hit send before I was done typing.
Alyssa listened as the other students gave their answers and when it was her turn, she raised her hand and said.

"Sir, I'm Alyssa Potter. Like some of the other students have mentioned, moving photographs are pictures of people taken with a regular camera and then made into moving pictures using a special potion. The pictures capture the moment of the event, so I don't think that the people in the pictures can move out of it. That is the difference between a moving picture and a portrait."

"As for portraits, the subject of the portrait is painted by an artist, usually after the subject of the painting is dead. I guess in a sense for their loved ones, it helps to see that the person lives on. It has to be painted with magical paint and not ordinary muggle artist paint."

"Unlike the subjects in a picture, the subjects in the portraits seem to have a life of their own. Like you said, they can move around from one portrait to another, they can even help spy for somebody while they doing that and warn people and they can even go to sleep."

Princesspower 06-21-2012 05:19 PM

catching up...

Originally Posted by Jacob Cutter (Post 11098706)
ooc: my apologies for the delay; seems my computer chose the worst of days to break down. My responses may be slow, as I still haven't managed to get it to boot up.

With an idle glance at his charmed watch, Cutter checked the time, murmuring greetings to all the children who had greeted him. It was about time he started, he supposed; rising from his seat, he flicked his wand to close the door and smiled at the class.

"Hello students, my name is Jacob Cutter, and I'll be running your seminar on Magical Portraiture today...." he looked out over the students and gestured at them absently. "Magical portraiture is the process of making moving art. Not just moving art, but works of art that can interact with you, or other portraits."

He paused, looking over the young faces, considering them all.

"First I need to figure something out though... the school, as you know, is full of magical portraits. Some even serve practical purposes, as those of you who like to visit the kitchens well know. But how much do you all actually know about these portraits? Or any magical portraits, for that matter? Anyone?"

"Sir, they remind me sort of like ghosts..." Sarah said


Originally Posted by Jacob Cutter (Post 11099198)
Cutter nodded to the girl. "Very good, Miss..." it was then that Cutter realised he hadn't asked for their names, nor did students come with nametags for his convenience.

He'd have to work around that.

"You're correct in the fact that they're essentially only a memory. A shadow, if you will. They look the same, but they're merely an imitation. Though I'm inclined to disagree on the emotions part. There's a bit of debate regarding that, because really, how can we truly know if and what a painting can feel."

He liked these kids so far. "Yes, thank you for bringing that up. Moving photographs are actually a topic that ties in with all of this, and as for the Fat Lady... let's just say she's a good argument for portraits with feelings."

"Close!" Cutter responded quickly, almost sounding a bit excited as he indicated this girl to the class. "As Miss..." -didn't know names, he remembered too late- "Er, as this student has brought up, rather... portraits can travel into other portraits. Yes. I'm guessing Sir Cadogan is still hanging somewhere in the school, and I wouldn't be surprised if you've all seen him out of frame. But portraits aren't always limited to one building."

He nodded in this older boy's direction.

"Yes, some portraits have very limited vocabulary, while some can be rather... verbose. It all comes down to the artist, really. As well as the subject matter, but the artist has more sway over that."

And surely most were aware of the Headmaster's Chambers' artwork.

Another encouraging nod to this girl. "Yes, they can, on both counts."

...Cutter had almost missed this one's answer, but it was far too bizarre to fully gloss over, and it actually stopped his momentum dead.

Thump them?

"Er... I suppose. Though I don't advocate portrait thumping, as it could damage them. Maybe it's best to ignore them."

With another wand flick, Cutter was adding notes to the board.

"Portraits are not "sentient", therefore the argument usually made is that they cannot think for themselves. However, if they are of a specific person, they will retain the thought patterns and many of the memories of the person of whom they have been painted. This is why The Fat Lady and Sir Cadogan have more personality than say, the painting of the fruit bowl that hangs over the kitchen entrance."

The words "photographs" appeared on the board and underlined itself rather insistently as Cutter trailed off, and he glanced at it with a slight frown, muttering an inaudible I know at the board before addressing the class again.

"Photographs were mentioned... I assume that Professor Lafay explained the difference between them and portraits? And please, before I forget again, please state your name when you raise your hand to answer. I'm afraid I'm rather at a loss, as none of you were students last time I taught here."

Sarah raised her hand "Sir -Sarah Edwards. I think portraits required more thought on the behalf of the artist then a photograph on the behalf on f the photographer. I mean the artist has to toil over the painting while a photographer, perhaps arranges the elements and snap - no extra work"

Poolicious 06-21-2012 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by Jacob Cutter (Post 11099198)
"Photographs were mentioned... I assume that Professor Lafay explained the difference between them and portraits? And please, before I forget again, please state your name when you raise your hand to answer. I'm afraid I'm rather at a loss, as none of you were students last time I taught here."

The difference between Photographs and Portraits? Umm..He wasn't sure what the difference between the two of them, nevertheless Messer raised his hand to answer the Professor's question "Edvard Messer, Sir." he said. "I think the differences between the two of them, Photograph is an imagine captured by a camera like most of my classmate said while Portrait is a painting created by an artist on a medium they choose and usually in a portrait we could see the mood even personality from the person on the portrait." Yup that's he think.

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