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Magical Portraiture It had been a long time since Jacob Cutter had come to Hogwarts. As he bustled around the front of the room, opening containers and peering into them before sorting them onto piles, he tried to figure out just how long it actually had been. What year had he even taught here? The one when the crazy pub guy had shown up at the school. He wrinkled his nose as he remembered the unfortunate school year; he'd been blissfully unaware of all the craziness going on, seeing as he'd fallen asleep on the grass in the greenhouses and hadn't been alerted. Still felt a little guilty about that, as people had gotten hurt, but.... oh well. No time to dwell. The students would be coming soon, and he had to finish setting things up. An idle flick at the board set words in motion across the dark surface, the letters curling into his distinctly poor handwriting. Quote:
ooc: Welcome to your second seminar of the term! As Cutter said above, it's an optional lesson and you're not required to attend, but I'll be pleased to have any and all of you here! I'm going to give some time for students to arrive before starting, please don't make me regret it by filling the thread with chatter. This lesson should run for about a week, and hopefully we can all have a lot of fun during it. As this isn't a subject that is really covered in canon, your character might not know a lot about it, but please don't let that deter you from trying to answer any questions! I'm going to try and do what Tegz did with her seminar and keep this first post updated with what's going on in the class, and if anything confuses you, please feel free to PM or VM me. -Cutter |
YESSSS! West was READY for this. He wasn't wearing arty stuff, but he was wearing old clothes that already had a few splatters of paint. He'd also brought a few things with him in his bag and he bouunnnnnded to the front of the room and chose a seat. Whowasgonnasitnexttohimmmm??? Was he gonna say hi to the professor dude? Nah. The firstie bounced eagerly in his chosen seat. THISWASGONNABEEPIC! |
Chelle had heard about the second seminar of the term- the seminar of Magical Portraiture. As a good Ravenclaw, she made it a point to attend all these seminars, to try to get to know as much as she could about everything in magic. She was always the curious sort. So she entered the venue of the seminar and glanced at the board. Good thing I decided to wear these. She took a seat at the front of the class and observed the items kept on the desk. As she was told not to, she did not touch them. She looked around the classroom, at the Professor whom she had never seen here before, and waited patiently for the class to begin. OOC: Anyone can come and sit next to Chelle! :) |
Unlike the alchemy seminar, Spike thought he actually had a fair chance of understanding this one. Not an amazing chance, seeing as the title included the word magical, but a fair one. And he'd found this year that he actually quite liked sketching and drawing, what with Muggle Studies homework, and drawing the dragon egg in Care of Magical Creatures. Colouring had always been Indy's domain - she was the more creative one - and yet it turned out that Spike wasn't all that bad at it, when he put his mind to it. "Good day, Sir," he greeted the instructor, as he ventured into the classroom. He was dressed in his casual khaki shorts and a blue hoody, both slightly dusty from a previous trip to the greenhouses. Art was meant to be about being comfortable, right? He headed to a middle-ish table (so as to not to look too keen), and sat down, staring at the cauldron and dishes. Didn't painting just involve paints? Well...that was unexpected, for starters. He looked up at the board, to see if it gave any clues. He squinted at the writing, trying to identify what it said. Hopefully nothing important, as it was worse than Spike's own handwriting and he could barely make out the words. Something about messy and docking points. Well, Spike certainly didn't mind getting messy...and the other houses were welcome to lose points if they wished. As long as the Claws didn't, Prefect Spike would be happy. |
Magical... what? As soon as Nora heard about this seminar class thingy, she knew she wanted to attend, although she wasn't sure what this was about. Were they going to make... portraits... magically? Pffft, her art/painting/whatever skills were awful; easily mistaken with the drawings of a three year old child. But... this was magical, and she was good with spells. Maybe she'll do better... or worse. Stepping inside the classroom, the girl's attention was immediately caught by what was scribbled on the board, after which she realized that she had no idea who this man was, the one that would probably be teaching. Professor Cutter? Ugh, she didn't like how his name sounded. "Hello, sir." Quote:
Who knows, maybe they'll even get along and be friends. With Nora's always present enthusiasm and... well, always being so cheerful, it shouldn't be that difficult. |
Lana was super excited. She was actually really looking forward to another seminar. Now only if she was this excited for all her required lesson, she would be set. Hearing about what the seminar was about, she just knew that she wanted to come and see all she could. |
lolol XD forgive him Quote:
"Yes. I mind." West eyed the big kid. Who WAS that guy? And why was he sitting here? The desks were only in twos so whoever he let sit next to him had to be someone that he knew and liked and thought was cool and that meant, if not one of his besties or his sister, first year and/or Slytherin. This big boy wasn't any of those things! He eyed him suspiciously. Why ask if he minded when he'd already sat? West was NOT SHARING HIS PAINTS! |
Magical... Portraiture? It was a curious seminar title he admits, and a big reason why this Ravenclaw made the short trip from his common room to the Astronomy Tower. He would at the very least try to learn whatever interesting concepts that would be taught today, even if he had that strange feeling this may have something to do with a skill set he is just not blessed with. As he crossed the threshold he spotted some of the materials in the room and had that sinking feeling. Yeah this looked like it had something to do with artwork, and the most experience he had was going through museums staring at them with his grandmother. Plus that little job he did with Scabior's office but he wont be putting that on his achievement list anytime soon. He nodded his head politely at the man he could guess would be the seminar speaker "Hello Sir." he greeted him and decided to take one of the vacant tables at the back. If all they would do is look at artwork the location would prove well as he was farsighted; if they would be making art then at least he would hopefully lessen any chances of humiliating himself in front of everybody. |
That sounded promising. Anyhow, to a person who liked anything that had to do with art, this seminar seemed to be the perfect activity. Heh. With an actual smile on her face, the fourth year made her way towards the classroom. Truth be told, she was kind of curious who the person teaching was. Perhaps it was someone they already knew… like Professor Schirmer? Hmmm. As soon as she stepped in, the Ravenclaw gave a quick look around. ‘Good day, Sir’, she finally said as she spotted the man, who was probably Professor Cutter. There were a few students in the classroom, but most of them were already sitting in pairs, so Gwendolyn walked over towards the first student she saw alone. ‘Mind if I join you?’ |
He remembered this one... the one from Astronomy class... when they had an Astronomy class... "I dont mind.... Gwen" that was her name right? Oy he better have not messed that up "By all means" he added as he set his thing aside to give the Eagle lass some room. |
Theodore whirled into this class like a big ball of energy. Anything that involved getting messy was completely his kind of thing. He wasn't even sure what Portraiture meant, but judging by all the stuff on the tables, it was something arty. WOOT. He was about to pull up a seat next to West until some Gryffindor stole it. Oh, okay. Theo found an empty table, on his own. Cos he was much too afraid to just sit down next to some stranger. Looked like they were mostly oldies, too. Le sigh. "Hallo...." Was he a professor? Or a sir? Or a mister? Mister, would do, "...Mister." |
This was going to be fun. Sarah needn;t worry about wearing clothes that she didn't getting dirty. Afterall, she was sensible enough not to wear dressrobes or something like that to this class, all her other clothes where casual, and she didn't care about them so much. Sarah found an empty seat and sat down after greeting the proffesor. OOC: Anyone want to sit next to Sarah? |
Spotting the little lurker sitting by himself, Ella weighed the options of sitting next to the firsty. On the one hand, apparently the little guy thought she loved him, so sitting next to him would only further that feeling, right? On the other hand, Theodore was ridiculous at all times so it would definitely be amusing to share a table with him. Might it also be amusing to make him feel a bit uncomfortable because he thought she liked him? Heh. Making her way over, Ella plopped her bag on the floor beside the table and sat down with a small smile. "Hey Theodore." |
But it was only Ella. Sitting next to him cos she loved him? Most likely. "Hallo, Ella." He said, scratching his head slightly. The smile freaked him out. If only she knew everything that he had been telling others behind her back. O_O The first year looked away from her immediately. |
The one thing this school did right, was giving seminar classes. It was always good to learn more than the usual stuff they teached and the Slytherin actually liked them. Sometimes...depends on the subject. As for this one, Magical portraiture, he had never heard of before but he figured it had to do something with the portraits like in the staircase. Where they going to make a picture move? As he stood in front of the man, he bowed his head in greeting and smiled. "Hi sir~!" he said with a bright smile that he was used to showing now and hoised his bag higher on his shoulder, the yellow head of his plush duck was sticking out of it. "Uhm, welcome to Hogwarts, Sir.." With one last quick nod of his head, Daichi turned to sit down on an empty chair. His eyes tried to read the poorly hand writing on the board but even with his glasses on he couldn't figure it out. Oh well it probably said that they weren't suppose to touch anything or something. The usual. The snake leaned back in his chair and looked around, wondering who or if anyone would sit with him. |
Selena liked to draw. Given she had stopped quite a bit from her first year here and Hogwarts but she had gotten busy. Surely a sketchpad could forgive her for that. Humming, Selena skipped over to the class - Magical Portraiture. That sounded like a lot of fun. And Selena liked fun. The girl wished she could've brought her pygmy puff though... she was sure Kent would've liked this too. Especially since there had to be a kid with a drippy nose somewhere for the pygmy puff to snack on. "Hellooooo Professor," Selena chirped, beaming at the guy. She gave him a quick wave then looked around the room. OH LOOK. Empty table. Selena liked empty tables too! The Slytherin plopped herself down at one of the chairs and kicked her legs back and forth. Oh, maybe she should've chosen a half empty table so she could talk to someone. woops. |
Hope you don't mind. ^__^ Quote:
Most of the tables were empty for now, and she must have been one of the earlier students for a change. Renesmee bit her lip. She had two options, either sit alone and hope to get a nice person to sit next to...oorr she could choose someone now. Peering around at all the desks, she couldn't really anyone she noticed. Her usual pout formed as she tried to make up her mind. It was then she saw a sweet looking girl sitting on her own. She walked over a little closer to the girl. The girl looked a little familair and if Nessie remembered correctly, she had remembered seeing this girl in Slytherin uniform a few times. This made Ness debate whether this was a good idea or not. She wasn't too fond of Slytherins, most of them were just not her kind of people and she didn't get along with many of them. Oh well..might as well give the girl a try, right? "Um..is this seat taken?" She asked a little shyly, hoping this girl was sweet after all. |
The Slytherin looked up and placed her hands on top of her bag. She would take out the chocolate later.... she couldn't share her breakfast chocolate. Breakfast was the most important meal of the day. And what was this girl talking about seats? Oh right... There was an empty seat. Which meant she had people to talk to now. Epicalness. "If you sit in it, it'll be taken," Selena said with a huuuugeee smile on her face. As nice as this girl seemed... she still wasn't going to share her chocolate. "I'm Selena Zabini-Riddle, and I'm going to name you PEACH." |
Curious little thing she was. Good, at least she had somewhere to sit now."Thanks, I guess."The Huffie took her seat attempting to return the smile to this Selena, she stopped midway though, when the girl continued talking and told her she was going to name her Peach. *mellow* Renesmee blinked and then her face went completely serious. What was it with Slytherins and their nicknames? The red head slowly faked a smile and she thought of Oliver the other Slytherin that gave her nicknames. "Um..Peach? My names Nessie though." she tried to be polite, but couldn't help herself. "Fine if you call me Peach then, I'll call you erm..Bag?" Nessie's eyed the bag again, still interested as to what was inside it. This Selena girl seemed alright, and anyways Peach wasn't that bad of a nickname, it was WAY better then Squidy or Squidward. |
Louisa made the short trip up to the Astronomy tower, slightly pausing before professor Edvard's ex-office before moving up toward their new seminar. Magical Portraiture. That sounded highly amusing and interesting, she made a mental note to Strolling into the room Louisa smiled at the man, "Hello sir. Louisa Carter, Ravenclaw Prefect. Very excited to attend your class today." She paused just a few seconds before turning her head and scanning the others in the room. Nope. No Johnny yet. The seventeen years old went on and claimed one of the random empty spots. |
If you don't mind Quote:
Nigel thought this optional lesson looked like fun. So he took the short walk from the common room to the Astronomy Tower. He did like instructed and wore clothes that he did really not care if they got dirty or not. Walking into the room he looked up at the professor or teacher. Nigel did not really know what title he had, so he said, "Hello, Sir". He then spotted a Ravenclaw that looked exactly like Laura. Myabe it was her twin or something. He walks over to her and asks "Is this seat taken?" |
"You can call me Cherry," Selena decided. Because that was her fruit nickname. Yup. Fruit nicknames were cool. Maybe they'd draw fruits. Or fruit people. Either one would be acceptable. Were they going to be partners? Selena always wanted to be partners with a Peach person. |
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