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Lollipops 2 So getting the first lollipop hadn't been so bad, if you didn't count the bazillion splinters...*Eyes palm* bazillion and one splinters the second year now had. Despite that, this game was kinda fun! Ella was like...a super hero or something! Saving the lollipops from the dirty ground so they could be enjoyed by all! BEAM. If only she had a proper cape... Circling the field again, the second year looked down so she could find another group of lollies that weren't being swarmed by other students. EEP! Looking up again, she saw that another classmate was headed straight for her! The blonde cringed as she veered to the left, hoping that she wouldn't hit the kid. Not that she was going that fast, but still...the thought of plummeting to the ground didn't sound too appealing right now. It seemed as though someone was watching out for the girl though, as she narrowly, and we mean she could feel the fabric from her classmates robes as she passed, avoided a run-in. Thank Merlin! Right, so now she was way off course. Focusing again on the ground, this time being careful to watch what was going on in the sky as well, Ella spotted a bunch of lollipops a little ways ahead of her. Shouldn't be too hard to get a few of those, right? With added focus now, the blonde headed straight for them, making sure to reduce her speed and even out as she got closer to the sweets. She found herself right over them, arm outstretched and within reach of two. Her fingers were able to grasp the first by the stick, but the second, which had also been grabbed, fell out of her hand before she was able to get it into her bucket. Sigh. ...well at least she now had two. |
Warming Up Post 3 Nigel was just flying around the pitch now on his broom. He now has a understanding of what he can and can't do on it. He was still bummed out that he could not do faster than a butterfly, but at least it looked like they were going to be doing something interesting in class today. Nigel started doing dives out of boredom, waiting for the Professor to move on to what they will doing next. |
Collecting Bucket Attempt #2 Realigning herself with the bucket as best she could, Penelope eyed it for a moment, trying to figure out how she was going to do this. Was it really just a matter of going slow? That was so boring though. However, one glance over at all the lollipops, she decided she'd do whatever it took to get that bucket so she could move on to grabbing some lollipops. Descending once more, Penelope kept her speed slow, much slower than previously, and she continued to ignore the splinters in her hands as she focused solely on her prize. She was soon nearing the bucket, her broom getting lower and lower until even her short legs grew fairly close to actually touching the grass. She bent lower over the broom handle as if to make sure it would slip right under the bucket handle as it was practically right in front of her now... ...Yes! The bucket was now hanging right in front of her on her broomstick handle. Finally! Now to get some lollipops. |
Lollipop numero tres Lollipop Files. Capture Attempt Number One: Success. Capture Attempt Number Two: Failure, Terminated. Capture Attempt Number Three: Let's do this thing. He stared down the bright blue lollipop, glaring at it with a mix of fear, loathing, and mostly embarrassment. That thing just made an idiot out of me. Time to reclaim my dignity. With that thought he did an about face and straddled the broom handle. "Go!" he commanded the broom, willing it not to pitch him off headfirst. The sucker was 15 feet away. Ten. Five. Three... His right arm extended with lightning precision, unerring in its quest to pluck the pop from the jaws of the earth. "You're mine!" he pronounced as his fingers grasped the air in search of the candy. Fortunately they found the pop. Unfortunately, they were unable to pull it from the cold, hard, March earth. Broom handle pulled up, he jogged to a stop and went to inspect the troublesome stick. It was bent, a souvenir of its recent struggle. Keefer grunted deep in his stomach. "Fine, you wanna be that way? Go for it. But I'm going to get you out in the end. Mark my words." |
Bucket Catch This will be easy Nigel thought. Compared to being a chaser and getting a quaffle past a keeper. Getting one little bucket on his broom will be a piece of cake. Okay, Nigel thought coming out of dive. All he would have to do is time the dive right and get the handle of the bucket on his broom stick. Sounded easy enough. He started by getting the angle he need for the dive so he did not hit the ground. Then he got in position so once he got out of the dive he would have the bucket on his broom. Now all he needed to do was prove he could do it. He started the dive and boy did it feel great. Then right before he hit the ground he pulled up with his bucket on his broom. He had done it on his first try, Awesome. He then settle to fly and average height and work on getting the lollipops into his bucket now. |
lollipop 3 Sarah set off with a ‘woman on a mission’ determined look on her face. She had to find 4 more lollipops soon. First- what was her next favorite color –she looked into her bucket, there was a turquoise blue lollipop, a dark pink lollipop and a royal purple lollipop – green – she needed green, a nice jade green. Thankfully there were lollipops in every shape and size along the pitch. Sarah flew around until she saw it, nestled under a loop was a lollipop, in the shape of a four leaf clover in jade green. She went a bit lower and grabbed – this time she was lucky- who said four leaf clovers were difficult to find? As a good Gryffindor Sarah decided to try find a bright red lollipop next – talk of the devil – she did not have to look long to find it. By now Sarah was getting the knack of this game – she always was agile and light, which made it easier for her. She was outstripped by passing butterflies as she made her way over to the center of the pitch (she was still within arms-reach of the ground) where she found –to her amazement- a red lollipop WITH GOLD STRIPES! The lion inside her roared with delight, and like a hunting lioness she (while nearly falling off her broom) reached down and grabbed it. She plopped the lollipop inside with flourish – 2 more lollipops to go! Not bad going Lion! |
Warm Up Post #1 Kennedy glanced down at the broom. He certainly didn't want any splinter in sensitive areas, so, once more he made sure the cushion was properly situated. The moment they had the go to fly Kennedy placed his right hand above the broom. "Up!" he said...but nothing happened. He frowned. Why didn't it listen to him? He normally didn't have any problems commanding a broom. Hmmm. "Up!" he said, his voice more forceful this time. Nothing. Zip. Zilch. *Nada. His frown deepened. Oh, come on you stupid old thing. "Up!" he nearly yelled. This time, though, the broom handled collided with his hand as his fingers wrapped around it. THERE! Was that so hard? The Prefect then mounted the broom, making sure the cushion was protecting his most sensitive body parts. Though, he should have been paying close attention to the handle as well because a splinter dug into his palm. Kennedy winced and pulled it out. Gah! He almost wanted to dash to his dorm and get his Quidditch gloves. He kicked off the ground and in a wobbly manner flew higher and higher. He was used to speed. Like, fast...zoooom kind of speed. This broom made him feel as if he was learning how to fly all over again. He leaned forward and began his first lap. While he tried not to collide with others, Kennedy had problems with his cushion. It kept sliding forward and making him uncomfortable. Also, he got another splinter on his hand. This was NOT cool, but he'd master it. Hehe. *Nada = Nothing. |
Lollipops Post #4 Three. He only managed to take THREE lollipops so far? Ugh! When he was about to make attempt to grab another lollipops, he saw his Captain rolling on the ground. Look rolling Keefer! Apparently even his Quidditch Captain having a difficulty grabbing those lollipops too. Was it a bad thing that he was grinning now watching his Captain on the ground? Enough about Keefer. You still need four lollipops. He spotted a bunch of lollies not so far from he was. Messer made his broom flies toward them and when he was near his target, he extended his arm. He grabbed that thing and pulled it out from the ground. He got his fourth lollies! WOOT! After he put the candy into his bucket, he circled the field with his broom then flied back to where the lollies were. Fifth lollipop you're MINE! He leaned his broom forward. Hands down. Slowly he approached the lollies and when his hand touch the candy, he tried to pull it out from the ground but unfortunately he didn't use more power to grab it. Darn it! He circled around and flied toward his missing target from the other way around. This time he grabbed the lolly with more power. Success! FIFTH LOLLY BABY! |
Warm Up Post #2 Filthy broom, was what crossed Kennedy's mind when he finished his first lap. The cushion kept sliding forward and he gained more splinters on his hands. Every time he got one he'd automatically take it out, except for those tiny ones his He sort of wiggled to get the cushion back where it was supposed to be and STAY. With a sigh mixed with relief and frustration, Kennedy leaned forward to get the broom to go faster and finish his second lap, but the thing wouldn't go any faster than it was already going. This really sucked. He likes, enjoys and loves speed. This was not speedy. The Prefect glanced up, briefly forgetting about the people around him and just on time. He dodged what looked like a Hufflepuff by the robes and swerved sideways to avoid collision. Blaaah. So slow. |
Post 4! Just two more lollies… what colors now? Bright Yellow like the sun and lilac purple won the lotto in her mind, by slimply being within closest reach... She circled the pitch for the a thousandth time and came a bit lower, grab, grab went her arm on each side, her legs latching the broom balance, she began to topple forward.. thankfully the broom was infront of her and it hit her chest, saving her from falling like foot. Then she had to try bring her self up again... a very hard task. Her stomach muscles worked really hard, while splinters began finding their way into her chest... oh dear. With all her strength she could muster she pulled herself up and placed her lilac lollipop in to the bucket.. and held on as the broom edged itself forward. Hang on -lollipop, what happened to the other one -the bright yellow lollipop. She looked down and saw it behind her - she must have let go of it in attempt to pull herself up. Then like a ray of light shining ahead, she saw another bright yellow lollipop ahead. Upon closer inspection she saw it was like a sun, with a smiley face on it. She held on with her left hand as the broom made its way forward, her right hand clawing its way beneath her, and she grasped for the lollipop head... She clung onto it and deposited in her bucket along with her other lollipops. She looked down in her pail and counted the lollipops... one, two, three, four, five,six and seven. Seven lollpops in her favourite colors: SPOILER!!: Sarah's lollipops |
Warm Up Post #3 One. More. Lap. The man!boy was now grumpy. The cushion had sliiiid mid-second lap and he...ahem...he hurt himself. *Grumble*. Kennedy pursed his lips in concentration as he tried to fly straight and keep the cushion in one place. He didn't want more injuries. That last one had hurt. He leaned forward, almost becoming one with the broom. A slight grin stretched his lips as the broom went straight and the cushion stayed in one place...where it was supposed to be. This allowed him to swerve around any students that got in his way without wobbling. He had finally got the hang of it when he felt something prick his palm. Another splinter. Well...at least it was his hand and not something else. |
Bucket 1 Laura hates this broom but knew that she had to do something overwise she'd get into trouble and now she had to try and catch a bucket which was easier said than done since the broom had a mind of it's own and wanted to do what it wanted to do. Laura tried turning the broom left sharply but it didn't want to do that, same with when she turned it right, the broom only wanted to move slowly and Laura hated it, how people in Vindictus day's played Quidditch on these brooms was beyond her but she was sure matches probably lasted months. |
Post #8 Lolly3 and 4 He got two lollipops in the bucket but now his broom started to slow down wayyy too much, and it was starting to skip-skid against the greens, the bottom of the bucket slapping against the lollipops still buried in the ground. Forcing the broom to pick up speed he leans forward, and didnt let up until he's achieved some kind of clearance between it and the pitch. He leaned across the shaft, this time trying to use two hands to scoop up some lollipops. Each hand manages to grab one apiece before leaning dangerously to the left and had to scramble the broom to keep it of the ground, mindlessly dropping the candies into his bucket. |
Post 1: Lollipops. Lollipops! Now that would be something yummy to have after all this hard work. They were going to get to eat them after they had caught them right? Otherwise this whole thing wouldn't seem fair. Here they were working like crazy and they wouldn't even get rewarded..not fair at all. Surely those lollipops would be theirs to keep. Hoping the lollipops would be hers soon, the Hufflepuff took another lap around the pitch. It was best to fly a bit before she actually headed down and fetched her precious lollipops. Her theory was that if flying around the field had worked with collecting the bucket, then it would work with collecting the lollipops too. One lap, two laps three laps. This was going better than last time, asshe had started off closer to the ground then with the bucket. Now she was ready to go closer and retrieve her lollipops. She bent a little forward and as she did so her broom went dowards.She was almost touching the ground now, and she could easily reach out and grab a lollipop. When she had spotted a colorful one, she reached out her hand and quickly grabbed the lolipop and placed it in her bucket. The whole thing had made ehr a little unbalanced and she had almost fallen off her broom. Luckily she had managed to stay on, which was because her grip on her broom was rather tight, this had it's own problem though. As Nessie reached out again, to retrieve yet another lollipop, her grip tightened somemore. This time it had caused her to get a rather painful splinter in her hand that was holding the broom. "Owww!" she flailed about and then lost her grip completely as she toppled off her broom still with the lollipop in her hand. |
Post 1-The Bucket. Swooping down and collecting a bucket come on that was too easy...Ooo there was the challenging part, no hands. Nerida did everything with her hands how was she just not supposed to use them. She looked around it seemed lots of people had buckets already and they were collecting lollipops, Nerida should really pay more attention to her surroundings. As she looked around the pitch was covered with lollipops!! How did she not see this when she was riding slow up in the air. Stop thinking about lollipops eyes on the prize-that bucket! As she began to loop around the pitch Nerida once again reminded herself no hands! As she began the loop she pushed down on the handle of the broom to get her from ten feet to about five feet, that sounded about right... She was always bad with distance and she never really wore her glasses, like she was supposed too... As she approached the bucket she pushed down on her broom. She was almost there... She pushed to the right a bit and waited she was almost there. Nerida bit her lip as her broom handle approached the handle of the bucket. She was close now...and Nerida held her breath as the handle of her broom approached the handle....*CLANK* it collided with the bucket and sent it tumbling backwards a few inches, thankfully landing right side up so she could try again. Clank, her broom handle hit the side of the bucket instead of going through the hole between the bucket and the handle. Luckily for Nerida nothing happened to make the bucket move. |
Bucket 2 Laura had finally managed to get her broom in position so that she could catch a bucket, she wanted to destroy this broom when she had finished with it but she knew the Professor wouldn't let her do that, after all he must treasure a broom that he rode on when he was a Professonal Quidditch Player. Laura knew she now had to get the bucket on her broom handle but everytime she tried the broom seemed to not want it attached to it, and then when she thought she had got it alright it fell off and landed on the ground, she would have to try again. |
post 6 Kurumi continued to fly around at a slug's pace, thankfully, as she attempted to grab the four lollipops that she needed to finish Professor Vindictus' task...only this was proving to be more and more frustrating as her broom continued to wobble and not respond in the way she wanted it to as well as the splinters proving to be a constant distraction. Kurumi delicate fingers managed to brush against a few strawberry lollipops, but her broom always swerved at the last minute and made the actual grabbing impossible. Sighing, Kurumi sat up straight on her broom and allowed it to wander where ever it wanted to while she set to removing splinters from her palms again. Once she had removed all the ones she could without the aid of tweezers, Kurumi softly returned her hands to the handle and made a wide U-turn to double back towards the remaining lollipops and spotted another strawberry one. Lying down on her broom again, Kurumi reached out this time managed to snatch it this time. Tenth time's the charm? Kurumi added it to her bucket, this time without her triumphant smile. She was getting too frustrated with how difficult it was to maneuver such a slow flying broom. She was pretty sure she didn't have the patience to actually grab her last three. |
POST 1 warmup Oichi had yet to even get the hang of her old fashion broom. She could barely go two feet without the broom shaking. She felt lucky to be just a few feet off the ground on this broom. She decided to step up her game knowing even if she wiped out it would not be that bad. She kept trudging along putting all her conviction in getting through her first laps and 5 minutes later she finally ccompleted it. |
Lollipop Post 1 Now with bucket at hand, or rather on his broomstick with him, it was time for gathering some lollipops. Gideon caught Professor Vindictus' mention of how quidditch players might think it easy and he didn't doubt the official's words. Sweets on sticks growing up from the ground of the pitch werent going to be any easier to grab then the bucket even with the allowance of hands with which to grab them. "Here goes nothing..." he mused aloud as he went of the first try. Gideon wasn't picky, any color would do. He just needed to get down close enough and get his hand around it and manage to pull it from its home. Easier said then done. He tried repeating the prcess he had used for the bucket but starting too soon caused the broom to gain too much speed and the sixth year had to manuever so he didn't make a crash landing on the ground. Still in an attempt to steady himself with one arm out as he leveled out, he felt something and grabbed for it, hoping it was at least something he had been going for as he moved away to think of a better strategy. Jackpot!....one lollipop down...six more to go. |
Lollipop post 4 Well he only had one pop so far in his bucket... and he was supposed to get seven. This may take awhile. Turning once more, he came back at the same bright blue sucker as before, bound and determined to yank it free from the ground. He mounted his broom and pursued his goal, staring at the candy without blinking. I can do this. Come on, Keef! And with a great tug he finally had the troublesome lollipop. "YES!" And with a metallic thud he dropped it unceremoniously into his container. "Two down, five to go. Where's my next victim?" He spotted it. It had orange and green swirls. And it was about to go down. Arm extended just like a Seeker's would be, the Captain went into his approach. Gently swerving a bit to his right, he lined up and made a scooping motion. He felt the sugary ball in his fingers and pulled up hard. But this stick wasn't nearly as hard to free, so the strength of Keefer's pull sent the pop flying into the air. Scrambling madly, the redhead managed to catch it before it landed in the dirt and grass. "Gotcha!" PLUNK. His bucket now had three lollipops. |
so behind XD warm-up post 1 Taylor grimaced at the broom. The professor wants us to fly this unsafe broom?!? Is he insane? She sighed but got on, without a cushion. Tay grimaced at how uncomfortable it is. Taylor took off and started to fly around on the broom. She frowned at how slow it was... only 12 miles per hour. How the heck did they get around? It would take forever just to go across one country let alone the world on one of these. Tay continued to gripe in her mind as she did a slow lap. She refused to go higher than 10 feet since the broom didnt feel safe. Taylor sighed as she grew bored of this |
MAJOR catchup! >.< Warming up post #2! Alec still didn't like this broom. It felt weird and just that little bit uncomfortable, even with that purple cushion there. He was secretly glad that it wasn't a pink cushion he was sitting on. Purple was still a nice colour. And this cushion was still nice, as far as cushions go. But back to the flying. The Hufflepuff tried his hardest to continue going to the right and then to the left and so on. But, no matter how hard he tried to steer, his broom always seemed to be slightly late in reacting to him. AND! To top things off, it only went at twelve miles an hour. Great. They were probably going to be going at the same speed as passing butterflies. Great. Giving up on the turnings, for now, Alec tried to descend! Because, when you're flying a broom, you need to know how to descend, right? Right. And he, Alec Summers, was going to be better at descending than at the turning, even if his broom was likely to cause him to crash. He leant down, his broom handle facing the ground, and started to descend. Vindictus said that there weren't any Braking Charms on these brooms right? ... Great. This, he thought, was meant to be easier than the turnings. But now that he was actually descending, he found it to be harder and a lot less controlled than he would have liked. And it looked like he was going to crash! WHERE WAS SUPERMAN WHEN YOU NEEDED HIM?! RUN... RUN... RUN... JOG... JOG... JOG... And TRIP... And FALL OVER. "Owwww..." he mumbled, rubbing his side as he stood up. He glared down at the broom and started patting the cushion that had, somehow managed to stay attached to the broom. Why was this harder than normal flying?! |
SPOILER!!: Young Alec Alyssa was headed back over to join the Professor when she saw someone fall head over heels over his broom. Alyssa looked closely and was shocked to see that it was Alec Summers, her friend. She quickly turned her broom...or as fast as it would go...and flew over to him. As she hovered near him, she asked. "Alec you okay there? Guess you forgot to straighten out your broom, huh. Just remember this broom doesn't respond as fast as the Firebolt." she reminded him |
Lollipops Post #5 He counted his lollies. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Yup. Five. He still need two more if he want to finish Professor Vindictus' task. This time he decided he won't take a random candy. He need a specific target. His eyes went to the lollipops field. Messer spotted a red lollipop. It seem yummy! Maybe it has cherry taste. Red lolly YOU'RE MINE! He flied straight to the red lolly. Slowly. Slowly. He held out his hand. He was about to grab it when he heard someone falling not far from him. Its BLACKY! He fell from his broom. HAHAHAHA..! "Good landing, Summer!" Yup good landing indeed. He was to focus watching his roommate fell from his broom, he didn't realize that he was flying too low and his foot was about to hit a lollipop. Quickly Messer turned his broom away from it but unfortunately the broom reaction was really slow. He kicked the lollipop and because of his kick, the lollipop split to two. Yikes! His broom slowly turned left but his eyes was on the lollipop he kicked, that cause him losing his balance and he tripped from his broom. ITS SUMMERS FAULT! |
Warming up post #3! ^_^ SPOILER!!: Lyss! Hearing a voice speaking to him, Alec squinted up at the figure. A sheepish grin crossed his face. "Yeah... yeah, I think I'll be fine," After all, he had fallen over one too many times before whilst flying on a broom. "Thanks Lyss! You're doing really well!" And now... he should take her lead and try again, right? Right. Because she was doing really well and had things in her bucket. Namely, lollipops! ... He wanted lollipops as well! And there they were! Scattered here and there across the pitch. But, he needed some more practice, and the bucket, before being able to get some, right? Right. Alec kicked the ground and took off into the air just as someone's shouts reached his ears. He turned his broom round and eyed his roommate. Messer. Why did this boy always seem to be around whenever he, Alec, made a fool of himself?! It wasn't fair! ... But look! Messer missed his lollipop! "Great catch, Messy!" SNORT. So he tried turning again, because, apart from the landing fiasco, that was his main trouble. He tried to turn his broom to the left, as he would if he was flying a normal broom but with quite a bit more force. His broom turned a little later than he would have liked. Frowning, he tried turning to the right and the same thing happened, but this time, he seemed to be getting more of a hang of this whole turning thing. About time too. |
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